Rexville 39.1: Their First

Story by IslanderWave360 on SoFurry

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#47 of Rexville

Chapter 39.1 of Rexville. NSFW The time we've all waiting for.

Chapter 39.1: Their First

Hunter left Keanu alone in the bedroom, as he lay in bed with his phone, his heart was pounding as his desires were coming to his mind, knocking on the door's brain to join the party. He started to think about asking Hunter for a romantic intimate time together in bed tonight. He hoped he wouldn't be pushing him or forcing himself to do it, and he was a grown wolfman that could make decisions for himself. He hoped Hunter would understand and share his love with him.

Hunter arrived in the bedroom with a fresh black tank top and some green plaid boxers to sleep tonight. Even that attire didn't help Keanu's desires calm down, he looked good in a black tank top, it snugly contoured his built frame while showing off his arm muscles. But the plaid boxers perfectly hid his goods and didn't reveal anything that resembled a bulge.

Hunter laid next to Keanu's left, joining him to sleep with some cuddles tonight. He was smiling as he rested on his right side to meet Keanu. "Really for some cuddling, Keanu?"

Keanu shifted to rest on his left to look at him with a small smile and said, "Yeah..."

Hunter moved closer, embracing with his arms, and kissing him on his forehead. "I love you," Hunter whispered.

"I love you, too," Keanu nuzzled his neck and separated from him a little. "Hunter... can I ask you something?"

Hunter could see him blushing a little thanks to the lamp behind him. "What is it?"

Keanu slowly said, "Can we... can we do more than just cuddling?"

Hunter smiled and chuckled lightly. "More than cuddling, huh? Hehe, a little eager, I see~," but his voice then changed a little serious and said, "But... are you sure?" Hunter knew in the back of his mind with no doubt that Keanu was a virgin as far as he knew since he never mentioned having a lover before.

Keanu nodded confidently with an embarrassed smile. "I trust you, Hunter, you know you won't hurt me, right?"

Hunter's heart started to pound, he said he trusted him by heart. He smiled. "That's very thoughtful and considerate of you that you trust in me." He caressed his hands on his white cheek. "I'll go easy on you, okay? I'll let you have a chance with me, and..." he looked away for a moment before looking back at those shimmering gray eyes, "...are you sure you want this?"

Keanu nodded confidently and leaned closer to kiss him. "Yes, I wanna try this..."

Hunter was pleased and responded back to the kiss and this time it was like those he gave to Keanu in the storage room, warmed and gentle with more passion. Keanu gave in, closing his eyes, and let the warming kisses take over him as Hunter gently rolled on top of him, holding him closer and deepening the kiss under the blankets.

Hunter let part of their lips and said in a husky voice up close to his ear, "When you're in bed, do you think about me?"

Keanu tingled at the alluring sensation of Hunter's manly voice up close, he looked away with a blush and said submissively, "Yeah... I think a lot about you." It was no secret at this point and the video Hunter made for him was too relevant.

Hunter chuckled in satisfaction and resumed kissing his lover. Keanu was overwhelmed but excited, savoring his lips of minty toothpaste with their tongues brushing together. Keanu slowly and gently slid his hands up to Hunter's broad shoulders, resting them for a feel of his warming strength. It wasn't much subtle, but the warmed passionate kisses dominated his mind. Hunter was a good, experienced, kisser.

Hunter parted his lips from Keanu, leaving a thin string of saliva appearing for a second as the wolves gazed at each other to catch their breath. Hunter panted, but Keanu was more overwhelmed.

"You okay?" Hunter softly said in a low voice.

"Yeah..." Keanu breathed.

"How you're feeling?"


Both giggled and chuckled at the silly response, but... they were sexually aroused, given their heavy physical contact. Their hips were so close to one another that they could feel their warmed, hardened members pressing together. Keanu could feel it was an interesting size and sparked further his arousal.

Keanu said, "You're a heavy, though..."

Hunter nodded and propped himself with his arms, releasing the weight on Keanu, and sat on the bed with legs crossed and tapped gently with his palm. "Come, sit close to me."

Keanu cooperated, shifting himself to seat his legs crossed in front of him across. They were still wearing their sleeping clothes, and they haven't done much. Keanu looked at Hunter from head to... crotch, he could see a lump behind the plaid boxers. Hunter patted Keanu comfortingly on the knee.

"Nervous?" Hunter asked.

"Yeah, a little," Keanu sighed.

"We have all night, no rush," he assured him as he rubbed his left cheek.

Keanu nodded and gently placed his right hand on Hunter's left thigh, rubbing comfortingly between the fur and underwear, returning the same comfort. Hunter leaned closer and Keanu automatically responded to meet his lips. Hunter held the hand on his thigh with his left for warming comfort but did not move anywhere. They kept smooching while Hunter kept his cool toward the nervous Keanu in every moment.

Hunter parted the lips, both gazing at each other again. Hunter softly said, "I'll let you be," he paused a little, "so feel free to touch me." Keanu looked at him to confirm this, Hunter gave him a small but confident smile, assuring him with a quick nod. "It's so you can relax and enjoy it, okay?" he winked.

Keanu nodded and let go of his hand on the thigh and made for the left forearm resting on the thigh. Hunter watched, letting him fill his desires. Keanu rubbed the arm with care, going up to the bigger mass of muscle and curiously pressing it, and the arm flexed reflexively. He went up to the bicep with just one hand and caressed the supple mass of Hunter's unflexed upper arm. Hunter got the message, he curled his arm and flexed for him which Keanu chuckled appreciatively. Keanu palmed his left hand over the bicep and pressed lightly as he had no doubt how strong he was. He brought his other hand to check the triceps below. Hunter pumped the arm smoothly to let Keanu feel the ballooning mass under his hands.

Hunter let out a husky sigh as Keanu let go of his arm satisfied. Keanu reached the bottom hem of Hunter's tank top and lifted it up a little. Hunter nodded as he slowly and steadily let Keanu watch him in front of him removing his undershirt. He crossed his arms on the bottom hem of the shirt and lifted it, letting him see his revealing abs and chest moving and rippling a little as Hunter slightly exaggerated his relieving sigh. He threw the shirt on the floor and smiled at his boyfriend.

Keanu was redder than ever and had his hunky boyfriend all for himself to play with tonight. Hunter bounced his pecs as he cockily smiled. "Enjoying the view?"

Keanu nodded; his cheeks were burning under his fur. Hunter leaned again to kiss him as he felt Keanu's hands on his shoulders. Keanu parted the kiss and looked down to marvel at Hunter's built form. He slid down his hands on his warmed, white-furred chest, feeling the short but pleasant fur and his chiseled pectorals. They were nicely suppled to feel when unflexed but once they did, it felt like stones. He palmed them fully to feel the heat and slid them up a little and circled around them with care. Hunter bounced them a little as he smirked, but Keanu was too focused on exploring as he slid his fingertips on his six-packs. It tickled a little and Hunter clenched his stomach by the gentle touches, but it gave Keanu a nice view of his shredded washboard.

Keanu went up again and rested one palm on his chest until he felt Hunter's heart beating. Keanu let his hand go and embraced Hunter to rest his head on his chest to hear his heartbeat. The smell of fresh soap filled his nostrils. Hunter responded to the hug and held him comfortingly.

"Your heart is pounding hard... are you nervous, too?" Keanu asked.

"Yeah, a little, but I'm mostly very much in love with you," Hunter said.

"Yeah, I feel the same way..." Keanu sighed on Hunter's heaving chest.

"Come on, lie down on the bed," Hunter instructed, and Keanu lay down on the bed first.

He rested comfortably on the bed, but before Hunter could join him, he saw him leaving the bed to take off his underwear. He bent down and shifted his feet until he was in his bare fur. Keanu stared, gasping a little at the sight. Hunter saw the reaction and smiled as he made for the bed on all fours and hovered over his lover. Keanu was a little petrified at the official naked sight of Hunter. He looked through the arms and legs to find his erected member and furry white balls dangling. He looked back at Hunter who was waiting patiently and letting him see him in all of his glory.

"Will you let me undress you?" Hunter asked.

It made him realize he was the only one still wearing three pieces of clothing. Keanu nodded speechlessly. He propped himself up as Hunter lifted his gray shirt over his head and arms raised. Keanu laid back on the pillow now shirtless. Hunter marveled at his small build, he was healthy and had a small, cute-looking, defined chest. He laid one hand on it and rubbed it gently down through his flat stomach. He had a strong build, must be his swimming routines he said.

"You're beautiful," Hunter said as he kept rubbing his belly. "Does it feel good?"

Keanu nodded embarrassedly. "Feels... nice..."

Hunter leaned closer. "Would you let me continue to undress?"


Hunter looked down at the blue cotton shorts and pulled them down without resistance, but Keanu held his gray brief boxers on. Despite that, Hunter did not mind and ignored it and saw his erection visible anyways. He was precumming a little on his underwear.

Hunter leaned back closer to Keanu and whispered to him huskily. "We haven't done much but you're already turned on."

"P-please, stop it!" he begged.

"S-sorry, can't help it... now let's get moving." Hunter kissed him and held him close.

Keanu closed his eyes and let his big wolf take care of him with love. Hunter resumed his amazing kisses on the lips, brushing their tongues together, and pressed his hips against him. Keanu felt that erected member pocking his crotch erotically and sending some shockwaves of pleasure through his body. Keanu placed his hands on Hunter's back, rubbing them up and down and feeling his warmed fur and back muscles. He slid them down further and got a feel of his warmed, firmed, furry butt cheeks, and his brown and white tail wagged energetically like a fan.

Hunter parted the kiss and dug his muzzle into the neck, and he heard Keanu gasping at the sensitivity, and then licked his neck slowly and made him quiver to let out a moan.

"Hah! E-easy!" Keanu begged.

Hunter stopped, making sure he was doing okay. "Am I going too fast?"

"N-no, it's fine, it felt good."

Hunter smiled and pecked slowly on his neck. Keanu giggled. Hunter moved up to his ear and asked, "Do you want me to go further? I want to give you something nice."

"S-sure, keep going..." Keanu replied.

Hunter resumed kissing his face, then moved down to his collar bone, the cold nose made Keanu shiver as he kissed multiple times on his chest. One warmed hand gently rubbed his belly and flank which felt comforting while Hunter's snout was tickling him until he gasped loudly. Hunter brushed his tongue on his right pink nipple and lightly nibbled it with his lips. One hand made for the left and gently rubbed it playfully. Keanu was feeling things he never felt before and this was one of them. Hunter was very indeed experienced.

"Oh, Hunt..." he moaned his name, but Hunter wasn't done and moved his sneaking snout onto his belly and the cold nose shivered him pleasurably all the way to his belly button.

That's where Hunter stopped and looked back at Keanu with a priceless look on his face due to pleasure. Hunter gazed at him seriously. "Would you let me take these off?"

Keanu was panting and nodded and felt Hunter's hands grabbing the elastic band of his boxers and pulling them off completely. Hunter saw a nice, healthy, decent-sized, erected penis throbbing for pleasure. He gently held it with one hand, Keanu felt the warmth of his hand touching him and started to stroke him from the base to the top, pre leaking out from the tip and spilling on his hand.

Keanu closed his eyes, resisting but enjoying the stimulations without making a sound. It felt so good, so different than doing it alone with his hands.

"Do you want me to suck?" he heard Hunter asking.

"Y-yeah... yes..." he said without looking.

Hunter took it as a green light, he wanted to show what he was capable of and wanted to share it with him, and he opened his maw to receive the throbbing member and...

Keanu popped open his eyes and gasped, clenching his hands on both sides of the bed's sheet. Hunter first licked his penis from the base to the tip slowly and played with the glands before taking in the whole length slowly and bobbing his head nice and steady, much to Keanu's pleasure. He was feeling the plunging forces of a speeding car going downhill or the ticklish feeling of falling. He moaned as he caught his breath, but it became more labored. Then he noticed how hot Hunter's wet mouth was. He knew their bodies were warm on the inside, but he never knew how it felt on someone else's.

Hunter held his hands on both sides of his white furry butt as he blew him, then took some air brake before resuming to please his boyfriend. Hearing his lover's pleasuring voices pleased him as he worked around his tongue to cover every corner of his aroused penis while he ignored his own dick who wanted to join the party, but Keanu was his number one priority.

He heard Keanu gasping and finally said. "S-stop... Hunt... S-stop!"

Hunter carefully let go, assuming he didn't want to come. Hunter panted with his tongue out. "Are you cumming?"

"No, but I don't want to end it like this."

Hunter wiped his lips with his backhand and joined back to Keanu next to him who was recovering from his first blowjob. "How was it?"

"It felt great..." he breathed and looked at him with a smile. "You're good."

Hunter chuckled. "Thanks... so, what do you want to do next?"

Keanu now realized he didn't know what to do next, he already touched Hunter's body, but... there was Hunter's member which he had not yet touched. "Uh... can I suck you, too?"

Hunter thought carefully and told him, "Uh, sure, but be careful, okay? Don't take the whole length."

Keanu nodded and sat on top of Hunter, straddling him, and both members met at last. Hunter said surprisingly and teased, "Woah, somebody's eager."

Keanu ignored him and leaned down to kiss him to shut him up. He decided to copy him as he did to him before blowing him like earlier. Hunter lay on the bed and let his boyfriend fill his heart's desires. Keanu pecked and licked his neck, hearing Hunter chuckling and giggling, but turned huskier and tensed as he breathed. This was fun and somewhat revenge friendly as if paying back for teasing him, but he enjoyed every moment of it though. Keanu went down and met his snout on the pectorals and marked his kisses everywhere, Hunter's deep and aroused voice rumbled through the chest and tickled Keanu's snout. He moved to one nipple and gave it a kiss and one gentle lick. He even pinched softly the other nipple with his thumb and index finger and rubbed in circles with the thumb.

Keanu doubted and asked, "Does it feel good?"

Hunter let out an aroused sigh. "Y-yeah... you're doing good. Don't hesitate to go a little rough on me."

And Keanu did just that, going back on the licked nipple and improvising in pleasuring him, this time Hunter gasped louder than before, moaning at Keanu's teases. "Yeah... that's it..." he leaned back his head on the pillow.

Keanu was pleased and moved down through his abs, kissing and feeling every bump with his lips and hands. Hunter responded by clenching his sensible stomach as Keanu enjoyed his hardened six-pack. He kissed the belly button until meeting Hunter's thick, throbbing member up close.

Keanu had no words to describe the beholding sight. "It's big..."

"Yeah... all for you~," Hunter said.

This was the opportunity for Keanu to show he could blow, too. He held his boyfriend's cock with one hand, squeezing it to see a reaction which he achieved from hearing Hunter squirming a little and laughing. The tip was leaking and spilled it on his hand. He never held or touched a penis before which made things a bit weird, but at the same time, it was a dream coming true.

"Watch your teeth..." Hunter warned.

Keanu leaned down with his muzzle opened and carefully received it on his tongue. He closed his eyes and savored. It tasted salty and the pre tasted bitter or flavorless on his tongue and felt the heat of Hunter's member, very hot as a hotdog. He explored the glands in circles and heard Hunter moaning and breathing heavily as he was feeling up his heaving chest.

"Fuck... you're doing good... oh, fuck..." Hunter said.

He bobbed his head while holding the member steady on the base and tried to go a little further as best he could, but quickly refrained to avoid choking and felt his jaw aching, so he let go. Hunter could relax from the pleasures as he caught his breath at ease, amateur but he was learning.

Keanu rubbed one side of his jaw and sighed. "How do you do it?"

Hunter shrugged. "I had practice."

Keanu joined back with Hunter next to him, wondering what to do now. "So, what's next?" Keanu asked.

"Uh," Hunter thought, "well, honestly, Keanu, I didn't bring any condoms."

"Oh," Keanu frowned worryingly, "I don't think I'm ready for that, Hunter."

"It's okay," he ruffled his head, "I was expecting that, I knew pretty much that you're not ready for that on your first time."

"Thanks, Hunter, so... uh, we can do humping or... what they call it?"


"Yeah, that..." Keanu moved back on top of Hunter, cocks pressing together. "Like this..." he moved his hips slowly to rub against each other's members.

Hunter grinned and held Keanu by his butt cheeks and gently slapped one playfully. Keanu giggled. He gently brushed his white fluffy tail with one hand from the base to the tip which shivered Keanu at the sensitivity and wagged his tail to shake off the hand. He commenced thrusting his hips against Keanu while holding firmly his butt and together initiated a wonderful sensation together. The slippery feeling of their soaked members did wonders as they ground on each other for pleasure.

This was Keanu's first physical contact with someone he loved, and every moment with the undulating wolf beneath him gave him butterflies in his stomach. They kissed passionately closer in their thrusting embrace that imaginative hearts popped over their heating heads. As their pleasurable sensations in their nether regions increased their breathings began to get shorter and faster and more labor-some but they enjoyed it anyway. Their lustful voices rose a little higher and Hunter kept kissing Keanu to keep it low and muffle, but they parted to take an air brake every short moment.

As Hunter panted and moaned under Keanu while pleasing him, he happily reunited himself with the pleasant needs of a lover he wanted to share with and made him fire up further to thrust against Keanu on top of him more. The explicit stimulation made his breathing more labored as he kept holding his lover's butt firmly and increased his grounding friction on their hot cocks steadily faster as the pounding heartbeat. This felt so erotically incredible.

Their closeness filled their warming hearts with love and lust.

Hunter dug his right hand between their sweating bodies and grabbed their penises in one grab, stroking vigorously while still undulating on each other. They looked at each other in the eye as they panted and ground.

Through their vigorous movement, Keanu finally managed to say, "I... I'm cumming!"

Hunter shook his right arm and watched his lover reaching his limits. He closed his gray eyes and moaned. His body tensed while supporting himself with his arms for a moment and one hard thrust blew his hot load onto Hunter's stomach and hand. He moaned at each rope of semen coming out while his orgasm shook his body more than he ever felt before and Hunter didn't stop jerking him off. The white wolf was in heaven.

Just as Keanu was finishing, he dazedly watched Hunter below clenching his teeth and closing his green eyes, jerking off their cocks, and grunted, "Nnn-Fuck!" He tensed, arched his back, and ejaculated his seeds far onto himself from his abs and chest. Keanu watched the spectacle but collapsed onto his boyfriend exhaustively and smeared their mixed semen between their bodies as he felt Hunter's orgasm spasming all over his body as he moaned, feeling every warm muscle tensing beneath, and the pulsing penis flowing out hot fluids from Hunter as he moaned.

Hunter loudly sighed and threw his head back exhaustively on the pillow as his climax calmly ceased. "Oh, fuck..."

The whole energy they consumed tonight was depleted into zero percent. Keanu could not be moved from Hunter; all he could do was rest his head on his chest. He muttered with a heavy breath, "That was... amazing, Hunter..."

Hunter ruffled the top of Keanu's head with his left hand as the other was covered with their semen. "I'm glad you enjoyed it..." Hunter breathed.

Keanu mustered all of his remaining strength and energy to rouse himself from Hunter and yawned. "I'm going to take a shower... again..."

Hunter nodded in agreement. "Yeah... let's clean ourselves..."

Keanu smiled at Hunter with a wagging tail. "Let's shower together!"

Hunter smiled. "Yeah, let's do that."

They picked up their towels and carefully walked through the corridor to the bathroom and heard the others still downstairs, laughing.

Keanu whispered, "They're still awake?"

Hunter shrugged. "I don't know, I lost track of time." Hunter opened the door to let Keanu enter first before him and closed the door.

For the first time, with proper lighting in the room, they saw each other's aftermath, their fur was rustled and disheveled, cum stains on their stomachs and chests about to dry, and flaccid but satisfied penises dripping pre a little bit on their tips. The smell of musky sex dominated the air.

They really need a second shower.

The shower head drenched the wolves as they helped each other clean up. Especially on their backs and the stains of their bodily fluids. Hunter picked up a body gel bottle and squeezed some on his palm to help to lather Keanu. He was starting to get a sense of déjà vu at this sight.

"Do you want me to help you?" Hunter asked.

"Sure, I'll help you soap up, too."

Hunter smiled and used his hands to rub every part of Keanu's body. He wasn't a fragile nor a clumsy wolf, he was a sturdy and strong wolf no matter how he looked, and he admired that. He used a sponge to rub off the stains before they would dry up and once he was done, Keanu was now covered in foam and bubbles. He stepped under the showerhead to wash off the soap and Hunter washed how all the foam cascaded down through his white frame gently. Quite satisfying.

"You know," Hunter said, "for someone who is a little, uh, well, light, you're pretty strong."

"Uh, thanks...?" Keanu blushed as he rubbed himself for any stray soap clinging to his body.

"I felt them during our lovemaking, but of course, I'm always cautious when I'm holding you."

"Hmm, Dad always says that no matter how big or small you are, our inner instincts are what make us stronger on the inside that matter the most."

"Heh, I guess he's right then."

"Mhm, sometimes I... I doubt a bit about myself but as I move on, there is nothing to fear anymore."

"Yeah, you're right, he-heh, you were brave enough to ask me to make love tonight."

Keanu laughed. "Guess you're right..." Keanu now focused on Hunter. "It's now your turn to lather up."

Hunter chuckled and said, "I had a dream about this, you know?"

"Like, taking a shower together?"

"Yeah," he rubbed his nape guiltily, "it was actually a wet dream and..."

"Oh, my." Keanu giggled as he grabbed the body gel. "So, I was in the dream like this?"

"Yes, and you helped me clean me up, and then..." he balled his fist and shook it, " gave me a handjob."

"Oh, god, Hunter, but we already did it, I don't think we can recreate it right now."

"Wait, you're up for it?" Hunter raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, maybe?" he shrugged and smiled. "But at least this part you said is coming true, right?"

Keanu covered his hands with body gel and gave Hunter a massage as his hands explored his body like in the dream. When Keanu slid over one muscle, Hunter would flex it playfully just for fun and teasing, but Keanu did not mind one bit as he smiled with a big blush. The hands were slick and smooth as Hunter remembered, covering every inch with soap from his arms, shoulders, back, pecs and to the abs where most of his bodily fluids were smeared on.

"Wanna clean up my balls?" Hunter teasingly said.

Keanu didn't care at this point and shrugged. "Sure, I'll be careful."

"Woah, really?"

"Yes, Hunter..." Keanu kneeled with a small naughty smile on the bathtub and carefully applied soap to his penis and testicles with his hands. Hunter held onto the guard rail on the wall and quivered in pleasure. Why soaping on the balls feels so good? He thought. Despite they had already come earlier, Hunter got an erection.

Keanu carefully stood up while holding on to the guard rail from slipping. "All done!" He smiled.

"Alright, let me return the favor..." Hunter grabbed the bottle and kneeled to crotch level. Keanu laughed and held himself on the guard rail to receive his hand service.

Hunter covered his hands with soap and gently played with Keanu's balls. His lover yelped and jumped but kept himself steady as Hunter slowly and carefully brushed the sack with his fingertips. Keanu could not stop gasping, his feet shaking and begging to kneel at the tickling sensation. He even got an erection.

"Okay!" he gasped in a high-pitched voice. "Please, that's enough!"

Hunter chuckled in satisfaction as he rose to his feet. "Good thing you said please~."

"Well, good, because if you didn't, you wouldn't get this..." Keanu stepped closer and kissed him on the lips.

He parted and Hunter scoffed, "I can still kiss you all I want."

"Yeah, but we never make out under the shower... was that part of your dream? Otherwise, I would have turned it down if you kept fondling with my balls."

Hunter rose both eyebrows as he remembered that detail. "Touche..."

"Come here," Keanu gestured. Hunter stepped closer and held Keanu under the raining showerhead and initiated a small make-out session, fulfilling Hunter's dream into reality.

They finished with their shower and dried themselves up with a blower. All re-freshened up to go back to bed snuggly together. Hunter and Keanu only picked up a new fresh pair of underwear and slid back under the sheets, cuddling in each other's arms. Hunter caressed his head and ears before giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you," He whispered.

"I love you, too," Keanu mumbled before conveniently falling soundly asleep.

Hunter was proud of himself and the same for Keanu.