Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 20

Story by Candysnake on SoFurry

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#22 of Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse

Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse


"Well, go girl!" Ember laughed, grinning wide. "Wasn't expecting you to put out so fast for someone you barely know."

"Oh stop, it's not gonna become a habit," Cynder replied, blushing. "I just wanted to repay them for their boring guard shift."

"But you could've just as easily made them a fancy dinner or something."

"Maybe...but I kinda wanted to see if it might help with the breeding thing too. Flame shouldn't be the only male we're testing after all."

"True enough I guess. He's late though. Gonna string him up by his perfect gold balls if he's goofing off again."

Cynder giggled lightly, but it wasn't really sincere. Try as she might, she kept wandering back to her desire for Spyro's company again. It confused her - Spyro had been gone for months at a time during the first two years of their relationship, and a few times during the more recent two years, but why were his outings lately so worrisome for her? Was it because they had eggs now? Maybe that was it...she was anxious about him leaving her...leaving them. Especially after those golems.

"Hey, Cynder? Spyro will be fine."


"You've got that look again. Don't worry so much, it's not good for your health."

"I know, I know...I just...his color makes him a target for all kinds of things. More than anyone else."

"And that color makes him the best to take on problems. Chill, girl, your babies are gonna pick up on it."

"They will?" she asked with a flash of worry.

"Shush! I dunno. Just relax. Flame'll be here with some food..and some more dick for your hungry puss," she added with a knowing wink, Cynder blushing and giggling shyly.

"Alright alright, yeah, fair point...but it's not just Spyro I'm worried about. I still can't figure out the housing situation. It just...feels weird to move away from our stuff, or to move back and forth every day."

Ember shrugged. "I mean, I understand, but suppose you had to get a job yourself to support all these little mouths? It'd be a necessary lifestyle change either way, having to leave home and spend most of your time elsewhere."

"I...guess so."

"You've been cooped up with Spyro for a while so you've gotten used to seclusion. Your kids might not fare so well in that same condition. They should get out and play with others too." She rubbed her belly and grinned. "Playmates right here."

"Yeah..." She smiled softly at the idea, then her smile faded when she remembered she didn't have a childhood she could relate to like that. "But what's it like to just...play around like that?"

Ember's smile faded too. "I...don't really know how to answer that. But at least you have a chance at a family and can give them better than what you had. Seems that's the goal for all good parents. To give the kids better than what they had."

"Yeah...I know. The closest I know of is goofing off with Spyro, after saving the world."

"You two should head to Warfang then, before you get too pregnant to fly again. Go take like, a week to just mill around, play games of chase, whatever! Flame still owes you two a dinner there anyway and I'd have to head back to grab some tools before I set up shop here."

"Well...that's if Spyro manages to get back before the eggs get big. But I mean, there's no guarantee I'll have as many the second time around." Looking at her belly, she sighed, imagining it round and heavy with eggs again. "I'm...starting to think that maybe I do need to surrogate some eggs, but it might take me a while to get to that point, I dunno yet. Just...giving eggs to couples that Spyro's cum hasn't gotten to yet."

"Maybe. It'd balance things so Spyro's not the only one with the breeder weight, but he's barely doing breeder work as is right now."

"Right now. But when he comes back...I dunno, but my gut says we need to stop avoiding the issue and get to work on this before winter's over. We've been...bumming around and waiting to see all these different results, and every day someone...is probably dying childless."

Ember's small grin was fading fast at the grim reality Cynder was thinking about. "Yeah...there's that. But the Matrons haven't been still on the issue either, you've got me, Jeela, and at least twenty other girls already pregnant from Spyro's cum. It's a small group, yeah, but it's super dicey until they finally break the news officially. And there's all kinds of political sensitivity there, so...they've got a lot to balance and we're just waiting on those results."

"That's the problem...is the waiting. I'm afraid if we wait too long we'll be targeted as if Spyro and I are hogging each others' breeding abilities to ourselves. They're not...very rational out there, they won't understand any of the research or understanding needs. They'll just see we can have eggs and have been 'hiding' while everyone's passing on barren."

Ember moved over and sat next to her. "It all sucks, I know. It's gonna get crazy. But for now it definitely sounds like you and Spyro need a freeroamer vacation away from all this before things get really bad."

"I guess so. Kinda feels...irresponsible though."

"Nah, you need your time while they're figuring stuff out and this place is getting built. When Spyro comes back, come to Warfang with us."


The door rolled open and Flame came in with a chest bag full of something smelling sweet and savory. "Hey girls. Sorry I'm late. Terrador and Volteer cornered me about those lockbox things. I brought a peace offering for the dragon goddesses."

Ember turned her nose up at him with a huff. "I suppose I have time to sully my day with your lowly pleasure-seeking, thrall. Bring forth the tribute."

"M'lady," he played along, bowing low and using the motion to nose into the bag and pull out a smaller bag full of candied meat chunks. Setting it on the edge of her bed, he stepped back and lowered his head, though Cynder could see playful grins tugging at both their mouths. Ember picked up a piece daintily between her claws and examined it closely.

"I suppose such measly offerings could purchase...approximately five minutes under my tail for you."

"Perhaps I should then demonstrate what prowess I could exercise within those five minutes..." he countered, sauntering over to Cynder, the black girl giggling and blushing as he stood over her and presented his sheath and balls. She licked her lips and took his dangling fruit into her mouth gently, suckling on his gold scales and lightly rolling his jewels on the tip of her tongue. Ember mocked an appalled air.

"Knave! You will honor your goddess!"

"I am, my lady, I did bring tribute for two such goddesses," he retorted, stifling a low groan while Cynder nursed on his testicles, getting his shaft to spill forth from his sheath and loll around on the bridge of her muzzle while it gorged with blood and warmth. Crossing her eyes with a giggle, she watched with anticipation as his penis erected, brushing up along her muzzle and up over her face to throb against her forehead. He shifted to move and she ducked her head down to help him avoid her horns, the fiery male turning around over her and guiding her hips up with a paw. Cynder cooed out in pleasure and smiled to herself as his penis parted her eager folds.

"Does liking sex this much make me a slut?" she asked, then squeaked when Flame bucked and hilted up into her, stabbing at her g-spot in passing.

"Nah," he replied, licking her shoulders as he got settled over her back. "Just sexy~" he added with a lustful growl that sent shivers along her spine. Cynder bit her lip, head tilting to the ceiling with a repressed moan, Flame settling into a vigorous rutting rhythm, his balls slapping lightly against her swollen clit dripping with her arousal. His paw moved down along her belly to the crook of her thigh, his toepad stroking and pressing at that little love button of hers, making her gasp out and squeal in delight, rocking her hips back against him.

"G-gonna...gonna cum already..." she whimpered, huffing and curling her claws, trying to hold on just a little longer. The red-scaled male smirked and pulled back just enough for his tip to press at that small spot in her passage again, and he started rapidly, shallowly thrusting, jarring his tip against that sensitive nerve bundle. Cynder's attempts to hold on were futile against the onslaught of ecstasy jetting through her core, and all at once she wailed out and breathed a large plume of fire to the ceiling, her body quaking and shivering in waves matching her pussy clamping around his cock, her juices gushing all over the floor and his legs.

"Geez..." Ember whispered with a blush at the growing puddle under the two. Part of her was a bit envious of just how copious she and Spyro were, but at the same time she was glad she didn't have that clean-up problem afterwards with Flame. Her brother finally grunted and hilted up under the black female's tail, his own tail jerking with every throbbing release in her depths. With a satisfied grin, he dismounted slowly, letting her feel every detail of his still-hard cock leaving her netherlips. Giving him a panting smile over her shoulder, Cynder moved aside away from the puddle of her own making and flopped on the floor to recover, watching with glassed eyes while he moved over to his pink-scaled sister.

"Not even five minutes, my lady. Shall I reduce you to such a pleasurable state?"

"I suppose." Turning her nose up at him, she turned around and lifted her tail for him, Flame licking his lips at the ever sexy sight of his sibling's luscious slit. Despite her feigned indifference, her snatch was dripping and sticky with her fluids, and her vulva scales were swollen and slightly darker pink than the rest of her belly. Her clitoris peeked from the bottom of her slit with her motions, especially when she curled her tail up over her back. "You should begin pleasuring your goddess-!!" she squeaked and lost her words when he practically faceplanted under her tail and started to savagely eat her out, suckling forcibly on her folds and digging his tongue as far as it could reach into her depths. Cynder couldn't help a laugh at the two, Ember so taken by surprise that she flopped onto her face, the pleasure rocketing through her body ensuring she couldn't properly recover.

"F-Fllaaaammme...fuuuuck you...fuck!" she yelped when he wiggled his tongue against her clit and then shoved it back into her. It didn't take very long at all for her brother to bring her to a swift, leg-shaking climax, her wings flaring and her tail going stiff as she cried out and bucked against his muzzle. Letting her come down from that high, he patted her rump and kissed her folds, then stood up and neatly mounted her, sliding home into her sopping wet nethers and pulling her hips back to meet his own. She was too blissed out from the first climax to resist or even sass him, reduced to lewd moans and hoarse gasping for breath, her sibling pounding her fast and hard with wet slaps of scale on scale.

"Cum, Ember...don't fight it..." he growled in her ear, nuzzling at the back of her neck. She quivered all over and came again as if on command, her eyes rolling back and her hips jerking on their own to stroke herself on his wonderful shaft.

Watching the two going at it made Cynder wonder just how sexually charged their species was, or if she and they were just outliers of horny energy outside the average. She watched and licked her lips at the telltale sign of his finish, his hips lurching and curling in against Ember's rear, his tail stiffening and flagging with each pulse, signs she knew well from Spyro but hadn't quite seen from other angles until this stay with them. At last, with a lewd wet noise, their genitals relinquished their intimate grip and Ember slumped onto the floor, purring and panting for breath with a doofy grin Flame panted as well, letting his cock retreat into his sheath. "That was a little over five minutes," Cynder remarked.

"Close enough," he replied with a self-satisfied smirk. "Refractory period can't always be reliable."

"Fuuuuuu..." Ember moaned out, rolling onto her back. "Cynder...did sex when you were pregnant just...blow your damn mind?"

She giggled and nodded. "Sex felt so many times better while I had eggs. Especially when they got bigger."

"Get big alreadyyy..." she whined, pawing at her belly. Just her laying there showed off the firm roundness forming under her paws made Flame smile with anticipation.

"They'll get there..." her brother churred, nosing at her belly. "Can't wait to see them..."

"I wanna know how many I have..." she whimpered. "I wanna have a big clutch too..."

"With how potent Spyro is, who knows, you just might."

"I wannaaaa..." she mumbled.

Glancing at her mess still on the floor, Cynder sighed to herself and grabbed one of their spare towels by the door and started cleaning up after herself. Ember moved back to the bed shakily, Flame helping her so she wouldn't stumble and fall. When she returned to her makeshift nest, Cynder nosed at her eggs and sighed softly, then put them into the incubator and slung it gently over her neck. "I keep having this...daydream? no...fantasy? I dunno. This...idea, of everyone just mounting me whenever they want at the Temple. Like, the Dragon Temple, not this Breeding Temple."

"So...free-use sex kink?" Ember asked with a quirked brow, but Cynder shook her head.

"I mean...kinda? But...while it's an arousing idea...I'm not sure how much I actually like it other than with Spyro."

"It'd be something to try out," Flame suggested. "Lots of fantasies sound appealing until you actually try them out. Free-use sex is pretty risky because it can attract those who just want to get their rocks off, you're basically just a piece of meat for them to cum into."

"Yeah, no, that's why I'm confused. I...like the idea of what you have with your friends. Just casual sex whenever. But I don't have enough friends to indulge in that with."

"You should try having sex with the Guardians. No, seriously," Ember said with a giggle when Cynder shot her a look. "I know, you grew up with them and it feels awkward. Well, 'grew up' in a sense since you...well, iunno, but still. But Volteer's actually a really good lay, he doesn't talk your ears off when his focus is on humping you silly."

"Well, did you ever get around to Terrador then since you exposed him to your heat?"

"Eeehhh....not really. Volteer's more personable to me. Terrador...is hard to read, and Cyril's too much of an uppity prude."

Flame cocked his head at the black dragoness with a sudden curiosity. "Think...any of them might wanna be a father?"

Cynder shrugged her wings. "Spyro and I had sometimes wondered that, after they gave us such a barebones sex education and then told us not to fuck on Temple grounds. We thought maybe they were...jealous, of what we have together. But being Guardians is a laborious task, isn't it? Would they have the time to raise their own kids? They'd probably have to."

"Possibly...but I did find some info on the Guardians and why all the eggs were gathered at the Temple like they were." Cynder's eyes widened. "Orphaned eggs in wartimes were gathered at the Temples, either to be turned over to new families after the fighting or to be raised by the Guardians themselves as acolytes. And there were quite a few other Guardians there, but only the four survived the wars. So...if Gaul's forces hadn't overtaken the Temple, you and Spyro probably would've been raised as their proteges. Communal nesting is a thing some girls do as well, and is the basis for this Breeding Temple."

"So...my fears of the kids not knowing a family's love...don't have to happen?"

They both shook their heads. "That's gonna be the beauty of you being a breeder here if you want it. You'll probably have to give your eggs away to other mothers, but it's not like you're never gonna see the kids again. And I'm sure that even if they have to distribute the eggs to like, other villages or something, the network will make sure the kids know you're their real mother, and they'll probably come visit you when they can. But the Breeding Temple here is gonna be a big communal rearing effort. Moms are individually gonna have to teach things to their kids, but we also have teachers coming in to help guide them in reading, writing, sciences, math, all that school stuff."

"The kids would probably have to teach me then," Cynder remarked. "I don't actually have much of an education beyond what the Guardians gave me and Spyro before the Eternal Night." Gazing off at the nearby window, she sighed to herself. "Spyro, when are you coming home..."

A knock on the door caught their attention and Flame opened it with a huff of fire, one of the Matron sisters waiting on the other side. "Cynder, if I may?"

"Sure." She seemed a lot less animated as she got up and padded out, the door closing behind her. Ember and Flame glanced at each other uneasily.

"She really needs him back, huh?" Ember asked.

"Yeah. How did she manage on her own during his trips? He was gone way longer getting me back to Warfang."

"I think it's because she had to fend for herself out there. It gave her something to do. Here with us she's just lazing around, fucking around."

"Enrichment...yeah, that's true. Lemme go talk to the other Matrons and see if we can't get something for her."

In one of the examination chambers, Cynder perched anxiously on a warm cushion with her eggs, nosing along the shells while sidelong watching the old dragoness prepping some sort of crystalline screen thing. "What is that?" she asked warily, her instincts starting to kick in again.

"Experimental technology," was the reply, the Matron powering the screen with a breath of her fire. "Originally it was developed for the Furs, to see their babies in utero and gauge their health, but with some adjustments, we should also be able to see inside the eggs and check the health of your children. I'll need one of the eggs on that small cushion there."

Cynder eyed the tall, thin pedestal, an ornate centerpiece of metal and stone with a heated, cupped pillow at the top. Hesitant to part with her eggs with something "experimental" she finally relented and gingerly placed the egg on the stand, hovering close. The older dragoness moved the screen around the egg with her wings. "Ahhaaa...there you are..." she cooed as she adjusted something on the apparatus. With a grin she moved around to let Cynder see. Inside the foggy ovoid shape on the dark crystal surface, there were brighter blobs of color, occasionally shifting or flicking.

"What am I looking at?" she asked, squinting.

"See how the colors brighten and fade? That's your child breathing local aether."

"That's...my baby?" she whispered, suddenly feeling a surge of happy emotions welling up. She was looking at her baby!

"Yes! And so far so good, too, a healthful level of aether respiration."

One by one, Cynder got to see each of her six little ones, all strong and apparently ready to hatch soon. Tucking them by her chest, she smiled down at them. "It feels...weird, to see them before they hatch like this."

"The surprise can be a bit dulled for sure, but the technology promises some interesting developments. It's still in its prototype crude stages, but with better definition we may be able to discern the baby's elemental alignment, which will help us tremendously if you are indeed a superovitating Matriarch, since the babies should match the elements of the father."

"But we can't tell their sex from here, can we?"

The old one chuckled and shook her head. "Not unless one of the boys happens to sport an erection and his tail isn't against his belly." Cynder blushed and giggled at that.

"Wait...babies can have erections?"

"Oh yes! In fact the rush of hormones and sensations at birth or hatching...well, I'd estimate perhaps ninety percent of males, regardless of species, become erect when they first enter the world, if not shortly after."

"What about...herms? What are the chances I might have one...or a few?"

"Admittedly, very low. You're more likely to see a child have polydactyly. Extra toes."

"But...herms do exist, right? I've heard of them..."

At that, the Matron gave an unusually fond smile of reminiscence. "They do indeed, yes. My first mate was a hermaphrodite." Cynder's eyes widened. "Unfortunately, the duality of genders is not a natural state. The body is hardwired biologically to be either male or female, and the hormones for the sexes combat each other. Certain stages of development for all creatures require certain levels of one set of hormones, or the other, and too much of the opposite can prevent development, leading to health complications, most commonly immune deficiencies or under-developed organs. I had two clutches from her before she became violently ill...and passed away from it."

"Oh...Did you...ever find love again?"

She nodded, still smiling. "Yes. Our boyfriend stepped up to the task of fatherhood. I had two more clutches from him before he had to fight in the war...but I lost him as well."

"I'm sorry..."

"No need, dear. As painful as the loss was, I look on it as a light in life, for all of us, that wouldn't have happened had we not met. And any light is to be cherished. But if not for them, and the loss, I wouldn't have gotten into this line of work. Admittedly...after I lost him to the war, I became rather promiscuous in my search for sexual knowledge." She blushed at that. "Sex fascinated me, and one thing led to another and I was eventually in the employ of royalty as a consort. I've birthed princes and princesses."

"You were a queen?"

"No, dear. A consort. In terribly crude terms, royalty's prostitute, I suppose, though that's not at all an accurate portrayal. Alas, I rarely ever got to meet my children until they were grown up and thoroughly engrossed in nobility. Perhaps for the best, though, my input on child rearing would have gotten me kicked out, and the job did afford me much travel and further research...and avoidance of many of their petty squabbles and lustful warmongering. But eventually I mellowed out and paid for my freedom - I was getting on in age anyway and hardly desirable for the younger generations to breed - and I left and reconnected with my sisters and we founded our work at Screenath in order to help others struggling with sex lives and childcare."

Cynder's eyes darkened. "A group like that would be a prime target for wars...why didn't I hear about you?"

"I may have avoided most of the wars, but I was present...as a casual pleasure partner...for quite a few of the royal war debates. I have some knowledge of war tactics. When the war started, my sisters and I scattered, to lessen the chances of retaliation and to draw attention away from the library. Many other families also scattered. My knowledge of basic war tactics did save us...from the Dark Master, and from you." Cynder frowned at that. "You may not have known about us but you did give several of us quite the chase, very harrowing indeed. But, such things are in the past, and you were not yourself."

Wanting to distract herself from the topic, Cynder nuzzled at her eggs again. "So...I might not have any herm children?"

"Anything's possible, hun. It's a low chance, but higher with twins, at least for dragons. They would more likely be intersex. A female with a penis instead of a clitoris, or a male with a vaginal canal behind his testicles, with or without a weak uterus at the apex. Technically speaking, 'hermaphrodite' is only applicable to individuals whose male and female genders are both fully functional for reproduction."

"You called your mate a herm though...did she ever get pregnant too?"

"Yes indeed! She'd had an egg from one of her brothers before we met."

Cynder blushed heavily at that. "Were you...with your relatives...?"

"Oh yes, I was intimate with my father and my brothers, and later with my sons as well. In fact two of my sons gave me eggs after I left royal employ. Those were by accident, but no less welcome."

"Incest is a lot more common than I thought..."

"For us dragons, especially so, yes. Are you still having second thoughts on it?"

"Well...staying with Flame and Ember, and hearing everyone talking about it so casually...it's kinda normalizing I guess, but at the same time it's...odd...to think about my kids getting it on."

"Yes...their innocence is something all good parents wish to preserve, but such is not the way of the world. Thus, guidance."

Nodding, Cynder still gazed at her eggs, not wanting to look away from her little ones. A thought crossed her mind and she blushed again. "Is it...normal...to have an orgasm when laying?"

"Oh yes! As I said before you laid, there are some girls for whom birth is quite the climactic experience."

"What about...masturbating with the eggs?" She cringed as she asked.

"As long as the eggs are safe, it's surprisingly common too for a mother to pleasure herself with her eggs. Some will even put the eggs back into their wombs to experience laying again. Not always the best idea though, as it can aggravate potential fissures in the canal."

"Will I have that problem though, seeing as I might be able to just keep laying eggs?"

"Typically a Matriarch's body will rapidly heal those issues. Spyro's physical endurance with you before he begins chafing is a sure sign of his Patriarch status."

"Yeah...it's rare for his penis to get too sore to continue, but even when it does happen he heals fast."

"Yes...Matriarchs and Patriarchs have a lot of elemental focus in their reproductive organs, to help speed physical recovery."

Cynder blushed again and giggled. "So his balls are even more precious."

"Indeed they are." Sharing a grin, she ruffled her wings and sighed softly. "I'm afraid I've spent a bit too much time chattering, but I hope I've answered your questions sufficiently?"

"Yeah...thanks. I just...hope Spyro gets back soon. I need him..."

"What you need right now, dear, is to get out and do something. Explore the Silver Grotto some more? Experiment with your cooking? I do have one much more solid idea though, the night shift guards asked about your availability, if you'd be willing to participate some more in the exposure virility testing."

Cynder smiled a little and nodded. "Sure, I think that'd be fun. But...um...would vaginal sex be permissible or do I still need to abstain for a bit?"

"Perhaps abstain for now, but soon enough dear."

"Looks pretty intense..."

"Sh," Spyro hissed, his eyes still closed. Even with the bit of practice Terrador had given him, it was still difficult to focus on both generating a type of stone and laying the crystal and metal veins in specific patterns inside. He had several big chunks already formed, made to look like rubble, but still had a few more to go. Getting bored, Sparx flitted this way and that, trying to make sense of this to himself, but his lackadaisical nature at the Temple hadn't served him very well in learning these types of things. It probably didn't help the purple dragon any either that his member wouldn't be easily appeased, throbbing against his belly and demanding attention.

"Guess I'll go be useless elsewhere then," the dragonfly grumped, flitting off through the abandoned temple halls. "Been here for two weeks. Playing with stones. Exploring. Boring. Can't wait to get back to Stella..." Emerging to a light shower of rain, he crossed his arms, staying dry under an overhang of rock. "I miss the swamp already."

A very faint, low rumbling noise caught his attention. There was no way Spyro had finished the portal this fast, was there? The noise happened again, almost like a trick of the mind, but it definitely wasn't from the cave behind him. With a nervous gulp, Sparx dimmed his glow as best he could and flew off to find the source. It wasn't thunder, was it? From what he could see of the surrounding country through the thin drizzle, there wasn't enough dark cloud cover for lightning, but then again it could have been miles away too.

That sound again, from the north. Much more distinct now that he was in the air. A deep impact noise. His pulse raced - was there another giant golem nearby? That would put a huge damper on Spyro's work, but the purple dragon was also capable of just killing the monster too. Flying as fast as he could manage, Sparx followed the heavy noises echoing over the land. It took quite some time though. Around what felt like evening, he finally found the source. Part of the fractured floating crust was grinding and bumping against the rock walls it had been pulled from, light swirls of the world's power keeping it aloft. It didn't seem inherently threatening, but Spyro should know about it anyway.

Exhausted by the time he returned, Sparx flickered through the halls to find Spyro still hard at work. Most of the gate arch was complete, but there were a few shattered boulders nearby that hadn't been there before. "Hey, uh, bud, when you're done with that I gotta show ya somethin'."

"Mmph..." the purple dragon grunted, sounding and looking very tired himself. Setting his currently worked boulder into place, he stretched his wings and shoulders. "Alright, keystone..." His brother watched idly as the stone glowed red while Spyro focused on its internals, setting up the conduits necessary to get the gate to work with his key. Regular gates were simpler, he'd found from Terrador's training. Programming a gate to reassemble and only allow entry from a keyholder was much, much more difficult, with the additional trouble of having to blindly feel the circuitry with his elemental powers. Finally, though, the rock was complete and he set it atop the arch. With a breath of fire across it, he panted as it fell over and the boulders rolled around.

"Great job, bud, you finished it then broke it."

Silently, Spyro held up his paw and his key appeared between his toes. The boulders shivered and then quickly rolled back up into place, forming the archway, and a shimmering field flickered into view, showing a blurry but familiar image of the inside of his house. "Wow...it's actually working..." he sighed out with a huge grin. Putting his key away, he watched as the portal crumbled again. "Good. First try. Hope Cynder wasn't home though, the fields tend to hiss and stuff when they activate. Wouldn't wanna wake her up."

"Before you go bury your bone in her," Sparx added, catching his attention, "gotta show ya somethin'."

"Oh...right, yeah. What is it?"

"North. Gonna hafta use your wind or lightning powers to get there before nightfall."

With a heavy sigh, Spyro slumped out of the cave, having hoped to immediately get back and hump Cynder at least once before getting Sparx back to Tall Plains. The bite of the rain and wind got his excited shaft to reverse its course and seek solace in his sheath again, the dragon and dragonfly taking off to see Sparx's find. Using his wind powers sped the travel immensely. "That's it?" he asked as they approached the risen piece of continental crust.

"Yep. It's been bashin' and bumpin' against the ground here, figured you should know in case it like, slips loose and heads to your cave or somethin'. I thought it was a golem at first."

"Hm." Swooping low, they brushed along the divided cliff, Spyro finding another power lake at the bottom pooled with water from a nearby river. "Possible hunting ground here, not a bad find, but yeah, I'm definitely worried about the pieces-" he cut off when a loud, shaking boom rattled them. "Ow fuck that's loud!"

"Wha, can't hear ya over my tiny ears ringin'!"

"Alright let's get!" Spyro grabbed the gold bug and cloaked himself in electricity, crackling through the sky to the approximate location they'd left. With some circling gliding they relocated the small valley. Spyro let his brother go and they headed into the cave, shaking off the rain. "Okay, well, that was a thing. But with that kind of hazard around here, I doubt anyone else will come around."

"Never know, but yeah. Can we go now?"

"I was about to and you yanked me over there, don't you go complaining." Holding out his key, he reformed the portal gate and they quickly darted through, Sparx looking around in awe at the colors surrounding them.

"This is pretty familiar, not gonna lie."

"It's like when Cynder opened that portal to Convexity."

"Yeah. She's not like, waitin' for us at some central shrine thingy tryna unlock another villain?"


"What? Just clarifying."

"She's with the eggs." They landed in the back room Spyro had added to the house for the portal, the gate powering down and the field blipping out behind them. Stretching his legs, the purple dragon inhaled and sighed with a grin. "Good to be home again...for a few seconds."

"Yeah, you're home, I'm not."

"Let's fix that." Spyro sniffed the air as they moved down the hall. "Yeah, Cynder's probably at the Grotto Temple. Smells like she hasn't been here for a day or two."

"Yeah, would hate to miss the smell of fresh cum everywhere."

"Well, y'know, no one asked you to barge in on us repeatedly."

"Yeah they did. Volteer, usually."

Nudging the front door open, Spyro paused and sighed. "I...guess that was one of your deciding factors on leaving?"

Rubbing his neck, the gold bug shrugged. "Kinda. It was gettin' really irritating playing the fetch boy and finding you an' Cynder going at it every time. But...I did need to get out and do my own thing. That was the bigger consideration."

"Wanna see the Silver Grotto? Cynder and I might be moving there."

"But you have a home here."

"Yeah...we're still trying to figure that out. But this..breeder stuff is gonna be going on at the Grotto Temple."

"Dude, a temple full'a horny-ass dragons? Pass, just take me home...country ro~ad..." he started humming to himself, making Spyro roll his eyes.

"Alright, well, here we go. Might wanna hold on to me this time."

With several chained lightning jumps, Spyro shot along the tops of the clouds, both of them only getting fleeting glimpses of the vast white sea and the further thunderhead towers building in the distance. Having to correct his path a few times, they finally ended up just outside Tall Plains, almost right above the ocean crashing against the impossibly tall stone pillars. "Whoa..." Sparx muttered, letting go of his brother's neck crests. "It feels...strange, down here."

"Yeah..." Perhaps it was the 'gray' feel of the winter sunlight or the shadow of the pillars above, but the ocean here felt pale and dreary, and a light fog kept them from seeing the horizon, blurring out the rest of the world with a thin veil. The waves crashed and surged against the unnaturally hard stone holding the jungle and plains aloft far above. "No wonder they're afraid of the ocean...this feels...creepy."

"I hate this. Let's get going back up."

"No arguments there." Winging their way up, they flew between the pillars, finding old rotted remnants of mosses, vines and a few nested carcasses of animals long dead littering the sides of the karst towers. "Yeesh...if any of them explored these pillars, I can see they they think the ocean is death. The air also tastes more salty down here...might be from runoff above."

"Whatever it is, I hate it," Sparx reiterated. The ocean between the pillars looked dark, almost black, and he was getting quite creeped out at the thought of a Kraken-type monster possibly inhabiting that uncomfortable darkness.

Thankfully, no tentacles reached up to snare them, though there were a few errant nests of Dreadwings that eyeballed Sparx. Reaching the Atllawa temple, Sparx stretched and groaned. Spyro shook himself off. "Guess everyone's asleep for that midday nap thing."

"Yep. If you wanna head out, you should before they grab your balls again."

"Alright. Thanks for the help though, Sparx, I mean it."

"Whatevs, bro. Just doin' my godly business of helping the lesser creatures of this world." He flew off with a smirk, Spyro smirking back and shaking his head before jumping into the air and accelerating himself with a blast of wind power.

Lightning jumps let him move fast, but when he breached the top of the clouds and cloaked himself with air to maintain his pressure and breathing, he sighed to himself at the almost blinding light of the sun bouncing back up at him off the white ocean of condensation. In his peripheral he caught a flash of red, and felt an intense surge of natural electrical activity from the same spot. Was that those 'sprites' Volteer had sometimes mentioned? Flying low he rippled the clouds with his slipstream. It was fairly quiet up here, but very cold. The growing, spreading cumulonimbus towers ahead were getting grayer and sometimes flashing dimly with inner lightning. Not wanting to possibly get zapped himself, he cloaked himself in electricity and jumped again, chaining himself until a flicker of familiar territory caught his eyes. The mushrooms of the Swamp were a colorful field against an otherwise dismal backdrop from all the destruction still healing from the Destroyer War. Winging his way to the Temple, he shook himself off again and sighed lightly. His job was done, now it was time to return to his duty as a future father. With an excited grin he wandered into the Temple, everything quiet for now. The Guardians were probably off dealing with the political horseshit piles surrounding the breeder issue. Finding the portal in one of the lower halls, he hopped through, letting the aether power bear him aloft to the sky over the Grotto temple. Circling overhead, he came in for a landing at the wide, round portal platform and stretched his legs. Hammering, chiseling, and other construction sounds were still echoing everywhere in the small walled-in town, but things looked a lot more complete than when he'd last left it.

"Well...time to see what happened with Cyn while I was out." Nudging the door open to the Temple, he peered in. Ember was humming to herself, sketching out something on a parchment sheet. When she heard the door open she turned and then smiled.

"Well look who decides to finally show up! You'd better get down to your new room, Spyro, she's getting kinda depressed."

"Yeah, took a while to make sure the area was safe. Is she okay?"

A sly wink was his answer. "Why don'tcha go ask her yourself?"

"Alright, fine. How's your pregnancy going?"

She stood up and lifted her wing, striking a spread-leg pose to show off the roundness in her middle. "Four eggs! They just confirmed it today! I'd ask you to fuck me for good luck with them but I think Cynder needs it more right now."

"Heh, yeah, I'll go see her." Spyro couldn't resist moving to her though and nosing at her belly with a fond smile. "Hey in there~"

Ember purred at his tenderness, then gently shoved him with her wing. "You can spend time with them later if you want."

"I might." Ducking his head under her tail, he kissed her pussy, the pink girl gasping and then giggling, watching him head over to the hidden door nearby. Slipping down the stairwell between the walls, Spyro's smile faded with worry, hoping Cynder was fine and not about to break down. Breathing on the door at the bottom, he nudged it open to find Cynder moving over to see who it was. She squealed and practically tackled him, the two nosing and licking and nipping at each other.

"You're finally back!"

"Yeah, sorry I was gone for so long. I don't even know how long it was. There were a lot of caves to explore and make sure there weren't any nasty surprises hiding."

"Like, three weeks I think." She nuzzled at his neck and he reached up to hold her cheeks, nuzzling her nose and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. Purring loudly, she practically pinned him against the door to close it, grinding her whole front against his. His paws fell along her body to hold her hips, teasingly grinding his sheath against her, their wings tenting around each other. "Spyro, I need you..." she whispered, one paw reaching down to cup his huge balls and fondle them. "Thought you were supposed to wear that girdle thing?"

"I was, I took it off for a bit when I got back. Gotta change the leaves again. Unless you'd like to help with all that?"

"Not now, I need your penis inside me right now..."

"Well yeah, not now...I need to empty them in you a few times or the girdle won't fit on them again."

"Ancestors, yes..." she whimpered with a lustful shiver at the thought of him unloading in her belly again. "Let's go home though...I don't wanna do it here yet."

She practically chased him to the portal, the two randy mates wishing they could fly faster through the aether. Out into the sky by the Temple, and they raced to their house, landing and jumping around tagging each other until Cynder pinned her mate and started humping along his sheath and shaft, Spyro kissing her deeply and growling with his fervent lust taking over. He wanted to just slam up into her womb right there, but she pulled away with a huff and stumbled to the door, shooting him her best bedroom eyes and a wink before slipping into the house. Licking his lips, he followed her, finding her sprawled out on the bed, the incubator already warmed up and sitting nearby in easy reach. Padding over to the bed, he growled with approval and she shivered at the noise, tenting her wings around him as he crawled up and stood over her. Her paws roamed all over his chest and forelegs, tail curling tightly around his and their wings meeting again.

"Hello, beautiful..." he churred, licking her forehead.

"Hello, handsome..."

Laying down atop her, he pulled their wings close and then rolled over, Cynder yelping and then giggling. Pressing her forehead against Spyro's, the black dragoness purred loudly, the two nuzzling back and forth, paws getting more and more feely. They couldn't help themselves. Soon they were kissing passionately again, though more slowly this time than outside, Spyro grinding his sheath and balls against her dripping snatch, his rock-hard erection pressing against her trim belly and the curve of her chest. Her paw snuck between their bodies to stroke and sensually rub that throbbing flesh, Spyro slipping his paws under her to pick her up and settle her on his lap as he sat against the bed headboard. She giggled and purred, then arched her head back with a soft, sultry moan as he started nibbling and licking under her jaw and down her neck, loving on every scale and plate. "I missed you so much..." she muttered, her tail curling tightly around his.

"And I missed you..." he churred, hugging her and burying his face against her collarbone. Hugging his neck, she leaned her head down to groom his scales in turn while his hips lightly rolled against the bed, grinding his urethral barbs against her netherlips.

"Ember was right...having sex with others can be fun and new and exciting...but with you it's just so completing and...just...so right..."

He purred back at that and licked slowly from her chest up to her chin, making her shiver in anticipation and giggle when he pecked her on the lips. Their eyes met and they gazed at each other for ages, just lightly grinding body on body and rubbing each other with their paws but not breaking eye contact for the longest while. "I love you..." he finally stated, leaning up to kiss her again while pulling her into a tight hug. Cynder wiggled in his grip, snuggling up against him and sandwiching that massive log of flesh between their bellies, feeling him dribbling pre all over her chest. Every touch of scale on scale was soothing yet electric for both of them. "Is it...safe?" he asked, his paw rubbing her belly.

She nodded and winked, licking his forehead playfully. "It's official...I have Flame's eggs this time."

That admission made his cock lurch against her and jet a strong ribbon of pre, Cynder giggling in amusement at his surge of arousal. "So...it worked?"

"Yeah. We just need to figure out how."

"Maybe I should avoid cumming in your womb for a bit then."

Shaking her head, she sat back, disentangling from his limbs so she could lean back and start hotdogging her labia along his urethral barbs, a soft moan escaping her as each one diddled at her clit and rubbed between her cleft. "You can cum inside me all you want now~"

"And all you want, I imagine..." he purred, drinking in the sight of his wonderful mate pleasuring herself on his prodigious member.

"Exactly...I expect your balls to be empty by the time we're done."

"Not even the Atllawa could accomplish that..." His paws rubbed along her sides and down to her thighs, then with a quick motion he slid them under her and pulled her up so he could kiss at her pussy, Cynder yelping in surprise at the shift and then mewling lewdly in bliss. With practiced ease he tensed his shaft and dropped her down a bit, both of them groaning out as he sank into her tight, needy passage. Cynder whined and pressed back eagerly, gasping as he careened into her depths and speared through her cervix. With a bit more wiggling, she watched with gleeful pleasure as her belly started to bulge out around his cock. "You sure it's safe this time and you're not gonna suddenly start that super-egg thing?"

"Pretty sure...but I would be more than happy to have eggs from both of you at once~" she churred, grinding herself against his sheath and taking his entire massive length into her body where it belonged. Her paw moved up to stroke that bulge and she moaned softly as her touch made him throb powerfully in her. "Ooohhh I missed this so much...it's so deep in me..."

His paws held her hips and he smiled as he watched his mate fawning over her stretched belly around his shaft. She looked so beautiful with that joyous grin of pleasure and that little twinkle of excitement and fulfillment in her eyes. Leaning back again, she started lightly bouncing her hips on his lap, her wings gyrating in compensation behind her, a soft moan of bliss escaping her maw. Their eyes met again and she smiled happily, clenching on him and rolling her hips in small circles, grinding her labial scales all over his sheath. "Cynder, you are so beautiful..." he murred, his paws roaming along her sides and her back, the black dragoness churring and shivering in delight at his touch.

"Can we do another day-long sex? Please?" she asked, nosing at him as she leaned forward to drive her hips more forcefully against him. They started nibbling each others' necks and grinding their bodies together with the motions, his hips rolling up off the bed to meet her swaying, thrusting deep and slow into her. "I need your penis inside me...all day..."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere for a while..." he growled back, nipping her neck more forcefully with a playful grin. She shuddered and loosed a shaky moan of anticipation, her insides clenching tightly around his girth and a trickle of her fluids dribbling down to his sheath. The purple male started digging his digits against her hide, kneading and massaging her all over while his teeth and tongue tended to her neck and jaw. She practically melted against him, loving the attention and pleasure. Pushing her up a bit, he nibbled and groomed her collarbone and her chest, Cynder sighing out happily and leaning back to show off the bulge of his cock under her ribcage again. He churred at the sight and held her hips while he gave deep, slow thrusts, teeth grazing her ruby plates and black scales around the base of her neck where she usually had her steel band. For her it was an oddly exciting, almost scary thrill when he nibbled on her - all that contained strength, overflowing elemental power, he could easily accidentally bite her, and yet every impassioned pass of his tongue and teeth was nothing but careful and sensual. Pulling her down sharply onto his lap with a sudden jerk, he started jackhammering with light thrusts into her, making her cry out and squeal and buck against him, his sheath grinding hard on her sensitive love nub.

"Sp-Spyroooo!" she wailed out, head lolling back as the ecstasy welled up fast in her core. He hugged her close and grinned, not letting up on the fast thrusts.

"Cum for me, hun...cum," he growled, then clamped his jaw over her shoulder and dug his teeth in against her, not enough to pierce her scales but enough for a good mating bite grip.

Her reply died in her throat when he bit her, her whole body going limp against him with a gurgled roar of total bliss, her tight hot passage rippling ferociously around his girth in her powerful climax. Her juices sprayed all over his crotch and splashed along their bellies, the poor girl nearly whiting out from the intensity and struggling for breath. Spyro grinned against her shoulder and held her on his lap, feeling her legs quaking and jerking erratically in tandem with the tight motions on his member. When her orgasm faded he let go of her neck and licked around the indents from his teeth, Cynder gasping for breath. Pulling her upright on his lap so she could better move her long neck in her post-coital bliss, he smiled at the drunken, unfocused, open-mouth look of pure pleasure on her face. It took her a few moments to come back to reality, but when she did she gave a small giggle between huffs and pressed her forehead to his again, her paws shakily holding his shoulders to keep herself steady. Letting his penis rest in her tight lower embrace for the moment, he nuzzled back and purred deeply to her, letting her come back down from her lofty high.

"Fuck..." she finally whispered, "you know...Flame tried to get me to cum that hard...he almost got it quite a few times...but damn, Spyro...you know my body way too well..."

"Should I not?" he teased, rubbing her sides gently. "I think the sexiest moment is when you're totally blissed out like that."

"Cheeseball..." she groaned, but still couldn't stop nosing at him or rubbing her face on his. He drew back to lick slowly along the bridge of her muzzle, up to that silver pattern on her head, and she tucked her face against his neck and inhaled against his scales, purring softly. "Moments like these...I don't want them to stop...I know they eventually have to but...and I know I've said it already but...I love this completion with you, Spyro."

"This 'cum'pletion?"

"Yes," she affirmed more quickly than he expected, and she pulled back to give him a smirk. "You just revoked your retaliation for my bad puns though."

"It was too perfect a chance to pass up."

"Seems I'm rubbing off on you."

He didn't rise to her intended "rubbing off" joke, instead reaching out with his paw. Confused, Cynder turned to see what he was reaching for, but there wasn't anything in that direction. Then she felt a tingle of elemental power from him, and a large orb of water floated in and approached them. "Here, let's get hydrated," he offered, splitting the ball in half. She giggled and sipped at the cool water, gently rolling her hips and enjoying the feeling of his hard maleness still so deep inside her. Her face went from happy pleasure to a sudden hiss of pain and she rolled over, her hind leg seizing up. "Owwww fuck..."

"We should probably take a stretch break," he suggested, reaching down with fire-laced toes to give her a warm rub. The black dragoness purred as she felt her muscles relax from his attention.

"Yeah. All-day sex just isn't feasible."

"We can sure try," he whispered with a smirk, nipping at her cheek and getting her to bat him away with a giggle. With his paws under her forelegs, she moaned out as he lifted her up along the bed, pulling her off his shaft. With a wet, lewd noise his maleness plopped out of her with a squirt of her fluids and his pre and a trail of white seed, Cynder clenching up inside to keep as much in her womb as she could. Spyro's eyes glowed blue and their fluids were pulled up away from the fabric of their bed and tossed out the window. "Getting there...I think soon enough I can just pull the stuff right off the blankets and we won't have to wash everything."

"Good, we'd be washing all day if the kids inherit our productivity." Her face fell at that. "WHich...I hope they don't. We don't need more Matriarchs and Patriarchs."

"Well...we might for the new generation, anyway, but what comes will come."

"Hehe...cum." She nosed at her belly and sighed with a fond smile. "I hope this all turns into more eggs..."

"You're an egg slut."

"Your egg slut."

"Damn right." Pulling her in for a kiss, he purred deeply, Cynder blushing and grinning and closing her eyes, relaxing against her mate. "I guess one way to look at this situation is, you'd get to enjoy being pregnant without all the commitment of tons of kids."

"Yeah, that's how I'm choosing to look at it. But are you still hung up on breeding random strangers?"

"I...won't know until I get there. And...we should probably look at moving to the Grotto. At least for now. I'm thinking, we spend a week, two weeks, a month there, whatever, and then the same amount of time here at home to ourselves to recharge. Maybe not as much, we'll have to see how things feel and how we're needed. But since this is a trial run, I can't imagine I'll have that many girls to have to impregnate...which would help a lot with my concerns."

"Yeah. I think at most we have...fifty? or so girls moving in looking for eggs, and that's not counting the ones you've already egged. Directly or otherwise."

"I think I can handle that. But I imagine the Matrons will want me to keep...producing...so they can run their tests and controlled impregnations elsewhere."

"Probably." Shifting to lay atop him again, she nibbled along his face and he groomed under her chin and along her neck, the two purring to each other, toes and claws gently kneading. Lightly raking his teeth along her neck, he grinned when it made her shiver. "Mmmph...Spyro...are you fine with me watching you fuck other girls?"


"Iunno...I found it really hot watching you and Ember going at it..."

"Bit of a voyeur? Didn't take you for one."

"I...don't know. Like, I have all these kinky ideas I want to try but...they also feel awkward, and not just from the 'haven't tried it yet' standpoint. It's weird."

"I dunno. It feels awkward to me that my mate is eyeballing me balls-deep in another girl."

"Or Flame," she ribbed at him, making him blush uncomfortably. "Or...maybe our daughters and sons when they're old enough to take this massive beast." Her soft paw stroked along the underside of his softening mast, making it lurch and throb back to life along his belly.

"I dunno about the boys. I'm not really into that." He hissed through his teeth when her paw moved down along his sheath to his heavy sack laying on his tail, his twin orbs shifting with his arousal and her delicate yet firm touch. Phasing her claws with shadow, she started massaging his nuts with her toes, the purple dragon groaning in delight. Giggling and shifting down along the bed, she opened her mouth wide and phased her teeth with her shadow power, then slowly, carefully started to go down on his left testicle, sucking it into her maw and licking all over what she could reach of his scaly scrotum. Shifting her wings up, she grinned and cupped his penis between the fingers and membranes, gently stroking him while she nursed on his jewel. In her peripheral she could see his legs twitching and squirming as he struggled not to hump against her face.

"Mmmmm~" she churred around her mouthful, purring and vibrating her tongue and mouth around his testicle. Spyro gritted his teeth and groaned, his back arching a bit as he really struggled not to thrust against her. Working her way back, she slid off his sac and then kissed all over his scrotum, making her way to his sheath and then back over to his right orb, a tad smaller than its sibling and much easier for her to suckle on, the black dragoness purring louder.

"Cynder I'm-" he started, then growled with clenched teeth when his penis throbbed against her wings and covered the palms of her wings with slick, sticky pre. "I'm gonna cum any second!"

"Mmm!" she hummed, grinning around his balls and feeling them pulling up against his sheath. She let his nut slide from her mouth and then kissed and licked all over it while stroking his flaring tip vigorously with her wings. Hefting herself up quickly, she pulled her wings back and then neatly, easily deepthroated three-quarters of his shaft and suckled strongly with more loud purring, overstimulating the poor purple male. With a low roar and an arch of his back against the bed, his legs quaked and shook and started humping into her throat, thick gouts of his salty-sweet seed pouring down her throat, the cum-hungry dragoness grinning happily and drinking it as quickly as she could. "Mmmmmm..." she moaned around him, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of her lover's malehood pulsing and throbbing in her mouth and neck with hot, creamy gushes filling her stomach. Her paws moved down to grope his balls fondly, feeling small, steady elemental surges fueling his otherwise impossible volume. Managing to swallow every drop, she felt his throbbing dwindle to small, erratic pulses shoving a few straggling thick globs out, then she suckled slowly to get everything she could, making love to his penis and massaging his massive orbs in tandem. Spyro huffed and groaned, panting open-mouthed at the continued pleasure of his mate servicing his bits. She shot him a coy grin and a wink, then slowly pulled away, letting his length flop from her mouth with a parting kiss to the tip, smooching his flared prepuce rather lewdly with a giggle. Giving a few final gulps to clear her mouth, she purred and nuzzled at his sheath and his retreating member, then rested her chin on his balls, smiling up at him. "Hi."


"I'm really glad we can be so sexual with each other like this."

"Me too." His tail stroked along her body and she purred again. "Just...gimme a few minutes, then I gotta head outside and stretch, my wings are cramping."

"A few minutes, hm?" she asked with a glint in her eye and a sly grin. He rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Get your sexy butt up here..."

"Yay!" she squealed, and with a sinuous grace defying the heavy swell of semen in her belly, she practically slithered up onto the bed and then straddled him, her forepaws on the headboard and her wings splayed a bit for balance. Spyro licked his lips and rumbled lustfully at the presentation, his mate's luscious, juicy netherlips bared in all their glory to his muzzle. Cynder squeaked and then moaned with a happy grin when his paws grabbed her ass and yanked her down to mash her flower to his lips, both of them purring as his tongue shoved into her tight, hot, silken depths and started lapping up her overabundance of nectar. Closing his eyes, he let his senses of touch and hearing take over, listening to her pleasured huffing and cooing and moaning, feeling her quivering tunnel around his tongue, those small motions of delight she made when he touched certain spots inside her or lapped vigorously at her emerging button, his paws kneading her thighs and hips and butt. Above him, Cynder was practically melting against the headboard and wall, her legs shaking. It was now her turn to fight against the strong impulse to buck and hump herself on his face. Extricating his tongue from her tight but slick lower grasp, he started tracing the tip around her nethers, outlining the swells of her labial scales, toying with the hood of her clit, pressing teasingly against her urethral entrance, skirting around her vaginal opening, any small contact to every fold and crevice of that delicious slit. It didn't take him long at all to coax her to the edge of her pleasure, but he grinned to himself and slowed down, keeping her on that edge, listening to her whine and moan and gasp for breath, his paws holding her steady so she couldn't rub herself off on his muzzle. "Spyrooooo please!" she huffed breathlessly, squirming with need. "Lemme cum!"

"Mmmmm...." he purred back with a naughty grin, kissing and making out with her netherlips with sloppy wet noises, keeping her pleasured. Without warning he shoved his tongue up into her again and stabbed the tip directly against her g-spot, at the same time rubbing her clit between two of his teeth. She buckled and screamed out, gushing fire all over the ceiling and her fem-cum all over his face, neck, and chest, once again becoming a living waterfall for several knee-shaking, wing-vibrating crashes of bliss across her entire body. Spyro drank what he could of her sweet nectar, but she was so much messier than he was. Finally, she slumped over him and he eased her off to her side of the bed, the black dragoness panting and staring with glassy eyes at the ceiling while her mate used his water control to once again clean everything up.

"Ancestors...fuck...that felt so good..." she muttered between breaths, just laying there almost spread-eagle on the bed. Spyro purred and started grooming her again, working his way up from those wet petals and up over the cummy globe of her belly to her chest, nibbling and licking at the broad ruby plates of her underbelly. "Kinda tickles..." she giggled, trying half-heartedly to shove him back.

"Gonna go stretch. You should too."

"Gimme a few..."

The evening was cool and clear, with a bit of humidity promising rain in the morning. Good, a reason to stay inside and continue sexually spoiling his beloved. Taking a few breaths, he smiled softly. Cynder silently padded up beside him and leaned against him, prompting him to lay his wing over her back. She kissed and licked at his cheek with a happy grin. "It's nice out here," he whispered.

"Sure is. But winter's right around the corner. They say a cold front is coming in like, two days or so."

"Feels like it. Big weather change inbound. Need me to go pick up some extra clothes for warmth for you and your belly?"

"Mmmm...maybe..." she mumbled in thought. "Actually, let's go together. Tomorrow."

"Alright. But that means we're getting all the sex in tonight."

"Is that a threat or a promise?" she whispered with a sultry tone, then nipped at his jaw. He rumbled back and kissed her nose, curling his tail around hers.

"Well, I dunno, seems I need to make sure Flame did the job knocking you up."

"Oh, he did, but you're more than wel-cum to add a few more eggs if you can~"

"Seems that's more up to you than to me."

"Gonna go prep a snack," she said as she turned away, then she giggled again and nosed under his tail to kiss and lick at his balls, Spyro returning the favor with a loud, suckling smooch to her pussy. She purred and winked over her shoulder at him before vanishing into the house. Flapping his wings, Spyro smiled to himself again and returned to star-gazing for a bit until he spotted something falling. Reaching out with his wing, he flinched at the chill and felt the object melt. Snowing? In clear skies? It didn't seem cold enough yet for that. With a shrug he went back in, smelling something sweet and savory. Cynder was prepping some leaf-wrapped honey clusters, another of her dessert dabbles. Venturing into the kitchen, he nuzzled her tail up and started making out with her vulva again, Cynder smiling and purring and enjoying the casual sexual attention. Kissing and licking all over her cleft, the purple male purred deeply, vibrating his tongue against her and making her coo and squirm. Giving her rump a pat, he went to the cooler under the kitchen for some juice and came up with a pitcher, pouring her a bowl and one for himself and setting them on the table. Cynder was humming to herself while the honey clusters warmed up, but her hum turned into another happy coo to the ceiling when she felt his paws grip her hips and his shaft slip up under her to sink into her tight little tailhole. With a few thrusts, he was bottomed out in her butt, the two of them purring while he gently started humping her and watching her work. The pleasure and rocking motions were a bit of a distraction, but she managed to warm the hardened, frozen cubes of honey and whatever else she used to make the treats to a gummy state, wrapping them in minty sweet leaves and coating them in powdered sugar. Finishing one, she jabbed it with the blade on her wing-thumb, then grinned and brought it up for him to eat, the purple dragon sliding it off with his tongue and chewing slowly in time with his rolling thrusts.

They remained there for a while, Cynder purring and occasionally offering him more of the sweet treats with her wings while he slowly, deeply thrust into her ass, his ridges and soft barbs stroking at all the right spots. Thoughtfully chewing on a few pieces herself, she arched back and moaned cutely, starting to hump against him. "Your ass is so tight..." he muttered, licking her neck and rubbing her chest. "Did Flame keep you full?"

"He sure kept my womb full~" she murred. "I only had a few loads in my butt though...wanna remedy that?"

"Every drop in me is going into you some way or another."

"Mmmm yesssss..."

"Done with the treats?"

"For now yeah."

"Good." With that he grabbed her waist and she yelped and laughed and moaned when he stood up with her, carrying her and walking on his hind legs (albeit rather awkwardly). Settling with her at the table, they sipped on their juice bowls in quiet pleasure while he thrust into her rear and rubbed her slit sensually with a paw. "You sure you want me to cum in your butt?" he asked with a teasing tone. "I don't technically run out of cum...and I know you've been needing me in your womb again..."

Cynder shuddered as she drank the last of her juice. "Don't do this to me, now you've got me reconsidering and I just want your cum!"

"Ooohhhh? But where..."

"Dammit, put it in my womb!"

He slowly slid out of her tight backdoor and used his water trick on himself for good measure, then bit down on her shoulder firmly, making her go limp against him while he speared her with his cock, sliding up through her tight, hot, and so very slick tunnel right up into her womb. Cynder moaned lewdly, wordlessly begging him to continue, and he did just that, bucking his hips and rubbing his paws all over her body while he fucked her deep and hard. With all the teasing and then the slow anal sex, both of them were primed to pop, Cynder squealing out and cumming hard and bucking against him, gushing all over the floor. The hot, heady sprays of feminine fluid and her tight milking all over his girth finally sent him over his edge too, growling against her scales and tensing repeatedly, spurting into her belly and adding to the mess sloshing around inside her. Letting go of her shoulder, he purred and licked the indents of his teeth, emptying his balls into his mate's sacred chamber and listening to her purring in bliss.

When she came to again, she found herself on the bed with him, the purple dragon kneading her body. "Hey."

"Hey..." she whispered, nuzzling at him. "Did I...fall asleep?"

"Only for a minute. You okay?"

"Yeah...being away from you for a while makes me that much more sensitive you your penis, remember?"

"Kinda, yeah." Kissing her softly, he purred and hugged her close, Cynder nestling in against him. "So, how was it all while I was gone?" he asked, holding up his paw and forming a ball of icy water.

"It's been a lot of experimentation," she replied, sipping at the water again. "Mmm...nice and cold."

"Experimentation how?"

She smirked and wiggled. "Lots and lots of sex." He rolled his eyes and she laughed lightly. "Seriously though. There's a theory that my...overabundance of fluid when I orgasm might be some sort of analogue to how much cum you make. It might be able to cure a male or at least grant temporary virility? Flame got me pregnant, and they're taking semen samples from him now every day to test and see if his potency wanes now that I'm not staying with them."

"I see."

"There were two guards at the portal at night that I...um...maybe kinda-sorta rewarded for the boring chore..." she blushed shyly, a bit embarrassed at that admission. "But the Matrons also included them in the virility testing too, to see if the exposure to me helps them at all."

"Are you expecting their eggs too?"

Shaking her head, her shy smile turned more wry and suggestive. "Nah. Seems a lot of guys love the idea of a female's butt."

"It's a sexy butt, I will admit."

"You'd better, dork, you're mated to it."

"A decision that blesses my every waking moment," he purred, licking along her neck and making her shiver with lust again. With no need to say anything, they both shifted and Cynder purred happily as he sank his gold-mottled mast into her body again. "You can't get enough of this can you?"

"Nope~" she churred, nuzzling all over his neck as he slid home into her, both of them groaning out in bliss when he finally pressed his sheath to her drooling netherlips. "I'm...kinda glad we may not have to hide this from the kids...I don't think we'll be able to stay off each other..."

"No complaints here..." he murmured, leaning in to nibble and lick all over her neck and chest, feeling her up again with his paws. They settled into a slow rhythm of grinding their hips and rubbing each other with their paws, kissing deeply, purring loudly, just losing themselves to each other and letting their lust and love take over. Just from the slow, sensual stroking of her tight, silken, hot passage around his thick, ridged and barbed girth, he ended up cumming in her again, a small but no less fulfilling orgasm that had them both panting in pleasure while her belly swelled up just a little more against him. When Cynder felt his throbbing dwindle to a leisurely, lazy drool of leftover seed, she leaned back and he bent his hind legs for her to grab hold of, and she smiled down at him and started bouncing on his lap, wet lewd _plaps_of scale on scale echoing in their small house as she let him admire the ever-growing roundness of hot cream distending her middle into a pregnant-looking sexy bulge. Every time her hips met his, he throbbed at the sight of that smaller bulge of his tip poking up at the top of her belly, just under her ribs.

"I hope you get me even more pregnant..." she whispered, curling her tail around to stroke her belly for him to watch. Licking his lips, he laid there on the bed, drinking in the show she was performing just for him. Sitting more upright and balancing herself on her hinds, she started lifting herself up almost completely off his dick, then wiggling her way back down onto it, both of them squirming every time her cervix squeezed around his tip. "Yesssss..." she hissed in delight. "So deep in me...so much cum..."



"Nothin'. Just...kinda imagining if we have a son and we're doing this, and he comes up and starts humping your ass."

Cynder blushed heavily at that and shivered on his lap, her insides clenching tight all around his impressive length. "When you put it that way...I think I'd like that..." Fanning herself with her wings, she bounced more eagerly, stroking herself up and down that deliciously long cock, biting her lip with a repressed moan. His paws started rubbing her swollen belly and she leaned back against his hind legs with a lewd moan of bliss, settling herself on his lap and just lightly grinding her labial scales against his sheath while her paws rubbed the bulge of his tip.

"You're so cute and beautiful when you're all blissed out."

"Lucky you then," she huffed, panting a little, trying not to crest that edge too quickly.

"Ember told me she has four eggs."

"Yep! The Matrons were floored. The early girls Flame helped with have two or three instead of just the expected single egg for their first times, and Jeela has four too!"

"Wonder if me breeding them directly makes them have more eggs..."

"Maybe~" she moaned out, then quivered on the verge of climax again, her legs squirming and clenching together as she fought to hold off just a bit longer. "Mmmph...Spyro..."

"Let it out, hun...go ahead and cum all you want, I'm not going anywhere for a while at the very least."

"Spyroooo-" she mewled, then threw her head back and arched against his legs with a lewd groan and an all-body climactic shake, Spyro watching with perverse thrill as she gushed and spurted all over his belly, flooding him with her fluids as always. Feeling up that heavy swell of his cum making her look pregnant, he started bouncing his hips off the bed, his mate gurgling and gasping in post-orgasm sensitivity, then he tensed up and groaned, his shaft lurching in her depths and spewing yet another thick load into her womb, stretching her to her max and then leaking down all over himself.

Tomorrow was going to be a lot of laundry...