High School Harem - 2. Armadillo

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#2 of High School Harem

High School Harem - 2. Armadillo

By: DarkSerpent

I sat in the bleachers watching the game by myself. I watched the teams run across the field charging for the ball. Mia and Sally were at the concession stand getting something to drink. I was still kind of lost in Sally's plan. What was she doing to people to make them so obedient? I know she didn't know how to hypnotize people. She also didn't have a lot of money or know any big people. Maybe she was just a naturally threatening person. On the other hand,...I don't know...it didn't make any sense.

I leaned back and let out a soft yawn. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad having a harem. I would have would never be lonely at least. I let out a sigh in the roaring crowd and I noticed someone staring at me. Standing on the path in front of the bleachers was one of my friends. An armadillo stood in the middle of the crowd. He waved up at me and I waved back. He was my friend from my science class. Walking up the bleacher stairs slowly he came to stand next to me. "Hi Drew," He smiled and sat next to me.

"Hi Kevin, thought you didn't come to football games?" I asked and he shrugged. He was a cute guy; strongly built and having large pale gold plates running down his back. His underbelly was a mixture of pale pink and beige. His muzzled having three small plates along the top of his nose. His bright gold eyes standing out from his black nose. He was very muscular but a big push over. Never being one for violence at all of his armor was never being used. "Yeah I usually don't but I'd rather not go to a wedding with my parents so I came here," He smiled and I laughed.

"I'd rather go to the wedding," I smiled and he nudged my side. We hung out often and he's come over and spent the night. Nothing ever happened we usually get a new game and spend the night trying to beat it. "Hey did I mention I have to get my classes changed, since the exchange student is leaving a spot opened up in gym at the end of the day, were gonna be in the same class twice a day," He explained and I smiled. "Awesome!" I smirked. Alex was my only friend usually but now I would have a much bigger guy to sit next to me.

We turned our attention to the game. Maybe now Sam wouldn't pick me as much; but Kevin wasn't much of a fighter. Oh well it still be nice to have another guy to talk to in class. Mia and Sally returned and I introduced them. Sally shook his hand and that devious smile returned to her face. "And this is Mia my girlfriend," I introduced and he shook her hand. "It's a pleasure," Mia smiled and shook his hand as well. "Same here," Kevin smirked and we turned our attention to the game.

The game continued and we were ten seconds in the fourth quarter. Home had thirty-four and Visitors had thirty-three. The last play of the game and everyone was on edge. The ball was hiked and the players moved. Ten, nine, eight, and seven; the ball was tossed by the visitors and caught by Alex. Six, five, four; the crowd went crazy Alex zoomed back towards our goal. Three, two, one the buzzer sounded and Alex crossed the line. "Touchdown!" The announcer yelled and everyone screamed and howled. As everyone celebrated, our few seats emptied and we moved down to the pathway.

We stood next to the side of the bleachers as the stadium quickly emptied. The four of us waited to for the man of the hour to leave the field. The parking lot was emptying and Alex ran out off the field covered in sweat. "Well if it isn't Mr. Touchdown himself!" Mia smiled and the husky pulled off his jersey. "Nice touchdown man!" Kevin bumped their fists together. "Thanks..." He toke deep breaths and I handed him a Coke. He quickly downed it and wiped his forehead. "Where's Sally?" He asked and we all looked over.

"Um...she was here a moment ago," I raised an eyebrow. "Guess she caught a ride with on of her friends," Mia shrugged. "Oh well...Who's up for a victory meal and McDonalds!" Alex yelled and we all cheered. We left the stadium and walked through the parking lot. I raised an eyebrow feeling a twinge of anxiousness in my spine. It felt like someone was watching me. I stopped and looked back seeing Sally standing at the top of the bleachers looking down at us. She smiled at me and turned disappearing when the stadium lights clicked off.

I turned and quickly caught up with the other three. Alex drove Mia, Kevin, and me all in his car. Kevin had been dropped off by his parents and Alex was his friend as well. We listened to the radio and quickly pulled up to the nearest McDonalds. Mia and Kevin moved in and Alex handed me some money. "Could you get me a double quarter pounder meal? I wanna change out of this outfit," He explained and I nodded. "No problem," I smiled and stepped out of the car. I moved up to the door and peeked back seeing him slide off his shirt.

I moved inside stepping out behind Mia and grabbing her butt. She let out a small squeak and turned around wrapping her arms around my neck. "Don't do that silly," She kissed me gently and I heard Kevin ordering. The camel behind the counter sat down his cup and gave him his change. Mia and I order and I made sure to get Alex's meal. He walked while we got our drinks and came up to us. "I feel a hundred times better," He smirked wearing a bright blue T-shirt and jeans.

"You sure don't smell it fluffy," Kevin nudged his side and handed him his cup. "I can't help it you try running up and down a field all night armor ass," he laughed and nudged back joking. I couldn't help but laugh as I got Mia a sprite. "Drew tell him that playing football isn't as hard as it looks," Kevin looked at me and smiled. "I won't do it," I laughed. "Why not?" I clicked the lid on his drink. "Cause I played football when I was younger and it is as hard as it looks," I smirked and they both looked at me dumbfounded. "You used to play football?" They both asked simultaneously.

"Yeah I played little league for two years," I put a straw in Mia and mines drinks. They were still somewhat awestruck as I moved over and slid her drink into her hand. Our orders quickly came up and we started to eat with one another. Between the conversation and munching, away at the food I noticed Sally sitting on top the car. I narrowed my eyes; Mia sitting next to me never even noticed her. It was odd that no one even looked up and acknowledged she was there. I went to take a bit of food and saw myself looking at the asphalt.

"How the hell!" I yelled and looked over seeing everyone still sitting at the table four feet away. They held completely still as if frozen in time. "Surprised?" A female voice spoke behind me making me jump. I whipped around seeing Sally smiling down at me from atop the car. "What's going on?" I stammered out and she smirked. "I can do a lot of stuff my pet," She purred and I gulped. "Your not Sally...what are you?" I stepped back my hoof clicking on the sidewalk.

"I am Sally honey; same hair, same face, same body, same tits, same ass, same everything Drew; I've just kinda been lying to you for...the whole time you've known me," She stuck her tongue out a little. "Oh...how...how did you do all this, stop time and bring me out here?" I asked and she leaned against the car slowly. "Well remember history class?" She asked and I nodded.

"Remember ancient Egyptian and the goddess Bast?" She asked and I gulped and nodded. "Well I'm her in the flesh," She giggled. "You sure? I didn't get slipped some kind of terrible drug?" I asked and sat down on the curb. "Yes I'm sure, I know you've been wondering how I make people obedient," She smiled and her small tail swished back slowly. "Yeah I guess I was," I blinked up at her. "Well I just implant a little love of a certain person, like a big, strong, cream colored bull," She whispered appearing behind me.

I shook as she ran her claws along my shoulders. "Why are...you helping me?" I asked and she scratched my back softly. "Cause your pathetic and a nice person," She turned around sitting across my lap. I blushed as she leaned back stretching like a cat. "You deserve a few good things in your life and for being so nice to me over the years I'm gonna give it to you just cause I'm that nice a person," She kissed my cheek and I looked down. "Mia, Alex? That's just two people and I have a feeling your plot runs deeper than that," I gulped and she smirked and patted my cheek. "Smart boy," She grabbed my horns and pulled me down roughly. "I've picked six, six people just for you, you've got one and you'll know the others soon enough," She lifted up and slowly walked away.

I watched her hips sway and I appeared back into the restaurant. My hands still holding my burger and everyone continuing what they were talking about when I left. I looked around for a sec. "Something wrong?" Alex asked looking at me. "Oh yeah fine...I just got a little something caught in the back of my throat," I lied and smiled. "You ok baby?" Mia stood up and kissed my nose. "Yeah," I blushed and she rubbed her nose against mine. "Damn wish I had someone like that," Kevin mocked and Mia blushed.

We all finished our meals and toke up our trays. I slid my hand into Mia's as we headed back to the car. "Oh fuck I forgot my keys on the table," Alex ran back inside and Mia laughed pushing my up against the car. She started to kiss my neck softly my hands running back grabbing her ass feeling her small tail swishing. "Dam baby your good at that," I smiled and she giggled sucking on a spot. "God you two get a room," Kevin blushed and looked down. "Not embarrassed are you?" I asked as she left a bright red hickey on my neck. "No I'm not...just seeing you two like that gets to a guy," his face turned bright red.

"Aw poor Kevin you want one too," Mia playfully leaned in and I suddenly bit his neck. He jumped and pushed me off. "Hey that was a cheap shot you dork," The three of us both broke out laughing. Alex stepped back out and raised an eyebrow seeing us laughing. "What's so funny guys?" He questioned and we just shook our heads no to mean nothing. We all got back in the car and Alex dropped each of us off. I was sad to see Mia get dropped off first. We pulled up to my house and I stepped out. "See you guys Monday," I smiled and headed up the door. They yelled something and I didn't pay attention as I stepped inside.

I yawned and heard my parents snoring. They worked hard to keep our house and deserved their rest. I headed downstairs and all night and the next day was pretty uneventful. I hated Saturdays and Sundays. They always went by so fast that you never felt like you really did anything. Good thing winter was coming up quick and with it all the holidays. However, other than that I still wondered if what I saw was real. Was Sally really a goddess in disguise? No, it wasn't possible; probably just imagined it. I smiled Monday morning as I woke for school. I'd get to see Mia again and Kevin would be in my class for the first time.

I stood slowly and stretched scratching my back after the long sleep. I headed to the bathroom and relieved myself turning the shower on. My hand resting in the water feeling it get hotter. I slid my boxers off, tossed them aside with my foot, and stepped into the shower. My hooves clicked on the hard plastic floor as I leaned into the water. I was drifting back into my sleep slowly. "Stay up silly," I opened my eyes seeing Sally in front of me. She was completely naked and pushing up against me rubbing the soap across my chest. Before I could speak, she put her finger against my lips. "I set everything up for today," I felt her run the soap along my member.

"Stop what are you?" She stopped me again before I could finish my sentence. "Shh...you'll figure out soon enough, see you in a little while," She giggled and pushed her breasts up against me before turning into a large splash of water. I blinked thinking I'm going insane as the water flowed down the drain. "What the fuck?" I blinked and continued my shower. I had to be dreaming or simply just going nuts. No way, any of this was possible...or was it.

I was dressed and stepped outside waiting for my bus. Luckily, Sam always left before now and I could stand outside in peace. I looked up seeing the large yellow bus pulling onto the street. I shoved my hands into my pockets. It stopped in front of me and I stepped up in finding a seat towards the middle. Well I won't bore you with the details of my long uneventful day until the truly interesting part. I walked down the hallway from physics and stopped, "Hey Drew wait up man!" Kevin yelled running up to me. He stopped and we started to walk together. "Ready for gym?" He asked excited. I could tell he loved gym since it's basically a free period.

"Yeah I guess but its dodge ball day," I sighed always being a moving target for Sam and his lackeys. We turned into the gym and headed strait to the locker rooms. We stepped into the crowd of boys all of which were half naked. I sighed blushing to myself and opening my locked. Luckily, the other guys hadn't messed with my stuff. I pulled out my shorts and t-shirt setting them down and pulling off my good sweater. I set it down in my locker and removed my shirt as well.

I could hear Alex talking to a few guys across the room about fucking Sally. I smiled a little and looked next to me seeing Kevin sliding off his shirt. He tossed it into his locked and noticed me staring. A blush went across his face just before I felt Sam push my shoulder. "Hey faggot! Why you starin at the new guy, he turn ya on?" He mocked and I looked down. I was actually caught staring and nearly broke down into tears. It won't lie it's always hard to get used teased on a constant basis. Most people would tell you it was just good hearted ribbing. Nevertheless, it wasn't when the guy teasing purposely wanted to see you break down into tears.

I was about to run when something I'd never forget hit my ears. "Hey lard ass your gonna pick on anyone pick on me, if you think your mad enough," Kevin yelled and I looked up at him. "You want some too, are you a faggot like fag boy here?" Sam pushed up against him acting tough, "So what if I am, what are you gonna do about it bitch!" Kevin pushed his shoulder back slamming him into a locker. Sam was speechless he was finally up against someone who he couldn't push around. "Get your grimy hand off my shoulder faggot!" Sam tried to push back and was held firmly in place by Kevin's fist. "I think you need to ask a little nicer," He popped his knuckles baring his fist. "Fine...let me go," He grumbled and Kevin let him go.

Sam huffed and walked out slowly. "Damn nice one!" A naga gave Kevin a clap. Everyone started to clap and cheer for the armadillo. "You alright Drew?" He patted my shoulder and I nodded. "Yeah..." I sighed and pushed down my jeans and switched to my shorts. "Hey I know it's hard to deal with guys like that but don't let them get you down..." He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder. "He's just gonna take it out on me during the game now..." I looked away and I could tell he felt bad. "Are you really gay?" I asked he nodded slowly.

I smiled up at him and he smiled back. I turned and we both walked out. When we left the room, they were setting up teams. Alex was the team leader for the blue team while Sam's friend Bill was the red leader. Of course, Sam was picked first to no surprise. Adam picked his teammate and we went back and forth. "I'll take the new dude," Bill the gemsbok pointed at Kevin. He moved over to their team and it was down to the last people.

The nerds and gothic kids who no one wanted to pick. "I'll take Drew," Alex smirked and I moved over to his team. The last few were picked and we moved to our opposite corners. The coach set the bright orange balls along the middle line and everyone got ready. I looked up seeing Kevin winking at me making my fur turn red slightly. Suddenly the whistle blew and everyone charged the balls. Once they were grabbed, everyone quickly backed up and the balls started to zoom across the room. Some flying with a lot of force hitting the wall like a firecracker going off.

People started to get hit out and brought back in. The adrenaline pushed and I whipped around slowly and caught a ball just before it hit me. The guy who threw it groaned and walked off to the side. I lowered the ball looked around realizing I was the only one left on my side. "Damn!" I groaned and looked at the other side. Sam, Kevin, and two otter brothers. I gulped and suddenly I realized that no matter what I was going get out one way or another.

I did what any guy would do. I toke the ball in my hand and charged forward. I fist flew forward at the line and I launched the ball from my hand. I stepped back expecting it to be caught. It moved towards Kevin who smirked and turned around. The ball bounced off his large back plate and slammed into the back of Sam's head. It then proceeded to hit off Kevin's back again. With a loud bump, it speeded slamming into the twins bouncing between the two of them. Unbelievably I had knocked out the last four members of the other team. My whole team cheered and I looked over at Kevin who winked at me again.

He had set it up and we switched sides. As we passed each other, I patted his ass and he squeaked just loud enough for me to hear. Maybe...Sally had set it up for Kevin to be the next. I wouldn't make a move till I was positive it was he. I didn't have to wait long. The whistle blew again and this time I was the first one out. With a huff, I moved over the bleachers.

With a huff, I sat down watching everyone play. I suddenly felt something slid into my hand from under the bleachers. I looked down see grey furred hand next to my hand. I looked into my hand seeing a piece of paper in my hand. Making sure no one was looking I opened the folded note and read it to myself. "You have to do more than hit his butt to give him the hint, Sally," I tossed the note under the bleachers and looked over at him.

He was quickly knocked out and came over walking over to me. "Hey kicked out of the game?" I asked and he nodded sweating. "Thanks for letting me win..." I looked up at him and he shrugged. With no one looking, I moved my hand over. I was shaking never hitting on a guy before. I grabbed his ass and he sat up quickly. I ran my thick finger up along his plates then down into his shorts. With my face beat red, I slid my hand into his pants and I grabbed his thick ass.

It was big but very hard and muscular. I noticed him biting his lip as I ran my finger between his ass. He leaned forward just enough that I could feel his hot pucker twitch against my fingers. As another guy got hit, I pulled my hand out. He let out a small whine as if he didn't want it to move. It was intense and I hoped that was a big enough clue to trigger what ever Sally had done.

The games continued and Alex abandoned our team having to leave early for a doctor's appointment. "Alright boys hit the showers!" The coached yelled at the last twenty minutes. With fur, we had to have baths or we truly would stink all the way home. I gulped and most of the guys just headed strait to the locker rooms. About ten of us went to the showers including Kevin and me. He chose a showerhead across the room from me. My heart sank thinking maybe I came on two strong or something. I'd hate to loose him already let alone lose one of my best friends.

I let out a small sigh and saw the camel next to me walk out slowly. I turned around seeing Kevin looking back at me. I smiled and no one else was in the shower room. He moved over slowly and stopped inches from me as he was waiting for the invitation. I placed my hand on top of his muzzled feeling the small plates. I slowly ran back between his ears feeling him grunting in response. "Come here babe," He stepped closer and I pulled his muzzled to mine and kissed him softly. His eyes flittered and slowly shut. He was so cute as I forced my tongue into his mouth. He let out a small gasp feeling my tongue fill his mouth.

I quickly pulled back and he wrapped those strong arms around me. He was a big guy and taller than me but as fierce as a kitten. He got on his naturally padded knees and nuzzled into my chest. "Sally talked to me..." I felt his thick claws resting on my back. "So you know?" I asked and petted his head softly. "Yes can...I be with you too?" He asked as well and I nodded making him kiss my gut. He kissed lower and lower until his tongue slid into my shallow sheath. His tongue circled my member and it slowly started to grow. With every inch it gained, he would kiss or lick the silky skin.

It grew until it pressed back up against my belly. I mooed gently feeling him starting to suck on the end of my rod. I grabbed her ears and he pushed as much as he could into his mouth. He sucked and bobbed his head like an expert. "Damn baby your good at this," I growled and felt his mouth tighten. He lifted up and off slowly. "You like my mouth Drew?" He asked and I nodded as he kissed the tip then quickly licked away the very first drop of precum.

He covered two of his fingers in his spit and lowered them rubbing between his cheeks. He softly rubbed his pucker and I could here his fingers sliding into himself. The soft squishing sound hit my ears as he finger fucked himself. I looked down seeing he wasn't to far off from my own size. Six inches of meat hard between his legs throbbing to his heartbeat. "Do you want my big cock into your ass baby?" I lifted his head up and nodded.

I pushed him back so he could lay on his plates. He spread his legs and removed his fingers. I laid atop him and kissed his bare chest nipping his nipples. Softly I kissed up to his neck making him gasp as I made a small bite. I pressed my cock up against his tight pucker. Slowly I pushed and kissed him softly. "Baby your so big," He bit his lip and I shoved in further. Suddenly I pushed into him and filled his ass with my cock.

"Shit!" We both yelled and I filled him completely. His strong hands gripped my shoulders and ran down my sides. I pulled out slowly and shoved into him with a loud squished. He let out a small groan and bit his lip. "Am I a good fuck baby?" He asked and I nodded pulling back out and pushing back in. "God it's so fucking tight," I grunted picking up a little speed. He nodded unable to speak as my balls his against his ass. I was soon fucking his ass hard. Each thrust making loud slapping and squishing sounds as I pound harder. It was an intense feeling knowing this big guy under me was completely in my control. "Baby! Harder!" He groaned and I slammed against his harder making a loud smacking sound.

I leaned down holding onto him. His eyes closed tightly as he moaned my name. His legs wrapping around me slowly making my thrusts shorter. His completely armored tail wrapped around my leg as I felt his pucker tighten around me tightly. Suddenly I pulled out slammed back home with his member throbbing between our bodies. I ground my gut against his member and he suddenly jerked. He started to cum as hard as he possibly could. His cum slamming against his face as I forced my cock deeper into him.

He licked off what tiny drops rested on his face and I pounded harder. "Baby I'm gonna cum..." I trialed off with the intense feeling. "Cum inside me babe, mark me as yours," He whispered and I jack hammered his ass. I was destroying my friend's ass as best I could. He let out a loud moan and started to cum again. I let loose the floodgates inside him. My cum surging into his belly like a rocket. He gasped at each throb of my member and I kissed him softly. I pulled out letting my cum pour our along with it. He gasped at the sudden emptiness and I nibbled his neck. "I love you baby," He whispered to my ear and I kissed him again. "I love you too," I forced myself up.

I helped him up and he leaned against me with. I turned off the water and could hear the cum dripping out of him. "You filled me up pretty good," He kissed my neck just like Mia. I growled softly and kissed his neck back hearing the bell ring. "Dam schools out and we're not even dressed," I smiled and looked down at him. "Does it really matter?" He winked and kissed him softly. I heard small footprints drawing close. We both looked up seeing Mia in the doorway. "Well it looks like you to got really comfortable together," She smiled and walked over towards us. She helped the tow of us up and Kevin blushed deeply embarrassed. "Don't worry you can have him some of the time," She hugged him.

"Yeah you part of it now bud, your ass is mine," I joked and patted his ass softly making him jump. "I guess I can live with being your bitch," I felt him hug me from behind me. Mia hugged me from the front getting her shirt wet. I smiled liking the attention. She pulled away and they both toke one of my hands. They pulled me to the locker room and both grabbed a towel. "What are you two?" I stepped back and they both attacked me with the towels. Both of them practically tickling me to death as they dried me off. "Hey...stop that...I'm ticklish," I laughed out and felt both of their hands slide between my legs. I stopped feeling them softly rubbing between my legs. "Gotta make it nice and dry for you baby," They both whispered and cleaned off my member.

I bit my lip and it suddenly ended as soon as it began. I gulped and Kevin dried off as well. As I got dressed, I could feel Sally staring at me from somewhere. I gulped softly and looked down. She had successfully gotten me a second member to her so-called harem. I don't know how she doesn't but I guess I don't even care anymore. My only thoughts were that I had two of my six promised harem members. I knew Alex would eventually be the second member. However, that still left three other people who would somehow fall in love with me.

It could be any of the girls in school. Any of the guys too a bat, otter, wallaby, elephant, deer, frog, alligator, hippo, panda, or just anything in the school. I guess I'd have to wait and see. However, for now I had a sexy little gazelle with a perfect ass. In addition, a big strong armadillo who has the body of a god. Who knows maybe I'd be happier like this but I guess all I can do is just accept it and hope Sally really is what she says she is.

"Hey babe you coming or what?" Kevin asked from the door and I looked up. "Oh yeah coming," I slid my shirt on. I grabbed my wallet and ran out fallowing them. As we walked, they both held my hands and Mia nuzzled up against my side. Thankfully Kevin didn't it would have been a little weird seeing this big person nuzzling up to me. We headed towards the door to try to catch a ride with anyone who would take us. Amazingly, Sally was the only one left in the parking lot.

To be continued -