IV. Happy Moments In Time

Story by Benshee on SoFurry

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#4 of The Kiroth Wars

Here, as promised, the extended scene. This is the first major extension I am writing, I hope you like it. * * *

The Kiroth Wars IV. Happy Moments In Time In a corner of the shed Tamara and Delia had found a new game. Usually their more intimate affection would have been limited to their daily mutual cleaning, but their young minds were still ablaze with the images of the day before. It was impossible to tell which of them had started, but they were quite busy with each other. They tried to play out all of what they had learned, starting with kisses and quickly moving on to cuddling up really closely, while exploring each other's chest for their tender bits. Soon they had found what they were looking for and began to lick contently. After some short minutes of murring pleasure curiosity got the better of them again and they continued further on the road they had taken. With Delia turning around they were now in a side-by-side sixty-nine position and immediately began lapping at each other's folds. This wasn't a new sensation to them, having cleaned each other so often, but today it would have to be more then that. Carefully both girls began probing the insides of the other, twitching their hind legs and moaning slightly. Tamara gently pawed at Delia's thighs while Delia ran her own paws over her friend's belly and tailhole. Delia was the first to get more daring and pushed her tongue deep into Tamara, causing her to whine in rapture, exposing her swelling clit. Wanting to give her friend the same pleasure, Tamara began to move her tongue around inside of her, drawing out the juices of her growing excitement. Delia decided to play with the little new toy in front of her and began poking her cold nose against Tamara's clit while speeding up the pace of her tongue. Tamara howled joyfully into her friend's wet orifice, feeling her orgasm approach, as she also speeded up, her tongue dancing over and inside of Delia's trembling sex. Both females began to pant and growl as they deliciously neared their peaks. However, Delia came first - wanting her friend to cum with her, she sucked her clit roughly into her muzzle, massaging it frantically with her tongue until she felt her heavy release. Both girls felt nothing but total bliss as they spilled themselves wildly over and into each other's faces, still eagerly lapping to draw out as much of this incredible feeling as possible, each wanting the other to feel just as wonderful as herself. When the pleasure was finally ebbing away they still felt a latent need that was unsatisfied. They began licking each other's nethers again, this time more slowly and sensually, trying to hold a stable level of enjoyment for as long as possible. They had shared an experience that made them even alot closer friends then they had been before, maybe abit more then that. And they had not only found a way to calm the need, but also to cherish it. Kor was watching the two females with a certain fascination. It seemed like there was no end to their endurance in playing their little game. Between his legs a considerable hard-on had been forming, but he didn't want to barge in and ruin their fun. Besides, watching alone was already more then a little treat. After their third shared orgasm the two she-wolves felt a little tired. It sure was a pleasurable game, but somehow their need seemed to increase each time instead of being satisfied. They hungered for more lasting satisfaction and when they noticed Kor watching them, already with a ready erection on him, they exchanged mischievious grins and softly padded over to him. Kor just stared as he watched them approach in a soft swaying rhythm, their tails waving gently from side to side in time. His heart almost skipped a beat and he felt his penis tremble at the sight. Tamara sat down to his left side, while Delia rounded his sitting form once, before settling down to his right. As if on cue the two girls opened their muzzles and began to run their tongues over Kor's member, pressing it between them from both sides. They were perfectly timed and determined in their effort to make him as horny as he could possibly become. When they knew he was close to the breaking point, their licks slowed down and finally stopped. Kor felt like he was about to explode, but couldn't. The sheer force of his arousal was just too much to handle. Exchanging glances, Tamara stood up and walked in front of her alpha, her tail and body swaying sweetly again, before slowly moving her tail to the side and presenting herself. To top it off she gave him the most needy stare she could manage and a cute soft howl. Kor gasped as he noticed little drops of juices running from her exposed vagina and he did not hesitate to mount her. With one strong and unimpeded lunge he hilted himself in her wet, warm folds. Pleasure swept over him as he felt her press against him and shake her hips a little which even intensified the sensation. Tamara was a strong and healthy female, so he did not hesitate to put his weight on her. His arms found her hips and he gently began to move out of his beautiful lover, just to push back inside with full force. Under him the young she-wolf had begun to pant a little as he picked up his pace. Also she very skillfully accentuated each thrust with a horny little yip and each pull with a drawn-out soft whine. He knew that she was doing it to drive him crazy with lust as much as he knew she was succeeding. He decided to repay the favor and added wild growls to each lunge into her passionately trembling body. That had quite the desired effect on his lover as she soon lost track of her breathing and very soon after she could not hold back her orgasm anymore. Her alpha was wildly mating her and she would have his offspring. At this thought her pants turned into a series of sharp yips as her sex contracted violently around Kor's penis. He growled once more and with even more ferocity and bit into the skin of her nape. Under him the young she-wolf passed out, her tongue hanging out of her muzzle, her body still twitching. Kor felt himself pulled to the ground by her collapse and his own orgasm overtook him. Finally the long-awaited explosion unloaded powerful spurts of his seed deep into his mate's welcoming tunnel, her reflexes reacting and milking him with powerful contractions around his twitching spear. His orgasm even seemed to rise, as he could feel a wonderful tingling on his balls. Behind him Delia had begun to lick his sac, sucking it into her muzzle and squeezing it gently just in time with its pumping motions. When his orgasm finally stopped he was sure that he had never before peaked so intensely or cummed so hard. Tamara was quick to regain her senses, even though she preferred to just lay there, while her pussy was still twitching occasionally. Each time a blob of opaque white liquid oozed down her side and onto the floor. Kor waited until her folds had stopped leaking their combined fluids, then he began to clean her up. She moaned a few times and sighed contently when he was done. It had been a most wonderful experience, but she was well-spent. Kor sat down with his back to the stable wall. He felt light-headed and intoxicated by his own hormones. He knew that he was only half done and Delia was already approaching with that same sexy swaying movement her chosen sister had used before. When he was about to stand up to get into a better position she suddenly stood up on her hindlegs, balancing herself against the wall behind his shoulders. His penis had already returned to a semi-hard state before she had come closer, now it was ready and throbbing for more. Delia carefully acquired her target and began to lower herself. He understood what she was up to and positioned his hard length perfectly under her, using his other arm to gently help her keep her balance on her way down. She grunted as his head was pushed abit roughly between her nethers, but she was lubricated nicely so it did not cause her any discomfort. He stretched her quite nicely as more and more of his thick shaft invaded her tunnel until she sat down on his lap with all of him deeply embedded inside of her sex. Being somewhat tighter then her friend, she took a little time to get used to the new sensation. Her eyes and muzzle opened and closed in delight and fleeting discomfort as she settled down into his arms. He held her there safely, even though it was a surely unusual position for mating a quadruped. He felt her breathing against his chest and her paws reached behind him to hold herself close to him. Her body shifted gently on him, inviting him to begin a movement of his own and he was most happy to oblige. He tilted his hips slowly, his penis leaving and reentering her body by only a few inches. Still it was a perfect massage of her insides and he soon got lost in the slow sensual strokes. Mating Delia this way was a completely different experience then it had been with Tamara. With her it was like the tiniest movements could do the same as the wildest thrusts would do with the other. She was just as passionate, but she seemed to draw it out, to extend it. He felt like he was truly sharing himself with this young canine and she was giving him herself just as much. He felt like he was gently exploring his lover's vagina, probing it for that one perfect spot to rub his shaft against, that one little place to push. It was the kind of sex that can last for hours if both lovers have the same level of devotion and self-discipline. After about half an hour of watching, Tamara began to feel somewhat excluded. She whined softly and climbed into Kor's arms next to her friend. Kor felt the heads of two young she-wolves against his chest and he lowered his head and exchanged kisses with now this girl, then the other. The little threesome remained cuddled together until Kor's search was successful. He had found a spot Delia seemed to respond to just the way he had hoped. Keeping his thrusts slow and strong he focused and pushed exactly that spot each time he moved into her heated tunnel. It didn't take long and her eyelids began to flutter and saliva ran freely from her opened muzzle. Around Kor his canine lover had heated up almost to the point where he could not take any more, still he kept stimulating again and again and yet again. Delia felt like her body was on fire. She felt like she was burning up with pleasure. Not the fast joy of orgasm, but a constant blaze that made her feel like she had shed her old body and turned into a flame. Time lost its meaning, moments became eternities. Kor still felt her growing hotter around his flesh and he feared he would pass out if he tried to hold on any longer. Very slowly he released his constraint and he felt his seed and liquid rush through him and into the scalding hot body of the she-wolf. Delia was sitting in the valley of her fiery pleasure, watching a river suddenly burst into it. But it was a river of even greater pleasure and she felt like she drank in every drop of it until she could not take any more. With a soft howl she orgasmed. Her exhausted sex used the remainder of her strength to drain her lover of every last drop of his precious seed, then she just laid still in his arms, next to Tamara who had already fallen asleep and joined her dreams. Kor breathed in deeply and rested his head against the wall. In his arms the two young canines were sleeping peacefully and murring contently. He was still deeply embedded in Delia's lovehole and enjoyed the slowly fading warmth around his gently retreating flesh. Two more of his pack had truly become his lovers now. He knew that both of them were in heat also, which left him with two more reasons to find a way of escape. Never could he allow his beloved little pack or his offspring to become pawns in the enemy's hand.