Dragon warrior pt2

Story by prawnakus on SoFurry

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Dragon Warrior, Part 2

I started seeing old violent images and slowly I started opening my eyes and saw I was only dreaming. Akkia was by my side asleep and I saw that we were just about to land. So I woke her up and told her that we were there. So we got out of the plane.

I said, "Akkia can you get the luggage I'll wait for the others".

"Okay", she responded.

So I waited for Mark, Drake, and Kristin. They came out of the plane after five minutes.

"Come on guys lets go catch up with Akkia", I said.

We caught up with Akkia and got our luggage. Then we went out the door and started walking to the bus stop to wait for a bus to take us to get a rental car. But I started looking around and started thinking if someone was watching us. I looked at Drake and saw that there was a red dot on him.

"Drake!" I screamed and then tackling him and the bullet missed him. I pulled out my two 45s behind a car.

"Everybody get down!" The police officer yelled.

Then a bullet from the sniper hit the police officer in the back of the head and his head exploded. I still kept looking around for the sniper, and then I saw where the laser was coming from so I climbed up a street light and I saw him it was a warrior for Pandora's Assassins. I aimed my gun at him and shot him directly in the head. Then a car exploded and then I realized it was an ambush. Then about 50 warriors came out of no where and started attacking everyone. I jumped down and ran toward the others. But a two warriors came in front of me and started swinging there swords at me. So I had no choice but to fight. So I did a back flip in the air and kicked them down. They dropped their swords and I picked up the two swords and stabbed them. So I had to fight my way through the warriors and so I slashed my way through them and killed only five of them. Then one of the warriors hit me down from behind and knocked me down. I thought that this was going to be the moment where I can finally see Vel again. But I saw that the warrior was killed. I got up and Kristin had a pistol in her hands. Then I saw Mark grab a gun from one of the warriors and fired at them and he was hitting them like crazy with just two pistols. Then Akkia grabbed a sword from one of the dead warriors. So I started attacking again and Akkia, Kristin, and Mark were helping me. But there were still too many. Then the warriors started leaving and I looked up and a warrior had a bazooka and shot the near us. The car exploded and I saw nothing but dark.

I started waking up and I saw a female husky doctor.

"Well looks like your doing just fine," she said.

"What, Huh Drake, Akkia, Kristin are they okay!" I said in concern.

"Their doing fine well most of them," She said with her head down.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well your friend Drake didn't make it... We tried everything to keep him alive but the injuries were to fatal," she said, "I'm sorry".

"Where are the others?" I asked while I got out of the hospital bed.

"They're in the waiting room," she said.

I walked out of the room and saw them and sat down next to Kristin and looked at her. She had tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kristin," I said in a choked up voice and tears forming.

I grabbed her and hugged her and she was crying on my chest. Akkia came and sat by me and feeling my back.

Then I looked at the opening door and these middle aged dragons came out. The male was very glossy silver with a black strip on his nose. The female was a dark green with white hair and very good looking for being that age. They walked up to me.

"Are you Arakai?" asked with a very sterile voice.

"Yes," I answered.

"My name is Milon and this is my wife Kerrigan," he said, "I'm a very close friend to your father He told me you were coming and you are welcome to stay with us."

"Thank you," I said, "well that takes away finding a hotel."

So we got up and grabbed our luggage and went with him. We got to the car and it was a limo.

"What are you rich?" I asked in excitement.

"Why yes," he answered.

We got into the limo and drove off. When we got to their house, I looked in amazement at the four story mansion. The limo stopped at the front door and we got out.

"Damn," I said in amazement, wait how do you know my father?"

"He and I have been friends since childhood." He answered.

We walked into the mansion and they lead us into the guest rooms. There were over eight guest rooms and I took the first one. I went in there and there was a king sized bed and a piano that was very polished. I set my suitcase on the bed and sat down. I was thinking about my promise and I just broke it a, because Drake died. I laid down and went to sleep.

The next morning I walked down stairs and saw a huge breakfast on this twenty foot long table. Everyone else was awaking and eating. I sat down and grabbed a large heap of food.

"Arakai," he said.

"Yes, Milon," I responded.

"Your father called me and tooled me that he was coming to see how everything is going,"



Then the door opened and my father was walking in with his sword cane.

"Welcome my friend," Milon said.

"It's great to see you again Milon," He responded.

Then they walked off talking like they were at a therapy session. After breakfast I went to the pool and saw Kerrigan she was in a robe and she took it off wearing nothing under and went into the water. I walked it and she looked up.

"Well hello Arakai," She said.

"Hi," I said in a mediocre way.

"You look tense you must have something going on."


"And what is that?"

"I broke a promise."

"What promise?"

"A promise that I would keep my friends alive and out of harms way and one of them got in harms way and died because of it."

"Well things always live and die.... It's the circle of life."

"I know."

"Of course you do."

I left and saw Mark about to go out the door.

"Hey Mark where you going?" I asked.

"To a night club I found online," he answered.

"You mind if I tag along?"

"Not at all dude, I'd love to have any one come."


"No problem."

So we left to this night club. When we arrived to the entrance there were neon lights and lasers and a large line of people. It only took a couple of minutes to get in. So we went in and there were foxes, huskies, wolves, humans you name it that were dancing a sexually on the flashing dance floor. Mark was wearing a T-shirt and jeans with chains and I knew he was stoned. I was wearing a blue T-shirt with some shorts and I had a chain on me.

"How would you like to dance sexy," this female dragon with a great looking body and a French accent told me from behind and licked my neck.

"Thanks but I'll think about it," I said, "not to concern you."

"No matter let me know when you change your mind," she said while putting a note in my pocket and then grabbing my nuts.

She walked of she was wearing tight clothes and a French hat. She was blue and black. But I stayed with Mark. We were at the bar drinking shots. Mark had some whiskey and I had vodka.

"I'm going to go dance," he said, "and maybe get laid tonight."

So I went to the dance floor even though I was only good a break dancing. These Hot women keep putting numbers and rubbing my balls which made me feel uncomfortable. Then I looked at Mark he was dancing with a whole bunch of girls around him. So I started getting my groove on and soon I was starting to break dance. I was doing the wind mill, spinning on my back and my head. Then when I was getting drunk I was dancing all naughty with the girls. They were coming in front of me and behind me. I was spanking them and licking them. Then some wolf came and punched me in the face. I got up.

"You better get off my lady you scaly son of a bitch!" He yelled.

"Punch me again and see what happens dip shit," I responed back.

He swung his fist at me with a hook and I grabbed his fist and punched him in the stomach and then kneed him in the head. Then he fell down unconscious. Then I walked to the bar and his girlfriend followed me.

"Hey,' she said.

"What," I said.

"Thanks for teaching that son of a bitch a lesson."

"No problem."

I looked at her she was a grey wolf and had very pretty blue eyes, and then I looked away and grabbed my shot of vodka. She got up and put a slip of paper with her phone number that must be the twentieth phone number I've gotten from the women. Then this dragon that was black with red eyes and wearing a trench coat came to me.

"I know your looking for Pandora's Box," He said with an almost morphous sounding voice.

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Just call me a friend," he said, "come on lets go someplace quieter."

So I followed him out the door and we stopped in front of a store.

"Alright tell me where I can find Pandora's Box?" I asked with a hard tone to my voice.

"There is a map that can lead you to the location of Pandora's Box but my friend has it in a safe but he's in county right now and he's going to be released tomorrow, so as soon as I get that map from him I'll let you know, so give me your cell phone number," he answered while pulling out a slip of paper.

I wrote my cell phone number on it. So I put my number on the paper and gave it back to him and he took it and walked off. So I went back into the club and grabbed Mark but he already left and he probably left with a babe. So I went back to the mansion and while walking up stairs I saw my father standing in the garden with the Japanese flower trees around him with the sun rising and the pedals were flying. I went down stairs to the garden to talk with him.

"Father," I said

"Yes, my son," he said while letting a full flower out of his hand.

"Are you mad at me?"



"Because things are here one day and gone the next and that is something you must learn that you have to forget them and think about the future."

"So you heard that Drake was killed."

"Yes I did."

"Just its just I don't know how to get over things like losing things that are close to me."

"That my son is something I can not teach you, it is something you must learn on your own."

"I see."

Then an Assassin for them jumped and hit me down. My father pulled out his sword from his cane and fought the assassin and knocked him down and stabbed his leg. Since my father didn't believe in killing he started walking away and the assassin pulled out a gun and shot my father in the back four times.

"No!" I screamed.

I got up and grabbed the gun from the assassin and shot him in the head with it. I dropped the gun and ran to my father. Then I saw everybody com outside because they heard the gun shots.

"Father," I said.

"Arakai my son," he said

"Don't worry I'm going to get you to the hospital and get you fixed."

"No it is my time and I want to die like a warrior... By the sword."

So I grabbed his sword from his cane and he put his hand on top of mine. I put the tip of the blade near his chest and I started thinking of all the times we had. The first weapon he gave me which was his knife. Our training sessions, the walks we go on and the time when he held me when mother died. Thinking of all the great times we had made me start forming tears in my eyes. They ran down my face because I couldn't do this, but I knew he wanted me to so I grabbed his other hand and started hearing the words he has said to me before.

"What ever you can reach and succeed is the things found with peace, but the things reached by hate are the things that will destroy you and this is how the world is it is full of nothing but hate and peace will never exist." This phrase has kept me going for many years.

"Are you ready," I said all choked up and with tears streaming down my face.

"Yes," he said with a tear coming out of his eye.

I put him on his knees and thrust the sword into his chest. I put my hand on his face and thought what Am I suppose to do, who will guide me now.

"It is perfect, just perfect," he said looking at the sun.

I kept my hand on his face and I didn't move it. His pupils faded and he fell into an eternal sleep. His body fell onto me and my tear drops fell onto him. Then from he started becoming pink rose pedals until there was nothing left of his body. The rose pedals flew with the flower pedals from the trees and the sword fell on the floor. I got up and grabbed his cane sword and walked inside. I looked at Akkia she had tears in her eyes but I just didn't say anything. I went to the room and just sat there looking at my locket with two pictures one with me and my father and the other with me and Vel.

I closed my eyes and started seeing the night that she and I fell in love. We were just talking with the radio on then the song 'I Need You' from Lady Antebellum came on.

"I love this song," she said.

I keep looking at her with her pure while skin and her blood red hair. She started singing when the song started. Then I decided to join with the male singer and while we were singing we came closer on the slow part on the song then she pushed me away and took of her purple shirt and I took off my grey shirt and as soon as was done we kissed and fell into the night with love filling our hearts and a dreams that we thought we would never have and moves that felt like no other.

Then I opened my eyes and but the locket on my neck and stood on the balcony. Then Akkia came in and saw that I didn't want to talk to anyone. So she left. Two days passed and I didn't talk to anyone, I didn't sleep, and I didn't eat. It had been three days and I kept looking at the locket. I put my head down and started thinking. Then I put my head up I put the locket around my neck and opened my suit case. There were my guns in there. I pulled out my FAMAS looking gun and started loading magazines in. I took an ammo belt and loaded grenades on it for my grenade launcher. I loaded my pistols and supplied my self with two MP-5s. I put my Kevlar vest on over a black long sleeve shirt and put a tan trench coat on and put my father's sword on my back. Then I started writing a note to leave behind.

This is what it said.

'I know I said I'll always be there. But I've lost too much and gained too little. If I must fell hate from the world then I shall give hate back. The Pandora's Assassins have taken too much from me and I'm going start a war on my own for myself and for my father.'

I put the note on my bed, jumped out the window and ran while the moon was still shining. I knew where one of their meeting places was at and I was going to kill every one of them. I was another mansion not far from the one I was staying at. So I jumped the fence and saw guards. I jumped behind one pulled out my father's sword and cut off his head then I killed the other one with a throwing knife. I ran to the power box and pulled out a little electronic device. I hook the little converter and set it to shut off the lights for three minutes. I set it and the lights shut off. Then I ran inside.

"What the fuck," on of the men said, "turn the lights back on."

I was standing on top of the table. I lit a flare and had the sword in my hand. I set the flare down and ran to the guy at the first end I was facing and cut off his head. I swung to the left and chopped the top of another mans head showing his brain. Then I pulled out my pistols and killed the rest of the people at the table. Then the lights turned back on. Warriors were coming out from the doors and I was surrounded. I jumped on the chandler above hanging upside down I pulled out my MP-5s and started spinning and shooting at the same time. I was killing the ones that surrounded me. When I ran out I jumped off the chandler and pulled out my FAMAS looking gun. I shot the one from above and then shot my grenade launcher and blew up some from behind a door. Then one came from behind me and tried to hit me with a chair. I turned around and grabbed the chair from him and hit him with it. Then I stabbed him in the eyes with my gauntlet and the blades came out. I kicked him and it exploded. Then I chased the ones that were running. I pulled out my father's sword and swung at them and cut them in half. I put the extra blades for my gauntlet and stuck them into walls. I walked out of the mansion pulled out a detonator and pressed the button. I felt the heat of the explosion behind me but I never looked back.

I went back to the mansion and took off all my weapons and stood on the balcony in the hallway. Akkia walk up behind me and wrapped her arms around me. She saw I was covered in blood and I knew she read the note.

"I know that was hard for you," she said in a quiet voice.

I looked and Kristin was talking to Mark.

"It was but, I just don't know who will guide me now," I said, "I just don't know who I have left."

"You will always have me."

"But can I keep you protected?"

"Well of course you can keep me out of harms way."

"That's what I thought I could do with every body but everyone that is close to me dies and I can't do anything about it."

I turned around.

"Well..." She said

"Of course I'm no protector because I've let people slip out of my fingers and let them died like Drake and my father," I said.

She looked away for a second and then looked back at me.

"But I swear I'll do everything in my power to keep you protected and alive, even if it means giving up my own life," I said.

She leaned up and kissed me and for what felt for a long time was only a couple of minutes. Then when we let go I turned and saw Kristin kissing Mark and they went into a room and locked the door. I let Akkia go and went into my room. I took off my shirt and laid on my bed. So for about three hours I was laying down thinking about what could happen in the future, then I closed my eyes and started seeing it.

Akkia opened the door slowly, so I didn't hear anything. She started walking wearing a light pink silk robe with the belt untied and she was holding it together. She let it go so she could get onto the bed. I felt the robe fall on to me so I knew she was on top of me and she leaned down and started kissing me. I moved my hands up and started removing the robe off her body. While I felt her feet removing my shorts from my legs and they fell on the floor. I could fell her breasts compressing against my chest and as I moved my hands up her back I felt alive again. She went lower and licked my cock and put it in her mouth she sucked it. Then I grabbed her by the horns and pulled her up and put my tongue in her mouth and since my tongue is forked I grabbed her tongue with it. Her vagina came on my dick when I put my tongue in her mouth. Then I let go of her tongue and grabbed her twit with it and squeezed it as hard as I could.

"Ah, yeah," she said with her scream of pleasure.

Then I started pushing into her and she was doing the sexiest sounds I have heard in years.

"Harder, harder come on harder," She yelped with pleasure.

So I started going harder and her screams became louder and she was starting to drool all over my chest. Then she came down and I flipped her over and she was on the bed now. Pushed in so hard that she let out a scream so loud it probably woke everyone up. Then I felt her claws going into my back and I felt blood streaming down my back but I didn't care.

"Ah oh yeah oh yeah fuck me fuck me hard," she whispered in pleasure.

I took my tongue of her twit and grabbed her breasts and pushed them down. Then she sat up and started sucking on my neck and I was kissing her neck down to her breasts. Then she let go.

"Oh I really want to ride on top of you," she said.

So I laid back down on the bed and she got into position and I started pounding. She was screaming then I started to feel it and I started moaning. She started rubbing her breasts and rubbing everything on her. I lifted my tail and wrapped it around her stomach.

"Pound harder, harder ahhhh (heavy breathing)," She screamed.

Then I started going harder and faster and she was screaming so loud that I couldn't hear my self think. She and I were in almost felt like getting that gooey feeling inside and with one final push of energy she screamed so loud that is sounded like the world could hear it. Then I was wiped out and she fell right on to my chest, then I set the covers on us. We both were breathing so heavily that we could hardly speak and from being exhausted we quickly fell asleep and didn't speak for the rest of the night.

The next morning I woke up felling so alive and well. Akkia had walked out. I looked on the floor and she took my shirt and her robe. I got some clothes on and walked out of my room. I found Akkia and wrapped my arms around her and started kissing her cheeks and her neck. She was laughing because it felt funny.

"Good morning," she said.

"Morning to you," I said and then kissed her.

Kristin and Mark still haven't come out since last night. So I started wondering if they might be asleep or were they. But I didn't bother to know because I didn't want to know. I walked into the living room and turned on the TV to the news. It was show the mansion that I blew up.

"Authorities are saying that it might have been a leak from one of the water heaters," the female new reporter said.

Then I turned it to another new channel.

"So far the death toll rate is at about 40," another news reporter said.

Akkia walked in and sat down.

"Arakai can I ask you something," she said.

"Yes you can," I responded.

"Where were you last night?"

"I was out."

"You know I read that note you put on your bed right."

"I knew you would."

"And I know you went to that mansion because you knew it was a meeting place for them."

"So and your point is?"

"Look what I'm trying to say is that revenge won't bring your father back."

"But at least it will make me feel better."

"But you'll get killed soon."

"Well what if I want to be killed!"

"Well that's your decision."

"And it's a good one."

"You can't start a one man war!"

"Yes I can because that's what I'm built for is killing and nothing else."

"You make me sick you cold blooded heartless inhumane son of a bitch."

She walked away. I got up and went outside and stood by a wall rubbing my eyes.

"Fuck!" I said hitting the wall.

I started walking when my cell phone started ringing.

"Hello," I said.

"Yes I have the map," he said.

"Good very good... When can you give it to me?"

"Late afternoon tomorrow."


"Yes now take it or you don't get your map."

"Fine I'll see you tomorrow and you better have that map."

"I will."

He hung up and I put my phone away. I stood in the garden thinking why this all happened to me. Why did my father die and all the others. But then a revelation came to my mind. Now I know why this all happened to me. It happened because I have to end the war between us and the Pandora's Assassins, I have to bring just a small measure of peace back to the world. So I walked back up to my room and fell asleep. I started having these old visions of past battles and I stood there watching my self but the carnage was too gruesome for me.

I woke up the next day and saw it was 1:00pm so I slept over twelve hours. I looked over the balcony and saw him coming. I ran to the door. Opened it and stood outside.

"Hello," he said.

"Hello again my friend," I said generously, "do you have the map?"

"Yes, here it is," he said pulling it out of his trench coat.

Then a good ten ninjas landed around us, with their weapons out and ready to strike. But I had none of my weapons or did I.

"Give us the map," the ninja said.

"Never," he said.

"Then you'll give it to us in pieces!" He yelled.

The ninja swung his sword and he grabbed the ninja and stabbed him with a knife. My friend threw off the trench coat and he was wearing armor that was silver with many symbols on it. I pulled out my MP-5s and opened fire and he pulled out two Uzi's and opened fire also. We stood back to back shooting at them. Then more ninjas came out with guns and swords. I pulled out a knife with a chain and did a long swipe and cut over twelve of them in half. Then one came out from behind me and the dragon pulled out his broad sword and killed the ninja. After he killed that last one, we though it was over but it was far from over. We turned and there was a large suit of power armor armed with grenade launchers and mini guns. It started to open fire and we dodged the bullets and grenades. I shot at it and bullets didn't affect it.

"Fuck! Well what are we going to do?" I said.

"Do you know how to do the move called red scarlet?" He asked.

"Not really."

"Well your going to fully know it now."

Our swords were out and we swung at the same time and we did all the same moves and then we were behind it. We put our swords away, turned around and it fell into peices. The dragon started walking away.

"Wait!" I said.

"What," he said turning around.

"Are you Sauron?" I asked


"Oh my fucking god it's Sauron the legendary warrior my clan!"

"Alright now calm down."

"I'm sorry but I am on a mission here to search for Pandora's Box and keep away from the Pandroa's Assassins."

"Pandora's Assassins?"

"You know those ninjas that attacked us."


"They were some of their ninjas."


"But I have a very important question, Will you help me in this mission?"

"Yes I will and I will be in your debt."

"Thank you Sauron."

Then the door open and Kristin started walking out and grabbed both of us.

"Wait what are you doing Kristin!" I yelled as she put hand cuffs on both of us.

"your under arrest," She said, "got them send in the truck." She took all of our weapons and armor.

"Copy that out," The person on the radio said.

"You CIA bitch," I screamed. The truck came and other agents came out and put us in the back and closed the door and I knew we were going to be innterrogated.