Book 6 - Chapter 1 – Through the Fire and the Flames, a Trial by Night

Story by Skye on SoFurry

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#2 of Book 6

Chapter 1 - Through the Fire and the Flames, a Trial by Night

It was early morning in Chicago when the boys dropped from the ships transporter beam and headed towards the downtown core; they needed to set-up a shelter and establish somewhere to live. It was going to be an interesting experiment they were living out, helping Becka and Serina gather Intel on how well morphs can get over the traumatic experience of being a morph, it was one for the books for sure.

The next few hours passed quickly with the boys realizing that they would need to quench their thirst eventually, and they all knew it would be taking a life, but they weren't all that bothered, which is what scared them the most, they had lost the part of them which feared death, the part of them which feared taking life, they were losing their humanity.

"Skye?" Josh asked.

"Yeah?" Skye asked, his head still hung, he had set-up their base, an abandoned warehouse, furnished with some comforts from the Thunder, but nothing too fancy.

"Are... Are you okay?" Josh asked his voice cracking.

"Yeah, I'm... fine." Skye replied turning to see the younger boy.

"Don't lie to me!" Josh began breaking down, "I can feel it on you, on everyone, I may not have known Alex as well as you guys, but my abilities are feeding off your pain, it's really getting to me, I don't like being depressed!"

Skye was taken aback, he didn't realize that when Josh made ties to an extra, that he took empathetic roots with them, he could feel their pain, feel their emotions, and convert his powers accordingly.

"So let's talk, get it out, and stop letting it eat you inside, it wasn't your fault, I was there remember!" Josh shouted, tears flowing from his eyes, which ever since he had landed on Earth had began glowing with a faint golden light, like they were encasing a golden liquid.

Skye looked at him, his own eyes glowing brighter as tears began flowing from his eyes, they sat down on the couch and looked at each other, Spencer, Lukas and Ryan joined him, they spoke; for what seemed like the first time in days.


The Dawn was breaking outside, the sunlight just cracking over the horizon; a new day was beginning and with their inner demons dealt with, the group was much closer and ready to take on their new life.

"I'm going to hit the sack!" Lukas announced yawning, and stretching as he shook his blond hair from his eyes, it fell back into place almost immediately, in his boy toy look.

"What made you choose that hairstyle anyways?" Ryan asked walking by.

"I don't know, I thought it looked sexy... and my guy on rock band looks sexy with it, so I thought it would look good on me, why doesn't it?" he asked.

"I think it's sexy!" Skye laughed as he walked by Lukas, smacking his ass as he went.

"Then I'm happy!" Lukas laughed, "Now, let's hit the sac, I'm beat!"

The boys made their way to their beds, which surprisingly were really comfortable considering they had chosen different rooms off the main area of the ware house, insuring the doors were all locked.

Hours after the blinds had been closed in the warehouse, the boys were all asleep, all but two; Skye and Lukas were both awake, lying in their own beds they couldn't sleep, something was bothering them.

It was Lukas who made the move, he threw back his covers and slid down the bed, finally standing up and walking into the common room shared between the groups. Carefully he tiptoed into Skye's doorway, looking at his bed.

Despite the room being pitch black, both Lukas and Skye's enhanced vision could easily see one another, almost as if the person was a bright light against the darkness, their auras, a glow that their extras give off.

"Skye, can I..." Lukas began.

"Come here," Skye said softly, pulling the sheets back on the bed.

Lukas carefully walked over to the side of the bed, his body clad only in his black boxers, seemed to glow with life.

Skye reached over and helped Lukas down, until he was lying alongside Skye, his warm soft skin now touching his bare chest.

"I'm so sorry!" Lukas began sobbing, tears running down his face.

"Shh," Skye whispered, rolling Lukas so that he now faced him; using his thumb to whip away the tears.

"I should have done something, I should have known, if I'm part of this family I should have sensed it!"

"You wouldn't, trust me, Spike blocked everything; Lukas don't blame yourself." Skye replied pulling Lukas into a hug, the boy melting against him, resting his head against Skye's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"What is it that you see in me? I mean I'm a useless, a piece of scum, Joey was right." Lukas muttered.

"Look at me!" Skye replied, tilting the boy's head to his, looking at Lukas this closely, Skye had never noticed just how green his eyes were, his blond hair covering the tops like the shoreline surrounds the ocean. You couldn't even tell Lukas was turning 16; he still looked fourteen, still so innocent.

"I can see more than what's on the outside, and ever since these vampire extras manifested themselves, I can see more, Lukas, you're defiantly one of us, you're a part of this!" Skye said looking at him.

"But... I..." Lukas was silenced when Skye's lips gently touched his own, it was a brief kiss, but it spoke volumes, the entire emotional message conveyed within a single touch.

A split second passed before Lukas leaned back into Skye, kissing him again, this time when they broke apart they looked into one another's eyes, noticing they were glazed over with lust, they knew what they wanted and they knew they both wanted it.

Skye and Lukas' lips met again, this time more fiercely, the kiss was passionate, hot, and their emotions feeding their extras which floated freely above them like the Northern Lights, dancing and mixing together.

Lukas' lips were the first to part, allowing his tongue to enter Skye's mouth, his touch innocent, passionate, and lustful; the boy's fingers sliding along Skye's torso, until they were on his chest and abdomen.

"I've wanted this for so long!" Lukas whispered between kisses.

"I know," Skye replied, "I see thoughts remember!" he laughed as he pulled the blond locks out of Lukas' eyes and kissed his lips again.

Their tongues duelling for control, the two kissed deeper and deeper, the dance their extra's were engaged in increased in passion as they did, the wisps of light colliding and creating additional sparks, which showered down on the boys like shooting stars.

Lukas' hands slide lower and lower on Skye, until they were resting on the elastic on his boxers, which were tented as badly as Lukas' wet spots forming in the same places.

Before Skye could say anything, Lukas was down kissing his belly button, before he slipped his hands into Skye's boxers, retrieving his treasure; once his eyes met his prize he slowly lowered his head, parting his lips as Skye felt himself encased in the wet warmth of Lukas' mouth.

Skye gasped, his hands finding their way into Lukas' blond locks as he fed him more of his seven-incher and Lukas was no novice, he was taking it like a pro, slowly sucking down until his lips brushed against Skye's smooth base, before he slowly slid back up its length, and once he reached the tip, he teased the head with his tongue before going back down on it driving Skye crazy.

Lukas continued this for a few more minutes until Skye heard his thoughts push into his head, "Fuck me."

"Are you sure?" Skye asked, looking down at the most provocative scene of his life, Lukas holding his cock just inches from his warm mouth, watching the river of precum run down its length before running his tongue up the shaft and collecting the pre in his mouth.

Lukas slide up to Skye's mouth and shared a deep kiss with him, the pre sliding between their mouths, and as they separated, a single strand of pre connected their tongue.

"Please, do it!" Lukas begged again, turning around on the bed, exposing his perfectly smooth bubble butt to Skye.

Skye leaned forwards, and slowly washed his tongue across Lukas' hole, it was super clean and smelled like strawberries, apparently Lukas had prepared.

"Oh my god Skye, that feels soo good!" Lukas moaned; his back arching and his blond locks falling into his eyes as his head fell backwards.

Skye continued to bathe Lukas' pucker; his boyish groans pushing Skye further and further along the path, making his decision for him, he pulled back, looking at him. Lukas turned his head, looking back over his thin tanned body, eyes half lidded he looked at Skye, flashed an amazing smile and said two words, "Do it!"

Skye rubbed his fingers together, his extra kicking it, the matter between his fingers became extremely slippery, a clear liquid forming; Skye took his fingers and smeared the lube across Lukas's pucker, causing the boy to groan and sigh as Skye soon worked a finger into him.

After a few minutes of Skye thoroughly working in Lukas, he leaned over his back, and whispered into his ears, "You sure?"

"Yesssssssss," Lukas almost hissed, as he kissed Skye's lips.

Skye lined up his member at Lukas' entrance, slowly he pressed forwards, his un-cut head sliding in slowly.

Lukas moaned as Skye entered him, and quickly adjusted as Skye waited for him to get ready, "Go on."

Skye pushed slowly the rest of the way in, until his smooth waist was meshed against Lukas' perfectly shaped mounds.

As Lukas adjusted to the full feeling in him, Skye began pulling back out, setting up a rhythm with his bed mate.

Soon the faint sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room as Skye and Lukas settled into the grove of their fucking.

Skye couldn't help but groan aloud as he ploughed the younger boy, his balls slapping against Lukas's; the boy on his hands and knees his blond locks in his eyes with his head tilted back, groans egging him on.

Skye leaned forwards and whispered into Lukas' ears, "turn over."

Lukas rolled onto his back, spreading his legs again as his own almost seven inch member now fell flat against his taught tummy, pre leaking heavily from the tip.

As Skye leaned forwards, he licked Lukas' dripping tool, leaving the boy wanting more as he re-aligned his cock with the boy's entrance.

His thrust was quick and hard, burrowing back deep into Lukas' on the first go, Skye was laying into him now in a beastly manor, kissing him and sucking his tongue as they went, at this pace they weren't going to last long.

As the boys went at it in a animal state, their extra's above their heads continued smashing together and mixing as one, they too were building up to a climax.

A few more thrusts sent both boys over the edge, their element slammed together as Skye seeded Lukas, their essences mixing, Skye could feel the energy of Lukas welling within him, being absorbed, as he leaned forwards and sunk his fangs into Lukas' neck, which resulted in his cry of pleasure as they shared essences.

After a few seconds, both boys began to come down from their highs, Lukas had not only coated Skye's hand but the bed below him was coated in his silvery seed.

Skye and Lukas collapsed onto the bed, side by side they looked into each other's eyes; their extras drifting back into them, some colours had been mixed, but they found their way back to their hosts.

"That....was am...amazing!" Lukas panted, kissing Skye tenderly.

"Yeah..." was all Skye could say, at a loss for words, he wasn't sure why but for some reason his resolve against Lukas being with him had faded, he almost could consider them possibly becoming an item of sorts.

They kissed again before Skye wrapped his arm around Lukas' naked form, his contours matching his own. They drifted into a deep and dream-free slumber.


Outside the ware house, the day was ending, the night slowly creeping over the sun's rays, and soon the world was bathed in darkness; the stars clouded out by Chicago's light pollution.

Inside however, the boys were beginning to wake up, their new sleep cycle settling in rather quickly they awoke and began their 'morning' activities.

Lukas woke with a start, as did Skye, Ryan was standing at the door, looking in, a smile on his face, "Someone got some action last night!" he laughed.

"You only wish you could have got in on it!" Lukas countered, much to Skye's surprise.

"Damn right, I can see that, Skye hasn't had that glow since... well... you know." Ryan drifted off.

"Since Alex was alive?" Skye asked, his mood quickly changing, a deep coldness sweeping across the room; causing the hair on both Ryan and Lukas' necks to stand on end.

"But that's behind you, Skye you're the best one at moving on, we need that now, we can't adjust to this lifestyle if you're not willing to move on." Ryan replied.

"Look, we may not have been 'together' when he died, but part of me did still love him, we were a thing, and I can't really forget that." Skye replied.

"Yes, but your heart and body made that choice, you knew what it would mean breaking up with him, and you did, and he died in battle, it's practically part of our job description, like look at James." Lukas replied.

"That was my fault as well!" Skye replied.

"Not everything is your fault!" Evan shouted, as he walked by the door, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Evan... I" Skye started but stopped, he knew this was a losing battle; Evan had lost his first love, in darkness and real life.

Skye got up from his bed, Lukas following, they had a brief shower and walked into the main room of the warehouse, computer parts and equipment still scattered everywhere.

_"Alex would have rolled in his grave has he seen this mess, he would have had all the equipment all sorted and working by now"_Skye thought.

As Skye walked across the room towards the main monitor, intending on setting it up he noticed Evan, sitting outside, facing the bay, he could feel the pain coming off of the boy, he knew he had to do something.

(Change to first person, Skye's point of view)

"Hey," I said walking up to him, his brown curly hair blowing in the breeze.

"Sup," Evan replied, trying to cover his emotions, his voice still cracking with grief.

"I thought you could use some company!" I said walking up and sitting behind him, putting my legs on either side of him, I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him back. "It's okay."

Evan broke down, "I can't take it! I loved him... LOVED him; he was EVERYTHING!" Evan sobbed, his emotions freeing his extra, the emerald particles surrounding his body.

"I know, it's hard, Alex and I were..." I couldn't say any more, I didn't to break down holding him, it wouldn't help anything.

I couldn't think of anything else to do, but I knew what I would want, someone to hold me, so I wrapped my arms tighter around him, pulling his tear stained face against my chest, his tears soaking through my t-shirt.

As I felt my own grief wash over me the skies above us rapidly clouded over, heavy rain drops falling, splashing across my Skin. Once again, my emotions were ruining the night for countless people in Chicago, the clouds getting darker as my sorrows grew.

Time passed, it had almost been an hour, Evan held on to me for what seemed like forever, his sobs never ending, then all at once they did, he had cried his pain out, his emotion, he was free of its weight.

I wiped the tears out of my own eyes, I could see clearly now, I knew in my heart I tried everything that I could to save them, their death WASN'T my fault. As soon as I had made this decision and the decision to keep their memories alive, the skies began to clear, the moon and some stars over Lake Michigan began to make themselves clear again, shining brighter than they had before.

"Hey Evan, you wanna go see Navy Pier tonight?" I asked hoping to lift his mood further.

"I've never even been there before; I'm Canadian dude, same as you, so yeah let's go!" Evan smiled, and god it felt good to see his beautiful face light up.

"Hey guys, let's go out for the night, we need some air, and I'm taking Evan to see Navy Pier, cool?" I asked, changing out of my wet clothes into a long sleeved Hollister hoodie; it was thin, yet warm, perfect for spring.

"Sure, let me get dressed," Lukas shouted, grabbing his clothes and disappearing into his room.
