Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 9

Story by Tallish on SoFurry

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#9 of Daughter of the Claw

The ninth chapter (of ten) in an on-going story following Tallish--an Anthro canine male and his daughter.

Your comments mean the world to me. Please, if you read the whole chapter, take a moment to let me know what you think of my work. I appreciate constructive criticism as well.

The burgers arrived an hour after Menia placed the order. Given how long they took to arrive she and her dad figured they'd be cold. The squirrel delivery driver assured them the food had been made only minutes before he picked the order up. He said it took as long as it had because the meal was made to order and there'd been a long queue.

The burgers, fries, and pair of shakes sat untouched on the kitchen table. Father and daughter were too busy reading, rereading, and talking about the message Menia had gotten about fifteen minutes before the meal arrived.

"This is the only thing you've gotten from him since you watched his dog?"

"Yes." Menia scrolled up through the messages from Begolin, back down, and read the most recent one again.

Begolin: *I know what you did with Rava. We need to speak. Alone. Meet me at Gebe Park tomorrow at 7am sharp. This isn't a request.*

"He has no idea where we live, right?"

Menia shrugged. "I met him at the corner market, not here. He might have watched where I went, I don't know."

"So you didn't see him drive off or anything." Menia shook her head. "Well, here's the good news: he doesn't know what I look like either. I'll come with you to the park--not with you at the same time, a little before. I'll find a place where I can read my paper and keep an eye on you."

Menia nodded and rotated the shake cup with thumb and middle finger. She'd heard him, but her mind was wandering. Clear thought eluded her. Vague ideas blumbled their way in and out. She thought of Rava, of her dad, and what had happened with both. The former a couple days ago, the latter about an hour past. That voice of hers that had been so against her doing anything with Tallish was back, scolding her.

What'd you expect would happen? It said. Did you think tasting Rava and doing what you did with your dad would be good?

Menia grimaced. It was good, she shot back. Both. I'm not going to feel bad about either. I don't feel bad.

"Are you worried?" Tallish asked, and his daughter dipped her chin in a nod. "Don't be," he said, setting a paw on her arm. "I'll be there."

"I know, but you're not supposed to do anything that causes stress. What if he..." She opened the bag, pulled a fry out, took a tiny bite. "...tries to kidnap me," she said, looking him in the eyes. "You'll stop him?"


"What if that causes an issue with your head? The doctors wouldn't have told you to take half a year off from work just because."

"I feel fine, Menia. They're being cautious is all. I really don't think I'll need to rescue you from a kidnapping attempt, but if it comes to that I will."

"What do you think he wants to talk about?"

Tallish reached into the bag, pulled the burgers out, and unwrapped his. "Good question," he said, looking where to take his first bite. "Maybe he's got a canine partner and they were able to get a sense of what happened from Rava, but unless he can lie--and I've never heard of a dog being able to do that--they'll know what I know. Rava was extremely happy with you. Maybe Begolin just wants to know why his pup is such a fan of yours." He found a good spot to start. Lettuce, melty cheese, a peaking pickle, a bit of oozing meat.

"Yeah, maybe."

Why am I not more worried? A practical stranger wants to talk to my daughter and made it clear she should be alone. That's not typical. "May I see your phone? The text he sent."

Menia, burger in one hand, passed her dad her phone with her other. She finished her bite and asked, "What're you doing?"

Tallish wiped his hands clean, read the text, and tapped Begolin's name to bring up his contact information, then dialed him. The phone rang three times before there was a click. Menia was watching him with a grin.

"Menia?" Begolin answered. "I'm sure you're a little concerned, but I assure you there's no reason to be. I apologize if my text was a little unsettling, I can see how it would be. I thought about sending a follow up, but decided against it."

"This isn't Menia," Tallish said, adding a soft growl to his words.

"Ah, her father?"

"That's right."

"Yes, well, I can certainly understand any anger you might be feeling. A strange man asking to meet your girl alone? Abnormal. My request--"

"You said it wasn't a request."

"Yes, well, it obviously was."

"How is that obvious when you say the complete opposite?"

"Look, Mr. ..."


"Mr. Ranercosta."

"Tallish is fine."

"Tallish then," Begolin said. "I have a tendency to be more, ah ... stiff? Rough around the edges? Harsh? Pick your descriptor, but I'm not the most charming person you'll ever meet. I'm a little too straight-forward to be called warm. I need to talk to Menia alone because what I have to ask her needs to be her decision. I wish I could say more, really I do. But after we talk tomorrow morning--assuming we do--I imagine she'll tell you all about it. I hope that's some small solace."

"And what if I come with her? What'll you do?"

"Nothing. I'll wish you both a good day and that'll be that."

"What if I'm standing a ways off, to watch and make sure nothing weird is happening?"

"That would be fine, but I'll have to ask that you're at least a hundred feet distant. What I have to talk to her about is for her ears only. Maybe a hundred feet isn't even enough, I don't know how good your hearing is. At least that far away you shouldn't be able to share your thoughts concerning what I'm saying."

"I'm not sure what kind of relationship you think we have..." Tallish said and saw Menia's eyes widen. "...but we talk. Whatever you tell her she's going to pass on to me."

"Oh, I figured as much, that's fine. I don't care."

"Then why--"

"What I'm going to ask her will come ... look, I really can't say anything about it without revealing more than I want to. Come to Gebe Park, stand a way off, I don't mind, and she'll tell you all about it. I need to go."

Tallish was starting to feel pissed. Who did this guy think he was making these demands? But before he could say anything the line went dead.

"Weird." Menia said.

"No kidding."

"Do you think we should do anything?"

"Call the police or something you mean?"

"Yeah?" Menia said.

"They'd ask what we knew and right now it's basically nothing. I don't think we have any reason to. How do you feel about meeting him?"

"Mm," she picked a fry from the pile, dipped it into ketchup, lifted her shoulders. "I don't know. It's kind of weird, but I'll go if you'll be there too."

"You'll still have school. If you need to miss your first class I'll give them a call or write a note."

The next day Tallish and Menia walked to Gebe Park. Begolin was already there near a tree, with Rava sitting next to him. When Menia saw him she told her dad she'd be fine.

Tallish bent down and gave her a gentle lick on the cheek, then a second on her ear lobe. "Don't be afraid to run if you think things are getting weird. I'll come to you right away."

"Okay," she said. "Talk soon." She stood there, Begolin and Rava a few dozen yards away, and her dad walking off in the opposite direction to put a hundred feet between them as agreed. Begolin waved to her a minute later and she walked over to him.

"Good morning, Menia." He smiled with his mouth, even while his eyes searched her with predatory intensity.

"Hi," she said. Rava took a couple steps toward her and stuck his nose right between her legs, sniffed, whined, and licked the front of her pants. "Okay?" She giggled. "Good morning to you too."

Begolin purred, his jaw tensed, a flicked of a greedy smile passed over his visage, eyes included. "Mm, very interesting."

"What is?" Menia asked, looking down at Rava and petting his head. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I want you to mother Rava's litter."

Menia dragged her attention away from the dog up to the feline. "Mother ... do ... what? I ... How would, what?" She shook her head.

"You're compatible. I know you are, and so does Rava. Which, to be fair, is how I know. You might think he's just some mutt, a mix of this and that, a good boy I rescued, but nothing could be further from the truth. Rava's bloodline has been in my family for the past six generations. More than five hundred years. Every single descendant of his great-great-great..." Begolin rolled his hand. "...grandfather has mated with a compatible human. Rava's blood is special, very special."

Menia's head was spinning, she was feverish, her eyes had gone all woozy and she was finding it hard to keep her balance. Laughter boomed in her ears. The sound of ripping flesh and jungle drums. Dad, where are you, she wondered.

Begolin put a hand on the girl's shoulder, "Are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." The dizziness was gone, but she still felt wrong. Her insides were all mixed up. "I don't think what you want is possible."

"I assure you, it is. I'm sure you'll want to think this over and talk to your father, but I should add one thing: I would pay." He said, and Menia nodded more as a thing to do than because she really understood what he was saying. "I'll give you three million if the pregnancy is a success." Begolin reached down and scratched Rava's head. "Think about it, huh? Let me know within the week or else I'll know I need to keep looking for a suitable mate for Rava."

Tallish hung up his phone and set it on the counter. "They said your teachers will send you emails with your homework."

"Alright," Menia said, only responding because she'd heard something said. Nothing made sense.

Tallish took a seat across from her at the table. "Can you tell me what he said yet?" All he knew at this point was Begolin had asked her to do something, but when he'd asked her what she'd only shaken her head and said she needed time. That'd been an hour ago when they were leaving the park.

"He wants me to ... mate with Rava."

Tallish's mouth fell open. He closed it, tilted his head, scratched his neck, pushed two fingers up along the top of his snout up between his eyes. "Why?"

"Aren't you mad?" Menia glared at him.

Tallished lifted and showed her his palms. "Hey, whoa, maybe. I'm trying to process what you told me, babe. That's not what I expected. I really don't know what I was thinking he was going to talk to you about, but it wasn't that."

Babe? Has he ever called me that before? "Yeah, sorry. Me either."

"Why does he want you to do that?"

"He says that's how Rava's bloodline for hundreds of years has continued."

Bloodline? Continued? Wait, whoa, what ... she means-- "Not only mate with him then, he wants you to get pregnant?" She nodded and "mmhmmed" in response. How ... that ... what? She was compatible, okay, sure, but didn't that just mean she found canine's more appealing than any other species? That didn't mean she could breed with them, right? He'd never heard of that before.

"He acted like it was a for sure thing. I don't have a clue how that's supposed to work or why he knows it will."

"I don't understand why though."

"He said that's how Rava's great-great-great ... all the way back has been."

"You mean Rava was born from ... a human? A compatible human gave birth to Rava?"

Menia shrugged. She hadn't asked Begolin, but that's certainly what it sounded like. "I guess."

Tallish widened then closed his eyes. This was too much. "Why does he think you would agree to that?"

"I guess because he offered me three million if the pregnancy went well."


"Uh-huh." Saying it out loud had done something to her. Or, no, it wasn't only that, it was saying it aloud and seeing her dad's reaction. The look of hopeful relief. He's worried about not working and using all that emergency fund. He's thinking about the next accident that happens. If all that money was gone, what would we do? "What're you thinking?"

"I don't know, Menia," he sipped his tea for something to do. "This is a lot."

"We could sit here and talk for hours, days even. We could go on and on and on about the pros and cons and the risks, but I think maybe I should ask him one question."

"What's that?"

"If he'll pay five."

"Maybe we should see a doctor about this, Menia. I don't know--"

"Me either. But here's what I do know. You're not working. We don't have a ton of money. If this works we'd be set for years. We could travel, maybe even go and meet up with mom."

What am I supposed to say? Should I refuse to allow this? Tell her absolutely not. I'd have to take her phone, watch her every hour of every day. Impossible. "Okay," he said. "Ask him."

Menia stared at him, stunned. On hearing him say that she realized she'd been half hoping he'd try and stop her. "That isn't what I thought you were going to say."

"Yeah? Me either, but I also know that if I try to stop you that might just make you do it anyways. I want to meet with him and learn more about this whole thing, but I don't think it's for me to say what you should or shouldn't do with your body."

Menia grabbed her phone, unlocked it, and sent a message to Begolin. *Okay, I'm interested. But three million isn't enough. I'd like five.*

A response came back less than a minute later. *Agreable. When would you like to talk about the details? And I assume you spoke with your father.*

Menia: *I did, yes. I can meet anytime you want.*

Begolin: *Tonight. 6pm.* He said and the follow up message was an address.

Menia plugged the address into her phone's map. The place Begolin had given her to meet was downtown, one of the huge towers where the center of business was. She'd always assumed people lived in some of them, probably knew they did on some level, but had never met anyone that did.

"He said that's agreeable," she told her dad.

"The five million?" Tallish said.

"Yeah, and he'd like to meet tonight to talk about things."

Tallish blew a long breath out the side of his mouth. "That's soon, whew. Did he say if I have to stand a hundred feet away this time too?"

"I'll ask."

Menia: *Can my dad come?*

Begolin: *The only one that'll be cumming is Rava. Ha! Yes, of course he can be there.*

Menia showed her dad the text and she saw his jaw tense, his eyes narrow. "It's just a joke, dad."

The tower they were to meet Begolin at was thirty-five floors high. A welcome desk sat on the right side of the marble floor lobby and a lizard with a cap on was working at a computer. Forty foot tall carved stone pillars supported the first floor and a group of chairs off to the left were situated near a fireplace.

The lizard looked up from his work when the pair walked in. "Welcome to Coll Tower, can I help?"

"We're here to see Begolin." Tallish walked up to the desk, Menia at his side.

"Ah, yes, he left a note saying a canine and his daughter would be stopping by," the lizard smiled and dipped his head. "Did you find parking alright?"

"We hired a car," Tallish said.

"Very good, very good. Unless you need anything else from me you're welcome to head on up to the thirty-second floor."

"Is there a room or anything?" Menia asked.

"Mm? Oh, no. Begolin lives on that floor. The entire floor is his. The one above and below as well, but he asked that you join him on thirty-two. Just knock on the first door you see--impossible to miss. You'll be let in."

The door was indeed impossible to miss. It was the only door to see when the elevator opened. It sat down a short hall. The one odd thing about the door was that it was set into an even larger set of two doors.

Menia gave her dad a questioning look and he returned it, then said, "Maybe for furniture?"

Tallish rapped twice on the door. A few moments later it opened and a gorgeous collie wearing a V-shaped dress opened the door. The 'dress' was more akin to a pair of ribbons laid over her breasts and meeting at her crotch before falling to her ankles.

"Hello," she beamed. "Oh fifth dragon, you are cute. I can totally see why he likes you so much." She cupped Menia's face with a paw, leaning forward to do so.

The ribbons hung slack and Tallish could see everything, nipples and all.

"I'm Begolin's--"

"Mistress, partner, associate, assistant. Sometimes more," Begolin said, walking up behind her. "Are you going to invite them in, Nena?"

"Oh! Of course, I'm so sorry. Come in, come in."

The room was enormous. There were couches set in a square with twenty feet between each, pillows littered the floor, and at the center of them was a table laden with food. There were bottles of wine, juice, and various flavors of sparkling water. Jerky, cheese, crackers, and vegetable platters sat amid the drinks.

Toward one side of the room was a full bar, bigger than most restaurants had even. There were dozens, hundreds even, of bottles with every color and hue of liquid imaginable. All contained in bottles of varying designs. From plain to ornate to ostentatious.

"Feel free to have whatever you like," Begolin said, waving to the spread. "Who should I talk to about the payment? Father? Daughter?"

Menia looked over at her dad. "Yeah, my dad."

"Right over here," Begolin pointed to a rolling suitcase. He bent and lifted it up onto a bartop. "If you'd like to count it, by all means I probably would too. Each bundle contains a hundred bills, and there are five hundred bundles, totalling the agreed five million."

"I thought you were going to pay us after." Tallish said.

Begolin nodded. "That's right, but I still wanted to show you. Hearing a thing and seeing it is quite different."

"Ah-h-h," Nena cooed. "There he is." She knelt and opened her arms to Rava. The pup walked into the room, tail wagging, tongue lolling. Nena pulled him close and kissed the top of his head. He whined, pulled away, and jogged over to Menia.

Menia smiled and pet his head. He pushed into her head and sniffed up her leg to between them.

Begolin hissed and Rava's ears drooped. The dog pulled away and curled up on a pillow at Menia's feet.

"Sorry about that, he's quite excited."

"Yes he is," said Nena, sitting next to him. Her dress fell to the side allowing her pussy to be seen with but a glance. She ran a hand along his belly down to his sheath where the tip of his cock was peaking out. "How're you feeling?" Nena asked Menia, her hand still encouraging Rava to grow.

Menia, watching Nena, said: "I'm not sure." But that was hardly the truth. The smell coming from Rava was making her wet, filling her mouth with saliva, and she longed to taste his tongue in her mouth. More than that her body seemed to beg for him, and he knew it. It went both ways. She calling to him, and he to her.

"Oh," Nena smiled as Rava grew out of his sheath and into her hand. "You seeing this, Begolin?"

"I am."

Tallish was too and, of the four of them, was by far the most conflicted. The one thing that calmed him enough to not demand Menia leave with him right that moment was how much she was clearly enthralled with the pup.

Menia slid off the couch and the skirt she was wearing rode up to her waist. Her panties beneath, were soaked through. She felt warm all over, the colors in the room were brighter, deeper, and sounds were more crisp--closer. She could place every inhale and exhale coming from her dad, Begolin, Nena, and Rava.

She pushed her hand over her stomach and heard her dad ask Begolin if he'd drugged his daughter. The panther chuckled and said not at all, unless Tallish considered her meeting Rava drugging her.

"When Rava came home after meeting your girl Nena connected with him and found out just how much he adores her. That sort of connection is only possible with someone that's compatible on a very deep level. What your daughter is experiencing is that connection. Don't worry, it doesn't last too long."

"What's that mean?"

"Once they mate it'll begin to fade."

And when were they going to do that? Tallish wondered. Given what he was seeing it looked as though it would be sooner than later.