
Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Marissa knew she was somewhere, but couldn't tell. The world just seemed to spin around her. She opened her eyes, only to see nothing. Just an enveloping darkness.

'Shit. Something's blinded me.'

There was something else missing, something important. Pushing the thought aside, she sat up. The world just seemed to spin faster, causing to almost pass out. Shaking her head and blinking a couple of times helped. She realized that she was only wearing her bra and panties. The rest of her clothes were gone. Reaching back to adjust her bra, she panicked.

'My wings! They're gone!' She began feeling around her back. The two feathered limbs were gone. 'Fuck no, fuck no, fuck no. Fucking hell, fucking hell, fucking hell!' She began to shake, then stopped herself. 'Get a grip. What might have happened? Rape on me. Attempted rape. Tourture for being a shapeshifter.' The list ran on and on in her head, all negative.

Suddenly, a door opened, letting light flood into the room. A humanoid shape walked in. Marissa switched the combat instinct that Lacyus had taught her. She rolled of the bed, then rolled under it, readying her arms and legs to fling the matress and crush her opponent.

"It won't work." A female said in a soothing voice. "Human bodies are very weak. Come out here where I can see you."

Marissa ignored the potential threat, attempting to lift the matresses. She only could get them up about two inches before her arms and legs gave out. Switching to her backup, she rolled out from under the bed, standing up, putting herself in a fighting stance.

The human started towards her. "Please, just calm down. You probably have a bit of amne-"


Marissa's left fist connected with the human's face. The human stumbled back, trying to stop her bleeding nose. Suddenly, it seemed to change shape. It came at her again, dodged her punches, then pinned her against the wall.

"That's enough." Marissa was staring into the face of a female wolf Xenomorph. The wolf released her and Marissa yanked the blankets off the bed, covering herself up in it. "JACOB! She's awake. Already punched me."

A human male walked in the room. Marissa cemented herself against the wall, suddenly embarassed to be naked in front of him, despite the blankets.

"My name is Jacob and this is my partner Ally." the male said. "Welcome to Earth."

Marissa's brain snapped, remebering every detail of the days up till now. "You're the agents I was supposed to meet, right?"

"Correct." Jacob explained everything she needed to know.

All the time while Jacob was talking, Marissa felt a feeling rising in her. It was the same feeling she got with Lacyus four years ago. It was becoming unbearable. When Jacob finished and Ally left, she pulled Jacob aside. She whispered her situation into Jacob's ear. Jacob smiled.

"So you want some sex, eh?"

"Will Ally mind?" Marissa's instinctual need began to cloud her logic.

"Not at all. We get regularly swapped out at our post. Besides, I have a girlfriend back home. We agreed that if instinct was strong enough, I could 'relieve' myself. What about your mate?" He cast a silence spell on the door and wall. No noise could go past there.

"Dragons tolerate infidelity on a long seperation, so long as any young are raised by the couple." Marissa was shifting into her wolf form. She laid down on the bed, presenting her pussy to Jacob. She growled seductively, instinct getting the better of her.

Jacob, now full wolf, laid on top of her. He held back on the penetraition. Giving him a french kiss, she tasted his saliva. Juices started lubing up her pussy, running down her legs. She reached down, grabbed his cock and guided it into her pussy. She moaned, luxurating in the new sensations that her wolf body provided. The wolf cock had more ridges and bumps as Lacyus', but Lacyus' was bigger.

She growled. "Go on. Get moving!"

Jacob began to stroke his cock in and out of her body, slow at first, then increasing in rhythm. A tingle ran up her spine, causing her to stiffen up.

"What was that?" She aked, panting heavily.

"It's your G-Spot." Jacob replied, panting just as heavily. "Young dragons don't have it, but wolves do. Do you want to feel it every time?"

"YES PLEASE!" Marissa almost screamed.

Jacob adjusted his position, then restarted. The tingling gradually turned into pleasant shivers. Marissa moaned loudly. She never thought she could get the amount of pleasure she got without climaxing. She writhed in pleasure, new sensations appearing with each thrust.

Jacob lost it, spurting his seed into Marissa's pussy. Marissa enjoyed the feeling of the warm liquid flooding her. However, Marissa wanted to reach her climax. She rolled her and Jacob over, beginning to pump with her hips. The G-Spot seemed to be accentuated in this position, pushing her closer and closer to climax. She finaly reached her climax, shuddering, Her fur was wet, matted with sweat. The room smelled of sex as she rolled off of Jacob. panting.

Jacob got up and walked out of the room, leaving Marissa to sleep.


The next day.


It was the last day of the first week of the new semester. Hannah, as usual welcomed the change in classes. No more boring Chemestry or Biology. However, she did have an extremely hard semester ahead.

"Math eleven, English eleven honours, Bio twelve, Senior Band. How the hell do they expect me to complete this?" She complained.

Mattheiu chuckled. "I got it easy. English eleven honours, Information Tech eleven, Peer tutoring eleven, Senior band and Senior Jazz."

The two sat in their TAG class (homeroom for Americans). It was the only downtime they got throughout the day besides lunch. The two took the ten short minutes to catch up on what was happening to them.

There was a small knock on the door. A student got up and opened it. They said something, then directed someone to the teacher. An incredibly fragile looking girl walked in. She had long blue hair and purple eyes. Handing some papers to the teacher, she whispered something. The teacher said something to her, pointing towards the class. The new girl then turned and surveyed the class. Hannah noticed the girl's eyes lock onto Mattheiu for a second longer than she did for everyone else. The new girl sighed and walked to a seat at the back of the class. She took out a piece of paper and a pen from her backpack and began writing something on it.

"Weird girl, eh Matt?" Hannah commented. He didn't respond. "Matt?"

She turned to see Mattheiu staring at the new girl. Not like a crush stare, but a baffled and bewildered stare.

"Matt! Matt!" She waved her hand in front of his face.

Mattheiu shook his head. "Sorry. What were you saying?"

"I said weird girl isn't she."

"Yeah, yeah...." Mattheiu's voice trailed off. He seemed distracted.

Hannah frowned. This wasn't like him. Normally, he was cool and focused. Right now, it seemed like he was being drawn in by the new girl.


Mattheiu could not believe it. The telepathic message was still ringing across his mind.

'Lacyus. It's me.'

The area where Sunset should be was full of excitement and happiness. Whoever, or whatever the new girl was, she could make a telepathic link with him. This was both good and bad.

The upside was that it could actually be Sunset. She might have come back through a portal to look for him. In that case, Mattheiu was worried. She wouldn't fit in. She would end up using her powers involuntarily and end up hurting someone, like he did in grade nine with Rodney.

The bad part was it could be something else trying to lure him in.

In any case, Mattheiu decided to avoid her until he confirmed her identity. The bell rang and the class got up and filed out of the classroom. The halls were packed, as usual. Mattheiu took out his course verification sheet, reading his next course.

Information Technology/Communications Technology Eleven in room 256 with Mr. Duncan. He merged into the flow of students. Behind him, her heard anrgy words. The presence in his mind flared up into anger

"I'm not interested! I already have a boyfriend."

Mattheiu turned to see the new girl being hit on by Rodney.

"Com'on sweetie. Forget him. I'm better." He sweet talked.

"I already have a boyfriend. End of discussion." She said sternly, turning to go.

"You can forget him. He'll understand." Rodney placed a hand on her shoulder.

Mattheiu saw this as an oppertunity. He knew how Sunset would react to the physical contact.

The new girl took his hand and twisted it, hard. Rodney yelped in pain and turned to take some pressure off of his wrist. The new girl brought his arm up and pinned him against the wall.

She spoke in a low, threatening voice.

"If you touch me again, I will personally make sure that this hand will never touch anything again. Am I understood this time?"

Rodney nodded, whimpering in pain.

"Good." The girl released him and turned, walking down the hallway, the crowd seperating for her.

Mattheiu knew right away it was Sunset. Only she would try something that risky on someone twice her size.

At lunch, he slipped the human Sunset a note. Written on it was a simple invitation.

Come see me

1893, 145 A Ave.


Mattheiu laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He lived with Sarah in her apartment. She was kind enough to give him his own room to paint and poster at will. Though he kept the walls their beige color, his room walls were lined with posters, mostly Anime and car promos. His favorite poster, one for the Anime Helsing, dominated one wall. He had a computer in one corner with his IPod hooked up to it, charging it's battery. Other than that, his room was very plain and neat. Mattheiu kept it well organized and clean, a habit from when he was a dragon. A dresser sat in one corner. A closet filled with useless junk was in another.

Sarah walked into the room. "I'm going out tonight, so you know the rules. I could care less about what you do, so long as you keep my place neat."

Mattheiu sighed. "No problems with that. She probably isn't coming anyways."

Sarah raised and eyebrow. "Ohhhh, and just who is she?"

The doorbell rang and Sarah went to answer it. Mattheiu her open the door. Then there was a small noise and Sarah sounded startled.

"Hey! You can't just rush in here!"

Mattheiu tried to sit up, but something launched itself onto him, embracing him in a hug. He recognized the smell of her.


Sunset in a human form laid on top of him, smiling estatically.

"How've you been!"

"I - What - How -" Mattheiu stammered, searching for the proper words. He decided to just kiss and hug her.

"I've missed you." She said, sniffling, holding back tears.

"Me too."

Sarah, in full vixen form, entered holding a large cleaver from the kitchen. She relaxed when she saw the two embracing.

"So she's your mate right?"

Mattheiu nodded. "We've been seperated for four years."

She smiled. "I'll leave you two to catch up." Sarah left the room, rapidly morphing back into her human form.

Sunset sat up and got off of Mattheiu. Tears were collecting in her eyes. Wiping them away, she sat down on the carpet.

"What's happened to you so far?" Sunset asked.

Mattheiu recapped everything that had happened, from when he met Sarah, until now. The story lasted about half an hour.

"I've been training to become a Battlemage." Sunset said, shifting nervously. Mattheiu noticed little pricks of sweat forming on her neck.

"You're in heat, aren't you?" He asked.

"Yes." Sunset clamped her hands over her mouth. "I'm sorry. I'm having problems controling my dragon instincts. Shouldn't you be having the same problem? After all, it's mating season for dragons and you should be going crazy over me."

"What? You can feel your dragon instincts?" Mattheiu was baffled. "Why don't I feel mine?"

Sunset searched for an answer. "You can't change into a dragon?"

"Yeah. It's weird."

She pulled out the pendant Sakura had given her. "My roommate said that this would allow me to change into a Xeno again."

"Hmmm. Oh well." Mattheiu shrugged. "Just because I'm not a Xeno doesn't mean that I can't fufill that need of yours." He said, egging her on.

Sunset smiled and transformed into her harpy form. Her shirt ripped as the two wings sprouted out of her back. She undid her belt and pulled down her pants and panties.

"Hey! Why not as a dragon?" He asked. "And who did you mate last?" He pointed towards a cum stain on her vulva.

Sunset blushed and smiled sheepishly. "Instinct got the better of me. And I wanna try something new. Something that would be harder with a tail." She turned and wiggled her ass in Mattheiu's face. "You up for it?"

Mattheiu's cock was already hard. The end found her anus and he pushed in. Sunset whimpered in both pain and delight.

"Ohhh this feels weird!" She said smiling.

Mattheiu felt her powerful muscles clamp down on his penis. He began humping her at a slow but steady rate. Something warm ran down his leg. He looked down to see her love juice squirting out of her pussy. Sunset pulled away from Mattheiu. She turned around and laid on the bed. He laid on top of her, found her pussy and pushed in again. He could feel Sunset's avian body sucking on his dick. Starting up again , Mattheiu could feel the suction increasing with every thrust, Sunset moaning louder and louder. She climaxed, her vagina applying incredible amounts of suction. This pushed Mattheiu over the edge, spurting large amounts of his seed into his mate's body. The two laid in that position for ten minutes. Finally, Mattheiu broke the silence.

"You haven't changed, have you?"

Sunset was already asleep.