Maleficent Nightmare

Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#2 of An Assassin of my Heart 2: One Wish

A/n: I demand reviews!!! lol, sorry for the delay. I had to rewrite this whole chapter thanks to the 8000 required limit. I will be damned if I rewrite another chapter. This was originally 4365, I think, and needless to say...I was pissed. Anyway, blah blah, see last chapter\'s disclaimer. Later....

Chapter 1: Maleficent Nightmare

Within the dazed state of mind, the dreams of the blue hedgehog brought a vision of the other "self." He, in this state of being, awoke as the other. His fur blackened, as was the mind set of his personality. He felt like the angelic being called death, and in fact, the demonic body he took, the aura that surrounded him was the of his angel counter part. Had he not been bound to the earth, to this damnation of his existence where he burdens the pain of non consensual murder. The strangest part of the ordeal, he was the one not consenting to the murder.

However, the angel and demon of himself, both are to be thanked. He could not begin to imagine a world without Death. Without his reaping, though grim for himself and other, people with disease would be forced to live within their misery. They would not be capable of escaping their sorrow, and their would never be release from a world without mercy on the merciful, the meek, or the hungry.

It is something to be said for God\'s most misunderstood. The \'hog, though abstractly, became curious in wondering if it were possible to become Death in the afterlife. A dealer of the most hated type must be full of stress, and he wished to give some relief to the poor creature who has to suffer with the restriction taking lives or lest be damned forever. However, the hedgehog knew he was in a similar position. Through the murders he commits, he maintains a paradise and becomes resented for it.

He found a way to get up, to leave the bed this morning. He desires with the entirety of his being to throw himself from the roof top of the building he resided within. However, something told him otherwise. By the end of day, he would know that a kamikaze* had saved him from death when that same day he would meet a furry destined to alter his fate. The being moved swiftly past the glass, a gray glow emitting from the clouds. His mind allowed him to think of the consistency with which the clouds blocked the ball of light.

He stepped into his bathroom, and took a towel from the closet therein. He placed it beside the sink before stepping into the shower. He turned on the knobs, his gloveless hand turning it to cold. He needed to cool off. He always need to cool off. It\'s like he was constantly hot, a rage burned within him that no amount of water could quench.

The cold water cascades upon the hedgehog. He thought of the cool stone of his uncaring heart, of his lost passion, and of her hands....her delicate hands in winter. The icy blue brilliance he remembered as her sapphire eyes. Everything about him, no matter how random it may seem, always led back to her. It was always for her. He imagined a time where the she danced in the rain. He felt silly at the time, but did it anyway. Looking back, he couldn\'t be happy had he not.

He took the shampoo from the small shelf in the bath. He squeezed the liquid from the plastic bottle, and began to rub the soapy foam into his fur. He stroked the skin roughly so the matted fur would be easy to comb out. He quickly rinsed himself, shuttering from the cold embrace. He turned the shower off, and the hedgehog stepped out. He took the tower, which was a deep, dark blue color. He dried himself off.

He hung the towel on the bar mantled to the wall. He took a glance in the mirror, and found himself terrified of his own appearance. The eyes shocked the hedgehog. The creature could have sworn the emerald eyes he remembered are stained with blood. The blood of those he killed. Even if they are guilty, can he call murder justice? He could see through them like open doors, and he could see the nothing that resided within him. \'Where\' He questioned himself, \'has my spirit gone? Is it merely resting, or is my soul forever asleep?\'

He shook his head, a futile attempt to block the rhetorical questions. He took the brush from the counter and combed the easier parts of his fur first. He stroked the hard bristles through the clean fur when it became entangled in the first matted piece of fur. He took the brush, and with one fast stroke, he pulled the fur hairs free from the tangle. He repeated the process as he deemed necessary.

As he finished, he looked again at himself, careful to avoid his own piercing glare. The idea of being fearful of oneself should shame the \'hog. He is the best, an elite assassin. Perhaps, that is what scares the \'hog. How could he face himself if this is what he to become. From her, he is asked to give all people a chance to be happy. That is exactly what the hedgehog does, and it is what moves him forward.

He left his apartment and made his way to the station. The creature moved on all fours, his body working in sync to move quickly to the station before the train could leave. He doubted he would be late, but maintained top speed anyway. He weaved in and out of the busy crowds, and sliced a giraffes throat with his ID as he passed. \'Gerald Thornton. Species: Giraffe. Mission: sentenced to death for theft of $200.\' The hedgehog thought. He somehow felt queasy and weak at the thought of blood. He felt like his knees might give out, but they did not.

Instead, the dark hedgehog made it to the terminal in time. He let the on guard officer check his ID before he made his way to the "elite car." The train car is not actually for people of the higher social status, but it exists to separate mid trip and take a detour deep underground. There, it stops in a special station for The Firm. The Firm holds no entrance for furries above ground so it is a perfectly secluded place. Many of the normal furs believe it to be an abandoned, slowly collapsing building.

As he took his seat in the elite car, he finds himself examining those around him. In the far back, he notices Chief reading a paper. He was a human who managed The Firm ever since the death of her, the CEO. Across from him was a female rabbit, who is quickly writing the outline to a paper of some sort. The hedgehog then turns his attention onto the fur across from him. The \'hog before his eyes seemed shy. He held a bag in his lap and kept his eyes down.

The blue fur took the darker off guard. He felt like it was him, like he knew who it was. The fur took up conversation. His voice sounded distant and faint. Louder, he asked me about someone, but the name sounds rushed and hard to hear. The darker felt suddenly dizzy and he checked his neck for darts. Finding none, he finds breathing to become an overbearing labor. His eyelids closed and he fell onto the rocking train car\'s floor. His last fleeting thought is \'The Firm is sure to be told of my collapse.\'

Sonic awoke from a night sweat. Tails is standing over his bed with a lantern. He free gloved hand felt against my head.

"Wha-? Sonic, you\'re burning up!" Tails began, setting the lantern down. "Say ah." Sonic did as he was told while Tails got a thermometer. He felt the fox\'s hand put the pole beneath his tongue. He began counting to himself aloud, and the hedgehog began to feel sick. The room swayed about him. He let his eyelids fall and fell into the world of nostalgic dreams.

A/n: For the love of GOD review, I could use a little "feel good." Anyway, I feel like I should warn, the next two chapters are were the GORE warning comes from. Also, they are typed, over 8000, and will be out in two days. (The next one anyway.) Um, forgot to mention this in disclaimer. Thank my editor for the near perfection (yeah right) of the grammar of the chapters. Her correctional ability entirely, and also thank her for keeping me sane as I write these along with the hundred other papers I need to write. (FYI, there is a gun to my head as I write this....HELP ME!!!) J/k, I swear....

Love yah guys, take care.