Vore Day 2022

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Apparently today is Vore Day so I thought I'd write something.

I'd planned to release two stories today, this one and its follow-up which I'm still working on because I got a little carried away. However, the follow-up is taking a little longer than I'd thought it would so I've resigned myself to releasing this one and then releasing the follow-up at some other time in the near future.


Mori, a cormorant of about average size, was swimming about looking for a fish. He'd come to this specific lake to find a very specific fish. He scans the waters and finds what he's looking for, kicking his webbed feet to quickly cover the distance. The fish swims lazily around under the water despite the large cormorant looming nearby.

"Mori!" The fish says as her friend stops close by. "Just the bird I wanted to see!"

"Oh?" Mori questions, he'd planned to surprise Kokaf by paying her a visit but it seemed that wasn't going to happen.

"I've got a really fun idea and you're the only cormorant for the job!" Kokaf states as they both rest in the water. Despite Mori's diet consisting entirely of fish, this particular fish was special. She'd met him while he was hunting but after a very awkward greeting, Mori, despite himself, felt like this one fish out of thousands was utterly unique to him. Hesitant at first Kokaf soon began to trust Mori and now they're both good friends who know each other inside and out, literally in the case of Mori.

"I'm always up for new things, I suppose; so what's the idea?"

"I'll need to explain; I was swimming about when I saw a human at the edge of the lake, not uncommon. He had one of those strange head things that was the colour of sand- I'm getting off-topic aren't I?" Mori gives her a small nod and a little grin, Kokaf takes a breath and starts speaking again, "He was holding something interesting. I watched him for a while before he threw whatever he was holding into the lake; After he left I had a look at it and it gave me a great idea to spice up our usual fun."

"Oh" Mori tilts his head slightly confused but he grasps the gist of what Kokaf might have planned.

"Wait and I'll show it to you," Kokaf says with a hint of excitement before she dives deeper under the water. She soon returns holding a large length of some sort of beads in her mouth.

"I think I know what you're gonna make me do, Kokaf." Mori says as he looks over the black beaded object, each bead being just wider than Kokaf.

"Oh? Do try to guess my feathered friend." She says after she drops the object so she can talk again.

"You're gonna ask me if I can try to swallow that thing, right?" Mori guesses. Kokaf gives a smile but shakes her head.

"You're so close. What I want to happen is for you to swallow it while I hold it in my mouth, I know how much you like the feeling of swallowing things, you kinky bird, and you know how much I like getting swallowed, provided I can get back out, so I thought we could spice it up with that thing."

"I don't think that'll work Kokaf." Mori tells the fish.

"Why not?" She asks shocked, "I know for a fact you can swallow me, you've done it often enough after all, and we both know that I can survive a decent amount of time in your crop so I'll be fine."

"It's not that."

"Come on now, I've seen cormorants swallow bigger things, albeit it did take them quite some time and they didn't have to let it back out. I'm sure your crop can store everything, even if it will be a tight squeeze. Tell you what," the fish starts, "If we give it a go and you get to the point where you really don't think you can do it we can just stop and I'm sure we'll think of something else."

"Really?" Mori asks, he knows that Kokaf likes to push him to do things but he also knows that she keeps her word when it comes to these things.

"Really." The fish affirms.

"Fine, I guess we can give it a go. Don't cry to me when I can't do it okay." Mori relents with a shuffle of his dark feathers.

"I know you'll try your best, and if you really can't do it then I promise that I won't be sad."

"I assume the usual rules apply?" Mori asks.

"Of course. I fancy doing some roleplay this time. Act like you'd usually do when you're eating a fish but please don't actually eat me."

"I promise not to, my delicious friend," Mori says looking at Kokaf with hungry eyes. Kokaf feels a little nervous at this but she knows that Mori would never actually eat her. Kokaf dives back under the water and retrieves the long beaded object from the bottom of the lake. She breaches the surface to find that Mori is gone, the water ripples smoothly around in the wind and the rustling of leaves dances through the air softly.

'He could have waited. I suppose I should get to it then.' Kokaf thinks to herself as she dives back under the water with the beads hanging out of her mouth. She pretends to go about her business as though she isn't expecting to be grabbed by Mori at any moment and doesn't have the object in her mouth. The anticipation of just when Mori will 'attack' is part of the fun for Kokaf, she has to admit that Mori is one adept hunter as she rarely ever sees him coming and she'd probably be far more scared of the large seabird if she weren't his friend. Suddenly there is rapid movement and before Kokaf can even try to swim away she's embraced tightly around her midsection by Mori's beak, giving some wiggles to attempt to escape as he brings her up to the surface for the next part of their plan.

Mori and his prey surface and Kokaf tries to start the usual,

'Please! Let me go!' She goes to plead as Mori gathers himself for the next part before realising that the object dangling out of her mouth means that none of that was actually said. Kokaf once again tries to wriggle free from the cormorant's yellow beak, trying just hard enough to move slightly but not enough to successfully escape. Mori begins doing what he usually does when trying to eat a fish and begins trying to position Kokaf to his liking. He turns his head sharply and repeatedly releases and catches the fish with his beak causing her to turn, careful not to have the hooked section of his beak injure his friend.

'I probably should have asked which way she wanted to go down this time, oh well I guess.' Mori thinks to himself as he does this; Deciding that the easiest course of action would be to have his friend go tail first instead of having to expend himself trying to position the beads in his beak and still keep Kokaf there as well.

"Ahh ehh?" Mori asks his friend once her tail is positioned at the back of his beak.

"Ehhh." Kokaf grunts through the object hanging out of her mouth. Mori quickly lifts his head straight up and begins bobbing his head slightly while swallowing; Kokaf feels herself quickly being embraced by Mori's tensing throat muscles as she is slowly gulped down by the predatory bird. To try to add more pleasure for Mori, Kokaf begins flopping about like she's trying to escape his throat and beak. Mori's neck bulges as more and more of the fish in his beak is taken down into his throat; every now and then Mori stops his gulping and sits still while revelling in the feeling of Kokaf moving about increasingly deeply down his throat. Mori can't help himself for long though and begins his swallowing after a short time. All too soon for Mori, all that remains in his beak is the head of Kokaf and the beads and with one more powerful gulp the first bulge, as well as the entirety of Kokaf, has entered into the cormorant's stretched neck. Mori bobs his head and swallows another of the bulges, Kokaf being held there in the cormorant's wet throat by the beads still remaining in the bird's beak and having her entire body massaged by his muscles which are trying to force her down deeper into him.

'Kokaf must have known I'd struggle doing this.' Mori thinks to himself as he makes another gulp, trying to swallow down both the large fish in his throat and the beads in his beak.

A thought crosses Kokaf's mind, 'What if he decides to just eat me? It's too late to back out now and the only thing keeping me where I am are these beads, beads that Mori is slowly sending down his gullet.' This thought is quickly remedied after Mori makes another two strong gulps and Kokaf feels her tail moving into his crop. Mori repeatedly swallows sending bead after bead down his gullet, Kokaf is slowly pushed into his crop and before long she's fully encapsulated in it along with a few of the beads.

'This is certainly a strange feeling,' Mori thinks to himself while continuing to swallow the beads down, 'it's odd to have something both in my crop and outside my beak. I kinda like it'

With a few more swallows Mori manages to close his beak as the last bead is taken into his gullet. The cormorant twists his head as he struggles a little to send the beads down into his crop, large bulges move down his neck slowly as his crop increases in size with each gulp. During his repeated swallowing Mori can feel as Kokaf wriggles about in the moist confines of his increasingly stretched crop.

"I-I can't say this is the-the easiest thing- to do in the world," Mori says between gulps. Soon though the bird lets a sigh of both pleasure and relief as the last bead in the chain is deposited into his cramped crop, the fish as well as all the beads leading to Mori feeling like his crop is fuller than it has ever been, a pleasant and contenting feeling for the bird as he sits in the water after having swallowed down what seems to be a rather filling meal. Of course, none of it will be digested but the full feeling makes Mori feel as though he has gorged himself nicely.

Mori just sits in the water with the feeling of Kokaf moving about inside him. Something in the cormorant's mind says that he should just push Kokaf out of his crop and eat her properly; it was always like this, his head would tell him one thing but his heart would say another. Mori seriously considered listening to himself the first time he and Kokaf did this sort of thing. Kokaf is a fish and he is a cormorant so it would only be natural, but he enjoys the fish's company and would no doubt feel lonely without her; Mori, despite being born a cormorant, had never been the most social bird. He didn't quite trust himself not to change his mind about not eating Kokaf the first time he swallowed her and quickly regurgitated her back out of him before that could happen.

There's the sound of flapping wings and a fellow cormorant lands near Mori.

"Hi Mori, I'm starving man!" The cormorant, Wahat, Mori recognises, says after settling himself down on the water nearby.

"There's never anything here, one or two small fish maybe." Mori says; he'd been spreading the word in efforts to keep Kokaf safe from the other cormorants. It helped that he basically lived on the edge of the lake so could make sure that if any others did come round looking for food and spotted Kokaf he could swoop in and stop them, be it by distracting them so Kokaf can get away and hide or by beating them to it and 'eating' the fish first, as he had had to do on a few occasions. The first time was rather hectic as one cormorant looks very much the same as another when you're being carried in their beak, so Kokaf tried everything to escape Mori's grasp which meant he dropped her. Mori managed to swallow her down eventually, thus putting an end to the other cormorant's hunt for Kokaf. Once the other cormorant left Mori quickly regurgitated his friend and explained what had just gone on. Kokaf wasn't happy about it but said that she'd rather be 'eaten' by Mori than any other cormorant so it's fine if he does it in future but to give her some sort of sign that it's him next time. Of course, this meant Mori gained a reputation amongst his fellow cormorants but everyone just plays it off as Mori really liking to hunt in the lake.

"I'm sure I can find something, you've eaten a fish so there must be more around here somewhere," Wahat tells Mori as he looks around. Mori wasn't lying about there being few fish in the lake, there were maybe a total of ten that Mori had seen in all his time spent there. "What's that you've got that's making those weird bulges in your crop? What've you eaten, a big fish?" Wahat queries at the large spherical bulges pushing against the wall of Mori's stretched crop.

"I suppose I must have swallowed something strange by accident while eating my lunch, you know how these things are." Mori says as he absentmindedly preens himself, quickly freezing as he feels Kokaf wriggle about in his crop before settling down. Mori goes to try and change the subject but just as he's about to speak Kokaf manages to push a single bead back out of his crop and into his long throat causing him to reflexively swallow it back down, gently squeezing the fish stored in his crop.

"You okay?" Wahat asks seeing one of the bulges move up then quickly be forced back down the cormorant's throat.

"Yeah, just-" Kokaf once again pushes one bead out of Mori's crop but manages to keep pushing, leading to a second bead being forced back into his throat. "Just repositioning- things," Mori tells Wahat as he swallows harshly around the beads. It's at this time that Kokaf decides to start moving again, Wahat's eyes immediately focus on the movement inside Mori's crop.

"I could take that fish off you, if you'd like..." Wahat says hungrily.

"I'm fine, it's for later. Have to seize every chance at a meal round here after all." Mori lies quickly, trying to make up a plausible reason for keeping a live fish in his crop.

"Come on man! I've had nothing to eat all day!" Wahat pleads. "Why not? Just let me have it, I'll owe you one."

"It's mine, I caught it so I get to keep it." Mori says getting possessive over his friend, trying to puff up his feathers and look intimidating. "You're not having this fish. Give it up Wahat, I'm sure there's a far better place to hunt without having to beg another cormorant to regurgitate a fish for you."

"Fine! Keep your fish, I'm leaving!" And with that Wahat spreads his wings and flies away. Mori leaves the water and stands on the edge of the lake with his wings flared out.

'There's really no point to drying my wings right now but Kokaf said she wanted me to act like I would normally so here I am drying my wings in the sun.' Mori thinks to himself as he stands there. Kokaf lays there enveloped in the warm moistness of the soft flesh and fluids in Mori's crop, the gentle movements of Mori moving slightly transferring to Kokaf and moving her softly. The beads lay against her scaled body as she's gently massaged by the walls of the cormorant's crop as he moves. Mori walks closer to the water so his webbed feet are submerged in the cooling water.

"I suppose we're about to see whether these beads will come out again." Mori mutters to himself before lifting his head up and opening his beak. Kokaf feels the muscles around her tense and push her and the beads around, closer to the entrance of the crop.

'He must be trying to bring me back up.' Kokaf thinks to herself once the muscles relent their pushing momentarily. The fish has an idea that she's sure will surprise Mori if it works. Kokaf tries to move herself as close as possible to the crop's entrance with her tail facing it and the beads hanging out of her mouth before Mori's muscles give another push to try and remove the contents of his crop. Kokaf is gripped by muscles and forced back out of the cormorant's crop and into the bottom of his long throat. Mori feels his crop shrink slightly as the end of his friend enters his throat. He turns his head sharply to try and ease her progression up his throat as he heaves repeatedly trying to slowly move the large black beads out of his crop and up his throat. The bulges of both his friend and several beads slowly move up the cormorant's long neck as his crop empties itself. Soon the entirety of Kokaf is expelled from Mori's crop and the first bead is pulled out as well. It's a strange feeling for Mori but he continues trying to regurgitate; bead after bead is pushed out of the crop, and Kokaf is slowly moved further up his neck with each retch.

'Here we go then.' Mori thinks as the last bead leaves his crop and Kokaf's tail reaches the back of the cormorant's beak. 'It'll be easier from here, probably.' Kokaf is rapidly ejected out of Mori's yellow beak and his eyes open wide as the beads in his throat are rapidly pulled up and out of his protesting throat as Kokaf falls out of his beak and towards the water below. Mori's throat tries to keep the beads down or at least slow down their expulsion but fails as bead after bead is pulled free of the tight confines of the cormorant's throat. Kokaf splashes into the shallow water at Mori's feet and the chain of beads is yanked free. The last bead leaves Mori's beak and he moves his head around quickly to try and recover from the experience. The cormorant snaps his beak closed a couple times before recovering and looking down at the fish swimming around his feet.

"Had fun in there?" He asks as they both move out into the lake.

"Oh yes!" Kokaf says happily. "How about you? I noticed you had quite a time with the beads."

"Those things are definitely....new," Mori tells her before taking a drink of water.

"Would it be okay if we kept them around? We could try other things with them and I'm never short of ideas."

"I won't say no to that; after all, I'm an adventurous little birdy with an unusual appetite." They both laugh and spend time together talking as the world around them goes by.