Chapter 2

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#2 of Next Generation- The Digivolution Saga

Chapter 2 of the random digimon series. And there be yiff.


Chapter 2 of the random digimon series. And there be yiff.

"What are they?" a purple coloured fox asked another boy, poking the larger grey feline with a stick, making him groan and wave it away, immediately sending the two boys scampered back to hide behind a tree.

"They're obviously digimon from one of the other layers, idiots," The only female in the small group, her long red hair the same vibrant shade as her fur, said, crouching by the younger feline and shaking her awake.

"What are you doing?!" The two boys hissed, staring at Namico as she sat up, rubbing sleep and dirt out of her eyes.

"Hi," the little red fox said, looking at Namico strangely, "My name's Karenmatel, but you can call me Karen if you want. What's your name?"

"Uh, Namico, hey, do you know where Craig is, grey cat guy or a humon, one of the two." Namico said, still in shock as to the fact that she wasn't dead.

"Oh, you mean him?" She said, pointing to the older feline, who was now sitting up and looking around in a daze, still in his combat form.

"Craig!" Namico shouted, scrambling to her feet and running over to him, hugging him around the neck, "You were right! We're on another layer!"

"Hey Nami, that's great, but where's the Rider?" Craig asked, standing unsteadily and looking around.

They were on a hill covered by green grass, the surrounding fields equally as lush; off in the distance Craig could see a small forest, with a village next to it, trails of white smoke flying up into the air from several of the buildings. Just behind the forest stood a smallish mountain, strangely dark clouds circling around it about half way up. Looking up, Craig smiled at the clear sky, which was a vibrant blue, and breathed in the clear, fresh air. This layer was the complete opposite of the previous with its overcast skies and smog tainted air. He looked at the three kits as one of the boys spoke.

"You mean the machine thing the older people brought in at the last night-cycle? There was a flash of purple light, and when they went to look, they found it sitting at the bottom of the hill, tracks leading up to the top of the hill!" he said excitedly, pointing to the village, "Why?"

"It kinda belongs to us," Craig said, pressing a button on his 'vice and forming several pieces of the dried meat he carried with him behind his back. Bringing them around, he snapped two of the sticks in half, throwing each of them a piece, taking a whole one for himself, "Here, have a reward for telling me, can you take us to your village?"

"Will there be more of this stuff?" The other fox boy, bright blue in colour, asked, gnawing on the meat.



"Momma! Momma! Look what we found on top of the hill!" the two fox boys shouted as they ran into the village, heading straight to a tall red vixen, her long red hair making her look like an older version of her daughter. These Ocsunemon, as the watch had identified them, looked very much like Renamon in Craig's opinion, just in multiple colours and with head hair. The other villagers stared at the two felines; Craig having opted to stay in his combat form, as Karen led them in, staying back just to be safe.

"Boys! Calm down! What are you talking about?" The vixen asked, hugging the two to her and looking at Craig and Namico suspiciously.

"We found them at the top of the hill that Grandpa found the machine-thingy at!" the two said excitedly, suddenly launching into the story with great vigour, but at different paces.

"I'll tell you later, mom", the red fox girl said to her mother, giving her a quick hug, "But the man wants to see his Rider."

"His what now?" the woman asked, staring at the girl as she ran off, waving for the two felines to follow her, "Sovereign, she is just like I was." She sighed happily, standing up, she turned to the two boys, "Okay, now can you explain again, just more slowly, and one at a time, please!"


"Granddad! " Karen called as they entered the large barn like workshop, "I have some people here who would like to meet you! They say they came in the purple light from last night!"

"Wazzat?! Digimon from another layer? Where?" a voice suddenly barked, an old looking dark red fox running around from behind one of the numerous shelves of seemingly random objects, staring at Craig and Namico in surprise, "Well I'll be damned, a Soramon and a Meramon, must be a mated pair, then. Welcome!"

"That's all good, sir," Craig said respectfully, trying hard not to blush, "But I understand you have our Rider? We would very much like to have it back."

"What? The machine? No, can't give it back." The old man said, cutting Craig off as he began to protest, "Core's been smashed, gotta fix it, was looking for one I have lying around here somewhere to replace it. I take it the staff that was attached to it is yours to?"

"Yes, I would just like..." Craig started only to be cut off again.

"That's good, no good will come of the bloody thing if one of the kids gets a hold of it. Take it with you and go delete that ass on top of the mountain. Karen, show them the way." The old man barked, pointing to the staff leaning against a large stack of books, before disappearing into the piles and shelves of assorted objects again.

"Sorry, he's like that," Karen said, as Craig picked up the staff, absentmindedly storing it in the 'vice as they walked out of the work shop. She just stared at the watch for a few seconds, then quickly turned and ran off, calling for them to follow.


"Yes, my Lord, I have watched this village for many months now, I have terrorised her people, but still the ones the prophesy spoke of have not come..." The Dark Achillemon smiled slightly, "But do not fear, my Lord, even if one of these chosen ones were to come here, I would end his life in an instant, for I am one of your mightiest warriors and..."

The black robed figure suddenly screamed, his raven coloured wings spreading out as he clutched at the eye shaped medallion hanging around his neck. He quickly fell silent, gasping for air before talking again, this time in a more pleading voice.

"I am sorry, my Lord, I will not be so arrogant again, please, I beg your forgiveness..." The black angel like digimon paused again, appearing to listen to an unheard voice, getting unsteadily to his feet, "Oh, thank you my Lord. Yes, I shall report again soon."

The digimon sighed in relief turning to face the entrance to his cave, a slight, strange and foreboding feeling in his chest. Ignoring it, he walked straight out and took a deep breath, looking up to the ominous clouds his very presence summoned to the mountain peak. Preparing to take off, he was caught off guard by the sudden shout of an attack.

" Weapon form: Electric Wind Scythe!"

Leaping back as the elemental blade swung at him, he began to summon his own attack, but he misjudged. The blade slammed into his chest, throwing him off balance slicing through him, obliterating his right lung. Half paralysed by the electricity running through him and coughing up copious amount of blood, he reached for his amulet, but couldn't find it.

Looking around desperately, he saw it lying to one side of the cave; the chain snapped by the blade of the scythe, scrambling towards it, he felt a presence standing in the mouth of the cave.

" Shrouding Darkness!" He screamed with what was probably one of his final breaths, sending out the black tendrils to wrap around the figure.

Craig stood stock still in the pitch black darkness, unable to see where he was, or what he was doing. Slowly a smile crept across his face, and he raised the elemental scythe, shouting out into the darkness, "You think this'll stop me? Well sorry for you, but I stopped being afraid of the dark along time ago! Thunder Slash!"

The Dark Achillemon stared at the ball of darkness as the boy inside shouted, his hand mere centimetres from the amulet, suddenly the attack exploded out of the ball, striking the surprised digimon on the chest, slicing through him as he clutched at the amulet, now mere millimetres away from his out-stretched hand. His strength leaving him, he looked down, mildly surprised by what he saw. He had been cleaved in two, his data scattering in the air, being absorbed as it came off his body by the strange feline boy.

"My Lord, I...have...failed..." the dark angel gasped his final words as his voice box disintegrated into data. His vision faded to black.


"Craig!" Namico shouted at the strange ball of darkness that had formed around the boy, fighting against Karen as she begged Namico not to approach the black orb. Tears running down her face, Namico threw the girl aside and approached the ball of shadow slowly, leaping back when she heard Craig shout. Staring in awe, she watched as the ball seemed to deflate, then fade away at the edges of the gash Craig had torn in it, disappearing completely in a few seconds.

She ran up to him and flung herself into his arms as he walked out of the cave, staff in hand, a grim look on his face. He looked down at her in surprise as she cried into his bare chest, her body wracked by sobs.

"I thought you'd died, you idiot!" She wailed, hitting him with her fist, "Don't you dare do something like that again or I'll kill you myself!"

"Jeez, calm down, Nami," He said softly, stroking the back of her head, "I may be an idiot, but I'm not that stupid."

"Good, just don't do something like that again," she repeated, sniffing slightly before letting go of him and wiping away her tears, "And don't tell anyone I cried! That goes for you too, Karen!"


The eye shaped pendant lay in the dust by the side of the cave as an errant piece of data floated down and touched it, fading in. The pendant jumped, bulging out on both sides, forming into a metallic ball. The eyeball unfurled it wings, shaking off the last of the metal leaf covering it, before flapping itself up into the air. Glancing around the empty cave, it quickly flew outside. Looking down the mountainside, it saw three figures making their way down towards the village as the dark clouds above quickly faded into the bright blue sky. Turning, it flapped off over the mountain, returning to its creator.


"I have never eaten so much in my life!" Namico laughed, rubbing her belly and sighing contentedly.

"I've never seen anyone eat more than I do in my life!" Craig laughed, watching her stretch out on the bed purring softly, her stomach slightly distended. Lying back himself, Craig called up the Combat form screen, pulling up the data from the Dark Achillemon.

They were in a small hut just outside the main part of the village, it wasn't much, but they had been grateful to the digimon of the village for letting them stay there. Craig had been particularly happy to find out that there was a hot springs nearby, and immediately went off to bath. Upon returning, he had ordered that Namico wash to, and had sent her off at the mercy of Karen and several of the other girls, returning pure white, with bright electric blue rings around her ankles, wrists and the end of her tail, when she had been completely brownish-grey before. After that, they had been given new clothes, new pants and shirts for Craig, and large pieces of material for Namico to make togas from, and were treated to a glorious feast in their honour.

"So, what new and exciting things can you do to yourself with that winged guy's data?" Namico asked, rolling over onto her stomach to look at the screen.

"Well, for one, I can give myself wings, but I think I'll leave that for now, would freak out the locals, but apart from a few stat increases, not too much, he looked mostly human so there is very little to add." Craig explained, glancing up at her, a slight blush forming on his cheeks, "Hey Namico, how old are you?"

"About sixteen digi-years, why? How old are you?" She replied, moving a little closer to get a better view of Craig with wings, "If you're gonna put those on, at least change the colour or something, they make you look creepy in black."

"Change the colour?" He asked, jumping when the 'vice squawked, a colour pallet appearing next to the image, "Cool, hey, how about neon pink?" He said, a large grin on his face, "Or maybe turquoise?"

The pair of felines began laughing as they altered the avatar floating in the hologram, finding several more options that allowed them to make him look even more ridiculous. By the time they had run out of ideas and breath, Namico was lying beside Craig, her head resting on his shoulder as she sighed happily, eyes half closed from fatigue. Craig started when she suddenly rolled over, not away from him as he would have expected, but up and onto his chest. Looking at her face, he could see a deep red blush that he was certain wasn't from all the laughing.

"I don't know what's happened to me in these past few days, Craig," She said, looking away from him, the blush on her face deepening even more, "But before I met you, I was as tough and cold hearted as any guy, as free spirited and independent as I liked, and as uncaring about anyone except myself as I could ever be; but when I saw you disappear in that ball of darkness, I completely lost it, I felt like if I lost you, I'd lose a part of myself. I don't want to sound soppy or anything but..." Namico trailed off, staring directly down into Craig's eyes as tears welled up in her own, "...But I... I think...I lov-"

Namico blinked in surprise as Craig cut her off, pressing his lips to hers, one hand gently rubbing her neck as they kissed. She gasped as their lips parted, staring down at Craig in surprise, a silly grin on his face. Catching her breath quickly, Namico pressed her lips to his again, opening her mouth as he did the same, letting each other's tongues explore. Purring softly as he ran his hand up and down her back, she reached up slowly with one hand, and undid the small golden clasp that held her dress up, feeling the material loosen around her skin made her shiver slightly, as did the feeling of Craig's hand slipping lower down her back.

Breaking the kiss again, she sat up in his lap, her toga held up only by her arms pressed against her sides. Slowly, she let the fabric inch down over her small breasts, falling into her lap once they were completely uncovered, letting Craig pull the last of the fabric away from her body, leaving her completely naked, her face completely red under her white fur. Sitting up himself, Craig laid Namico back onto the bed, the fabric of her toga spread out beneath her. Working quickly, both of them undid the tie on Craig's pants, pushing them and his underwear down to his ankles, where he kicked then off easily.

Moaning softly as Craig wrapped his arms around her, Namico started slightly, spotting what she thought looked like an eye peering through a crack in the wall, but when she looked again it was gone. When she felt the tip of Craig's member press against her entrance, she lost all thought of eyes and closed her own, letting out a loud moan as he slipped slowly into her, her body heating up as he penetrated her, pushing deeper until he came to a barrier. Biting her lip, Namico whispered breathlessly into his ear.

"Do it,"

With a nod, he pulled out slightly, before plunging into her quickly, shredding her virginity, and causing her to gasp loudly as the pleasure and pain over-whelmed her mind, the pleasure soon becoming overpowering. Barely able to breath, Namico clung to Craig as he pumped into her, running kisses softly up and down her neck, making her moan loudly as he filled her. She ran her hands up his back, gripping his shoulders from behind as he thrust into her, eliciting moan after pleasured moan.

Lifting himself slightly, Craig looked down at Namico, staring into her bright green eyes as she stared into his soft brown ones, both lost completely in the moment, and in the pleasure. As Craig's thrusts became more erratic, Namico felt a burning heat growing in her belly, felt it slowly build, until it filled her completely. With a final thrust she felt Craig bury himself up to the hilt, striking the entrance to her womb as he came into her, the heat of his semen filling her driving her into orgasm, barely giving her time to gasp, let alone scream in pleasure.

Finally spent, the couple lay gasping on the bed, their fur slicked down with sweat as they panted softly. Reaching over, Craig grabbed one of the bed coverings and pulled it over them, hitting the switch on the camper light at the same time, before wrapping his arms around Namico again and allowing sleep to take him.

From the hole in the wall a small vulpine eye watched all of this, before turning away; it's bright red owner hurrying back home.