VG Cats #3: Yellow and White

Story by silvergunner on SoFurry

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It has to be said that Leo spent a lot more time looking at Aeris than at the screen.

Despite the fact he was losing almost every single match to Aeris' incredible skills, he was enjoying it. Because he was next to the girl he loved. The transition between friend and lover had been very short but close. He had always liked Aeris, and he was glad they were close together.

"Leo, you're losing more than usual. Is something wrong?" asked Aeris.

Leo thought of an excuse. "Nah, i'm okay" he replied. "I think its just I feel a little weird with nothing on, Aeris..."

She smiled. "I do too, but you've gotta get used to it I guess."

At this, Leo looked at her and saw that she was fidgety and moving around a lot. "Is there something wrong Aeris?" he asked.

"Umm..." started Aeris. She thought for a moment. It was embarrassing she had to agree, but she was so desperate... "Well... um... i'm er... I need to use the bathroom. Urgently."

Leo nodded. "Come on, i'll check the coast is clear. Where did you put the key?"

"I gave it to you" replied Aeris.

"OH SHI-" cursed Leo. "Great, you've gone and lost it now..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ME?" shouted Aeris. "YOU'VE LOST IT YOU CLUMSY BAFFOON!", and at that punched him in the chest.

"Oof..." moaned Leo. He rubbed the sore spot, then got up and said "Well no matter what, we're stuck in here. Got any ideas how to get out?"

"No..." muttered Aeris.

"Plan B then" Leo said. "I think you'll have to find a place to go in this room."

"Wha... that's perverted!" argued Aeris.

"Well" said Leo shrugging. "We've already been perverted, playing games naked..."

"But the fact is..." started Aeris. But she trembled more as her desperation got greater. "Ah... well, I guess your plan is the only one we've got. Any ideas?"

Leo looked around the room. "The Window is locked as well" he said. He spotted suddenly the plant in the corner. "Ah, the plant!" he pointed out. "You can go in it, and the soil will absorb your urine."

Aeris bit her lip and nodded. She walked over to the plant then semi-crouched downwards. "Good thing I browse the internet a lot" she said, and moved into a position where she was bending over towards the plant. A look of worry on her face, she let go.

Leo's face turned red as he saw Aeris lose control of her bladder. Hot yellow urine gushed out of her pussy at full speed, spurting into the pot plant's soil. Aeris moaned in relief as her pee was expelled from her bladder. Thanks to the way she way standing, her golden stream was landing directly into the soil. It has to be said she had drunk a lot, and she was going for longer than Leo could count. Finally, her urine stream got shorter and shorter until it stopped. She stood up, sighed and looked around for something to wipe herself with.

Leo found that his cock had rose to a size much bigger than before. He was seriously turned on by this scene, and he felt so horny... Then suddenly, a thought came through his mind. What if he joined in with the fun...

"You know Aeris" said Leo. "I'm busting to go as well."

"Leo, for god's...sake?" started Aeris.

But Leo had already taken a firm grip on his cock and concentrated on the plant pot. His face turned to relief as suddenly urine burst out of his cock at an incredible rate. But while some urine fell into the plant pot, he missed and his pee sprayed all over Aeris.

"Eew... Yuk!" exclaimed Aeris,

Leo was too into emptying his bladder however. The stream increased in intensity, literally drenching Aeris with his golden shower. As the last of his stream hit her face and into her mouth, he sighed and felt his penis retract.

Aeris' white fur had now turned yellow. "Eew..." Aeris exclaimed. "Leo, you sick bastard! I'm drenched in your pee! I look and sm..."

"Smell" had Leo, finishing her sentence. "Just like me in fact."

"Do you mean..." started Aeris, a look of worry upon her face.

Leo snickered. "You're under my control now" he said, and rubbed her cheeks. "Lovely kitty..." he grinned. He then found on the table the key to the door. "I'll let you shower off in a minute" he said. "But first, kneel down" he commanded. Aeris did so.

Leo rubbed his cock and it started to rise, as Aeris stood looking on, he shoved it straight into her open mouth. "Suck on it" he commanded, and Aeris did what he said, licking it with her tongue and sucking it with her mouth. As Leo's cock was been stimulated, he found a piece of string on the table and tied it tight around his dick. "You'll love this" he snickered, and then said. "Harder, Aeris."

Aeris sucked a licked it as much as she could, but to her surprise it seemed that Leo was holding back his ejaculation. She wanted to ask why, but as her mouth was full of Leo's hard-on, she could not. Leo could read the expression on her face however. "When i'm ready" he mentioned.

Aeris sucked for what seemed like hours. And all during that Leo seemed to get more and more relaxed and his cock seemed to get bigger inside her mouth. It came to a point where it started to push near the back of her throat.

"Okay, that's enough" said Leo. He pulled his penis out of Aeris' mouth, which was tired from all the motion. "I advise you to shield our eyes" he grinned, and removed the string tied around his member. Aeris looked on in shock.

Leo orgasmed but unlike any time before. His cum burst out of his cock at tremendous speed and spurted all over Aeris. But it didn't stop. Leo gave out so much semen, Aeris was covered with his white fluids. When he stopped, he moaned then fell over, exhausted. Aeris checked him and saw that he had passed out from the experience.

Aeris thought. Would it be worth getting her own back on Leo now? Or should she punish him after she had taken a shower? The need for revenge was too much, and she thought of the perfect way. Her bladder was full again, and her bowels could also be need of emptying. She moved herself so she was directly over Leo's mouth. She sighed then let go.

Leo awoke when he felt her urine running over his face, and let out a silent moan of terror as Aeris' poop came out of her asshole and into his mouth.

20 minutes later, the two had taken another shower, and changed into their now dry clothes. They then sat down on the sofa again.

Leo sighed. "I'm sorry Aeris, but the opportunity was too much for me to defy..."

Aeris looked at him funny. "I forgive you this time Leo. But tell me. What did my waste taste like?"

Leo blushed as he said "I... er... enjoyed it."

"Want to try it again sometime?" Aeris asked. "But not so possessive" she added.

"Sure thing" smiled Leo. He looked out the window they had now opened. "Well, I have an idea for both of us tomorrow. Shall we go for a walk now?"

"Good idea" Aeris agreed, and they set off out.

  • The End -

VG Cats #4: First Times

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It was hard getting the fluids off the sofa, but perseverance and an extra large bottle of Sex-toy cleaner (the cats found it in Scott's room one day) did the trick. Soon enough, the stains were gone from the covers. Now all they had to do was clean...

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