VG Cats #4: First Times

Story by silvergunner on SoFurry

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It had been an exhausting day for the two cats, and that night they laid sleeping in their separate beds, their bodies totally exhausted. It had gotten to Aeris and she was fast asleep dreaming what Cats dream about. However, despite been ravaged by the day's unusual events, Leo laid awake staring at the ceiling, his mind full of thoughts about what had happened that fateful day.

He could see the future now, as well as what had already happened. The day was the one that changed both of their lives forever, as now they were no longer just simple friends that had known each other for life. Now they were much more than that, as they were now true lovers, with a bond unshatterable. Leo himself never knew how much passion he had for Aeris before today. And he was taken aback by the passion Aeris felt for him too, despite his relative clumsiness. Leo was no stranger to love, but never before had love overtaken his mind and soul in such a way which he felt right now. The beautiful catgirl which slept beside him was his partner for life, and he could feel it.

Their feelings for each other had been sensual and physical as well, as seen in the forbidden acts they had undertaken that very day. Not only were they of love, but also of a darker, more sexually enhanced essence. Many would have thought the bodily functions they had used on each other would be disgusting and indecent, but to Leo and Aeris they were a reflection of love. However, Leo felt they had only scratched the surface as far as their love was concerned. Much more did lie beneath the surface, and Leo could feel it in his soul.

In his puzzlement to why Aeris suddenly went to cynical about love to an absolute Nymphomaniac, Leo considered a number of thoughts. Suddenly, it came to him that it was her body's natural cycle - she was in her mating season. Her sexual urges were channelled through her seasonal heat. Sooner or later, it would come to the point that they would mate like true lovers finally. Leo could feel that coming soon, and imagined how awesome it would be to have sex with her truly, penetrating her and fucking her softly, giving them both so much pleasure. Leo would have thought more about it, but unfortunately for him, he was extremely tired, to a point where not even Coffee and Muffins would keep him awake. He fell into a deep sleep pretty soon afterwards.

The hours passed quickly, and soon enough it was the next morning. As the sun rose above the horizon, its light bring hope and vision to the darkened world, it reflected in her open eyes. She had awoken early that morning, and was watching the beautiful sight of the sunrise. It was a sign reflecting the change in their lives. It was a sign of a new beginning for her and her dear lover Leo. Looking at him in his bed, she found him still fast asleep. The blanket was pulled back halfway, so his upper body was visible. He looked so peaceful in his sleep, Aeris thought.

She bit her lip, feeling her aching bladder. It was time for her morning wash, and it would be difficult to put it off any longer. Walking over the door, she stopped by Leo's bed. She bent down, and rubbed his bushy chest fur. She then moved her mouth to his and laid on his lips a passionate kiss. A smile broke amongst his muzzle, the pleasure flowing through his still-unconscious body. Aeris let out a silent giggle - it seemed that Love was so overtaking him, even his unconscious self could feel it. As Aeris got up and walked to the bathroom, she realized that she had felt it herself, and the Love was more powerful than any other force of emotion flowing through her.

Entering the tiled Bathroom, she removed her nightdress and underwear. Before reaching for one of her purple Bras and a pair of pink crotchless knickers, she paused for a moment as the pain in her bladder was too much to comprehend. But she did not feel like using the toilet at all though. Her hormones were causing her to feel so naughty and mischievous due to the sexual tension, and thus she came up with a funnier and kinkier idea to relieve herself. She took Leo's towel off the hanger, and placed it on the tiled floor for her to stand on and keep stable. Standing naked, she spread her vaginal lips wide, and let go of her urethra muscles.

It began as a short pattering of golden drops, but soon enough a steady stream of her hot urine spurted out of her urethra, splattering on the floor. She moaned in both relaxation and naughty satisfaction as her pee sprayed over the bathroom floor, even leaking down and staining Leo's towel yellow. She was full to the brim, and thus let loose an incredible amount, more than most catgirls her age would have been able to hold in. All too soon however, the stream sputtered and eventually stopped as her bladder was completely empty. Breathing a sigh of relief, she felt glad to get all of it out after waiting for so long watching the sun rise up. She reached for toilet paper, and wiped herself before flushing it down the toilet.

Walking over to the sink, she looked at herself. Even in the morning, she was so damn beautiful, even if she said it herself. She fondled her breasts, making sexy poses for fun. She then got to work washing her hands and brushing her teeth, spending time especially on her meat-cutting incisors. Once she was done, she slipped on her bra and crotchless panties, then left the bathroom giggling. She would love to see Leo's face when he saw her wearing such kinky clothing.

Opening the door to her room and walking through, her attention was caught by Leo who had only just awoken, and now was staring at her walk through. Aeris knew his eyes were focused on her panties, catching glimpses of her pussy as she walked past. She did not feel embarrassed, but turned on as she saw her lover gaze awe-struck at her. She felt herself getting wet, and some of her vaginal fluids leaking down her thighs. But she didn't mind. She had this all planned for a grand scheme she had planned for today - to finally get Leo to mate with her.

Looking at him, she noticed a large bump coming from under the covers. She slowly pulled it away, and smiled at the sight. Leo had a full erection, more than likely brought by the sight of her in kinky, revealing underwear instead of the boring, fully-covering under things she normally wore most days. She chuckled, looking at his smiling face. "I guess you like my new underwear then?"she asked coyly.

Leo smiled. "Its like my dreams have come true"he said, his Penis throbbing. He sighed, and looked towards her face. "You're such a beautiful catgirl, it really is hard to control my reactions"he grinned.

Aeris looked down at Leo's blanket, and saw that it was wet and sticky in several places. She spread some on her fingers, and licked it. It was without a doubt Leo's semen, meaning... "I guess you were dreaming about me again last night"she giggled.

Leo nodded. "Well, if you finished your wash, time for mine"he said, rising from his bed. Standing up, he loosened his boxers a little. "See you in a minute, dear"he stated, and left the room for the bathroom. As the door shut, Aeris started laughing at the thought of his reaction to the mess she had left for him on the bathroom floor. Oh the possibilities were endless...

He could but grin. Leo looked around at the now unclean bathroom, the tell-tale aroma of Aeris lingering around. The floor was completely soaked with her urine, and thus it was near-impossible to reach the toilet without wetting his feet in her spent pee. Thinking about it, he decided to forget using the toilet and instead just do the rest of his morning tasks. But by morning tasks, he didn't mean skip emptying his bladder. Undoing his boxer shorts, he gripped his bulging cock by the shaft, and let loose of his bladder as well.

Out of his penis burst a spray of urine with incredible force. It splattered over the tiles, mixing with Aeris' fluids as well. He sighed in relief as the stream intensified, covering almost all of the floor with his hot, yellow fluid. He let go of his cock and put his arms behind his head, urine spraying almost all over the bathroom. By the time the last drops left his urethra, the bathroom was covered. He washed his hands and brushed his teeth the same as Aeris did, using her towel as his was beyond use for the time being. He then headed to put some underwear on. But as he reached for a clean set of boxers, he thought again, and instead left the bathroom stark naked.

When he opened the door, Aeris' expression turned from Laughing to shock then plain Grinning as she saw Leo. Even after peeing, his erection was still there, perhaps even harder now that he was fully awake. Aeris stood up, and Leo walked over to her. They kissed passionately, their bodies pushing against each other.

"I love you"Leo whispered into Aeris' ear.

"I love you too Leo"Aeris replied, continuing the kiss. She then broke away and laid down on the bed. Smiling, she beckoned for Leo to come and join her in what she thought was a simple huggle. If she expected that, she was proved wrong as all of Leo's human feelings were pushed aside by his raw feline instinct.

He pounced upon her, taking her by surprise. As he landed on her, his chest fur met her chest, his paws slipping behind her back and reaching for her bra straps. He wriggled them and her bra came loose, her small breasts pushing against his chest. Aeris could only watch as Leo started licking her nipples, which were jutting outwards with her horniness. She moaned as her breasts were massaged by his hands, while his ever-eager tongue spent time giving her nipples a good working-to. She squeaked a bit as her pussy got even wetter, her crotch and legs soaked by her overflowing girl cum.

Leo noticed that, and thus he moved downwards. Spreading her crotchless underwear apart, he pushed his tongue deep inside her vagina. She purred as his tongue moved around inside it, lapping up her beautiful fluids which spurted from her insides. Shivers ran down Aeris' spine as it became too much for her to take. A shockwave ran through her as the energy within of a powerful orgasm rushed through her. Her Vagina suddenly contracted around Leo's tongue, then suddenly out spurted her cum, covering Leo's face with it. He purred, withdrawing his tongue and subsequently licking it off his face as Aeris took time to recover.

"That was... intense... Leo..."gasped Aeris. "How about... you... take my v...aaaah!"she screamed, as Leo pushed his ragingly erect penis inside her. It pushed through her hymen, breaking it in the process and causing a shot of pain to rise through her insides. Leo was kind however, and held still so as the pain subsided. He had read about this process many-a-time, thus knew exactly how to go about these sort of things. It could be said that he had undergone adequate theoretical training in lovemaking using just the base resources of the fan-fictions posted on the Internet.

Leo started feeling Aeris moaning, and realised she had started feeling the pleasure of him inside her. So he started thrusting in and out slowly. Aeris jumped with every thrust deep inside her, the bliss of her vagina pushed and stretched by her lover's cock was unbelievable. To her, this was unlike any other sort of sexual stimulation she had experienced before, and she loved every single moment of it. She loosened her body, and let Leo's accelerating thrusts push her back and forth. She threw her head back and purred, experiencing the greatest time in her entire life.

Leo pushed in and out, the pressure getting to him. His balls were bursting to let go in a divine orgasm. Yet he held on, as he did not care so much about his own stimulation, but for the cause of making his lover feel as wonderful as possible. Just a little longer, he thought to himself.

Aeris at this time was on the edge. The power of the stimulation was too much for her inexperienced self, and soon enough the shockwaves of an orgasm drew close, but more powerful than any before. Before she knew it, she let out a scream as her whole body went numb, and she felt like she was floating as wave upon wave of pleasure flowed through her body and soul, the beautiful energy overtaking her with its wonderfulness. Leo felt her vagina contract around his cock, and it pushed him over the edge. He let out a roar as his body fell away and he joined Aeris in the floating dimension as he orgasmed as well. The energy flowing through their bodies was so overcoming, Leo was unable to feel himself spray his kitty semen deep inside his lover. There was so much, his penis filled Aeris' womb to the brim with semen, impregnating her.

As the orgasms subsided, Aeris felt the warm liquid in her insides, and saw looking down at her smiling. They stayed connected, and kissed each other like never before. They were joined together now not just in bodily terms, but in soul as well. True love was between the two, and never broke from then on. As they continued to repeatably have sex again throughout the day, it was undeniable that they were lovers forever, and would never split.

_ The End _

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