Banzai - Ten Thousand Dragon TF

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I am SO late on posting this X'DA birthday story from my bro from last year, where he turned me into the Yu-Gi-Oh monster, Ten Thousand Dragon. I wish I had that card because of how rare it is, but the set it was in sold out the second it hit the shops here and was never restocked. Least I got this :P Thanks, bro ^^Yu-Gi-Oh! ©2020 Studio Dice/SHUEISHA, TV TOKYO, KONAMIStory (C) Synixthedragon, posted with permission

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"Another year wasted!" Peter Pendragon exclaimed aloud with a sigh, flopping onto his sofa. Mentally and physically tired of the events from the last couple of years practically making him a prisoner in his own home, just like everyone else in the UK, "Seriously, why couldn't it have been corvid-19? Hell, I'd take the risk of being turned into Discord via ponid-19 over this crap!"

To anyone that knew him, this wasn't a surprise, Peter was an avid transformation fan, always longing to be something more than human, and who could really blame him?

He was dragged from his slump by the sound of an instant message on his phone, the automated bleep cutting through his foul mood like a knife through hot butter.

'At least I have my friends' he thought happily to himself as he pulled his phone out and swiftly unlocked it to see who'd messaged him.

Was the message from his friend Furiora. Indeed, it had been a while since the two had talked to each other, Furi having gone offline suddenly a couple of weeks ago and not come back on until now.

Peter typed out his response with practiced ease, a larger weight than he had anticipated lifting from his shoulders.

Came the response, a small pause before another came

_Peter had an inward chuckle, both amused and saddened by the fact he'd almost forgotten his own birthday.

came the reply, and then the following knock at the door about made Peter jump out of his skin

The dragon in human form hiding around the corner from Peter's home on the other end of the messenger connection, that had just knocked on Peter's door after leaving their surprise on his doormat, had to stop themselves from bursting into laughter and giving the game away. Yes, things were going smoothly, all they had to do now was wait.


The rest of Peter's day went on without anything else major happening to him. Just the normal of instant messages with friends, gaming and lazing around until the clock finally rolled over to midnight.

Almost dead on the hour, Peter got another message alert from Furiora. The now birthday man had to admit, his friend had near impeccable timing today.

was emblazoned on his screen in bolded caps, along with a few party popper emotes. The message enough to make Peter smile.

Peter typed out, almost instantly getting a reply.

Peter chuckled. It was true; his friend had gotten right under his skin with that comment, the young man now almost itching to see what his friend had gotten him._

Peter had removed all of the outer packaging the moment it had arrived, which revealed the wooden box that had been painted to look like it was gift-wrapped. Although judging from the seam lines, it was meant to be pulled outwards on both sides to reveal what was inside, an action Peter did with fervor.

Inside was a single glass bottle, rather large, beautifully carved into a sharp, crystal like pattern, which contained within a shimmering mixture of pearlescent white fluid and gold dust.

Peter stared at it in awe, it seemed to be some sort of really expensive liquor from what little Peter knew about that sort of thing. He was about to question 'why this?' when he spotted a small note resting on the bottom of the box.

"Dear Peter," The youth read aloud, "I know what this looks like, but trust me, the moment I had some of this I knew you had to try it. It makes you feel like you could take on the world! Feel free to drink it all, I've got plenty more."

To say Peter was sceptical was an understatement, but he figured it would be rude to at not at least try it. Picking up the bottle and removing the cap, he took a tentative sip of the drink before his eyes widened in shock.

Furiora was right; the taste was divine, the perfect blend of creamy, sweet and with a small hint of spice, the taste sent Peter's heart racing, and before he knew it, he'd gulped down the whole lot!

"Wow," Peter gasped, his body alive with the sensation of the drink. He could feel his heart beating in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his system. He felt good, no, he felt GREAT! He really did feel like he could crush the world between his hands, and boy did that turn him on, a tent already forming in his pants.

Peter just couldn't help himself, he disrobed with speed he didn't know he could, his cock harder than it had even been, pulsing with need, throbbing with pleasure.

He started to stroke, not even bothering to start slow; he was already so horny, so needy, and it felt so good he hardly noticed as his cock started to shift. His foreskin pulled back down to the base of his shaft as the tip grew pointed and his whole spire turned a deep crimson red. All down his length grew sensitive ridges and spines that only served to push his pleasure to further heights before he came hard, shooting what would be the last of his human seed out in one huge spurt. But before Peter could even start to come down, his orgasm redoubled and he couldn't help but moan loudly in pleasure as his cock split down the middle into two equally impressive spires as his balls pulled up and became internal while his once foreskin finished shifting into a draconic slit.

"That's... that's not normal..." Peter managed to get out between pants, looking down at his draconic members. His whole body was still ablaze with pleasure and power and his basked in it before a new sensation took his attention.

It started like a pressure, like someone pushing on the spot just below his vent, before it quickly became an epicenter of pleasure that pushed deeper and deeper, growing more and more until it had Peter writhing in ecstasy before the pleasure finally pushed him over the edge again and his orgasmed in a whole new way; sexual juices flooding his, no, hir new opening as hir womb and ovaries finished forming.

Peter was lost in a sea of pleasure, hir whole lower body starting to feel numb as shi basked in the afterglow of hir repeated orgasms. Completely unaware of hir legs starting to shrivel away as hir tailbone grew out. By the time shi'd recovered enough to focus, all that was left of hir legs were rapidly shrinking thighs while hir new tail was easily as long as the rest of hir body, and still growing longer.

"I'm, I'm really changing!" Peter almost cried in happiness as shi watched hir legs become fully consumed by hir new serpent-like tail and a wave of golden scales started to form. They started at the tip of hir tail and swept along its length like shi was being dipped in a vat of liquid gold, forming a flawless coating of shimmering diamond hard scales and scutes.

Shi couldn't help but purr in pleasure as shi looked down at her snake-like lower half, which was already starting to feel cramped in the room shi was in. Figuring out shi was likely going to get a whole lot bigger if hir current rate of growth was anything to go by, shi started to make hir way to hir front door before shi stopped.

"No, you know what?" Shi smiled to herself, the scales now sweeping higher up, consuming hir waist in hir shining armour as it pulled inwards, giving hir a more feminine appearance, "If I'm going to become something better, I want to bust out of my old life like the beast I'm becoming!" Shi shouted to the heavens, hir voice already gaining a feral, growling undertone.

Higher still hir scales lept, now taking the bottom of hir ribcage which started to barrel out as hir whole frame bulked with muscles, although still remaining feminine as hir chest started to pulse. Shi couldn't help but grope at hir chest as it pulsed and throbbed, growing larger and more sensitive as hir chest went from masculine pecs to feminine breasts under a layer of glistening armour, easily an I cup by standard sizes, but on hir frame, they seemed proportionate to D cups.

"Mmmmm, yessssss," shi hissed in delight, hir changes starting to make hir horny again, hir fevorish groping of hir chest likely wasn't helping much in that regard as the changes swept down hir arms, consumed by the endless wave of scales, they grew to sizes bodybuilders would dream of, but to hir form, they with leith and alluring, yet stronger than steel cables.

Hir hands cracked and splayed as they continued to grope hir breasts, fingers growing longer, alluring, sexy, yet stronger than ever as hir nails were shunted from their beds by hir new, superior, razor-sharp talons. A gleaming silver compared to the rest of hir golden form.

"More! MORE!" Shi roared out, one hand going back to hir cocks while the other continued with hir breasts as the changes reached her neck. Hir moans gargled for a moment as hir neck pushed away from hir chest and hir voicebox changed, hir voice now naturally sultry and seductive with a hint of feral malice and power. All that was left of hir former self was a still human head atop a serpent-like neck and body, that was soon to change however.

It started with a pressure in hir face, like someone gently pulling on hir jaws, before hir jaws gave in and started to pull away from hir face as skin turned to golden armour, teeth falling out in a swarm as razor fangs pushed out hir gums, hir nose sank into hir upper jaw and hir nostrils flared wide as hir draconic muzzle finished forming.

A small pressure made itself known in hir skull as two pairs of horns started to push out, curving backwards as hir silver hair shot out in length like a sheet being swept off a bed, except the sheet was a wave of liquid silver.

Shi could already feel another orgasm coming on, it built and built until shi finally came once again, eyes turning a blazing red as hir pupils slitted. Hir pleasured thrashing finally breaking hir free from hir prison, the building shi had once called a home crumbling around hir. Yet shi was unharmed, shi was better, shi was sexy, shi was perfect!

Well, almost perfect, now free, shi continued to grow. 20 feet, 30 feet, 40 feet, until shi finally reached 50 feet long from snout to tail, a final change taking hold as pressure built from the inside of hir back and elbows. Something was trapped under hir scales, and like hir and the building, they wanted out!

With a mighty roar, shi arched her back and just let go. A black lightning bolt flashed from the sky and struck the great dragon as a huge pair of golden wings burst free from hir back and a small pair of fins crowned hir elbows. Knowledge of abilities and magics surged through hir mind as the lightning condensed around hir and formed into an ornate set of battle armour. platinum and gold, sharp and deadly. Shi was complete. Shi was perfect. Shi would rule this planet for eternity.

Another flash of black light caught her attention, a similar dragon to herself appearing out of it and flying over to hir, a smug smile on their muzzle.

"I see you liked my milk, knew it would be the perfect gift for you~" The dragoness chuckled, circling the dragoness that once was Peter. Oh yes, Peter knew exactly who this was; once a friend, now a perfect mate. The two dragons coiled around each other and let loose twin spires of black flames into the night with a roar that would herald the beginning of the end for mankind