Seeking Dominion - Sergal TF

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A commission for of himself into a sergal via Seraphi's interaction with him.Seraphi (C) MyselfSergals (C) Mick39

Posted using PostyBirb

"God damn, I needed this walk..." John muttered out loud as a leaf crunched under his shoes, still trying to clear his head, the day having worn on him quite heavily. He was trying to not think about it too much, but it still burned a fair amount. With any luck, the air would help him clear his head. The full moon loomed high overhead, but his attention wasn't on it - or anything else, really. Where he normally would turn right on his path, he didn't notice he was going left instead.

"I don't think I can even recall the last time I've had such an aggravating day..." He said, cursing under his breath as he went further down the path. He was so mired in his self-loathing that he failed to spot anything wrong with the trees, which had quickly gone from lush and healthy to barren and dying.

The woods at night had always been on the quieter side, but there was still some noise, but he heard even less birds and other creatures now. It was as if they were afraid to head into this section of the woods out of fear for their lives. There was also a slight chill to the air, which wouldn't ordinarily be anything of note, but it almost seemed unnatural. Still, he trod on, uncaring of any of it, if he noticed at all. There was also the occasional abandoned piece of clothing on the ground, torn and stained.

"At least out here it's just me and my thoughts... even if it is a little too quiet, now..." He mumbled. He continued walking until he came across a fallen tree that was blocking his path, breaking him from his distracted state. "Huh... where the hell did I walk off to?" He took a look around him, now noticing how barren everything looked. "This isn't the normal path I take!"

"Shit, this place looks like it's the middle of winter, just minus the snow..." With how barren and scraggly the trees looked, the tall, dead grass, he couldn't think of anything else. Where was he? How had nobody noticed this dead area in the woods before? There had to be some markers for the path, but he hadn't noticed any yet. "Maybe it used to be a dump or something and that's why things don't grow...?"

"Can I find my way back?" He asked himself, taking a look towards where he came from. He couldn't see any signs of civilization in the distance - had he been on the normal path, he would have at the very least been able to see the faint flicker of the street lamps. He didn't even have that to go by, and a quick check on his phone revealed that he had no signal, either. "Great, I guess all I can try and do is retrace my steps."

As he turned on his heels to leave, he'd taken only a few steps when out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed something gleaming on the ground a ways off the path, in what looked to be a clearing or rest area of some sort. Even with the relatively poor light in the area, it gleamed brightly and couldn't fail to capture his attention. Maybe it was something valuable or interesting, he thought. Or just a shiny piece of junk, but what harm could there be in checking it out?

"Let's take a look..." He made his way to the clearing, the light shining ever-so-slightly brighter as he approached it. The trees spaced out, giving him a better view of the full moon hanging in the sky above, but even with the clearer sky, he still couldn't grasp just where he was right now. Regardless, he turned his attention back to whatever was gleaming in the moonlight.

He was breathing more heavily than normal as he approached it, almost as though his body was telling him to be wary of whatever it was. But that was silly - it was just something shiny, not a dangerous animal about to strike. His brown hair rustled in the wind as he knelt down, brushing aside some of the leaves to reveal a gemstone the size of his fist, encased in what looked like gold, strung up by a gold chain. The stone itself was a topaz colour and gleaming enticingly, bewitchingly.

"What's this doing here...?"

He carefully brushed off some of the dirt that stuck to the gemstone, watching it glow a little brighter in response. It was strange that someone would leave such a valuable-looking trinket out in what looked like the middle of nowhere, and a small part of him was tempted to see if he could find out who it belonged to - that was, if he could find his way back to civilization, anyway.

He couldn't see a name or anything of the sort engraved on it - at least not as far as he could tell, but for some reason he couldn't quite abandon it. It wasn't his, but there was something in his mind that kept him from just leaving. The more John looked at it, the more he could see how intricate the detailing on it was. Someone had clearly put a lot of love into the decorations, mostly symbols he didn't recognize, but that clearly seemed to be magical in some manner. Or that's what his mind told him, at least. Magic wasn't real.

"Why can't I take my eyes off of you?"

He did attempt to break his gaze from it, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. Something about it was drawing him in. He swore he could hear a voice whispering in his head.

'Put it on... you found it, it's yours now...'

"It's... it's mine...?" He asked aloud, not certain if he was going crazy or not - the voice had been clear and distinct, but he couldn't hear it anywhere outside his own head. But then he heard it again, as obvious as if someone was right there beside him, whispering into his ear.

'Yes, it's yours... it's called to you, and its power is yours, John. The power to never be pushed around again, to be strong...'

"The power to be... strong..." He said, being brought in by the voice.

'Indeed... all you have to do is place the pendant around your neck, and then everything will become clear...' The voice seemed to chuckle - a part of him felt that there was some kind of ulterior motive to this, but he couldn't bring himself to try to reason against it.

"S-sure... then I don't see any harm... in putting it on..." He was all but certain that something was up, but the allure of putting it on was far too strong, and John lifted it over his head and slid it on, hearing the metal jingle slightly as he let it slip into place. 'There you go, John... all will be made clear VERY soon~" The voice purred in his mind.

He was taken slightly aback by the immediate realisation that the voice he was hearing was now louder and clearer than before, as if he had willingly let whatever the voice belonged to into his head, which he technically had done. "What do you mean by th- aaah!" A sudden, violent jolt of energy rushed through him, causing him to stumble and fall down to his knees.

John managed to catch himself on his hands before he totally fell down, but the jolt had been more intense than he'd ever imagined something like that would ever be. It wasn't a static shock of any sort. "Hnnfff... what the fuck... was that? Why did it shock me like tha-AAAAT" He yelped again as more energy began to shoot out from the pendant and flow through his body with incredible intensity.

"I wouldn't worry too much about that - the pain will soon pass!" The voice chuckled, another jolt nearly knocking him down to all fours, but John retained his current position. Every muscle in his body tensed up all at once as he was assaulted by the shock.

He noticed that he was not only hard, but achingly so as more of the shocks ran through him. The human was squirming a little, eyes drawn to his hands as they began to twitch rapidly, as if not fully under his mind's control. His eyes went wider as he saw his nails split apart to reveal sharp, vicious looking claws on top of his fingers growing longer, more dexterous while cream-white coloured fur began to sprout on them. They were easily much bigger than his human hands, and perhaps more concerningly for the moment... it felt good. REALLY good.

"What... what's going on?" He asked, looking at his changed hands, the palms of his hands sporting rough-looking pads. He slowly got back to his feet, his body squirming against his clothes, his pants rubbing up against his groin.

"Oh, nothing too drastic, just a few minor improvements~" The voice purred again.

"You call this minor?!" He half-moaned as the changes began to surge up his arms, the fur bringing with it a not-inconsiderable amount of pleasurable sensations, only increased by his upper limbs surging thicker with sculpted, powerful muscles, darkening to a shade of orange past his wrists. In mere seconds, his unassuming physique there was replaced with something inhumanly strong. A beastial athlete capable of feats to make even the strongest human athlete look pathetic by comparison. The fact that he was hard as a rock made concentrating even harder.

'Oh yes - this is just the start. Doesn't it feel good?'

"Gh... hrrrghh!" He groaned, stumbling forwards, catching himself against a nearby tree. His claws stretched out as he moved to stop himself from falling, leaving deep gouges in the wood as he did so. He could feel his dick pressing against his zipper, pre leaking through it.

"Am I to take that as a yes?" The voice teased him.

"Hhrrrahhh... yyy-yesssss..." He huffed as the fur climbed up past his biceps and onto his shoulders, which widened considerably as it then began to descend down his torso, his pectorals surging with strength as they grew incredibly sculpted and well-defined, his nipples growing in size. Soon, his abs pulled into a powerful-looking six-pack, tight and showing how virile he was to anyone who saw them. The more he changed, the better it felt. The power flowing through him felt incredible. Too good to keep to himself. "Mnnnrrraaahhhhhh! Grrrffffffuuccckkkkkkkk~!"

"I'm happy to hear that.. But don't you think you should get rid of those clothes soon?" The voice goaded. "I'm sure that shirt's feeling tight against your growing muscles..."

"Hrhh... rrrrrfffhh..." He growled, resting back against the tree as he looked at himself - his shirt held tight against his body, the fur poking through various holes where the fabric was slowly tearing across his thicker frame. He ran his claws along the front of his top, effortlessly tearing large holes through the cloth, sinking his fingers in as he tore it clean off, feeling the cold, night air blowing through his growing fur, a thick tuft dotting the middle of his proud pectorals.

"What's wrong, you wanna keep the pants on?" The voice continued to egg on the changing human before letting out a chuckle - he had a feeling that they'd stay on for just a little bit longer before John decided to remove them, the zipper starting to strain against his dick. Still, a small part of him was trying to hold back, as if attempting to resist the change - he felt like he was approaching the point of no return, and if he crossed it, it'd be impossible to go back.

"Rrrhhffff...fffuuck that...!" John hissed as he reached down and watched as the already tight bulge in his pants grew even larger as his cock began to grow thicker and longer, the colour steadily turning more red as its appearance became less and less human. He could also feel his ass packing on fat and muscle as his hip bones began to alter themselves into the inhuman beast he was becoming... and wanted to be. He could even feel a tail starting to grow as his spine began to stretch even further. "Hrrrraahhhhhhh!"

The button on his shorts pinged off, bouncing off a tree several feet away. The zipper broke apart, his drooling, throbbing dick pushing its way outwards. The small part of him that was trying to resist still held on, but the voice inside of him picked up on that.

"You know... there's a good many of what you're becoming who are very sexually virile - I'm sure they can't wait to get their jaws around what's soon going to be your big, meaty cock.... And I'm sure all the females will willingly jump at the chance to ride it, too~" The voice was grinning from spectral ear to spectral ear, knowing that this should be enough to push him beyond any form of human reasoning.

"Yesss... fuuuccckkk...! All of them lusting after me... no matter what... YESSSSSS~!" He huffed as the words slipped into his mind, egging him on as he wrapped his hands around the shaft and began to feverishly pump it, urging it to grow more, to warp more into a cock that anyone would do anything to have even a taste of. A sheath grew at the base, his balls hanging lower as they grew to the size of grapefruits, the shaft coming to a point as a knot grew in at the base of his shaft, engorged and sensitive to the touch.

"Mmrrfffhh... cum for me, human... cum for the big, BEASTLY Sergal that you're warping into... and for the one that's lying in wait for you..." The voice rang through his head.

Sergals... was that what he was becoming one of? An otherworldly species thought to be extinct? And if they were, that'd make him the first of what would be many - but wait, the voice said that one was 'lying in wait'... His hand squeezed his knot, causing his dick to spasm violently in his hand as he came, his human seed being ejected from his body. In turn, the small part of him that was holding him back broke, his muscles and cock swelling larger as if in response to that.

"Rrghh...HRHRRARARGGHHHHH!!!" A low, monstrous growl left his throat as his human essence was purged from him, and as it happened, he heard his voice deepen by several octaves in a matter of seconds, the voice of the frail, timid human now replaced by the deep, commanding snarl of a powerful beast. "Yessss..." He revelled in the sound of his new voice, feeling it rumble in his chest. "I sound so... soooo wild!" He huffed.

Just having a tail felt so fucking good, he thought with a grin. Humans were so sad, not having one... but he wasn't one of those weak things anymore. Hell, he'd spread his new species far and wide. Extinct? Not anymore... he'd make sure of it. His legs bulked up as the fur and muscles spread down them, giving him a powerful figure. For a few brief moments, his feet felt imprisoned in his former selve's shoes before they exploded off of his mutating body, his feet elongating as his heels rose, becoming digitigrade. Long, lethal claws splitting apart the nails as fur and pads grew on them, taking on a slightly avian appearance.

"Rrrhhhfffuuucckkk... so GOOD! I feel so fucking strong!"

He almost came again from the sensations of his paws bursting through his shoes, kicking off the destroyed fabric as he balanced on the balls of his feet, his claws sinking into the earth, tapping against the ground. His tail swayed from side to side, sweeping up some dirt in the process.

"Just a little bit longer, and there won't be a single trace of humanity left in you..." He could feel the fur starting to creep its way up his neck, his hair already shifting to match the bright orange coat the rest of him was sporting. "Doesn't that just make you feel good?"

"Hrrrhhh... MORE than good..." The thought of his humanity being completely extinguished turning him on even more, potent beastial pre spurting out of his cock. His hearing grew sharper as his ears elongated into long, triangular shapes, twitching in the slight breeze that blew through the area. His tongue elongated, forking at the tip, and he could feel his face pushing out into a fierce-looking, predatory muzzle. Triangular in shape and lined with razor-sharp fangs that were bared in a terrifying grin of supremacy. It wasn't without some pain, but if anything, that just turned him on more. He could take it. He wasn't some weak human anymore. And as if to drive that point home, his eyes pulled into slits, the irises turning a deep blue. "I FEEL FUCKING AMAZING!"

The Sergal that was John felt his cock twitch and throb. He wanted to cum once again, to seal the deal, and it wasn't long before he did just that, throwing his head back and letting loose a savage roar as he came hard, firing off thick ropes of potent seed in a wide-reaching arc.

"Mmmm... am I to take it that felt good?" Another voice rang through his ears, the sound of approaching footsteps grabbing his attention.

As he turned, he saw another Sergal approaching him - this one obviously female and watching him with a content, knowing grin. In fact, her voice sounded intimately familiar to him. It had been the one that before this moment had only been in his mind. Her black and grey fur featuring glowing sigils that spoke of arcane might in addition to her powerful muscles. She eyed him with approval as he responded.

"Oh, it felt positively divine to leave being human behind... are you the one that made this possible?"

"I might well have had a paw in it~" The female giggled, standing a couple of feet taller than him. She looked at him with approval, purring. "The name's Seraphi, and you, my dear, are the first of many, MANY Sergals to be restored under my watchful eyes!"

"Mmmmhhhhhh... I can't wait to see more of us running around. My friends will see our way soon enough, I'm certain!" He growled in approval, eyeing Seraphi with obvious interest, his spear still hard and able to be put to more use. Now that this beauty was before him, he could show her his gratitude at turning him into such a virile beast.

"As long as they all come along willingly, it's all good~" She purred, placing a paw along his shoulder. "Of course, I can't say I've ever come across anyone who didn't come willingly, so all should be good either way!" She giggled.

"Oh, so you've had experiences with others already?" He asked.

"I can't say I've thought about making others into Sergals beforehand - I've had a few experiences riding dragons, for example!" She winked. "But after a while, being the only Sergal does get just the tiniest bit depressing, soooo~" She ran her hand along his thigh.

"Well, sounds like I should help show you how much of a good choice you made in making more~" He winked back, not bothering to stifle a moan of arousal as she stroked his thigh, some part of him wondering what riding, or being rode by, a dragon would feel like. Anything but a human, really - they wouldn't last long enough.

She smirked. "Oh, I was already anticipating that you'd be wanting to show me a good time, hun..." She chuckled as he felt something brushing against his cock. Looking down, he saw what looked like a long, prehensile tongue slowly wrapping around his shaft. "Not to mention that we've got to give you a new name as well!"

"Rrrhhh... call me Dominion..." He growled. "I'm sure you'd like to exchange a few more pleasantries before we screw, but I'm far too horny to think about that!" A huff escaped his mouth, his eyes darting up and down, eying up Seraphi with ever-increasing lustful intent. Even if he couldn't have thought up a new name on the spot and had to put it off until later, you didn't need a name to fuck like the beast you'd become, and he was fully intent on giving his new body the test drive of a lifetime with Seraphi, pre starting to leak from the tip at her touch.

"Good point!" She leant in closer, pressing her lips to his as she locked him into a deep, passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around his back. Her clitoral hood slid further around his dick, pulling it towards her eager, dripping pussy. "Show me what a BEAST you are then, hun~"

"Don't mind if I do!" Dominion grinned as he kissed back and thrust into her, his tongue mingling with hers as he tasted another Sergal for the first, but certainly not last, time. It was enough to drive him into a wild frenzy as he kept thrusting into Seraphi, driving deep as he gave her all he was made of and then some. "Hrrrhhh... fuck... this is sooo gooooood..."

"Hehe... you're taking this quite well - I know a few people were freaked out... mmrrgghh... at first with what they saw down there..." She growled, bringing him in deeper with it, constricting it with such finesse and vigor. "Well, freaked out at first, before they saw how well... rrrrorwwwrrr... I can put it to use...!"

"Mnnnrrrhhh... I can see why they'd... hhhrrrfff... change their minds..." He growled as he kept pounding away, the pressure around his shaft stimulating him further, balls slapping against her body. He wasn't sure how long they'd been going, but he felt like he could, and would, go all night long. A savage smile spread across his muzzle at the thought of seeing more Sergals going at it like this. "You're very fucking... mmrrrff... convincing!"

"I've had a... rrrggghh... lot of time to master my craft, dear Dominion!" She snarled, playfully nipping at his shoulder as she bucked against him faster and faster, feeling his hefty balls smacking her furry rump. "If you think I'm good down there, the next time I'll give you an oral demonstration...!"

"Please do! I'd...rrrhhhhhhh... love to experience that and more with you!" His pace quickened, the bite spurring him on as his tail lashed against the ground in pleasure whilst he kept hammering away at her. There was so much he could see himself doing with her, the possibilities were endless, and with stamina like he had, he could see a lot of them happening that very night.

"Ooooh, my friend... you're going to experience a LOT with me... rrgghh..." She nipped him again, her claws stroking along his muscled chest. She could feel her orgasm growing closer and closer by the second. She knew that he was close as well, feeling his cock twitch and spasm in her grasp. "You'll be at my side virtually all the time, after all~"

"I can't... rrrrrhhhh... wait for all of that...HHHHHHRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He had been getting closer and closer and finally could hold back no longer, letting out a loud, beastial roar as he came hard within Seraphi, filling the beautiful Sergal up to the brim with his potent, virile seed as waves of absolute pleasure hammered his body from top to bottom. Nothing would feel better than this.

Seraphi threw her head back, letting loose a primal roar herself, soaking his cock in her sweet, sweet juices. The rune-like markings on her body shone brightly as they bathed in each other's climax, the two beasts embracing as they slowly came down from the powerful high.

"Mmmmhhhh... that was beyond satisfying... and you say you're going to make more of us? You're far too kind to change them all into beasts like us, but I can't say I can argue against it... they'll be throwing themselves at us when they see us!" Dominion grinned as he gazed into her eyes, the gratitude at being liberated from his humanity clear. No human alive could possibly not want to be transformed into one of them - not if it felt that good. And for a walk in the woods, he had gotten a sneak peek at the world's future.

"Well it's better to be kind than cruel, but trust me, I can have a bit of a sadistic side as well..." She grinned, magicing up a sword from seemingly nowhere, the ornate blade adorned with runes similar to those across her body. "It's rare that I use this to cause damage that isn't entirely magic-based, but I'm sure you'll get a chance to see what I can do with it down the line!" She placed it down beside her. "For now, though, I think it's best that we get you back to your human dwelling - I'm sure you're gonna want to get a few things from there, as well as plan ahead!"

"Pretty solid plan... can't leave ALL my stuff behind, now can I? But I don't live all that far from here. Should be simple to slip in, get everything I need and start finding some receptive humans... and Seraphi? Thank you for making me such a sexy beast..." He grinned as he examined the blade, keen on making one of his own eventually. But for the time being, he had more immediate worries and needs. Somehow, the forest path seemed much less frightening and dark than it had before. He had no reason to fear anything, now. For he was a beast and not shy about proving it.