Shrink Ray

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The "Shrink Ray" stories take the idea of prey having shrink rays to modern day Vulpineva, where predators no longer hunt prey. These stories lack the revolutionary implications in the "Hunted" or "Reign of Prey" stories. Instead, they are just about Ellie using the shrink ray to dominate her kitty beloved. All of these stories are smut/fetish content. This is the original version.

Everything was finally back to how it should be. The carnivore cult had been eliminated. The Duchess had ceded control back to the elected government. Finally, Jason and Ellie could return home to get on with their new life together.

Jason reclined on the couch. Ellie had run to the store by herself, and he was reading while he waited for her to return. He still couldn't believe how lucky he was to have the rabbit in his life, to be living with her and curl up together every night.

Around eleven, he heard Ellie's new car pull into the driveway. Jason set down Eyeless in Gaza and waited for the rabbit to come through the door. Ellie entered the door, carrying her satchel. Jason sat up.

"Do you need some help with the groceries?" he asked.

Ellie smiled, "Yeah, thanks."

Jason hopped up and trotted past her out the door toward her silver compact car.

"Hey, Jason."

Jason turned his head just as a warm sensation touched his back, like a concentrated beam of sunlight. Suddenly, everything started growing: the door, the car, Ellie. No, I'm shrinking! The growth of the room stopped, and Jason stumbled a few steps forward dizzily. A moment later, he yelped as enormous hands wrapped around his middle and heaved him into the air. The hands turned him around to stare into Ellie's now gigantic visage. She grinned toothily, showing her large incisors.

"Surprise, kitty! How do you like my shrink ray?"

"H-huh? Shrink ray?" Jason had no idea such technology was even possible, yet given his situation, it evidently was.

Ellie held him with one hand wrapped across his back and under his arm--her hand couldn't quite reach all the way around him, but did reach about 70% of the way--and lifted a very sci-fi silver gun with red disks on the barrel and a transparent bulb where the hole would be. Jason stared at the toy-like gun in disbelief.

"Don't worry, kitty. It can make you bigger again too. You aren't stuck like this." She put the gun back in her satchel.

That at least was a bit of a relief. Jason looked up at the rabbit in confusion. "Where did that come from, and why did you shrink me, Ellie?"

"Prey have had them for a long time, Jason," Ellie explained. "We were developing the technology before the invention of lab meat. It would have been all over for you predators if we'd perfected the shrink rays first. The way it turned out was pretty fortunate really."

Jason found this information more than a little disturbing, "What do you mean 'all over'?" he asked nervously.

Ellie smiled, "Sorry, I guess that was a little bit ominous. Prey weren't planning to wipe predators out. I mean, there were some who wanted that, but the majority decided you should be allowed to live. We were going to shrink you and make you our pets."

Jason didn't much like the sound of that either, especially when he had just been shrunk. "What are you going to do to me?" he whined.

Ellie lay him on his back across one forearm, pressed against her chest, and stroked the other hand from his neck to his belly. "Don't be scared, Jason," she soothed. "You know I love you, right?"

Jason nodded. He did know that, which was why this attack didn't make sense.

"Well, I just wanted to try out having my own little pet. We're supposed to keep the shrink rays secret, but we're allowed to use them for our own personal matters. Say I was in love with a mouse. I could make him big enough so that we could have a proper relationship."

"You didn't make me your size though," Jason whined. "Why'd you make me so small? If you explained things and said you wanted us to be the same size for something, I would have said yes."

"Would you have said yes if I said I wanted you this size?"

Jason hesitated, but then shook his head, "I don't think so. Why do you want me like this?"

"Like I said, I wanted to try having my own little pet. I didn't think you would agree, but also, I kind of like that it wasn't your choice. Now you know that I can shrink you as small as I want and that it's up to me when you get to be big again. You're all mine, Jason. That's how I want it."

Jason felt a bit ill. He knew Ellie had some dominant proclivities, but he never could have imagined it would go this far, that she'd want him helpless and at her mercy for who-knew-how-long. "Y-you aren't going to hurt me, are you?" he whimpered.

"No promises, but I won't do anything to permanently injure you, no. As long as you're an obedient little kitty, I think we can keep the pain to a minimum. I don't want this to be torture for you, Jason. I think you'll come to like being my little pet."

Jason wasn't so sure about that, but he nodded to be agreeable. "I-I'll do what you say, Ellie. I want you to be happy. If this really is what it takes, I love you enough to accept it."

"Are you saying you want to be like this forever?" Ellie teased.

"I-I ho-ope it's not going to be permanent, but-"

"Don't worry, kitty. I wouldn't keep you like this. Probably in a few days, I'll make you big again. I just thought we'd try it. If it's fun, we'll do it every once in a while. The way you normally are is how I fell in love with you, and that's the way I prefer. This could be fun too though."

Jason was relieved to hear this wasn't going to be interminable, but he was still nervous about being reduced to Ellie's pet at all.

Ellie spoke again, "Let me get the groceries, and then we'll sit. I don't think you'll mind being my little kitty, Jason."

Ellie set him on the futon and put away the groceries. Then she came back to the sofa, scooped him up, and sat with him laying in her lap with his head toward her knees. Ellie stroked his belly and then ran his tail between finger and thumb, grinning gleefully.

"You're such a cute little thing," she crooned. "This isn't too scary for you, is it? You know I love you more than anything."

"I know, Ellie."

"Just relax, kitty. I'll let you know if there's anything you need to do. Otherwise, you just let me handle things. I'll take care of you. All you have to do is not resist."

"I-I'll try not to," Jason stammered. Resist what?

Ellie turned Jason across her lap and propped her feet up. She grabbed her tablet out of her bag and started reading. Jason lay still nervously watching the giant rabbit. What was she going to do with him? She'd told him not to resist, but how could he even hope to resist her? Ellie could do anything to him now, and it was up to her when he'd be his normal size again. She could even make him smaller if she wanted. His only choice was to submit, to rely on her better nature and hope nothing would go too far. If this isn't already too far. So far, she'd only held him. She'd been gentle. But Ellie liked to cause pain too, and if she hurt him, he couldn't do anything about it. He hoped he hadn't misjudged the rabbit, that she wasn't crueler than he'd previously thought. If he had, he could be in for a very rough time.

After some time--it seemed like hours--Ellie set down her tablet and scooped Jason up in one arm. She placed her other arm on top of him, holding him firmly, and massaged his cheek with her top hand. Her arm pressed down on him. It wasn't uncomfortable, but Jason could feel the overwhelming strength behind it. The frailty of his own body in comparison to the colossal rabbit's was unsettling. No matter how gentle she was, Jason could instinctively feel the threat she posed to him. She could snap his bones, twist or crush his body beyond recognition. His sense of complete helplessness was numbing, paralyzing.

"Let's go get dinner ready," she murmured. "What would my little kitty like to eat?"

Jason couldn't even answer for a moment, and when he did he couldn't think of food, "I, I don't know. Whatever you make me," he murmured.

"Alright, kitty. I'll try to make you something nice." She headed toward the kitchen.


She stopped, "Yes, Jason?"

"P-please don't make me stay like this. Let me be at least as big to you as you usually are to me. You'd still be in charge then, but not like this. I want to trust you, but even by accident, you could hurt me horribly like this."

Ellie frowned, "I'll be very careful, Jason."

"Please, Ellie? I-I don't mind you being in charge, but this is too much. I'm afraid."

Ellie frowned a few more seconds but then nodded, "Very well, Jason, but you have to promise you won't try to use the shrink ray yourself."

"I-I promise."

Ellie set him on the wood floor and hopped back over to her bag on the futon. She pulled out the ray gun and pointed it at him. The golden beam hit him in the chest, and he started to grow. However, it wasn't long before the beam cut out. Ellie replaced the gun and hopped back over to him. He looked up at the rabbit: he now came to about the middle of her chest.

"Is this alright?" she asked.

Jason nodded.

Ellie scooped him up across her arms with a grunt. "Not too much for me to handle."

Jason tucked his head against her arm, and breathed her warm, herbal scent. This was okay. He didn't mind being held in Ellie's arms like this. Surely, she could overpower him, but she couldn't crush him in an accident now. Instead of a feeling on extreme vulnerability, he now felt comforted by Ellie's strong arms. She would protect him. He didn't mind being smaller so long as it was reasonable.

"Thank you, Ellie. I don't mind being your little kitty like this. I could be like this forever, and it would be okay."

Ellie grinned, "Sometimes I like to be the one who gets held, but I'm glad you're comfortable now. You're not afraid?"

Jason shook his head, "I feel safe now."

Ellie set him down and hugged him to her chest, stroking his head with one hand. "I love you, Jason. You'd be safe no matter how small you were, but I don't want you to be afraid. Do you want to go make dinner now? I suppose you're big enough to help at this size."

Jason nodded, but he held onto her for a few more seconds. He should have known Ellie wouldn't hurt him, that she wouldn't want him to be afraid. He loved her no matter their relative sizes. She was his bunny, and he was her kitty. And that was all that mattered.

They prepared dinner. Jason had to stand on a chair to reach the stove. When they had eaten, Ellie led him up to the bedroom and retrieved the handcuffs from the closet.

"First, let's put on your favorite accessory," she teased.

Jason's heart pitter-pattered as she locked his hands behind his back. At this size and without his hands, he would truly be at Ellie's mercy. Ellie lifted him under the arms--it was still a bit strange to be picked up by the rabbit--and sat him on the bed.

"Lay down," she commanded. "We're going to have some fun now. It would have been risky to sit on you when you were really small, but now we shouldn't have to worry."

Jason complied, and Ellie hopped up onto the bed beside him. She stood and stepped over top of him. She crouched with her rear over his face. Jason felt his ears get hot: her vulva was almost touching his nose as she peered down between her legs into his eyes.

"You're going to eat my asshole now, kitty," Ellie stated matter-of-factly. "I know you like to lick my butt, but this time, I want you to really get in there, see how far your tongue can reach."

Jason nodded nervously. There was nothing he wouldn't do for Ellie, but he hoped she wouldn't be too harsh with him. A little part of him hoped she would. Ellie crouched down until her rear was pressed against his face. Tentatively, Jason reached out his tongue and licked her anus.

"Go on, kitty," Ellie coaxed.

Jason pushed his tongue through the tight, wrinkled hole. His tongue slid through and then between the smooth, hot walls of her rectum.

"Lick, kitty. Nurse my asshole," Ellie commanded gently.

Jason obeyed, pressing his muzzle into her rear, he suckled Ellie's anus, his tongue reaching deep into her rectum to lap the sticky walls. It didn't matter to him if it was gross or not; he belonged to Ellie. He was her toy, and this was how she chose to use him.

With a moan of pleasure, Ellie sat the rest of the way down onto his face, squashing his head against the bed and his muzzle into the soft flesh between her pelvis. She stretched her legs out on either side of his head, applying almost the entirety of her now much greater weight onto his face. There was no way Jason could breathe, and soon, his lungs began to beg for air. He tried to pull his muzzle out from under Ellie, but he could hardly move it at all. His muzzle was trapped between her pelvic bones and under her overwhelming weight. Jason pushed his legs helplessly against the bed, unable bring his arms up to maybe lift Ellie just a little bit.

Ellie's strong hands gripped his ears and painfully yanked him back in place, "Don't stop licking unless you want me to smother you," she demanded. "No tongue, no air."

Obediently, Jason pushed his tongue back into her rectum and began to suckle again, but he was desperate for air, his lungs screaming and head pounding as darkness crept at the side of his vision. Apparently satisfied, Ellie pushed two fingers under her vulva and between her flesh and Jason's nose. She didn't push her self up at all, but Jason was able to take a few grateful breaths through his nose before Ellie retracted her fingers and her flesh blocked his nose again.

"I told you I'd make it so you couldn't get away sometime," Ellie reminded him. "Don't fight it, Jason. Keep licking. I'll choose when you get to breathe."

Jason had no alternative but to obey. He nursed Ellie's asshole as her weight crushed his head, and every so often, she let his desperate lungs have relief. It was rough, but Jason enjoyed it. He was completely Ellie's, totally under her control. His very life was hers if she wanted. There was no way he could escape if she chose to smother him under her rear. Jason knew she wouldn't do this, but the possibility of it aroused him. He could feel the cool air on his exposed penis, but Ellie ignored it. That denial was part of his pleasure too. He was a toy. Why should Ellie bother herself with his stimulation? Jason absorbed himself into his servitude. He worshiped her. He wanted to be hers always and to be unable to resist her control.

After what could have been half an hour or three, Ellie put her feet back under her and stood up. She looked down at Jason amusedly as he gasped for breath, finally relieving the ache in his chest.

"Did you like that, kitty?"

Jason nodded.

"Was my asshole tasty?

Jason blushed and nodded again.

Ellie grinned wide, "Well then, you'll have to nurse it more often. Whether you're big or small, you can enjoy the taste of my butthole."

Jason smiled softly, "I'm yours, Ellie," he murmured. "I want to always be yours."

"Good kitty," Ellie replied satisfiedly. "I knew you'd enjoy being my toy. Maybe you won't be so afraid to be small next time."

Jason felt a little twinge of fear, but then he shook his head, "I won't be. I want to be yours completely. I'm glad you can shrink me have me however you want anytime."

"You like it when you can't fight back, hmm?" Ellie teased.

Jason nodded bashfully.

Ellie sat back down but onto his chest with her feet on either side of his head. She petted his head, "You're mine, Jason. You'll always belong to me."

Jason couldn't think of anything he'd want more.


Ellie was out enjoying a sunny Fall day. She'd crouched in a meadow and was enjoying some fresh grass in the shelter of the longer stems. Her ears swiveled toward a scuffing sound and her eyes lazily followed. They popped wide when...

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Jason stalked through the tall grass, listening, breathing the scents around him. His prey was nearby. Silently, he pushed forward, his stealthy movements barely rustling the grass. It could have been mistaken for a light breeze. His...

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Species Swap-Nibble

Ellie awoke and was startled to find a brown rabbit lying next to her. She leapt up and gingerly pulled down the covers to reveal its hindquarters: the rabbit was male. How had he gotten into her apartment?! And what might he have...

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