Icy Touch

Story by Devlin A Dreadwood on SoFurry

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Icy Touch

A WoW pornfic

Ratchet, why did it have to be Ratchet ... the Deathknight mumbled as he hid in the shadows. He hated the fetid heat that surrounded the sea side port on the western continent. He was sitting at a table, his cowl pulled over his face, mostly obscuring it save for his tusks that jutted outward and the small whips of frost that left his icy blue lips.

He had a fleeting memory, of when he was amongst the living that he had frequented this area a lot but now he vaguely remembered it, like a mirage on the shimmering flats that vanished when you came near it, so instead he nursed his drink, not for any particular reason, other then to just sit around and watch the other patrons.

There was no hiding who or what he was, yes its true he was a Deathknight, a Troll Deathknight at that, once servent of the Litch king, but that has changed now since the Litch kings defeat. He no longer heard the call of his past master, one thing he was grateful to be without.

Sighing he took a long draw of his ale and stood up, his long cloak falling behind him as he left the tavern, his hand shielding his eyes from the bright sun as he stepped outside. As his blue eyes adjusted, their eerie glow fading slightly as he walked down towards the docks, casually observing the going on's of the wharf.

Standing there, the Troll felt a long, forgotten pang as he watched the goblins work. Shaking his head he turned and left, seeking the shade of a nearby building to escape the heat of the day. As he ducked into the shade of a building he slowly made his way to the back, out of sight of any prying eyes as his right hand slowly slipped under his cloak and unlaced the front of his breeches and fished out his cock. Shuddering he slowly stroked it, his cold hand matching that of his slowly growing cock. His body long since stopped producing heat, his breath forming frost in the air as he slowly stroked himself. He was lost in his personal pleasure until he heard a sound and quickly composed himself, his hand pulling off and tucking his cock back into the confines of his cloak.

Before he could be caught the deathknight slowly melded into the shadows, blending in as he watched a human male walk into the alley .

Looking around, the human swore he saw someone walking behind his shop, swearing it was a troll, his intent was to chase off the troll, he hated trolls, hearing stories of how they kidnapped human females and raped them and forcing them to bare their ugly children. Those females that escaped were never the same, horror stories of how painful it was to be fucked by the trolls due to their large endowments. Turning around the human gave one more look around, seeing nothing but a few scraps of trash on the ground, he started to walk out of the ally when he felt an ice cold touch on his shoulder. Freezing in place, his teeth started to chatter as he slowly turned around and his eyes fell upon death itself.

Grinning the Troll gave a long drawn out breath over the humans pale face, his breath echoing out in a wave of frost against the humans face as the troll quickly pulled him into the deepest part of the ally and slung him against the wall face first

" You say anything mon' and it be da last thing you do" he said in that cold echoing voice that all death knights had

"Pl..ple..please ... don't kill me" the human stammered as he feared for his life

The next thing the human knew was the back half of his pants were pulled down, exposing his white boxers which were quickly pulled down. He wondered what the troll was doing to him when he felt a blunt ice cold object pressing against his anus and ... oh gods no.... he was not about to put that there ... was he ....

his question was answered when he felt the troll push forward, his pre coated head pushing past the humans defenses. Hissing in pleasure the troll easily sank his length into the human and held on tightly to his hips as he worked on burying his cock into the tight entrance before him, meanwhile the human tried not to cry in pain or yell for fear of death from the troll. He slowly felt his insides stretch open almost tearing as he felt the trolls ice cold skin press against his own warm flesh

"please .. oh gods please don't rape me" the human begged but it went on deft ears as he felt the trolls hips slap his ass over and over again.

Holding in his breath for as long as possible, the troll hammered away at the humans ass as he felt his climax edging closer, his balls started to tingle and he felt that icy chill building up that he felt every time he masturbated, he closed his eyes and with one last thrust, he hissed into the humans ear, frost caking onto the warm piece of cartilage as he felt his icy semen flowing into the humans warm anal passage. He held his hips tightly against those warm mounds of flesh as he emptied himself, meanwhile the human sobbed silently as he felt that icy flow filling him, it started to spread and he slowly looked down, fear filling him rapidly as he felt his body go numb, his skin growing pale as he felt his heart beat slow down, slower and slower until he could not feel it anymore but yet he still stood.

He glanced down and saw his own erection, hard and leaking and he slowly reached down and touched it, feeling no heat from his body and he wanted to sob so badly but he felt no tears coming forth, here he was now a cold lifeless body no thanks to the retched Death Knight. Slowly the troll pulled out, his cock giving the last few spurts of his climax onto those now cold mounds of flesh that were once warm and tight

"what... what have you DONE to me you bastard" the human said, almost shouting

"You be mine now, da life you had be gone now mon' you my servant now" the troll said as he tucked his cock back into his armor

"But I don't WANT to be your servant, damn it I want to be alive again" the human said again nearly shouting forgetting that he was still half naked

"You de alive, mon, just not the warm kind of alive" the troll said in a chuckle as he watched the humans skin grow more and more pale

As the human stood there dazed, he felt funny, like he needed to sit down ... yes that was a good idea, so he did just that, he sat down and got redressed in the process, he looked down at the ground and gave a long sigh, only to see a small jet of frost form in the air. Slowly taking a sniff in the air, he could smell a cold acidic smell, he didn't know what it was from but he caught another smell and he reeled back from it, it stank to the high heavens and it was coming from him. Remembering what just happened he assumed it was the smell of sex and it stank to his nose but the troll seemed to love it very much.

As the troll got up and started to leave the ally way, the human had a deep down compulsion to get up and follow, and that's what he did, he followed the troll out and into the main street, the bright sun nearly blinding his eyes as they made their way to the inn. Waving past the innkeeper the troll made his way to his room, pushing the human in and latching the door as he said down and watched the human through those cold blue dead eyes

"wh.. whats going to happen to me, why is it so cold" the human pleaded with the troll

"You be da walking dead, not yet a ghoul, but not alive anymore, mon" the troll said as he stood to his full height and removed his armor.

Before him was truly a chilling sight, the troll was ice blue in color, his nipples were in a constant state of erectness due to his frigid body temperature, his cock was frighteningly large and his balls hung low but yet remained full somehow. He could feel the temperature in the room rapidly dropping as the troll easily picked the human up and undressed him before throwing him onto the bed. He knew what was about to happen so he didn't resist as he felt the troll get behind him, hoist him onto hands and knees and press inward, shuddering he felt the trolls long cock enter him, it was like ice it was so cold. As the troll thrust in and out slowly this time, he reached around and started stroking the humans ice cold cock, thumbing the head softly.

Moaning as he felt his cock stroked and thumbed like that he tried to resist getting erect but failed as he felt the troll hitting his prostate over and over, he had never felt anything like this, not even when he was in bed with his wife on their wedding night was he having this much pleasure, and then it happened, stars were in his eyes and he went blank as he shot his load across the bed in a pain filled moan of orgasmic bliss, his ass clamped down onto the trolls cock which made him hiss, an artic cold exhale onto his neck told the human that the troll was cumming again, only this time the humans limbs with rigid, almost locking as he gasped for breath

"wh..whats happening now" he said as light faded from his sight but he could still here

"Your my ghoul now mon, you be subservient to me now and forever" the troll said as he pulled out wetly

Slowly the humans skin darked, his hair started to fall out as he no longer resembled a human, he was now truly dead, reborn as a ghoul for this ...monster of a troll. He wanted to kill the troll, he tried, he tried so hard to move his limbs and reach out to kill the troll but he couldn't, no matter how hard he tried he just stood there, what was left of his skin was dried and shriveled, he didn't even have his manhood anymore, and to make matters worse, he stank of the trolls sex and craved more of it, it disgusted him so much he wanted to cry but nothing happened instead, he stood there watching the troll get dressed and leave the room, the human now ghoul mindlessly followed him out and into the street where the troll made a deathgate and entered, the ghoul following and the next thing he knew they were in Ebon Hold, his new home when he was not out killing with the troll