The Stallion Under Her

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A squirrel mistress has her stallion slut servant on a tight leash, down between his legs where he belongs...

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The Stallion Under Her

Written by Arian Mabe (Amethyst Mare)

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Vera smiled, the squirrel easily dominating, all without trying. After a long day of work, especially in a field as intensive as healthcare where, sometimes, she felt like everything was out of control, it was good to take control. Lightly, gently - but it was a control that the red squirrel did not have to fight for either.

Her toes curled, doused in a warm tub, though the jets were not whirring as she sighed contentedly, leaning back in her favourite armchair while her husband and submissive partner, Odie, a bay stallion, took care of her. The horse worked a labour-intensive job and his body showed the results of that, rippling with muscle, wearing a cute pink bow-tie and a pink thong, the bulge of his sheath, balls and even his shaft too, questing from his sheath, showing through delightfully. Even when the service was not sexual, even if it was to come, the squirrel mistress in nothing but her bare fur, he was aroused by merely serving her.

Vera liked that.

She liked it rather a lot, in fact.

"Mm, that's right, servant," she moaned, leaning back, letting him rub the tension from her hind paws, toes curling softly, tension slipping away. "You've done well."

The stallion smiled, his nose dipped submissively.

"Thank you, mistress," he breathed, barely daring to raise his voice, ears twitching, his tail loose and relaxed against his rump. "Is there anything more that I can do to please you?"

Of course, there was - though he had to dry her off, tenderly and carefully first, applying a deep moisturiser to her hind paws too, one that would soak through her fur to her skin beneath. He'd bought a high-quality one for her last birthday and Odie had made sure to pick up a new one every time she'd gotten low since, keeping a quiet, watchful eye on anything she liked too that might need replenishing. It was just another little thing that he could do to service her, letting go of everything else, solely thinking about his squirrel lover, his mistress.

Vera let him towel her gently dry, slipping into his arms for her stallion submissive to rest her on the sofa, her legs softly spreading. As if they could only go one way, her legs slipped over the horse's shoulders as he kissed tenderly up her legs, his cock throbbing and trying to push out even more, even though there was only so much space for it in his underwear. Yet that moment was not for Odie, not as he nuzzled into his mistress' bare pussy, damp already from his attention.

She needed more, however, Vera groaning as his tongue dipped into her, brushing her folds and slipping deeper, pleasing her. Her body ached for him, but, after having a shower before her gentle care from him earlier, she needed one more thing before slipping into bed with her submissive there to warm her feet.

"Make me come, pet..."

He snorted eagerly, warm breath washing over her inner thighs, tickling her folds, though the horse's velvety lips sucked at her, tugging gently at her folds even as his lips closed around her clit. The squirrel grunted softly, not in an entirely feminine way, but that didn't matter. The lines for that blurred where domination and submission was never blurred, always firmly in the realm of consenting, the two relaxing in the moment of coming together all over again.

She arched up to him, lightly rocking her hips up from the sofa, the stallion between her thighs slurping up into her. Odie groaned and she encouraged him on in pleasing her with soft moans, squeezing her thighs around his head, enveloping him in the scent of her.

"Mmm, more, servant... Or you won't be sleeping in my bed tonight."

Of course, the horse would sleep in her bed, though he whined and burbled a nicker into her pussy as he pressed in closer, wanting to do good. He wanted to do more, wanted to make his mistress proud of him - and, ultimately, Odie was the very best at making her orgasm. That was something that could never be denied, not even the once, and he ran his tongue up inside her, slipping between pleasing her clit and her depths as his paw crept up her thigh, seeking another note.

For his fingers too could bring her pleasure as he spent the attention of his lips on her clit, suckling it between them, while two fingers delved into her pussy. They stretched out the squirrel lightly, though she was wet and ready enough for her body to take a third digit readily, though that was the tightest fit that the stallion could coax her into at that time.

That didn't matter, not as Vera let go of the stresses of the day, languishing in pleasure, whimpering and rocking and groaning, letting the rhythm of his body against hers, pleasing her, carry her away from all reality. Her body ached for it, though release was coming, her body pressing up against him, squeezing around his head and muzzle, moaning aloud, her fingers finding his mane, curling into it.

It was there that she held him down, letting the suckling press of his lips around her clit bring her closer and closer. Her skin prickled, tingling with lust, tension coursing through her, though it was not only limited to her muscles. No, it had to come deeper than that, more than that, panting, whimpering, moaning, pressing onward. Though all she had to do was to relax into it, breath coming in shorter puffs and pants, needing it, whimpering for him, though the twist of demand lay behind her groans.

"Mmmph... Harder!"

And Odie did everything that his squirrel mistress wanted, pressing his lips down even harder, her juices slick on his chin, fingers driving deep - right up to and through the point that her orgasm claimed her. His mistress' climax rolled through her, hissing, groaning, waves of ecstasy sweeping away everything else, the day as if it had never happened.

Yet that was all as it was meant to be, the stallion groaning, pressing his lips ardently to her clit, though it was harder and harder to stay in place, right where she wanted him, his mistress telling him exactly what she wanted with the shift and push of her body.

She rode it out, Vera simmering down slowly, delightful tension rolling from her, as if she had been fully doused in a bath of hot water. Nothing made everything slip away from her like her servant and lover taking care of her, though he was still there, gently caressing her folds with his tongue, between her legs when she came down from her high. Her chest rose and fell a little more softly, getting back to a normal rhythm, smiling tiredly as she stroked his face.

His orgasm would not be needed that night. Best to leave the pony wanting her, his cock out and hard in the morning for her to tease, perhaps even to coax an orgasm from.

"What a good boy you are..."

Smiling, Odie rested his head gently against his mistress' thigh.

As long as she was happy, he was happy.

As long as he was under her command.