Darkness and Light I

Story by Midnights_Dreamer on SoFurry

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Okay, the usual blather of Sexual situations... if you don't like...don't read... furthermore... if you don't like such situations what the heck are you doing here to begin with? *Wink*

The characters Glimmer (Kalia) and Navarre (Jet) are © by me, Midnight's Dreamer ~AKA~ Heather LaValle. The world and setting of Dragonlance is not mine.


Death and despair, it clouded her senses, her mind and soul. The height of her destiny had finally climaxed, and she didn't know weather to roar in fury or wail in despair. If she could only close her mind to the situation that had immersed her soul in such anguish, she would have laughed at the inanity of it all.

She, the scion of the dragon god, the holy paladin of light. She, one of the most powerful dragons of good to ever fly the skies of Krynn, mated to that vile, evil creature who eased the pain in her body and soul? She would have laughed, if it hadn't hurt so much. She felt the despair of this dying land, the courage of it's queen, a mortal being with the immortal beauty of the elves, her courage as she tried to liberate her land and her people from this evil wyrm.

She tore her gaze away from Kynia, away from Ku, and focused unwillingly upon the dragon across from her. A mirror of her form in every single aspect save for one crucial thing, one that set dragons apart from one another on this world... color. While her scales rivaled the light of the stars, his was the black of night, the glitter of water in the deepest night. His wings were feathered like hers, each pinion black as onyx, gleaming violet in the right light. Hers were the color of snow, with a blue-green iridescence to them when she moved.

His deep, ruddy amber eyes fixed on hers, though before now he had tried every trick he could have possibly had at his disposal, his gaze was open now, filled with the same pain and despair she herself felt weighing upon her heart. Darkness and Light, forever bound. She wanted to scream, to rant and roar, to tear the earth below her talons to sand, to scatter the wildlife with an ear-splitting roar of rage and terror. Her wings quivered, longing to fight the winds of the sky, to fly till she dropped from exhaustion, death would be better than this.

Navarre watched the scion of light warily, even to his own ears the truth of his story rang falsely. He wouldn't even trust himself had he not firsthand knowledge of their plight. True they were wrought of the blood of gods, Glimmer wrought of the blood of Paladine, and the light of the stars... He himself created from the blood of the Dark Queen, and the velvet night. They were the only remaining children of these two mighty beings, even if their creation was merely a trick played upon these opposites, a trick played by the scales of balance, the keeper of the histories, Gilean.

Created to bring balance to the dragon clans, to create a race who would uphold that delicate stability. Now after nearly four hundred years of existing in the light of their gods, both of them were to be forced to walk the scales, no matter the good or evil they had done before now. When he had first seen this dragon nearly fifty years past, he knew that there was something about her, something he was supposed to remember....It took those five decades for him to realize the truth.

And convincing her would take the will of the Gods themselves. He was past all conviction, he knew that they were meant for each other, for no other crystal dragon flew these skies. He wanted her, needed her in a sense that nearly tore apart his rational mind. He trembled there, torn between wanting her to make her own decision and forcing the issue upon her. He kept his wings half open, ready to fly after her should she try to escape. The pain that had coiled around his heart was proof of Gilean's plan, they would mate, or die.... Thus preserving the balance.

His patience was wearing thin, and he shifted his weight, his jaws snapping shut with an audible snap of teeth. "Don't you see that we weren't made for the straight and narrow path we've been walking? You precariously gliding along the edge of a dagger, striving always for the light, while I have wreaked havoc across Krynn, all the time feeling that there had to be something more." He paused, finally deciding to tell her what happened all those years ago.

"Five Decades past, you fell into Mother's clutches, she wanted your power. Do you not remember what saved you then?" He snarled.

Glimmer startled, her golden eyes wide. Before his Queen could retaliate for what he had done.... He began to feed his power to the struggling, shining dragon....

Glimmer gasped as the power washed over her... it was cold, and dark....but oddly made her feel complete...as though she was missing something more than just her true self.... With Renewed power, she attacked the Goddess with fury...knowing she had no hope on actually beating the Goddess on her home ground...but hopefully beat her back enough so that she and her friends could escape.....

When Navarre had departed, Glimmer had felt the disappearance of the power that he had lent her... She did not know where it had come from, but she felt its absence all the more now...

Glimmer stared at Navarre, and reassessed her feelings of his presence... oh gods it felt so clear now, he was the one who orchestrated their escape from the Abyss, intensifying her power so that she could fight back and gain some ground. She trembled with this revelation, her already shocked mind struggled to cope with this information. That Navarre had been responsible for her survival all those years ago ...

Navarre watched Glimmer's reaction, his eager desire was steadily reaching a point where he could no longer ignore it.

Glimmer allowed her gaze to slip over Navarre's lithe form. She had to admit there was something alluring about the dark shimmer of his scales, and the serene, velvet shadow of his wings. She shivered and felt a tingling chill run down her spine. Without warning, she felt that all he said was the truth, they were meant to be together, no matter how much it repulsed her conscious mind, she knew, on a deeper level, that it was right. And her world narrowed further.

All that remained for her now was three things, the wide open skies above her, making her wings tremble; the pulsating heat at the base of her tail, and Navarre's unwavering stare. She snarled at him, spreading her wings with a snap, knowing she was one of the fastest dragons on Krynn. She'd give him a run for his effort. She launched herself into the air, making Navarre duck his head from the dust she stirred with the powerful down sweeps of her wings.

Before the dust could settle, the obsidian wyrm had launched himself into the air, laboring after Glimmer. His roar echoed off of the distant mountains, its tone mingled frustration with excitement and desire. Once he had gained the height he needed, he flew after her like an arrow shot from a bow. His wings spread to their fullest, taking advantage of every thermal he could in his pursuit.

Glimmer reveled in the feeling of the icy air against her scales, tearing through the feathers of her wings as she strove for the cloud cover above. As the air thinned, her breathing came more labored as she struck the first layer of clouds and tore through them. She roared out a bugling challenge, laughter shading the tone.

It was that challenge alone that made Navarre strain for the next thermal, his own breathing laboring under his effort. He roared in return as his wings struck the powerful thermal, and hurtled him through the clouds. In the mist, he could only catch glimpses of her as she strove ever upward. Driving himself to the brink of exhaustion, and ultimately to a fall ending in death, he flew ever higher, at last tearing through the clouds into the bright, sunlit sky above the clouds.

Only meters away, Glimmer flew low over the clouds, straight towards him. At the last moment, she angled her wings to shoot high above him, her trumpeting call an invitation. With a snarl, he chased her, circling her as they rose higher into the sky. She was slowing, either she was tiring, or-

As he began to surpass her, she reached out with all four limbs, grasping against his scales till she found purchase, and then folded her wings tightly against her back. Briefly startled, he tried to halt their fall, till she entwined her tail with his, and twisted her sinuous neck around his. It was only then that he allowed instinct to take over, and allowed his wings to fold to his sides, beginning what could end horribly for them both...

The shock of his penetration made Glimmer snarl, her claws piercing his flesh now, and he growled in return, but did not let up. She made no further move, other than to clutch him impossibly close, her snarling echoing in his head as his movements became more rhythmic and powerful.

Instinctively, he twisted his head around to face the back of hers, reaching out with his jaws, and clamping down gently, but firmly, immobilizing her head and neck as they continued their plunge. Now the Earth below them was visible, as they tore through the clouds, vestiges of mist clung to their wings and entwined forms.

Glimmer was lost in the intense pleasure and heady rush of the fall... and for an instant, her mind reached for his, and touched.

In that instant stood eternity. For that eternal second, she found herself in what appeared to be a field of green and flowers. The sky above was blue and light shone all around from an indeterminate source. She stood in her human form, silvery hair flowing loose over her shoulders, and as a playful breeze tugged at the silver tresses, she realized she wore nothing.

Only momentarily embarrassed, she turned, to see Him. Navarre stood behind her, his black hair cropped short, but his amber eyes intently fixed on hers. "Navarre?" She whispered, barely able to breathe let alone speak.

He nodded, and glanced at his hands. "I am known as Jet in this form... please, call me that." He asked, confusion evident in his amber eyes. Glimmer nodded, and smiled hesitantly. "Call me Kalia..." The confusion was mirrored in her own golden gaze.

She knew that this was in their minds, that they were still locked in the mating flight... and one second of thought could last an eternity in this realm. Her body was responding to the playful breeze that tugged at her hair, allowing the silken strands to fall over her body. She suddenly shivered with delight.

Jet stepped forward, and took in the sight before him. Her hair only partly concealed her body, the fine net of silver strands fell over her breasts, and only added to the appeal of what was partially concealed there, and he found he couldn't resist. Crossing the short distance to her, he reached out and placed one hand on one, lightly brushing the already raised peaks.

Kalia gasped and looked up, her eyes wide with the shock of the sensation, and their gazes locked. She found she couldn't have moved even if she had wanted to, as he leaned forward, drawing her close to him, locking his lips to hers. After what seemed forever within this realm of eternal thought, his lips dropped to her neck, while one hand gently caressed one breast, and the other supported her by circling her waist.

She could feel him press against her. Hot, hard and throbbing, desperately wanting to do in spirit what they were already doing in proper form. Without thinking about it, she responded, moving her hips against him so that he growled against her throat. In an instant, he pushed forward, firmly, to ease them both to the carpet of green and flowers under them.

He kept her still, gazing into her eyes for a long time before lowering his lips to her breasts. She gasped, and arched her back under his touch, while his free hand reached back, and found what was yearning to be touched, stroked... She gasped and bucked against his hand. Already aroused by what their physical selves were doing, Jet knew that it wouldn't take much to bring them both over the edge... But it was she whom he was focused on.

Warning her not to move with a single glance, he repositioned himself, and upon inserting two gently placed fingers, he gently licked at the sensitive node there, just above his fingers. Now she cried out, a pleading tone that begged him not to stop.

An urgency began to fill them both, and she raised her hips to meet him, and gasped as he pushed inside. He paused for a moment, feeling a slight barrier within, knowing that it could hurt if he wasn't careful. Reaching down with one hand, Jet gently rubbed, seizing her mouth as she cried out. Surging forward through the barrier, he felt Kalia tense beneath him, and he froze as she adjusted to him.

As she relaxed, he began to move, slowly at first, then gaining with urgency as she responded. It didn't take long before she climaxed, her muscles clenching tight around him for a moment. He clenched his jaw as she came, moving at a near frantic pace to keep up with her, then he too climaxed. Holding her close, buried deep, he released his seed deep within.

Then the vision vanished, replaced by roaring winds and a quickly approaching earth below them. Disentangling himself from her, Navarre snapped his wings open. Wincing in pain, he noted that she had done the same, silvery-white wings extended to their fullest as she pulled up so close to the ground that her talons and tail left furrows in the earth as she gained height.

Navarre performed a wing-over and flew to her side, his mind a turmoil at what they had experienced. He never had such a thing happen to him in all his life, and he had performed a few mating flights before... but none with the kind of commitment that this one entailed. There was no telling where this life would lead them, and he caught Glimmers' eye as they flew shoulder to shoulder.

Glimmer noted the calm look in Navarre's ruddy gaze, and noted the same calm within her as well.. As though something that had been roiling just below the surface had been silenced, and as long as they were together, it would stay silent... She looked at him, then nodded once and changed direction, leading him towards her lair.