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#34 of 2022 Stories

Many Cocks, handle it!

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Gale kicked a rock as she walked along a dirt path. She had just inherited a cabin and brought her things there, but now she had to go find the nearest town. Go figure that her car broke down, but at least it didn't break down in the middle of damn nowhere and at her cabin, which didn't feel that cursed, but the nearest town definitely did feel like an accursed walk. No wonder nobody wanted this stupidly cheap cabin and she got it through sheer inheritance. Housing was a bitch and a half to acquire so she'd take it, but she was already beginning to regret this and consider selling it for another spot elsewhere.

As she walked along the dirt road to the next town that she had no idea how the fuck far it was, she spotted a clearing on the side of the road, and in that clearing she noticed a strange purple tent arranged just outside the woods, a tent with a 'fortune teller' sign placed above it. "Strange." The clearing looked as if it were meant for RVs and campers, maybe cars for people to park and stretch their legs after spending hours driving. What kind of business could a fortune teller get from a spot like that? She knew what fortune tellers were, often they'd be at fairs, carnivals, that sort of thing, never by themselves! Maybe they were getting good business from cars, but she never recalled seeing a sign driving up the road. 'Okay, you've driven my curiosity enough to check you out. Maybe that was your goal the whole time.'

The size of the fortune teller's tent was so small that it could only fit a few people inside of it. Gale noticed no power lines leading to it, or plumbing for that matter. She figured the person inside must have really set it up on the spot, but if that were totally true then something was missing, the car of the fortune teller! Such things made Gale more curious, and she poked her head inside.

The ground of the small fortune teller's place was the same as outside. There was a lone chair set up in front of a crystal ball with a woman on the other side covered in a dark robe, the fortune teller. While there were no lights, there were lit up torches providing illumination and warmth to add on to a day that was already hot and humid.

"Ah, I foresaw your arrival." The fortune teller spoke. She raised her head and, despite the torches showing off light, her face was completely hidden underneath her outfit. The only thing that gave the fortune teller away as a 'her' was the voice, and Gale could have been wrong about that too. "Come, come. Have a seat. We have much to discuss about your life."

"By much to discuss I hope you don't mean massive payments." Gale sat down on the wooden chair as the fortune teller said. A fortune teller saying she knew Gale was coming was incredibly predictable. Gale was well aware of all the tricks a fortune teller might play, typically they'd say very vague things, but these things would apply to every person. Often it would be something about wealth or health, but she needed a laugh. That, and a few minutes to sit after walking.

"Ah, I do these fortune telling readings for free! Your past life has paid me plenty." She chuckled as she ran her hands over the ball. A cloudiness began to arise from inside the sphere. "Now, allow me to tell you, just because I'm a fortune teller doesn't mean I tell you a future that is guaranteed. By all means, I can help change the hands of fate, with your approval of course."

'Where the fuck are you going to make money? You know what, I'll take it. Maybe you want me to pay you money to change my fortune.' Gale figured. With more money, she'd probably get a better fortune. "So with all the clouds there, I'm guessing my fortune is cloudy or something?" She was willing to try this, if only as a new experience, but the fortune teller wasn't giving her great impressions. She'd play along though. This fortune teller must have got bad enough business without people ridiculing her weird location.

"Oh no, I can see you quite clearly through this! You must have the eyes of one that can see the soul, otherwise you will never be able to penetrate the clouds of the future." The fortune teller chuckled. She put the palm of her hand on the ball in front of her and raised it up, as if pulling up a curtain. "I see you... oh, and what is this? You are... ah, is that a dildo? Masturbating in bed I see. Yes, you do this quite often, don't you? How much sex do you have, I wonder?"

The situation went from a 1 to a 10 for Gale. What? Nothing about money, nothing about how she had to start exercising? She did have quite an intense sex life. Some might pin her down to be a nymphomaniac. She blushed and rubbed her arm, immediately turning her head away. Maybe the fortune teller was lucky, or maybe she was spying on Gale somehow... yes, that must have been it, this was a 'hot reading' as they would call it in the psychic business, the fortune teller somehow knew. She didn't even bother paying attention to the fortune teller's hands which were purple with claws, an animal that she had never seen before. "Okay... that's ah... I don't want to tell you how right you are about that."

The fortune teller giggled. "I can tell you're carrying a dildo on you right now. You enjoy sex, and a lot of it. I bet if I were to offer myself to you I wouldn't get a no with THAT much sex. Unfortunately, you know what happens with the sex drive as your age grows. I see you in sex with an equine anthro, a herm one, and that was the night of your life a year ago, but a year from now? I see very little. You picked a remote location to live in, which is bad for your social life. You may find some pleasure through roleplaying online, but your body craves actual sex, even now I can feel it stirring within you."

Gale shifted in her seat. Now she was starting to get a little worried over just how right she was. Nobody knew of her affair with that equine herm. God, the sex with her was amazing, but she never told, and she knew the equine was never one to tell either. The fortune teller was also right. She had been walking for some time to a gas station. She had nobody nearby to ask for help, nobody to aid her, and nobody to hump. The fortune teller might have been exaggerating a little bit over the sex for her, but not by much. "Um..." She wasn't sure how to respond. The fortune teller was far more accurate than Gale could have asked for, could have imagined.

"Now, we can change your future, and yourself, all with this." The fortune teller reached underneath the table, the only thing she could reach under besides the chairs, and pulled out a small doll. The doll was in the shape of a human but with tiger stripes haphazardly painted on it with two button eyes and two mounds for breasts, indicating its female nature "Now, let's use this for you as a voodoo doll." She set the doll down on the table. "Crude, but anything you do to this doll will happen to your body. For example if you want... a bigger chest." She also pulled out two large cotton balls and turned the doll to reveal a zipper in the back. "All we have to do is open her up and stuff them in, and you will have bigger tits, all natural. Rather, as natural as voodoo can get."

How natural was a transformation from voodoo? Not that Gale was one to truly believe it was real, though the more the fortune teller spoke, the more real she sounded. Bigger tits though? Who would complain about that? With a smile, Gale slowly nodded. "You know what? Yeah. I'd love bigger tits. In fact, depending on if you can do it or not, I'd love to have more tits too." Maybe the fortune teller could arrange that in the voodoo doll? She wasn't sure. The doll looked very... well, to say it looked anything like her was a stretch, though the sight of it did creep her out. That was just a normal doll, wasn't it? The fortune teller had been doing a lot of strange things that told Gale there was more to this woman, but maybe that was all part of the illusion.

"We can do that. A perverted beast of nature?" The fortune teller chuckled. "More tits, perhaps you'd like more sexes on you as well?" She gave the doll a soft stroke. "On a scale of one to ten, how wild would you like me to go with this voodoo doll? One being maybe a cup size or two bigger, and ten being all out crazy with the works?"

Gale figured she was already starting to play along, she might as well keep going with the part! "Why 10? Why not 11? Just, make 10 weird, but 11 is a step above that!" She said with a laugh. She had all sorts of kinks and fetishes. If the fortune teller really knew her, which seemed probable with the way then she'd know everything there was to know about Gale and how crazy she got in bed. She felt a soft chill when the fortune teller stroked the doll, almost as if there was a connection, but surely that was just a coincidence.

"I believe I can do that." The fortune teller said with a laugh. "That will take some time, but it can be arranged. Now, would you like to go to the nearest town to fix your car problems?" She tilted her head. "It's another mile or so that way. The big trees make it look farther than it really is. The mechanic's name is Paul and he's a bit dim witted, but he'll be able to help you figure out what's wrong with your car."

The fortune teller couldn't have been more specific if she tried outside of maybe saying when Paul was born! "Yeah, thanks." That took the cake for her. She stood up and walked out of that tent at a brisk pace. She didn't want to appear insulting, but the fortune teller's next prediction was too creepy. She took that walk into town to get advice on her car, as well as a few car parts, and she would try to get her mind off the fortune teller in the meantime.

As Gale walked along the path to the town, she adjusted her bra with a slight frown. She couldn't explain it, but she felt... different. She told herself it was just her mind playing tricks on her from the fortune teller. The fortune teller couldn't transform her body or predict the future. She was merely playing along with that cloaked woman. She thought about the woman's hands and they seemed so... off compared to any other kind of animal she knew of. What creature had hands like that? Questions for later. She continued to adjust her bra and shuddered, feeling a strange increase of arousal and heat. She told herself that maybe she was getting sick and blamed the walking. She couldn't wait to get back home!

After some time, an amount of time that took way too long for Gale, she got the equipment Paul told her she needed and was on her way home, walking again. She'd pause by the clearing and glanced by it to see the tent was gone, but she figured the fortune teller probably took her place somewhere else. She never did figure out how the fortune teller got there, but she had more worrisome problems. The entire trip into the city, and even back to where she stood now going on her way home was uncomfortable. Her breasts felt far more sensitive than before and she had to resist the urge to fuck that mechanic. True, she was a nymphomaniac but the amount of pleasure she was feeling was undeniably increased. 'Shit, if I knew that equine's number I'd give her a call and invite her down tonight, I'm sure she'd be down for some fun.' She thought, though in addition to the pleasure in her tits she also had a strange feeling of lumps growing on her torso. She wished she could explain it better, but her top was straining at something, and a quick poke on her side made her feel something squishy and... oddly pleasurable to the touch, something that she dismissed because she wasn't home yet, though now she was all the more eager to get home. If only it weren't for this damn arousal making her so wet, she likely would have made it back already!

More time later that felt like an eternity and Gale arrived back home and let out an exasperated sigh of relief. She was hot, horny, and she felt so strange. She dropped her things at the door, including the things the mechanic gave her. She'd figure out how to fix her car later and if she had problems, the mechanic was willing to offer to drive up and help fix her shit for a price, but none of that mattered to her. One thing mattered right now, and that was her insatiable lust. She tugged at her shirt with a groan, her bra and top feeling all the tighter. She grabbed the bottom of the shirt in an attempt to pull it up, but her thumb brushed upon one of her strange lumps. She released the shirt quickly and moaned. "Ahhnn fuck! What is happening to me?" That fortune teller couldn't have done anything to her, right? No way, she was getting sick! A quick shower, a nap, and then she'd be as good as new.

The lust within Gale continued to build. She hated how turned on she was, so much so that it made things hard to concentrate. She remembered the time she was sick, enough that she could hardly move to the bathroom that one night, and this time reminded her of that, except with a growing lust. She managed to keep control of herself, but before she could think about what to do next...

"AHN!" Gale shuddered and moaned. Her legs grew stiff and her nipples hard. She grit her teeth, took a sharp breath in and closed her eyes. Her vagina pulsed open and closed as she had a sudden orgasm from seemingly nothing! Cumming in place while the damn house door was still open. Her tail flickered wildly in the air from her cumming, creating a bit of a drip on the floor. Well, she wanted to go to the bathroom anyway.

She had prayed the orgasm would have made her body easier to control, but alas she was still hot and horny even after her random orgasm. With a sigh she opened up her eyes and went to the bathroom, doing her best to remain focused on her task.

Gale stepped into the bathroom and kicked off her shoes with little difficulty. She was about to take off her shirt before she froze. She slowly turned to see herself in front of the mirror placed above the sink and raised a hand. 'What the hell?' She noticed a strange... bulge on her cheek, and another right on her temple. She gave the two of them a poke and felt them so... squishy. She feared that these bulges might require a doctor to look at. She was well aware of what mysterious bulges could be, yet when she raised her shirt she saw more on her body, small bulges no bigger than her fist, but bulges nonetheless. 'Are THOSE kinds of bulges, the deadly kind, supposed to be squishy? Ugh. I don't want to look up this stuff... and why are there so many?' She tried to lift off her shirt, but to no avail. She couldn't even get her arms through the sleeves without brushing against her body and putting her so deeply in pleasure, as if her entire body was a damn sex organ!

Forget the shower, Gale had to head to sleep. She let go of her shirt and walked to her bedroom. She grabbed a container of advil and took a few pills, hoping that would get rid of... whatever was happening to her. Even the act of touching the damn pill bottle brought her a wave of pleasure that she knew was so wrong. 'Okay, so I have a lot of unexplained bulges. I just have to lay here, try to get some rest, and hope it's a hallucination. Maybe that's it.' And yet, as she laid down on the bed, the lust within her continued to build. God, she wanted that horse here now. Or that mechanic. That fortune teller, anyone would do at this point!

Gale covered herself up with her thick red sheets while she laid on top of the bed. She stared up at the ceiling with a frown. She spread her arms and legs, trying to ignore the desire to finger her dripping wet cunt. She already thought it, she was a nympho, but this was putting her lust on a level that not even she thought was normal. "Maybe just... I'll just touch myself a little bit." She told herself. Not that she could take her shirt off, but her pants would come off easily, right?

Gale grabbed the waist of her pants and tugged. She managed to get them down to her knees but any attempt past that proved impossible as her knees also had big squishy orbs on them, something that a mere touch almost made her want to orgasm.

'Why am I even doing this? I have those weird bulges on my face. I shouldn't be masturbating. I should be looking for a doctor or something.' Gale put one hand between her legs and the other up at her face. Her fingers brushed over the lump on her head, and with a loud lewd moan, her body tensed up and she unleashed her feminine fluid onto her hand, orgasming purely from touching the bizarre lumps on her face.

Gale panted hard and heavy. Her face was starting to feel heavy from the lumps, so much so that it was hard to keep one of her eyes completely open. She reached out of her bed for the phone placed right next to her desk, but she didn't look. Her hands were also feeling funny, yet she didn't want to see what was going on with them. 'I'm just going to call an ambulance. I don't care. I'll pay for it or get that help or whatever when I arrive.' She told herself. No one's body should be behaving in such a weird manner where they can cum purely from touching a lump on their damn head!

Gale reached out and tried to bend her fingertips around the phone once she felt it. She frowned when she found her fingers... unable to bend the way she wanted them to. Her hand felt... floppy, as if they lacked bones, but still plenty mobile. She reached around the phone and, to her frustrations, her ears flickered when she heard the phone hit the ground. "Ugh!" Not that her phone would have broken from such a short fall, but that meant she would have to get up! Her body felt weak in so many places, and she couldn't get this... throbbing sensation off her head!

It didn't help Gale that her arms and legs were also throbbing so much, as if her blood flow had been cut off at her torso, her very torso that also felt so sensitive around her rear too. She couldn't reach her phone lying in bed like this. She wished she had a voice command, yet her tongue also felt strange, as if it were swollen inside of her. Maybe she was having a severe allergic reaction to something living here. Yes, that must have been it! Lumps and swelling had to be allergies, but what was she allergic to? She wouldn't find out if she couldn't get the ambulance! "I have to reach the phone... have to call for help." She mumbled to herself.

Gale slowly turned her body and sat up on the bed. Her ass felt so sensitive as it brushed against the soft blanket that she swore she was going to have another orgasm from that alone. Maybe the fortune teller was on to something, but it wasn't as if she could leave in this condition to go to her, not that she knew where she was now. 'Okay, so I'm swelling everywhere. It could be this house but I barely have the strength to leave. What the fuck can I do?' She pondered, trying to subdue her arousal by having complex thoughts. The pulsing and throbbing along her entire body was also not doing much to aid the poor leopardess. "I can get off the bed and crawl. Fuck... my legs feel so wobbly, yet stiff at the same time." She looked down at her legs and noticed that even her feet were swelling, so much so that her toes were barely visible! "Okay, yes. I just... fall out of bed and I get the phone." She rationalized. All she had to do was toss a pillow or two on the ground to help break her fall so it wasn't painful.

Gale took in deep breaths. She tried to put her focus on getting out of bed and to the phone, but shuddered again when her body quickly made her go through another orgasm, keeping her locked down atop the soft mattress she laid upon. "Ahhnnn FUCK FUCK FUCK!" She cried out in both pleasure and frustration. She couldn't believe it, she didn't even do anything but move, yet her body came! Worse yet was how she felt almost as if more than just her cunt wanted to orgasm? She couldn't describe it outside of a growing, throbbing pressure on her legs, something that felt as if they wanted to unleash a massive wave of something but they couldn't.

Gale slammed her feet down onto the ground, biting her teeth and dealing with the pleasure. She almost wished she was in pain compared to all of this pleasure that wracked her body and brain. 'God... okay... I'm standing. My legs feel like jello, but I'm standing.' She thought to herself. Now, she just had to bend down and grab her phone. She turned her attention to the small black device on the ground, now turning her focus to grabbing that. She couldn't bend her paws, and even bending her knees was an extreme challenge. She figured the best way to do this, since she already got to the ground, was to simply sit down. She put her hands up against the bed and lowered herself gingerly to the floor. Her hands shuddered and throbbed, as if they wanted to cum too, but she knew such a thing should be impossible. 'Almost there... almost at my phone.' Why was this so... challenging?

With a thump, Gale's ass hit the floor. She immediately regretted not putting pillows on the ground as her body shuddered so hard that she felt ready to orgasm again, but just barely managed to contain herself. Her repeated bursts of pleasure were getting irritating by now. A few orgasms now and then were one thing, but this was too intense. She'd orgasm, then her body wouldn't die down from her orgasmic high, simply wanting to cum again! Whatever allergy this was, it was unlike anything she ever heard of. She'd check the internet, but that required her fucking phone!

Gale reached up and stared at her hand. Her claws jutted out from fingers that looked so much bigger and thicker from when she last recalled. She tried to bend them, and while they leaned forward slightly, they felt... floppy compared to rigid, as if they lacked bones. Moreover, they were also pulsing with a need. 'Are those flared tips at the end of my fingers? Ugh. Fuck. Can I even dial a phone with fat hands like these?' Her eyes grew wide as one of her claws fell out in front of her own eyes, hitting the ground with a soft click.

No allergy in the world would make her lose her claws! She raised her other hand and noticed she was already missing three claws! How had she not noticed that? Well, with her body wracked in intense pleasure and so many lumps all over her, it was hard to focus on one part of her body. Her legs were like jelly, her feet were flat and it was impossible to touch the ground with them without feeling so aroused, her butt felt just as big and pushed at her pants she couldn't pull off. She had several lumps underneath her top, several pleasure lumps that were beginning to strongly resemble the pair of tits on her chest which also added to the pressure of her top. Her head also felt so heavy with even more lumps of strange pleasure. Just what the fuck was going on with her? She tried to grab the phone with her fingers, but to no avail. She couldn't bend them right to pick up the device. No matter how much she tried, the tips of her fingers wouldn't bend downward on their own. 'Ugh. God, they feel like erect cocks. A LOT of me feels like fucking erect cocks.' But such a thing was impossible. There had to be an explanation, she wouldn't be able to figure it out without the phone though.

Gale was at a loss for what she should do next. She shifted closer to her phone, though even pressing her back against the bed was proving troublesome as more lumps propped her up, almost as if she had nipples and tits back there too, but she couldn't exactly see behind her to tell what was going on. "So I can't bend my fingers..." Another claw fell out. God, her heart was already pounding so heavily from how afraid she was and her claws shedding was not helping her. "Everything's swelling, everything looks and feels so fucking different... okay, maybe it was the fortune teller." She scoffed, finding that hard to believe, but what other reasoning could there be? "So, what? Do I have to find a way to contact her?" She wasn't sure who she was talking to at this point. She couldn't call anyone, she couldn't do anything. All she could do was feel her body pulse and throb so needily. She could try standing again, but she feared an orgasm might send her tumbling down. Crawling maybe, but crawl to where? Civilization was so far away, and no way she could drive in this condition if she crawled to her car. She couldn't even pick up the fucking keys with the way her hand was!

Gale turned onto her side and put her legs behind her. She'd crawl on her knees, but she wasn't capable of bending her legs the right way either. Just like her arms and fingers, they felt so rigid. They weren't completely immobile, but she felt more like a snake than anything. She put her arms in front of her and her feet behind her to pull her torso up. She felt her pants pushing down and exposing her ass, but that was the least of her worries. Her shirt was also riding up and showing off multiple tits. Two on her side, two on her front, and even two more on her back, but she couldn't see them the way her body was. She could feel them, but such sensations made her more horrified than she already was. At a time like this, she had to focus on getting out of the house. Maybe, just maybe if she got outside, someone might find her. She pulled her legs to her, raising her ass, and then pushed her arms out, moving almost like a small snail might. Pull, and then push. Pull, and then push. She repeated the process, slowly moving along the ground. Her pants managed to help contain some of the pleasure as the legging of the pants went to her swollen feet, but the throbbing of her entire legs weren't helping her any. None of her body was helping, as if someone or something was forcing her to change so much. "Almost at the door." She mumbled, now making it into the living room.

Just before Gale made it to the door, the doorway opened up. Of course, Gale hadn't locked the damn thing. She forgot to when she had a fucking orgasm at the entryway! However, as she raised her head, she noticed the strange fortune teller from before, holding a rather bloated doll in her hands, a doll that looked much more like Gale than before. "Y-you?" How did she get here? Maybe it was to check up on her? "H-hey... give me a hand." She reached out with her rigid hand. All of her claws were gone. Her fingers flaring and bulges were appearing at her wrists, several bulges. Undoubtedly her fingers were bigger and they kept brushing up against each other as they pulsed in unison, making her moan in lust right in front of the fortune teller.

"Oh, my dear..." The fortune teller stepped forward. It sounded as if she wore wooden shoes. In truth, it wasn't hard for Gale to see the hooves on the woman. "You've already transformed so much so fast. You really are a nympho. Hell, I'd almost wonder if you were a slut." Her speech went from tender and caring to vulgar and harsh. She wore the same outfit, but standing up straight put her in a different light. She held out the voodoo doll and then pulled off her out fit to reveal herself as a purple skinned succubus with high-heel hooves, a spaded demon tail, and a huge grin on her face and a throbbing cock of her own, an equine cock on the demonic body. "Well, I'm here to help accelerate your transformation anyways, even though it doesn't look like you need me to."

Gale shook her head. She would have pulled away from this fortune teller and called her crazy, but her body was in too much arousal for that. The sight of her made her body quiver with another intense orgasm, but then again the fortune teller could look like anything and it would have made Gale's body cum. "U-uhnn. What... what... transformation?" She squirmed and glanced at the voodoo doll again, seeing how much more it looked like her, but she saw all kinds of strange bulges and writing marks on it. Moreover, she now noticed the doll looked as if it were made out of clay? It didn't make sense as there was fur, but the texture underneath the fur looked moldable. She feared she was going to find this out for herself. "Y-you can change me back!" She turned her attention back to the fortune teller. "A-and we can fuck all the time or whatever it is you want!"

"Aw, you're a cute one." The fortune teller giggled. She stepped back and set the doll down for Gale to see. "If you can see, this is you. You have your eyes, your arms and legs, but there's not much of any bones in you anymore, naw you got... eh whatever the cock part it is hardening keeping you moving around. You see how many tits you have? I thought a few extra pairs were boring." *She turned the doll around. Where Gale was clothed, the doll was not. The doll was also very... anatomically correct between the legs. "So I added... Well, honestly I lost count. I think there's an odd number of tits on your torso now either way. I'd let you mess with it, but with your hands that way, the most you could do would be squishing it."

Gale stared at the voodoo doll placed in front of her. Was she really so... moldable? She feared touching it at all, though if it were transforming her, she'd have to pull it away from the fortune teller. Her lust was under control when the fortune teller released the thing, as if she were the one making her orgasm so much. Hell, the cunt of the doll looked big enough for the fortune teller's pinkie, hinting she probably was playing with it. 'Ugh... I didn't feel as if anything was penetrating me though, but fuck... so intense.' She would have gripped her fingers and toes if she could have, but her swollen digits reached out in futile for that doll, knowing her body was too sluggish to grab it, should the fortune teller be fucking around with her, and she knew that demon was.

Sure enough, the fortune teller grabbed it before Gale's swollen extended fingers could have a chance of ever touching it. "Like I said, I can't trust you with it. Don't worry though, I'll take good care of it... and your body." She brushed a finger along the cunt of the doll. "We still have SO many more transformations on your body left to complete. Shall we start with the bottom and work our way up? I bet you'd love to see that."

Gale's eyes grew wide as the fortune teller stroked the doll. Maybe it was a coincidence, but her body shuddered. She put her palms on the ground and pulled herself up as much as she could before a sudden orgasm sent her reeling back down with a loud lewd moan. Fuck, this fortune teller really had been messing with her! "Y-you... can't..." She managed to roll herself over, but she couldn't lay on her back at all due to how many lumps were back there, straining her shirt and ripping it in a few spots. Her sensitive lumps had even more sensitive nipples at the tips of them, telling her that she did indeed have many tits on her back. Based on the doll, the doll had at least nine pairs behind her, haphazardly placed along her back with a few tits directly in the center. She imagined that was the same case with her own body if the doll was meant to portray her.

"With this doll, my options are unlimited. I could do all kinds of things to you! I've changed a lot of your body already, you see them as lumps right now, but they could be better." With a giggle, the fortune teller held the doll with one hand and put her fingers around the leg of the doll. She ran her hand down the leg before releasing it, but not showing Gale what she was doing to it. "I'm just granting you your desire, nothing more."

'What is she doing to the doll?' Gale felt as if someone were stroking her legs. She turned down to focus her attention on them and noticed just how much they had changed. Her kneecaps were long gone. Instead, she had pulsing throbbing veins bulging out, things that hardly looked like legs at all! At the tip of her feet were no longer any form of claws or paws, but a thick flared head, almost like...

"A horse cock." She said quietly. Two horse cocks, one for each leg.

"Oh good, you're catching on!" The fortune teller laughed. "You can't see them through the pants, but hey, I'm sure with enough wiggling you could get them off." The fortune teller gave the ass of the doll a squeeze, a rear that looked much more like testicles at this point, throbbing and filling with sperm to ejaculate into those new cocks that were once Gale's legs. She set the doll down on a small table, knowing Gale couldn't reach it before she walked over to her legs and kneeled down. She put her hands down on top of one leg and gave it a gentle stroke. "Oh yes... hah, I bet this wouldn't even fit in a horse with this girth."

Gale tried to wiggle her legs, but to no avail. Her legs pulsed and throbbed as they grew rigid in the fortune teller's grasp. The one the fortune teller wasn't stroking had more mobility, but she could only move the base of the leg itself at this point. 'Uhn... ahn... f-fuck it feels so... aha.' Gale closed her eyes and shuddered. She felt another growing pressure, but this one was in her rear? It was almost like a fart, but more as if it was something else, a pressure at her rear, growing to her legs, pressuring her legs. The bottom of her feet grew wet with something, but she knew the fortune teller wasn't there! "S-sto...ahn." She felt ready to orgasm again, but not from her vagina. Rather, a pressure built down at her... feet? How she wished she could see under her pants, but from the lumps and bumps on them, they were swollen and thick. Every stroke of the fortune teller's hands made it feel as if her vagina was being stroked through her clothing, even though her hands were nowhere near there!

"Now, you're going to cum again." The fortune teller said with a grin. "But, not from these wonderful nether lips." She briefly stroked between Gale's legs with two fingers. With a quick flick, she then licked those same fingers with a devilish grin. "No, this orgasm will be special, and a sign of what's to come. Pun intended."

With a deep moan and a sensation that made her entire body go stiff, Gale experienced something she had never felt, something few ever did. Her legs were the most tense of her body as they raised up slightly. With a pressure in her ass, the sensation flowed through her legs before the soles of what was once her feet, now massive flare heads of horse cocks, erupted with cum, cumming all over the floor behind Gale. Each pulse, every pump of cum that flowed through her ass and into her legs out of the bottom was an alien sensation that sent her mind into a state of euphoria, unable to think, unable to focus. All she had on her mind was the orgasm, and how much more she desired it. Even after her two massive throbbing cocks were done cumming, seed dripped from the tips of the flared horsecocks, shed of their fur and showing pure horse hide. "I... I... Han...."

"Ah yes, your hands are still so normal. Look at them." The fortune teller chuckled at the sight of Gale's fingers, now little more than swollen appendages with veins and a pulsing, throbbing feeling on each of those digits. The tips of her fingers flared unnaturally, complete with small tips at the end, and Gale immediately knew what they were, and the various bumps along her palm, various filled ones, full of seed to cum with.

Gale wanted to protest, but her very tongue was also changing. She had a strong feeling about what was happening to it... She opened her mouth to inspect it...

The fortune teller shut the mouth of the doll with a smile. "Now now. I know you're curious to inspect your transformations, but let's leave this one as a surprise!"

Gale's lips suddenly slammed shut. Her eyes grew wide as she tried to grab at them with her appendages, but to no avail. "Mmmph!" The bulge that was her tongue began to push and strain at her sealed lips, as if an animal wanting to burst free from its cage, and the longer her lips were closed, the more pressure it put, growing to the point where it felt as if she were going to burst!

"Oh, I have a great idea! We'll have you open your mouth, but first..." The fortune teller gave a poke behind Gale's head from the voodoo doll. "That spot should do it... yes, that should work nicely. You're going to love this!"

Gale's eyes shot open as a sticky warm liquid suddenly unleashed itself from her tongue and spread her cheeks wide She knew immediately what the taste of the warm sticky liquid inside of her was, but she couldn't believe it. "MMPHHMMPPHH!!" Cum, her tongue had an orgasm inside of her own mouth, giving her so much cum on her cheeks, cum she couldn't spit out thanks to the sealed mouth.

"Now now, swallow your seed and I'll let you open your lips, but not a moment sooner!" The fortune teller said with a laugh. The voodoo doll's cheeks puffed up seemingly on their own, and the fortune teller squeezed them shut while keeping the doll's mouth closed, forcing the liquid to go only in one direction. "One last meal, it's the least I can do."

Gale watched helplessly. The liquid in her mouth went down her throat as she involuntarily swallowed it, only for the fortune teller to keep her word and, suddenly, her lips burst apart to reveal a massive cock, a cock much too big to ever be able to put inside of her maw ever again, one soaked in seed. "MPPH!"

"But look at your arms! They're unchanged, still so furry and still so regular and damn boring. Don't worry, I'll fix that." The fortune teller stepped over Gale, singing to herself as she grabbed the voodoo doll. With one hand holding the doll, her pinkie stroking the vaginal lips, she pushed the arms of the doll inward, inflating a spot right after a shoulder into one massive boob, but with the many cocks and balls at the tip instead of nipples. She then repeated the process for Gale's second arm. "There. Me fix!"

Gale gasped in horror as the fortune teller removed the arms of the voodoo doll, just like that. She turned to her left and watched as her arm slowly shrank and shriveled up, all except for the hands which had so many cocks on them. She then turned to her right and noticed much of the same. She closed her eyes and moaned, going through another orgasm as her cunt came, as well as her legs. Even her hand cocks were not spared from this orgasm as the many many balls on her hand tensed before shooting their loads. Where her legs were twice the thickness of regular legs and could probably fuck a horse, her hands were a more appropiate sex size, not that she'd be willing to finger fuck and cum inside a person. The thought of impregnating someone with these cocks was so frightening, and also... so damn arousing. Her arms became nothing but tits, tits with so many cocks instead of nipples. Gale was hardly able to speak words at this point, and the cock tongue wasn't helping her out either.

"Your torso is already covered in so many tits. Mmph, so damn good, but your face looks much too plain! A cock tongue isn't that great when that's the only different part about you. Good thing there were other cocks growing on you the whole time." The fortune teller smirked. Holding onto the voodoo doll again, she took the wig off to reveal many, many more cocks on the head of the doll.

Gale already had throbbing in places she knew she shouldn't have and lumps on her face. She couldn't even reach up to feel them as more cocks developed, equine shafts slightly bigger than the length of an average cock, all pulsing and throbbing, a few of them cumming seemingly out of place, yet keeping her in a state of arousal. Then, she noticed the fortune teller changed something else about her face. Her entire head was covered in cocks and balls. Her cheeks, her forehead, everything that should have been her head now nothing but cocks, but the eyes and nose of the voodoo doll also were cocks. Two balls pushed outwards slowly while her nose also throbbed and grew upwards and outwards. She stared with a look of horror as her nose turned into a cock and, try as she might, her eyes really wanted to close on themselves, and she knew why. 'I have to... cock... fight it... ugh... I feel... like I have... cum in my brain. So hard to... fucking think.' It wasn't that she couldn't think, but repeated orgasms would make it hard.

"Ah, a head full of cocks, all except for those little things. Well, they'll go soon enough. You don't need to see. Your entire body will be made of cocks!" The fortune teller spoke proudly. "I'll finish off your transformation, you're going to love it!"

Gale wanted to speak, but the cock that was once her tongue grew so big that she was incapable of talking. She felt it throbbing between her lips, and then when it came, she sensed the seed flow through that shaft before it pushed out in front of her. The last thing she saw before her eyes closed and sealed was the fortune teller adding on many, many more cocks on her torso, in addition to the many countless tits she had. With her eyes closed, it wasn't long before another set of cocks, two new ones, came from each eyelid, her eyes gone, and lids melding into the new cocks she now had.

Gale wanted to fall back but her massive thick legs and her equine balls made movement hard. With her legs spread, she could do nothing but feel as more cocks grew. Even her ears were not spared as two cocks sprouted up from each one, complete with a set of balls to only leave her with a sense of feeling, and she could tell many cocks were growing on her tits. Each nipple grew a set of equine balls and a shaft, one that orgasmed almost immediately once it formed. Other cocks formed between the boobs she was allowed to keep, though they'd also cum once they finished forming, as if a way of mocking her stating that they were done with their growth. The cocks between her tits were the worst of all, bigger than her other shafts and constantly rubbing up against her sensitive flesh. Her body was so sensitive though that a simple gust of wind was enough to send her into orgasm after orgasm, which was exactly what her body was doing. Her cunt would cum nonstop, and the cocks came periodically, unleashing their load one after another, often two or more cumming at once, but rarely all orgasming, leaving her in a state of a never ending orgasm. She wanted to speak, but all she could manage to do was shoot another load from her cock tongue.

"Man, what IS it with felines and equine cocks." The fortune teller chuckled, not that Gale could hear her. She'd leave the girl like that, nothing more than a mass of flesh and tits, growing one more massive horse cock instead of the vagina. "Okay, well I'll leave you here for someone to find while I move on to the next target! You have fun! To be sure you get the most out of your body, I made you immortal, so you'll have all the time in the world to adjust to that body and enjoy it!" With a huge grin, the fortune teller left Gale alone to orgasm endlessly, for the rest of the cock and tit's life.


The door to Erakir's bedroom opened to a charred moogle with torn clothing and a frown on his face. His pompom in an absolute wreck. He stepped forward begrudgingly and, upon stepping into his room, collapsed in a heap on the floor with his staff by...

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Wake Up!

A boring day in the life of a healer when nothing was going on. The moogle was on his laptop looking over a few pictures. He noticed one strange picture in particular of a snake, but not just any snake. The photo was that of a sequence of a snake that...

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A Brief's Tale 4

Magic was real. Magic was real. The male kept repeating the words in his head. Well, to call him male was inaccurate. The man was more of an 'it' now, reduced to nothing but a shirt, a shirt that Kayllik, a mammoth anthro would wear, or often...

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