In a New World: Pt 1

Story by lina1253 on SoFurry

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Note from the Author: Hello everybody. This is my first story. It's a little rushed, but I hope you guys like it anyways. This is the first part in a multi-part story series, so I'm looking forward to writing the rest ;) I also hope my writing is bearable. In addition to entertainment, I'm using these stories to become a better writer.


This is the story of a human boy whose life changes forever when he goes somewhere where he doesn't belong. Well, I'll let you find out for yourself...

A train rolled through the cool summer night. Matt gazed through his window and watched as bright city lights made streaks across his eyes. He was having trouble keeping his eyelids up. Fatigue washed over him as his busy schedule that day started fading from his mind. It was getting late, and he was on his way home. Matt thought of his cozy bed. His eyes started to shut again. His thoughts shifted to what had been on the edge of his mind all day. Matt was a constant thinker. He always tended to think of his love life, just as many teenagers his age do, but it never troubled him until now. He was starting to think that he liked more than just girls. Usually whenever it came to his attention he would think of all the girlfriends he had had. Nothing beat the way he felt when he truly liked a girl and how much they could satisfy him sexually, but lately it had not. Matt worried himself with how he thought. He would never want to date a guy, not because of the potential embarrassment, but because he would not enjoy it. He just didn't like them that way. This worried him because of what else he wanted. Nothing seemed more satisfying than having sex with a guy. He constantly thought of giving blowjobs, being dominated, and pleasuring another man. This is what Matt thought about on that train. He opened his eyes and looked at himself in the reflection of the window across from him. He tried to laugh at himself for being the confused teenager that he told himself he would never be. He looked at his body. He was 5'7", lean, and had medium blond hair, and he wondered how someone as normal looking as him could be so... un-normal (because he couldn't find the right word) inside. Matt was so caught up in his thinking that he didn't realize his train had come to a halt. It was his stop.

Outside on the platform, Matt stood for a moment, taking in the breeze. He always enjoyed stopping sometimes just to take everything in for a moment. The city was beautiful tonight, but he was too tired to stand around for long. He put one foot in front of the other and started walking down the street towards his home. He walked down half a block to the corner and took a sharp left. Just as he did, a massive object walking in the other direction slammed into him. Matt was knocked to the side as a man in a long coat and a hat that completely covered his face gave a quiet growl and continued his brisk pace down the sidewalk. Matt scrambled to get the word "sorry" out of his mouth, but the figure didn't seem to care. There was a reflection on the ground where the collision took place. Matt bent down and picked up a small gold pendant. Inscribed on the piece of gold was the head of a wolf, its mouth open as if it were howling at the moon. Matt looked up as the man he had bumped into turned another corner.

"Wait!" he yelled.

Matt started a slow jog to catch up to the man. He turned the same corner and saw the stranger in the distance.

"Hold up! I think this is yours," he said, holding up the gold piece, but the man did not give a response.

Jogging around another corner, Matt saw the tip of the man's hat as he walked down a short flight of stairs from the sidewalk leading to a basement door. He followed suit and walked down the steps up to the door. The door looked pretty decrepit. Matt looked back up at the street. It had to have been the loneliest street he had ever seen. Nothing moved amongst the tall apartment high-rises except that same cool breeze in the air he had felt earlier. Now it was making him shiver.

He thought about turning around and going home right there, but something unexplainable was making him reach for the doorknob. With a swift motion Matt swung the door open and stepped in. The only thing there was a long hallway with a door at the other end and another door with a room on the left. Adrenaline started pumping in the veins as he quietly moved forward. He heard mumbling behind the door on the left. The door had a large window, making it easier to see what was in the other room. Matt froze in terror at what he saw. In the room was the man he was looking for, but he wasn't a man. The light in the room behind the door showed the face of a tiger. He was talking with two men in suits, but they didn't appear human either. They had the faces of wolves. Matt saw their hands, which were covered in fur too. At their waists were holsters containing slick, black magnums. He didn't believe his eyes, and now panic was coming over him. He realized he never should have opened the door. That's when it happened. One of the wolf-men turned and saw Matt's face. They looked at each other for a couple seconds, but to Matt it felt more like an eternity. Matt ducked down to his right, but it was too late. The wolf had already alerted the others. He stood straight up again as one of the wolves came bursting into the hallway. He stood there, towering above Matt. Matt realized he was trapped. The way back was blocked by the wolf with piercing yellow eyes. He did the only thing he knew to do. He turned and ran. Behind him, he felt a giant wolf hand reach out for him, but he was already too far away. He busted through the door at the end of the hallway and found himself in a completely different city. He didn't have time to look though. He ran down the streets looking for something familiar, but nothing was. The people walking the streets had animal faces too. Matt's heart was beating out of his chest. He thought he was drugged, that somehow he had taken LSD without knowing it. He kept running until he couldn't anymore. He turned into an alley. He couldn't think. The only thing he knew to do was to sit.

Matt sat against a brick wall. He was exhausted and tired, and he would have passed out already if it weren't for the fear. He heard footsteps, but he couldn't find the energy to get up and run. A figure approached him. It wasn't the wolves he saw earlier or the tiger he had looked for. It was a husky. Matt looked at the animal with the appearance of a human. It spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

Matt looked at it with confusion and panic.

"I-I...... don't..... kn-know."

"Settle down.... I saw you running. You shouldn't be here.... What's your name?"

"M-Matt," he said, still panting from his run.

"Matt, my name is Danny. You're probably very confused right now. Do you mind if I sit down next to you? I'll explain everything."

Matt sat there motionless, only breathing. Danny took that as a "yes". The friendly looking husky of a similar body type got down on the alley pavement next to Matt. They sat there, and Danny talked. He talked about how Matt was in a different world now. It was a place where furs lived. The city was called... well... "The City". Danny talked about how he couldn't go back. The entrance (and Matt's exit) to this place was owned by very powerful furs who didn't mess around. Matt asked about the wolves with the guns, and Danny told him that that was them. They talked for hours until Matt finally accepted what was going on. His confusion turned to acceptance. He wanted to go home more than anything, but as his fear started dying down a bit, he became more intrigued by this new world he was thrown into, half by chance and half by his own stupidity.

Danny offered Matt a room and a roof, and since he didn't have one he virtually had to accept. That night, Matt looked up at the ceiling of Danny's guest room. He knew there were so many questions left unanswered, but he didn't have time to get in any thoughts before he passed out...

To Be Continued...