Alchemist's Collab 2

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A sequel to , commed by once more! His character Felicia has invited my fursona Lily to see how some potions the latter made turned out, and the results are expectedly kinky. Also featuring a bonus section at the end where another of Necro's characters makes an appearance, helping with a little extra testing

Felicia purred happily to herself as she looked over her notes. The black cat was always eager to test new magical potions, of course, but tonight was gonna be a special one; she'd invited her friend Lily over to "test" some particularly lewd, kink related ones together. She brushed the pink streak of her otherwise silver hair away from her eyes as she double-checked the notes; after the previous incident, they'd be more careful.

The two were technically business rivals, since both dealt in magical items by trade. Still, the black cat and purple demon were hardly enemies; even if they were unlikely to merge their businesses, both were quite happy to share their own tricks and tools, given the different methods they used and different focuses regarding the end products, with Felicia specializing in potions and Lily being more of a generalist.

She blushed a little, thinking about their last tests. They hadn't accounted for how their different styles of magic and alchemy would interact, so things got out of hand. This time, they knew what they were doing, although she already could guess things would get intense again regardless. She tucked her notes into a drawer, before checking up on her storefront.

Unusually for her, it was relatively clean, with the floor unobstructed and free spare on some of the shelves. Between mutual cross promotion helping move product, and Lily having one of her own cleaning staff work for Felicia, there was a lot less clutter around. The cleaner had also "borrowed" a couple of potions themselves, of course, with Felicia's approval, which also helped a little; she thought they were probably taking today off specifically to mess with them, but she wasn't really sure.

As she waited for Lily to arrive, she looked closer over her notes, and helped a customer who came in for a few minutes. No sale, but it at least helped her spend some time before the demoness arrived, her dark blue dress contrasting her brightly purple fur and feathers. She stretched her wings out a little, turning the shop's sign to "closed" preemptively.

"Sorry I'm late, Felicia! Had to deal with some customers."

Felicia nodded in understanding, remembering the busier days herself. Lily's purple fur was shining today; she did say she was washing up in preparation. Her striped tail swung behind her, and her horns gleamed against her blue hair and dark natural mask of fur.

"Well, it's been a slow day here anyway, so that means no interruptions~"

As she replied, she tried to put on a sexy voice, although it didn't entirely take in the moment. Lily blushed all the same, the effort more than enough. The two shared a quick hug, before stepping back into the back room.

After last time, they'd made sure to have preparations put in place for today's fun: A waterproof floor covering would make cleanup easier, and a comfortable but easily moved bed would make the more intimate parts of their work easier to work on. Neither was really ashamed at the lewd nature of their work; it was still business, after all, and a fun one for them.

Lily set down the bag she had brought in with her, before pulling out her supplies. She'd already prepared the set of potions she wanted to try, having studied Felicia's methods; next week would in turn see the cat's ability to make a few non-potion items tested. For now, a small pile of bottles was set onto one of the more clear desks, before Lily gave Felicia a small kiss on the kiss.

"Let's make sure we strip before the test this time~" Felicia noted, remembering how awkward it was to pull away clothing in the midst of having her body transformed. Lily nodded, and soon the two were pulling away their shirts and stepping out of their panties, showing off their full bodies. Lily's hand was already going to her sheathed cock, gently teasing herself idly, while Felicia kept a bit more focus, ignoring her slit in favour of picking up one of the more special bottles.

"How about we start with this one~?"

The bottle itself was normal for her, a somewhat cartoonish flask that still had a flat bottom. What was strange, however, was the top; it had a special lid with two straws, designed to be drunk together. Its effect would require two people, and so she took one into her muzzle, but left the other to Lily, who quickly took it. Nodding when ready, the two sipped the potion together, eagerly looking downward to watch the results.

The two purred and blushed as they both felt and saw the changes; Lily's cock, poking from its sheath, was pulling back in, the entire structure shrinking itself. Conversely, Felicia could feel her clit growing, the rest of her external genitals shifting to pull closer to it. Gently, she rubbed a finger along it, the structure shifting as it grew a small opening in the tip. Her fingers rubbed at the soft, fur covered sheath slowly forming around the base, as her new cock took shape, little spines forming along the length. She looked to Lily, whose balls had pulled themselves into her, her own cock nearly done shrinking, spreading itself into her own new clit.

"Shall we try out our new equipment~?" Lily asked, leaning in seductively toward her friend.

"Gladly!" Felicia replied, already making her way onto the bed and drinking a contraceptive potion. "Should I be the top, or you?"

"Hmm, I could use a bottom session."

Lily purred as she settled onto the soft fabric, her wings stretching out as Felicia positioned herself above her. Felicia gave her a kiss on the cheek, their chests pressing together as she tried to position herself. Lily blushed as she helped adjust Felicia's hips, guiding her new cock towards herself, easing it in slowly.

The black cat pushed and purred, gently pressing her cock against her friend's clit. She gently wiggled, the soft barbs rubbing along inside Lily, helping send small spikes of pleasure into her as she took Felicia in. "That's it, that works nicely~" she reassured her friend, wiggling her own body, running her claws lightly through Felicia's fur as she helped her through.

The black cat was panting a little loudly, caught up in the new sensations, overexerting herself. Still, she persisted; helped by the reassurance from Lily, and by seeing her breathing more heavily despite how she was being much more passive in her position. For a few moments, Felicia was even able to hilt herself fully, pre dripping from her tip as her newly formed nuts were already going into production.

After several minutes of this, Felicia experimenting with her new cock, she came, warm seed gently making its way out. The feeling was quite odd to Felicia; definitely pleasurable, but something she had little experience with in her orgasms. She gave Lily another kiss on the lips, bringing a hand to gently squeeze her nipple, helping coax some cum out of the demoness below her.

"Ah... so, how's it feel?" Lily panted, her wings gently wiggling under her.

"Pretty good!' Felicia replied, enthusiastic despite being winded. "So, what's next?"

"Hmm..." She pondered, thinking over the prepared tests. "How about a growth potion?"

Felicia nuzzled against Lily's cheek as she thought about it. She could make ones that made you grow overall, or make specific parts grow, but she wasn't sure how good Lily would be at them. Still, they were messing around anyway.

"Sounds good!" She purred as she got up, quickly taking the one with the appropriate label. She popped the top off, wafted a bit of the smell to her muzzle, and promptly gave it a big gulp when she saw it was functional. She settled onto her chair, eagerly awaiting the changes.

Already, she thought she could feel it, the idea enough to get her to reach down to start stroking her cock, paw pads gently pressing along the small barbs. She closed her eyes as she stretched out a little, tail flicking under her as she pleasured herself. As she went, however, her cock felt smaller in her hands; no less pleasurable, but still unexpected. She opened her eyes up again, confused about the change, before seeing what was happening.

It wasn't that her new dick was shrinking, but rather, her hands were growing; their shape was still the same, but they were swelling up, her forearms adjusting to swell up near the ends to match. She kicked to the side a little, and was surprised to see her feet changing in the same way, the paws much larger. The pads to her feet were growing to match, her shins wider at the bottom than the top. She caught Lily eying the changes eagerly, and let out a deep purr.

"Like what you see~?"

Lily blushed and purred back, shrinking back slightly; evidently this was something that was actively making her feel more submissive in the moment. Felicia beckoned her over, and as the demoness did, she took Lily's face into her enlarged hands, watching her squirm and attempt to finger herself as she was squashed between them.

"Good kitty~" Felicia teased, letting Lily go and propping her feet up before her. The demoness purred, gently kissing each sole, only for Felicia to tease her more by pressing a paw into her face directly, twisting her hips so she could poke her other paw into Lily's chest. She smiled as she watched her friend squirm underfoot, one hand rubbing at her crotch, new pre dripping down her legs. Felicia returned to pleasuring herself too, carefully rubbing herself with her now larger palm, pre soaking into her dark fur as she looked at the various potions.

She pulled her feet back, smiling sweetly towards Lily. "How about before we continue, you have a drink yourself?"

Lily blushed, nodding as she stood back up. "Oh, right... it's only fair!"

Quickly, she stepped up to the bottles, grabbing one at random and uncapping it. It was only after she'd already had several swigs from the container that she checked the label, reading "Succubus". Felicia purred softly as she looked over Lily's shoulder, giggling a little at the result.

"Ooh, that looks fun!"

Lily nodded, purring to herself as she felt her changes starting. "Yeah! Though, I'm not sure if the recipe's based on succubi-as-girls, or succubi-as-bottoms..."

Felicia nodded, thinking about her own experience with that potion type. "It, um, kinda depends on who takes it, I think?"

Lily nodded, the white of her horns slowly shifting to black, spreading upward from the base. They were growing longer, ridges forming on them, going from merely curling over her head to actively wrapping around her ears, as she realized internally that they were now natural handles. Her hand brushed against the scales of her chest as she thought about Felicia taking hold of them, using them to guide her as she sucked her new cock, but not sharing the fantasy, not yet.

Her tail's fur gently fell away, exposing the dark purple of the skin beneath. The tip was swelling, a small spade forming, something that Felicia took advantage of as one oversized paw suddenly pinched at it, rubbing the tip between two fingers. While not an inherently erotic feeling, it was still much more pleasurable than usual for Lily, who made soft noises as she stretched out. Felicia's other hand found itself clasping around one of Lily's tits, rubbing it, egging them on as they began to slowly swell up, rivaling the size of Lily's head within a few minutes, bits of softly glowing purple milk leaking out.

The demoness blushed and mewed, small, satisfied noises coming from her as she squirmed. Feathers slowly fell from her wings as soft fur and leathery skin took over, her wings closer to those of a bat than a bird. The newly minted succubus looked up into Felicia's eyes, watching her closely.

"I... think it was both..."

Felicia let out a small giggle as she looked at Lily, now both bottoming and subbing for her. Taking one of Lily's horns in her hand, careful to not squish too hard, she guided her muzzle towards herself.

"Hehe, I guess I get to be in charge now, hmm? How about you help suck me off~"

"Of course!"

Soon, Lily was wrapping her lips around Felicia's cock, her muzzle quickly wrapping around the majority of its length. She didn't go in all the way, allowing the cat's oversized paws to still hold onto her horns as if they were handles, but went far enough to get Felicia to purr and moan happily.

Gently, Lily ran her tongue along Felicia's cock, the barbs a lovely sensation to her, and her tongue in turn quite pleasing to the cat above her. One of Lily's hands held on to keep her in position, while the other was rubbing at her chest, gently squeezing herself, milk dripping down onto the seat and floor. For a moment they were both quite glad that Felicia had already prepared for the mess this time around, before Lily's thoughts drifted back to the soft fur and hard cock in her face.

As pre dripped into Lily's muzzle, a few drops spilling from the edges of her mouth, Felicia looked back over to the potions. Noticing a spare growth potion, she giggled a little as she took it in her paw, wondering what part of her body this would affect. With a mental shrug, she gave it a few sips, purring happily as she felt the warm sensation flow through her.

Lily let out a soft sputter, finding something was off. The cock in her mouth, while still fitting well enough, was growing, slowly, but enough to throw her off for a second. Felicia simply purred to herself, lightly squeezing her thighs as she felt her balls grow in the same way, only a little bit but still enough to be noticeable, and coming with a noticeable increase in production. As she came she leaned her head back in relief, warm cum pouring out into Lily's mouth and spilling all around her.

Slowly, the demoness pulled herself away, the small spines a pleasant feeling on her lips as she pulled away, Felicia's cock still erect until after she'd completely let go. She panted a little, her tail swaying behind her as she leaned back herself, now bringing a hand to tease more at her clit. Felicia simply smiled, starting to run low on energy, happy with the fun they'd had so far.

"I, um, left a toy behind in the bottom drawer if you want..."

Lily nodded a little as she heard the offer, but continued to finger herself, letting her paws do the work. After a few minutes she managed to cum again, before simply lying still in exhaustion. Both felines were about ready for a break, and even with there still being a few bottles left behind, they weren't up for testing them yet.

Gingerly, Felicia took Lily's hand in her own, helping pull her back to the bed and settling her down. As she joined her, she gave a gentle lick to her ear, her paws squishing against Lily's back as she cuddled her.

"Perhaps we should have brought in some test subjects..." Lily purred, leaning into Felicia's chest.

"Maybe... still, this is pretty fun, isn't it?"

"Yeah... can't wait to see what you can do with my magic..."

The two purred, settling into a nap as they rested. There were more potions to test, sure, but that could wait.


Constance looked around slowly as she stepped into the back space of Felicia's shop. The greyish-purple rabbit adjusted her glasses nervously, seeing how much of a mess it was. It was waterproofed, or at least this space was, but all the loose potion bottles and scattered clothes were a bit offputting. Brushing her skirt, she made her way to the back space, surprised by what she saw.

Felicia was naked, not too unusual for her, but she also had a cock and far bigger paws than normal, which looked absurd holding a normal sized towel as she wiped the floor clean. Behind her was a purple furred... thing, lying in bed, a mix of cat and succubus that had evidently fallen asleep after some lovemaking.

"Hey Constance! I was just, um, testing some potions my friend here made, and well..."

The bun blushed a little, carefully stepping around a small puddle on the floor that hadn't been wiped up yet. Evidently they'd had quite the intense "testing", and she couldn't help but feel a little jealous in a way.

"It's, it's fine! So, um, what was it you wanted me here for?"

"Well, Lily's kinda busy right now, but I still have some energy and I figure, well, maybe you want to try one of these to help?"

Constance took a small step back in surprise, needing to regain her composure. Given her friend dealt in various, often lewd potions, she wasn't too shocked at the proposal; Felicia was one of the people she was more open with about her lewd desires, in fact. Still, this would be the first time she was actively asked to join in. She paused for a moment to think about it, before deciding.

"Alright, I'll try one! But, um, just one for now."

Felicia nodded, carefully grabbing a bottle and handing it over. "How about this one?"

The rabbit nodded, gently taking the cap off and giving it a few sips. It tasted sweet, like some sort of candy, and she happily drank half the bottle before stopping and checking the hastily written label. "Body Fluid Sweetener?"

Felicia nodded eagerly, leaning in close and purring seductively. "It's a pretty fun one, but also not too intense~ I figured it'd be good for someone's first time, yeah?"

Constance nodded, her ears bending back a little. She realized that she could still taste the delicious, sweet flavor, which in turn was making her drool more in a repeating cycle. As she looked into Felicia's eyes, she suddenly returned a small, smug smile.

"Well, maybe we should see if it changed any of my other fluids~?" She teased, reaching to the top of her skirt to pull it away. Felicia purred and nodded, leaning down, eager to help get the test going.