Expanding Hells Inventory - Chapter 1

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Commission for DragonMate7 on FA

World Count: 5646 Main Themes: Slavery Secondary Themes: Rape, extreme oral/anal tightness, kidnapping

Overview: Phasu, once a regular wolf, now a demon in the underworld decides to forcefully enslave innocent mortals.

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Expanding Hells Inventory Chapter 1:

The ragged fiery brimstone of hell broke away into a clearing, a clearing of midnight purple where vibrant auras danced in the sky above a large manor which stood proud in the centre. Surrounded by moats of thick, vibrant glowing fluid the manor was essentially a castle, with all manner of hellish minions and sinners disfigured in appearance and dressed in robes toiling away was bizarre yet natural looking plants and foliage, creating the image of some twisted upside down royal Victorian estate.

Through a large window, into the main bedroom, a wolf stretched out his legs awake. This wolf was not disfigured, his pelt displaying blacks and browns not too dissimilar to any mortal wolf. However, what was quite unusual, was the two horns on the wolf's forehead, as well as the vibrant colours and markings along his form which infused and pulsed with demonic power.

It was a rather unique sight in the underworld, a quadruped demon who was not a minion like so many others. While the wolf took pride in his appearance, half-bloods like himself; that is demons created from fusing a mortal soul with a demonic one, faced discrimination in the underworld. Though the wolf could find himself lucky, in that, in inherited the estate of the demon who had fused with him, the fateful night it attacked him.

I loud 'clunk' was heard, as the large 10 foot door slowly creaked open, casting a dim purplish hue into the demonic wolf's bedchambers.

"Good morning, lord Phasu." Spoke a raspy voice, a two-legged ghoul soon shuffling into the room holding a bowl filled with crimson glowing orbs. They looked almost like fruits. Similar in size to red cherries, only perforated and wrinkled around the edges.

"Gah... Disgusting. I told the keeper only the freshest are to work in the manor." The wolf grumbled, stretching his paws out with a yawn.

"3 weeks Sir, I am the youngest." He replied, the once mortal, now recently dammed sinner starting to shake and wobble in fear, Phasu merely rolling his eyes and grumbling. "What have we got?"

"Yesterday, we were able to cultivate 18 soul orbs. And today, you have an event my lord. Lord Argyle has asked for your attendance at his home."

Phasu took a few steps towards them. A transparent hand, similar in colour to that of the wolf's markings soon appeared, scooping up the orbs and lifting them to the wolf's mouth, allowing him to easily chomp down on them. And, as he did, they exploded in a bloody crimson, matting the fur around his cheeks and lips, and giving the wolf a menacing appearance. However, it seemed as though it was not just simple nourishment the odd food provided, as Phasu's body begun to glow and pulsate with power after every mouthful. Only once he had polished the bowl clean, he settled down.

"Not bad." Was all he had to say, a hand soon pushing the ghoul towards the door, Phasu not wanting to get any closer than necessary himself. To which, the ghoul fell over with a groan, his decaying body aching and reaching out to pull himself out through the large door, leaving Phasu alone with his thoughts about Argyle's request. What was the sneaky fox up to this time?

Argyle's 'manor' or fortress, really, was in stark contrast to his own, the demon seemingly preferring the more stereotypical appearance of flowing lava among scorching dull red brimstone. His ghouls toiled away on land much larger and more plentiful than his own, as to be expected for a demon higher on hell's status ladder. A pure-bred.

Phasu's own ghouls struggled and toiled, cladded in what looked like painful pony-gear straight out of an S&M scene, as they pushed along the cart in which Phasu lay, their tortured hooves sizzling slightly each time they lowered against the fiery path, pushing the purplish and colourfully adorned cart up towards the castle's gate, which swung open majestically to allow them entrance, wood creaking above a flowing moat of lava which caused embers to float through the cracks and crevices, protective spells being the only thing stopping the whole bridge from lighting up in flames.

Phasu's ghouls strained as they parked up against a large door, where a two legged demonic fox adorned in nothing but a loin cloth, and sprouting curled demonic horns greeted them with a smile across his face. "Phasu, my friend. I knew you'd come." His deep voice rumbling out in the castle's courtyard, bouncing off the walls and giving a strong feeling of power. "Let's get rid of those ghouls and come, I have something to show you."

The pony-clad ghouls where soon marched away, their groans fading into what looked like an enclosed, tightly secured stable. Phasu's soft pawpads trotted against the fiery ground, the purplish hue of magical protection keeping them safe from the burning heat until he stepped foot in the fox's grand castle. The first thing Phasu noticed was the smell. It smelled... Great. Free from the wretched scent of death. "This way." Argyle's voice called, Phasu rolling his eyes and wondering what tricks the strange demon was planning. His paws shifted into a trot, bouncing against the comfortable and recently cleaned carpet until he was met with a two-legged feline holding the door. Collared and wearing a revealing maid outfit.

The feline looked like some kind of leopard and at first, Phasu merely dismissed them for another demon. One perhaps undergoing some kind of punishment, or simple beaten and dominated. It wasn't unheard of. Yet, on closer inspection, this demon was not adorned with any demonic energy, their scent carried no smell of the underworld, nor the scent of a rotting corpse. They're mortal.

The realization sent a certain chill down Phasu's spine. He had heard of some very secretive, higher up circled capturing mortals and using them and servants, but this low down in the underworld? To be caught, would mean being stripped of all demonic powers, left to suffer defencelessly before wasting away just like a common ghoul.

"Right this way Sir." The nervous mortal said, the voice bringing Phasu back into the present, realizing his nose was pressed right up against the feline. He could smell his sweat, his fear. It was all so real, and not tainted by the smell of death. It was... Marvellous.

Phasu gave a snap of his jaws, making the feline shudder. "Don't rush me." He barked, though in reality, his stomach was still churning, knowing this was just a start. No wonder the castle smelt so clean, fresh, and untainted.

Argyle's lounge looked like something out of this world. Or, out of the underworld to be more accurate. In that, there were no less than maybe ten, twenty mortals. Most were bound in one way or another, some being used merely as furniture. Argyle himself was lounging on a large sofa. In between his legs was what looked like some sort of canine, Phasu couldn't tell what breed, not with the sheer amount of 'layers' the immobile mortal was wrapped in, a ring gag fastened to their maw being hammered by the demonic fox. Meanwhile, another maid stood next to him, offering him drinks.

Phasu took a deep breath and sighed, trying to swallow his jealousy as he took a few steps towards the fox. "You know what'll happen if you get found out right? Are you sure this is a good idea." He warned. Argyle merely smirked in response.

"Oh I do, but it's been a century since any demon was punished for enslaving mortals. It's becoming more and more common, and I can see by your face, you want one of your own. We're demonic lords, we deserve to live without the stench of ghouls, don't you think?"

The fox leaned back, wrapping a paw around the mortal between his legs and forcing the gasping, spluttering soul against his crotch, his eyes tearing, pooling, and dropping to the floor. The scent smelled so good, so sweet. It was enough to make his stomach curl in excitement, his fur curling upwards in a flurry and body glowing with demonic power.

"Fine, you win. How much? I presume that's why you brought me here. To sell it to me."

Phasu's claws grated against the wooden floor in anticipation, meanwhile Argyle's face contorted, the submissive feminine mortal below let out a muffled scream as the demon dumped near boiling hot cum down his gullet. It was so fresh, guttural, and real, not like the half-dead moans of the already deceased sinners.

With a simple push, the mortal fell over, landing on the ground with a thud as Argyle took a loud breath. "Mrph. Well. No beating around the bush with you half-bloods, eh? First you need a way to spy on the mortal realm, otherwise you'll end up grabbing the more, undesirable. And, you're likely to not draw any attention if you go for sinner, the worse of the worse, murderers, rapists and so on since they're already on hell's list. Then, you need a portal. Since you're a good friend. I can give you the orb, and say... 2 portals for say, 2000 orbs?"

Phasu stomped his paw down with a slight growl. "2000? That's extortionate. 1000."

"You know I'm risking my neck selling these Phasie~ I can do 1900."

"Don't call me that. 1500."

"1800, take it or leave it."

"Fine." The begruntled demon wolf said, moving towards the low coffee table. It took a few seconds of hurling, a few of the mortals glancing curiously as many of them, for the first time, witnessed how currency of the underworld was exchanged. Phasu's throat bulged, and out from his gullet came a collection of soul orbs until before no time, they were flowing off the table, rolling around the room, servants cautious not to stand on any of the curious crimson glowing demonic orbs. Phasu himself panting, regaining his breath, the glow from his demonic marking withering and fading slightly in intensity as he recovered from the exertion.

"Pleasure doing business. I'll have one of my mortals to load it into your cart."

The rest of the evening was spent envying the various mortals Argyle had managed to poach from the human realm. Male, female... It seemed he had a certain fascination with more skinny feminine kinds. Phasu could see the appeal, but drooled over the idea of breaking down a dominant, muscular hunk of a mortal.

Phasu wasted no time, the moment he pulled up into his rotten, ghoul infested estate he ordered his newly purchased items to be brought up to his chambers. The orb was simple enough to set up, allowing a near enough bird's eye perspective of the human world. He had to put aside his fascination, trying to find a mortal. Each passing second made his sheath swell at the thought of being able to thrust into something that wasn't decaying, or molten hot with demonic power. His sights narrowed on a Red Panda.

"Fuck you Mark, get the fuck out of my house!" A female red panda yelled, chucking clothes and all manner of items towards an unphased two-legged male of the same species, who merely brushed the items aside as if they were nothing. Rolling his eyes, and with a grin on his maw, he moved towards the female. "Shhh, shh." She moved a hand to try and slap, claws brandished, intending to cause damage, but were soon caught by a fierce vice like grip. "Tsk tsk. I've told you once, what comes around goes around sweetie." He leaned in, taking in the scent of her trembling neck fur. "Don't be jealous, green isn't your colour. You had all week to put out." His jaws moved to nibble her ear, a possessive hand grabbing her waist as tears rolled down her cheeks. "You cheating asshole..."

"Mrph, you're cute when you're like this, defiant and bratty. But get real, where would you be without me? You're a waste of space. No job for how many years?" Mark raised a heavy weighted paw to her rear, suddenly coming down with a fierce slap. "This is my house," Tears flew freely from her maw. "My kids." Her cries started turning into croaked winces. "You'd be on the streets, nothing without me. Show. A little. Gratitude. I. Own. You."

A firm hand pushed the female red panda up against a dresser, where marks paws rummaged through a nearby drawer, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. And, with a quick motion, he locked them on her wrist, to a nearby radiator. The female collapsed into tears. "I was looking forward to a nice fuck, but you're not worth the effort. I think I'll take a walk and let you think about your little tantrum. And, if you're still not eager and willing to do your job, then you'll be sorry." And with a hurl of spit which landed on her cheeks, he pulled some shorts up and threw a T-shirt over himself, slamming the trailer door and heading out into the warm summer night.

Mark grumbled slightly, sitting on a park bench. His phone in one hand, a beer in the other. Cicadas chirped in the background while his phone illuminated his face and upper body in the dark, secluded park. He was used to the danger, but not naïve. And so he clenched a large blade against his waist tightly. His other hand held his phone, while his thumb flicked over various pictures on his phone's hookup app, swiping left and right, fishing for a new pick. "If that bitch gave out some more often, I wouldn't even have to do this." He grumbled to himself, until finally a message came through.

A vixen, much younger than himself having just turned 19, was flooding his inbox with filthy messages. She was nearby, alone and in her apartment, looking to meet some more experienced men. Mark smirked, replying. The two got chatting and it was clear she was naïve and down for anything. Mark's tail swayed in anticipation. Location, less than 1Km away.

As soon as he had the address, he started marching towards her apartment. He knew the apartment block rather well, he'd had at least 3 different hook-ups there, all students. His tongue rolled along his teeth in anticipation, his cock tenting in his tight shorts, eagerly he took a shortcut through a narrow alley absent of any streetlight.

Though, as he was only halfway from emerging onto the artificially lit street, a blinding purple light flooded the alley. Mark shielded his eyes with a paw, wincing and only slowly lowering his paw to gaze open the large bright circular light. Immediately Mark turned to investigate the wall, looking for signs of an LED TV. But there was nothing, the purple light was flat against the wall. Slowly he pressed a hand against it... And it sunk in. It felt warm, cozy even, as though he had dunked his paw into a nice warm bath.

Fascinated and confused, Mark recoiled his paw and admired it. It was perfectly dry. "The fu-"Suddenly, a slightly transparent, colourful hand had gripped his paw, it latched on like a vice yet seemed to be floating in mid-air. His heart beat faster and faster, panic setting in as he reached his other paw to try and bat, hit and fight. Yet, his other paw merely sank through the ghostly hand, as if it didn't exist. "Help!".... "HELP!" He screamed, using his free paw to grab onto a nearby streetlamp, but by this point the ghostly hand had pulled half his arm through the portal. He could feel the warmth course through his nerves, tempting him with the pleasurable sensation of relaxation. But Mark knew he had to fight it. He shook his head, forcing himself to focus. "Bastard..." He called out, reaching down to his waistline to unbuckle and unsheathe the large blade he carried along his belt, soon pressing the blade against his arm. He took one breath, then another, lining up the fine edge against his delicate skin and pelt. He had seen it in the movies, and he was a real man... How hard could it be? Still pushing against the demonic grip, he took a deep breath, raising his arm high and then lowering the large knife against his own forearm.

The knife cut in, breaking pelt and engraving itself into the panda's arm. But, it went no further then that. Mark yelped loudly, the pain overwhelming him, his body going limp and soon, warmth washed over his body as he was pulled into the portal, the ghostly hand being the only clue or indication of what fate lay ahead.

It was humid, and warm. Mark felt himself land on his hands and knees, blood oozing from the wound in which, he soon grabbed, wincing and holding it tightly. "Gah... It hurts." He whined, to which, a voice replied. "Oh don't be such a pup."

Before he could work out from what or where the voice came from, a large paw landed on his face, keeping his maw forced into the ground. "Some of my servants barely have any flesh left on them at all, though I have to admit, it was hilarious to see you -actually- try to cut yourself free, toy. ahahahaha."

Mark's eyes went wide, a snarl coming from his maw at the word 'Toy'. His arm moved to brandish the knife he still held in his left arm, hoping to shank the assailant, but before he could even move a muscle in offense, his arm was pinned to the floor by a familiar ghostly hand. "Who, the fuck, are you." He mumbled under his pinned maw, his teeth curling back in a snarl. "Lord Phasu, Demon of the underworld. However, you shall address me as Sir or Master."

"Like hell I will."

Feeling the creature's strength waver, Mark quickly pushed himself away, rising on all fours, blood still dripping from his arm as he pointed his knife at the assailant, finally able to get a good look at him from the first time. "Y-you're a dog. A glowing dog with horns..." He commented in surprise at the creatures four-legged stature. "You can talk?" Phasu sneered in response. "Wolf. At a push hellhound. Your impudence will not go unpunished." The demonic wolf smiled slightly. "Hmmm. Dog.... Yes, I think that will be a good use for you."

Having heard enough, the red Panda suddenly swung at Phasu, his arm lunging back though Phasu did not flinch, he didn't even blink. As the blade made contact, it bounced off. At first, Mark thought the creature was made of stone, but upon seeing the colourful ripples overlaying his fur, he soon realized it was some kind of... Demonic forcefield. Phasu merely let out a bemused sigh, this time, four hands moved to grab each of the Panda's wrists, his large blade dropping to the floor with a 'clunk'.

"My, my, this will be fun. Welcome to your new home, dog."

Mark struggled against the hands which kept him pinned, growling and snarling. The loud clink of a padlock could be heard in the distance, a large chest flinging open, a series of devious devices jumping from the chest, a grand mix of metal, black leather and smooth latex which has a slight purple glow indicating demonic properties.

Hands kept the panda pinned to the floor while firstly, the blob of latex attached itself to his fur. A soft sizzling noise, and subsequent screams indicated this was more than just a coating. It seemed to be burning the panda's fur, smoke coming off, doing little damage to his skin and pelt other than minor burning, but soon replacing his fur with a rubbery second skin. It started along his chest, made its way down to his crotch, causing much stress, especially when he felt it coat his tailhole, slowly starting to spread the very outer part of his rear, but going no further than his ring. The sensation made him shudder, his tailhole flexing to try and close, but meeting resistance from the suit.

The enchanted latex skin continued, making its way up to his throat and around his head, blocking out his vision entirely, then into his maw. The latex coated his maw, forcing it open, pushing down into his throat and blocking of his air for a few seconds. The panda started to panic until the latex let up, allowing him to breathe, though his tongue was now completely coated, giving him a terrible lisp as he cried. "Make ith stapth."

The latex continued to spread down his arms and too his hands, were, curiously instead of wrapping and surrounding each finger, the latex started to warp and distort around them, forming a 'ball'. The ball smoothed out into the shape of a feral paw pad, only, one you might see on a plushie or cartoon, as opposed to an actual animal. Mark understood the effect of this immediately, his ability to grip things being taken away in an instant.

Phasu marched around his property, eyeing him up from head to latex covered toe, raising a forepaw to caress the interesting material. Mark shuddered, he could feel it as if it was his own flesh. In fact, it was even more sensitive, the panda able to feel those demonic claws tease what was once fur and pelt. "Make it stop? Oh we're far from over."

The next item from the chest to fly towards Mark's squirming, squeaking body was a set of 4 leg braces. Phasu's demonic hands folded Mark's arms and legs, his wrists being tightly, painfully compressed against his shoulders while his ankles were pushed up and mushed against his thighs. With his limbs held in place with stern force, large leather bindings affixed themselves to all four limbs, locking them in place with enchanted padlocks, which served more as decoration, and to clink around noisily, rather than serving any practical purpose.

Mark was forced to walk on his elbows, not knowing how long he'd be stuck like this. The next item to be attached was a canine muzzle, though this time the colour pallet had changed from glossy black, to a leathery pink. Just like the leg wraps, they were fastened with a lock, but Mark didn't really understand what difference it makes. The muzzle didn't force his mouth shut, still agape from the latex tube that went into his throat. But, what Mark failed to see, was the press studs around the eyes and mouth. Press studs that allowed for a number of attachments.

A blindfold clicked into place, turning Mark's world dark, making him feel all the more helpless to how his body was being modified to the demon's whim. "Beautiful, my own Pup. No no no... My own bitch." Phasu commented, a lusty, guttural tone coming from his maw, a few drips of drool dropping to the ground as he looked in on his toy, soon grabbing his muzzle and pulling him close. Passionately, he kissed the unwilling maw, forced open there was nothing the toy could do to try and force it out of his maw. Phasu held him close, eager to feel the pathetic creature's racing, fear filled heart beat, a hand reassuringly petting the sensitive back of his new latex skin, teasing and sending mixed messages. Phasu desperately eager to play, tease and torment the mind of his new toy. His new, mortal toy.

Mark wheezes as the rough, wet canine tongue pulled out from his sensitive gullet, coughing and spurting all over the floor. "Now we won't have that." Phasu commented mockingly, and on que, the next item forced itself into Mark's maw. Phallic in shape, it was a knotted canine dildo which soon fixed itself to the press studs on his muzzle, silencing him and leaving his throat ever so slightly tightening and gagging on the tip, the very end of the toy poking uncomfortably into his throat.

The next item was simple enough, a pink leathery collar, an engraved inscription along the front reading "Bitch. - Property of Phasu." Like everything else, it clicked, locked in place. Though a similar collar was soon attached to the red panda's latex covered tail, a cord attaching his tail to his collar, leaving his tailhole open and exposed to the air. By now tears had begun to flow freely down his cheeks as he started to sob.

"Oh don't give me that. I've watched you long enough now, seen how you lie about your age, force yourself onto drunken girls, not even bothering to conceal it from your wife anymore." Phasu's eyes rolled, having no pity for his new toy. "I bet you're as raw as they come back here hm. Never done it with a guy at all no, that would be gay, disgusting, degenerate right?" His expression changed to a smirk as he pushed his clawed paw into the primed tailhole slowly, being met with a muffled yowl from his toy. The sound was like music to his ears. "Knew it. Don't worry, you'll adapt. And not fall apart in doing so. Not if I can help it."

Phasu's tongue wrapped around his lips in anticipation of the inviting tailhole, all the teasing has forced his red tip to come free from his sheath, his tail held high in dominance over the pathetic lowlife below him, his mind going over the possibilities, a future of possibilities. But, something was missing. Something important. He looked around his bitch once, then twice. Then, it hit him.

Summoning the demonic hands, they soon got to work, this time with traditional tools used to etch and tattoo into flesh. Phasu lowered his paw on his bitches' snout. "Stay still." He commanded, paw pads spreading out and covering his muzzle, cutting off his air if he dared try and twitch or escape the advances of the sharp tools that assaulted his body. The tools poked, picked and stabbed into him, forcing whimpers, whines and yelps. Though, they worked fast in carving their image. Phasu's crest coming into shape, the icon of his manor, his demonic seal, stamp. Naturally, anything with this symbol beloned to him. And now, boldly it was tattooed across Mark's; or at least, what used to be Mark's entire back. By now, little remained to identify the red panda before he was mercilessly dragged away from the mortal realm.

The sharp, ink dotted tools didn't stop there though. Soon carving out letters along his sides. "Phasu's toy." Was written in bold, able to be seen from the other side of the room easily, written in a similar pinkish colour as his other attachments. In smaller text underneath, the tools continued chipping away, the toy below no longer whining, now merely whimpering, his breaths muffled under the dildo in his maw. Phasu soon removed the blindfold, allowing the toy to get a view of the large canine cock that would soon be forcing his virgin tailhole apart. It leaked pre, which dropped against the toy's nose.

Minutes went by as a short paragraph was formed by the skilful tool wielding ghostly hands. "Notice: This mortal is property of Lord Phasu. They have no rights, power of influence, and should be treated as such. Store when not in use. Keep fed and watered. If misbehaved, please report to Lord Phasu for appropriate punishment." Raising his paw from the defeated bitch's snout, Phasu traced along where the tattoo marks had done their job, the latex had blended so well with his pelt that he even felt a few drops of crimson blood collect and smear on his paw. He took a large, noisy slurp along his paw. The taste was delightful.

"Perfect. The toy I've always dreamed of... You're going to make me very very happy toy." The toy shuddered, heavy breaths and whines coming through his gagged muzzle. "Remember this moment, someday, I'm sure your tailhole will be so lose I can fit my entire paw in. But for now, I'm going to savour your tightness." Phasu soon mounted his toy, being forced onto all fours, the bitch was in the perfect position for doggy style, and always would be. Thoughts of renting his bitch out to some of the canine hellhound tribes and packs crossed his mind, maybe even recording it. But for now, he wanted to use his toy for himself.

"Bite." He commanded, soon pushing his dry, large, hellish canine tipped cock into the toy's tailhole. Phasu found his mark quickly, but at first, there was nothing. Nothing but an uneasy pressure against the latex covered tailhole. Taking a deep breath, Phasu forced all of his effort into his hips, giving one powerful, ruthless, bloodthirsty thrust. The toy screamed, a renewed scream which shook the whole room. The glass shook, tears streaming down the mortals face, his tailhole spread two inches in a single thrust. It felt as though he was being split into two.

Phasu wasted no time. Like a feral wolf in heat, he slammed his hips at jaw dropping pace. The lack of lube was soon resolved as the virgin tailhole, unable to take the stress, started to bleed, crimson matting and rubbing off the outside latex, though coating Phasu's cock in a drippy, slightly sticky layer. The sounds of screams soon died down into a whimper as the tailhole was forced to accept its new position of remaining open to the jackhammering wolf cock. In his excitement, Phasu's knot was fully engorged and pressed against his toy's entrance.

Predictably, it bounced against the swollen, tight, abused entrance like a softball, making little to no progress in entering the toy. Not wanting to completely break his toy beyond repair, Phasu slowed down his thrusts, noisy squelches being heard among gagged whimpering. Phasu's toy shuddered, his entire body quivering in pain and fear. To Phasu, it felt simply as though his toy had its own, built in vibration feature. "Gah, good toy, good bitch." He cooed, lowering his maw to his toy's collar, and grabbing it with his teeth. Once again, he'd try to pull his toy close, the large knot smudging and rubbing against the tight tailhole, but it was impossible. The softball sized knot was just too big. Not that it mattered, as the pathetic shaking was enough to drive the eager Phasu over the edge.

The toy could steel feel every bump and every vein of the large wolf cock. His tailhole puffed up from soreness, he could feel everything, and so he felt it when the cock violently started to pulse from inside him. Once, twice, three times, then a torrent of seed spew from his cock. It was warm... No, stinging hot. The salt also covered his wounds, salting them and forcing him to tighten his tailhole around his owner's cock, giving Phasu the impression his toy was miking his cock for every drop of semen.

Phasu soon lay over his toy, who's shoulders soon gave in from having to support the frame of the large wolf. Phasu groaned, moving a paw to his toy's maw and pulling out the dildo gag. The toy below instantly moved to complain. "Ah ah ah. Not a word." He said, soon lowering his paw down to Phasu's nose. "Smell. Lick. Your owners scent. Your soul is in the underworld now. The longer you are in here, the harder it is for your soul to return. No doubt, your body is probably being taken to a hospital as we speak. They'll say it's a coma. I wonder how long they'll keep you, as your body wastes away." Phasu pondered as fresh tears streamed down his toy's maw. "But there's no use dwelling on it. That life is over. Gone. You are no longer Mark. You are Toy. Bitch. Understood? Nod if so." The latex bound toy gave a nod. "Good. Behave, and your existence here might even be relatively pleasurable."

Phasu pushed himself onto all fours, his cock sliding free of the used toy with a 'shlop', cum mixed with crimson dribbled down the smooth latex surface. "Some ground rules. You are to refer to me as Sir or Master. I am your owner. Your life. Your salvation. Your reason to exist. Without me, there's nothing for you. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." A croaky voice replied meekly.

"Gosh you sound like a ghoul, more enthusiasm toy!" Phasu yelled, lowing a paw on the toy's rear in a harsh slap.

"Yes Master!"

"Good. You will start your training as soon as your tailhole there is healed up. You will be taking my knot by the end of the week. As a toy, you'll remain like this at all times. You will have little to no duties or responsibilities, but you must obey any order from anyone unless it contradicts my own. You are not a person anymore. You are a thing; you have no rights. Is that understood?"

Once again, the toy nodded his head and whined. "Yes Master."

"Hrmph, I was hoping for more defiance... Part of me wonders if you enjoyed this." Phasu commented, wondering over to his toy's crotch. And with a simple wave of his paw, the bulged latex as his crotch disappeared for a moment, to reveal his furless pelt smothered in pre. "Hahaha. Turns out this was your kind of thing all along. Maybe if you weren't such a narrow minded fool, you could have enjoyed being used by other males."

As soon as Phasu removed his paw, the latex re-covered and re-sealed as if it had never been touched at all. Phasu merely head to the door. "Ghoul! Take the toy to its kennel."