Fates of the Unicorns 16 - Changes

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#16 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - ** Chapter 16 - Changes**

SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters.

All the mares were on edge when the door to their prison opened, their dragon Master stepping through. With varying degrees of speed they dropped to their knees where they stood and averted their gazes. Some did so because they were afraid of catching the cruel eye of the dragon. Others to hide expressions of dismay and anger from their quick to punish Master.

It was only a short time ago the Master's large drake had nearly climbed into the cave and all the mares were still recovering from that fright. Rahmor looked over his property, seeing lots of nervous breathing and twitching of tails. It was just as he liked them. He pointed randomly at one of the guards, and snapped out an order, "Chair."

Nella watched her Master pick her out and murrred out a "Yes Master", not hesitating to pad over to her Master and get down on all fours beside him. She grunted as the dragons weight pressed down onto her back, her arms straining as she gritted her teeth at the effort. She made no noise of complaint though, as the dragon both terrified and excited her. He was the center of her world. He gave pain and pleasure, granted favors, and took them away. As long as she continued to obey and please him she stayed on his good side, one of his loyal guards. Even this humiliating chore she did with apparent pleasure. Perhaps later she would abuse a slave to make up for them seeing her in this position, but with her Master present, she had no thought but obedience.

Maegan watched the dragon sitting on the feline guard and tried not to stare in open pleasure. It was good to see that mean cat getting some abuse for once, and she freely admitted to herself that it was turning her on. That was the sort of thing she fantasized about back when she was free. The reality of being a slave was much less fun than her idle fantasies. It was cold, the food was terrible and being fed alive to a furry-eating plant was never anything she dreamed of having to worry about. She had finally confessed her attraction to bondage to a helpful guard who told her that yes, her Master enjoyed willing slaves and if she were lucky, she might be able to become a kind of pet to him and avoid the worst of his attentions. Now he was here and she waited for her chance, hoping he was in a good mood.

Rahmor curled his tail up under his feline chair to rub at her breasts and was rewarded with a rough purring below him. His hand pointed once more at mare, "You!"

Telly gulped and let out a whimpered, "Yes... Master?"

"You were the last to get on your knees. No using the chamber pot for... two days." He turned his head to eye one of the guards who nodded.

"Ahhh... yes sir..." Telly meekly replied and squirmed. It wasn't her fault, she didn't see it was him until everyone else was already starting to drop. Two days was going to be a long time!

"Now.. one at a time come kneel here" said the dragon as he pointed at between his feet. A unicorn was quickly brought to him, one of his guards moving to grab the closest and pull her over. Rahmor pulled out a small pouch from a pocket in his leather kilt and set it between his knees, removing a seed pod from within. He held it between his thumb and forefinger and held it out to the mare, "Eat this."

The mare looked at the thing the dragon had thrust in front of her face. It was bigger than a grape and had a slimy coating and she could smell the foul scent. It was slightly translucent, the insides a milky white with several bits of root poking out in places making it look like some soft of diseased bug. She made a face, head turning slightly away in reflex and stammered, "Wha.. what is it?"

Rahmor didn't reply, but slid his tail out from under his furry chair and stabbed the seed with the pointed tip of his scaly tail. In an instant he had a hold of the mares horn to force her head back while his other hand went to press against the sides of her jaw, forcing her mouth open wide.

Hardly aware of what happened the mare let out a yelp as she was forced to look up at the ceiling, her jaws opening wide from the painful pressure. Then something hard slammed down between her teeth and deep into her mouth. She mrrrrrmped loudly at the intrusion, eyes wide as she saw the dragons tail sliding in past her lips, her cries cut off as it plunged down into her throat. She struggled, hands at her neck as she felt the hard, rough scales scratching at her stretched throat. She felt as if her neck was going to tear open and suddenly the dragons head was over hers with a single command, "Swallow!" She gulped down immediately, too scared and in too much pain to do anything but obey. She squirmed silently as she choked on the tail, pleading with her eyes.

Rahmor felt the seed pod pulled off the tip of his tail when the mare swallowed and knew he could pull his tail out now. But he left it in, enjoying her struggles and wanting to teach her, and the rest of his slaves yet another lesson in obedience. He looked out at the scared faces, "You will all obey my orders without ANY hesitation, is that clear?"

Several mares nodded, while others trembled in fear and sympathy for their suffering sister.

"I asked you a question, bitches..." he said in a deep, threatening growl. His tail did not budge. There was a mixed murmur of "Yes Masters" and "Yes sirs" and a few "okays" and "uh-hus". He snorted, "Sir is allowed, but Master is my proper title. Can you all understand THAT?"

This time the response of "Yes Master" was much clearer and in sync.

Rahmor nodded, and pulled his tail out of the mares throat, resulting in a coughing, gasping unicorn. "Crawl back to your place, bitch..." he told her, picking up another seed pod as a second unicorn was brought before him. He looked down at Telly and held out the seed pod.

Telly opened her mouth quickly and stuck her tongue out under the nasty looking pod. She did her best not to make a face when it was dropped onto it and she pulled it into her mouth, gulping down hard and then with a thought, opening it up to show her Master she had indeed swallowed it.

"Good girl..." he said and gave her a rough pat on the nose. One by one the rest were made to crawl to him and kneel to be fed. Nobody else dared to speak a word or do anything but follow instructions. The mares who had eaten the seed were quiet and knelt off to the side, a few holding the hands of the mare who had been force-fed the seed, tears drying on her white equine face.

It was finally Maegan's turn and she crawled as well as she could to kneel down in front of the dragon. She opened her mouth wide as she placed her hands behind her beck, thrusting out her chest to show it off. She gulped down the seed like all the others, fighting back the urge to spit the nasty taste out of her mouth. Instead she licked her lips and whispered, "Thank you, Master..." before bending down to plant a kiss on the top of his foot.

Rahmor watched the unicorn as she drew her tongue across his toes, then turned her head up to look at him, waiting, eyes full of nervousness, and submission. With a look the guard at Maegan's side stepped back and waited as well. He let the tip of his tail run across the unicorns face, then guide her mouth back down to his toes. "Don't get in the way, slave..." he said, and nodded to his guard who fetched the next unicorn.

Maegan shifted off to the side and settled down at her Masters feet, slowly licking at his toes. She shivered.. this had been one of her favorite things to do with her boyfriend when they had been experimenting. The scales were not as smooth as the hoof of a stallion, but the taste of dust and dirt was familiar to her and she closed her eyes to imagine she was back home, safe, just playing.

Dana gave Tamara a look as they watched Maegan settle in to serve their Master. They confronted her before about her reaction to others when they had been punished, only to have her admit she found some of this arousing. Dana didn't dare say anything out loud so she just watched, hoping the dragon wasn't going to expect EVERYONE to do that! And soon it was her turn and she swallowed with all the rest and want back to her place, wondering what she had just eaten.

Tamara was crawling up to her Master when he suddenly flicked the pod with his finger, sending it sailing at her. She snapped at it, catching it in her teeth in reflex and managed to gulp it down rather than spit the thing out in surprise. She flushed as the dragon laughed at her and waved on the next. Testing her reflexes, or just playing with her? She wondered if it was a test, had she passed? She then wondered if perhaps it would be better if she didn't. He wanted her to fight other slaves, and that wasn't something she was at all interested in. She hoped she could manage to say no without him sending her off to suffer horribly. He said she was free to choose.. but did he really mean it?

Soon the last unicorn was given her 'treat' and Rahmor stood up to the great relief of Nella who stood up and moved back to her post, only showing slight signs of pain in her movements and expression.

Rahmor curled the end of his tail around Maegan's neck in a possessive grip and kept her down at his feet. "Slave Sabeth. Come here." he said.

Sabeth looked up with a hasp of fear, wondering what she had done wrong. She trembled, unable to move for several seconds until in a panic she finally leaned over and shuffled forward on her hands and knees. She stopped in front of the powerful legs of the dragon, her tail between her legs and cringed. She had seen what the beast could do to slaves that displeased him and she feared what was in store.

"You are a descendant of the Savil House, are you not?"

Sabeth blurted out a, "Yes.. yes I am... suh... sir."

"That line didn't survive as a noble family during the great retreat. Too few of them made it and many died in the first year of the invasion. I recognized the patten of your braid. See?"

Sabeth looked up and gasped as she saw what the dragon was holding. It was a cylinder of gold with a silver pattern that matched her braid running along the top and bottom of it. Diamonds were inset in places and the name of her house was inscribed on one side. It was priceless. More than priceless. Very few items of any worth made it past the dragons as they took people through their lands. The payment for such guidance was often everything the refugees carried. Even though her house no longer officially existed, owning such a thing back home would have given her access to the highest levels of unicorn nobility. She would be invited to balls simply so she could show off her treasure.

Rahmor smiled at the look of wonder in the unicorns eyes. He took the cylinder and slid it down Sabeth's horn until it stopped about an inch from the base. The inside was grooved and with a slight turn it wedged into place neatly. "It looks good on you, slave."

Sabeth stammered, "Thank.. thank you Master!" She could hardly believe she was wearing a priceless heirloom. For a moment she wished she could run off and show her parents. But they were back in the city. Back where she should be if she had not been staying in that terrible town for her schooling and captured.

"Stand up..." ordered Rahmor.

Sabeth pushed herself off her knees and stood nervously. The dragon had made it very clear that kneeling was the only way to present yourself to him, and even being told it made her nervous to stand in front of the large beast. She looked down to avoid his gaze and saw his hand holding two medallions. She didn't even breathe this time. Both had the largest ruby in the center she had ever seen. And that included the fake glass ones that were what passed for jewelry back home. "Oooh" she said in a whisper. For these two had the braid of her house around the edge. Small clasps were at the top of each of the gold and silver figures. She reached up to one of her ears to rub at it. Unicorn piercings healed quickly and she had not worn anything in her ears for some time. And these looked heavy.

Rahmor chuckled, "Oh, not to worry" he said as if he were reading her thoughts. "I can fix that..."

Sabeth gave a little nod as her Master clicked the point of two talons together and she understood. She opened her mouth to protest, then shut it again quickly. She hoped he knew what he was doing and didn't tear her ear. Unicorns healed fast but could still scar, especially in places like their ears which were so thin and delicate. She was wondering if she should suggest where to make it when she saw his hand reaching for her chest. Wait.. he didn't...? She let out a loud yell of pain as the sharp points of his talons closed on each side of her nipple and pinched a neat hole clean through it! Her arms were suddenly held behind her as she struggled and cried, "Owww!" Then the feeling of the metal clasp getting shoved through the piercing made her yell even louder, her nipple on fire. She thought the worst was done when the dragon let go of her tit and the medallion, but then her nipple took the full weight of it and she howled once more!

Dana winced and looked away as Rahmor attached the second medallion to Sabeth's heaving chest. She didn't like that girl, not one bit, but didn't wish this on her. Dana was glad for the first time she had no connections at all to any of the former, or existing unicorn houses. She had always been jealous of those that could claim to be descended from some famous House, let alone those that were part of an existing one and were considered almost royalty. It was good to be anonymous here. Anything special seemed to attract one form of torture or another. She wondered if she had been picked for any other reasons than being pretty. She hoped there were no surprises in wait for her.

"Now.. a few more decorations I think..." said the dragon, lifting out a long gold necklace made from small, delicate loops of metal. He fed the necklace through the d-ring on the front of Sabeth's collar to let it hang down between her breasts, then lifted each end to attach to the clasps of the medallions. He stepped back to admire his handwork.

Sabeth sobbed as her arms were released and she held the medallions to her bosom, taking the weight off them. She grunted as a scaly hand on her shoulder pressed her down to her knees.

"There... quite a pretty little doll you make once you are dressed up. Practice strutting about. I'll want to bring you to all the finest gatherings to show off my Royal unicorn slave. The other dragons will be SO jealous..." said Rahmor. Several of the guards giggled at his exaggerated speech. "As for the rest of you... I'll check back on your progress in a few days. If any of you develop any serious side effects or symptoms, tell a guard about them." Many of the mares looked worried at this, a few moving a hand to their belly and wondering just what it was that was going to happen to them. Rahmor mrrred and then looked down at the slave at his feet, "Come, girl" he ordered. His tail snugged tighter around Maegan's neck and he led her on all fours behind him as he left, the door closing behind him.

The moment the dragon had left the unicorns all began to chatter in worried voices, wondering what he had done to them now.

Tamira pursed her lips and told Dana, "I don't imagine it's anything too terrible. He gave me one too, so I have to assume it's not anything that could affect my performance or abilities."

Dana shook her head, "All your fur falling out wouldn't stop you from fighting."

The warrior grabbed her tail and stroked the long tufts of unicorn fur, "Oh.. I guess thats true. But.. he wants us to be pretty. He wouldn't do that, would he?"

Dana looked over at Sabeth who was being consoled by a few other unicorns. "I don't know what to expect with him. Every time he shows up he has some new torture or humiliation in mind. Look at the poor girl."

Tamira followed her gaze and gave a little snort, "Oh she will be fine. Serves her right for being such a stuck up little princess. I'd like to see how she would deal with being beaten by a group of angry dragon warriors..."

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to make light of what you went through..."

"Oh, I'm not mad." She sighed, "But I suppose I am not being fair either. I spent most of my life living it rough, being trained to deal with physical discomfort." And then she laughed with a wicked grin, whispering so the guards wouldn't hear, "I may not have been the last one standing.. but I did kill a few of the bastards before they took me down."

Dana nodded silently and then shuddered, "Must have been terrible."

Tamira rubbed Dana's shoulder and changed the subject, "He took Meagan with him. Think she knows what she is doing?"

Dana shuddered again, "Ugh. I don't know. What is she thinking? He is going to do such terrible things to her!"

Her experiences in her Masters bed-chambers were not ALL terrible thought Tamira. She would never have been there by choice, but that dragon lady of his sure did have an interesting tongue. "Oh... hmmm. The dra... I mean our Master does seem to have a soft side to him. I saw a little bit of it." she said, pondering. "Well, a VERY little bit. But if Meagan can properly stroke his, erm, ego.. maybe she will be ok."

Dana didn't look convinced. "I can't picture him doing anything kind or gentle."

Tamira scratched at the back of her head and coughed, "Gentle? No.. I suppose I wouldn't be able to use that word. But I have seen him show real affection to another dragon." She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders, "Who the hell knows what really goes on in those scaly heads of theirs."

Dana opened her mouth, paused, then leaned in real close to Tamira to whisper in a quiet voice, "If they are as dumb as they look, then my guess is 'not much'!"

Tamira guffawed, causing several unicorns and guards to turn in their direction. "Ahh... I think you are right. Ha!"


Several months ago...

Oh she was SO drunk. The dragon guard staggered about as she tried to make her way back to the barracks. She was currently in the middle of an abandoned section of the front line defenses. Long ago it has been left as the front line had moved further forward. Now it was only used for storage and kept up in case they had to fall back in the face of a serious attack. She knew that somewhere there were stairs leading up so she could get a look around. Some idiot had piled boxes in front of any markings. Not that she could see straight enough to read any of it. She leaned against a stack and slid down to the ground, landing on her tail with an oofh. Great. Standing up seemed too much of a challenge so she just slumped down and quickly began to snore.

It looked like a stone. Dark and round, the side of a small child's head. It didn't have a name. It didn't know where it was or how it got there. But it did know it's purpose. It was an Armored One. What the fleshy, furry things called an insectoid. It wasn't much more than a brain, tentacles and sex organs hidden in a rock-like shell. And now it woke from it's slumber, sensing prey. It moved slowly, carefully. To be revealed was to die. Must remain hidden. It worked along the shadows in the direction of the drowsing female dragon. One tentacle at a time moved, finding it's place, then another. Like a squid walking along the ground it moved, not making a sound. It's prey was not moving either, but WAS making lots of sounds. The sounds hosts made when they were unconscious. Vulnerable. It had to get inside. It was SO close.

Cavanel snorted in her sleep, her leg twitching and suddenly opened her eyes. Uhhh. She felt awful. Where was she? Her head spun, still drunk but starting to clear up. Then her leg twitched again and she felt something shift on her tail. She looked down and saw.. a rat? A rat was siting in her lap? Then her vision cleared and she saw the thing.. a mass of tentacles at the front, a bulging sac making up the rest of it, filled with visibly pulsing organs. She opened her mouth to scream but one of the tentacles had already found it's way between her breeches and vest and was throbbing, injecting her with it's venom and she felt her muscles go limp, her scream only heard inside her head.

The thing withdrew it's stinging tentacle, empty now, but the host was no longer moving. Quickly! Quickly it must work. It could smell where it needed to be. Here. But it was blocked. It pulled close, snuggling into the dragons crotch and used it's beak to gnaw at her pants. Soon it tore enough of the leather away to reveal the pink slit of her lips. Yes! Here!

No.. it can't be! Not here! It's at least a mile to any active areas. How could one of them gotten so far in? Cavanel struggled to move but it was no use, her body wouldn't respond. Only her eyes moved, watching the thing flailing, then biting at her crotch. Even though it was only in her head, she screamed louder as she felt the cold, slimy tentacles start to probe at her sex. No.. no.. someone has to come. She can't die like this! Pain suddenly shot through her as it's tentacles gripped with barbs and pulled. The horrible sack of it's body started to distort as it squeezed it's way inside of her. Ahhh! Out out out, get it out! She tried to reach for a weapon. Did her finger twitch? Please!

Too slow, too slow! The thing shoved it's tentacles in deeper and deeper, puling into the tight passage. Soon there was another barrier, but it was just flesh. Barbed tentacles pulled at the muscled ring, forcing it open, the venom causing all her muscles to weaken.

Cavanel shuddered, her entire body giving one small twitch as she felt it begin to invade her womb. What was this thing? She didn't recognise it. It wasn't a solider or assassin or a rider. Or.. was it? She thought back to her training.. riders were armored, lived on the back of it's victim. Large and heavy. Attacked, sunk it's tentacles into the victims spine after ripping their back open. Could it be one? Why was it so small? Why didn't it have any arms or armor. She struggled.. there.. her finger DID move. She forced the horror down and tried to think. Must raise the alarm. Then kill it. Or herself.

Curled up inside the dragon's womb, the thing pulsed in joy. It was here! It made it! It was tight.. could hardly move.. but it did not care. Pain was just information to it. Nothing mattered but it's mission. It probed and felt.. here.. here is the spot.

She made an audible gasp. Not much more than a whisper, but it was a sound. It was hardly the sound expected from someone who had just been stabbed internally and invaded with prodding, poking tentacles. She made a slow fist, and then dragged her hand an inch at a time to the knife in her belt. Just a little farther.. oh the pain...

The thing felt the hardness of it's host's spine. Yes.. yes. The sharp needle of it's stinger again emerged, finding a spot between two vertebrae, and stabbed.

She was blind. Her world a sudden, searing white as pain slammed up her body. She even stopped breathing for several moments as her spine was penetrated by the hard needle. Focus! She blinked back fresh tears and felt her hand close around the handle of the knife.

Delicate, tiny filaments slid out of the needle tip and began to slide into the unfortunate dragoness' spinal column, cozying up to her nerves, the tips growing, merging.

With tremendous effort she began to slide the knife out of it's sheath, watching it inch out. The pain in her lower back was incredible, but she forced it down through sheer willpower. Her entire body was tingling now, and she knew for certain this was a rider. Not one anyone had seen.. or anyone had lived to tell about. It was going to try and take over her, but from the inside. Disgust, fear and terror all strove to distract her from her task. But the knife was finally out. She wanted to stab her belly... kill this thing. But she knew she didn't have the strength. Her throat.. the tip to the jugular.. that would do it. Someone would find the body. Would find that thing inside.. or at least know it was here. The knife slipped from her fingers. No! She tried to pick it up but her hand refused to move. no.. it was moving.. but it wasn't HER moving it!

Yes.. yes... familiar.. familiar. The thing didn't remember being given dragons to practice on during it's training, but the lessons were clear. This was a hand. That was a foot. Heart here, leave it alone. Breathing.. need that.

She twitched and jerked like a puppet. She could feel.. something crawling up and down her body.. invisible touched exploring, experimenting. She suddenly leaned forward and fell onto her face, smacking the side of her head on the stone. It was doing this! No.. she can't let it do this to her! Then for the first time the terror overwhelmed her. She couldn't even struggle as she felt the touch of an alien mind in hers. It was inside her now.. in her head. She knew how it worked.. growing it's tiny threadlike tendrils deep into it's victims brain. There was no fighting it. It wasn't a contest of wills. It would simply replace the parts of her it didn't want.. her will. She felt her vision dim as more and more of her body was taken over by the creature. And then the touch in her mind was no longer just a faint brush, but it was THERE... a monster of unimaginable size and power. Shapeless, formless... terrible. She let out a final whispered gasp and fell silent as the thing began to rape her mind.

An hour passed, the dragoness laying still, staring blankly in front of her. Then she blinked. Looked around her, then down at herself. Her pants were town open at the crotch. That would not do. It would raise suspicion. She had Orders. She had to cover up the attack. Hide the evidence of her enslavement. She put a hand to her belly. There was a slight bulge there. She had to take care not to be seen without clothing. She was going to betray her kind. Her friends. Her brothers and sisters in the military. She knew now what was inside her. It was like a rider.. but pared down to bare essentials. Not too bright. Smart enough to tell her what to do, but not pass itself off as a dragon. It needed the host mind intact. Mostly intact. Enslaved and dominated, following orders, her own goals no longer important. It controlled what she wanted, but not how she got it.

Storage. There would be spare clothes somewhere. Then she can get back to her barracks. Explain she got lost, drunk. It was mostly true. It would work. She winced as the thing shifted inside her, tentacles squirming about.. it's organs pulsing and throbbing as it fed off her blood. She was going to have to get used to the feel of it moving inside her. She could do that. She was tough. It had chosen a good host.

In the days and months to come she worked her was slowly back from the front lines. It was tricky, for she had always wanted to be as close to the actual fighting as she could get. She had to pretend she had decided she could be more useful back in the capital. Training new troops. That would be a good excuse. Her experience would be helpful. Getting past the examinations would be hard, but not impossible. She could think of a few tricks. A stomach full of charcoal should absorb any insectoid poisons long enough for her to throw it up later. Keep any of it from getting into her bloodstream where it would kill her parasite. She had to get into position where she could cause the most damage. And of course... implant more hosts.