Latex Boa [No-Vore Edit]

Story by SerpentPolarBear on SoFurry

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Ok, so someone suggested an alternative to the previous one, and to be honest, I was happy to say I would do so. Vore is nice, but I wasn't eactly feeling it for this I decided to recreate it. I'm gonna spoil it right here...what happens in this story is....

Sarah sat at her dining room table, slowly sipping her coffee. It had been a long night, she hardly got any rest. She was dressed in a pair of track pants and a black t-shirt. With a look of contempt, she stood up and reached into the cupboard, reaching for a pack of cigarettes. Sarah usually smoked a pack a week, but with the stress of her boyfriend cheating on her, that pack a week went to a pack a day. She pulled one out, lit up, and sunk back in here chain. Although Sarah was quite attractive, she found it difficult to be social. She didn't really have much to do at home and her job was as irritating as it came. She was a desk clerk for a local video game store. Sarah had to constantly hear small children whine to their parents about a new game or console they just HAD to have. She felt old when she thought about that, even though she was only 20. Although she hada small time job, she was quite wealthy, well, her parents were. They had made some wise investments and played the lottery wisely. A few years later they rose up millionaires, and continued to gain money. Sarah, though only a child at the time, didn't really pay attention to the wealth. Most of the time she spent was with herself because she didn't really have anyone else to talk to besides her parents. They were good parents, they spent as much time as they could with her, but she was still without any true companions. College was a joke to her. Why should she have to pay for something that she didn't even need? Never dropping below a 95 in all her classes from the 4th Grade and up is something to brag about, but she never did. What good would college do her if she was loaded? Eventually, she started to regret it when she would occasionally see a friend come home from college and talk about what fun she had there. Jealousy would occasionally set in, but it was drowned out with her asking, "How are your grades?" and her friend would reply sadly because she spent her time partying instead of studying. Friends were something she didn't have many of. The only had one friend since high school, and she was a bitch most of the time so she wasn't really much of a friend, and when she went off to college, contact was scarce. She gave a bored sigh as she blew out smoke from her cigarette. Many told her it was another nail in her coffin, but she didn't care. She was bored and depressed, what else was there to do? It was a week since her breakup and she felt alone. Since she found out that her boyfriend had been cheating on her, she had lost faith in a relationship with anyone. She confronted her boyfriend and basically told him to go fuck himself and that she was done with him. He had tried to explain himself, but she didn't listen and walked away. After that, everything seemed slower. Her watch beeped as she took a final sip of her coffee. "12:00" she mumbled, "Ugh, dammit, what am I supposed to do now?" She continued to smoker her cigarette, looking at it as she blew more smoke out. "I need to find something to do before I go crazy," she grumbled in an irritated tone. Almost as if it were on cue, her doorbell rang. "Now, who the fuck could that be?" She stood up and walked to the door, opening it. A tall, dark-haired man from UPS held a large box, looking like he was struggling was struggling to hold it.

"Sarah...Pollock?" he strained to get his words out.

"Yes," she said, "can I help you?"

The man put down the box, catching his breath. Without the box in his arms, he was a lot taller than she could see. He was a youthful-looking man, standing about 6'2", at least in his twenties. "Package for you...sign here please." He held out a clipboard and a pen, handing it to her.

"But...I didn't order anything," she had a confused expression on her face.

"Sorry, I don't analyze the deliveries, I just make 'em," he didn't look like he enjoyed his job too much. "Please, just sign it. It looks like everything is paid for, anyway. Why turn down a free gift?"

"Hmm, you have a point there." She smiled and took the clipboard and pen, signed her name, and handed back to him. "There you go."

"Much obliged, ma'am," he took the clipboard and pen and placed it in a satchel at his side, "would you like me to carry the box in for you?"

She almost said yes, but then remembered how he strained to hold the box in the first place, " thanks, I think I can get it."

"Nonsense, let me handle it." He gripped the box and picked it back up, grunting as he brought the box to chest level. "Where do you want this?"

"Just...err...follow me." She guided the UPS man to her dining room. "Just set it on the floor."

He placed it next to her dining table, stood back up and cracked his back. "Ok, my job's done here. Have a nice day, ma'am." He smiled and walked out the door.

"Ok, good bye, and thanks." Sarah smiled, thinking, "It's a shame I didn't get his name. He seemed like a nice guy. Anyway..." she looked at the box. "I wonder what you hold." It was quite a large box, at least 5 feet all around. "God, what the hell is in here? A body?" She put her cigarette down, pulled a pair of scissors from the kitchen drawer, and began to cut the tape that held the massive box shut. To her amazement, there was a body in the box. A large, latex form was stuffed neatly into the box. On the top was a sheet of paper that said, "Latex Boa: The Latest in Love-Doll Technology. Give him a pump and have your way with him, or let him have his way with you!" and towards the bottom it said "Comes with: Latex Boa © Latex Laboratories Inc. and automatic pumping unit." Sarah became angry. "What the fuck is this?" If this was a joke, it wasn't funny to her. "That bastard, HE probably sent this," she murmured under her breath. Then she read more on the bottom, which said, "If there was a mistake in your shipment, or you had not ordered your Latex Boa, please call toll free at any time. 1-800-901-4983." "Well, I know what I'm doing right now." She walked up to the kitchen phone and dialed the number on the paper. "Fuckers, I'll give them a piece of my mind, how dare..."

"We're sorry, the number you have dialed is invalid. Please hang up and try again," this message made Sarah even more angry. She dialed again and the same message came up. She even tried various versions of the number, but nothing worked. She was stuck with a massive pile of latex in her dining room. Though she tried not to think about it, she wondered what it looked like. So, she tore the box opened more and pulled out the pumping unit and repair kit. Once she had the pile of latex laid out, she was shocked. It was at least 40 feet, if not more, and it was really thick. It had a black and dark blue pattern on its back and a pure white underbelly. She didn't find any seems or any mess-ups in the latex job. Sarah looked for an air hole of some kind, and found that it was on its belly button, just barely noticeable.

"Ugh..." she sighed, looking at how much space it took up her living room and kitchen. "I think I'll take you into my room for now." She rolled up part of its head and chest and dragged it up her stairs and into her room. It was a good thing that her room was close or otherwise it would have been more work. After she put it in her room, she sighed again. "Well, here goes nothing." She took the male end of the air tube and stuck it into the snake's belly button, and then plugged the air unit into the wall and turned it on. It took almost ten minutes for it to be completely full, but when it was, she was amazed to find that it was MUCH bigger and longer than when it was deflated. She expected it to be large, but it grew at least another five feet in length. She inspected it more and felt around it. It was firm and smooth, having almost lifelike scales. She opened its mouth; it was soft and wet inside. She opened it more and her eyes grew wide. She could easily fit inside of it and slide down its throat, which was exactly what it looked like. It had a throat that could swallow a whole person. She moved down to its waist and felt something, she rubbed around that spot and it soon extended two dark blue dicks, at least 12 inches each, and thick, about as thick as her wrists. Sarah blushed a little, "Wow, these are bigger than my boyfriend's." That joke made her chuckle just a little. She ran her fingers over one of them, but pulled her hand back when it looked like it throbbed. "What the-?" she looked at it, it didn't throb anymore. Thinking it was supposed to react to touch, she giggled, "Friendly thing, aren't you?" After her little inspection, she walked back downstairs, feeling a little bit happier. "Well, at least it was free." She smiled and plopped onto her couch. It was only 1:00 PM now, and since it was Saturday, she didn't have to work tomorrow. She only worked Monday through Thursday, leaving her a long weekend to be bored with. But now that she had a new "toy" to play with that might keep her busy.

Several hours went by and she was spread out on her couch. There wasn't a thing on television except a few cheaply made movies and a few sitcoms. She flipped to Animal Planet and saw that there was a documentary on large snakes. This made her sit up and watch. "Well, I guess it couldn't hurt to watch this. It beats being bored out of my mind." As the man went on about how snakes hunt, she saw one of them wrap around a large deer. She started to breathe heavily as it squeezed the life out of its helpless prey. The way it tried to wiggle out as its powerful coils constricted, the massive snake opening its jaws, and the sight of it swallow it head first, all of it was breathtaking to her. Her hand slowly wandered past her stomach and slipped into her"What the hell is wrong with me? How can I find that hot? How...whoa..." the man on the television began to talk about a massive prehistoric snake. The picture of a large snake tightly coiled around a squirming dinosaur made her grunt in frustration. "Ugh, God dammit..." she turned the television off and walked up to her front door, making sure it was locked. Then she walked up to her room and closed it behind her, looking at the now inflated hunk of latex. "Ok, you win, I'll play with you," she giggled playfully, not expecting a response. She walked up to it and wrapped her legs around its waist, still having her clothes on. She kissed its lips, surprised to feel how soft and warm they were. Suddenly, its tongue flickered out, making her jump back, leaving her startled. "What the hell?!" she exclaimed, but its tongue just hung there. "Huh, must be a reaction to the kiss to make it more lifelike." After her slight scare, she pulled off her shirt and tossed it across her room, showing off her bra to her new playmate. "Like what you see?" Sarah kissed its cheek and rubbed its soft, slippery tongue, her nipples became hard as she pressed them against its chest. Though it was latex, it felt real. She then proceeded to remove her jeans, leaving her in just her socks, bra, and panties. "Hehehe, I think I can get used to doing this. I'm having more fun alone than with that jerk off boyfriend I had." She took its hand and placed one of its hands on her waist, then took the other and placed it on her breast. A soft moan escaped from her as she felt its cushiony hand grope her. After a little making out with her toy, she removed the rest of her clothes and laid nude on top of the large boa. As she pressed her cunt against its waist, she felt its twin cocks push out again. This time, they were wet and had a distinct smell to them. It wasn't the smell of wet latex, but whatever it was, it drove her into a sexual rage. She twisted herself around so that her back was pressed against its chest. "Mmmm..." she moaned as she pushed one of them into her while the other lightly brushed against her stomach. It may have been just a blowup doll, but it filled her greater than anyone could even dream up. It was like it was made especially for her. She grabbed both of its hands and placed them on her breasts as she rode its cock, the other continually rubbed against her stomach. As she let out another moan, she felt the hands grab her breasts. Believing it was just another design aspect, she rode the latex snake dick harder. Sarah felt that she was near a climax, she grabbed the other cock and rubbed it deeply, it started to throb as the other one inside of her did the same. "Oh God...I'm...I'm..." she gasped in pleasure as she climaxed, her juices covered the latex cock inside of her. Sinking back into the chest of the inflatable snake, she reached over to her nightstand for her carton of cigarettes. She pulled one out and was about to light it, only to realize that she didn't have her lighter. "Ahh...dammit," she sighed. As she started to get up, a noise that normally comforted her scared her almost to death. The sound of her lighter flicking came from the side of her, she glanced and saw the light of the flame, the lighter, and the hand that held it. The seemingly lifelike love doll was more than just seemingly lifelike. The snake held the lighter up to her cigarette and smiled at her. At first she wanted to scream, but who would hear here? She was far from any house that would hear it, and even if she were to rush to the phone, what good with that do? Instead, she held her cigarette to the flame, still a little worried, and took a few puffs. The serpent set the lighter down on the nightstand, wrapping its arms around her and pulling her closer. She wouldn't have been too worried until she learned that it could do something else.

"Did you enjoy it?" the Latex Boa asked in a husky, snakelike voice. Judging by the tone, she could tell that is was a male. "Well," he asked again, "was I good enough?" Sarah was lost for words. How could someone answer a question asked by something that shouldn't be able to talk, let alone move on its own. He didn't really do much besides flick his tongue out at her and grab her breasts, but the feeling of his dicks was wonderful to her. She tried to force out a few words, but she couldn't. Then, she noticed something. The longer it took for her to answer, the more the smile he had on his face disappeared. "That bad?" he questioned with a sigh.

"I loved it!" she blurted out, flushed red. His smile came back.

"Thank you," he responded. Sarah took a few more puffs, then he asked, "May I?" She looked up at him, confused that he would ask. But she handed it to him her cigarette.

"Um...sure...I guess..." the thought of it melting him filled her mind, but she remembered that he was the one that lit it, so she calmed down a bit. She watched as he pit the cigarette to his latex lips and inhaled deeply. She placed her head on his chest and heard the sound of smoke filling him. He must have been made of strong latex because he wasn't melting. He pulled it away and exhaled, a large cloud of smoke left his mouth. Seeing this made Sarah even more wet than she already was, she didn't know why, though. She moved her hand down to her waist, and noticed that she was still impaled by his rubbery shaft. When she saw it she blushed more, her thoughts raced. Before she could ask, he reached down and grabbed her thighs, spreading them a little.

"Would you like me to pleasure you?" he asked in a polite tone.

"I thought you already did," she giggled, shuddering as she felt him remove his cock, both standing erect between her legs.

"No, you pleasured yourself, now I would like a chance to," he grinned, his tongue flickered out like a snake's tongue would.

"Hmmm...ok, if you want to," she smiled, laying back against his chest. She felt his soft, smooth hands pick her up and spread her thighs a little more. Then, almost as if it were in slow motion, he lowered her onto his two massive, rubbery shafts. One pushed into her tight ass hole while the other penetrated her dripping pussy. "Ooooohhhhh..." she blushed hard as she was impaled. The latex serpent pulled her close, running his smooth-as-silk hands over her breasts, gently squeezing them as she rode his latex member. She tried to get her words out, but was overrun by the pleasure she was feeling. Sarah had never been felt this kind of pleasure in her life. Her boyfriend only had sex with her every other week, and even when they did have sex it wasn't as pleasurable as she'd hope. Usually it involved him getting his nut off and shrugging her off. This always disappointed her and it was so much that she didn't have the energy to get herself off after he left. Now she had someone that wanted to make her feel satisfied, regardless that it was an animated inflatable love doll. He drove into her deeper, his cocks throbbed inside of her. The feel of both of his rubbery shafts driving into her made her scream in pure ecstasy. She had never had anal sex before, but as she felt him slide in and out of her with ease, she wondered why she never tried it before. Some say that first times are the best time. In Sasha's case, it was the best thing to ever happen to her. It never crossed her mind where or why the inflatable boa showed up at her doorstep. Could it have been a convenient accident? Did a friend ship it? Either way, the only thing she thought about was the shafts that pounded her. He rubber her breasts deeply, his slimy tongue licked up her neck and cheek, pushing it into her mouth. She sucked it hard, blushing pure red now. She was nearing a climax as his shafts penetrated her holes deeper and harder, his thrusts growing harder. His tongue wrapped around hers as she finally came, Sasha moaned around his tongue. As she climaxed, she felt his cocks erupt inside of her, filling her to capacity as her juices mixed with his. As he slid his tongue from her mouth, she let out a sigh of pleasure. He removed his cocks from her holes, thick ropes of his cum formed as he pulled out. The smell of him drove her wild. It was the best she ever had, even if it did come from a toy. But she noticed that she wasn't thinking of this snake as a toy. It was more like he was alive than anything else. She recovered from her orgasmic high and looked up at him, asking timidly, "What...what are you?"

He simply looked down at her and smiled, "Didn't you read the paper on top of me? I'm your Latex Boa."

"But, how did you get here? Were you sent by someone? Were you sent by mistake? What about-?" she felt a latex hand lightly covering her mouth.

" talking," he chuckled, holding her pack of cigarettes in one hand. As he removed his hand from her mouth, she still had the urge to ask more questions. But before she could start, he pulled out another cigarette and lit it, holding it to his lips as he took a deep puff. It burned almost to the end, she felt his skin rise a little.

"What are you..." she got out but was yet again cut off. He picked her up and faced her towards him, holding her against him. The boa lowered his head, put his lips to hers and kissed her deeply, blowing smoke into her, filling her lungs. Her eyes fluttered. It was better than any hit from any cigarette she had. He stopped after he knew her lungs were full and his head away from hers. She let out all the smoke, blowing it into the ceiling. Just as she did that, Boa did the same.

"Now, what were you going to ask?" his face looked as innocent as it could.

"I...what?" her mind was in a daze.

"Mmmm...that's what I thought," he hissed as his tail gently wrapped around her, almost looking like he was protecting her, gently massaging around her.

She looked up and asked, "What happens now?"

"Whatever you want," he grinned.

Sarah thought for a while. There were many things she could try, but she just couldn't decide. "I...I don't know what..." she tried thinking harder, but she just couldn't decide. Finally, an idea did hit her, but she was too embarrassed to say it. "No..." she whispered to herself as she shook her head.

"No...what?" he asked.

"I...was wondering could tie me up and dominate me?" she looked away and buried her head in his tail.

"I would have no problem with doing that," he said, smiling wide, "what would you like me to tie you up with?"

"I have some bondage tape in my closet," her words were slightly mumbled, but he heard them quite well. Still coiled around her, he moved to her closet and opened it, shocked to find that she had all sorts of domination objects. There were a variety of strap-ons, several types of ropes, hand-cuffs, and blindfolds, and many other things.

"You have quite the collection," he chuckled, moving some of the things around. "Ahhh, here we are," he pulled out a roll of red bondage tape, looking like its never been used. "How would...oh my..." before he could begin his question, she had shifted her arms behind her back and had held her legs together.

"Like this," she demonstrated, squirming in his tail. He had uncoiled her and held her arms behind her back, wrapping the tape around her arms. Next he moved to her legs and wrapped from her calves to her thighs, stopping at her ass. He started to pull away, but she turned herself to him. "Can you tape my mouth, too?" Surprised, he placed the tape on her mouth and wrapped around several times, trying to leave enough space for her nose to breathe.

"Mmmm...comfy?" he chuckled. She nodded, smiling through the tape. "Good, let's get started." He wrapped his rubbery tail around her squirming body, positioning her so that her ass was in the air and her head was pushed against the floor. Her screams were muffled by the tape, and as he coiled tighter, they became louder. This didn't bother him because, although he was supposed to be an inanimate object, he still knew how the physics of domination worked. He gripped her ass tightly, pushing his cocks against it. He knew that he couldn't possibly fit both in, so he pushed the lower on in slowly as the other rubbed against her back, forcing a muffled moan from Sasha. His tongue snaked out as he rutted against the squirming human. She was helpless to his will, a prisoner of his desire, and she loved every second of it. Her ass hole clenched around the latex member, still wet from her juices. She felt his wet, slippery tongue glide up the back of her neck as he pounded into her deeper and faster. She was already soaked from the pleasure of her ass getting forcefully violated, and the serpent sensed it. One of his fingers journeyed down her stomach and between her legs. The feel of his rubbery finger penetrate her moist sex forced another moan from her, still getting muffled from the tape. To heighten the moment, his other hand gripped her ass tightly as he fucked her, she squirmed in his coils as she moaned. She couldn't hold it in anymore and came for a third time that night, exhausted from the powerful sex that her new toy had given her. Not too long after, her serpent love doll was on the verge of climax, but before he did, Sarah felt the coils that held her unravel, then turn her facing her latex lover. His cocks were positioned at her face, he grabbed both of them and began to stroke them himself, and before she knew it, his seed erupted onto her face, breasts, and stomach. She was able to get a more enhanced smell of his cum, and it made her high with pleasure. She closed her eyes and basked in his scent, slowly drifting off to sleep. He chuckled, gently removing the tape from the tired woman. When he removed the tape from her mouth, she let in a gasp of air, breathing heavily.

"I love you," she was able to get out as her eyes grew heavier. He smiled and gathered her in his arms, carrying them to her bed. He wrapped his massive, smooth tail around her and laid her head on his stomach. Quickly, she was out like a light.

"I love you, too," he said as his soft, latex hand caressed her cheek. He looked up, thinking out loud. "Tomorrow," he whispered to himself as he laid back and listened to his new love sleep soundly.

....and that's what happens in this story. Lots of fixes in this one. I enjoyed typing this one more than the other, honestly. Hope you enjoyed reading it. ^^