A Wolf on Sauria Ch.11

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#11 of AWoS

Inside the grand bedroom of Fort Grayfang, Krystal looked herself over in the mirror.

It was like looking at a different vixen, an incredible transformation brought on by Wolf. It had expanded into voluptuous curves. Her rear end was big enough to nearly swallow her tail, padding out the wide hips and counterbalancing her breasts. These now sagged with milk, having swollen larger than her head. Her body had transformed itself to nourish Wolf's offspring, to grow the enemy's population.

Well..was he really the enemy anymore? On the other side of the mirror, Fox watched as Wolf entered the room and embraced her from behind. It was impossible to hide the subtle softening of her expression as she felt his touch. His arms wrapped around her wide hips, gripped them. And she turned into his kiss.

Despite everything, Fox couldn't deny that she was beautiful- the image of a fertility goddess and this notion was constantly looking over his despair's shoulder. Increasingly shoving it out of the way.

Of course Wolf made a show of groping her tits in front of the mirror, with a shit eating grin at Fox over her shoulder. She apparently felt something very hard and large poking at her from behind.

"I'm a bit sore this morning," She told him, "I just gave birth to your fourth litter this morning. Fourteen more pups,"

Pointedly, she said the last part into the mirror and Fox's mouth fell open. Did..did she know he was imprisoned back here?

Wolf was busy kissing up and down her neck.

"Mmm..Good job, my dear. You always make big litters for me,"

He stripped the thong down her thick legs. It was about the only thing she wore these days. Between constantly feeding wolf pups and Wolf's libido, there just wasn't a reason not to go mostly naked most of the time.

"That's fine. I'll just use the back door," Wolf said.

Wolf slid his cock between the fat blue cheeks, pressing her tits up against the glass in front of Fox. A mere layer of glass between him and the biggest pair of tits he had seen in his life. He felt his cock beginning to throb.

The dinosaur skull decorations hung around the room, as well as the imprisoned Fox, had witnessed their sex acts plenty of times now. The cries of lust and ecstasy were now familiar as they bounced across the stone walls and arched ceiling.

Krystal leaned forward and her lips now squished against the glass. Almost automatically, Fox leaned forward and put his own against them. Just to feel close to her once more as she was pounded from behind by the big wolf and she gasped under the sound of clapping cheeks. Fox knew he wasn't doing this to her, but he could enjoy the show enough in the meantime. Wolf emptied his nuts, a splatter of thick seed squirting around his cock and Krystal's overfilled ass.

He huffed as he hugged her for a moment and then pulled out, wiping his cock on her tail. He reached past Krystal and tapped on the glass.

"I think ole Fox boy has got the message by now,"

Krystal looked up, panting. Her nipples had hardened and two splatters of milk stained the glass where they had been pressed against it.

"Thank you for leaving him unharmed,"

Wolf shrugged, "Well, you asked nicely. And sucked my cock better than I've had in years. Hard to argue with that kind of convincing,"

"I'll need my staff to release him from the crystal,"

Wolf nodded, "We'll do it tonight and Fox can get started on his new gig,"