A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug: Chapter 1

Story by fenraar on SoFurry

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#1 of A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug

So yeah this is my first story on sofurry. It's not great and I'm really lazy. It's been so long since I joined and I really wanted to get my first story up. I'm still in school and have so much homework cos I'm in my last 2 years before I go to uni so I have nearly no time to myself. (A bedtime of 9:30 and a mother who ensures it is carried out doesn't help) So yeah, these aren't really my characters, well they are but I don't mind if anyone want to do a spinoff of the main story if they so desire for any strange reason. Know now that I won't be able to keep it regular and most of my writing will probably be during holidays

Anyway, I hope in vain that you enjoy it. Any constructive criticism would be helped cos my computer doesn't seem to like it at all XD

A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug

Chapter 1: Dancing Between Memories

Lejon couldn't stop himself at the newcomer brown bear who was timidly learning his first of the rumba with an equally shy black cat who looked like she might break in two in the bear's strong arms at any moment

"NO! Not like that Bjorn! Start again." The words of Andrea, the female leopard dance instructor cut through the hall brining a look or dismay and resignation to Bjorn's eyes.

"Yes ma'am" the bear sighed.

The bear returned to his starting position with both hands on the nervous cat's hips. Meanwhile Lejon, a golden lion, was dancing the salsa expertly with a silver female husky. In all honesty Lejon preferred Male-male dancing but the nearest all male dance club was a 2 hour journey from his apartment and Andrea, the dance instructor, was one of those Christians who thought homosexuality was a sin and so she wouldn't allow anything that could encourage it in her dance class if possible. Lejon looked back at the silver female husky to see a burning desire in her eyes and felt sorry, almost guilty, that he couldn't return the feelings to her.

Eventually the class was finished and all the dancers quickly bustled out of the gym doors probably got loved ones or families to get to thought Lejon. Bjorn stood aside as all the familiar dancers pushed past him to get outside. Lejon felt his heart melt for the poor bear.

"Hi. Your name's Bjorn isn't it? Is this your first week?" Lejon called out as he made his way over to the lonely bear.

"Huh?" the bear said slightly taken aback, "oh, yeah sorry, it's my first... and probably last week..."

"What? Why? You danced well. I was watching. Plus, Andrea only shouted at you once and it's your first week. You should've seen what she was like on my first week" the golden lion said with a chuckle. He couldn't help remember how Andrea had praised him on his first week, and all the weeks after until she found out he was gay, then she only talked to him when she was teaching and therefore had to talk. However, Lejon didn't mention this because he really wanted the bear to come back next week and the bear was an alright dancer.

" Meh. I dunno. I don't know if dancing is really my thing. I'm too clumsy for something like this, my balance is atrocious."

The lion's heart sank and his tail went limp (his tail was always a clear indicator of his emotions)

Well come back for at least one more week you never know, this week might have just been a bad week. You can't make an educated decision on the basis of one bad week. If you still don't like it then you can quit" The lion said hopefully.

"Meh... I guess I could come back for 1 more week" the bear said in a slightly resigned tone.

"Great." The lion said perking up a bit, "oh but cos next week's session would be on Christmas day they shifted it back a day to Christmas Eve. That ok with you?"

"Heh, that's fine" the bear grunted "I hate Christmas Eve anyway, everyone's always running around doing last minute Christmas shopping it really gets on my nerve. Hopefully dancing will actually be a better alternative"

"Great so I'll see you next week"

"Yeah, sure, why not?"

"Coolio, I'll see you next week then." The lion grinned and walked past with a happy swish of his tail leaving Bjorn alone with Andrea who was waiting to lock up and was eyeing Bjorn with a cold look. Bjorn gulped and quickly followed Lejon.

"Hey! I didn't catch your name" Bjorn called out after Lejon.

Lejon smiled "Oh... it's Lejon. Heh, for a moment I thought you were gonna sleep in that gym"

The bear chuckled "Nah, I think I'm good for tonight. Besides I think someone was eager for me to get out anyway."

"Was she giving you the look?" Lejon said while trying to imitate Andre's cold stare to which both him and Bjorn both started to laugh to.

"Yeah, I think it froze my very cytoplasm. Oh god, I just made a poor biology joke. Sorry." The bear said cringing.

"I don't mind provided your cell membrane wasn't pierced by any ice crystals." The lion said smiling.

"Oh! You a biology type guy?" Bjorn said interested now.

"Yeah, biology and chemistry. I also like modern European languages como el español ou le français." The lion said putting on his best Spanish and French accents at the end.

"Cool, well I take the bus down that direction" the bear said, indicating a completely different direction to the lion's route. "So I'll see ya"

"Yeah" Lejon said, "I better see your bearish body walk in next week" Lejon said smiling. The lion saw the bear raise his hand to correct him. "I know ursine is the correct term I just prefer the word bearish"

"Actually I was gonna say see you then but now that you mention it..." the bear said sticking out his tongue at the lion

As promised Bjorn walked through the doors of the gym hall on Christmas Eve. All he saw was Lejon listening to his iPod and Andrea on the opposite side of the hall smoking, not out of consideration for Lejon as Bjorn was about to find out, but rather to be as far away from the lion as possible.

"Oh, Bjorn you turned up." Andrea said in genuine surprise, then her look returned normal; angry and spiteful. "All the girls are out doing last minute Christmas shopping and have dragged their boyfriends along with them. Bjorn when slash if you get a girlfriend don't make her forget the real meaning of Christmas; the birth of Christ, the saviour of our whole world."

"Uh... yeah, sure...ok" Bjorn mumbled.

"You do believe in Jesus Christ and God don't you Bjorn?" Andrea said in an interrogating manner.

"Uh...no... not really, no" Bjorn said. He hated being put under pressure like this.

"What?! How can you deny the evidence? God is-"

"Enough Andrea!" Lejon's words cut through her line like a knife through butter leaving her slightly stunned. "Leave Bjorn alone. If he doesn't believe in God it's his choice. And it doesn't matter provided he leads a good life and is a good person."

Andrea quickly recovered from her stupor. "Do you honestly believe that? Living a good life doesn't guarantee you a life in heaven. Oh wait but you'd believe that wouldn't you Lejon, yeah, you believe it because it gives you an excuse. You know that God doesn't like your kind" Andrea spat out the last words with snake like venom.

"I'm all kind of things Andrea" Replied Lejon calmly "Would you care to explain what you mean by your statement?"

"With pleasure you faggot!" Andrea shouted across the hall. If it wasn't for Lejon's tail Bjorn would have assumed he took the comment without emotion. But his tail had stiffened and its hairs were slightly on end. Bjorn was worried about what might happen but Lejon replied calmly

"Andrea you know I'm a catholic, and nothing changes that fact, not even my sexuality. Besides if you really were a "good" Christian you'd realise it makes no difference to my relationship with God." Having said his piece the swish returned to Lejon's tail. He turned to Bjorn" Hey Bjorn, sorry you had to see that. Umm, would you mind dancing with a faggot like me or would you rather dance with Andrea?" Lejon didn't even consider at the time that any would have danced with him instead of Andrea, but he was genuinely worried that the bear might not be supportive of gays.

"Nah I don't mind dancing with another guy for an hour or so. Besides, I really need to improve."

"Ok, well nothing too raunchy. I saw your rumba last week; never know where your hands might go... I'm sorry I'm sure you weren't even thinking that. Anyway let's try a waltz shall we? You can lead"

"But, I can't dance. I can barely do a rumba. I don't know how to lead a waltz." Replied Bjorn nervously.

"Just put take my hand and put this hand here on the small of my back. Oh, here" Lejon took one of his iPod headphones and put it in Bjorn's ear. Some waltz music was playing. "Well you can't dance without music. Now, you sort of... actually, you know what I'll lead to show you what to do. Ok, you have to put your arm here. Now, Watch what I do. Since I'm leading I sort of pull you around the dance floor, but when you lead you pull me around the dance floor. Ok?" Bjorn nodded uncertainly and let Lejon lead him for a bit, he couldn't quite get used to being lead especially because the lion was smaller than him.

"Ok Bjorn, your turn" Lejon smiled as Bjorn panicked slightly but the lion helped him get in the starting position.

"I don't know any routine though" the bear said nervously.

"Don't worry. I didn't have a routine just there but it went ok right?"

"I guess so yeah"

"So you have nothing to worry about, besides, relaxing is about loosening out and enjoying yourself but about getting the perfect routine."

Bjorn started leading slowly and unsurely but gradually grew in confidence and gradually increased his pace. He started enjoying himself when suddenly he messed up a turn and fell to the floor with Lejon on top of him. Bjorn went a crimson red under his brown fur.

"I'm so sorry Lejon. I'm such a bad dancer. I told you I have terrible balance"

"Don't worry I'm having a wonderful time." He then whispered "And look at Andrea's face. Two male furs dancing together, I'm sure she's anything but pleased".

The two furs lay there for a minute comfortably before they both re-evaluated the position at the same time

"Uh... you can get off me now" Bjorn said smiling. It was Lejon's turn to blush

"Oh, so sorry Bjorn." They continued dancing until the session ended while managing to survive an onslaught of disgusting looks from Andrea.

As Bjorn was leaving Lejon came up behind him. His tail was between his legs twitching nervously.

"Um Bjorn" the lion said quietly and shyly, "I have no one to spend Christmas eve or Christmas day with and I was wondering if you... never mind, it was a stupid suggestion I'll see you when I see you if you come back to the next session in two weeks" Lejon half walked, half ran to the door of the hall with his tail between his legs. Suddenly he felt a strong brown paw on his shoulder and a soft voice whispered in his ear:

"Hey. I have no one to spend Christmas with either. Plus I'd love to get to know you better, you seem really nice."

The lion turned to face the bear.

"Thank you" was all the lion managed to get out. Tears welled up in the lion's eyes without him even realising. This would have been his first Christmas alone. His family had practically disowned him a few weeks ago soon after his birthday. His mother was the only one to support him; his father was quite the opposite.

Lejon's father was an average sized grey wolf (he inherited his specific gene from his mother.) Lejon came out to his parents two weeks after his 17thbirthday. His parents were eating dinner at the dining room table in the sitting room and watching terminator on the television. Lejon's mother wasn't sure what to say at the time but Lejon's father went into a frenzy. He started yelling and threw his half eaten plate at Lejon, who was standing a bit away from the table. Lejon didn't bother moving and didn't flinch when the plate cracked against his face leaving various cuts around his muzzles and under his eyes. Ravioli was strewn across his face and the blood from his cuts started to mix with the tomato sauce and ran down his muzzle. Lejon took the rage of his father in silence but then the wolf turned to Lejon's mother, a beautiful golden lioness

"THIS IS ALL YOUR-"Before he could finish his sentence the wolf felt himself taken off his feet and flung into a wall. Lejon was holding him off the ground by the throat and his other paw was clenched into a fist. Lejon had managed to stop it an inch before it reached his father's face. Under his grey fur his father's face had gone pale.

"If I find out that you ever lay a paw against my mother I swear I will send this paw through your face and into that wall. You got that "dad"?" Lejon growled and then let his father fall to the ground. He turned and saw his mum crying in her chair.

"Lejon? Lejon are you ok? Was it something I said?" The bear's voice brought Lejon back to reality. Lejon didn't know how long he had been standing there haunted by his memories. He didn't even realise that he had started crying but now saw that tears were streaming down his face. Then he realised the strangest thing of all, the bear's arms were around him, Lejon relaxed in the bear's embrace and realised his tears had fallen on the bear as well making his fur a darker brown in places.

"Bjorn, I-I'm so sorry you saw that" The lion sniffed as he wiped the tears from his muzzle. Bjorn pulled back a bit to give the lion some space and wiped the remaining tears from the lion's eyes and smiled sympathetically.

"Don't worry Lejon, everyone needs to cry from time to time, even the strongest fur has something he needs to cry about. So honestly, don't worry, I just hope you're ok, and I'm glad I was here for you."

"Hey fur-fags move it I need to lock up the hall" Andrea's voice rang out from behind them and its sharp tone cut into them like a thousand tiny daggers. The bear took Lejon's paw and led him out.

"Come on let's go have some dinner. You like Chinese food?" the bear asked. Lejon nodded as he let the bear lead him.

"Great there's an excellent all-you-can-eat buffet called Tai Pan just down the road.

"That sounds nice" Lejon said with a smile returning to his muzzle. He then realised he was starving and was glad it was an all-you-can-eat buffet. He started salivating at the thought of prawn toast, sweet and sour chicken and crispy shredded duck. The lion had a huge grin on his face because it suddenly dawned him that or the first time since he came out to his parents he was happy.

A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug : Chapter 2

Hmmmm.... well see what you guys think of it. Any criticism is welcome constructive or not. I'm sure I deserve either :P . A Lion's Tail and a Bear's Hug Chapter 2: Age old Concerns Lejon sighed and leaned back in his chair. He let out a deep happy...

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