Delivering the Message

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This was a fun idea I had for awhile and I finally decided to write it out! I had a lot of fun writing this one and I hope it's a fun read for you all too.n


An Intersex Male (Andromorph)



Public Humiliation


Story and Characters are (c) to me, :ZylenAndelicon:

The doors burst open in the saloon, drawing the eyes of everyone present. The rough and gruff crowd of gathered men looked at the newly arrived male with expressions ranging from indifference to contempt. Mostly an avian in firm, but a thick and strong crocodile tail draped from his back.

The avian walked into the bar carrying a satchel, which he carried slung over his shoulder. His scaled feet and dusty talon clacking on the old wooden floor.

His manner of dress was simple enough, a red button-up shirt under a black leather vest and brown pants. A wide brimmed hat covered his head, but his face seemed to be hidden by his white bangs. The peacroc took the hat off and carried it in his hand while walking towards the bar.

The men already present in the bar went back to their business... all except one. The rattlesnake sat in the corner of the saloon, with his eyes narrowed watching the peacroc carefully.

Zylen approached the bar and sat on an empty seat, looking towards the pelican bartender. "Hey barkeep, give me a whiskey."

The pelican set about making the glass, "Yous onna dem kur-e-ors, ain'tcha?"

"Heh, I am a courier, yes. You wouldn't happen to know a mister Blackthorne would you?" "No sir. Can't says, I do."

Zylen took the glass of whiskey in his feathered fingers, "Thanks for the drink." The peacroc drank the whiskey, enjoying the burn on his tongue and in his throat from the alcohol. Slamming the glass down and picking a few coins from his pocket, laying the coins on the bar and waiting until the pelican picked them up and put them away safely.

Turning to face the bar, Zylen asked, "Does the name Cyrus Blackthorne mean anything to anyone here?"

The rattlesnake's eyes went wide at the mention of that name, but he tried to act normally. But as Zylen scanned the faces looking at him he noticed the only man in the room not looking at him.

"What about you, back there in the corner?"

The whole bar turned the direction that Zylen was addressing, the rattlesnake looked towards the bird and spit on the floor next to him. It was clear at that point that the question was rhetorical... the avian knew the answer to the question. Some patrons moved from the tables they were sitting at to the walls of the saloon.

"Who are you, stranger? And how do you know Cyrus Blackthorne?"

"He's the man who hired me to deliver this parcel..." Zylen lifted his satchel off his shoulders and opened it, letting the bag drop to the floor at his feet, "...and the message it bears."

What had been inside the satchel was a thick wooden paddle, lined with holes along the sides. The dark stained wood looked polished and well tended to... like the need for revenge that had spawned its creation.

"You don't scare me, bird! I paid Cyrus his money."

"We both know you didn't pay enough. And Cyrus is keen to forgive the rest of your debt, so as it's taken out on your ass."

The rattlesnake stood up slowly from the table, eyeing the paddle and the hybrid holding it. The threat was clear but now it was a matter of pride for the reptile.

"You any good with that, boy?"

"I guess you'll just have to find out." Zylen took a step closer to the rattlesnake with a stern expression, "Now you can either accept the package or take the licks when you're tired. Your choice."

"You can't just come in here and threaten me! Right gu-"

"Uh-uh, Axel! You got yourself into this!" Another man in the crowd shouted at the snake. The horse smirked and crossed his arms over his chest, showing off the tin sheriff badge on his belt. "You fight your own fights, now. And barkeep, I'll pay for any damages."

Zylen stared down the suddenly nervous reptile, "Thank you, Sheriff."

"SCREW YOU!" Axel grabbed his drink and tossed it at the bird's head, watching the hybrid duck the flying glass. The table supported his weight as he leapt up and over the large wooden table. His boots clomped on the floor as he charged forward, sending a punch towards the head that was still down.


The dark wood had stopped the sneak attack from colliding with Zylen's head.

"AHH! FUCK! THAT HURT!" Axel clutched his hand, confirming it wasn't broken but it would be sore as hell.

"Of course it hurt," Zylen retorted, "but your debt isn't something you can fight your way out of. Not this time."

Now it was the avian that charged, favoring the side with the hurt hand so the rattlesnake would have to make an extra effort to dodge him. But the bird was quicker, hooking a hand behind the snake's knee and pulling hard.

Axel shouted in surprise as he was ripped off his feet, sent falling back into the table he just leapt over. The wooden table cracked under the weight this time, breaking under the falling snake.

The impact knocked the wind of the reptile, with the chunks of table parting under him. As he struggled to breathe Zylen reached down towards the belt buckle of the rattlesnake, setting the paddle down to undo the fastener. Ripping the belt out of the loops and tugging the now loose pants down.

As soon as the leather pants came off the legs, Zylen was too slow to stop the swift kick to his chest that knocked him backwards. After righting himself, the courier locked eyes with his target... only his target was brandishing the paddle instead.


The sheriff took a mighty step forward and grabbed the rattlesnakes arm. The reptile reacted with a violent twist of his body, swinging the paddle, and swatting the ass of the authority figure.


Seeing this Zylen held his hand up towards the other men in the saloon, "Stay back. I can handle him."

"Can you?!" The rattlesnake was equal parts embarrassed and furious, making him dangerous as he turned back towards the avian. "I'm gonna use this paddle on you and send you back to Cyrus to tell him he's next!"

Axel leapt towards the bird, knocking him backwards into the bar. The grunt of pain he heard brought a smile to his lips as he pushed the paddle against the avian's chest and used his weight to pin him down. Axel then used his free hand to undo the fasteners holding the bird's pants up. Still holding the struggling bird against the bar, Axel used his tail to yank the bird's pants down too.

"Not so funny when your dick is... hanging... out. Huh?"

Zylen took hold of his paddle and threw his head forward, sending the rattlesnake stumbling backwards from the quick headbutt. Seizing the opportunity, Zylen spun around and used his thick crocodile tail to sweep the snake's legs again, but this time he looped the tail around the ankles. Lifting the tail up brought both legs with it and left the snake's toned ass entirely exposed.

"Take a good look now while you're not sobbing like a bitch." Zylen spread his legs to get a better swing, showing that he did not in fact have the same equipment as any other men in the saloon. The peacroc was every bit as masculine and muscular as a man should be, though.

Swinging with all his might, the bird connected the paddle with the bare scaled bottom in an upturned swing.

The rattlesnake hollered and swung his fists into the broken pieces of table he was on top of. The pain was bad, but being spanked like a naughty child in front of others like this was far worse for the criminal's pride.


"Stupid snake, you are paying him." The intersex avian swung the paddle again, laying thunderous blows onto the struggling serpent's scaled backside.

There was no way to regain his balance, no way for the snake to escape with his legs being suspended by the strong hybrid's tail. The power in those blows were incredible and Axel reached for anything he could grab that might help him.

The other bar patrons just continued sipping their booze as they watched the criminal getting punished. The show was an entertaining one, but it was also a bad idea to interfere with the business of a courier. Those that did were punished harshly as it was the couriers that kept business running smoothly in this land.

Zylen planted his feet, digging his talons into the wood floor and using his tall frame to generate the power of the swings. The rump was starting to look good and toasted by the time Axel was really fighting to hold his sobs in. But every man had a limit and when he delivered another firm swat to those toned scaled cheeks, he heard the snake break.

"AHH! NO MORE!" The tears flowed from the formerly defiant eyes. Embarrassment and pain both crushing the reptile and making him want to slink away from the prying eyes. Yet, there would be no escape, no reprieve until the avian was done with him.

The paddle bit into his thighs too, coating every inch of his backside in the stinging redness. He wouldn't be able to sit down for a very long time after this. The wood shifted under his squirming body as his cries went ignored, another hard spank sending a fresh scorching wave of agony into his sore cheeks.


"Not yet, sidewinder." Zylen jeered while maintaining the full force of the swings. The sound of the paddle hitting the scaled cheeks made all the men clench their own cheeks together.

Axel's sobs erupted from his mouth even as he tried to keep his jaw shut. Each thunderous blow forced the sobs out though, the searing kiss of that paddle every bit as biting as his own fangs might be. Oh the revenge he'd have on this bird the next time he saw him!


That dream of revenge was made sweeter as he heard himself crying under the punishing blows. But suddenly gravity took hold of him and he fell to the wooden floor underneath him. "Yeowch!"

The sturdy wood floor did not yield to falling red ass cheeks that landed on it. The sore cheeks sending more pain into Axel's brain as he was let go from the crocodile tail, his eyes burning as hot as his rump while glaring at the avian.

Zylen smirked and turned back to the bar, shoving the paddle back into the bag he had produced it from. "Your debt is paid, Axel Navarro." Slinging the bag over his shoulder again, Zylen slipped his pants back up and tossed Axel his own pants.

"Always pay your debts, men," The bird walked towards the entrance to the salon, stopping only to deliver a final warning, "or it'll be you I'll be seeing next. Have a good day."

The avian walked out of the bar, stepping back into the light of the mid-afternoon sun, already looking forward to spending the reward he'd get for delivering the paddle back to Cyrus.

~~F~~ I ~~N~~

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