A Wulver's Tale

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Well, the world has been a bit of a dark place lately and I feel the urge to bring something light and wholesome to share, also something wonderfully hot. This story is based on mystical characters from Celtic folklore. Wulver, Nuggle and Each-Uisge are all mythical beings. I really hope you enjoy this entry and that it brings a smile to your face. Take care, oh and please if you enjoy a fave really helps me know that.

It was just going to be a one shot, but I am in love with the world and the folklore so I will be bringing a second part at least in the future.

It was a warm spring morning, the beasts in the field were already awake as were many of the people of the village and surrounding homesteads of Kansmore. The town was to be found up in the hills, where a large river ran through the lands and the forests. Culann was one of those many awake people. A young industrious farmhand. Just nineteen years of age, but already many said he had the bearing of a great man. Although with the breeding of common hillfolk. He was no son of a laird, nor heir to anything more than his mum's recipe for Beltane cakes.

With not even a penny to his name, the young man had to work for his bread and butter. What little there was of both. Tilling the fields and planting were the order of spring and it was arduous work. All-day every day for the spring he worked at his laird's leisure. On this spring morning as he walked down the river path the sun shone and the river flowed away with its almost musical sound beside him. Then he heard a new sound. A horse snorting.

Horses usually meant rich folk and rich folk meant trouble for one such as him. So the young man slowed down as he came around the bend, expecting to see a horse and rider. Eyes down, don't look up, speak only when spoken to. Rules his parents had drilled into his brain. "Ya divn't look up ta a Laird unless he speak ta ye." His old father's words echoed in his ears. "Cos if ye offends him, he'll give ya a beating and ye no can fight back, or else it'll end in hemp, boy."

So his eyes were down and his pace slowed as he rounded the bend on the path, almost walking into a horse. A fine shire pony, fur as golden as the wheatfields Culann tended to. White a mane of brilliant white and strangely intelligent eyes. The beast looked at him and neighed softly, almost as if in welcome.

"Escaped from ye master, has ye?" Culann muttered to himself, reaching out to stroke the beast's flanks soothingly. Being ever careful to watch those huge hooves for any sign of movement. A kick from one of those could be painful, and potentially lethal. The beast snorted with what sounded like derision to the young farmhand. Or would have had he known what the word meant. Carefully he walked around the front and checked the other flank... no branding.

"A wildy are ya?" The farmhand asked, excitement growing in his voice. A wild, yet seemingly very tame horse, and a beauty at that. "Ye could be worth a good few coin ta the laird, o one of his kin." The young man muttered, reaching down he began to unfasten the rope around his slacks. Not the best halter, but it would serve once he got up on the beast's back.

Culann had never ridden a horse, but he had seen it done. He had seen horses broken and he knew he had to try. The beast was very calm, and very without a mark of ownership. For the coin he could get from it he could buy his own house and an acre or two of land to grow food to eat and to sell. Be his own man. It was a risk, but one he had to take. This was a gift from the bloody gods themselves.

Taking the loop of rope, he cautiously placed it around the beast's neck, his muscles tensing waiting for it to run. However, it stayed calmly, its tail swinging in the breeze like it had not a care in the world. His heart racing Culann set his hands on its shoulders and jumped, leaping up onto the beast and bracing himself for it to start to buck. Only... nothing happened. The sun continued to shine, the river continue to flow and the horse continued to stand there.

"Well... come on then, gotta git yer ta the market," Culann announced and the horse gave another derisive snort and turned its head. One surprisingly blue eye glared back at the strange little human as if it was saying, "you and what army, farm boy?"

Then Culann remembered watching the men ride, they often kicked the horses with their heels to make them comply. "Alright, look I dun wan ta kick ye, but I warn ye, I will." Silence from the beast, who just ignored the human and swished his tail back and forth. "Ok then, remember ye brought this on yer own hide," Culann said in final warning before he kicked his heels into the horse.

This time it worked, the horse began trotting forward. "That's better," Culann muttered with pride. Those men breaking horses had nothing on him. All he had to do was tell the beast and it obeyed him. Though he realised the beast was no longer on the path he was on the grass and before them both was the river. He tugged on the reins, to turn it. However, nothing happened. Culann tugged harder, "turn ya stupid beasty, or we'll both get wet."

The horse neighed, a neigh that sounded an awful lot like laughter. The beast was mocking him and picking up speed. Culann could swim, but he had no plans for a bath that day. Clearly, the beast was mad, and the water of the river was deep here. As it splashed off the bank into the water, the horse turned and that blue eye stared at him as the sound came again. This time it was no neigh, Culann knew it, it was laughter, deep-throated and echoing from the trees. Yet he knew it came from the horse beneath him.

Panicked and already in water up to his waist he tried to lift his leg and slide off the horse. Only, his leg was stuck, it seemed to be fused with the horse. He pushed down with his fingers, trying to force himself up from his seat in the saddle. The horse's fur curled around his fingers seized his palms and held them firmly as it continued its steady pace deeper, "Help...o lord help!" He shrieked as he realised the watery fate that awaited him. Mocking laughter was the only reply that faded away as the horse's head dove beneath the water. Yet it was still there, beneath him, moving forward, moving deeper. The water crept up to his shoulders and Culann screamed, begged and shouted, but to no avail. His youthful strength was useless as the water rose to his chin and he took one last desperate gulp of air. Before he was pulled down.

The sun shone, and the river continued its musical flow. Save for a single bubble of air that reached the surface, there was no sign of Culann.

A minute later, the water erupted and Culann gasped in a deep and well-needed lungful of air. Blinded by panic he tried to swim. Only for the water before him to form up into a wave that became the head of a horse. Its mouth opened and he screamed to see its white fangs. Before he could move the beast charged at him and he closed his eyes, expecting to feel those fangs and teeth in his throat. Only to be hit by a large wall of freezing cold water. All around the riverbank echoed with cackling laughter. The young farmhand struggled desperately to the river bank. Not stopping once he hit it, he used all of his muscles to run... to flee from the creature, whatever it was.

The riverbank continue to echo with laughter before a gravelly voice shouted out, "do you mind? You're scaring away the fish!" The voice came from a figure sitting in the shadows of the riverbank. A vaguely human form, save for the head which was far more lupine. A grey wolf, with a white muzzle and chest. Sitting against the riverbank, his large feet dangling into the water, and a wooden rod in both paws. Carved from ancient oak wood, the fishing line was made from tying individual strands of his own fur together and a hook fashioned from one of his claws. Wulver was often to be found fishing. When asked why he said he liked the sound of the water and the taste of fish.

The water before him bubbled up into another humanoid form, also naked. However, with a head more fitting of a horse. Golden fur, white mane and blue eyes sparkling with mischief. "Oh come on! Did you see the look on his face? He quite literally pissed himself!" The equine man exclaimed, "you can't tell me that's not funny."

"He pissed himself in the waters that make you, so doesn't that mean he pissed on you?" Wulver asked with honest curiosity in his voice. Then with a small shy smile, he added. "That man may not know it, but it is he who got the last laugh."

"Oh, now that's just vulgar," grumbled the horseman as he threw himself down on the riverbank, beside the wolf. "It was just a joke and a good one too. Three hundred years I've been doing that and it never gets old and they never stop thinking that I'm just some possession that they can own."

"Somehow I doubt the humans see the funny side, Nuggle," snorted the wolf as he recast his line. At least with the equine's shenanigans out of the way the fish might return.

"Well, they are narrow-minded beings, aren't they? Can't expect too much of them," Nuggle responded with a chortle as he lay back with an air of satisfaction. "It's not like they don't make stories about me, I mean the warnings are all there in songs and tales." The horse plucked a long blade of grass from the riverbank and started to chew on it as he lay on his back. "Of course, they tend to focus more on my cousin Each. Now there's a creature with less sense of humour than a human."

"I thought you and he used the same joke," muttered the wolf softly. Wulver knew that was likely to touch a nerve. Nuggle had a very tenuous relationship with his cousin the Each-Usige.

Nuggle sat bolt upright and his blue eyes narrowed as he glared at the wolf, "no, I find greedy humans and get them wet and a little frightened. Or I use magic to have their trousers fall down during their wedding, or have their horse shit on their shoes. Each... well he takes these things a tad bit more seriously. I mean the methods are the same, but the results..." They both shared a shiver at that dark thought. "Still it was the humans that started it, they shouldn't have shot his mum with a silver arrow."

"Five hundred years ago, no living human even knows that happened," observed the wolf, as he felt a nibble on his rod and began to prepare for his first catch of the day.

"Well yes, I suppose that's a point. I'll be buggered if I'm going to be the one to tell him it's time to drop his mummy issues and move on with his unlife," chuckled Nuggle, never one to think too much or worry. "It's the human's concern, not mine. I'm just... keeping things entertaining."

"Aye, entertaining for you," Wulver retorted and then he felt his rod pull as the fish took the bait.

"Well, do you know anyone else who needs to be entertained?" Asked Nuggle and then he noticed the wolf striking with his rod. Waving his fingers a little he used a little water magic and a second later the fish shot out of the water, flying so high it slapped Wulver in the face, while Nuggle began to cackle with laughter.

"That wasn't funny either," growled the wolf as he snatched up the flapping fish. Never one to let a creature suffer, he killed it with a quick blow from his claws and set it down in the basket he brought for his catch.

"It was from where I'm sitting," chuckled the equine and then he got to his hooves. "Well, I think I've had all the fun I need for today. Guess I'll just float on downstream a bit, maybe see you tonight. If the mood takes me."

Wulver did not get a chance to respond. Not that he tried; Nuggle was not the sort for long goodbyes or even short ones. The equine dove headfirst into water less than an inch deep and with a huge splash he was gone. The wolf sighed as he knew the equine spirit had made the loudest splash possible to scare away the fish as another 'joke'.

However, the sun continued to shine, the river continued to flow and Wulver continued to fish. All day he sat in his favourite spot, just listening to the music of the leaves in the wind and the water of the river. His eyes half-closed save when he felt a fish nibbling on his bait. It was, all things considered, a good day. Though not a great catch. Just six trout large enough to be worth his time. Not that Wulver was worried about eating. Much like Nuggle, and many of the other magical creatures of the world, he ate only when he wanted to enjoy tasting something. He did not need it to sustain him.

As the sun began to hit the horizon the wolf finally moved. Pulling his large paws out of the water, he shook them dry. He carefully coiled up his fishing line and hook, placing them both in a small leather pouch that he hung around his neck. His rod in one paw, and the basket containing his catch in the other. Casting a simple glamour he vanished from the sight of all mortal beings as he left and made his way to Kansmore.

The wolf was magic, yes, though he was one of the lesser mythic creatures. His powers were far inferior to most. To pass unseen was a simple spell that all such creatures knew. Though Wulver had the power for little more. Save the strength in his body, which was considerable, though rarely used. He walked among the humans and they walked around him, never knowing he was there.

His ears picked up the sounds he knew he would find there. Where go humans, so go those sounds. The sounds of an empty stomach. His first stop was a small cottage on the outskirts of the tiny town. An old widow lived there, a long time had passed since she buried her husband who died far too young. She had never loved again and with no kin of her own to look after her, Wulver knew she was in need from the sound of her empty belly.

Standing outside her window he looked inside and saw her, hunched over a small fire, clothed in rags. Her face was gaunt and frail, and her eyes beginning to fade. She did not have much time left, he knew it. Carefully he reached into his basket and pulled out a fish, fully cleaned and ready to cook, wrapped in leaves. The wolf placed it on her windowsill and knocked on the window, then he left at speed. Though his sensitive ears heard her asking who was there and her exclamation of joy at discovering his gift. There would be one less empty belly in Kansmore that night.

Stalking from house to house, his ears ever alert the wolf hunted his prey. Finding those who were in most need and gifting them one of his catch. Never staying long, though sometimes hearing people calling out in thanks.

His final stop for the night, before his basket was empty, was a house outside of town. They were often his last stop: a family of four, the father worked the fields, while the mother looked after their children and collected firewood to burn and sell. Empty bellies, but never on the children. Wulver had made a habit out of watching them. The father came home covered in muck and yet he was soon after covered in a hugging family.

The mother would cook meagre meals and the wolf noticed how the adults slyly pretended to eat. Moving dishes around, passing cutlery back and forth and joking. Pausing to move their own food onto the children's plates, because they had eaten so much and growing boys need more nourishment. While his ears told him how hungry they both were. He saved the largest of his catch for the family, placing it down carefully and knocking gently, before retreating. Though only as far as the bushes, from which he watched.

After so many gifts the family knew what to expect and he heard their shouts of thanks. He settled in the bush to watch the meal being cooked and eaten. As a being that never needed to eat he was not sure what hunger felt like, nor did he understand the feeling of a fully satisfying meal. Though he often wondered if it was the same as the warm content feeling he felt watching the family sharing his gift.

"So this is what you do with all those fish!" A familiar voice announced behind him and he turned around with a growl to find Nuggle standing there watching him with a smirk on his equine lips.

"I don't like killing things for no purpose," Wulver replied defensively.

"Oh just look at their little short-sighted faces, all beaming because some guy gave them a whole fish for themselves," snorted the equine with a shake of his mane. "It warms the cockles doesn't it?"

"I... it's fine," mumbled the wolf. "I just don't want to waste good fish and they need good fish."

"Aye, they do. Because the laird of this land, a human who has more food than he and everyone he knows could ever eat, keeps it all to himself." Spat the equine. "The Each-Usige can hold human form, he's even interacted with a few. Apparently, they are terrible in the sack and small-minded petty greedy beings even to each other."

"I don't care," Wulver knew he was lying. However, he also knew that Nuggle would never let it go if he thought the wolf cared for humans. He would delight in taunting him about it.

"Then why don't you go inside, tell them who has given them their dinner?" Asked the equine with a mischievous smile, Nuggle grabbed Wulver's arm and started to pull him towards the house.

"No! We'll scare them!" Grunted the wolf, pulling his arm free.

"Well, you don't care, do you? So let them thank you, you did something nice for them, and I am sure they would want to say thank you," insisted the equine taking a few steps towards the house himself.

Wulver moved quickly, grabbing the equine's arm, "They are just some silly humans."

"Yeah and you don't care, so why should you care if I scare them a little?" The equine held him in his gaze for a long time and then he smirked. "Oh, poor little fluff ball, you actually do care, don't you? This isn't the first time you've given them fish, is it? Oh, this isn't the only family either is it? All-day everyday fishing and you can't let those fish go to waste so you give them away to humans who never say thank you and who if they saw you would attack you." Pointing at the window Nuggle snorted, "That man you were staring at all misty-eyed over, if he saw you he'd try to kill you, just to protect the kids you have helped him feed. That's humans for you, ungrateful short-lived, short-sighted fools."

"A man standing and fighting a fight he can never hope to win to save the ones he loves, and you say this shows that humans lack worth?" Wulver asked, turning his head back to the window to see the family eating.

Nuggle stepped closer and placed his hand on Wulver's shoulder, "if they see you they'll think you're a monster. It doesn't matter how nice you are to them or to... others."

"You're wrong," the wolf replied, shaking his head. "They might see me as a monster, but that is different from being a monster and it matters to me."

Nuggle gave a slight smile, "you know you're adorable right? If you want to feed humans fish, feed away. Just remember they already have enough if only they learned to share."

"Some of them know," Wulver replied as the two started to walk away. Wulver because he wanted some distance from the house in case Nuggle changed his ever-changing mind and revealed himself to the humans. That would lead to hunters armed with silver arrows and magic trinkets searching for them. It had happened more than a couple of times across the centuries when Nuggle had gotten a little too brazen, or Each had taken one life too many. "They are better than you think, I know when I see someone of worth, even if they don't know it." The wolf's eyes lingered on Nuggle a little.

"Oh dear, save me from the musings of an optimist. Humans... are who they are and no matter how you feel they are never going to change." The equine slightly stressed the word they and just for a moment, Wulver wondered if there was more to Nuggle's words than their content. "So, your den or my river?"

"Your river is full of water and it's freezing," grumbled the wolf with a slight smile. This was more familiar territory, the equine often drifted by the wolf's place when he was feeling frisky. Wulver may not agree with Nuggle on humans, but he enjoyed his physical companionship and had done so for over a hundred years.

"Yeah, but at least my place has a bed, yours just has a pile of furs," snorted the equine with a chuckle.

"Yes, but your bed, again, is the riverbed. It's muddy, stony and, once more, it's at the bottom of a river!" Laughed the wolf. "Too cold, my dick doesn't like it."

"Well, yes. However, the cleanup is easy and instantaneous," laughed Nuggle.

"The fish stare at me," Wulver replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "It's as if they know I'm the one who catches their brethren and they don't like me for it."

"They are fish! Their thoughts go; eat, swim, eat, swim, eat, swim, lay eggs, die. They don't plot revenge, trust me I know I've spoken to a load of them and they are dull conversationalists. Even you are marginally better to talk to than they are," laughed the equine. Putting his arm around Wulver's shoulders he leant a little closer and whispered, "ok, your den it is. You don't have to be worried by all the fishes staring at your big, tasty cock."

A little whimper caught in Wulver's throat and his tail wagged slightly on instinct. Nuggle always knew how to get him worked up. With a wave of his fingers, the wolf moved them to his home: a cave, or so it appeared, it was no place, nowhere, outside of the world and only magic users could travel there. It was a secret place known only to Wulver and the only guest he had ever had in the many centuries of his existence was Nuggle. There were many other mystics, some he had met, some he had only heard of. Most of them had their own business and none but Nuggle had shown interest in the wolf.

He took his leather pouch off from around his neck and placed it on a small rock, his catch basket was placed next to it. Turning around, his breath caught in his throat. Nuggle was laying on his bed of furs, naked. Though he was always naked, there was something far more suggestive in the way he lay, his hips pushed out, large sheath and heavy balls were almost pressing his way. Flustered, the wolf kicked his catch basket as he moved. Nuggle's laughter filled the cave as Wulver scurried to grab his basket and return it to its proper place.

Nuggle patted the furs beside him and gave the wolf a smile, "stop fussing, and get over her." There was a slightly commanding tone to his words that spoke to something inside Wulver. His tail wagged slightly and he found himself loping over to the bed of furs, his own bed. Yet he got down onto his knees beside it, as if waiting for permission. The beautiful blonde equine gave him a smile and moved his legs apart slightly, his large balls slipping down between his thighs. "Come on then, wolfy."

Crawling forward on all fours, Wulver approached, his head low and his eyes focussed between Nuggle's legs. His nose picked up the scent of his lover, the scent of summer and somehow the smell brought the sound of playful laughter to his ears. Wulver's mouth began to flood with drool and he glanced up at Nuggle's face. A cocky smile was sitting on the equine's muzzle and he gave a gesture, waving at his crotch. Wulver knew permission had been given and he dove forward, his broad tongue lapping over those plump leathery balls. The taste of sweet grass, fresh cut on a summer morning, heavy with morning dew and honey.

Two hands grabbed his head, the equine's fingers stroking his ears in a wave that made his tail thump on the floor. While he continued to clean those divine golden orbs, pressing his large black nose against the sheath, his tongue lapped eagerly. Already a mottled pink and black length was slipping free from the sheath. "There's a good lycanthropic mystical being." Nuggle cooed, in tones that only made Wulver's tail thump even harder on the floor. The wolf lifted his head just a little, allowing those hands to scratch playfully under his chin before they pulled him back down to his task.

Licking down lower, his broad tongue stroked between the cleft valley of the equine's taut buttocks. Until a gentle tap of a finger on his nose let him know he was going too far. It also let him know that Nuggle was in the mood to service, not be serviced. Although, it mattered little to the wolf which one the equine mystic desired, all he wanted was to bring pleasure to his lover. Fulfilling Nuggle's needs gave him a wonderful warm contented feeling.

So he moved his head up instead, running his broad tongue slowly up the hardening length of his lover. His black lips kissed the flared tip and tasted the sweet ambrosia of precum that had already begun to leak freely. He sucked firmly, swirling his tongue around the flare and just savouring the feel and the connection with another. Nuggle's hands caressed his cheeks and up to his ears, showing him just how well he was doing.

He looked up and found those blue eyes gazing back at him. They were glowing slightly in the dim light, half-closed as the equine let Wulver pleasure him. Wulver's yellow eyes were no doubt glowing too, another clue to any mortals that met them in any form. Many mystics could change their form, save for their eyes. Wulver was glad of this fact because he rather liked Nuggle's blue eyes and he had long since learned to spot the equine in all his forms. It was the only constant thing about his friend.

Pressing forward he let that wonderful thickness slide into his long lupine muzzle. Careful to ensure that his teeth did not graze the flesh. Mystics were far more robustly built than mortals, but they still could feel discomfort and that was not what moments like these were about. He gently stroked and cradled Nuggle's moist nuts in his fuzzy palms. Tugging ever so softly and drinking in the sounds of pleasure that escaped from those equine lips. After over a hundred years the wolf had perfected the exact pressure needed to bring the maximum pleasure.

His reward for his good behaviour was a jet of precum that sprayed to the back of his throat. He swallowed greedily, squeezing the length in his maw as he did so, eliciting another gasp of pleasure, "fuck, I swear every time you just get better at this, Wolfy." Wulver's tail thumped heavily on the floor to hear such praise.

Picking his moment he began to bob, slowly at first, but building speed rapidly. His ears ever listening to the sounds of his lover, attuned to any and all signs of pleasure. Using those signs to guide his actions, increasing the suction and rasping his tongue across the flare for a moment and then pressing that very flare right to the back of his throat. His breathing was getting rapid, as he heard the neighs and whinnies of pleasure escaping from excited equine lips. Between his legs dangled his own lupine shaft, spearlike in shape and drooling his own precum onto the furs beneath them both. He paid it no heed, it could be dealt with afterwards.

Often, if he had sufficiently pleasured Nuggle and the equine was in a good mood, he would help him. Wulver relished those days, the feel of Nuggle's fingers or lips around his cock. A reward that was truly worth the hardships that came with being Nuggle's friend. Right then he wanted it more than anything. Pressing his muzzle down further, he pushed that equine length into the tightness of his throat. Nuggle's voice cried out in sheer bliss, those orbs in his fingers began to tighten and Wulver knew his task was almost complete. His first task, anyway.

Twisting his head from left to right, he began to bob fully on the equine length. Each time sliding his lips right up to the flare of the mottled length and then right back down until they kissed his golden crotch fur. His throat filled over and over, his head twisting left and right, adding to the friction as he tried to suck the very essence from his lover. Nuggle's eyes glowed brightly, their blue light illuminating his cave and mixing with the glow from his eternal fire casting new and unfamiliar shadows. The strangeness of a change in his home served to excite the wolf even more.

Without a word of warning, Nuggle's paws landed on his head, forcing him down and holding him there. While that thickness between his lips began to throb and he felt warm viscous fluids being pumped into his throat, sliding down to warm his belly. Fish might be nice, but cum was far more satisfying to Wulver. He smiled around the thick cock filling his muzzle and just basked in the joy on Nuggle's face. Drinking in the joy that he had given his friend, there was no better feeling.

After a minute, the pressure on his head released and he slid off. Traces of equine cum were smeared across his tongue and muzzle. Wulver returned to his knees waiting expectantly, his cock erect between his thighs, but still untouched. While Nuggle lay there basking in the afterglow. However, Wulver knew he would not have too long to wait.

Nuggle raised his head a minute later and gave a knowing smile. "Ok, I know what you want. I spoil you, you know." Laughed the equine as he patted the furs beside him. Wulver bounded forward excitedly on all fours, bending over and lifting his rump. While his tail created quite a draft in the normal still air of his cave. Nuggle rolled onto his own knees and moved around behind him.

The equine reached down to his length and grasped it in one golden paw, stroking down the length making it glimmer. Mystics do not bother with oils or other such comforts. Magic could make a far better lubricant. Wulver whimpered softly as Nuggle grasped his tail to keep it still. He closed his eyes waiting expectantly for that first touch, the warmth of being with someone. Wulver needed that feeling and he sometimes wondered if Nuggle did too, or if the water spirit simply enjoyed the physical pleasure of it. Immortal beings often had a strange outlook on such things, some abstain, others indulge rarely, and some flit to a different partner every time they felt the need. A very rare few stayed together throughout the centuries.

Wulver had never been with anyone but the equine. Humans were scared of him and the other mystics tended to look through him. A humble fisher wolf mystic with almost no power, he was not worth anyone's time. Nuggle saw him and that... that was something special, to be seen was to be. He bit his lips as he felt the equine's flared tip press to his pucker. His body relaxed and welcomed the invader with all the hospitality it could offer.

Nuggle gave a deep groan of pleasure behind him. Just as Wulver gave a soft sigh of satisfaction, feeling inch after inch of thick shaft sinking inside him. The equine did not stop until his hips pressed flush with Wulver's, two heavy equine balls resting against his taint. Nuggle leant down and Wulver groaned happily. The equine must be in a great mood to be so affectionate. Wulver pushed back into the embrace, enjoying the feel of weight and warmth above him and the arms around him.

The warmth inside him, grew slowly as Nuggle's hips began to move slowly. Working that thick cock back and forth, just an inch or two and yet the sensations that filled the wolf were so strong they almost overwhelmed him. His cock leaked and ached under him, unattended. While his hips pushed back ever eager for more. His ears heard every sound Nuggle made, even the tiniest moan of pleasure was relished. He was with someone, bringing them pleasure and that was all that mattered.

With a grunt and a moan, Nuggle picked up the speed, lifting up a little. Wulver whimpered again as the warmth atop him was removed. However, his whimpers were met with a powerful thrust from the equine, using his full impressive length to drive pleasure deep into the lupine, the whimper of disappointment turning into a cry of bliss. The two immortal friends writhed together in bliss.

The horse began to pull back further, using his entire length. Wulver cried out as the pleasure grew inside him. That length thumping home hard and deep, he pushed back wantonly, eager to show Nuggle how much he wanted him, how much he was enjoying himself. His reward was gentle strokes over his buttocks and flanks, while Nuggle's groans of pleasure grew louder and more frequent.

Wulver knew his lover and he knew how to pleasure him. His body clenched down around the invading cock, milking it with his warmth. Wanting to feel the moment of release, that wonderful tickle inside him as he was flooded with the essence of his lover. "No wolf, I want you to go first. Give me your tightest hole to ravage." The words startled Wulver, it was rare indeed that Nuggle asked for such.

A firm hand grasped his dripping and aching cock. The equine stroked and jerked his needy cock rapidly. Wulver could not hold back, the feeling of being touched so wonderfully and so intimately. It overwhelmed his body in moments. Howling out loud, his cock began to throb as he shot his essence out over his bed. Behind and above him Nuggle gave a strangled whinny of triumph and his thrusts became extra savage for just a few moments, and then Wulver felt it, that warmth spreading in his rump as his equine lover rutted his ass full of a torrent of spunk. Fucking his depths until they were loose and sloppy.

A softening cock was pulled from his ass and Nuggle's body thumped down on the furs beside him panting heavily. Wulver used the last of his own energy to lay his head down on the horse's broad chest. Strong arms embraced him and he fell asleep happy and content

Wulver woke at the exact moment the sun peeked over the horizon. He did so every day and despite the eternal campfire in his small magic den, he felt slightly cold. Nuggle's warmth had gone; the equine never stayed until morning. Wulver was used to it and yet... sometimes he thought it would be nice to break his fast with the water spirit. However, in his paw was a small blue egg: a token. Mystics often left their token with those they visited, mortal or otherwise. Dunnock eggs were a sign of his friend and the wolf carefully placed the new one beside the others. He had many similar eggs and every one of them was precious, each one was a warm happy memory. Their startling blue colour was a reminder of his lover's eyes.

With the sun rising the wolf took a moment to examine his collection of dunnock eggs. Touching the oldest very gently, a reminder of his first encounter with Nuggle. Not just of Nuggle, but his cousin. The two had come upon the wolf as he fished. He and Each had developed an instant dislike for each other. The black equine's tongue was far too sharp, his wit full of spite. Wulver could feel the strength of his magic and he knew that he was no match for the angry equine. However, Nuggle had been... different. Nuggle had mocked the wolf, but Wulver had sensed there was more to it. He believed that Nuggle was trying to protect him, in his own way. By making Each see that Wulver was no threat.

Nuggle had returned afterwards and Wulver had experienced companionship for the first time. The first of many, often very confusing, times he and Nuggle had shared companionship. After many years of solitude, even Nuggle's sometimes mean sense of humour was not enough to dissuade the wolf. Their times together were often turbulent and yet exciting. Though the wolf did wish that Nuggle would not torment humans so much.

Picking up his rod, catch basket and the small pouch containing his hook and fishing line, Wulver left his home. Appearing at the riverbank of his favourite fishing spot a second later. The day was going to be a beautiful one. Wulver could already feel the warmth of the sun on his ears. He loped over to his rock, one which allowed him to sit and dangle his huge paws in the water as he fished. His line and hook were attached and he whispered a blessing of lure on the hook. Bait was for humans, the recently blessed hook would be enough to entice a few fish to their fate.

Casting his line into the water the wolf sighed with contentment. His eyes were half-closed as he basked in the beauty and peace of nature surrounding him. The sweet smell of the grass, and earth, the rustle of leaves in the slight breeze and the ever-constant burble of the river that flowed. While the morning sun rose higher, warming his dark fur more with each passing moment. He was at peace.

However, before he even had the first nibble on his rod that peace was broken by a sound. One not entirely strange to the wolf and yet one he had never heard here. The sound of a human child crying. Human mothers rarely brought their children outside the town, let alone the good mile and more that he was from Kansmore. Quickly casting a glamour, Wulver vanished from the sight of any humans. While his ears noted the sound was drawing closer, coming from upstream.

Turning his head he scanned the banks of the river upstream and he saw nothing. The sound was much louder now and his sharp eyes spotted something, something even odder. Something floating in the river, a piece of flotsam, but it was no log it was a basket and it was floating his way. The sound was coming from there. Wulver frowned in honest confusion. Humans do swim in the water, but usually when they are older. He had never seen a baby in the water, or a baby unaccompanied. Where goes a babe goes a parent. Standing up he strained all his senses to listen for a parent human. There was none... the nearest human was a man walking into the forest a mile or so away. Or so his ears told him.

Wulver eyed the basket as it drew nearer and he got a glimpse inside. Sure enough, there was a baby, wrapped up in blankets and screaming and Wulver felt a tug inside. The cry made his insides twist in a strange way. He began to pad along the bank as he tried to understand what the creature wanted. Maybe it was some mystic trick, like the ones Nuggle played. No Nuggle might be mean to humans, but only the fully grown ones. Wulver had seen the equine using his magic to amuse human children when there were no adults around and the equine did not know he was being watched. He would never do such a thing to a defenceless infant.

With each passing second, the pull inside him seemed to grow. Yet it was not magic, not mystic magic anyway. He could tell, this was something different. With a leap he dove into the water, surfacing beside the basket. Grasping it with one paw he swam it quickly over to the bank and lifted it out. Glancing inside the crying stopped as he looked into two very human blue eyes. "Hello," he whispered. "I'm Wulver, who are you?"

The child's answer was a strange burbling noise. "Where are your parents?" the wolf asked with a frown at the infant's lack of response. Surely the creature could see he was trying to help him. Another burble. Although the creature also kicked its legs a little and then its mouth opened and that wailing returned. Wulver winced and ducked back a little, "I'm not going to harm you, little one!" He said quickly, though he was starting to realise that the human did not understand. Wulver's knowledge of humans was limited, mostly to what he had seen from a distance.

As the crying sound continued he decided to try and reason with the creature, pointing at it "if you be quiet I will try and find some pa..." The words caught in his throat as the little baby grasped the claw which he was pointing and squeezed it far tighter than a tiny infant should have been able to. For a moment it was silent and he stared into its eyes. Gulping softly he examined the child's face and gave a shrug, "you creatures are cute when young." He muttered more to himself as he was starting to understand human infants do not start out able to talk. Though he felt it was communicating with him in some way.

While the baby squeezed his finger he felt the little creature trembling. His mind remembered something he had seen one winter. A shepherd out in a blizzard, body cold and growing colder. "Humans don't just feel the cold... it hurts them." He whispered and the river was cold, the child had been on the river for... he did not know how long. "I know where you can get warm, little one," Wulver said calmly, though he did pause before he cast his spell to return to his den. The only other living being he had taken there had been Nuggle. However, he did not think too long about it, there was someone in need and he could help at little cost.

Wulver placed the basket down not too close to the fire. Knowing that the basket might catch fire and that the warmth would reach the child anyway. He sat down next to the basket as the baby was silent once more, "there... warmth is nice...isn't it, little one? This is my home, I wonder where your home is." Wulver had seen humans with their children a lot. "Why did they put you in the river?" He asked, knowing now that was an answer he would never get.

An examination of the basket was not helpful in solving the problem. Apart from the child and the small blanket that was partly over him, there was nothing. The basket was made of reeds, but that was a very common and cheap material to use. He tugged the blanket up and noted the child was half-naked under it. With only some cloth folded around his crotch, probably for modesty. Humans rarely were naked, even in the baking heat of the hottest summers they keep some clothing on for 'decency'. Wulver was not sure what was indecent about a lack of clothing, he certainly had never felt the need to cover up.

The blanket was wet and so he placed it nearer the fire. It was made of sheep wool. Again a very common material, especially upstream where many of the farmers preferred goats and sheep who coped better on the steeper farmland than cattle did. It dried quickly by the fire and he returned it to the child. Tucking it under him, "there, all warm, little one?" There was no response, but Wulver took the silence as affirmation.

Wulver sat looking at the creature, and it just seemed to look back. "What do I do with you?" He wondered aloud. Maybe find a human family and leave it, the same as he left the fish. Another precious gift, but not just a gift. This was not a fish, it would not fill their bellies. In fact, it would take food away from their bellies. All the humans he had seen enough of to like, they had too many mouths to feed already. The rest, he did not trust. Not with something as precious as a life.

His deliberations were interrupted by a wailing sound as the child began to cry again, "what's wrong? You are warm, aren't you? Why do you humans cry?" The wolf repeated the last question, "why do humans cry?" Racking his brain he muttered constantly to himself, "cause they are in pain? No, it doesn't seem to be in pain. Because someone stole something from them? He still has everything he had a second ago. Because someone they know died or is ill? Certainly, it hasn't seen anyone die and I'm pretty sure they can't feel death like mystics. Because... they don't have enough food!!" He exclaimed triumphantly. The most common reason he had seen humans cry, was because their bellies were empty. If the child was quieter or he had not been distracted maybe his ears would have picked up the signs of an empty belly.

"I... don't have any fish!" The wolf wailed, having given all of his catch away. It would possibly take an hour or more to find another. There had to be something else he could do. Casting his mind back he tried to remember every time he had seen humans crying. A vision he had of a young human who had cut his legs crying, only for his mother to come and stop him. How did she do that? A kiss! To his hurt knee. Humans don't have magic, maybe there was something magic in kisses that humans felt.

Leaning over the basket, the wolf pressed his huge muzzle to the baby's stomach and gave it a snuffly kiss. Only for the creature to start wailing louder, "I don't have magic kisses!" Wulver howled in despair. "I need help!" He announced, coming to a decision. This was a human child, a human problem and clearly, it needed a human solution. "Don't go anywhere... or touch anything!" He announced to the screaming infant. "I'll be back really fast, I promise!" with that he vanished, out into the world and opened up his senses to hunt.

It was a good double the distance, however, for Culann it was worth it. His father had not been pleased when he returned soaking wet, not having done a day's work. A day's wages lost was not acceptable, and using stories of some mystical beastie to excuse his own clumsiness was not good enough for the old man. Culann had felt a few lashes of the crop for his slothfulness. However, even the threat of more had not been enough to make him return to work via the river path. So he had agreed to use the forest path from then on. It was a much longer walk, but at least he could not drown in the forest.

The forest walk was pleasant. Nice and quiet, though the trees did block out the direct sun. Making the walk a little chilly. The forest path was rarely used, save by woodcutters, and they usually stuck on the other side of the forest. So the farmhand was alone with his thoughts. Strolling along at a fast pace the young human wanted to get to town as quickly as possible. Muttering to himself that as soon as he took a wife he would try and get a house much closer to town. Though he would of course still have to walk out to look after his parents when they got older. A cottage nearer the farm he worked on would be an immeasurable blessing.

A snap of a branch made him look around. Just a deer he told himself. Another snap and another. A deer running it seemed. However, from what, only humans hunted deer and the laird was very protective of the right to hunt. Any commoner trying to score some free veal would be caught and punished. Poachers were beaten and put in the stocks for a week.

More sounds and Culann's heart began to race. An ancient instinct inside him was telling him that there was something out there. Something eying him. Primordial instincts screamed that there was a predator on his trail. After his experience the previous morning he did not fight those instincts and he broke into a sprint. His feet pounding along the forest trail as behind him he heard the sound of pursuit. He sent up silent prayers, hoping that God could hear him without words. The priest did insist he could, but Culann was not sure if anyone could hear sounds that existed only in his head. Yet he knew he needed his breath to run and he dare not waste any.

Turning he glimpsed a grey shape on the path behind him. It was moving fast and gaining on him. No man, it was on all fours and yet unlike any beasty the human had ever seen. He let out a shriek of terror and that fear fueled his legs as he reached speeds that Olympic athletes would envy. More crashes and snaps of branches sounded closer. Daring to risk another glimpse behind him, the human did not see a small log on the path and he tripped. His momentum sent him rolling and tumbling painfully into the underbrush. Landing with a thump in a huge bramble bush, the thorns biting into his flesh. Yet the pain was ignored as the grey blur leapt out of nowhere.

A huge panting beast was on top of him. Its yellow eyes glowing, the heat from its panted breaths somehow chilling his bones as Culann knew he was utterly at the mercy of this inhuman monster. He began to tremble and whisper words to the Lord's prayer begging his god to save him. The panting beast shook its head and looked down at him again, Culann's blood ran cold as its mouth opened and he saw every single sharp fang that he assumed would be his painful fate. Suddenly Wulver howled, "I don't have magic kisses!" Then they were gone, the forest empty, none having seen their exchange save for a couple of squirrels that had no thoughts on the subject.

The wolf and human appeared on the floor of Wulver's den. Culann screamed in terror and began to push away from the wolf. Bumping into a rock and suddenly it was raining blue eggs. "No! Nuggles gifts!" Wulver screamed, grabbing the human with one paw and lifting all six feet plus of farmboy muscle off the ground and up to his eye level.

Culann trembled and whimpered, his clothes straining and cutting off the circulation as his own weight worked against him, "What... what do ya want with me?" He gasped with tears in his eyes.

"Make it stop crying!" The wolf whimpered, pointing to the basket by the fire and placing the human down carefully away from the eggs. Culann stared at the wolf and then at the basket, from which he could hear the sound of a baby crying. While the wolf creature who had attacked him scooped up those blue eggs and began to rearrange them on a rock.

Deciding that his best chance at life was doing what he was bidden, the human knelt down by the basket. Looking at the infant it looked just like any baby he had seen before. As the eldest of a half dozen siblings, Culann knew enough about caring for children to reach down and pick it up confidently. Often his little brothers and sisters just wanted to be held. However, it gave him a chance to check for one of the other main reasons they cry. "Well, ye ain't messed yerself." He muttered, but the baby did not stop crying, even as he cooed and softly rocked it. Quite possibly it was the huge fearsome beast that was holding them both hostage that made it cry. Culann certainly wanted to let out a few tears and would have given almost anything for a hug from his mother, and to be told that everything would be ok.

"What's wrong with it?" Wulver asked, his eggs finally back in their proper order. None having broken, a blessing for the wolf would have hated to have to admit to Nuggle he let some human damage one of his precious gifts.

"Ahh... am not sure. He's no soiled himself," the human replied carefully. Trying to stay calm, reassuring himself that if he was needed and helpful he would not be harmed, at least not too badly. "When... when did he last get a bit of sup?"

Wulver tilted his head and shrugged his shoulders, "I found him like this, floating in the river in that basket."

Culann let out a gasp of shock, "the poor bairn. He's young, he needs ta eat regular and sleep regular."

"I... will go get some fish," Wulver said, realising he had left his rod, basket and line by the river.

"Och, no! He needs milk, if nae from his mum, from a cow o goat," the human explained, shocked to have to explain such basic knowledge. "Did yer mum feed ye fish when ye was a little un?"

The wolf paused and tried to remember back. "I... don't know. " he admitted, Wulver was not even sure if he had a mother. "Milk, from a cow or goat? I know where there are goats." The wolf muttered, dismissing the idea of bringing a cow back to his den. Having to have two humans in his den was bad, such a huge smelly beast would not be welcome. At least a goat would be small.

"Need a bucket or pail too, an something ta hold the milk while he sups, look for a cow horn, hollowed and with the tip cut off. We use em ta feed lambs if their mum dies." Culann explained. With each moment he was there he felt more reassured that he was not about to be killed. At least not yet anyway.

"I will be back soon, human. Don't touch anything and there is no way a mortal can leave, save if I take them." Wulver said with a hint of a growl in his voice. The human at least seemed compliant, but he did not want him to spend his time trying to escape. He might break Nuggle's gifts or mess up Wulver's possessions, what few of them he had.

"Oh, get some cloth nappies for ta change him," Culann added thinking ahead to the more unpleasant parts of looking after a baby.

The wolf froze and he turned, with a snarl, "change him into what? This baby will be what it wants to be and I'll kill anyone who tries to change it!" Wulver growled his eyes glowing brightly as he stalked closer to Culann. Standing upright and towering over the man, over eight-foot of lupine muscle, fangs and claws.

"I didnae... I mean... for when he.. Ya nae poos his'sel," Stammered the human, backing away from the advancing wolf.

Wulver paused and blinked as those words sank into his skull, "when he what?!"

"He's just a wee babbie, babbies soil themselves an you has tae clean it," Culann informed him with the air of someone who had cleaned more than his fair share of nappies for someone who has never actually fathered their own kid.

"That... that's disgusting!" Wulver spat back with a shudder. He was aware that mortal beings defecated. Animals did it in the forest, humans in holes in the ground. The wolf shuddered, what strange and disgusting creatures these mortals be. However, his eyes fell on the little baby in Culann's arms and he knew what he had to do.

"Everyone shits," the farmhand said with absolute certainty, it had been a couple of days that had shaken his belief in everything, however, that was one truth he was sure about.

"I don't," snorted Wulver in disgust and then he nodded. "However, I will yield to your knowledge of such matters and bring back some... cloth. Anything else?"

"Nothing," Culann knew there was a list of other things the wolf would need. However, his reaction to the very basics left the human thinking it might be better to ease him in, before explaining things like rattles, leather teething rings or any of the myriad other parts of raising a baby. Feed, clean and let sleep was all he needed to know for now.

"I will be as quick as I can," Wulver said and gave the human a few seconds to ask for any further items or come up with more disgusting needs for his kind. Then he was gone, emerging on the hillside near a local farm.

The farmhands were out working in the fields and the wolf took no time at all to slip into the barn. Finding a milk pail first and then after much searching, he found a small pile of cow horns. All hollowed out as the human had said with the tip cut off. Wulver assumed this would allow just a few drops at a time to escape. He had to admit it was an innovative solution. Though he assumed to still be alive the mortal beings would have to come up with solutions to problems he never had.

Placing it inside the milk pail he left the barn. The goat could be last. He knew where they were and had no desire to drag one with him while he tried to find some nappies. Holding the pail and horn he dashed away from the farm down towards Kansmore. Knowing that more humans meant more babies and he should hopefully be able to find things such as nappies there.

So focussed was he on his task that he did not feel the presence of another mystic until one stepped out from behind a tree right in his path, "what have we here, a Wulver rushing all over the county... all day. Very curious." The voice was strangely soft and yet there was venom to it. Like the sound of an adder about to strike. Wulver froze in his tracks as he looked at the Each-Usige, Nuggle's cousin. One of the most powerful mystics for quite some distance.

Equine in shape, similar to Nuggle, only far darker in both appearance and countenance. His fur was blacker than the inside of a cave that never saw light. It was not simply dark it seemed to pull the light from around it making the air around the equine dusky. Tilting its equine head Each seemed to be looking Wulver over. Too late he thought to move the milk pail behind him. "Carrying human things, how curious. What are you up to little dog? Off to help your human masters?"

Wulver bit his lip, he could practically taste the hatred in those words. If Each found out he was helping a human, even a human child, his immortal life would come to a very violent end. "No... I'm... playing a trick on them... Nuggle says it's fun to trick humans." He mumbled, his ears and tail down, he crouched just a little. "What... what are you doing here?"

A snort of contempt escaped Each's lips, and Wulver had to fight his limbs to force them to stop trembling. He needed to convince Each that he was both no threat and no help to the humans. "Oh, I was just visiting one of these silly humans, setting up my own fun little trick." Those last words were hissed darkly and Wulver knew that trick would end up with at least one human dead, possibly more. "There's a foolish human woman, she has her eye on a young handsome rich man, who is just visiting... and is also me." Each grinned mirthlessly. "She's married, but soon she won't be."

"Going to trick her into the river?" Wulver asked, feeling some pangs of sympathy for her.

"Oh no, I leave my silly cousin to that old trick. Though I did hear he played it just the other morning. Let the human go, rather spoils the punchline if you ask me," sniffed the equine, as he lounged against the tree, still in Wulver's path. The wolf knew he could not leave until he had permission, if he made a motion to leave he would be stopped. "No, I have a new trick. Takes a bit more effort but the results are far more... entertaining. Convince the woman that I love her, show her a good time, I'm not sure a doggy like you quite knows how to do that. Then whisper sweet words into her ear, like how we could be together if only she wasn't married to that buffoon of a Lord. "Each's smile broadened. "It usually just takes a few months and then she'll be ready for me to show her where she can find some monkshood growing wild. Soon, no husband and then a few words into the ears of the right townsfolk and she ends up dangling on some hemp."

Wulver shivered to think of it, those poor humans. "That's... impressive." He said. It was an honest but heavily edited answer. It truly was impressively evil and heartless. Just what he would expect of Each.

"Indeed. So doggy, what trick are you playing on the humans? I am sure it's just as impressive," Each's words were purred, but there was still a threat inside them.

"I... stole their milking pail... so they can't milk their goats," Wulver muttered embarrassed and yet unable to think of anything else to say. Nuggle was the trickster. Wulver did not like tricks, he had been on the receiving end of too many to ever want to play them on others.

For a moment Each said nothing, just holding him in his gaze, "oh... that's it, isn't it? That's... devastating, I'm sure. I certainly am... impressed with just how... unique that is, for someone of your limited talents."

"Nuggle is trying to teach me," that was also true. Nuggle was always whispering ideas for tricks the wolf could play on humans.

"I'm sure you are his star pupil." Laughed Each, the hollow laughter sending another chill down Wulver's spine. "Though Nuggle was always a tad limited. Still, I will admit there is something... satisfying about letting a human mount you and then dragging their screaming body into the depths. It has been a while, and it truly is a classic trick to play, especially if you do it right like I do. Maybe I'll revisit it, for old times' sake. However, I think we have chatted enough, I will leave you to your masterful stolen milk pail trick. Goodbye doggy."

Gulping, Wulver bowed respectfully, "goodbye, Each-Usige." The wolf felt his heart racing as the black equine stalked away. Panting heavily he leant against a tree, feeling his muscles trembling, his thoughts returning to the child. If Each ever found out... no, Wulver would never let him find the child. He could play his evil tricks on all the other humans, but Wulver would not let him harm his human.

With a desire to return home the wolf pulled himself together and dashed into Kansmore and sure enough after searching a home or two he found a mother with a baby. Watching the parents as he cradled the child in her arms, Wulver's fingers flexed a little and he looked down at his paws. His pads were all cracked and his claws black and sharp, from years of use, each one big enough to rest the infant in. He sighed and watched more, trying to see where she kept the nappies.

As he watched the woman began to sniff the air and then pulled a face. Before laying the child on a table and removing the cloth from around its crotch. She removed the cloth and the rather noxious substance smeared on it, wiped the child clean and put another cloth on. Then gave her child a kiss and continued on with her day. The human he had abducted had not been lying about that part. At least he knew he really needed those cloths. As the wolf slipped into the house hear heard the mother starting to sing rocking the child in her arms in gentle motions as she did so.

The song was nonsense and yet the tune was pleasant and Wulver found himself listening to it for a minute. Before he remembered he had two humans waiting for him back at his den. Finding a small pile of cloth nappies he helped himself to the few at the top. Guessing he would need to steal a few more in the coming days, especially if they ended up soiled like the one he could still smell.

Soon he was back running up to the farm on the hill. Finding a nanny goat in the field he pounced on it and vanished. Appearing back in the cave, the animal gave a startled neigh and kicked Wulver hard in the shin. Before he could do anything, Culann had grabbed the creature and was making some soothing cooing noises, he at least knew the confusion it was feeling having been stolen from its home without so much as a by your leave.

"I got everything!" Wulver announced triumphantly. Though he noticed the den was silent. "Where is my child, is it ok?"

"It... is a he, and yes. I managed te get him ta sleep," a strong wailing cry made the human cringe. "Or I had, now at least I can feed him." The human said, grabbing the pail and getting to work on the goat with the air of a professional. Wulver watched with interest, his huge paws trying to copy the motions. Guessing he would need to learn. Though in his head he was already thinking it might be easier to get rid of the goat and simply steal milk from the dairy instead. Less noise, less mess and less goat stench in his home. "We need ta clean the horn," Culann said. "Babbies get bad tums if ya don't keep it clean. Boiling water is best."

Wulver picked up the horn and blew over it, inside and out. "There, it's clean." Culann frowned at him and Wulver gave a grin, "cleaning is simple magic, well cleaning some things."

"Me Mum would love ta be able te dae that," observed the human taking the horn from Wulver's paws. He carefully poured the contents of the pail into the horn, blocking the end with his finger. "Now ta give him a good feed."

Culann stood up and scooped the baby up into his arms, cradling it gently and holding the horn he placed the tip to the child's lips. As soon as the milk hit the child's lips he began to suckle. "There you gan, ne problem. He's a hungry lad."

Sitting on his haunches, Wulver watched the baby suckling and smiled to himself. However, as the seconds passed a desire began to grow. Eventually, he whispered, "Can I...?"

"Aye, I reckon ye should learn," Culann replied, standing up carefully and stepping closer. Wulver reached out with his huge paws, "ya gotta mind his head, babbies is delicate." He muttered gently placing the baby into the wolf's hands. Wulver took the horn, gulping nervously as he tried to imitate the hold Culann had used. The baby barely seemed to notice, so focused was he on draining the horn. Wulver just stared transfixed watching as the child rested in his arms drinking.

"It's bad luck fer a child ta no have a name," Culann muttered as he stood watching, ever ready to jump in and take over. Though he saw the wolf's huge paws curling slightly and every instinct in his body let him know how he would end up as human-flavoured jam should he try to take the child from the beast.

"A name? Names have power, they can be dangerous," Wulver whispered softly. "I'll give him a name, one that people will say and it will mean him." As he whispered, the sound of gurgling came from the horn that had been drained of its precious fluids. "Does... does he need more."

"Nay lad, he will need ta sleep, and then be cleaned and fed," Culann said with a chuckle. Then he took a breath, "What... what are ye gonna do with me?" He asked, sensing the moment of calm was the best time to ask about his own future.

"Let you go, of course," Wulver whispered as he put the horn down. Rocking the child slowly back and forth, he knew no songs but he hummed the tune from the song the woman had sung to her child. Those blue eyes stared up into his face without a shred of care or fear and they started to close. "Once you teach me what I need to know."

"Ha! Feed him, burp him, clean him, let him sleep and ye will find oot the rest lad, yer can always ask us if you need ta know more," Culann offered, though he hoped the wolf was not going to show up at his home. He could imagine the welcome his ma would give the great fluffy beast. "I'm Culann, I lives in ta cottage on Kancarn hill."

"I'm Wulver and I know the cottage," Wulver replied, not taking his eyes off the baby now sleeping in his arms.

"Wulver?! The Wulver!" Exclaimed the human loudly and then he winced as the child woke with a cry and Wulver gave him a pointed look. "Sorry, just... ah heard of ya. You bring fish ta the needy, they says. You're a good beastie."

Wulver tilted his head, "you know of me?"

"Well, I nae te legends. A wolfman, kind and true, feeds ta needy," Culann replied with a little astonishment.

The wolf smiled and reached down to stroke the fussing child's cheek, "well, how about that. The humans know of me." Moving very slowly and gently the wolf placed the sleeping child down on his bed of furs, making sure he was nestled safely among them. "I will take you back now." He announced and stood up, grabbing Culann's wrist and they both vanished and appeared back in the woods by the bramble bush that the human had landed in. "I owe you my thanks, Culann. Please take this." Wulver reached behind himself and when his paw came back forward a lily flower was resting on it. His own token, one he very rarely had given away.

Culann took the flower, with a slightly confused look on his face," oh, well, me Ma will like this."

Wulver snorted, "tis a token for you only, not her. She can look at it, but you cannot give it away." He replied with a slight air of offence. For a mystic, a suggestion that you will give away their token to another was extremely distasteful and impolite.

"Oh, sorry. It's very bonny, thanks I will look after it," mumbled the human taking the flower and he had to admit it was pretty. He'd seen lily flowers before, but this one did seem to almost glow. "If ye need me, ya nae where I'll be."

"I can find anyone who has taken my token, wherever in the world they are," replied Wulver and Culann felt a slight unease at that. Mythical creatures were not something any mortal should tangle with and knowing that wherever he went one would know exactly where to find him, promised trouble for the future. "I will leave you with this warning. My actions today have stirred up the local mystics. I have upset the balance of my life and the other mystical ones can sense it. Things might be strange for a week or two. If you come across a golden horse with no owner or bridle, walk the other way. If you come across a black horse... run, don't stop, don't look back, never look back! Run as if your life depended on it... because it will."

With those chilling words, Wulver vanished and returned to his den. Culann decided that risking a hiding from his father again was better than running into an unexpected black horse. So he retreated home as the sun just passed noon.

Returning to his den the wolf checked on the sleeping infant. It was breathing and resting comfortably on his bed of furs. Laying down beside it, the wolf curled up, watching it sleep until he too nodded off, it had been a long day and Wulver knew the next few days would be exhausting. At some point, he knew Nuggle would visit him and he would need to explain to his friend about the baby. For the moment though, he was at peace.

I have just published a brand new anthology of sexy orc stories, please see the information in the journal below for links on where you can buy a copy.

Orc anthology

I published an Ebook of sexy orc story series, The books can be found at the links below.Thanks for reading

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08L1XNTVS UK

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08L1XNTVS US

I have a patreon where I post all my stories at least 2 weeks prior to public posting, plus where I post a lot of WIP ebooks etc https://www.patreon.com/sisco

I've just published a new Novella available in both ebook and hardcopy (after a vote on twitter showed an overwhelming desire for a hardcopy to be available)

Amazon UK Ebook

Amazon UK Hard Copy

Amazon USA Ebook

Amazon USA hard copy

Smashwords version

My other novels and ebooks can also be found on Amazon and Smashwords

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