Halloween Story II

Story by roadkill on SoFurry

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#2 of Halloween Stories

Halloween Story 2

Sam loved his large shower in his apartment. He loved taking long hot showers, letting the water run through his short pelt. All the soap and shampoo had long been washed off and Sam was just standing under his shower's warm flow of water. Idly his big hoof paws were massaging his heavy nuts. Every once in a while a gentle moan would escape his long muzzle. Slowly he built a little sexual tension loving the feeling of the soft pulse of his member beginning to swell in his thick sheath. It only took a minute or so of this and his hardening member decided it was done with the simple stuff.

Looking down the horse watched as his cock started to emerge from his sheath. Giving his balls another firm squeeze he saw his firm but floppy meat fall from his sheath completely.

Uhhn, Damn. I'm so fucking horny this morning. Sam tightly closed his eyes trying to focus on his cock. Slowly dancing the tips of his hoof-paws along the underside of his equine rod enjoying the tiny tingles running down to his groin. A heavy moan left his lips when he finally gripped himself. Oh-fuck! Sam's cock was fully hard and starting to drip pre as he slowly stroked his fat rod from tip to base and back again.

Soon he realized that water was not going to work as a good lube; With out opening his eyes he reached for a bottle and squeezed a glob of cool shampoo into his hoof-paw. Another, deeper groan rumbled from the horse as he smeared the chilly goo over his pulsing cock.

Seconds after completely coating his big prick his eyes flew open. Sam stumbled back against the tile wall as the coolness suddenly became very warm. The sensation of heat grew as he continued to pump himself until Sam couldn't stand up any more from the intense pleasure surrounding his member. The tall horse slid down and plopped his firm butt on the floor of the shower.

Leaning back and relaxing his legs so that his knees fell away from each other, one paw moved back to stroke himself the other applied more chilly goo to his heavy nuts. When the warmth washed over his nuts Sam had to grit his teeth. The sensations were overwhelming and the horse could feel himself getting very close to unloading. Soon his stroking motions became faster. He was panting now, tongue starting to loll. Sam felt the first gentle throb and his big nuts start to draw up readying for release, he moved his paw from his nuts to gently finger his tail hole and tightly gripped the base of his aching maleness with his previously stroking paw. He moaned as he felt the throbbing increase in force and finally let go of his cock.

Sam's horse cock flared and he felt the rush and pump of cum move through him and up his shaft. Hard equine meat jerked and warm thick horse spunk erupted from the tip. But none landed on his muzzle as he expected. It looked like he was wearing a thin blue condom as his throbbing shaft pumped more cum into a growing bubble at the end of his flare. He groaned as he road his orgasm, shoving his hoof tipped digit as far into his hole as he could, moaning as his muscle clamped down on it. As his release subsided and his mind cleared he stared in bewilderment at the baseball sized blob of warm cum that bounced as his still hard shaft gently thumped with his pulse.

Still sitting on the floor of the shower he removed his paw from his rear and began to inspect the cum balloon. The blue goo surrounding his rod had become rubbery and contained his release at the last second. In fact the 'shampoo' wasn't washing off and as he nudged the white blob the volume within slowly vanished. What the fuck is this sh... Sam thought.

As the last of his spunk disappeared within the goo he felt the warmth and tingling come back. The coating of slime surrounding his still pulsing shaft thickened and doubled in mass. Soon he found himself panting again as the blob warmed and massaged his meat. The pleasure was insane and he couldn't help but lean back and succumb to the amazing sensations. Slowly the goo on his heavy nuts slid down to this tail hole. Sam could feel he was getting close again and as the goo began to gently push into his tight butt he groaned and flopped his head back as a second orgasm started to pump another thick load of spunk into the goo at the end of his flare.

This time his release was absorbed right into the slime. When his flow had stopped the goo wormed back out of his rear and collected on his softening cock. Sam was panting completely worn out from the whole ordeal. He didn't even notice that the blue blob had entered his urethra. It gently pushed down into his floppy dick painlessly stretching out his shaft. When Sam finally looked down, he saw the very last of the goop slide into him. Panic washed over his long face but when he grabbed his soft dick to try and stop the stuff from going further, his body was wracked with pleasure and he let go. The goo slowly worked it's way further into him.

Deep inside the horse it passed through his enlarged and hyper-sensitive prostate. The organ bulged with the goo inside and sent the horse into a third orgasm. Just when his shaking body would have pumped another load out the goo flowed into his nuts. What should have been really painful was actually masked by the orgasm Sam was enjoying. Reaching a paw to his nuts he felt them expand and heat up as the goo filled them.

The pleasure lasted until his nuts were completely filled with the blob. Sam let out a long moan as he pumped his shaft trying to milk something out of it but nothing flowed. Finally when all the sensations stopped and he caught his breath, he decided to stand up and shut off the shower. His mind was foggy and he almost tripped when he left the shower. After drying off and settling down on the end of his bed Sam tried to sort everything out.

His mind was getting more and more clouded. The harder he tried to recount the activities from moments ago the more difficult it became to think. Soon his hoof-paw wandered back down to his groin again and was gently stroking his bloating balls. He knew they felt odd but the more he pleasured them the harder it was to remember why. By the time his cock had fallen from his sheath once more his mind was almost completely fogged.

Terry was snickering to himself as he imagined the result of his little trick on his equine friend. The fox carefully climbed the stairs leading up to Sam's apartment barely able to contain his giggling. Terry calmed himself and gently pressed an ear to the door of the apartment.

Sam's ears twitched at the sound of the front door opening. Releasing his drooling cock he stood and quietly padded to his bedroom door to see the intruder. Looking out through as small a crack he could make, he saw the back of a red fox standing in his hallway looking into his living room.

Terry spun on his hind-paws towards the sound of a bedroom door softly closing behind him. An ear-to-ear grin formed on his muzzle as he snuck to the bedroom at the back of the apartment. His toothy smile faded as he slowly opened the door to the bedroom. No one was to be found, only Sam's bed sat in the middle of the room. Terry padded to the horse's unmade bed stepping over a few pieces of clothing on the floor. The fox thought to himself, Well where are they?

As Terry turned to search the rest of the apartment he was struck from behind by a neck snapping force. Sam had snuck up behind the fox and lunged at him. Both furs landed on the bed and Terry started to squirm and claw at the bed trying his best to escape the heavy weight of the horse that had landed on top of him.

"Fuck! uh-guh, come on Sam, get off-uh me!" He half groaned, half yelled.

The only response from the equine was a devolved grunt. Terry stopped trying to escape only for a second when he noticed that Sam was trying to pull his shorts down. In his brief pause Sam grabbed the fox by his sides and flipped him on his back. Terry knew he was in a lot of trouble, when he finally looked Sam in the eyes he could see the grey fog that filled them. He had tricked the horse and gotten him possessed but his evil deed had back fired on him. With brute force Sam yanked the fox's shorts down and ripped off his undies. Oh god he's going to rape me, HE'S GOING TO RAPE MEEE!

Terry tried to scramble, to get away from the crazed equine before it was too late but as he rolled over to get on his hind-paws they were grabbed. Sam dragged him back to the edge of the bed and put his heavy paw on Terry's back to hold him down. The horse's other meaty hoof-paw held the fox's little butt still as he lined up his oozing cock. Terry screamed as the equine leaned in and slowly penetrated the smaller critter below. At first Terry's tail-hole wanted nothing to do with the intruding member but as Sam continued to push more of his throbbing cock into the fox's rear it had no choice but to accept it. The fox was out of breath from screaming into the mattress and his jaw hurt from grinding his teeth.

After a few minutes of the horse's efforts the big horse dick was finally inside the fox. Grunting could be heard from Sam as he enjoyed the tight warm tail wrapped around him. The goo was still in his system and it made all the wonderful sensations he was experiencing much stronger. As if the tingling in his heavy nuts were his cue, Sam started to back out. Terry inhaled sharply as he felt the throbbing member slide back out of him but when it reached the medial ring it came back. After several cycles of this slow humping the fox let out a huff and a choked groan. Sam's hard dick was brushing over Terry's prostate.

While by no means completely adjusted to the horse's long cock he was enjoying the feelings it was providing him anyway. Sam heard a heavy moan slip from the fox's muzzle. His fogged brain finally decided to let the beast out, now that he was sure he had Terry.

Without warning the pulsing cock buried deep within the fox increased its motion and speed. Terry was gritting his teeth again as the big horse cock repeated a quick one-two one-two rhythm. Sam would pull almost all the way out of Terry leaving his growing flare just inside the fox and just as Terry felt a little empty suddenly he was filled again. As this continued Terry felt more relaxed and found himself being able to enjoy the rougher than normal fuck he was getting. What he didn't know was that the thick pre oozing from Sam's equine meat was tainted and contained enough traces of the goo to make the fox feel good.

Sam was getting close to release, his pace had become a little erratic and he was pulling less of his cock out of the warm tail and thrusting deeper trying to reach a climax. Terry felt the flare in him growing, knowing that Sam was so close to filling him up he tried to shove back against the horse. He could feel Sam's shaft throbbing harder and he tried to squeeze down on it with his tired muscle. With a grunt, turned groan, Sam grabbed the little fox's ass and slammed home hard several times as he felt that wonderful feeling take over.

Terry could feel the horse's dick jerk and pulse but he didn't feel the warmth of his friend's cum flow into him. Instead he felt like his tail-hole was stretching. Sam had not cum, his cock did however swell a few inched longer and wider but he did not get his much needed release. This angered the beast within him and with a grunt he picked up where he left off, thrusting hard into the stretched fox.

Terry screamed at the resumed fucking, yelling, "Sam! Unh-FUCK, SAM! Stop please! Please Sam -onufff! fffu--"

The fox was cut short when his friend flipped him on to his back again. Suddenly grabbing his ankles and hefting the fox towards his groin in an attempt to plow the vulpine as deep as possible. Terry was in pain again now that Sam's cock was bigger and demanding more of his tail. He looked at his friend through bleary eyes hoping he would calm down. He could see the horse's tongue lolled to one side, drool was practically running from his long muzzle and dripping on to him.

Blinking tears from his eyes Terry looked down to his own cock and panic spread over his face. It was not only hard and leaking too, it was moving! With every deep thrust from the horse above Terry's lower belly bulged out in the shape of the horse's big tool. The fox screamed again as he watched his belly start to show the horse's flare slowly inflate. Sam was grunting over the fox with almost every thrust now, he could feel the small body twitching around his member. With one great thrust to the hilt Sam finally felt his release come. Slowly the mix of goo and built up horse cum moved through Sam. His body pumped the hot slimy spooge through his pulsing cock and into the small fox below.

Terry felt the shaft inside him flex and swell as the hot horse cum erupted from the flared tip filling his bowels with warmth. But something wasn't right. Terry felt the stretching again but this time it was his belly. The outline of his friend's big cock slowly disappeared and a gentle curve formed from his groin to just under his chest. He could feel every thump from the hard shaft as it slowly pumped him full. In a short time the goo flowing from the horse was absorbed into the fox and Terry felt wonderful. His own cock twitched and jerked aching for its own release. Sam was still pumping the fox full and Terry's belly was still growing. Distending out an inch or so a minute. Terry couldn't stand it anymore and grabbed his swollen knot. He yowled and instantly shot his seed high into the air. Most of it landed on his pregnant looking belly, now nine or ten inches distended. When his orgasm subsided he looked to the horse that still mounted him. In fact Sam was still cumming. His cock was still pumping the fox up with slimy spooge.

"Sam! Oh, goo-ddd, ah uhhhh! GLACK!" Terry coughed and tasted salty cum. He looked at Sam again and the horse just gave an evil looking grin and started to fuck the fox once more. Terry felt more cum coming up and felt his belly stretching past its limits. Sam let loose a deafening whinny and picked up his pace. Terry watched his sloshing tummy stretch so much that there were gaps in his fur. He felt a severe pain around his belly-button and he coughed more warm spooge up as the pain increased. An audible RIIPP! was heard and Terry looked down in absolute horror as he watched his tummy...

"SONOFABITCH!!!" Terry screamed. Terry was soaked, drenched in mix of drool and sweat. He sat up and flung his bed covers off. Panting heavily, he rested his face in his paws trying to rub out the weirdest nightmare he had ever had. When he regained as much control of his shaking movements as he could he headed into his bathroom. The fox splashed cool water onto his face and stared into the mirror. A very tired looking fox stared back until his eyes dropped with his damp paws to fall on his belly. While gently stroking the matted white fur he decided to take a shower and wash off the shakes.

Having thoroughly gotten wet he reached for a bottle of shampoo from the shelf. He squeezed some of the blue stuff onto his paw. Thinking better of it he washed it off and thought about using the bar soap this time.