Diplomatic Relations: Greil

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#2 of Diplomatic Relations

Carted off, still drunk from the banquet by servants, Greil meets one of Ix's adopted sons and explores a side of himself he wasn't aware existed.

"You're sooooo pretty!" Greil stumbled over his feet, supported by snakes on either side and groggily looked around, the palace's walls swimming. No stranger to alcohol, he prided himself on his ability to drink most men under the table, but something about the dragon's delicious mead hit him like a runaway wagon. His manhood approved of his state of mind, flopping over its flimsy loincloth and begging to be free, while a haze of good cheer brought out his romantic side, urging him to bed anyone and everyone.

"A little further, sweet prince. You've received a special summons!" Trailing scaled paws down his back, his supportive servant boys squeezed his rump, jiggling it playfully and setting his tail a-wag. "You'll enjoy your time in his presence. He's the one that trained us. It's a shame that we can't taste you first." Leading him to a set of double doors, the snakes brought him into a paradise of silk, guiding him into a downy bed that cradled his drunken form like the hands of a deity.

"Good night, sweet prince. Seek me out tomorrow if you have any unsatisfied needs." Straddling the wolf's unattended cock, one of the snakes dipped his head, capturing Greil's lips in a passionate kiss that set the wolf's heart aflutter. "I'll gladly serve you as long as you like~." He murmured, licking his lips clean of Greil's drool and winking a silvery eye at the disappointed prince.

Reaching out, Greil tried to coax his would-be lover back into his arms, falling backward with a drunken hiccup and closing his eyes. A dreamless sleep soon followed, interspersed with glimpses of ophidian rears and tongues, where once there were bouncing breasts and lusty barmaids.

"Princeling~. Oh, Princeling~." Lyrical and soft, a voice drew Greil from his sleep, its owner clarifying from a shiny blur to a shimmering bronze reptile. "There you are. I trust you enjoyed your accommodations?" Straddling Greil's beer belly with boyish thighs, a small snake stared down at him with amusement written across his features, his gloriously shining scales completely bare. "I thought it best to wait until morning to disturb you, though your erection's call was hard to resist."

"Wh-Who are you? Wasn't I-?" Still slightly hazy, Greil cradled his head, staring at a canopy of silk above and relaxing back into the impossibly smooth bedding beneath him. "I should get back to my father before he gets angry. Dallying with the servants never fails to draw his ire, and I'm sure you're not of age." Attempting to extricate himself from the feather-light press of the newcomer's body, Greil could only force himself to sit up, cradling his aching head.

"How fortunate that I am not a servant, then." Chuckling and draping himself over Greil, the small snake made his nudity known, his petite rear teasing the pointed tip of Greil's manhood through its leather prison. Eyes flashing with regal mirth, he trailed fingers over Greil's bare chest, claws tweaking nipples. "Neither a servant nor a child. I am Acan, adopted prince of this nation, and nearly twenty years your senior. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Fuck. Did Greil blow their diplomatic mission? Maybe Louvel was right, and Greil was nothing but an oaf. Attempting to backpedal on his stupid mistake, Greil dipped his head in reverence, trying his best not to throw the petite snake from his lap as he sat up. "Apologies, your majesty. I wasn't aware our gracious host had a son, let alone one so beautiful."

"Oh, come now. No need for that, young man." Giggling and coaxing Greil forward with dainty paws, the bronze snake nuzzled his cheek against the wolf's stomach, weighing his balls with appreciative fingers. "I'm perfectly aware of your- erotic proclivities. I've personally chosen your company in an attempt to, shall we say, hone them? A rough, rutting beast has its place, but the tender touch of an experienced lover can sway even the most hardened negotiator. Combine the two, and you have something transcendent."

Hardening under the snake's stroking paws, Greil swallowed hard, his throat dry and his tail wagging slowly behind him. "I live to please, your majesty. Nothing would please me more than satisfying your desires." Attempts at decorum began to break down, as they often did when Greil was excited, and he could feel a trickle of drool making its way down his chin. With every stroke, he took in more of Acan's physique, realizing his error in assuming that the petite snake was a child. While small, every piece of him was proportional, and the cock peeking out under his smooth stomach was FAR too large to belong to anything less than a man, pulsing obscenely.

"Oh, my sweet Princeling. You have a long way to go before you satisfy my appetites." Trailing sensual kisses along the bulge of Greil's cock, the snake hooked his loincloth with manicured fingers, dragging it down to release Greil's pulsing manhood and flicking his tongue out, tasting the air around his shaft. "After all, no one's ever introduced you to the sensual side of lovemaking. All you've known is the raw pleasure of rutting a willing hole until you spill your seed into fertile fields. Am I wrong?"

Resisting the urge to thrust his hips forward and cram himself into those plush, well-spoken lips, Greil could only nod, feeling a strange sense of shame. While he'd never received a complaint from barmaids and the occasional stableboy, he couldn't remember a single instance of lovemaking that wasn't desperate jabbing into a willing hole at its core. Could Greil call himself a man if the wolf hadn't explored his sexuality further? Looking back, he couldn't remember if his lovers climaxed, so consumed was he with his pleasure.

"Oh, don't fret, sweet Princeling. I'm here to fill the gaps in your knowledge." Breathing deep and taking in lungs full of Greil's masculine musk, Acan buried his face between the eager wolf's balls, then trailed his forked tongue along the underside of his pointed shaft, tasting the pearl of arousal gathering at its apex. "Will you follow my instructions? I promise there's a worthwhile reward to pursue, and I won't leave you wanting."

Breathless and fixated on the siren's call of ophidian lips so expertly teasing his tip, Greil could only nod, his paws awkwardly settling on the snake's shoulders. "Y-Yes, sir. Thank you for the opportunity." Though he was quick to joke and immature, Acan disarmed him, leaving him nothing but a naive pup begging for attention. Something about those eyes, flashing like jewels in the sun, demanded respect.

"Such an obedient Princeling. For your first lesson, we'll start with something easily achievable yet excruciating. Try not to spill your seed." Slotting the thick tip of Greil's cock against his lower lip, the snake opened his dainty maw, traveling down Greil's shaft with the expertise of a professional and stretching his jaw further than should be possible. Suction so strong that Greil felt his balls would be pulled through his cock drew him to the root, all while those slitted golden pupils met his gaze as though daring him to look away.

Jaw agape and legs shaking as though they would snap in half, Greil thrust forward, his balls slapping against the snake's bulging throat. Rutting instincts battled with the desire to prolong the magical feeling radiating from his cock. He shivered, his cock jettisoning heavy spurts, basting Acan's throat in translucent squirts of arousal.

Up and down, hypnotic in his devotion to Greil's cock, the snake teased him with insistent sucks, speeding his efforts whenever Greil tensed as if daring him to spill his seed. The seal of moist lips around Greil's knot nearly drove him over the edge, but the fingers massaging his balls reminded him of his promise, forcing the rising tide back. Hours passed in minutes, the embrace of that intensely talented mouth dilating time into a blur. None of Greil's carnal exploits could compare, and he felt as though he were a virgin before Acan's prowess, trembling and desperate for the pleasure he'd never known.

When Acan finally took pity on Greil's poor, oversensitive cock, pulling off with a wet slurp and leaving his spit-shined cock glistening in the gentle light. Greil couldn't stop his hips, humping upward as spider webs of arousal painted his manhood, stretching in thin strings from his cock to his thighs, stomach, and churning balls. "Gods. I can't tell if this is torture or the best sex I've ever had."

"Oh, sweet Princeling. I think you'll find that both statements are equally truthful. Pleasure and pain are two sides of the same coin. Sometimes the most exquisite ache eclipses relief in its pleasure." Standing at his full diminutive height, the snake tilted Greil's head, his tongue slipping past panting lips to feed Greil a heady cocktail of his masculine fluids and sweet, mild snake saliva. Greil easily dwarfed his body, but the snake's presence was overwhelming. Any thoughts of disobeying fled in the face of those intense eyes, though deep in Greil's belly, he could feel a rising desire to possess, to ruin Acan's poise. He wanted to turn that coquettish expression into one of need.

"Have I pleased you?" Greil asked, his desperate manhood staining bronze scales. He didn't dare to thrust, despite the soft embrace of the snake's lithe, feminine body, forced to endure a gentle grind. Despite its size and the drool dripping down his chin, his tongue remained within his maw, meekly welcoming the snake's slow licks. Painfully aware of his desire, he watched the hypnotic bounce of the snake's cock, its underside gently tapping the wolf's stomach with every pulse.

"Oh, sweet Princeling. I'll train you to be a legendary lover, a stallion among men, rather than an inexperienced pup humping legs and begging for attention." Clambering onto Greil's lap, the snake slotted his pointed tip into the heavenly cleft of a petite, impossibly soft rump, then sat down hard, taking him to the knot in a surprisingly loosened, experienced hole. "Now, show me how virile you are. You may breed me in any way you deem appropriate."

Desperate to finish what Acan started, Greil tested their union with one brutal thrust, his brain screaming at him to breed the snake full of his pups. However, something about his lustful gaze gave him pause. Perhaps he could show restraint? Finishing in seconds would hardly please the snake. For the first time in his life, he ignored his cock's eager demands, swallowing Acan's flavor and cradling that smooth-scaled rump in both paws like a priceless treasure.

Tamping down the feral breeding instinct raging in his mind, Greil clumsily maneuvered the experienced reptile beneath him, slowing his hips and stirring the reptile's innards with gentle thrusts that teased his hole with the thick bulb of the wolf's knot. Sadly, their height difference was too vast to kiss, but he felt a jab against his rutting stomach, signaling Acan's dribbling approval.

"Learning already. I knew I saw potential in you." Gripping Greil's pecs in small hands, Acan rewarded his slow pace with attention to his nipples, pinching and massaging them in time with each hilt. Exploring fat-covered muscle with trailing fingers, he sighed as though enjoying a relaxing massage, his legs settling around Greil's waist and his stomach bulging obscenely with the wolf's manhood. "Don't be afraid to work your knot in and out of me. I've taken much larger without complaint."

Tenderizing Acan's hole with increasingly confident thrusts, Greil slurped his knot from loosening depths, their union growing slimy with the heavy drool of his cock's fluids. Tongue hanging out in an overstimulated pant, his balls churning and his cock radiating an intense pleasure with every thrust, Greil tried his best to hold back the rising tide. Sadly, he lost the battle, his tail hiding and his knot popping in one final time as a sloppy flood of puppy batter blasted deep into the snake's welcoming depths, swelling his thin stomach and dripping around Greil's knot to mess the sheets below.

"Ah. There it is. My Princeling is certainly a breeder." Stretching languidly, Acan rubbed his full stomach, licking his lips and leaning in to trail his tongue over Greil's chest, tasting the sweat dampening his fur. "You nearly finished me off, which is no easy feat. See? You've made me drip." Leaning back, he stroked his cock, milking a long string of pre from its tip as he wiggled his hips seductively, his inner walls dragging along the sensitive flesh of Greil's shaft.

Withdrawing slowly from Acan's depths, Greil stared in amazement at the difference in size between his cock and the stretchy, loosened hole that took him. His knot alone dwarfed one butt cheek, and his orgasm was so copious that every inch of the snake's rear dripped with musky slime, hole gaped below his bronze balls. How could someone twenty years his senior be so perversely delicate, yet sound so mature, with a deep, soothing voice?

As if reading Greil's mind, the snake flashed his fangs in a lazy grin, swiping his finger through Greil's mess and tasting his masculinity. "Worrying about my appearance, pup? You needn't fret. I'm small, but I'm not a child, as I've assured you. When I was a hatchling, this place wasn't quite as much of a paradise as it is now. I prostituted myself for food and places to stay, but I never found enough to grow properly. This pretty, sweet veneer comes from years of starvation, hardship, and abuse." Sighing, the snake patted Greil's chubby belly. "Perhaps that's why I have such a soft spot for decadent masculine softness. Ever since Daddy Ix found me and took me in, I've loved to play with soft bellies, large cocks, and rounded rumps. A decadent banquet I could only dream of in my youth."

"He's not your father?" Feeling his cheeks flush as Acan played with the chubby belly he couldn't lose, hard as he tried, Greil wagged his tail, transfixed by the peculiar reptile's unique beauty. He'd never seen his struggles with weight as anything but a problem, but Acan made him feel as though he were a warrior king, learning to please his subjects and coming ito his own. "I've never heard of a king adopting commoners as part of the royal family."

"You'll find Daddy's a shining beacon of virtue." Taking Greil's hand, the snake led him from the bed, flashing a grin as he motioned toward the door, letting the wolf's creamy contribution drool down his legs with every step. "Every castle resident is his family, and there isn't one soul in this place that wouldn't die for him." Opening the door into an open, shaded space filled with lounging figures, Acan slapped Greil's rump playfully. "You could be part of this family if you like. Your father, brothers, and people, as well. All we ask is mutual respect, love, and understanding."

"I don't know if I'm qualified to make that decision. I'm not the crown prince or the king. Though, honestly, I wish I could." Slowing his stride to be considerate to the small snake, Greil stared appreciatively at naked bodies of every size, shape, and scale patterning, from waifish boys to muscular men that would look right at home on the battlefield. All of them were generous with their affection, and some were engaged in lazy sex, pleasuring each other in all sorts of ways Greil didn't think possible. Did the soles of scaly feet feel that good? Or the warm press of a masculine chest on either side of a cock? Watching the creative use of writhing bodies, Greil suddenly felt inadequate. All these years, he thought sex was just a cock in a hole, preferably wet. Perhaps it was time to change that misconception.

"Oh, don't fret, Princeling. You're enough for me. I don't need a decision or any political action. I only wanted to extend the hand of friendship before our activities overtake any rational thought." Standing in front of seating with down-filled silk pillows as cushions and intricately carved details that seemed designed to move, Acan guided Greil to sit. "Tell me. Have you ever been worshipped?"

"Worshipped? Like in a temple, with stodgy old men in robes chanting things?" Tilting his head, Greil sat in the peculiar seat, his cock peeking from his sheath as the snake pulled unseen levers and adjusted cushions to expose his manhood between spread legs. A breeze on his hole bared him to curious eyes and turning heads as he was splayed out and leaned back; his body displayed like a piece of meat in a butcher shop.

"Oh, nothing so mindnumbing, I assure you." Winding his way around the seat and into Greil's sight, the petite snake favored Greil with a gentle kiss, fingers twisting through his chest fur and tweaking his nipples fondly. "Worship can be empowering, deliciously sensual, or make you feel helpless. It can pay homage to a great king's virility or bring him to his knees. Perhaps it can even awaken appetites you didn't know you had."

While Acan spoke, footsteps approached from all around, though the predatory gaze of the diminutive snake kept the wolf from looking at the newcomers. As though they were livestock descending on a fresh meal, reptilian maws fastened to every sensitive area on the wolf's torso, rear, and manhood, their owners providing varying tongue, teeth, and suction.

"I wonder, will you sate their hunger for royal flesh, or will you be devoured and left a senseless husk?" Acan cradled Greil's head against his chest, his soft scales rubbing against the gasping wolf's neck as he tilted the wolf's view, showing off half a dozen maws hard at work. Baring his fangs and unleashing his forked tongue, Acan leaned in, flicking that slick appendage into Greil's ear.

No stranger or receiving oral sex, Greil felt confident until he took in the attendant's efforts. Prickling points wreathed his nipples while dancing tongues sent jolts of pleasure from his doughy pecs, while the slow up and down of a suckling maw melted his shaft in silken excellence. Each of his balls stretched the lips of unseen attendants while another tongue teased his rump, seeking his virgin button and sending foreign sensations racing through his body.

Unable to resist Acan's open mouth, Greil tentatively reached out, pulling him down into a drooling kiss. Channeling his desire into the snake's maw, he slipped his tongue past soft lips. Closing his eyes, he melted into worshipful mouths, welcoming eager tongues and clamping his rear entrance as the lapping reptile under his tail pierced through his virginal defenses, his tongue swirling over sensitive spots within.

Breaking from his increasingly confident kiss, Greil tossed his head back, pumping his hips upward to smear his knot against bobbing lips. After Acan's expert mouth, he could easily endure the mystery man's affections. With each moment under worshipful tongues roaming to lick the sweat from his glistening fur, he felt bolder, more in control. Acan's words echoed in his brain. He wasn't a banquet to devour. He was an endless fount of masculinity to sample, untamed, wild, and sensual. The mouths pleasuring him belonged to him, and he would claim them rather than drowning in their tender affection.

Reaching down to tug the bobbing maw from his manhood, Greil howled triumphantly, his cock fountaining its approval to drench his heaving stomach and splash against hungry lips. Coating everything in his unique musk, he panted, smiling as dutiful maws sucked his seed from his fur, his tonguefucked ass abandoned in favor of dual mouths milking his cock. One by one, his worshippers left him, sharing his cream amongst themselves in playful kisses and pairing off for their fun, leaving him to ponder his shaft, still pulsing and aching for attention.

Acan's face leaned over him with an approving glint in his eyes as he stood up, his cock leading the way. Logic abandoned, he let his instinct take over, seeking the cock-hungry snake's rump. Throwing Acan over a nearby seat, he slotted himself into the mess he'd made of the snake's hole, his tongue hanging out and his head floating on the afterglow of erotic activities. Hilting himself, he humped forward, seeking the spots that quickened the snake's breath and ignoring the squeeze of wet warmth that threatened to spill his seed once again. He didn't want a quick fuck; he wanted to possess the snake, to claim what belonged to him, ruining Acan for others.

"Ah. Gods, yes. There's what I wanted." Bracing himself with a moan, the snake spread his legs willingly, his manhood flopping beneath him with every thrust and dripping its approval. "My warrior king. My rutting beast, consumed by fiery passion but eager to please. Take your prize." Digging claws into fine silk, he bit his lower lip, losing himself to Greil's passion.

Biting down on Acan's shoulder, Greil growled his assent, paws swallowing the snake's slim stomach as he slapped heavy, drool-coated balls against the reptile's smaller orbs. With singular purpose, he brutalized the snake's sweet spot, melting the well-put-together snake into a mess of raw nerves and slamming his swelling knot home only to pop it free. Still, it wasn't enough. He wanted Acan's desire to match his own, to cast aside that well-put-together facade and drag out the greedy whore he knew waited for him.

With the day's practice to guide him, Greil held back the rushing tidal wave of his orgasm, only letting himself lose focus when he heard a high-pitched groan leave the snake's maw, his paw seizing the reptile's cock to prolong the squirming sake's orgasm. Burying himself to the hilt and squishing Acan beneath his weight, he seeded him, his knot buried so deep that he doubted Acan's entrance would close for days. A tinge of pride accompanied the snake's orgasm, and the mental image of Acan's face twisted with pleasure and drooling as though all thought left his head, seared itself into Greil's brain, feeding his hunger.

Panting his desire, Greil released his teeth's hold on smooth scales, resting atop his ophidian conquest. Staring down at the sticky mess he made of furniture and snake alike, he delighted in the power he felt. Cock still pulsing through one orgasm, Greil leaned in, still gripped by the desire to hear Acan scream his pleasure. "Your king isn't finished with you." He murmured into the shuddering snake's featureless ear, feeling tightness ripple against his cock. Hunching his back, he started a slow rhythm, growling his pleasure and losing himself to sensation. Acan was his now, and Greil wouldn't stop until he knew it.