Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket's Reunion

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A request for

Taking place after the Guardians of the Galaxy 2021 game, the Guardians are cruising through space, until they happen upon a distress call. Leading them to the planet of Half-World, Rocket has a reunion with someone he was hoping to never see again.

Story written by me

Guardians of the Galaxy and it's characters © Marvel and Disney

Ken the Kree ©

Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket's Reunion

By Natsuru

Out in the far reaches of space, the Guardians of the Galaxy were relaxing as they were cruising through space. And it wasn't just the five of them either. After the defeat - and death - of Grand Unifer Raker, the Guardians had some new allies. They could even call them family.

Nikki Gold, adopted daughter of the Kree, Ko-Rel, but after her death - and being saved by the Guardians - Nikki found herself a new home with them. It was thought that she was also the daughter of Peter Quill, but during their adventure it was found out that she wasn't. But she did like to occasionally mess with the half-Terran by calling him "dad."

Another new member of theirs was Adam Warlock; a powerful man who was thought to be a god for the Universal Church of Truth. After saving him from his evil side, Adam had decided to stay around with the Guardians for a while. Despite being a new member, no one really liked him, since he was a condescending asshole to the Guardians. Although, he did have a nice side; only really showed it whenever he felt like it.

And for the last member of the Guardians, there was Kammy. Kammy the space llama. And that's it, she is a llama...from space. Pretty much acted similar to a dog, and had a tendency to eat the wires of the Milano.

With there currently being nothing for them all to do, the Guardians were all happy - to say the least - to enjoy their peaceful relaxation after their big adventure. It was just what they all needed; none of them wanted to do any kind of work...unless the units they were offered were big. However - despite their peace - Nikki was the only one who was bored. Despite all that she'd gone through, the young lady was ready - eager - to go out on an exciting mission.

"So..."dad"; when will we be going on a mission", Nikki asked in a cheeky tone. "It's been so boring around here, and I would like to REALLY try out my awesome new powers."

"Settle down, Nikki", Quill replied. "It takes a while - a long time, actually - for us to get any job."

"Well, a job that will give us a lot of units", Rocket chimed in. "And by "us", I mean me and Groot."

"He means all of us", Quill chimed in; resuming his conversation. "But anyway, Nikki, a job doesn't just magically show up for us out of nowhere."

After saying those words, the Milano had suddenly received a new transmission. It was a distress signal; an S.O.S with coordinates to a planet that was in somewhat close proximity. "Well, I guess I spoke too soon", Quill said in slight surprise. Seeing that, Nikki was giddy; she was about to go on her very first mission. "Alright guys, time to strap in. We've just got ourselves a new job."

With everything all said and done, every member of the Guardians took to their seats in the cockpit. The only ones who didn't were Kammy - for obvious reasons - Nikki and Adam. With there only being five seats in the cockpit, that left Nikki and Adam to sit back in, what would be considered the living room of the ship. Leaving them to converse among one another, which didn't really go anywhere, since Adam wasn't much of a talker. They were just left feeling awkward.

"Ya know, I didn't say anything back there, but I'm with Nikki about being bored", Rocket spoke. "I mean, peace and relaxation is good, but getting some big units is so much more exciting." The raccoon couldn't help, but chuckle; he actually sounded genuinely excited. "Ok Quill, bring up those coordinates; let's see where we're heading off to."

Per the raccoon's request, Quill brought up the coordinates from where the distress call was coming from. Suddenly, Rocket's excited expression started to waver, as he recognized those coordinates. "Wait a minute...I know that planet."


After what seemed to be half an hour of flying through space, the Guardians arrived on the planet of Half-World. And since Rocket knew about that planet - far more than any of the other Guardians - he was not at all happy. In fact, the raccoon was pissed; he didn't want to ever come back to Half-World, and for good reason. It was the planet where he was created on, and he didn't have any fond memories on it. In fact, he was desperately trying to take control of the Milano, so he could get himself, and everyone else off of the planet.

"Rocket, what is the matter with you", Quill asked. "We came here to find somebody in need. Somebody who might even reward us with loads of units, and you want to get away from that?"

"YES", the raccoon shouted. "Whoever sent that distress signal is probably long dead. So let's just go somewhere else, and find some decent paying jobs."

"Wow, Rocket", Nikki chimed in. "I never expected for you to be afraid of exploring another planet. Especially after what we've all been through."

A red vein appeared upon Rocket's head, as he was grinding his fangs. "I AIN'T AFRAID OF NOTHING", he shouted.

"Incorrect", Drax suddenly spoke. "You were formerly afraid of water."

"YEAH, FORMERLY, BUT I OVERCAME THAT", Rocket replied loudly. "It's just that...I have bad memories of this place."

"I am Groot!"

The raccoon gave a simple nod of his head; agreeing with the alien tree. "Groot says he doesn't have any fond memories of this place, either." As he said that, the raccoon brought himself back over to the captain's seat. Once again trying to get the Milano to take off. "So I say, let's get the flarg off of this planet."

"Hehehe", Gamora snickered. "Ya know, I think Nikki might be onto something. Maybe you are just afraid."

Rocket was annoyed; he was growling. And just as he was about to shout out at Gamora, Adam decided to get his own words in. "Pathetic", he started. "For such a vermin to be so afraid, that he won't even dare to help someone in need."

"Baaa", said Kammy.

With all the insults coming his way, Rocket couldn't do nothing, but growl. The red vein upon his grew larger, until he eventually caved to his crewmates' words. After a few minutes of talking and insulting have passed by, the Guardians eventually exited out from the ship. Stepping foot onto the planet, everyone could see that Half-World was completely deserted. Nothing on it, except for some destroyed and dilapidated buildings and structures.

"Wow", Quill said. "Ok, this planet seems completely deserted. There doesn't even seem to be any hostels here."

"OH WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, THERE'S NO ONE HERE", Rocket shouted in a sarcastic tone. "BIG SHOCK; THE PERSON WHO SENT THAT DISTRESS SIGNAL MUST BE DEAD." Turning himself around, Rocket proceeded to walk himself back into the Milano. "Let's get off this planet, and find a decent paying job."

"I am Groot", Groot agreed, as he followed behind the raccoon.

"Well, it's about time someone would show up to come and get me."

Recognizing a familiar voice, Rocket came to complete a stop; just mere inches before he entered the ship. That red vein had reappeared upon the raccoon's head, and one of his eyes was twitching. Unlike the others who were facing the person in distress, Rocket did not. To the surprise of everyone, the person in question was a Kree. Said Kree was surprised himself to see who his rescuers were.

"Wait a minute; none of you aren't Kree", he said.

Aside from their shock at seeing the sole living Kree around, aside from Rocket, Nikki knew who this particular Kree was. "H-hey, I know you", she said. "I remember you. Yeah, you're one of the Kree scientists who worked on making super soldiers." The Kree scientist's eyes widened, as he was caught off guard, as he listened to Nikki. "If I recall, your name"

The Kree known as Ken let out a low gasp. "Why, Nikki; is that you", he asked. "Daughter of Ko-Rel, I must say...that is a...unique look that you are sporting." In response to his words, Nikki smiled as she took Ken's words as a compliment, with the Kree smiling back himself. Looking at the others whom Nikki accompanied, just looking at the ragtag team, Ken just knew that they were the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"So, you are the Guardians of the Galaxy", Ken said half amused. "I know about all of you. Gamora; former daughter of Thanos, Drax the Destroyer,'re that half-Terran that calls himself Lord-Star."

"It's Star-Lord", Quill said in a dejected tone. "Why does everybody I meet always get that wrong?"

"Riiiiight", Ken said, before focusing his attention on Groot. Seeing the alien tree sparked an immediate interest in the Kree. "Oh, I remember you", he said excitedly.

"I am...Groot", Groot said in a mildly disturbed manner.

"If you're here, then that would also mean that..." Before he even bothered to finish his sentence, the Kree turned his attention toward the Milano. With his own eyes, he spotted Rocket trying to sneak away back into the ship. "AH, SUBJECT 89P13", Ken shouted.

Alarmed, Rocket's ears stood right upwards, as he came to an immediate stop in his tracks. Slowly turning to face the Kree, the raccoon had a look of discontent on his face; hating that old name he hadn't heard in a long time. "It's...Rocket", he said.

Not at all caring about the raccoon's words, Ken rushed himself over to Rocket's side, and immediately grabbed him. The Kree held a firm grasp on the raccoon; locking him in a hug, and ignoring the mammal's struggling. "It's been such a long time since I've seen you, Subject 89P13", Ken said happily. "Oh, how I've missed you so much."

"HEY! PUT ME DOWN, YOU STINKIN KREE", Rocket shouted, as he continued to struggle. "AND DON'T CALL ME THAT; MY NAME IS ROCKET!"

The moment between Rocket and Ken was a reunion that the raccoon was hoping he'd never have. Compared to him, the Kree was very much enjoying the reunion between him and Rocket. Watching the moment between the two was nothing, but silly to the rest of the Guardians. Although, only Quill and Nikki found the scene to be funny.

After just a few minutes had passed, Quill brought himself over to the sole Kree. "Hey, so, I guess we can all consider this a complete rescue, right", Quill started. "So, tell us where you want us to take you, and maybe you could...oh, I don't know; reward us with some units. Sounds good?"

"Take me somewhere?" Ken was flabbergasted at Quill's suggestion. So flabbergasted, that his hold on Rocket had loosened; allowing for the raccoon to free himself from the Kree's grasp. "What are you talking about? Aren't you all going to take me back to Hala with the rest of the Kree?"

There was a sudden silence, as the Guardians turned their heads; not making eye contact with Ken. No surprise, but the Kree was actually confused by their lack of speaking. That was until Nikki brought herself over to Ken.

"Yeah...about that...", she started. "Come with us onto the ship...there's a lot to...discuss about what happened to the Kree."


With everybody back onboard the Milano, Nikki took the time to explain all that had happened. Telling the Kree what became of his race, Ken was left speechless. He just found it all hard to believe that, while he was out doing his own thing, the entire Kree race was all wiped out. He just couldn't believe that the Kree could all have fallen so easily. It left Ken feeling depressed to even speak. He only found comfort in...cuddling Rocket; much to the raccoon's dismay.

With the look of defeat present on his face, everyone understood what he was feeling, especially Nikki. Although, Adam himself didn't seem to care; neither did Rocket, but that was mostly because of his past history with Ken. Aside from that; remembering why they rescued him in the first place, Quill was expecting a cash reward. Alas, however, the sole Kree didn't have any units on his person; putting the Guardians back at square one.

Still in need of making some units, Quill decided to make a stop to Knowhere. Upon landing on the living head, Adam decided to take his leave; deciding that he was tired of being around the Guardians, and didn't want to wait, or take part in getting a job. "Forget him", Quill said; "He'll be back after he cools his head off." With that all said and done, Quill, Nikki, Gamora, and Drax left the Milano to look for work somewhere on Knowhere. That left Rocket staying on the ship with Ken, as Nikki thought it was a great idea to keep the Kree some comfort. Though, it wasn't just them left on ship, as Groot and Kammy were in the ship as well.

While Groot was tending to and keeping Kammy company, Rocket was left with Ken; locked up within his own room. The alien tree could have been there with them, but the Kree wanted to be with only the raccoon. Just like before, Ken was cuddling with Rocket; holding tightly onto the mammal, despite his struggles. And strangely enough, the Kree seemed to be back in high spirits; like hearing the news of what happened to his race didn't happen.

"Oh, Subject 89P13; how I've longed to see you and be with you again", Ken said. It practically sounded like he'd let out a moan. "My, you've certainly changed a lot." As the Kree examined the raccoon's figure, he took notice of the little beard hanging from Rocket's chin. "Oh, did you do this? I knew you were quite the capable one, Subject 89P13."

"WILL YOU STOP CALLING ME THAT", Rocket shouted. "My name's Rocket, dammit."

As if not listening to the raccoon's words, Ken then opened up Rocket's jumpsuit. Now having a good look at the raccoon's body, the Kree could see that Rocket was well built. Placing a hand upon the mammal's body, Ken couldn't help, but rub along those abs. "Amazing; you must have been working out the time we've long been separated from each other", Ken said. He continued rubbing down the raccoon's body; his hand getting closer to the groin. It was at that point that Rocket had enough; the raccoon grasped the Kree's arm, and bit down upon it.

"YOWCH", Ken screamed. In reaction, he took his arms off from around Rocket's body; freeing the raccoon. As Rocket landed on his feet, Ken was tending to and treating the spot where the raccoon had bit him. Although, he didn't seem at all bothered by the mammal's actions. "Hehe, you certainly are a feisty one, aren't you, Subject 89P13."

"The", the raccoon shouted. "I no longer go by that KRUTACKIN name, that YOU gave me." Rocket was angry; more so than he usually is, but he seemed to have a particular grudge against the Kree. "And what's your deal, anyway", Rocket asked. "What are you even doing here? Are you here to do those awful experiments on me again? You gonna tear my body apart and rebuild me over again, and again, and again?"

Ken was caught off guard by the raccoon's grudge. It left him briefly speechless, as to why Rocket would act in such a way to him. My, Subject 89P..." Ken quickly stopped himself, upon hearing the raccoon growl at him. "Sorry, I mean...Rocket. You seem to...not like me very much."

"OF COURSE I DON'T LIKE YOU. WHY WOULD I EVER LIKE YOU", Rocket shouted. "Do you even know the HELL you, and those other stinkin KREES and those ROBOTs of yours you've put me through?" Letting out all of his bottled up anger upon Ken, Rocket jumped himself onto the Kree's legs, and grabbed him by the shirt. "Did you even know how I was feeling, going through all of those flargin experiments? No, of course you didn't."

Upon letting out most of his bottled up anger towards Ken, Rocket released his hold from the Kree's shirt; jumping back to the ground. Ken was even beyond speechless; having been yelled at by Rocket. The Kree couldn't find the exact words of which to respond back with. The only things he could even think to say were... "I apologize."

Rocket scoffed, as he found it hard to believe that Ken would be so apologetic. "Oh, so suddenly you're feeling sympathy for me, huh? Well I don't buy it", Rocket said. "YOU MADE ME FEAR WATER!"

"No, Subject...I mean, Rocket; I do truly apologize", Ken said in remorse. Getting down upon his knees to face the raccoon at his level, he held Rocket by the shoulders. "Those experiments were only done to you to make you into the greatest super being ever created."

"Oh, I know about all of that", Rocket interrupted. "Trying to make me into something that I didn't want to be."

"Had I known that such experiments were strenuous to your very being, I would've ceased the experiments", Ken said. While he was currently feeling sentimental, the Kree wrapped his arms around Rocket; locking him into another hug. Not surprising, the raccoon was struggling to free himself. "You know, Rocket, you were always my favorite out of all of the other creatures."

"I really find that hard to believe", Rocket said. The raccoon continued to struggle within Ken's hug, but was unable to free himself. The Kree was applying a bit too much of his own strength into the hug, which Rocket hated. "Hey...could you stop hugging me", Rocket said. "This is disgusting, and I'd rather have a hug from someone, other than you."

Complying to Rocket's request, Ken brought his hugging to an end. "I understand that you're angry with me, and I plan to make it up to", Ken said. Going through the pockets of his lab coat, the Kree brought out a syringe with some medicine within it. Just seeing the needle was enough to freak Rocket out. "There's no need to be startled, Rocket", Ken said. "Not only am I a scientist, but I'm also a doctor, and it's time for a long overdue check up."

Upon seeing that needle - the sharp tip of it sparkled briefly - Rocket freaked out like any other person would. With his instincts acting up, the raccoon got on all fours, and every fur on his body had risen. "YOU KEEP THAT FLARGIN THING AWAY FROM ME", Rocket shouted. Just as Ken took a step forward towards the mammal, Rocket started running around within his room. Upon the door opening, Rocket proceeded to run out of his room, only to be pulled back in by Ken; the door closing immediately.

Down in the lower deck of the Milano, Groot was peacefully playing with Kammy. Despite that peace, the alien tree could hear all of the ruckus from up above; coming from the raccoon's room. Knowing that it wasn't anything too serious - just taking it as Rocket being Rocket - Groot shrugged his shoulders. "I am Groot."

"Baaah", Kammy neighed.


"Now, calm down, Rocket", Ken said. The Kree was holding onto the raccoon with one of his arms. It was proving difficult for him, due to Rocket's constant struggling, but Ken managed to bring the syringe closer to Rocket. "It's time you took your medicine." After saying that, the Kree managed to stab the raccoon's arm with the needle; injecting him with his medicine.

"AAAHHH!" Rocket screamed, before biting on Ken's hand again; once again freeing himself. "That...was a dirty thing for you to..." Before the raccoon could finish what he was about to say, he felt his body starting to change. Falling to the floor on all fours, Rocket felt some pain coursing all throughout his body. "Grrr! What...did me?" Not only was he feeling immense pain, but Rocket could definitely feel his body changing. It felt as if his body was morphing; it was expanding. Rocket could feel all of his limbs stretching, but he was also unaware that his body was currently growing.

Before Ken's very eye's, he watched as the raccoon grew to be about the standard size of a human, an alien, or a humanoid alien. That orange jumpsuit that Rocket was wearing couldn't handle the raccoon's sudden growth spurt. The jumpsuit had completely ripped off from his body, as his muscles had expanded as well. With the changes to Rocket's body having finished; what was once a small and slightly scrawny raccoon, was now a tall and buff raccoon. Now able to stand on his feet again, Rocket gave himself a quick look over.

"Oh man; would ya look at me", Rocket said, in slight surprise. "What did you do to me?"

Ken took a step forward to the raccoon's side. "All I did was inject you with your medicine", the Kree answered. "Medicine that is also a growth and strength serum. I...wanted to test it on you."

Hearing Ken mention the word "test", had Rocket angry. To him, even now, the Kree only cared about doing more tests on him. The raccoon was just about ready to knock out Ken, that is, until he looked himself in his mirror. "Oh WOW! I'm...big now", Rocket said with glee. "And...are these...muscles mine? Oh hoho; wait until Quill and Drax see me now." Rocket was so distracted by his new appearance, that he didn't seem to care or notice that he was standing stark naked. And speaking of naked, the raccoon was hung, as his big, limp dick was hanging between his legs. It must have been a side effect of the growth and strength serum from the medicine.

Ken wiped some sweat off from his head, as he didn't have to fear taking a punch from the now big and buff raccoon. Taking another step over to Rocket's side, the Kree placed a hand of his upon one of the mammal's shoulders. As he brought himself closer, Ken unintentionally took a whiff of the raccoon; quickly stepping back, as he covered his nose. "Ok, now I think it's about time for a much needed shower."

"A what now...?


What took only exactly a minute, Rocket and Ken were now standing within the Milano's washroom. The two in particular were standing right in front of the shower. Having both of his hands pointing at the shower, Ken offered it to Rocket to be the first to enter. "After you", he said; Rocket's only response was to growl at the Kree. "Oh, I'm sorry; your fear of water."

"I've long gotten over my fear of water...", Rocket started. "Thanks to my friends, and no thanks to you." After saying what he had to say, the raccoon took that time to smell his pits. "Oh woah; I guess I really do need a shower." With his eyes back to focusing on Ken, Rocket could see that Ken was sporting the biggest smile on his face. "Oh shut up and drop that smile; it's creepin me out", Rocket said.

Opening the shower door, the raccoon stepped right on in. And following right behind him, Ken stepped into the shower as well; the Kree having already stripped himself of his clothing. Just the fact that Ken was joining him had caught the raccoon off guard. " weren't planning on joining me in here, were you", Rocket asked.

"Of course I was", Ken answered. "I'm joining you as a means of providing you with comfort, if your fear of the water returns."

Rocket immediately let out a growl from the Kree's response. To him, it sounded less sincere, and more like he was being treated like a joke. Not to mention, the raccoon wasn't quite thrilled to see that Ken had a good looking body; expecting the Kree to be really scrawny. But no, Ken sported six-pack abs and he was hung. Although, considering Rocket's new appearance - being bigger, muscular, and much more hung - the raccoon felt like he was number one.

"At least I'm still way more better looking, than a stinkin, crutackin Kree", Rocket whispered under his voice.

The raccoon lightly grunted upon feeling water hitting him; Ken had just now turned on the shower. With the nice feeling of warm water hitting him, and running along his fur, Rocket started to relax. However, it was a brief one, as the raccoon felt Ken's hands scrubbing along his head and back. "Y'know, I don't need your help with washing myself", Rocket said with an eye twitching.

"Nonsense; everyone knows that the back is difficult to clean by themselves." Ignoring the raccoon again, the Kree continued to scrub Rocket's back with soap, much to the mammal's dismay. "My, Rocket; I'm finding myself so...fascinated by your body", Ken said; his face becoming a shade of purple. "I must admit that I am proud to see that experimentation medicine did great wonders to you."

"So, you just admit right then and there that you were still experimenting on with that shot you gave me", Rocket said with slight anger. "Whatever, I can excuse it this time, now that I'm bigger, stronger, and much sexier. Hehehe!"

Despite his bravado, Rocket suddenly yelped. Things took a drastic turn, once the Kree's hands began to rub and scrub the raccoon's frontside. His fingers were rubbing hard upon Rocket's nipples; practically pressing down upon them. Those actions of Ken were enough to send chills throughout Rocket's body. The mammal's nipples were sensitive to those touches; making a slight blush appear along his maw.


"I'm just...making sure to thoroughly clean every part of your...body."

As Ken continued to sensually rub the raccoon's nipples, Rocket began feeling something else. With his body enticed and reacting to the Kree's touches, blood began to rush into Rocket's member. And soon enough, his dick was no longer hanging from between his legs, as it became erect and had risen upwards. With his dick now throbbing, the raccoon was soon greeted with a stinging-like sensation coming from his dick. Just looking at it made Rocket blush even harder, while Ken stared upon it in fascination.

With no hesitation coming from the Kree, Ken didn't waste a moment to grasp Rocket's dick and balls. A gasp escaped from the raccoon's mouth; caught off guard by the Kree touching his genitals. Just like what he'd done with the mammal's nipples, Ken was sensually rubbing along the base of Rocket's dick, and fondling his balls. It was subtle, but Ken seemed to be practically drooling, as hearts began to replace his eyes. Even though he was playing with Rocket's genitals, the Kree felt oddly stimulated, as he was becoming aroused himself; his own dick growing erect.

"HEY! HEY, HEY, HEY", Rocket said on repeat. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!"

Ken didn't immediately answer the raccoon's question; focusing on rubbing Rocket's dick and balls. Moving himself from behind the mammal to his frontside, Ken allowed himself a much better look at Rocket's genitals. The Kree's rubbing of them never ceased, as he steadily brought his face closer to the raccoon's dick.

"I'm just...marveling at your...physique", Ken had then answered. "My; you function and experience arousal in much the same way I do."

"No shit", Rocket said matter of factly. "That's because you're FLARGIN TOUCHING AND RUBBING SOMETHING YOU AIN'T SUPPOSED TO!"

Once again - ignoring the raccoon's words - Ken continued his stroking of Rocket's genitals. Seeing and feeling the dick and balls throb within his hands was enough to make Ken's own dick twitch. Upon seeing a glisten that came from the meatus, Ken licked around his mouth.

"I must repeat, Rocket; that you're my favorite experimental specimen."

"Grrr! Again with the whole experiment thing."

Suddenly, the Kree put a cease to his stroking of Rocket's genitals, and brought his face closer to the raccoon's. Catching the mammal off guard yet again, Ken placed a hand upon Rocket's face and pulled him into a kiss. Surprised, Rocket's eyes widened just from the fact that he was locking lips with someone he didn't necessarily like. As such, Rocket immediately pushed Ken away from him.

"Wha-what are you..."

Not to be deterred, Ken just simply gave the raccoon a warm smile. "I really do like you, Rocket", he said. Bringing himself back closer to the mammal, he placed his hand back on Rocket's face. "You should believe that, since I'm being truthful." And just like that, Ken locked his mouth with Rocket's again. That time, however, Rocket just let the Kree have his way. Unlike Ken, the raccoon didn't close his eyes to enjoy the moment; even when the Kree locked their tongues together.

With his hand holding onto the furry cheek, Ken caressed it, while he returned his other hand back to Rocket's dick. A red streak appeared across the raccoon's maw again. His instincts kicked in and Rocket practically pushed Ken away from him, but the Kree wasn't deterred. Ken continued to french the raccoon, while stroking along the base of his big dick. Placing the palm of his hand upon the head, Ken closed his hand around it, as he caressed it.

With all of the squeezing that Ken was providing to the raccoon's dick, Rocket could feel an increase of his blood rushing within his groin. Veins started to appear along the base, as the mammal's dick began to throb rapidly. It didn't take long for Ken to eventually feel a wetness upon his palm; prompting the Kree to squeeze and caress the head harder. Rocket felt chills run up along his spine; his body was jittering. That was, until the Kree ended the kiss he and Rocket were sharing. Backing himself away as their lips parted; a string of saliva was bridged between them, that eventually broke.

"Are ya...done having fun with my body?"

Before Ken answered the raccoon, he focused his eyes upon the mammal's nipples. "Hmm, not quite." The Kree then brought his face to one of Rocket's nipples; placing his mouth upon it. Rocket's body immediately quivered upon feeling that warm breath hitting the nub of his nipple. Upon the Kree sucking on his nipple, the mammal's legs started to feel like jelly. Like what he'd done while he shared a kiss with Rocket, Ken used his tongue; moving it in circular motions along and around the nipple. That action of the Kree further aroused and enticed Rocket; making his dick throb even more. With his fangs clenched together, Rocket was salivating, as pleasure was coursing all throughout his entire being.

With Ken's hand still caressing the head of the raccoon's dick, meant more wetness to be felt within his palm. By the time Ken started to move his hand along the base again, the Kree brought his face over to Rocket's other nipple. The raccoon immediately groaned through his fangs; still salivating as his body was being played with. The sting-like sensations coursing throughout his dick, made Rocket know full well what he was gonna do soon. Slowly, the mammal was bringing his hands towards Ken; his claws moving in clenching motions.

Upon feeling the back of his head being grabbed, Ken went wide eyed as he was suddenly forced away from the raccoon's nipple. The Kree's face was then brought directly at Rocket's dick. Right then and there, the raccoon immediately shoved his dick down Ken's throat; the Kree gagged upon reflex. With a firm grip upon Ken's head, Rocket proceeded to thrust his hips forward and back; face fucking the Kree. Ken was brought down onto his hands and knees, as he left himself to the raccoon's mercy.

"Hah! You thought...I was...just going to let you...make me blow my load right then and there", Rocket scoffed. "MMPH! Well think...again." It may have taken a few minutes, but Ken was able to quickly adjust. With Rocket fucking his mouth, the Kree knew what it felt like to have something big and thick moving through his throat. To somewhat make things easy for himself, he used his tongue to move in time with those thrusts.

"Yeah...that's it", Rocket moaned; "Finally using that mouth of yours for something more useful." The raccoon further tightened his grip upon the Kree's head, as the pace of his thrusting increased. The mammal's balls smacked themselves hard against Ken's chin; making some audible slapping sounds echo within the bathroom. Having all of his inches moving through the Kree's throat, Ken was gagging and moaning all around Rocket's thrusting dick; saliva running down out from his mouth. His own body was being thrusted forward and back, as his mouth was continually fucked; his ass cheeks pressed and rubbed against the shower window.

Being taken and having his mouth abused by Rocket was such a turn on for Ken. His face was practically completely purple, and his eyes were heart filled again. As his arms began to tremble, the Kree sent them upwards along the raccoon's legs. Ken held onto Rocket firmly, just as he'd gotten his first taste of precum. Knowing what that meant, Ken decided to help the mammal further, for both of their benefits. As such, the Kree brought his hands upon Rocket's ass; caressing the cheeks, as his fingers moved closer to the tailhole. Within a minute, Ken sent two of his fingers into Rocket's ass, causing the raccoon's eyes to widen. With a final thrust into the Kree's throat, Rocket hilted his dick within Ken's mouth, as he reached his peak.



Having reached his orgasm, a wave of Rocket's seed came rushing down Ken's throat. The sounds of the Kree gagging had increased, as he was struggling to swallow all of the raccoon's cum. Among the audible gulping sounds, Ken's body was trembling; his own dick throbbing uncontrollably. Compared to just sucking Rocket off, Ken couldn't think of any way to make swallowing the mammal's seed easy for himself. As such, bits of cum were spilling out from Ken's mouth, but surprisingly, the Kree didn't mind it at all. But then, Ken felt Rocket's hands loosening from upon his head, and the amount of cum going down his throat was lessening; both were signs that Rocket's orgasm was ending. And sure enough, it did.

Having finished relieving himself within the Kree's mouth, Rocket moved himself back; bringing his dick out in the process. With nothing for him to hold onto, Ken was back to having his hands on the shower floor. Immediately, Ken was in a coughing fit; coughing out some of the raccoon's seed, as he was catching his breath. "Maybe...cough...some side effects...cough...have made you...cough...a tad...cough...aggressive."

Upon having caught his breath, Ken made an attempt to stand on his feet. However - upon standing back up - the Kree felt himself immediately get grabbed. Ken was then immediately pinned against the shower window; his own dick hard pressed against it. With the Kree firmly pinned, Rocket stepped himself forward; the base of his dick pressed in between Ken's ass cheeks.

"You were pretty touchy a few minutes ago" Rocket started. "So, how would you like it, if I did the same to you? But...with something that ain't my fingers."

What was meant to come off as a way to scare him, only aroused the Kree. Ken sported a lustful smile upon his face; his face still very much purple in color. "Oh, yes, please, Rocket; do it", Ken moaned. " all take."

A smirk appeared across Rocket's maw; a sinister snicker emitting out through his fangs. Still holding onto the Kree's shoulder with only his right hand, the raccoon began to buck his hips forward and back. The base of his hard dick moved slowly between Ken's ass cheeks; the mammal could feel the sensations traveling along his dick. Since he's long been enamored with the raccoon, Ken was loving that Rocket was playing with his ass with that member of his. Despite how slow and gentle Rocket was going with his movements, he wasn't planning on being gentle with the real fun.

Reeling his hips back and moving his dick back from in between those cheeks, until the head was positioned directly upon Ken's entrance. The Kree nearly bit down on his lower lip; anticipating the moment when Rocket would penetrate him. With the smirk still present upon the raccoon's maw, it grew as Rocket slowly moved his hips forward. Upon the head having penetrated through the Kree's entrance, Rocket then shoved every inch into Ken with such fierceness; his balls smacked hard against those ass cheeks.

"AAAHHHH!" Ken immediately moaned out in pleasure; hearts were practically flying around his head. The Kree didn't care how rough the raccoon was with his body - his ass specifically - he loved it no matter what. The mammal was deep inside of him; there was a noticeable bulge present coming from his abdomen.

Since the raccoon felt that he had no reason to hesitate, Rocket proceeded to fuck the Kree. He saw it as a bit of payback, for suffering extreme experimentation. With a firm grip upon Ken's right shoulder, Rocket was bucking his hips forward and back at a somewhat fast pace. Even when he repeatedly thrusted his dick in and out of the Kree, Rocket's speed didn't waver. His thrusts weren't only fast, but they were hard too; evident by the sounds that came from his smacking balls.

With such fierce thrusts coming from the raccoon, the anal walls of the Kree were rapidly squeezing themselves against the thrusting member. The previous sucking of the raccoon's dick provided good lubing; making it easier for his thick member to thrust through the walls. With every thrust Rocket sent, Ken's body would thrust against the shower window; his nipples, dick, and balls were rubbing against the window. The bulge from his abdomen was even thrusting against the window too.


With Ken's own dick rubbing against the shower window, the Kree was definitely feeling his blood rushing through his groin. Just as he started to emit pre, so was Rocket. Ken actually felt that bit of wetness make contact with his anal walls. It made him shiver, as a chill ran along his spine; his inner walls would repeatedly press themselves tighter against that thrusting dick. Feeling the raccoon's balls smacking against his entrance just felt fantastic. Unlike how other Krees would usually act, it was impossible for Ken to keep his composure, as he was overtaken by his lust. His tongue was hanging out from his mouth like an animal in heat.

"AH...AH...AH...AH...AH", Ken moaned out repeatedly. "AH...yes Rocket...don't stop! Take me...oh FLARG, take me!"

Rocket couldn't help, but snicker at the Kree's begging words. "Heheh! Oh, I wasn't planning...on stopping", Rocket said. The raccoon's thrusts suddenly became faster and harder; making Ken moan out even louder. "Oh, I'm taking you...NGH...alright. You're"

With his hold on the Kree further tightened - his hand nearly digging into Ken's shoulder - Rocket focused on going full force on the Kree. Clenching his fangs, Rocket began to feel lightheaded as he felt his orgasm reaching its peak. Likewise, the same was happening to Ken, and the both of them felt their legs starting to wobble. Soon enough, Rocket gave the Kree a final thrust inwards; hilting every inch of his dick inside of Ken.

"NGHHHHHH! TAKE ALL OF IT", Rocket shouted out. The raccoon had reached his peak; filling Ken's asshole with a lot of his rushing seed. Ken was planted firmly against the shower window; feeling his stomach slightly expand, as Rocket's cum was entering him. With the raccoon having released himself inside of the Kree, it didn't take long for Ken to reach his own orgasm; making a mess upon the shower window.

Even after having reached his orgasm before the Kree, Rocket continued to pump his dick through the Kree's ass. His hold upon Ken's shoulder hadn't loosened, as the raccoon continued to fuck the Kree senselessly. Obviously, Ken didn't mind it at all; enjoying that dick still thrusting through his asshole. However, since he'd already had orgasmed, Rocket's pumps were steadily slowing down. Eventually, the raccoon's pumps came to an end, and Rocket reeled his hips back; removing his dick from Ken's ass.

"Aaaaaahhhhh", Ken moaned, as he felt every inch left him. The bulge that was present from his abdomen was completely gone. Cum was drizzling out from his ass; running downwards along his legs. The rushing warm waters of the shower cleaned the Kree's backside, as Rocket watched; snickering at the sight.

"Heh! You look pathetic", Rocket said, as he stared at the still presenting Kree. But seeing as the raccoon was already done having his way with Ken, Rocket turned himself around, and faced the showerhead. As he let the warm waters hit and run down his body, Rocket went back to marveling at his figure; still enamored with his new form. "Hehehe! I can't wait to get back at Quill with my new look."

However, just after Rocket had said that, his expression had changed. He appeared to have a look of worry across his maw, as he felt his heart racing. Not only that, but he felt his body acting strange. Falling upon his knees, the raccoon clutched himself; unable to do anything about what was happening to him. On the other end of the shower, Ken managed to steady himself up, and look at what was happening to the mammal. Whatever Rocket was feeling and what was happening to him, the raccoon didn't have to wait any longer to suffer. Eventually, what was happening to Rocket and what he was feeling came to an end, but at a cost. His body had changed back to its original form.

"Wha-what the hell just happened to me", Rocket asked. Looking back at Ken, the raccoon was surprised to see that the Kree was taller than him. At that moment Rocket realized that Ken wasn't taller than him, but that he had gotten shorter. He immediately looked himself over, and was shocked to see that he was also no longer buff. "DAMN IT" he swore; "I'M SHORT AGAIN!"

Ken placed a hand under his chin, as he started to ponder. "It appears that the effects of your medicine were only temporary", he said. "I would have to do far more work to concoct something everlasting."

"Grrrr! I was really liking the idea of messing with Quill with my new look", Rocket snarled. "Get back at him for every boneheaded thing he's done, and for all the units he cost me."

As Rocket folded his arms together in disappointment, Ken brought himself over to the raccoon's side. Placing a hand atop Rocket's head, the Kree started rubbing the raccoon's head. A slight blush appeared across Rocket's maw; enjoying, but embarrassed by having his head rubbed.

"If it's any consideration, Rocket; I like you just the way you are", Ken said. "And in any form you may ever be in."

Rocket gave a brief sigh, as his eyes narrowed over to the Kree's dick. His eyes immediately widened, as he noticed that Ken was still fully erect; the Kree's dick throbbing right next to his face. Just then - as if he mimicked the raccoon - Ken tightened his hold on the mammal's head. In a swift move, Ken turned Rocket around and immediately shoved his dick into the raccoon's mouth. It was such a sudden surprise, that Rocket couldn't keep himself from gagging. And it wasn't just that Ken sent every inch down Rocket's throat, but he was also fucking his mouth.

"Aaaahhhh, Rocket; your mouth is so warm."

"GHURK! GHURK! GHURK!" A series of gags were escaping from the raccoon's mouth, as his head bobbed along the Kree's dick. The member moved smoothly along his tongue; going forward and back through his throat. With his own hands, the raccoon grasped Ken's hips, as he made an attempt to pry himself away from the Kree, but his small size, and Ken's own strength made that impossible for him. Rocket's eyes were clenched shut, as he felt Ken's balls smacking against his chin. Likewise, Ken's own eyes were clenched shut too, as he began feeling a stinging sensation coursing through his dick. With blood moving through his groin again, it didn't take long for the Kree to emit precum.

Unable to free himself, Rocket's face was a complete dark shade of red. His eyes squinted opened, as he looked up at Ken; seeing that lustful desire present on the Kree's face. It was strange to the raccoon, but he was starting to enjoy being currently submissive to the Kree; not that he would admit it. He then suddenly felt a tighter grip on his head, as Ken hilted himself within Rocket's mouth; every inch of the Kree's dick had gone down his throat.

"AAAAAHHHHH", Ken moaned out. Rocket's eyes immediately widened, as he felt a rush of the Kree's cum going down his throat. He nearly dug his claws into Ken's hips, as he choked and gagged while ingesting every drop of Ken's seed. It only took about a minute for Ken to relieve himself down the raccoon's throat, as his orgasm was dying down. With his hold on Rocket loosening, the raccoon used that opportunity to reel his face back. With the Kree's dick out from his mouth, Rocket was immediately hit on the face with some of Ken's left over cum; much to his chagrin.


Still in the shower with the waters still hitting them, Ken was now sitting on the shower floor, while he had Rocket riding along his dick. With one hand of his; the Kree moved the raccoon upwards and downwards along his member, while his other was stroking Rocket's dick. Like he had done prior, Ken's mouth was locked with Rocket's; the two sharing a kiss again. While Rocket held a frown upon his face, Ken's face was more calm, as his and the raccoon's tongues danced between their mouths.

Just as what had happened inside of Ken, the same was happening to Rocket; the raccoon's anal walls wouldn't stop squeezing themselves against the Kree's dick. Feeling that hard, thrusting member moving through his passage; nearly close to making contact with his prostate. The raccoon's body was trembling upon the Kree's body; his own dick throbbing from the sensual strokes, as precum was seeping out. Likewise, pre was coming out from Ken's own dick, just as his thrusts had increased in speed. The sounds of their balls slapping together were audible, even amongst the sounds of the rushing shower waters. In due time, Ken gave Rocket a final thrust inwards; his head hitting the raccoon's prostate hard.

"MMMMPH!" The two simultaneously moaned within one another's mouths, as they both had reached their orgasms again. Ken filled the raccoon's insides with his seed, while Rocket's own seed hit his chest and face. Luckily for the raccoon, the warm waters immediately cleaned him up. Upon reaching their peak, the kiss between the two had come to an end; the two panting together, as they were catching their breaths. Their eyes locked onto one another, as they both held a blush across their faces; Ken smiling, while Rocket appeared to be snarling. Upon helping the raccoon off of his dick, there was nothing left for the two to do, except actually shower.


After what seemed to be two hours having gone by, Quill and the others had returned; along with Adam Warlock. Each and everyone of them held a look of disappointment and exhaustion, except for Nikki, she was really excited. Within the living room of the ship, Rocket, Ken, and Groot - along with Kammy - were sitting upon the sofas; their gazes placed on their returning members.

"UGH! What happened to you five", Rocket asked. "You all look worse than you usually look."

"Nothing worth talking about", Quill answered.

"But it was so much fun", Nikki chimed in. "To think we would get into a battle, and I was so cool out there with my powers. Until things got really heated, and we had to be saved by Adam."

"Hmph", Adam scoffed. "I was just passing by, and it was unbearable seeing how pathetically weak you all were. So I merely lended my assistance."

"Whatever", Rocket said in an uncaring manner. "So, did you find us a job; hopefully one paying us a lot of units?"

"Yes we did", Quill answered. "Now, let's get this show on the road."

"YES! My first actual mission. This is gonna be so awesome", Nikki said excitedly.

With everything all said and done, the Guardians took to their respectives seats in the cockpit. However, unlike staying back in the living room with Nikki, Adam, and Kammy, Ken decided to take a seat in the cockpit. Specifically, he was sitting within Rocket's seat, much to the raccoon's dismay. Despite how fun the sex between them was, Rocket had other plans in mind.

"Hey Quill, before we start this new job; could you send this Kree somewhere", he asked. "I'm sure he doesn't want to have any part of this."

Thinking about what the raccoon had said, Quill knew that Rocket was right. Ken wasn't a part of their team, and what little that Quill knew about the Kree, was that they wouldn't want to take part in any of their jobs. "Right, so, Ken", Quill started; "Do you know of any other planet you might want to be dropped off at? Or do you want to stay here at Knowhere?"

"Actually, I was thinking about joining you Guardians", Ken answered. He then picked up Rocket and placed the raccoon upon his lap. Rocket's fangs were clenched together, as his eyes widened. Sitting upon the Kree's lap, the raccoon could feel a bulge rubbing against his ass. "I could be of assistance to you all, and I don't want to part from Rocket." Upon saying those words, Ken proceeded to pet and rub the raccoon's head; pretty much acting like his erection wasn't rubbing between the raccoon's concealed cheeks.

"Aww, that's so sweet", Quill said; teasing Rocket at the same time. "Well, can't argue with that; you're with us, Ken. Besides, it would be great for Nikki to have someone she's familiar with onboard."

Rocket was clearly displeased, as he growled, but Ken was very much happy. With his petting of the raccoon's head coming to a cease, he immediately locked Rocket into a hug. "Isn't this great, Rocket; we're together again."

"Yeah...great", Rocket grumbled. "Just...peachy." While it had gone unnoticed by everyone in the cockpit, there was a small blush across the raccoon's face. As he felt Ken's bulge continue to rub in between his ass, a tent was starting to form from within Rocket's jumpsuit.