Meeting His Dad

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It's time for Jenson to meet his boyfriend's dad, but little does he know...

"Babe, it's fine. He's going to love you." Smoothing Jenson's buttoned shirt, Gabriel pressed a kiss to the rabbit's cheek. "You don't have to be so nervous. I've seen this man become best friends with someone that handed him a beer on vacation." The cheetah's expression calmed the anxious rabbit, his blue feline eyes radiating patience.

"Sorry. I know I'm overthinking things. I've never gotten this far before. Meeting your dad is a big deal." Swallowing the knot in his throat, Jenson leaned in to kiss the cheetah, standing on tiptoes to reach the skinny cat's lips. With two hands full of the cheetah's shirt, he lingered, melting away his anxiety with Gabriel's sweet flavor and forgetting that they were standing on Gabriel's father's porch.

"Well, ain'tcha cute?" A soft chuckle broke their romantic moment as the door swung open, revealing another cheetah a few inches taller than Gabriel. Unlike the smartly dressed younger feline, he was shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of low-riding jeans that dipped far enough to flush Jenson's cheeks, his image not helped by the tongue currently lapping at one of his fingers.

Taking the initiative, Gabriel enfolded the older cheetah in a warm hug, patting his back and beaming when the embrace broke, pulling Jenson to his side. "Dad, this is Jenson. Jenson, this is my dad, Wes." Squeezing the rabbit's shoulder in a reassuring embrace, he led Jenson through the door into a dimly lit house that SCREAMED bachelor pad, devoid of the usual feminine touches that decorated most older couples' homes.

Leading the pair through a living room with a massive flat screen tv and a leather couch, the cheetah scratched at his muscular, well-toned stomach, seemingly unbothered by his partial nudity. "None of that Wes bullshit. Call me dad." He called over his shoulder as he stepped into the steaming kitchen. "I'm making my homemade pasta sauce, so it'll be a few hours until dinner. Hope you're not starving." He yelled from the kitchen, the sound of metal tapping a pot filling the air, accompanied by a garlicky scent.

Swallowing and attempting to ignore the glimpse of the cheetah's ass as he disappeared around the corner, Jenson clung to Gabriel's side. Gabriel was muscular, but Wes was something else. He looked like he lived at the gym. How the fuck was THAT almost forty years old? No, no, this wasn't happening. Jenson wasn't attracted to his boyfriend's dad. Wes looked so much like Gabriel that the sight of him half nude must have reminded Jenson of his boyfriend. That had to be it. He wasn't fantasizing about those abs flexing with every thrust into his- Fuck.

"Hey babe, I gotta go use the bathroom. Why don't you sit down and talk to dad? I promise he won't bite." Sending a spike of anxiety through the rabbit's chest, Gabriel trudged up the stairs, leaving him alone on the couch, staring at the wall above the tv. For someone like Jenson, this was a nightmare. Not only was he alone with someone he barely knew, but it was someone that he couldn't stop fantasizing about, to his dismay.

Closing his eyes, he breathed deeply, fixating on his mental image of Gabriel's sleeping face, all warm and cozy under their blankets, arms around Jenson's back. That's right; that spotted chest he wanted to wake up to every morning, those sleepy blue eyes and roaming paws. Gabriel was the man of his dreams, so throwing it away on a horny bunny's whim was stupid.

"So, has he fucked you yet?" Crass and blunt, Wes's voice interrupted Jenson's attempts to erase his physique from heated thoughts. Slipping an arm around the rabbit's shoulders, he pressed in close, his moist fur puffing masculine musk and his armpit inches from Jenson's face. To make matters worse, as the rabbit's eyes opened, he noticed that the older cheetah had removed his jeans, his drooping manhood on display.

"W-Wes, p-put your pants back on, Gabriel will be back any second, and this is inappropriate." Startled, Jenson tried to escape Wes's grip, swallowing hard as his gaze magnetized to that gloriously masculine cock. It was at least twice the size of Gabriel's, and the foreskin peeled back just enough to show off a lazy, barely plumped head. Fuck, how would that feel pressed against his face? He could already smell the musk wafting from it.

"I take it that's a no? What a shame. That fluffy little tail is just begging for a reaming." His cock twitched in agreement as the cheetah stretched, his palm cupping Jenson's chest and claws seeking his nipple, pressing that heated pit even closer, dosing Jenson with a steaming musk that made his head swim. "Why don't you let daddy take care of that needy hole?" He asked, his lips pressing against Jenson's ear and teeth digging in just enough to give the rabbit's ear a tingling sting.

Shuddering as his pants tented, the rabbit tried to ignore his instinct to submit to the older feline's affections. With nipples so hard that they could cut glass, he squirmed in that iron grip, pushing against Wes's thigh in a feeble attempt to escape the naked cheetah's increasingly firm grip. "I wouldn't betray Gabe like that. Please let me go."

"How cute. Do you think you'll have a choice in the matter?" Tilting Jenson's face toward him, Wes pushed his nose into that thicket of moist underarm fur, forcing him to breathe in concentrated musk and assaulting his senses with rank sweat. "My little boy told me about your deep dark secret. You're a needy little musk-slut, ain'tcha? One whiff and you're gone." Voice low and dangerous, like a predator stalking prey, the older cheetah held him there despite his struggles, forcing him against the source of his overpowering musk.

"N-No." Unable to stop, the rabbit breathed deeply, his eyes rolling as his nose twitched, drawing in greedy lungs full of unfiltered manhood. Hips thrusting unintentionally, he stained his pants with pre, his cock threatening to rip through the fabric with its hardness. Paws clenching, he tried to bring himself to pull away from Wes's body, but all he could manage was a gentle groan and soft paw pads moving to that sculpted chest.

"Good boy. Daddy will pop your cherry, don't worry." Drawing sharp claws down Jenson's shirt, Wes destroyed the garment, revealing his plush grey fur. "Pants off before I rip a hole under your tail." He demanded, tweaking the rabbit's nipple with his free paw while his other rested behind his head, leaving his pit open for Jenson's slutty snorts and greedy licks.

A pang of guilt nearly stopped Jenson, but the floating feeling of masculine funk invading every corner of his head chased away caution, and he shimmied from his pants, shuddering as a breeze teased his virginal hole. Now fully nude except for the shreds of his shirt, he dutifully sat on Wes's lap, shaking paws pressed against toned pecs.

Taking hold of the rabbit's cheeks, Wes pressed those sharp claws into the plush fur, spreading them and letting his awakening cock flop into the warm furrow between them. Kissing a pearl of pre into Jenson's hole, he rolled his manhood against the rabbit's unguarded entrance, claiming his ass with sticky excess. "Hope you don't mind a bit of a sting. Daddy likes friction." He growled, spearing upward to work that gloriously large cock past Jenson's defenses.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, Jenson clung to the rutting cheetah, his voice cracking as painful thrusts melted away reason, tearing desperate moans from his open muzzle. Tears gathered at the corners of his eyes, but he was rock hard from Wes's rough ministrations, caught up in the fantasy of being used. Pain and pleasure melted together, spurring him to press downward, willingly fucking himself on the cheetah's massive shaft.

"Dammit, dad." Gabriel's voice brought Jenson back to reality, those blue eyes flashing with excitement as he stood over them. "You were supposed to wait until I came back to start." Cock standing at attention, the cheetah padded into view, wearing nothing but a leather collar and his spots. Fixated on the slow, unstoppable bounce of the rabbit's ass on Wes's wonderfully filling cock, he played with his collar, his cock bouncing when Wes bottomed out.

"Shut the fuck up and kiss daddy." Ramming home to the hilt hard enough to make Jenson squeak, the cheetah held him there with one paw while he dragged Gabriel down to his level with the other. Overpowering Gabriel's lips with his, he slipped his tongue into the moaning cat's mouth, his paw taking an unashamed position on the younger cheetah's ass. Drool dripped down his chin as he violated Gabriel's mouth, muffling his moans with wet ardor, but the sway of the younger cheetah's upturned ass gave away how much he loved every second.

"Sorry." Breaking the kiss with a soft pant, Gabriel nuzzled into Wes's neck like a chastised kitten, his collar jingling and catching the light, showing an engraving on the bell at its center. 'Daddy's boy,' erased any doubt the lust-drunk rabbit might have had about their relationship after the passionate kiss they just shared. "I wanted to tell you so badly, but daddy thought it'd be better if we brought it up like this. You don't hate me, do you?" A strangely endearing, vulnerable side of the usually confident and quiet cheetah showed itself in his father's arms as he addressed Jenson, his tail lifted for that roaming paw.

Whether it was the massive cock swelling his stomach or that adorable expression on Gabriel's face fueling Jenson's lust, he couldn't be angry if he wanted to. This situation was like something out of a seedy porno, but his cock demanded more. All sorts of sordid fantasies flicked through his head as he watched Gabriel's tongue rolling along Wes's neck, and he shook his head, too overwhelmed to speak. Instead, he leaned in, offering himself to Wes's tongue and shivering as he tasted both cheetahs on his lips, his maw opening to accept Wes's sloppy affection.

"Fuck yeah." Wes groaned, both paws moving to Jenson's sides as he rutted mercilessly, his cock pulsing hard enough to show a bucking bulge in the rabbit's stomach. Pre mercifully slickened his thrusts, easing the burn in the rabbit's abused hole, but that pleasant ache still accompanied every push. "Gonna fuck 'im sloppy for you, kitten." Jackhammering to his finish, he ruined Jenson completely, only stopping once the rabbit felt a flood of sloppy approval filling his hole, squirting out around the cheetah's cock.

Gabriel disappeared from view when Wes pulled out, burying his face between the rabbit's cheeks to slurp his father's seed from the rabbit's hole. Tongue slurping deep, he gulped noisily, his sandpapery tongue igniting Jenson's raw nerves and sending a familiar sensation through his cock. His ass shaking and his face pressed against Wes's chest, he dribbled his contribution to the mess, coating spotted abs in a few thin squirts of satisfaction.

Tapping his cock against the younger cheetah's lips, Wes slopped two fingers into Jenson's hole, his arm around the rabbit's waist. "You're lucky, you know, Jens. You've got a two-for-one. Some fat daddy cock to stretch you out and a needy little kitten to play with after." Feeding Gabriel his cock in an impressive display, he rolled his hips against the purring younger cheetah's face. "I'll have you know he was so excited by the prospect that he's been coming over begging me to fuck him while I describe what I'll do to you."

"Daddyyy. You're making me sound like a pervert." Gabriel whined, panting as he pulled himself from Wes's base. Tongue still rolling against the older cheetah's dripping tip, he nuzzled into his father's cock, pressing loving kisses to the underside and smearing pre over his face. "That only happened once." He admitted, his eyes unable to meet the rabbit's, instead focusing on the shaft cradled in his paws.

"You want this to be a regular thing?" Finally catching his breath, Jenson watched as his boyfriend worshipped Wes's cock, his smaller shaft throbbing in the afterglow. "Would it be like a polyamorous relationship, or would I still be dating Gabe? Or-" Trailing off, Jenson realized he didn't care. This situation was hot as fuck, and he'd be a fool to throw it away. "C-Can Gabe fuck me too?" He asked, shamelessly spreading his legs to let Wes's fingers squish deeper into his ruined hole.

"I don't know. Such a pretty little kitten might not be able to handle it." Voice doting and fingers sloppily stirring the mess he made of Jenson's hole, Wes contemplated the bunny, then looked between his legs at his submissive son's efforts. Tapping the cockdrunk younger cheetah's cheek, he guided him away from his treat. "Mount your boyfriend, kitten. Daddy can wait."

"Y-Yes, sir." Hopping to his feet, Gabriel slotted himself between Jenson's cheeks, his tail flicking behind him and curling like a curious housecat's. For the first time since his reappearance, he focused only on Jenson, slipping past his gaped hole and enfolding the rabbit in his arms. "Thank you, babe. For accepting me." He murmured, burying his face in the rabbit's neck as his gentle rhythm spread stretched and swollen inner walls. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." Jenson returned his feline lover's affectionate embrace, his legs settling around thrusting hips. Nipping at one of Gabriel's ears, he murmured in it, feeling his heart soar with the perverted rush of lowered inhibitions while sloppy sounds filled the air. "I want to watch him fuck you next. Think we can stay the night?"

The only answer from the lust-drunk cheetah was a rougher, more desperate rhythm and the bounce of the younger cheetah's shaft while a soft bite dug into his neck. It seemed like that was a resounding "Yes."