Blackclaw: Shark Attack

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Ahhhhh, this one was really fun. Wrote this with and it was a lot of fun to flesh out a super hero story! I have never done anything like ti before so it was nice to take breaks from writing for my Masters to tackle this one. It isn't very heavily edited haha. I really just want to get something out since it has been a while! So, enjoy 12k words of hero and villain smut! There will probably be a part 2 in the future and Rise has been alluding to a lot of his art being inspired by the story.


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Blackclaw made his way deeper underneath the city. The massive bear had to duck underneath ductwork. The silver pipes carried water up into the city above and away from their various sources. The gentle ambience of a quiet city night gave way to the low hum, whistles, and hisses of machines working. The wet stomps of his covered paws hitting the wet spots of unidentifiable liquid reached the black bear's ears and made them twitch and swivel. Luckily, the modifications he made to his suit protected his paws from any debris or fluids that could potentially ruin his fur.

Worse yet, that could enter into his bloodstream. It seemed to be Sharkbait's way. The dastardly criminal did love his tricks. Blackclaw stopped for a moment. Although nothing was out of the ordinary, the thought of getting trapped under one of Sharkbait's numerous poisons was a dangerous position to be in. Without a sidekick to help him, Blackclaw would be at the mercy of his greatest villain.

Blackclaw turned his golden eyes towards his suit. It was made of a black, stretchy spandex. He wore an eye mask that hid his identity for the most part on his face which shared the same material as his suit. It felt snug around his face but not uncomfortable and still allowed his periphery to be seen.

The bodysuit clung to him. The water wicking material shimmered in the artificial light of the underground cave system. Even though there was hardly anything left to the imagination, the spandex suit felt almost natural to the bear. The black color covered his body from the top of his neckline down to his toes.

The way it hugged his body and showed off his barrel chest, his powerful arms, and tree trunk sized thighs did not bother him. It provided more protection against his foes and the elements than any material he had used previously; even if his well-defined rump and round bulge would attract the eye of any civilian who he happened to be rescuing. It was just part of his costume. Just like the large gray claw across the center. The emblem stretched over his belly and up to his two broad pecs before ending right at his right shoulder. The funny thing was it reminded him of a video game suit. Something that the most skimpy of characters would wear and that would show off each curve and muscle. It was protective yet flexible and the hero needed the material for his work.

Blackclaw. The name came from the fact his claws were a deep midnight black. It was not the most clever of names but its short succinctness made it easy to remember and villains around Night City grew to fear him and the symbol of the gray claw. Everyone except Sharkbait.

Blackclaw sighed and adjusted himself casually in his suit. The shark had a way of being particularly cunning. Every single time that Blackclaw tried to get a leg up on the shark, he had a way of wiggling out of his traps. Even with help from other heroes, Sharkbait would find a way to escape. Usually, with his arsenal of different poisons and medicines. Strangely enough, Sharkbait did not enjoy killing. He loved the thrill of the hunt and playing with his chum. He thought of Night City as one big toy box.

But that was about to come to an end. After an uncountable number of times where Sharkbait escaped, Blackclaw knew he was alone. With a few careful rumors and a well-placed article, Sharkbait was most likely scouting out one of Night City's biggest banks. Blackclaw grinned to himself thinking about how clever his plan was. All it took was some convincing for the manager of the safe to move out all the money and replace it with fake dollar bills and then a villainous sounding email name to tell Sharkbait that they had the password and security override for the safe. To resist such an opportunity to steal billions of dollars in one swoop would take a mental fortitude that no villain possessed.

Blackclaw ducked underneath another metal pipe. The temperature of the environment started to drop as the superhero made his way further underground. The deeper he went, the more additions there were to the infrastructure as well.

"Hmmm, bet the city didn't put money in for these grates," Blackclaw's deep voice rumbled. The grate was about the size of four people stacked foot to foot. The grate itself was made of heavy steel and the spaces between each of the pieces of metal looked large enough that one could stick a hand through.

Blackclaw frowned. It could only mean one thing; Sharkbait's base was built with his "pet" in mind. The pet being a gargantuan tentacle monster straight out of one's nightmares. Its many arms would probably be able to fit up through the grate and attack anyone unwise enough to make too much noise. The fact that the alien was even adapted to Earth's conditions was frightening. The other fact that Blackclaw knew nothing about it other than it was given the name "Octo" was equally as alarming.

"And derivative," Blackclaw thought aloud. He huffed in annoyance and continued cautiously on his way.The bear made sure to watch his steps and avoided the small puddles of...something that were all over the floor. The fluid was a dark green color and looked viscous like it could suddenly ripple at any moment. The further that Blackclaw walked down the underground passageways, the worse off he felt about the slime. It was starting to get more and more closed in and the green ooze was starting to fill the room. There were some parts of the stone hallways that Blackclaw had to jump because of puddles of the foreign substance.

With each landing, Blackclaw's muscles flexed and his bulge wobbled in his spandex. It was giving enough to allow ample movement in his limbs and more unwieldy areas like his crotch. Since Blackclaw didn't wear any underwear under his suit, his balls wobbled between his legs even when they were cupped within the confines of the suit.

"Grrr, so much to dodge," Blackclaw growled and took a jump far too shallow. His right paw landed with a slosh right into the liquid.

"F-fuck..." Blackclaw cursed. It was not immediate, but something deep down in Blackclaw knew something was wrong. The material wobbled along the bottom of his paw and started to look for purchase. The ooze reached out tendrils and started to snake its way up the bear's suit. Even with the slick spandex, the ooze climbed and moved. It blobbed along Blackclaw's thighs and then up along his crotch. It paused at the bear's bulge, taking a moment to stretch around it and cup it as if it was a pouch of any other underwear. It made its way down the superhero's other thigh and rested on the bear's opposite foot paw.

"W-what is this perverted thing?" Blackclaw said with a grunt as the ooze made its way up towards his torso. It worked over his belly and made its way towards his two huge pecs. In one fell swoop, it moved up along the bear's nipples and up to his neck. However, it strangely left his face free.

To Blackclaw's embarrassment, the area around his ligaments hardened and he found it impossible to move. However, the ooze left his nipples, pecs, and crotch area soft and pliable as if it was surrounded in a gel. Blackclaw blushed and continued his struggle but it was to no avail; he was stuck and he was in a position that left him vulnerable in some not-so-great areas. It was all so confusing! The plan should have worked. Then, Blackclaw picked up on a particular smell. One that reeked of the rival he attempted to trick.


The yell echoed throughout the stonework and bounced off the walls. There was only silence that answered them. But, that silence only lasted a moment. There was a chuckle which turned into a laugh as deep as a rolling wave.

"Buahhahah! You really think I would fall for your stupid ploy?"

Sharkbait walked out of the shadows. His costume was minimal. A bright white singlet thong was the only thing covering him. The two lycra straps stretched up over his shoulders before meeting in the middle of his back and cutting between his two muscular globes. He strutted forward with a confidence similar to a lion collecting a kill. Rows of sharp teeth lined his cocky grin and his eyes looked over the buff bear as the slime started to climb up to his chin. Unlike Blackclaw, Sharkbait was more lean muscle.

His abs were well-defined and showed athletic prowess. His shoulders were broad but not in a "brick house" type of way. His legs and thighs were shaped much like an expert trackstar. Blackclaw's body was built by manual labor. His unreal strength and ability to move objects much larger than him led to his more strongman type appearance. Sharkbait looked like a jock who turned into a villain.Their body types were almost complete opposites. However, that did not stop Sharkbait form having a unique interest in the bear.

The shark walked all the way up to the bear and put a finger right on his left pec. "Mmm, it seems that Octo has worked his magic."

Sharkbait tisked and brought a finger forward towards the bear's abs and groped across them. He rubbed the belly with a sinister smile and his eyes practically glimmered when he noticed Blackclaw give a bright red blush.

"How dare you wear something so....revealing," Blackclaw said between gritted teeth. "Get your filthy hands off of me."

Sharkbait pulled away but still had that smile across his face. His eyes were hidden by a simple mask as white as snow. It brought out his eyes and clashed against his perfect teeth.

"Come now. You entered my home and I am simply dressed as I would be. Don't you find it so freeing to wear less clothes?" Sharkbait said as he held his hands out as if he was inviting someone into his lair.

Blackclaw frowned.

Sharkbait brought his arms down and stopped his posturing but not without a sigh. "Come now, Blackclaw. There's no need for such a sour expression..."

Sharkbait's expression soured and he brought a hand back towards Blackclaw's muscular pecs. He gave them both a hard squeeze. "Not even your sexy hero body can cheer me up. How can I be happy at my capture when you look so unhappy to be here?"

Blackclaw's eyebrow twitched. "How did you f-figure it out?"

The slime around the bear started to get warm. Particularly warm and wobbly around his crotch area and his nipples. Dare he say, it felt good. If he wasn't in such a predicament, he might actually have thought the situation was enjoyable.

"W-wait...I would never think like that," the bear said in his mind. "Something is wrong..."

Sharkbait brought his hands away from his captor's nipples and his smile was back. He gave a loud laugh. "You used a silly email! There's not one villain that is named Superhot..."

Sharkbait's long and finned tail flicked excitedly. "But there is one hot hero that I have been begging to play with and now you are finally here! I'm so excited you could come to my lair, Blackclaw. I've even cleaned up just for you..."

The shark walked forward again, working his hips tantalizing as the slime began to work further up towards the bottom of his chin. Blackclaw struggled more, trying with all his might to break free but the hardened ooze only kept a firm grip on him. It even snaked around his cock like a ring and pulled his spandex-clad cock up and out. A grin bulge formed inside of the ooze and two similar tentacles wrapped around his nipples to pull them out and erect.

"N-no....I don't want to do anything with you," Blackclaw said as he exhausted himself. His muscles started to buzz. The warmth that surrounded his body felt so nice. It was like a warm massage. It was like a series of hands rubbing across his body and he could not help but let out a puff of warm air. Sharkbait brought a leg up and pushed his covered groin right up against Blackclaw and stroked the bear's cheek.

"Oh my precious black bear. You are going to be in quite a precarious situation when you wake up. But I promise you'll enjoy it. Remember when I had you wrapped up and all mine? How fun it was? How you were practically begging for me?"

How could Blackclaw have forgotten? It was night after night of pure carnal indulgence. Just the thought of it was enough to make any person blush but Blackclaw had a different reaction. The warmth from the gelatinous ooze around him coaxed out something between his legs which pushed up against his suit. Blackclaw cleared his throat and looked away from the shark who was smiling viciously.

"You could have a night like that every night and I know that deep down you would love to be part of my collection, too. You'd be so special to me. Octo even picked out a nice suit for you to wear right now while we do some....tweaks to that body of yours!"

Blackclaw's expression must have concerned Sharkbait who put up his hands when Blackclaw gave a long, rumbling growl.

"D-don't you dare!"

Sharkbait chuckled and waited for a moment. When Blackclaw started to fall back under the warmth of the goo, Sharkbait's eyes glittered. "I would never hurt my favorite hero. Night City needs your expertise after all and I need my fun so...."

Sharkbait cleared his throat, his full package wobbling when he took a step back and suddenly he looked exactly like he was standing to lecture the hero. The goo started to spread further. It moved across Blackclaw's mouth and over his lips. The bear attempted to protest but it was muffled by the goo. When it spread over Blackclaw's nose, the bear started to panic and struggle.

Sharkbait noticed the bear was beginning to worry. After all, suffocation would not be a fun way to go. He held up a finger.

"Wait for it...."

There was a loud gasp of air and Sharkbait smiled. "Ahh, thank goodness for Octo's slime for capturing oxygen. The little rascal has thought of everything."

Blackclaw glared at his opponent but Sharkbait just shrugged. "Anyway, where was I..."

The villain snapped his fingers. "Ahh, right. It is always best for a new toy of mine to know what is going to happen to them. Last time was just so fun that I thought a round two was in order."

Sharkbait walked forward again. His hands reached forward towards Blackclaw's cock which was now throbbing. The ooze that was around it managed to get into the suit and wrapped around Blackclaw's cock like a fleshlight. It was as if the suit wasn't even an obstacle in the first place for the crafty gel. The same treatment was applied to Blackclaw's nipples and the bear's back rolled as his body tensed.

"You just have such an expressive body."

Sharkbait started at Blackclaw's pecs and worked his way into the valley between them. His fingers trailed along the hardened slime and went down over Blackclaw's belly. The bear now gave muffled gasps and groans, his eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head as he was edged and milked.

"Admittedly, I do play with other people sometimes are so special to me, Blackclaw," Sharkbait said with a whimper. Blackclaw's ears were covered in green slime, but the bear's ears could perk due to the slime being soft and moldable like what was around his cock and nipples. The shark pulled his thong singlet to the side and ground down against Blackclaw's member. The muscular globes squeezed around the bear's thick maleness and Sharkbait bit his lip.

"But you are so special to me," Sharkbait whispered needfully in Blackclaw's ears. "Where would I be without my studly, suave rival?"

Sharkbait relaxed his hole and let the tip of Blackclaw's cock slide right in. He was clearly prepared for the situation. His ring had no resistance and it slipped in without a fight. The slime crept up to Blackclaw's forehead. The bear's nervous system was on overdrive. The slime was beginning to do something to him. It was changing him. Not by much but little adjustments here and there. Bigger balls. A little bit of a harder member. Some extra hormones flooding his mind and filling it with a flood of emotions.

"You know that it is really hard to hold back my need to have you forever. I could break your mind so easily and keep you and whenever I needed a taste of my big lover bear then I wouldn't have to capture you. The fighting is so barbaric. There's no need for this, is there? I could give you endless pleasure and you'd be mine..."

Blackclaw breathed deep. He didn't care anymore. Whatever was going to happen was out of his control and he could only hold on. The resistance he had to the situation dimmed as more of his spandex covered shaft disappeared inside of Sharkbait. He started to feel strange, however. Dizzy perhaps. With the influx of chemicals in his mind and wreaking havoc on his nervous system, his senses were starting to spiral.

Sharkbait took notice and smiled. "That's a good bear. Just fall asleep and let Sharkbait take care of the rest. You'll feel much better when you wake up. Like a new hero ready to save the day..."

Blackclaw let himself fall under and passed out within the perverted hug of the slime suit that sealed around him. He did not know what he would emerge as or how long it would take for his body to be ready but he didn't care. He just wanted to get off at this point. It was too much. His dreams were oddly pleasant for being captured and held hostage in such a humiliating way. It was all so strange but he wasn't going to find the answers within his own head. He let himself fall deeper into his restful sleep.


Blackclaw woke up from his slumber with a start. His pupils were wide and his massive chest heaved. He touched his face and his arms. He touched his legs and thighs and gave a long sigh of relief. It was just a dream. His luxury penthouse was still in full view. The panoramic window that overlooked his bed filtered in the morning light of Night City's best view; the massive statue of the glorious Mayor in full detail. The stonework was immaculate and it was high enough to practically touch the clouds.

A flatscreen at the end of the bed stood motionless. If there was an issue, he would have received a call first thing in the morning but the other heroes must had taken care of whatever problems were out. Blackclaw tried to think back to the last fight he had. Was it really with Sharkbait? The monstrous villain truly had it out for him in his dreams but did Blackclaw really fight Sharkbait? The bear thought hard. No, the last villain he fought was Hard Place and his stupid rock powers. The fact that particular villain wanted to take over the Mayor's offices was laughable. He barely had a working henchmen strategy.

Blackclaw cursed his own memory. The fact he could not remember fully what he was doing the night before was probably due to unrest. That had to be the only case. Blackclaw nervously looked in the mirror next to his dresser. It faced the bed and reflected back a normal looking brown bear. His fur had a shimmer to it due to sweat but nothing more. Blackclaw sniffed. No smell of any undesirables or sewage so that was good. It had to be dream....

There was only one place left to check.

The bear put a hand on his chest and started to trail down towards his belly. There was no ooze in sight. None of the obnoxious goop over his nipples or...

Blackclaw looked down at his covers and gulped. He always slept naked but he could feel something stirring between his legs. His morning wood always got to him. Being a hero was a very stressful job and so the hero had to relieve himself frequently enough. The fact that he had a series of small toys underneath his bathroom sink hidden away behind some doors was embarrassing enough for a hero of his caliber but needs had to be met. The thought alone sent heat straight to the bear's cheeks and his groin twitched.

"Well, it has to be done," Blackclaw mumbled and gripped the top of his covers. Before he could check his groin, the flatscreen in front of his bed came to life.

"Goooooooooood morning my favorite herrrrroooo!"

The cadence was enough to make Blackclaw's heart do a flip in his chest. The same shark in his dreams now projected themselves digitally right into his bedroom and was tapping the screen and grinning ear to ear. Those sharp, pointed teeth were on full display and Sharkbait was even more dressed down.

The thong singlet he wore earlier was replaced with a ringed jockstrap. The aqua blue material had a ring on the back that was big enough for his tail and the pouch of it must have been made from some sort of stretch fabric that highlighted every bump and curve of his member. From the thick head down to the body of his maleness, there was nothing left to the imagination.

Blackclaw blushed, attempting to tear his eyes away from the lewd display and the way Sharkbait's pouch bounced within the confines of the soft material. The shark moved away from the TV with a smile.

"Ahhh! Good! My favorite companion is up and ready to save the day! Along with his sidekick. Oh and don't give me that look. Octo told me you'd be up around this time."

Blackclaw's blush deepened and he bolted out from underneath the covers. Angrily, he pointed at the screen.

"You scoundrel! What have you done to me this time?!"

Sharkbait looked hurt and leaned back in his chair. A tentacle came out of the darkness behind him and wrapped around his neck as if pulling him back into an embrace. Another one went underneath the chair, up between his legs and rested on his abs.

"Oh Blackclaw! It hurts that you call me such mean names..."

"Enough of your games. Did you reveal who I was?"

Sharkbait put a hand up to his mouth and gasped. "No! I would never. That would ruin our fun. What is the point of our battles and fighting if our relationship goes PUBLIC!"

Blackclaw deflated for a moment.

"What monsters did you release?"

Sharkbait grinned. "None! But I see a monster I that is just begging to be released between your legs...."

Blackclaw frowned and placed a large paw on his forehead. He reached over to his nightstand to grab the clicker on his stand and pointed it at the TV. He pressed the power button and to the hero's amusement, the TV turned off right before a protesting villain could say another word.

The hero sat on the end of his bed and hummed. He had no time to be dealing with whatever Sharkbait had concocted. He had a city to save and people to interrogate and media personnel to meet with and so many other uncountable responsibilities that the little distraction that Sharkbait was doing would have to wait.

The thing that was between his legs disagreed. The pouch of the slimy black briefs wiggled and jiggled around Blackclaw's morning wood. It seemed stable and eager. The bear jumped off the bed and grabbed the waistband of the briefs only for it to move around his two thumbs that were hooked in the "waistband" when he tried to pull them down. When he attempted to pull them down at the front, the briefs did manage to budge but showed something that Blackclaw was not prepared to see. A very familiar, green ooze was formed into the shape of a ring that was right at the base of his large and throbbing maleness. Blackclaw's eyes widened and he reached forward to grab it only for the slime around his cock to quickly move forward and wrap itself around the head of his cock and start to stroke him quickly and efficiently.

Blackclaw's knees buckled and he kneeled on the floor as the slime worked around his cock like the fleshlight he stashed underneath his sink. What made this different though was how warm and alive it felt. It was like he was sinking right into his true sidekick's delicious rump after a hard battle. The wolf was always so needy and after showering off all that sweat, he couldn't help but pin the sidekick against the shower wall, shove his tongue right down the wolf's throat, and then turn him around and pound him senseless.

"Wha-what....what is going on with me?" Blackclaw groaned as his legs started to shake. The TV screen flickered to life again and an irate Sharkbait sat in his chair with his arms crossed and tapping his right foot.

"First off, rude. Second, you probably want me to explain..."

Blackclaw nodded and leaned forward to grip the flooring of his apartment. His claws dug into the wood as the slime continued its work across his hard, aching dick. Were his balls bigger now? He could feel them slap against the slime as it made horribly loud suckling noises. If he had neighbors, they'd either hear the slime or his moans and neither of them sounded pleasant to deal with.

Sharkbait smiled and cleared his throat. "Ahem! Alright then! What you have attached to you is a symbiotic parasite that Octo brought with him to outer space!"

Blackclaw looked up to the TV with a confused expression before beginning to moan again when the slime cupped his balls and moved out over his crotch.

"E-explain....more....!" Blackclaw practically yelled as he was milked right on the floor of his apartment.

Sharkbait sighed. "It is an organism that lives with Octo but we both decided it would help us make you into the best hero you could possibly be....for us!"

Blackclaw grimaced at the idea of being another one of Sharkbait's toys and glared at the screen. "I'll find a way to rip this off. You'll never get me to do anything as horrible as what villains do!"

Sharkbait blinked. "Oh think I want to be a villain? Oh, Blackclaw."

Sharkbait leaned forward towards the camera as if he was going to jump straight out of the screen. "I want YOU to be the best hero for ME. I want you to do all your hero things and all your hero interviews and all your blah blah blah blah blah..."

Sweat dripped down Blackclaw's forehead. He looked up at the screen for any more answers. "Stop your games and just tell me!" Another long suckle made Blackclaw tense for a moment and his naked rump flexed forward needfully into the open "mouth" of the slime.

Sharkbait stopped his rant, bringing his right hand down from a mocking motion and uncrossing his eyes to appear much more serious. "I want you all to myself, my sweet Blackclaw!"

Sharkbait's covered eyes had wrinkles at the end from how hard he was smiling. "Just imagine! You come home after fighting against a foolish renegade villain all sweaty and vulnerable and HARD and I can just ravage you! Play with you all I want and then you leave my hideout and do it again...and again! It is all I wanted for all these years and you STILL mess around with other villains. It breaks my heart, Blackclaw!"

Sharkbait slumped in his chair as if he was dealt a serious blow. Blackclaw seemed to gather enough intelligence to figure out exactly what the shark was saying.

"You want me to just exist like I normally do and come back to your hideout and get defeated by you?"

Sharkbait clicked his tongue and shot towards the camera. "Oh my! Yes, you delicious little slice of bear. Mmm, you know how many times I've thought about our little escapade? I want you to do exactly what you always do. I want you to defeat other villains and I cross my heart that I won't rob another bank or take another innocent bystander to be my play thing or...."

Sharkbait went on a whole laundry list of things he would not do as Blackclaw was still withering on the floor. The bear clawed at the wood of his penthouse. The beautiful cherry color was ripped away by his sharp claws and he began to drool on the floor. The slime still continued to suck away.

"....or destroy public property. Or extort from shop owners. Or threaten the Mayor. Or..."

"Fine! I doubt you are telling the truth but fine! I accept whatever terms you have!" Blackclaw growled out and shivered as the slime sucked away a large dollop of precum into its folds. It disappeared and broke up as it was consumed by the voracious monster.

Sharkbait clapped like he was just given the most exciting and new thing during Christmas day.

"Oh, that is so wonderful to hear! Then you'll be happy to know about the equipment Octo and I have so graciously given to you! First, we did make some modifications to your already very generous package..."

Blackclaw looked down at the briefs he had around his waist. Yeah, his package did look bigger alright and he reached down to grope it. His body tensed for just a second and a small moan left his lips. Sharkbait took notice.

The scoundrel leaned forward again, breathing heavily into the microphone. "Oh, you'll love this too my little bear friend! The briefs around your waist are my creation! At a whim, I can change their molecular shape to best suit the purpose I want for you AND best of all, you can change it to! Within reason, of course."

Blackclaw huffed. His nervous system was moving in overdrive. There was nothing the kinky bastard hadn't thought of. He was on the verge of climax and about to go right over the edge. He bent forward into more of a doggy style position, facing the mirror and watching his cock get worked over by the symbiotic parasite taking all the cum it possibly could in what looked to be some tight milker around him.

His body was certainly modified. Some of the changes were subtly like the way his pelvis dipped into legs. The V was much more accentuated and his thighs flexed with more hardened muscle. Even his pecs looked more defined. The biggest change was his balls and shaft, however. They were larger and more pronounced and even more so in the newest spandex singlet that wrapped snug around his body and even up to his hands and down his paws. The briefs were no more and replaced with the tight material that hugged every part of his body in excruciating detail. Even the claw of the original suit was there. The black material made the final piece by covering around the bear's eyes with his signature eyewear.

His newest outfit was certainly more revealing but not tasteless. It made his junk wobble inside of its newest pouch but wasn't any more scandalous than the most risque superhero. Honestly, it was perfect. The slime still worked his cock in the spandex prison. It sucked and formed more of a ring around the tip of the bear's member as if Blackclaw was about to go balls deep into a welcoming rump. When his cock went on through the ring, he moaned out.

"Ahh, that's such a good sound! I love when you are so eager, Blackclaw! Now, you should stand and flex for me!" Sharkbait said as he groped his own bulge to the very lewd display.

Blackclaw got to his paws, albeit they were shaking but he managed to. His balls felt like they were about to explode as he stood up straight. He did not flex, however but instead brought his tongue out and drooled down onto the floor. Saliva rolled off his chin and fell in little droplets. He had to shake himself out of it. He needed to give Sharkbait a piece of his non-perverted mind.

"N-no...just let me finish, please..."

Sharkbait placed a hand on his cheek and tapped the armrest with his finger. "Hmmm, you had the ability to finish all along, Blackclaw! The edging will truly begin when you get back to my lair. I bet you'll look nice strung up by Octo for my enjoyment."

The slime continued to plunge deeper around Blackclaw's member like it truly was a nice, warm entrance opening up to accept his cock. More and more was enveloped by the hungry slime. Blackclaw tried to relax. He focused on his breathing and the pleasure that was surrounding his groin. The warmth that worked across his shaft and the sloppy slurps and schelps of the slime working across his cock. If Sharkbait was correct, then he could just cum right now.

Not caring about his new suit, Blackclaw's hands clenched, his body flexed, and his heart began to race faster than it already was. Sweat began to pool up underneath the suit but it was whisked away by the molecular re-configuration of the suit to keep him relatively cool. His balls churned full of a load that he was edged into producing. Immediately, he could feel his hard member beginning to throb and pulse. As if on instinct, he readied himself for the mess he was about to create.

"Ooooh, this is going to be explosive!" Sharkbait said with unsuppressed excitement.

Blackclaw gave a couple of long breaths before gritting his teeth and grunting out. His shaft throbbed and jumped before unleashing a torrent of seed right into the slime around his cock. The bear's paws squeezed and twitched as he gave shot after shot of virile, hot, and white bear jizz straight into the awaiting slime's "hole." The symbiotic creature took it without any protest. Even though its end bulged out like a freshly used condom, the slime stopped its sucking and wiggling as it digested its newest take.

"Wooooow! How amazing!" Sharkbait exclaimed. Blackclaw was beginning to come down from his hard orgasm and hot puffs of air came from his open mouth as he collected himself. Although the suit helped minimize sweat, he could still feel it underneath his new costume and especially on his face and flushed cheeks. Blackclaw noticed the slime between his legs was doing nothing as it ate the cum given to it and Blackclaw was thankful for the momentary peace and quiet.

" had your fun now. When will you let this charade end?" Blackclaw asked and looked up at the TV. Sharkbait was taken aback but only for a moment. He was surprised enough that he took his hand away from the inside of his jock. He paused as if in thought and then smiled wide.

"You can end this at any time. I wouldn't be a very good lover if I didn't let you have any autonomy in our new....relationship," Sharkbait smirked. Blackclaw felt a wave of relief wash over him. In all honesty, he didn't even get too humiliated by the villain. This was like one big game to the shark and the superhero was glad that was all it was. Deep down, he was also happy that he had a slime to help him out. It certainly made the morning more enjoyable.

Blackclaw shook his mind away from such intrusive thoughts. "It sounds like there is a catch, though."

"Oh there most certainly is," Sharkbait said with a trill to his voice. "The only thing I ask is that you come to my lair at the end of the day today and tell me yourself. You have to look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want the power I gave you."

Blackclaw raised an eyebrow. "You mean the creature you attached to my junk and this really silly looking suit?"

Sharkbait had a sparkle in his eyes. The vibrant ocean blue sent a shiver down Blackclaw's spine. Even more than the slime that was still lightly sucking away at his cock.

"You'll see. Knock 'em dead, sexy bear and come see me in the evening."

The TV went dark leaving a very awake Blackclaw who now had more questions running through his head than answers.



Blackclaw's voice reverberated throughout Sharkbait's layer. It bounced off of the cold, unyielding concrete and deep down into the sewers. Only a day ago he was trapped within what he thought would be his doom. Now, he was going back. Some heroes would call him a fool for going back but he needed answers.

There was something not right about his suit. His bulge wobbled and wiggled within it and it was all due to the slime that kept....molesting him. Groping his larger maleness and sliding its way between the cleft of his cheek and up along his hole if it got really adventurous. It was also starting to get bigger from all the feeding. It constantly kept Blackclaw on edge inside of his suit and the light slurps of the slime doing its job was embarrassing. Especially when Blackclaw was fighting some monsters attacking the city, getting pinned down, and then that light sucking reached him and his opponent's. Luckily, it was just enough time for Blackclaw to collect his thoughts and dodge or counter attack but part of him just wanted to submit.

Blackclaw shook the thoughts away from his consciousness again. It was the damn slime that was still sucking away at his most private of areas. The long slurp that it gave as it lapped up like it was starving made the bear blush. He needed to give Sharkbait a piece of his mind. He wanted to tell him that he wasn't going to be a tool to be played with but that slime that endlessly milked him kept him on edge.

Each walk made his erect member wobble in his suit and pushed it right up into the cock ring turned milker. There was nothing left that wasn't untouched by the nimble slime's movements and each jostle and shake made Blackclaw groan softly. As Blackclaw made his way down into Sharkbait's hideout, the green slime was back. Blackclaw managed to avoid it for a while but it was inevitable until he would have another encounter. He wondered what would happen if he did? Part of him was pervertedly curious. What if he just stopped being a hero and submitted to whatever the parasite wanted to do with him? Part of him knew that would be a risky idea but Sharkbait had never hurt him so the parasite must also be somewhat safe.

"Grrrr, get out of my head," Blackclaw said out loud. He didn't think and soon he found himself trailing over the green slime. He gasped when it creeped over his paws and the cool warmth turned into a warmth that penetrated deep into his tired muscles. It was such a nice feeling but strangely enough, that was as far as it went.

The slime creeped back down which left a panting bear. Curious about the creature, Blackclaw stood for just a moment more. It was an enemy and he needed to learn more about it. The creature creeped up to his foot and once again moved back down. Blackclaw tisked. He checked on his own slime by groping his suit to feel it squeeze around his cock and suck harder for a moment. He groaned in response.

The sound made Blackclaw's ears flick. Not because it was a different sound than he has been making before but because of the way it reverberated. Blackclaw paused for a moment and looked around. He was in a massive dome. It stretched up and up and must have been made out of hard steel with the way it held up the dirt that surrounded it. Directly in front of Blackclaw was a lit pathway that made its way towards the center of the dome. Right in the middle was a massive supercomputer. Various buttons glowed and changed just underneath a huge monitor and a screensaver was just on the front.

"Sharkbait" was written in deep orange letters along with the symbol of the kniving villain; open jaws of a great white made in a stylized fashion. Blackclaw ran forward across the pathway, not realizing that the walkway was glass and a shadow was following underneath the walkway.

The bear ducked behind the monitor and looked carefully around. There was no sign of Sharkbait. He did tell him he was going to be at his layer but maybe he had an urgent errand to run. Blackclaw hoped it was some horrible errand because he needed time. He walked around to the front of the computer and looked it over. The digital light reflected on Blackclaw's face even though there was plenty of light inside of Sharkbait's large dungeon.

Blackclaw grabbed the mouse and gave it a click. The computer required a digital password. The slime around his junk started to suckle harder as if punishing him for snooping for a way out of his predicament.

"Grrrrr, what could my greatest rival's password be..."

He typed the number 1 followed by three digits in succeeding order.

The screen shook and the little black dots that filled the password screen received a blue highlight. They demanded another answer.

The shadow underneath the walkway moved to the grates on either side of the computer console. Unlike before, these grates were large enough to fit one average sized person right on through. The shadowy presence reached a slick tendril out of the depths of the murky water and towards the console. Blackclaw was too busy guessing passwords to look over his shoulder to notice it crept ever closer. Longer and longer the tendril reached until it was finally right over Blackclaw's head.

A small drop of water fell from the tip of the tentacle and landed on Blackclaw's head. The bear felt a shiver race down his spine and looked up to see the alien appendage lumbering over him. He did not have any time to react. It quickly wrapped around his body and bound him. Blackclaw was carried up into the air and suspended. His body floated helplessly with the tentacle wrapped around his torso and holding him up. He tried to wiggle free but the tentacle only squeezed harder to keep him still. It wasn't crushing him by any means but if it wanted to, it could have beat him against the floor until he was unconscious. Or worse.

After a moment, Octo lowered him until his paws touched the steel floor.

"Let me go, beast!" Blackclaw roared and continued to try to struggle. His muscles started to become fatigued. Even with his updated form, he still only had a limited amount of energy and it was being wasted trying to get out of the grapple he was in.

The slime that was around his member wiggled happily now that it was right next to its partner in crime. Reunited with its "friend", the little slime joyfully wobbled and stroked the bear host and the superhero could do nothing but groan and moan as the creature around his cock and balls took what was due. The cock ring around the base of his dick tightened and the bear flexed and tensed as the slime stroked him happily.

" vile thing! Mmmmf.....damn...."

The tentacle continued to pull him towards the water as if the creature it belonged to was curious about its catch. The one that caught the bear could only be one thing; Octo. Blackclaw struggled at the realization that Octo might pull him down into the water and quickly end his journey. The slime around his member was making it hard for him to concentrate...

"Awwww, Octo found a playmate! How cute! He just wants to see his slime again....sounds like he is confused as to why you have so many clothes on."

Sharkbait stepped out of the shadows dressed in the same outfit he had on when he was on Blackclaw's TV screen. His lean but muscular body that contrasted against the bear's own belly but broadly built body was clad in just that white jockstrap which looked even more brilliant in the artificial light. His muscular cheeks were on full display in the villain's lair. He was truly right at home.

The only thing that white jockstrap matched was the eye mask he wore to protect his identity. Sharkbait practically strutted forward and smirked as he watched Blackclaw momentarily struggle.

"Oh come on, Blackclaw. Octo won't hurt ya. He listens to me and this is just his way of saying he wants to play! He likes you....and you might as well get used to your new evening retreat because I know that your fights went surprisingly well," Sharkbait smirked. He brought a finger up along Blackclaw's belly and trailed it up right towards the bear's left pec. He let his finger simply sit on Blackclaw's nipple and the cool touch forced a shiver down Blackclaw's spine.

"You sit right there. Octo will make sure you are nice and comfortable while I replay some of today's spectacular events."

Sharkbait had a pep to his step and giggled like a school child as he made his way back to the monitor.

"Let's see here..."

Sharkbait typed in the four number passcode and his fingers expertly hit "5, 6, 7, 8" in sequence. He clicked the enter button and Sharkbait was delighted to find the last tab he had open was the evening news. It was not live by any means. That ship had sailed about five hours ago since it was nearly midnight at this time but Sharkbait could not help but watch the replay of the news for one particular reason.

"Blackclaw, you were the star of the show today! You should have seen yourself!"

Sharkbait hit the spacebar to have the news start playing.

"In a miraculous display of heroism, Blackclaw took down Dr. Robo and Vipertooth in a destructive face-off. The villains came into Night City's police headquarters in order to shake down the chief of the city, Mr. Bradford, who was responsible for the imprisonment of..."

Sharkbait paused the recording. "This was the greatest fight I have ever seen you do and it was all thanks to my new improvements!"

The shark beamed ear to ear. His pointy fangs practically sparkled in delight.

"N-no! I defeated them on my own!"

"Mmm hmm. You have done that before but have you ever punched a villain so hard that they went right through the triple layer thick concrete of a police station?" Sharkbait continued with a sing-songy tone to his voice.

He turned back around and switched the tab. "Maybe this will convince you!"

Sharkbait hit the spacebar once again and Blackclaw was greeted with the sight of camera footage that came from directly within the police station he fought the two villains in. It was all quiet for just a second. The camera rotated to the right and then to the left and then to the right again before a figure flew past the camera at lightning speed and right through the wall the camera was pointed at. What was left there was a massive hole and the imprint of Dr. Robo who must have been flying at the speed of sound right through the concrete.

"EEEEE. You really knocked around his circuits, huh Blackclaw!" Sharkbait cackled and clapped his hands happily. He was so pleased with himself that he turned around quick enough to make his sizable bulge in his jockstrap bulge and wobble. The movement made Blackclaw blush and look away Sharkbait but he had to use the time to think. Was he really stronger? If he was, why couldn't he get out of Octo's grip?

Blackclaw flexed his arms and legs at once. His muscles suddenly received a surge of strength that he never felt before. Maybe he didn't concentrate enough during the fight in the morning but now he could feel it. Energy, explosive and unpredictable, shot through his body. He felt like he could do anything and fight anyone. He felt he could even fight the alien creature that had a hold around him. Instead of looking worried, Sharkbait was excited.

"Oh yes! Use your newfound power! Let's see the briefs in action!" Sharkbait exclaimed.

Octo gripped harder but it was too late. Blackclaw flexed harder and Octo had to catch up. Eventually, the predicament that Blackclaw was in didn't look too horrible. Combined with both Blackclaw's innate power and whatever Sharkbait had done to him, the bear ripped out of Octo's grip. The tentacle recoiled back and Octo gave what sounded like a yelp of surprise before the tentacle retreated back.

Sharkbait was clapping as he moved forward towards Blackclaw and the hero slowly came back down from his power high. His muscles suddenly felt almost spent. It was like he went overboard in order to draw power and now he was paying for it. Octo was a little angry at the change of events and the tentacle moved in for another grab but Sharkbait held out a hand and Octo relented. Instead, the tentacle wrapped around the bear's neck and squeezed possessively. Not painfully, but just enough to let the bear know they were around.

With the new power, Blackclaw could do anything. He could destroy everything around him including the hideout. He didn't need Sharkbait anymore. He had everything he could want and defeat all the villains he wanted.

"What is your game?" Blackclaw panted, standing straight and proud in his new armor while the slime still quietly sucked away at his member.

Sharkbait brought a hand to Blackclaw's side. "My sweet Blackclaw. I always wanted the best for you. Ever since we played around, I have been thinking of that day for so long that I..."

Sharkbait had tears beginning to well up in his eyes. Blackclaw was taken aback but was respectively silent. He let Sharkbait's hand linger on his side.

"I told you before but you just won't listen to me! I want you to be the best damn hero that Night City ever had and take out every villain that will get in your way," Sharkbait managed to spit out and his hand moved up to Blackclaw's cheek to stroke it. "Because when every villain is taken out, I get you all to myself. Then you'll come back to me and I'll treat you just like every hero needs to be treated..."

Blackclaw didn't know if Sharkbait meant the words behind his tears or not but the hand touching his cheek felt so soft and gentle. Maybe it was the hormones flooding his mind or the fact he had been on edge for all of his fights against the various villains but part of him wanted the touch to stay for just a little longer.

Luckily for Blackclaw, the hand moved down to his chest and Sharkbait felt the hero's heartbeat just underneath. The shark looked up at Blackclaw and saw that the bear was not making any move to stop him. He smiled happily.

"Do you want my power?" Sharkbait asked with a grin, wiping away tears with his free hand. "Do you want to be mine? Where I can milk you, fuck you, ravage you, play with you all I want and never bother another Night City resident while you are my number one toy?"

Blackclaw took a long breath. His cock was erect in his suit. His body was practically on fire. His brain had hardly any fight left in it anymore. The tentacle that was around his neck had the edge of it right on his lips and was threatening to slide in. A deep, dark part of Blackclaw wanted it to slide in his mouth and claim him. His whole body was screaming for him to give in. After all, if Sharkbait wanted him dead he would be at the mercy of Octo right now.

Blackclaw reached forward to place his hands on Sharkbait's shoulders. He didn't know what he was feeling but he felt a weird sense of trust. A bond between them that was forged in the multiple battles they fought against one another. Blood and sweat was shared between them and even something more carnal and pleasurable. Even if Sharkbait was pretty much insane, he was also everything that Blackclaw knew. Sharkbait looked up at the bear and instantly knew what was about to be said. Even though Sharkbait knew his plan was foolproof, his eyes went wide as Blackclaw's mouth gave the final answer.

"I...I want to be your toy..."

The answer made Blackclaw's cheeks turn red but Sharkbait had that sinister smile back once again. His chest puffed up confidently and he put two hands right on Blackclaw's pecs. He touched them intimately now. One like someone who just received a fantastic prize at an arcade.

"Good boy," Sharkbait said with a rumble to his voice. The tone was completely different than the soft, gentle Sharkbait that was before and Blackclaw thought he might have made a mistake.

Especially when Sharkbait pushed him backwards with a rough and purposeful shove.

The bear stumbled back, his paws slipping on the wet ground and soon he was plummeting towards the floor. Luckily, Octo was there to break his fall with a gentle tentacle that wrapped all around his body. This time though, Octo did not hold back. Octo wrapped the bear's arms and legs. They bound him by his neck and around his torso. The creature brought several more thick appendages that groped where the bear's suit met his body and Blackclaw could do nothing but moan and groan as a noticeable slime was left in the tentacle's wake.

"Nnnnngh..." Blackclaw groaned as the tentacles worked around him. They tugged at his suit and he struggled pathetically as the tentacles shredded it apart. Bit by bit, each piece of fabric was torn and thrown to the floor. It was scattered across the ground as it was unceremoniously removed. Sharkbait watched with amusement as the torn pieces started to merge together once again. Each piece functioned more like a fluid than it did a solid and congealed at one point before reforming together. The shark leaned down to pick up the solid ball of....whatever it was and squished it in his hand. It formed around his right hand and up along his arm and he huffed as it dug into his muscles and formed around his body.

"Mmmm, that is more like it."

Sharkbait looked at the surprised, struggling, and now naked bear. His pecs bounced as he was moved and jostled in the grip of the alien. Two tentacles came down to his ankles and wrapped around them before wrenching them apart and spreading his legs. A red blush crossed the superhero's face as he was exposed to the villain. His most intimate parts were now on full display; a hard, throbbing, and now leaking cock that was buried in the suckling maw of the enthusiastic slime. It formed a ring at the base of his cock as it pleasured him and Sharkbait smiled as it snaked down to the bear's balls and cupped them ever so gently.

"This looks like a condom ready to be filled, huh Blackclaw?" Sharkbait grinned and reached a hand into the slime. It was warm to the touch and vibrated around Sharkbait's hand. He moved his hand deeper until it touched Blackclaw's shaft. Almost by design, the slime started to aggregate together and move to the tip of Blackclaw's massive shaft. It congregated at the head before moving downward to just encompass the sensitive glands there and leaving Sharkbait's hand untouched.


Blackclaw bit his lip as his body was sucked on and used by the molesting slime. Sharkbait watched it curiously as it collected Blackclaw's precum and took it in like it was candy. He could not have been any more pleased. There was nothing more exciting than watching a man twitch and struggle in pleasure.

"That's it. Just let the little creature take care of you. Oh Octooooo," Sharkbait called in a melodic tone. The alien responded by bringing a tentacle forward. This one had a strange shape to that appeared to be phallic in shape.

"Oh, you'll need far more than that..."

Octo brought forth two other tentacles. One that looked much like a fleshlight and Octo opened up the tip to show the wide, wet, and alive entrance. The other two were more of a standard dildo shape. Sharkbait smirked.

"That's more like it," Sharkbait growled and pulled his jockstrap to the side. Sharkbait's cock was impressive to say the least. At least ten inches long and thick. Two tennis ball sized orbs wobbled between his legs. He was just as studly as before. No, maybe even more so to Blackclaw who nearly drooled upon seeing the hunk show off. Blackclaw was so far gone that his body was begging for something, anything to put him over the edge.

Blackclaw was in quite a predicament in his state and he was done putting up a fight. His arms and legs were bound and his muscles ached and fatigue filled every part of his body. He just wanted to get off at this point. His nerves screamed at him for release and he was at both the monster's will and whatever plans Sharkbait had for him. The fleshlight looking tentacle saw the opportunity to advance and took in Blackclaw's cock with a wet shlorp. The membrane that sealed Blackclaw's cock in a warm, welcoming embrace started to suck immediately and the bear could do nothing but dig his claws into the fleshy tentacle that surrounded his wrists. It wasn't that he was trying to escape but it was because his sensitive and abused member welcomed Octo's tentacle and pre spurted right up into the tentacle's waiting "mouth."


"That's it, Blackclaw," Sharkbait cooed and walked forward to stroke along Blackclaw's cheek. He watched the bear's face contort in pleasure and smirked when one of the dildo-shaped tentacles seeked its new home in Blackclaw's mouth. The dildo tentacle did not have to wait long before it pushed itself right into the bear's open maw. The hero sucked the tentacle as it ventured deeper and over his tongue. A liquid spurted over his lips, the fluid foreign but his throat reflexively swallowed. There was no fight in Blackclaw left. It was only a matter of time until the wicked fluid took effect.

"Awwww, I can see Octo really likes you! He's already giving you so much to drink..." Sharkbait said as he continued to jerk himself off. His musk radiated through the layer and the small drips of sweat rolled down his gorgeous muscles and onto the concrete below. He watched the tentacle that was pushed right into Bearclaw's mouth wiggle back further and pulse as it squirted more liquid inside. Meanwhile, the hero felt a warm glow begin in the pit of his stomach. It radiated outward and around his body like a wave. Each of his muscles was filled with vigor and Blackclaw's eyes widened as the feeling went straight to his spine and traveled up to his brain.

Heat made his skin flush and hot to the touch. His fur stood straight up on end and if the tentacle wasn't in his muzzle then he would be openly panting like a dog. Drool ran down his chin and Sharkbait brought a finger up to Blackclaw's face to wipe away the spit that gathered there. Octo continued to pump and Sharkbait brought his wet finger up to his lips. He tasted it and shivered.

"Mmmm, what a blissful effect. An aphrodisiac stronger than anything Earth has. You'll enjoy what it does to you my sweet little Blackclaw," Sharkbait said as his cock throbbed harder between his own legs. The tentacle around Blackclaw's member started to suck harder and work the hero's maleness as if it was a pair of warm lips or a thick ass riding him. Blackclaw's ass flexed. His cock moved deeper and Octo only gave him more. There was like an endless amount of room inside the fleshy tentacle and Blackclaw was taking full advantage of the sloppy feeling appendage. The "lube" inside must have been coated with the exact same aphrodisiac that flooded Blackclaw's mouth and into his throat.

"Mmmph....gluuuurk," Blackclaw groaned as he was pumped even fuller. More of the liquid swam around inside of him and as he digested it, he fell deeper and deeper into a state of perpetual need. His body could do nothing but suck on the tentacle and fall deeper into a lustful trance. Blackclaw did not even notice the other tentacle making its way towards his spread hole. The tentacle leaked, its fluids dripping onto the floor and Octo made what sounded like a rumbling quake. The tentacle's end expanded for just a moment and several shots of warm fluid splattered onto Blackclaw's hole. It left a warmth over his sensitive entrance and Blackclaw felt some recollection come back as the fluid worked its way around his most sensitive areas.

"Oooooh," Sharkbait smirked and brought his fingers to Blackclaw's hole and felt the slick liquid that was sprayed on his hole. "This is exactly like lube, isn't it?"

Sharkbait grabbed the base of his cock and wiped it up against the liquid and pushed up against Blackclaw's hole. He smirked and leaned over the groaning bear. His hips were right at the position where he could thrust in at a moment's notice. Right when Sharkbait added just a bit of pressure against Blackclaw's hole, Sharkbait felt it flutter.

Blackclaw opened his mouth around the tentacle that was in his throat. Breathing was easy; he had gotten used to it being right inside and the bear had no trouble with how much it was stretching out his mouth and throat. But what worried him more was the fact he was so very close. Sweat started to pool around him and drip towards the ground, his body clenched and his balls pulled up to his body and the next thing he knew he was roaring into the tentacle gag that was shoved into his mouth. He came right up into the fleshlight tentacle. His body spasmed as it let its payload go right into Octo's tentacle and they sucked it right on up.

"Ooooooh! A little teasing is all it took, huh? Well, Octo isn't going to stop just for one! What bad hosts we would be if we didn't keep going!" Sharkbait said with a smirk and pushed the tip of his cock in. Instead of feeling pain, Blackclaw felt euphoria. No matter how much Sharkbait pushed in, the hero's member still throbbed as if he didn't just unload moments ago and more and more his hole started to get spread. The mixture of pre and the aphrodisiac was enough lubrication to make the penetration easy and painless.

"I am almost all the way in you, my sweet Blackclaw," Sharkbait groaned as only the very base of his member poked out of Blackclaw's tight hole. The warmth and way it squeezed around his member was divine. The slickness was almost too much for poor Sharkbait who had to take a moment to let the pleasure that coursed through his body wane just a little.

Blackclaw could only moan around the tentacle still lodged in his mouth. His cock was being stroked and played with once again but he noticed he wasn't sensitive to Octo's molestations. It was all like one big, warm blanket of ecstasy that wrapped around his body and made him feel so welcome.

Sharkbait's drool landed on Blackclaw's chest and the shark had used his hands to steady himself and Sharkbait moved his hips experimentally.

"Mmm, remember this? I do, my little bear. I have wanted you so bad since then and now I have you," Sharkbait said as he brought his hips back and forward again. Blackclaw gave a muffled moan.

Blackclaw thought back to the hours upon hours they were rolling around on top of one another. Their bodies were hardly ever apart. Lips would crash together and when they both finished, they would start again and Blackclaw swore that he would never tell anyone what happened. Sharkbait promised that day would never get out either but not without confessing his secret admiration for the hero.

It was all so messy and Blackclaw secretly loved it. He loved the scandal. Part of him wanted the news to get out that he was seeing Sharkbait. He wanted the whole world to know how deprived and immoral he was and have the whole world watch a shark villain rearrange his insides. Sharkbait started to move his hips faster.

"Mmmmmf, so tight my little bear," Sharkbait moaned as his hips crashed into the bear spread before him. The sounds of sex reverberated through the walls of the hide out. Blackclaw groaned into the tentacle and spread his legs further. The cock that speared into him over and over only made him want more. He relaxed around Sharkbait's member and whimpered as it spread his hole and claimed him.

Ten minutes passed and then fifteen. Sharkbait's balls plapped against Bearclaw's hole and the shark now was at a loss for words. His body was the only thing speaking and it wanted nothing more than to give Blackclaw everything.

"You ready, hero? Ready for me to pump you full?" Sharkbait moaned and started to switch to deeper, more meaningful thrusts. Blackclaw had nothing left in his balls to cum but he still kept climaxing. Each hit against his prostate and the constant sucking made him shiver and shake. There was nothing he could do but accept his position and he wanted all of it. Sharkbait rolled his hips. Each hit was hard and right on point and with one loud roar of victory, Sharkbait came.

The load flooded Blackclaw's guts and filled him up. He swore he could feel it pooling inside of him and his hole couldn't hold it. Enough of it ran down his ass and onto the floor that it started to splatter and pool on the floor. Blackclaw gave a weak huff as he finished inside of Octo's suckling tentacle once again. It was only a dribble. It was all Blackclaw could give. Sharkbait finished his climax and fell right down onto Blackclaw's soft body. His fingers traced across the muscle and played with Blackclaw's nipples.

"Mmmm, that was so lovely. I am so glad you agreed to this."

Blackclaw gave a tired grunt in response and Sharkbait chuckled.

"That's a good hero. Just rest because we aren't done yet."

Blackclaw had a feeling he would be at Sharkbait's mercy for a little while longer but he didn't mind. Everything had happened so fast and yet he was happy to be in the position he was in. He got to destroy the villains that were giving him trouble and have really great sex. Maybe it was the aphrodisiac talking but part of him had always hoped for something like this. What he wasn't expecting; however, was Sharkbait to rub his stomach and ask something very intimate.

"You want to stay the night, Blackclaw? I got extra room on my bed...even fit for a hero as big as yourself."

Blackclaw thought for a moment. He was already balls deep in whatever Sharkbait had planned. Literally. What was a little more fun?

Blackclaw nodded. Sharkbait grinned.

"That's a good boy. I love you, Blackclaw."

The bear blushed.

The two just relaxed with one another for just a moment. Octo seemed to have got the message and let up on Blackclaw but his tentacles were still left where they were before. Ten relaxing minutes passed before Sharkbait slapped Blackclaw's thighs and said,

"Alright, time for round two big guy!"