Hello! Hello! Chapter 3 - Control

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#3 of Hello! Hello!

Author's Note: I'm Nicki El-em-en-oh-winsky! Ok so I know your total confused right now, but this chapter should provide a lot of clarification. Comments always welcome. XD.

Five lil mama? You a three star, I ain't sleeping when I say I'm in my dream car oh, did I stutter? Harajuku hyphen Barbie I'm hot I think it's time to put the rice in!



I limped around school the entire day. When people asked why, I told them I fell and sprained my leg. Except for my best friend, Seth. He always got the truth though.

Alright, stop. Remember when I said I wasn't out to anyone? Well I completely forgot about Seth. He knows every single detail about my life, but hasn't told a soul. I think he gets off on that. Play.

Seth was a husky, like me. His fur was a shiny teal blue, except for the white underbelly. He was slightly taller than I was. His eyes were a mysterious dark brown. "Dude," he whispered, "what's up with your leg?" A slight grin crossed my face.

"I fell," I replied. He caught the smirk.

"Bullshit, what really happened?"

"Well," I whispered, "I got my ass ripped in half by the sexiest wolf in town."

"Is he a...client?" he looked around to make sure no one was listening.

"If he is, then he didn't pay," I smirked. We sat down at the red picnic table. A task that was almost unbearable.

"Wow, he really got you, didn't he?" Seth snickered.

"He's fucking huge, dude. Like seventeen inches."

"What the fuck ever," Seth said in disbelief.

"Ok, I exaggerated a little bit, but it's definitely on the nine to ten side."

"I'm surprised you don't have a hangover. You usually do after you get laid." He was referring to the fact that I drank a lot before sex.

"I know, right? I think it has something to do with the weed we smoked."

"You did what?!" His jaw dropped open.

"Oh, come on, it's weed. It's not like I was sniffing lines of coke. It's the same as the cigarettes you smoke."

"No, it's not. Cigarettes don't get you high."

"Yes, they do! It's just a different kind of high," I defended, "look that's not even the point."

"So what's he look like? Don't drool on the table." Seth reached in his black messenger bag, pulled out two sandwiches, and passed me one.

"Well he's tall-"

"Wait, tall to me or tall to you because you know you're kind of... short."

"Yeah, I know! He's tall to me. He's probably like an inch taller than you are. He has the best body in the world. He has amber eyes and grey fur. He's a wolf, by the way."

"Does he go here or Terrance?" Seth asked with a brow cocked.

"He's graduated actually."

"Really? How old is he?"

"Twenty-six," I spat quickly and Seth started to choke on his sandwich. I blushed and hid my face in my paws. I knew this would be his reaction.

"Twenty-six!?" he scolded after he had cleared his airway. "He's ten years older than you, Nick!"

"I know."

"What would a twenty-six year old want with a sixteen year old that he couldn't possible get somewhere else?"

"He said I was a cool kid."

"I'll bet you are! You're probably the only kid that willingly slept with him. I mean, he could be a pedophile or a child murderer!"

"He's not!"

"You don't know that! You met him last night!"

"Dude, this is the same thing you said last year when that senior fucked me in the locker room, but it ended up as just a one time thing."

"Are you going back out with him?"

"I'm supposed to tonight at midnight, but my ass hurts so bad. I'd rather just stay at home."

"Can I meet him?" I thought about it for a second.

"I'll text him and see."

"We're still hanging out tonight, right?"

"Until midnight." Seth nodded and returned to eating. I slid my silver phone out of my pocket easily and sent Kaiden a text.

Do u want 2 meet my friend 2nite?

I waited for a moment and then my phone vibrated.

How does he know about me? Kaiden replied.

What do you mean? I text back.

I mean How the FUCK does he know who I am?

I just told him.

Without asking me first? I started to feel anxious in my stomach. Not because he didn't want to meet Seth, but because he was mad at me.

I'm sorry I didn't know.

Look, it doesn't matter. I'm not having a good day. I'll meet him if you want.

No, it's fine. What's so bad about your day?

Missing you. All the anxiety went away and I sighed. I noticed Seth watching me text with curious eyes.

Well tonight, I'll make your day all better.

How are you going to do that?

I guess I could give you another back massage. I was getting hard just texting him. How was that even possible?

I really want to see you wet.

Haha. I already am. I smiled to myself. Proud of my sexting skills.

I mean in the shower. If you're up for it of course.

I'm sure you can get me "up" for it.

LOL. I put the phone back in my pocket. Seth was still staring at me.

"He said yes," I assured.

"Ok," Seth shrugged. The bell rang and we walked our separate ways. The rest of the day went by very slowly. Kaiden texted me every now and then and I replied when the teachers were busy. The final bell rang and I met up with Seth in the parking lot. He drove me to his house in his white Honda Accord. I was still texting Kaiden when I got this message.

How are you still texting if you're at soccer practice?

We haven't started yet.

You said it was right after school.

It is. We're waiting on the coach.

Yeah, but I just passed the school and there were kids on the field, but not you. I froze up. My mind raced for an excuse.

That's the varsity team. I'm not on that one.

They didn't do that when I went there.

You're getting old, Kaiden. J/K.

I guess I am. We pulled up at Seth's house. Seth's house was huge. It looked like the white house or some other famous mansion. We followed the walkway to the door and I raced Seth up the stairs to his room. He won as always. I fell back on the red bed and took a deep breath.

"Heard anything more from the dude?" Seth asked.

"Yeah, he almost caught me in a lie," I laughed.

"You're already lying to him?" Seth looked shocked.

"I just told him I was on the soccer team. He drove by and didn't see me. I pulled it off though."

"You pull everything off, Nick."

"Shut up, asshole!" Seth laughed at his own joke. Seth turned on his computer and started surfing the web. I took my shoes off and kicked back to watch TV. I don't remember falling asleep, but I must have.

"Nick, Nick, Nicki!" My eyes shot open and I saw Seth standing over me with a concerned look.

"What?" I asked rubbing my eyes and stretching.

"Two minutes to twelve and you have seven missed calls," Seth looked very nervous. All the calls were from Kaiden and there were four texts that progressively got angrier. I got that anxious feeling in my stomach again. "Hey my mom said I can't go out tonight, but I'll meet him later, ok?" Seth was lying and I knew it.

"Ok," I called Kaiden. He answered on the first ring.

"Hello?" He was not happy.

"Hey, I'm-"

"Why didn't you answer me? I've called you twelve times!" He growled.

"I was asleep. I'm sorry."

"Oh, you were asleep?" he mocked. He was really hurting my feelings now.


"Don't! Just go fuck your buddy like you were before." My vision was getting blurry with tears.

"I don't understand," I choked out. I hid my face from Seth.

"You've lied to me all day! Why should I believe you now?" Kaiden was practically barking into the phone.

"I haven't lied to you!" I defended.

"Whatever," he barked.

"Are you coming to get me or not?" I growled through my tears.

"Where are you?" He asked.

"I'm about to walk to Fur Express."

"Ok, I'll be there." He hung up the phone and I told Seth I was leaving. His house was just a mile away from the mall. When I arrived, Kaiden was already sitting in the parking lot. I climbed into the passenger seat. I could feel his anger fuming.

"Look, I'm sorry," I said. Suddenly, I found it difficult to breath and I realized one of his thick paws had locked around my throat. I grabbed his wrist with both my paws, but I didn't stand a chance against his muscle. Fear and adrenaline pulsed through my veins. My thoughts were racing. I was wrong about him. Tears pooled in my eyes from the fear and my heart started racing.

"I'm only going to say this one time. Write it down, memorize it, draw a fucking picture if it helps." His voice was a low throaty growl. I looked into his eyes. They were full of rage and pain. I tried to speak, but his grip was too tight. Black dots started to flood my vision. "You do not run this show, puppy. I do. If I call, you answer. If I text, you text back. If I whisper your name, you better hear it! You do whatever I say, whenever I say it. You are mine! Do we have an understanding?" I nodded. "I want to hear it, Nicki." He loosened his grip enough for me to breathe. I coughed as oxygen returned to my body.

"Yes," I whispered.

"What?!" he slammed my head against the window. I was dazed for a moment.

"Yes, sir?" I took the deepest breaths I could manage.

"Good boy," he kissed my cheek before he released my throat and buckled me in just as he did before.

"How am I supposed to answer you if I'm asleep?"

"Well I guess you'd have to stay at my house," he shrugged as if the whole thing was playful. I knew better though.

"I have school and parents though," I added.

"I'll take you to school and pick you up everyday. If I don't pick you up, you won't go to school anymore. Got it?" I nodded.

"And my parents?"

"Oh, something tells me they wont miss you very much. You haven't been home in two days and they haven't called you one time."

"How do you know?"

"Your cell phone records," the wolf smirked. It was the same smirk that I found so sexy earlier, but now it was menacing and evil.

Alright, stop. I know your screaming run! Where would I go? If he could get my cell phone records, he could get me anywhere. If you read the rules about strangers. This is why it is so important to abide by them. Play.

I sat silently during the car ride. My head was throbbing. My throat was sore. My ass was still sore and I was more afraid than I'd ever been in my life. I had no control over my life anymore. This wolf was my brain now and I was scared. We arrived at his house and he opened my door just as he did the night before, but the act wasn't as kind as before. I stepped out and followed him into the small white house. Once inside, Kaiden locked the door and turned his attention to me. I backed up into the wall as the wolf's paws glided across my body. "What's wrong? Last night you were so much more active," he whispered into my ear. Maybe it's because you were someone different last night.

"I just don't feel very good," I said. I felt a paw trace down my back and stop at my butt.

"Are you sick?" he asked as the paw crept into my pants and began working on the sore hole again.

"Please," I whined, "can we just watch a movie or something?" I cried out as another finger forced it's way in. It hurt even more when he wasn't behind me.

"You promised me, remember? You said you would make my day better." I let the tears flow in the hopes that it would stop him. "You're so sexy when you cry." His breath was warm against my neck. He removed his fingers and held them up to my muzzle. "Clean them." I grimaced and took the fingers in my mouth. I didn't care for the taste of my ass. It wasn't a turn-on for me. He removed the furry digits and used them to peel off my grey t-shirt. I started shaking with fear. I whimpered as his paws explored my chest again. He nibbled at my neck and the paws moved to massage my shoulder blades. I was reminded of his bedroom talents and found it difficult to resist him. I was disgusted and horny at the same time. Is that even possible?

"Please, stop Kaiden," I breathed. "P-p-please, I d-don't want to d-do t-this." I started stuttering through the sobs. It didn't seem to bother him. He pulled his shirt off and worked on getting my pants off. I started to zone out. Find a happy place, as they say.

"Keep saying that, it's a real turn on," Kaiden teased.

"I'm serious, Kaiden," I was begging him now, "just stop!" Suddenly, his sharp teeth dug into my shoulder in a full bite. I screamed in pain. "KAIDEN! STOP!" It only made him more aggressive. His teeth ripped the flesh until I felt a warm liquid seep out of the wound. Tears of pain steamed from my eyes. It hurt even more when the wolf took his teeth away and brought the bloody muzzle to my face.

"Clean it, baby," he grinned proudly revealing a long glistening red teeth.

"No!" I refused. I was not going to do everything he wanted. I wasn't going to move unless he carried me off kicking and screaming. Suddenly, my stomach twisted in pain and I realized he was squeezing my balls tightly. I screamed and he released them.

"Do we need another lesson?" His breathing was heavy and labored. I shook my head in disagreement. What could I do against someone who was stronger than me in every way? I lapped at the outside of his muzzle tasting and smelling the metallic liquid that was my blood. As I started cleaning his teeth, his paw massaged my balls gently. They still hurt and I was afraid of him being so close to them. I stopped licking and he stopped massaging. "Are you refusing to clean my tongue or did you just forget?" He applied a slight pressure and I flinched.

"I-I forgot!" I explained in a stutter.

"I thought so." He continued to massage and I began the long task of cleaning his tongue. He worked his tongue around my mouth as swallowed all of the blood he'd taken from me. He cupped his paws around my butt and lifted me off the ground. He carried me down the hall and into a shiny white bathroom. He sat me down on the toilet and took my shoes off. After that he pulled my socks and jeans off in one motion. I was left sitting in tight red boxer-briefs while he removed his own shoes and jeans. Next, he peeled his green silk boxers off and used his claws to rip mine off.

Alright, stop. When you are naked, crying, and bleeding in a stranger's bathroom, it's time to start forming escape plans. If you cannot formulate plans very well, like myself, maybe you should plan your obituary. Play.

He turned the shower on and the room filled with steam. It was harder for me to breathe through the sobs. "Get in," he commanded. I slowly entered the roomy shower and stepped under the warm water. I grunted as the water stung the deep flesh wound on my shoulder. The water matted my fur to my body and I watched the red liquid spiral into the drain. I felt Kaiden press himself against my back side. One paw slid around my waist and circled my member while the other played with my butt. I'd love to tell you I hated it, but I was rock hard as soon as his paw began sliding up and down my cock gently. "It's not so bad, is it?" he whispered into my neck. I gritted my teeth and held back a moan. His fingers played with the tip and I shuddered as he stuck a claw into the hole of my shaft. As soon as he removed the claw a flood of pre-cum drizzled down my thigh. Then he turned his attention to my knot. He squeezed it and pawed it eagerly. I tried to control my breathing, but the more I did that the harder it became to control the moans. I whimpered slightly as he increased his speed. "It's ok to like, Nicki. You don't have to like me, but don't pretend you don't like this." My knees started shaking beneath me and I had to lean against his rock hard abs for support. I wanted to piss him off.

"So what you're going to suck my dick again and fuck me?" I laughed through the sobs.

"Actually, you've been such a bad puppy lately," he paused, "I don't think you deserve to cum." He chuckled as he stopped pawing me. I was so close to finishing. "Beg me to finish it." I wanted it so bad, but I wanted to win more.

"I don't have to cum," I said matter-of-factly.

"Oh, well that's good to know. Get on your knees." He dug his claws into my wounded shoulder and forced me to my knees. I turned to face him. He placed on paw between my perky ears and massaged. "I'm going to assume you know the rules, right?" I shook my head. "No teeth, when I say stop you stop, if I cum you swallow until you throw up, got it?" I nodded and glanced at the long piece of muscle before. The pink tip was beginning to crown from the sheath. The strong scent of his musk filled my nostrils. I gingerly licked the tip tasting the pink flesh. I felt his hand pushing my head. I realized he wanted me to start on the large grey orbs. I pressed my nuzzle into them and suckled them as quickly as I could. He tasted so good, but I'd never admit it. "You like that, don't you?" I glanced up at him. "I can see it in your eyes." I ignored him and continued to lick and suck the fur. Water from the shower dripped from the orbs and mixed with his sweat and musk. I even licked at he taint, which made him moan and breath heavily. Suddenly, his fingers wrapped into the fur between my ears and he yanked me back. I yelped in pain before he forced my attention to the throbbing pink member. I was right about the size. There was no way I could take all of it without gagging. I gently sucked on the head, which drew a moan from Kaiden. Slowly, I took another piece in. It was thicker than I first thought. The member bucked a little as I reached the halfway point. I started to back off, but suddenly a hand pushed the back of my head and I felt the long cock push past my tonsils. I started to gag, but he pulled me off just as fast as I was on. He forced my nose to the base of his pubic area. I tried to breathe through my nose, but the large member blocked my airway. I couldn't even taste the streams of pre-cum he was leaving in muzzle. Soon he was holding my head still and using his hips to force the member at the speed he wanted. My jaws were sore from sucking and licking the thick long cock. I was hoping he was close, but he continued to fuck my muzzle for several minutes. Eventually, I could take the gagging any more and I vomited in my muzzle. He pulled out and looked disgusted. I spit it down the drain. I started crying again as I fell to my elbows. "Damn it, clean this off, now!" he growled. I lifted myself off the tile and lapped at the mess I'd made.

Before I could finish, he locked his paws around my hips and lifted me to my feet. He spun me around and I screamed in protest as he bent me forward. He didn't allow me to prepare at all. The throbbing pink flesh was stabbed into my hole, ripping the walls as it went. I screamed in pain as the knot finally spread my tight ass. "Oh, please keep screaming!" he yelled. He jerked the member out and shoved it back in hard. I screamed every time he moved. The pain was so great and I could feel the blood and pre running down my thighs.

"STOP! PLEASE!" I begged. He continued to drive himself in deeply. He never took a moment for me to adjust. I continued to scream as his hips pounded into the hilt of my ass. Tears of pain blurring my vision. I screamed as the friction blistered my insides. He kept moaning with my screams like it made the sex even better. I didn't enjoy it at all this time. Every thrust hurt worse than the last. I started to taste blood in my mouth. "Kaiden, stop! I think I'm really hurt." He cackled.

"I think I know that, Nickster." He was getting into the final few moments of pounding. I screamed again as blood drizzled from my mouth. It started to hurt to scream. Finally, I heard him grunt and moan as warm sticky liquid filled my ass. I felt the cock buck and pour stream after stream of cum in my bowels. Soon, he jerked the cock out and rinsed it off with the water. "Man, I meant to make you lick it off," he whined. I couldn't move. I kept my paws against the wall and took deep breaths. My entire body shook in pain. I tried to block it out, but I couldn't. All I could do was sob and breathe.

Alright, stop. Does anyone have advice for abusive boyfriends? All I have is... they suck. Sorry. Play.

He turned the water off and forced me out of the shower. Dried my off with a towel, not taking any care around the sensitive areas. After we were both dry, he walked me to the bedroom. He covered me up as I climbed in and he joined me shortly after. He gingerly licked the shoulder wound. "If you're a good puppy tonight maybe you'll get to feel good tomorrow, ok?" I nodded and curled into a ball. Despite how I felt about him, he played a good mind game. He licked the wounds until they were clean scabs. He pulled my head on to his muscular chest in a snuggly way, but in reality it was a way to keep me close. "Goodnight buddy," he whispered. The room was dark and I was afraid to sleep here.

"Goodnight," I moaned weakly. I needed help. I needed a way out. I wanted to cry, but I had used all my tears. What did I do to deserve this perfect trap? Owned by a monster, no parents to look for me, no friends to save me. It was just me and the monster. Alone together.