Hot Swappable

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#47 of Patreon Stories

Adama and Caspian are having more fun with magic in the bedroom! And this time, Cas has an idea about mix and matching parts.

Contains: Modular Body TF, Bondage Themes, Aptophilia, Oral Vore (kinda), Trait Theft, Detachable Penis, Object Vore, Hyper Growth, Genital Swap, Elastic Penetration, The Mating Press, Consent Affirmation, The Medial Ring, Abdominal Bulge, Hilting, Hammerspace Uterus, Cumflation, Partial Reformation, Reverting Changes, Some Changes Stay and "Threat of Pregnancy" Kink.

Adama and Cas are long overdue for showing up again in my writing. Last time they showed up was Nightmare Playtime last year.

This was written for my Patreon! Again, people who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add up to two OCs to a cast list for appearing in future Patreon-funded stories!

Right now, all unpublished Patreon writing is available to read for Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Adama felt a rush of warmth roll over his body from the center of his chest, followed by a lightness, similar to the feeling of one's arms raising on their own after struggling against obstacles to press away from the body. The muscular lion was kneeling on the bed, adorned in little else than his powder-pink fur and scarlet mane. He balanced with his shins, closer to the eye level of his shorter partner.

Caspian smiled, opening his eyes. The bat reached up to stroke one of the lion's shoulders with his wing-hands. "Alright." He grinned. "Let's see if it worked." His fingers trailed down the powerful arm, stroking through the soft fur there, before raising his other wing to press at Adama's collarbone. A firm grasp above the elbow, bracing with the other hand...

"You can push harder... It's not uncomfortable at all." The lion smiled to the skinnier male.

The flying fox lowered his grip to the elbow, then yanked, shoving with the hand on the lion's chest.


Adama gasped in surprise at the strange sensation. He turned his head to look down. His deltoid was there, protruding out from under his mane, but it halted abruptly. Laying on the bed beside him was his powerful arm, detached. The slice point was smooth and uniformly pink, the color of his fur, rather than showing any visceral detail of anatomy. And he could still feel it.

While the lion experimentally flexed his fingers on his detached limb, finding they still obeyed his commands, his sorcerous boyfriend took a mirrored grip to the first. "Just coming apart..." Cas crooned playfully, leaning in close. "Like a good action figure."

The feline felt a whine escape his throat at the idea. He did enjoy his powerful build and how much his smaller boyfriend fawned over it... being a plaything with perfectly sculpted form... It fit just right. As Adama felt the bat start to tug again, he looked over to his still attached arm. "You know, when you said this would be like bondage, I wasn't expecting... this."

Cas grunted as he yanked. The other arm came off as cleanly and painlessly as the first. "Oh? I'm depriving you of the use of your arms..." He chuckled, reaching to grab both wrists and bringing his boyfriend's hands together in front of his chest. "And they're about to be bound up tight."

Before the lion could ask what he meant by that, the bat was licking across his fingers, murmuring. "Glad I made you taste like strawberries~" He parted his jaws and stuffed both hands into his mouth, bulging his cheeks with his boyfriend's knuckles.

Adama's eyes widened. The burgeoning strain within his sheath spilled forth between his thighs as he watched the relatively scrawny male greedily deepthroat his arms to the elbow in a single gulp. He could feel the warm flesh stretch, conforming to him far more directly than when they had played this with effigies.

Cas' throat bulge was on full display to the lion as he tilted his head back to keep working the pair of pythons down. His tongue curled and his wing-hands pressed at the smooth stumps, the odd sensation sending Adama's tail lashing as his arousal continued to grow. When the bat finally got both limbs fully past his jaws he trembled, shutting his mouth and swallowing firmly.

The feline could feel his elbows being forced to bend as his wrists curled against the stretching walls inside of his boyfriend. At the same time, he watched the lump travel down, leaving the bat's slender throat looking just as it always did in its wake. Adama panted, fidgeting as he turned his gaze down to the swell in Cas' stomach, able to make it move with flexes of his detached muscles.

With a satisfied-sounding sigh, the bat rested his wing-hands on his distended belly. "I may not be big enough to swallow you whole just yet, but I can sure take you in pieces~"

Those words caused Adama's shaft to jump, leaking pre down from its slit, proving his arousal had reached a heady cruising altitude.

Cas chuckled. "Though the best part of this combination of spells is yet to come..."

"Combination..?" Adama hadn't realized that his boyfriend had cast a spell on himself already... though considering that he'd just seen the bat eat both his arms he probably should have guessed. Before he could ask further, the warmth around his arms seemed to intensify sharply. It didn't burn, exactly. No pain or discomfort, just overwhelming, relaxing heat.

Dramatically, the flying fox crossed his wings over his belly, knuckles at each shoulder. His eyes closed in a manner his boyfriend recognized as him focusing deeply on some magic or other.

As the warmth continued to grow, the lion realized he was losing track of the sensation in his arms. He looked down to the lump beneath the wings. It shifted, seeming to rise up gradually. Almost as if his arms were extending upward on either side of his torso, but internal biology didn't work like that, right...?

Cas opened his eyes and spread his wings. As the membranes parted, they revealed what had happened. Covered in dark brown fur like that which covered most of his body, the bat now sported exact replicas of the musculature and structure of Adama's arms, separate from his wings. His stomach was trim as it had been before the consumption. He flexed his new guns, turning his head cheekily.

Adama gasped. As they flexed, the feline found that he could still faintly feel his arms, a sort of phantom sensation, though he had no control at all. It sank in what Cas had done. His arms were fully claimed, incorporated into the body of his boyfriend. He was helpless until that was no longer the case.

Humming to himself, the chiropteran crossed one arm over his scrawny torso, resting the opposite elbow on the fist there. The free hand stroked his chin thoughtfully, while his wings tucked in against his back and sides. Triangulation told the lion that Cas' attention had turned to his erection.

Fidgeting in place, the disarmed lion felt his heartbeat sending jolts of movement up his rod from the root buried deep within his pelvis.

Cas lowered the pensively posed hand to stroke over his boyfriend's shaft. It was strange, feeling those familiar paw-pads from a different angle than normal. Adama felt the texture of his flesh from both sides, distantly. The bat firmed up his grip at the base, pinky curling against the sheath. His other hand descended, palm to the lion's flat abs, before dragging down in a separating motion.


Adama yowled in surprise as his genitals came off in one piece, the sensation knocking him back until his glutes landed on his ankles. There was no pain, just as before, but now he was looking at his own powerfully throbbing erection looking for all the world like a sex toy in his boyfriend's hand. Flexing his core, the feline peeked down his body to see a smooth patch between his legs, just like the stumps of his arms.

Readjusting his grip to cradle the attached scrotum, the bat brought the phallus to his lips, kissing its powerfully throbbing head lightly. Cas made eye contact with Adama before he extended his tongue, curling it in a very familiar way to the feline.

The lion's eyes widened. Was Cas planning to add his dick to his frame? A glance downward showed Adama that his boyfriend's vulva was glistening with his own arousal.

Smirking, Cas dragged his tongue along the shaft in a full loop, slickening the whole fleshy rod. When he retracted his tongue, he lowered his hand. "I think I'd prefer you to keep a bit more control of this for now. Up." He lightly raised his free palm upward in conjunction with his order.

Obediently, the muscular lion flexed his quads and rose back up onto his knees. He spread his thighs a bit further for more balance, no longer having his arms to help.

Raising one leg, the bat slipped up onto the bed beside his boyfriend, before placing the living sex toy directly between the lion's heels. "Sit~"

The pink fur hardly helped hide the flush that roared across Adama's cheeks as he realized what was happening. He complied, tail hiking up as he brought his powerful rear down onto his own arousal.

Cas carefully angled the shaft, making sure it lined up properly.

Adama bit his lip at the alien dual sensation of penetrating and being penetrated simultaneously. The sudden contact made him lose glute control and his weight dropped the rest of the way down.

The bat dragged his hand free, before the other gave a light tap to the smoothed base of his boyfriend's detached member to make sure it was snugly in place. At the flustered yowl, he grinned, slipping back off the bed and over to the 'toy chest'.

Unable to stop himself, the feline began to bounce a bit on his heels, biting his lip as he felt his own cock grinding back and forth across his prostate. The intense sensation made the penetration slicker as he drooled pre copiously into his own backside.

"Careful there, strawberry~" Cas teasingly crooned.

Adama started, suddenly self-aware. He lost balance, toppling backwards on the bed as his hips forced him into a self-hilt. His arms were nowhere to help him, so he thudded into the bedding with an oof.

"Told you." The bat chuckled as he walked back towards the bed.

Craning his neck to look over his own chest at his approaching boyfriend, Adama quivered. Cas was carrying the largest toy in their collection, an equine silicone mass that the lion had never seen his boyfriend attempt, only playfully wear as a strap-on to tease the big cat.

At the feline's expression, Cas grinned. "It's not as big around as your arms."

Swallowing at the implication, the lion panted. "Not together, anyway..." Nearly the entire length was the girth of one of Adama's pythons at its (un-flexed) peak, and the attached false scrotum was a match in volume for the mountain of bicep and tricep he could sport when showing off.

With a wink, the flying fox fed the blunt head of the equine toy into his gullet. Again, he angled his head to let Adama watch the progress of the massive insertion's bulge traverse his narrow chest, as strange as it was to see it flanked by powerful arms.

Adama panted softly, eyes indeed locked upon that view. He could feel his shaft throbbing angrily against his own prostate, making a feedback loop of arousal that was hazing his mind.

Like working a cantelope down his gullet whole, Cas swallowed the sac-like base of the toy. His stomach stretched and deformed with the silicone toy curling around on itself as the lump of the end of the phallus descended.

"S-should I get off my cock...?" The lion panted, not sure what he was meant to do now.

"No." Coyly, like a stripper who wore a cape, the bat draped one wing across his torso again. The opposite arm reached down, seeming to be stroking along his swollen belly and down to the crux of his hidden groin. He retracted that hand in a fist with a flourish, like a stage magician, before dropping what was in his grip onto his tongue. From his position, the feline couldn't tell what it was.

Perhaps it was, like a magician, misdirection. Because when Cas unfurled his wing again, he was sporting a mighty black horse shaft, complete with a sac the size of a cantelope hanging down. The member flopped onto the bed heavily between the prone lion's knees.

Craning his neck and engaging his abs, he could see that it was pulsing. Alive. Part of his boyfriend.

While Adama was distracted with this, Cas pulled the something off his tongue and stroked it firmly onto the blank patch the lion had left after his junk was removed. A rush of sensation surged through the feline's body. Foreign sensations, intense sensations. He could still feel his cock pulsing inside his bowels, but this was a whole new set of feelings and pleasure centers.

Crooning, the bat began grinding those lionine fingers into the new sensory organ, parting folds, grinding into a nub at its upper crux...

The lion gasped. Cas had somehow put his own vulva onto Adama's body, and he could feel it...

Humming casually, the flying fox fingered his boyfriend, proving that somehow, though it had peeled off and applied just like a sticker, there was depth. His thick, feline fingers delved and spread the passage within, grinding at sensitive points. His eyes were focused on the muscular chest heaving with each gasp and moan he drew out of Adama. "You know what...?" Cas gently grasped the stump at the lion's shoulder with his free hand, coaxing him to sit back up.

Without removing his fingers, the bat slipped up onto the bed and got behind his boyfriend. He continued to work those digits, even as Adama suddenly realized the warmth along his spine was pulsing. That massive horsecock. It travelling from the base of his tail to between his shoulder blades certainly hit home just how large the phallus was.

"Your arms on me, they don't match my torso much, do they?" Cas continued his thought in a soft murmur. His free hand draped around the lion's broad chest, sliding up one pec into the soft, scarlet mane. Then, he gripped into the longer fur and tugged.

As though it were a shawl, the portion of Adama's mane that was around his neck peeled away in one piece, leaving only the shaggy hair atop his head and coming down behind his ears. The lion shivered, his whole throat feeling quite chilly with its absence. He turned his head to peek behind him, to see what his boyfriend was up to.

Still only using one hand, the flying fox wrapped that fluffy mane around his own throat, before smoothing it into place with his fingers. "Almost there, but one more thing to take from you tonight..." He leaned close, kissing Adama's cheek, before dragging his snout down to the now bare neck. He kissed there as well, murmuring. "My delectable strawberry..."

The lion groaned, letting his neck relax and returning his head to facing forward. His chin rested at the top of his broad chest, unflexed pectorals acting as a comfortable pillow for the moment.

All the while, Cas' fingers never stopped working at the folds between Adama's thighs, seeming to delight in every tremble that rolled through the muscular torso in front of him. Wrapping his free arm around, the kissing at the lion's neck deepened. Open mouthed kisses, nibbles, outright bites and suckles.

Adama was sure that his boyfriend was going to give him an intense hickey that would show especially well without his mane to hide it. It was only after shifting his neck to bare more of it to Cas' ministrations, however, that he felt what was happening. The chest underneath his chin had lost mass, his jawline now resting against his collarbone.

Eyes wide, the lion looked down to see his torso narrowing, slendering as his musculature drained away. He could feel his powerful calves dwindling against his thighs, the bedding curling around his knees as his thighs grew more tapered.

Cas let go with a sigh and a groan, his voice sounding deeper. The bat stroked along his boyfriend's sides. "There we go, a nice twink-cat I've made you~" As he spoke, he slipped back off the bed, his cock trailing away last from contact with the diminished lion.

Adama quivered, feeling his own cock jolt against his prostate as his boyfriend came into view. Cas was significantly shorter than Adama, and that hadn't changed. But all of the mass he just took off the lion didn't mean he matched his musculature. It meant he surpassed it. His torso was an inverted triangle, broad shoulders better fitting his muscular arms. His chest was swollen, with a proper shelf above his taut abs. His hips seemed to have stayed just the same size as always, which just added to the sharp, exaggerated proportions. He posed, flexing his chest against his biceps as he crossed his stolen wrists above the root of his monstrous member.

He extended one leg, pointing his toes and flexing his calf to show off the leg definition he had gained as well. "And I make one hell of a shortstack, huh?"

The lion blushed deeply behind his fur. His mane on his boyfriend just added to the look, especially since it couldn't reach his deltoids with the thickness of his body. "Y-yeah..." He quivered and fidgeted as he realized his own voice had gotten higher pitched without him meaning it to.

Cas grinned and hefted the horsecock between his thighs, spreading his wings as he lifted it above the horizontal. "So, wanna try out being bred?" He licked his lips with his long, flexible tongue, ending with grinding the tip against one of his fangs.

Almost before he knew what he was doing, Adama was nodding desperately.

"Lay down with your legs extended." Cas instructed firmly.

The lion clenched down on his buried shaft and flopped over to one side. At the same time, he twisted his torso to land on his back and extended his top leg. With a grunt of impact, Adama carried the motion over, the opposite leg's toes buried under his inside knee for a moment before he extended that fully as well.

"Careful..." The buff bat strutted to the side of the bed. "That's my toy you're throwing around."

Adama trembled and whimpered. He tugged his ankles in, bending his knees and spreading his thighs wantonly.

Cas slipped up onto the bed, a little awkward to keep from pinning his new scrotum under a knee or something equally uncomfortable. When he got his hips between the lion's legs, he let his massive cock flop down atop the pink male's chest.

That really sent home again just how big that toy had been, covering most of Adama's torso. "A-are you sure it'll fit?"

The bat chuckled. "I've stuffed this thing to the hilt in each of my holes while you were at work."

Eyes boggling, the lion craned his neck down to look at it. "Really...?"

"Had to test elasticity spells some way..." Cas chuckled and started to scoot himself back, dragging the cock down across Adama's belly. "Better than getting half your ass in my throat and having to stop..."

This elicited another squirm from Adama.

The broad bat took that opportunity to hook his lionine fingers under his boyfriend's knees, lifting his legs from that point. He wiggled his hips around a bit, before getting the fat flat head of his cock to press against his dislocated netherlips. "Just relax and let me fill you~"

From the way that the two of them were lined up, the feline figured that at the point of hilting... oh... oh dear.

Cas was going to put him in a mating press.

The pressure increased, before the fat head popped through, sending a shock of new sensations roiling up and down Adama's spine. He gasped and flexed muscles he barely had the reference for.

Grinning, the bat kept pressing. "Good, good... one of my favorite side-effects of the elasticity magic is the euphoria that comes from stretching..."

As his boyfriend spoke, the lion felt the warm surge of bliss coming from his lower belly with each rolling thrust deeper into his body. He craned his neck to look down. A bulge was forming in his lower belly, distinctly showing the shape of the blunt crown of that horse shaft.

Cas re-adjusted his grip and planted one foot on the bedding, proving the lion's suspicion correct at where this position was going. The bat grunted, halting as something thick met the lion's borrowed lower lips.

Adama thought for a moment that he had been hilted into... but he couldn't feel his boyfriend's hips or that cantelope-sized set of nuts... The realization caused his cock to twitch against his prostate again. That was just the medial ring. He tried to remember just how far down the toy the ring had been, to estimate how much more cock he had to take...

The bat ground that widening into the moist, trembling lips. "I can slow down if you want... you can ask me to dial it back." He spoke in a confident, familiar cadence, though his voice still rumbled deeper with more chest to resonate from.

Clenching his eyes shut, the lion shook his head. "I want all of it, Cas..."

Adama felt the heat of Cas' breath on his throat again, before that broad, powerful chest touched down against him. "Good boy..." He tugged backward on both of the lion's legs in conjunction with a thrust forward. The medial ring popped through, and deeper in the feline felt an intense additional stretch.

He yowled, back arching at the rush of pleasure tingling from his core.

The bat groaned, shifting his hips a bit as he prepared for the next delve. "That was the cervix spreading. A rush, right?" He adjusted his grip up onto Adama's thighs, grasping and pulling with a lustful growl.

Speechless, Adama continued to make bestial noises of unadulterated need, clenching his new folds as much as he was milking his own cock. He was so close, but deep down he knew he needed all of it. He wanted to feel it hilt... Deep inside there was a pressure more intense than when the head pressed through into his uterus.

It must have reached the 'ceiling' of the fleshy chamber, pushing against it. And still it pressed deeper.

Cas grunted as he finally hilted, fully stretching the entirety of the loaned reproductive tract around his toy cock.

Adama gasped, feeling the flesh stretch and wrap to contain so much. It felt like it was up to his diaphragm, or even up by his heart... He craned his head down to look and blinked. The bulge just sort of faded away after crossing under his navel, as if it dove beneath the surface.

The bat noticed this, reaching a finger down to stroke along that area. "You didn't have the room, so I made more room..." He passed the lion's legs to his wing-hands, while planting the feline paws on the bedding on either side of his boyfriend's head. His kneeling leg shifted, planting the foot down like the opposite. This changed the angle of attack and trapped Adama's legs in place.

The mating press.

Cas arched his back, drawing back a few inches.

The lion whined, clenching needily around the girth as it retreated.

Then those hips slammed back to the hilt, bouncing off to start the cycle anew. And hilt. And hilt. And hilt. And hilt...

Adama squirmed, curling his toes at the end of his legs. Normally at this point in sex he'd be reaching out, grabbing onto Cas, onto pillows, the straps of his cuffs, anything to hold onto! He could distantly feel his hands on the bedding, and the fingers curled, clenching onto the sheets. And still that euphoric stretch returned each time the melon sized sac slapped at the base of his own self-inserted arousal. Conflicting waves of pleasure crossed and interfered as they rippled through his diminished torso, making him lose track of time... there was only the press.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Caspian Kelly finally pulled out of his boyfriend. The bat panted heavily, having exerted a lot of energy in making sure he bred the lion as well as he deserved. He looked down. Even with the volume of his cock removed from the equation, the pink-furred belly was swollen to a near-gravid state. He tugged his hips back to free the flare of his new cock from the borrowed netherlips with a wet pop. The momentum sent his glutes landing on his knees. "Ooohh... You know, Strawberry..."

Adama panted heavily, folds twitching and not quite able to close as thick seed dribbled down onto the base of his own cock.

"I was tempted to 'break it off' in you, let you stay nice and stretched by it all night." Cas chuckled, still out of breath. "But I know when to stop... we gotta go back to normal at some point, right?"

The lion sighed, nodding wordlessly. His fur was mussed up, his butt still plugged with his own detatched cock. The cum that leaked out around his base was getting obscured by the drizzling leak from the displaced vulva...

Cas was tempted to take pictures, but they could always do this again. "Just relax, and I'll revert all of our changes." He closed his eyes, focusing on the spells. His lionine hands formed shapes as he gestured, working with the magic he had practiced. While it wasn't like when a predator fully consumed prey, reformation should be a basis to work from on putting things back to normal. He was glad he got the weather archmage's help on all of this...

The bat felt a rush of coolness, as though water was sloughing through his fur. He lost feeling in his hands and arms... only his wings left, just as before. His mind happily settled back into the correct mental map for his body he'd had his entire life. "There..."

When he opened his eyes, Adama's frame had bulked back out, his mane was complete, and most importantly, he had his arms. Eyes darting down, Cas saw that the sex toy was intact, laying on the bed between them as silicone as it had ever been. He flexed his wings a bit and then relaxed them at his sides. "So, how did you like it?"

The lion, however, was staring. It took the bat a few moments to realize where his boyfriend was staring. Arching his back and looking down he froze. Cas still had a cock. It was sheathed, with a soft sac. Nowhere near the monster he sported during their escapades, but extremely present... perhaps even... oh. It was the exact size as Adama's.

Cas looked between his boyfriend's legs. There was no disembodied cock buried under his tail, but there were still flooded, leaking folds beneath the bloated cumbelly.

Adama must have noticed where the bat's eyes went, because he reached down and felt. He let out a soft moan, blushing deeply.

The mage's mind raced. Could it have been that he was using hands instead of his regular wings to weave signs? Was it something he hadn't accounted for with exchange nullifying the need to return what was taken?

Then the lion said something that made the bat's new cock jolt and start to rise.

"What... what if you really did breed me...?"