Summer Job

Story by WhiteRabbit on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This story contains gay furry sexuality, if you are averted to reading this kind of material, ask yourself why you are here and then leave or choose to stay. If you are under the age of 18 or what ever your government decides is your legal age to view this kind of material then ask yourself why you continued past the first disclaimer page. I am not responsible for the choices you make in life. I am not forcing you to read this. You arrived here at your by your own freewill as far as I am concerned, so no whining allowed. Otherwise enjoy the mind warping ideas presented.

This is my first story, so please give reviews and tell me your opinion. Any pointers to make it better would be great. If you just want to tell me I suck or that I'm crazy for writing this, then may you choke on a hairball from a hedgehog.

Summer Job

by WhiteRabbit

"Ahh, yes finals week is over," James mutters to himself as he wakes up Saturday morning "now time to start looking for a job."

James, an all white, lightly built rabbit, but strong for his size, with grayish green eyes has been living in a large farming community all of his life. He feels that the only good thing about the town is the fact that it has a decent community college to give him an easy start to get a good education to finally leave the boring town.

"Alright time to start looking for a job," James thinks to himself, "well there are really not that many options available in town. And I would much rather be working outdoors this summer rather than be stuck in a building somewhere. Guess I should go cruise around and talk to some of the farmers and see if they need any extra hired help this summer."

So James goes out driving around the surrounding farms talking to some of the various farmers who are also friends of his seeing if any of them need any extra hired help this summer. Finally he gets a break when he gets Wolf Ranch owned by farmer Gordon.

"Yeah, I think I'll be needin' some extra help this summer" says farmer Gordon, an older black wolf that has begun to show some gray through his fur. "You'll be working with my son Brian and my other two hired hands Benny and Shawn. As long as you don't mind working with cattle and stacking hay most of the day you'll do ok working out here. That sound good to you?"

"Yeah sounds great," says James, thinking I the back of his mind, any job sounds better than no job and I don't want to just sit around indoors all day. "When can I start?"

"You can start Monday. I'd suggest getting some comfortable work boots and a light long sleeve shirt, you're gonna be in the sun most of the day."


"Ah, 6:00 am in the morning is just to early," says James as he drags himself out of bed. "Oh well just get some oatmeal and head to work, got to be there by 6:30."

"Alright James, see you made it on time." said Gordon in a cheery mood, at 6:30 in the morning I haven't even found my mood yet, "This is my son Brian, and the other two you'll be working with Benny and Shawn."

Brian was a wolf a shiny coat of all back fur dressed out in blue jeans and plaid long sleeve shirt. He was well built with muscles for stacking hay bales and working with cattle all day. Benny was another wolf with dingy brown fur with a noticeable patch of white on his muzzle that stood out which James thought was kind of cute. Finally Shawn was a large well built horse with short coarse charcoal fur covered in white spots. "Well," James thought to himself, "I found my mood in the morning. Just hope they don't find out and it gets me fired."

The short morning meeting continued, going over what the daily chores were going to be. Apparently Brian was going to go repair fences, while Benny and Shawn were going to go tend cattle. James was going to be stuck stacking hay bales all day, all the ones that farmer Gordon harvested from his fields.

"Ahh, no more hay," James says aloud jokingly as Gordon brings in what looks like another 60 bales, "How much do the cows really need anyway, they got grass."

Gordon just laughs and shakes his head, "Yeah but in the winter grass don't grow that good so I've got to save up my own so I don't have to buy someone else's. By the way this is last load I expect you to unload before lunch. We are having lunch at my house if your interested at noon, or if you brought your own that's fine too." After saying that he gets into the empty truck that James just barely finished unloading to go load it back up again.

Back to being left alone again in the barn, James continued grunting and groaning stacking all the hay. When he first started he thought he was in pretty good shape, but after stacking probably over 200 bales that weigh close to 90 pounds each by just 10:00 in the morning he didn't know if it was muscle fatigue or burning to much energy, in any case tomorrow morning he planned on having more than just one bowl of oatmeal; luckily though this was his last stack to unload. He figured; get it done fast so he could take a decent break before lunch, even though he knew he'd probably be dead tired, the longer rest would just be that much better.

"Ahh yes, done," says James as he relaxes and lays on his back on one of the end bales, "I've got almost an hour to spare before lunch. Lets just lay here and catch my breath." Laying there covered in his own sweat he can feel his heart beat begin to slow from what he found to be one heck of a good workout. Just being able to lie there and relax and feel his blood pulse through his now relaxing body that is still filled with adrenaline is one of his favorites parts about pushing himself to his physicals limits.

About fifteen minutes later he hears someone walking into the barn and gets up so as not to seem lazy. Brian walks in saying "Hey James can you give me a hand in the storage shed. I need to get out more stakes and wire, and some help would be nice." James figures why not, first day on the job better make a good impression.

As they walk over to the shed James can't help but look at Brian's rear as his tail sways back and forth. He starts to wonder about the size of his package and how great it would be to have that big shaggy wolf mount him. But that probably won't happen though he says to himself, he's probably got a good looking girlfriend instead.

They make it into the shed and then James hears the door shut behind him. He was about to say "Damn wind" when he was grabbed from behind and had his hands held tightly behind him. Then he saw that Shawn, the equine was also in there off to a side corner out of sight as he walked in. From all that heavy work and small breakfast he was too tired to put up a fight and he was scared as to what was going to happen next.

"Don't worry we're not going to hurt you. We saw the way you were checking us out this morning and we'd figure you could just consider this a way to get to know your workmates a little better." James recognized the voice and realized that it was Benny who was holding him from behind. He body still tired and shaky from working so hard and then being scared out of his wits he felt helpless but somewhat aroused by all the attention that he was now getting. He decided he might as well enjoy this, heck just a minute ago he was hoping he might get mounted by the sexy wolf Brian, now he just might get his chance.

Shawn quickly walked over, already in the nude. James couldn't help but stare at the size of his semi-hard sheath as it swayed along with his equally massive balls. Shawn knelt down in front of him undoing his pants while Benny began to partly unbutton his shirt just enough to lift it off of him. James saw that Brian too began to undress and he could see that he was no small puppy; he was a full 8 inches of dog meat. When Shawn was done undoing his pants he could feel that Benny too was in the nude and was already poking him from behind. James just couldn't take it all he do was just whimper and give a little moan in anticipation of what was to happen next.

"Sounds like he's enjoying himself," said Shawn as he began to slowly muzzle James's now throbbing rabbit cock. The feel of Shawn's huge equine tongue glazing his shaft in Shawn's saliva as he began to suckle on him felt like pure bliss and caused him to relax even more as Benny began to slowly enter him from behind. With that they took a short break as Benny carried James over to a low work table that Benny laid back on with James laying on his back against Benny's belly.

All of the ideas of what could happen were racing through James's mind. Each one of them making him more and more excited, to the point that all he could do was moan in ecstasy. His moans were soon quieted as Shawn crawled onto the table, his muzzle in James's crotch, leaving James to stare at his massive fully erect member just inches from his face. As Shawn began to suckle more on James's member, he began to thrust his own into James's mouth which he gladly took in. James could feel Shawn's equine shaft begin to hit the back of his throat which he began to relax so that he could take it all in.

During this time Benny had been slowly thrusting deeper and deeper into James as he began to relax letting his senses drive him, until his full 6 inches before the knot were in him. Benny began to fill his anal cavities with pre, lubricating it for what was about to come next.

James was in a state of pure bliss as he could taste Shawn leaking pre into his mouth with little room to make it down his throat; that sweet salty taste making his own saliva thicker and more enjoyable for both him and Shawn; the feeling of Benny grinding into his prostate with every thrust as he was coming close to almost knotting with him. James couldn't imagine what could possibly make this moment any better.

Brian began to take position to insert his own shaft into James, he wanted to get the timing just right so that he could join in just as Benny was thrusting in to make it feel as if Benny's girth had suddenly doubled.

James was enjoying himself completely as he was suckling on Shawn and getting pounded by Benny, when suddenly on the next thrust his pucker was stretched even further and the grinding against his prostate was even more intense now. He realized that now not only Benny was in his rear, but so was Brian.

James's body was pulsating in pleasure with every thrust from both ends and with every suckle that Shawn gave him. It was just too much for this little rabbit to handle, he finally shot off his own load just as Shawn was coming down on him. Then Shawn in return bust his own load as he was pulling out soaking James's muzzle in a massive amount of horse cum, while shooting most of it down his throat. Benny to had finally come to climax, he thrust as deep as he could without knotting dumping his load deep in James's bowels. Only Brian was left, thrusting into James's cum filled fuckhole, pushing his knot in passed the anal rings and filling James with a full 8 inches with the knot dumping his own load of cum.

"So how do you like your first day working with us farm boys?" asked Brian. James could only give gurgle moan in response.