Pathfinder Ch 4

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#6 of Pathfinder

Now that Beth and her goons have been handled, what's next for our little group?

Collaboration between myself and OfflineUser

Based on the Therafim setting of Gideon-Kalve-Jarvis and used with his permission

Setting info can be found here: Therafim

"Dad! Dad! Wake up!"

Connor grunted as something landed heavily on his stomach, jolting the wolfen awake as two more impacts rocked his bed. Grumbling awake, Connor opened bleary eyes to see the smiling faces of his sons staring back at him.

"You know, there are ways to wake me up that don't involve tackling," said Connor.

"Don't be a grump!" said the wolfen boy straddling his stomach, his tail wagging quickly behind him. "Vic and Soma sent us to get everyone for breakfast!"

"Come on, Dad!" Connor felt a jerking on his arm as the young red dragon boy on his left tried to pull him upright. "Vic is making fresh sausages and I'm not missing out because you want to sleep!"

"Soma even promised to make pancakes!" declared the black-scaled lizardboy on his right. "You know you want some, they're so fluffy and good!"

"Alright, alright, I'm getting up," said Connor, sitting up, the covers sliding down to pool around his waist, exposing the ruffled fur on his chest. He ruffled the head-fur of the grey wolf cub and smiled. "Now why don't you boys go wake up your other dad while I get dressed."

"Okay!" said the boys as one, hopping off the bed and hurrying out the door.

Once they were gone, Connor threw back the covers and got to his feet, his back and joints popping loudly as he stretched, willing the lights to brighten as he did so. The crystal lights that filled the house sure were convenient. True they still had torches they could use, but nothing beat the convenience of magic light.

Connor smoothed down the worst of his ruffled fur as the nude wolfen strolled across the room to find some clothes. He'd slept like the dead after all the fun of the night before; breaking in three new toys had been quite a bit of work. Tarron was still a bit stubborn; he'd have to teach the woodelf boy his proper place soon. Once they'd all been very thoroughly fucked, he'd had some of the houses magical servants take them away to be bathed and shown to the quarters the group's slaves shared. He had no doubt they'd come to enjoy their new lives sooner or later. It wasn't like they had much choice.

In the corridor, he was greeted by a rather grumby looking dragon. Rowan's wings had vanished - the dragon always had preferred to store them away with his magic when he was sleeping - and for some reason steam was rising off his face.

"I suppose that was your idea?" he said.

"What was my idea?" asked Connor.

"To have Garoz dump water on my head if I refused to get up," grumbled the dragon.

Connor laughed. "He didn't!"

"Fuck yeah he did," said Rowan. "Don't get me wrong, I'm glad his magic is progressing, but he's a reptile too. He should know by now how I'm going to react to getting cold water dumped on me, especially first thing in the morning."

Connor bumped Rowan's side playfully. "Awful lot of whining from someone that got to spend his night deflowering a virgin."

The dragon groaned. "Fuck, she was good. Elves are always so tight, but there's just something about first timers that..." He shivered, a smile spreading across his face. "Don't get me wrong, you'll always be the best, but fuck virgins just get me so worked up."

"Jacob thought it would be fun to jump on me to wake me up, so I know what you mean. They seem to delight in finding new ways to aggravate us don't they?" He kissed the dragon's cheek. "Come on, if we don't get down there soon those bottomless pits will have eaten everything without us."

By the time the pair made it down to the large open living space they all shared, the enormous dining table was already groaning under the weight of all the dishes piled high with food. From the kitchen, Connor caught the enticing scent and sound of sizzling bacon and sausages. Jacob was seated beside his two brothers, Garoz and Shay already arguing over something, much the same as always. Patrick was in his seat, leaning back calmly while the boys goofed around. The huge horse really was good with the kids. Sitting next to him, Filia looked absolutely tiny between the stallion and her father, but the lizardgirl was happily chatting away with the pair, looking from one to the other as she spoke.

Looking at the three of them, it should have been obvious that Garoz was related to Filia and Crius, but somehow none of them had ever worked it out. He had the bigger reptile's blue eyes, though his scales were black, like his mother's. Though to be honest, given some of the lizardman's past exploits and how similar males of their species could look, maybe it shouldn't have been such a shock that he didn't realize Garoz had come from the egg of a female he'd bedded. It wasn't like he'd known that his friends wanted another son, and had hired the woman to act as a surrogate for them. Besides, when it came to his kids Crius only had eyes for Filia, no matter how many bastard kids he might have out in the world somewhere. Especially since Garoz's clan markings were noticeably different from those of Filia and Crius, the bright blue marks around his eyes and stretching along and over his snout much blockier than either of theirs.

As everyone else took their seats, Vic and Soma emerged from the kitchen, carrying even more food with them. The rabbit was balancing a plate on each hand, the number of pancakes on them beggaring belief. Vic was carrying a massive bowl filled to the brim with steaming scrambled eggs that shook the table when he set it down. Kilian followed after them with pitchers of water and freshly squeezed juice, but before the cat sat down he glanced around the table.

"Aren't we missing some folks?" asked the cat.

"Good luck getting Baal out of his lab, and Kree already ate," said Soma, sitting down beside Kyoji and batting the fox's hand away when he playfully squeezed the rabbit's thigh. "I think he was going to relax in the bath. He pulled an all-nighter again."

"I'll go get him," said Kilian. "Where's Hadi?"

"I'm here." A tall jackal walked into the room, his robes flowing behind him as he moved gracefully to his spot at the table. "My apologies. I was preparing some medicines and lost track of time."

"You all go ahead and eat while it's hot," said Kilian, "while I see if I can drag our serpentine friend away from his work."

"Thanks for the meal!" said the group together, and started to help themselves to food and drink, the clatter of cutlery and friendly chatter quickly filling the room.

Kilian moved deeper into the mansion, going to one of the lower floors that lay below ground level. Standing before a large set of doors, Kilian knocked before sliding them open, revealing the yuan-ti's private lab.

"Sorry to interrupt," said Kilian, "but breakfast is ready if you'd like to join us."

Baal looked over at the black cat. "Morning already? My, how the time flies when you're having fun."

The serpent grunted as his coils tightened around the canine in front of him, the doberman whimpering as Baal worked one of his cocks in and out of the dog's ass, his other shaft pressing up between Emiel's cheeks and against the bottom of his tail. The young dog was struggling as best he could, but against the snake's grip he was helpless. When he saw the cat, his ears pressed flat against his head in embarrassment, trying desperately to ask for help through the thick muzzle around his face.

"You're going to have to do a lot better than that, pet," said Baal, squeezing the dog's body. "If you're having this much trouble with one, what are you going to do when I put both in you?"

Emiel whimpered again and shook his head violently, like he could erase the reality of his situation if he just tried hard enough.

"Glad you're having fun, but the food will be cold if we don't hurry."

Baal hissed loudly as he slammed himself deep into the doberman, the cock not inside him jumping and painting the dog's rear with the snake's seed. The mess only grew when Baal pulled out of him, leaving the dog slumped over his desk. Snapping his fingers, two slaves appeared, a bunny and a mouse, both male and just as naked as the dog.

"Get him cleaned up and back in his cage," said Baal. "And keep an eye on our new guest. I'll continue with him when I return."

"Yes Master."

"Yes Master."

The two slaves bowed and took the dog by the arms, dragging him away to fulfill the yuan-ti's orders. As Baal moved out into the hallway, his dicks quickly slipping back into his slit, Kilian saw the new guest he was talking about. Sitting slumped against the wall to one side was a chocolate lab, his hands cuffed to the wall by long chains, his eyes glassy and vacant. Clearly he was high on something, though Kilian couldn't begin to guess what. Just as ordered, Beth Paerindon had delivered her brother to them as a hostage, and the yuan-ti had used the opportunity to take the dog for himself as a test subject for his drugs and poisons. Nothing that would kill him - after all, that would be an enormous waste - but making brews potent enough to affect even someone who used as heavily as Vilyburt Paerindon did would give Baal even more of a corner on that market than he already had.

There were few who could match the expertise with poisons of a yuan-ti druid of Baal's caliber.

When they arrived at the dining room, Baal coiled himself up at the end of the table; it was the only place he could really be comfortable without having to change his form. Almost as soon as he was settled, Garoz was eagerly chatting away with the yuan-ti. The lizardboy was training to be a druid as well, and was always eager to talk with Baal, one reptile to another. Connor would have told the boy to leave him alone, but Baal actually seemed to enjoy talking with the child, which was especially striking because Baal wasn't much of a people-person outside of their little group. But for whatever reason he seemed much more at ease around the children, especially Garoz.

"Honestly Crius, one of these days you're going to have to tell me who your egg supplier is," said Kyoji, dumping more scrambled eggs onto his plate. "How are they always able to provide so much?"

The lizardman smiled. "Trade secret."

The kitsune rolled his eyes and turned to Connor. "Got a message last night from Kai. The ship should be docking by midday, and they were hoping someone would meet them there with one of the wagons."

"Did they say why?" asked Fionn.

"I'd imagine they don't fancy walking all the way back here having to carry goods by hand," said Kyoji. "The crew will handle most of the unloading and delivering, but it might be nice to give them a ride home."

"I'll head down after breakfast," said Connor. "Hadi? Would you like a ride when I go?"

The jackal shook his head. "I don't mind walking. Seldlon's home isn't far."

"Can I come with you?" asked Garoz eagerly. Ever since starting his training as a druid he had been even more eager than before to learn about being a healer.

"I suppose so," said Hadi. "As long as your fathers don't object."

Garoz looked at Connor eagerly.

"Just make sure you don't get in the way," he said, smiling at the boy's excitement.

When they were done eating, Connor went out to the stables, hitching a pair of horses to one of their wagons and setting off for the port, his warg Zero trotting happily along beside him. It was a beautiful day, the wind bringing fresh salty air in off the sea.

The same wind was ruffling the feathers of the hawk perched in the crow's nest of one particular ship, his keen eyes sweeping the seas around them as they approached Avalon City.

"All clear from up here, Captain!" Sora called down towards the helm. "The gates are open and the other ships are away."

From his spot at the helm, the captain waved towards the hawk in acknowledgement. The salty, misty breeze felt like heaven on the orca's smooth skin, his chest bare beneath the red coat hanging off his shoulders. Nearby, an otter was leaning against the railing, unashamedly eyeing his captain with more than a little lust.

"Careful, Haru," said the orca, glancing at the otter. "Keep looking at me like that and I'll have to take you to my cabin and teach you what happens to naughty otters on my ship."

Haru laughed warmly, the sound ringing out clear like a bell.

"Oh, I'm well aware of what you'd do. But you'll just have to wait until we get home."

"Like the whole crew hasn't heard you two fucking every night," said the vixen lounging atop a barrel, her feet kicked up while she cleaned one of the many pistols she carried. "Though I suppose we're just lucky you remember to put your pants on afterward."

Kai smirked. "You expect us to believe you'd have any problem watching us walk around in the buff, Ryoko?"

The vixen grinned in a way only foxes seemed able to pull off. "Of course I wouldn't mind. But I can't be held responsible for what I might do with you if you did."

"Promises, promises," said Haru playfully.

A figure appeared on the stairs leading up from below deck, walking towards the stern and moving up to the helm. Stretching his arms over his head, the lizardman's short vest pulled up to reveal even more of his tight tummy than it already showed, his equally too-small pants highlighting his long legs. Xander sighed happily, his dark scales drinking in the sunlight.

"Are we nearly there?" he asked. "Not that this hasn't been fun, but I'm looking forward to getting off this ship and back to civilization."

"Tired of our company?" asked Ryoko.

"Never," said Xander, feigning offense. "But all this salty air and endless ocean just isn't for me. Give me a lively city any day. Bards aren't meant to be stuck on a ship this long."

"You still bitching about that?" asked Sora, gliding down onto the deck. "Didn't see you complaining when we were leaving port."

"After such an eventful evening I was hardly in the mood to complain," said the bard.

"Except maybe about having a sore ass," replied the hawk. "Exactly how many elves did you bed while we were there?"

Xander waved his words away. "Oh, who keeps track of things like that." He knew exactly how many partners he'd had, but he didn't want to admit it to the hawk. "I'm just ready to get back to my adoring public."

Sora rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and leaning against the mast. Sometimes the avian really was too serious for his own good. But Xander didn't mind. Dancing around the bird's sharp edges was part of the fun.

Haru's face lit up as they passed through the large gates guarding the city harbor, the screech of gulls and the bustle of the city greeting them like a familiar song. As they tied off at the docks, they were all greeted to the even more welcome sight of Connor leaning against a wagon, waving merrily to the crew as the ship pulled in. Once the gangplank was lowered and the rest of the crew had begun unloading the cargo, Kai, Haru, Ryoko, and Xander strolled down onto the docks, while Sora gave Connor a nod and took to the air. No doubt the hawk was eager for some alone time after being aboard ship for days. Not that the wolf minded; he'd see Sora once they got home.

"Welcome back!" said Connor brightly, extending his hand towards Kai. The orca returned the gesture, grasping his forearm warmly. "How'd it go?"

"Calm seas, clear skies, and a strong breeze," said Kai, smiling. "A perfect voyage."

"If a little boring," added Ryoko, her hand on one hip just above one of her holstered pistols. "Could have used some action."

"If memory serves we got plenty of action in port," said Xander slyly. "Though I suppose that wasn;'t the kind of action you meant."

"Don't make me use you for target practice."

Xander stuck out his tongue playfully. "You love me and you know it."

"How are things here?" asked Haru, ignoring the other's usual banter. "Anything exciting happen while we were gone?"

"You could say that," said Connor. He climbed up into the wagon. "Come on, I'll fill you in on the way back."

After everyone took their seats, Connor drove the horses on, the wagon pulling away from the wharf and heading back into the city proper. Along the way, he told his friends about everything that had happened with his contract, and what the Paerindon's had tried - and failed - to do with the shop. They all seemed especially interested to hear that the perpetrators were now their slaves.

"As they should be," said Ryoko. "Nobody fucks with us."

"Agreed," said Kai. The whale unashamedly adjusted his pants. "Just means more fun for us."

"Speaking of which," said Connor, "I was talking with Baal, and we have a job for you, if you're interested."

That perked the crew right up.

"Let's hear it," said Kai.

"Well, Baal took steps to make sure Beth wouldn't try to double-cross us, but we both think a little more insurance couldn't hurt."


"Shea and her adventurer team set sail yesterday. I think the bitch is still determined to do some great deed to restore her family honor," said the wolfen. "But all kinds of things happen to inexperienced sailors once they reach open water. And if their ship just happened to go missing, or some of the passengers disappeared..."

"Then who would question it," finished Kai, grinning.

"But you wouldn't want us to kill them, surely," said Haru, leaning over the orca's shoulder.

"Not at all," said Connor. "We have something much better in mind. Think you can bring them back alive without drawing attention?"

Kai elbowed his friend in the ribs, laughing. "Gonna pretend you didn't just ask me that. What kind of pirate would I be if I couldn't pull off a simple snatch and grab?"

"Think Sora will have any problems with it?" asked Connor.

"Only if he doesn't get to have some fun with them after the job is done," said Xander. "You know how much he likes showing up the nobles. He'll be thrilled."

"Perfect," said Connor. "Then why don't you take the night to rest, and as soon as the ship is resupplied you can go after them."

"Sounds like a plan," said Kai, grabbing Haru and pulling the otter into his lap, his big hands nearly able to encircle his lover's waist. "Could use a night on shore to unwind before we set out again."

Once they returned to the shop, Connor set about getting the horses settled while the others made their way inside. They split off from each other; Xander and Ryoko headed for the bathhouse, while Kai and Haru moved deeper into their home, heading for the private baths the group and their slaves used. Ryoko moved to the women's bath, while Xander moved towards the men's. Apparently Ryoko didn't want the attention the customers in the mixed bath would no doubt be giving her. But based on the cheerful greetings he received when he entered, the patrons were very happy to see Xander had returned. Especially the Minotaur that rose from the water to greet him, a pleased moo slipping from his lips when Xander slid to his knees and took the male's big cock into his mouth.

By the time they entered the private baths, Kai and Haru couldn't keep their hands off of each other, eagerly helping the other out of his clothes. Throwing the otter over his shoulder, the orca strode proudly into the bath, completely unconcerned with the large erection swinging between his legs, or the smaller length pressed into his shoulder as Haru squirmed.

The baths were truly palatial, a series of steaming hot springs and grottos just begging them to take a dip. Ornate columns sprinkled the space, crystal lights and braziers hanging from them and illuminating the space, just as the crystals set beneath the waters did, shimmering ripples dancing over the walls. The gentle splash of fountains and waterfalls was soothing, but not loud enough to drown out the sounds of pleasure coming from within the baths.

A voice came from a door set to one side of the space, and steam spilled out.

"Damn, so hot... oh!" said the peregrine falcon, his eyes lighting up when he saw Haru and Kai. "When did you all get back?"

"Just now," said Haru, trying to ignore the orca's teasing hand against his rear. "Looking forward to a nice bath."

"Kree? What are you doing?" said a deep voice from behind the bird. "Come back here. The fun isn't over yet."

A large, dark hand wrapped around the bird's side and pulled him back into the sauna with a rumbling growl. Kree meeped cutely before disappearing from sight, the door swinging firmly shut behind him. Apparently Orexi had decided on a bit of private fun this time, so the orca and otter were content to leave the pair to their steamy solitude. Besides, it wasn't like they had any shortage of raunchy goings on to keep them amused.

Kyoji had Soma bent over, leaning against one of the grotto walls as the fox happily humped the bunny's rear. The kitsune's tail was hiked high, showing off the gorgeous curves of his ass and the white-furred sac swinging between his legs. That was certainly a tempting sight, but Kai had his own partner to play with, so he left the pair to their own devices, smirking as Kyoji's teeth sank into the rabbit's scruff and Soma came, hard, his seed splashing down into the water beneath them.

"I'm telling you, you're boiling the mixture too long!"

"And I am telling you, keeping the elixir over heat for anything less won't let it mix properly."

Baal and Ictus were having quite the animated argument, which was even more impressive given that the kobold alchemist was currently being bounced on the long, thick cock of the lizardman behind him. Vic seemed completely indifferent to their argument. Hardly surprising with a tight tailhole clenching around his cock.

"You've got to be kidding!" exclaimed Ictus. "Even a first year apprentice would know better than to risk burning such a delicate mix-mmphf!"

Ictus' words were cut off as Baal used the end of his tail to push the kobold's head down, pressing both his cocks together and shoving them in the other reptile's mouth, silencing him with a very thorough face-fucking.

"Until you can see some sense, let's put that mouth to better use."

Finding a quieter spot for themselves, Kai sank into the water, pulling Haru into his lap so the otter could feel the length of his maleness pressing between his brown-furred cheeks and under his tail.

"I'd say the others have the right idea," said the orca, his hands working the other male's rump and sliding Haru against his dick. "Up for a ride, love?"

"Always," said Haru, pulling the orca into a kiss as he sank down onto his cock, the whale's long, thick penis, creating a pleasant bulge in the otter's belly as he started to bounce in Kai's lap.

As his friends were enjoying each other's company inside, Connor had just finished brushing down the horses when Hadi and Garoz returned, the young lizardboy dashing off inside to find his brothers.

"Connor? A word please?"

"Sure, Hadi. What is it?"

"Seldlon's healing is going well, but he isn't quite himself yet," said the jackal. "I think he is still embarrassed at having been tricked as he was."

"Understandable," said Connor. "Any ideas what might help?"

"I think it would be best for him to get away for a while. Go somewhere he can get the healing he needs, in both body and mind." The jackal gave Connor a knowing look. "How do you feel about taking a trip to the Temple?"

Connor's face broke out into a wide grin, and he had to fight to keep his pants from growing suddenly too tight.

"A visit to the Temple of the Grinning Dragon? Now how could anyone argue with that?"