Sean part 3: when life starts to look better

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#3 of Sean (old)

I walked into the house and Dad was waiting on the chair

"Hi dad" I said walking to the stairs

"Shut the fuck up and get the upstairs" dad responded I nodded and went into my room and unpacked my bag till I felt my t-shirt pull against my throat

"What the fuck are you doing in here bitch" he growled then gave me gave me a knee to my back. I yelped in pain and I fell to the floor coughing and gasping

"I thought I made it clear every day you come home and get into your room" Dad growled

"This is my room" I coughed, dad got the back of my neck and got his maw to my ear

"This was your room when you weren't a fucking fag and killed Samantha" Dad growled then I gave him a swift punch to the balls, Dad yelped and feel to his knees holding his sack, I stood up

"I DIDN'T FUCKING KILL MUM, I WASN'T THE ONE WHO PULLED THE TRIGGER" I yelled as he clenched his balls "you killed her while she was protecting me from you" I said and I could see dad tearing up. I grabbed a suit case and started packing then stopped when I felt a sharp, cold metal line against my throat

"You little fuck, how dare you speak to me like that, after all I have done for you" He said

"What, what have you done for me" I asked "you shove me in a closet every fucking day for the last five years" I said, I was so fucking angry at him that I was finally ready to face him. When I said that he took it to my arm and cut me deep

"FUCK" I yelled putting my other paw on it to try and stop the bleeding

"I'll do it again if you don't get down stairs right now" he told me, I didn't have a choice so I went out of my room and went down stairs

"Sit on the seat" He commanded, I sat down holding my cut, the next thing I know dad has the gun he used to kill mum with pointed at me and I sat as far back in my seat as possible in fear, I began to cry in fear

"So you want to repeat who killed her" He asked,

"I did it Daddy, it was my fault" I cried in fear, I had tears running down my cheeks as he came closer

"That's fucking right bitch and don't you forget it" dad said then undoing his pants "Now to apologise you can suck me off, does that sound good slut" Dad asked

"Yes daddy just please, don't shoot me" I cried as more tears fell from my face and he got his pants off.

"Get up then I ain't standing" Dad said, I stood up then dad sat down "okay bitch suck me" dad said still pointing the gun at me, I got down on my knees, pulled his boxers down and enveloped his member, Dad moaned in pleasure as I moved my head up and down his pole still crying,

"Mmm that's is bitch suck me like a good little cum bag" Dad mocked "Beg for my cum slut"

"Please daddy cum for me I want to taste your delicious cum" I begged crying. Dad put his paw on the back of my head then pushed me down further, I gagged as it was too much

"Use that tongue bitch" Dad moaned and I ran my tongue all over his member, just to please him but I nearly puked when he pre cam in my mouth, dad was constantly moaning in pleasure as I bobbed. Dad then grabbed my ear and pushed me up and down as fast as his arms could move

"OH IM CUMIN SLUT OHHHH" dad moaned as he shot his thick white cum all down my throat, he then pulled my head away and cam onto my face, his hot white ropes of wolf seed splashed against my face soaking my fur. Dad chuckled still panting

"You enjoyed that didn't you, you li..." Dad started but stopped when our front door was kicked down and a bright light shone

"EVERY BODY FREEZE" a male voice said and I didn't move but dad went for his gun but stopped when a warning bullet was shot "Derrick Sedren you are under arrest for paedophilia, rape and assault, anything you say or do will be held against you in court" the man said and dad looked at me

"YOU LITTLE FUCK" he yelled jumping on me, Dad then punched my face over and over each hit more powerful then the last. The policemen pulled him off me and dad yelled threats and kicked wildly and I lay on the floor my maw filled with cum and blood, a policeman helped me up

"There we go, its okay he's never going to hurt you again" he said, I couldn't control myself I just threw my arms around the cop and started crying. The cop hugged back telling me it was alright, the cop let me go and smiled weakly

"I'm very sorry kid but I need to take some photos as evidence against your father" He said I nodded, the cop took photo after photo of my bloody, cum covered face, then of my arm

"Did he do anything else to you" He asked, I nodded. I turned around and lifted my shirt and showed him all the cuts and bruises I have received from my father. The cop gasped and all the cops stopped what they were doing and looked over at my back, the room feel silent and I could feel their gaze, all that could be heard was me crying in pain. The cop took more photos of my back then he put a paw on my shoulder

"I'm sorry but I also need a photo of where you sleep" He asked, I nodded and went upstairs with him following me. I took him to my closet and opened the door

"He kept you in here" He asked, I nodded I could see he was angry he gripped his camera and took photos of the red and white stains on the carpet

"Look I'm really sorry but I need to see your anus I'm so sorry" I nodded turned around and pulled my back parts of my pants down, he took a couple of photos

"how long has it been since you have had a shower kid, your butt has blood and seamen marks all over it" He asked

"Probably 5 years ago" I responded

"Kid go have a shower and clean yourself up" he said, I nodded. I went to the closet, grabbed a towel and went into the shower, I washed every part of my body hard so I looked clean but I soon started to think, who am I going to live with then the two words I never thought I would have to go through but always thought that it would be better went through my head.

New parents.

After a week filled with news reporters, policemen and a lot of drama I was meeting with a couple, the police officer who I found out was called Craig, He was the one in charge of finding me a good home and I stayed with him in the mean time because, me and him have became so close over that period of time. so there we were in the drive way of a very beautiful looking house, it had had pulled up on their drive way of the large modern looking house, it was made of concrete and was two stories, the doors were big blocks of wood with little windows in them, the garden had lush green grass and their flowers were beautiful and blooming.

We walked up to the doors and knocked, I looked in and a very beautiful, blond haired tiger smiled when she saw who it was her eyes were as green as leaves and the way she smiled made me feel warm and safe.

"Hi you must be Daniel" She said

"Yes ma'am that's me" I replied

"hi I'm carol, Sweetie Daniels here" carol called out

"Oh already" A voice came from the kitchen and a very hot and good looking dear came around the corner smiling "Welcome, would you like a cuppa" The dear offered

"No thanks I'm fine" Craig said

"And you Daniel" he asked, I shook my head smiling "okay" he said

"Oh do come in" carol said and Craig and I walked in, we followed carol through the entrance room which had a little table with a bowl on it for keys, the floor was linen and didn't have a mark on it, we walked passed the huge living room with a massive T.V with surround sound

"WOAH" I said looking in

"Are yes James's toys he loves to watch action films anything witch action he'll watch it" Carol explained

"HI-YA" we heard from the kitchen I couldn't help but laugh. We went into the kitchen and we all began to talk

"So Daniel what do you like to do" Carol asked

"Umm well before the drama started I loved playing piano" I explained

"You're a pianist" James asked

"Yer had been playing for six years" I said

"Oh yay we have use of our piano" James laughed.

"What else" Carol asked

"I love to sit and watch movies, listen to any type of music, sketch, paint, act, write, read and I love swimming" I said smiling

"So you're a gentle soul" Carol asked

"Umm I'm sorry" I asked

"Oh it means you're not into football and wrestling like most boys are" Carol explained

"Yer I'm not actually like other boys that's actually why dad beat me" I said wiping a tear from my

eye, Carol put her paw on my arm

"You didn't do anything to deserve what he did to you" Carol said wiping a tear away herself "And Daniel if you come to live with us you will be treated with nothing but respect" I nodded smiling

"But Daniel if I may, why did your father do what he did" James asked

"Oh James that's none of our business" Carol said

"No it's okay you two need to know something about me if you are going to adopt me, the reason dad did all that stuff to me is because I'm gay" I said, Carol and James's eyes widened, James became angry

"Your own father raped, beat and threatened your life because of your sexuality" He asked and I nodded, Carol gasped then she came over and hugged me

"You poor poor dog" She said

"Daniel you have been through so much that you didn't deserve so carol and I are wondering how would you like to become Daniel jenkans" James asked, my heat began to pick up its pace I was so excited and happy.

"Really you two don't care that I'm gay" I asked

"No sweetie. Being gay is nothing to be ashamed of its normal and you should be proud to know who you are some people don't know these things till their thirty or forty. So? How would you like to be part of a real family" Carol asked, my eyes began to water looking at the happy couple that stood in front of me

"Yes, I would love to" I cried happily then I ran over and hugged my new parents.

Sean: part 4: a new life

Craig got the papers and my suitcase from his car and walked me to the house. "So you like them" He asked "I do they are the nicest couple and I think I will be happy here and plus they are sending me to the same school" I...

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Sean part 2: horrid night great day

I was 200 meters from my house when I was knocked to the ground and then kicked in the side "Well well well and here I thought you weren't going to show up" Gary said, the other two cheered as he kicked me again. Gary got me by the...

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Sean part 1:the first meet

When your locked in a room every day with a glass of water and a sandwich of just two pieces of bread and butter being your only meal, You think what have I done to deserve this, Why is my own father doing this to me. The answer to these...

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