Sean part 1:the first meet

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#1 of Sean (old)

When your locked in a room every day with a glass of water and a sandwich of just two pieces of bread and butter being your only meal, You think what have I done to deserve this, Why is my own father doing this to me. The answer to these questions is answered with just three words. I am gay. My dad, my own flesh and blood locks me in a small room about the size of a bathroom with no bed, no furniture and no rights all because I like my own sex, the only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I know one day, I'll get out. Hi welcome to the sad pitiful life of Daniel Sedren, I am a 5 foot 9 white Siberian husky and as you all ready know, gay. My hair is dark grey while also being long and shaggy, my left eye is blue and my right is red, I have no muscle and I have been treated like this for 5 years now ever since I was 11. That day is also the day dad killed my mother, when dad found out he got angry, his face was fuming as he grabbed the gun "No son of mine is going to be a fucking faggot" He said raising the gun and pointing it in my direction but before he pulled the trigger mum stood in front of me. She took the bullet for me, dad and I stood frozen as mum fell to the ground and after I finally snapped out of my frozen gaze I fell to my knees crying, I grabbed her then held her, asking her why she bothered saving me. Dad dropped the gun; He stood there looking at his dead wife, the husky he married, He then looked at me, his fists curled up, he walked over to me and picked me up by my hair, I screamed in pain pleading him to let me go "LOOK WHAT YOU DID, LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER" my dad yelled, I looked at my mother, dead and lifeless, blood dripping from her chest. Dad started crying, tears poured down his face, he let me go then he delivered a kick to my stomach; I lay on the floor clenching my stomach helplessly trying to breath. He picked me up by the throat and pushed me against the wall with his left paw and with his right came punch after punch, His big, strong arms behind him every hit. he finally let me go and I fell to the floor blood pouring out of my maw, Dad then dragged me up the stairs and threw me into the empty room that's now my dungeon. I lay their clenching my stomach, crying with blood dripping from my maw. I soon just curled up and fell asleep. That's how it all begun, by my father being a homophobic ass hole and him killing my mother who tried to keep it a secret but more importantly, who loved me. Dad's the only other family I have now, yet he treats me like a piece of shit but one day he's going to get what's coming for him, one day I'm going to wake up happy but that will have to wait. I was sleeping soundly when the next thing I know I have freezing cold water being splashed all over my fur "Wake the fuck up fag" Dad said "You have school so get dressed and when you get home just do what you do every day, you get back in here and shut the fuck up" He instructed, I nodded then he stepped to the side as I walked out dad drove his hind paw into my back I yelped in pain as I hit the floor. Dad walked to the stairs walking over me in the process and let me tell you, having a muscular 130 kg wolf walk over you hurts like a bitch, I got back up and limped into my room and got into jeans and a red t-shirt, got my books, pencil case and bag, went down stairs, walked out the door and started my trek to school. I arrived at school fifteen minutes later, put my bags in my locker, got my pencil case and books then went to my class and sat down at my assigned seat by myself. School may be better then home but it still sucks because of Gary Frederickson and his group of ass-holes. Gary is a big pit bull who loves to make my life even worse than it already is and today I'll most probably get my usual thrashing after school but hay, it's something to look forward to. I do my homework for I have no time at home to do it; it's only seven o'clock so the school is empty or so I thought. The next thing I know I see a shadow next to me "And I thought I would be the only one here" The voice said I look over to see a very muscular, hot, Six foot two Lion. I looked up at his face he had a long red hair, the bluest eyes ever seen. My eyes went lower to his chest then to his abs which was covered by a tight white T-shirt, a perfect eight pack all lined up perfect I was drooling so much I had to wipe my maw, I realised that I had been staring at his lower body for a while then looked back up to his face "Yer well I like the classroom like this, its peaceful and it makes it easier to work" I say and smile "Would it be alright if I sat down" He asked, I pulled the chair out and smiled "Be my guest" I said, he chuckled as he sat down "Thankyou" he put his paw out "Hi my names Sean" "Daniel" I said taking his paw in mine, it was soft yet had a firm grip to it I smiled and He giggled cutely "I haven't seen you here before, are you new" I asked "Yer I just came from Western Australia" He said "I wanted to get out ya' know and I have never been to a beach in my life, only pools" He said and I smiled "So you came to Queensland because of how many beaches we have" I asked "Yer I heard you had five beaches close to each other" He said "Yes we do they are Kings, Dicky, Moffet, Shelly and Caloundra Lake which has a beach" "Fuck that is a lot" He said and I giggled "Yer I'll have to show you them one day" I offered and he smiled warmly "That would be nice" He said, Sean patted me on the back right on the spot where Dad had elbowed me last night and I yelped "oh crap, are you ok" "Y-yer just I have a bruise there is all" I said and I wasn't lying either it's true but it's not the only one either. "Here let me have a look" He said grabbing my shirt "No I-it's okay I'm fine" I say backing off a bit "No seriously let me see I'm good with this kinda thing, trust me" He said looking down into my eyes, the way he looked at me just made me feel safe so I turned slowly and reluctantly, he lifted my shirt "Holy hell" Sean said putting his paw over his maw "What happened to you" he asked running his paw softly down my back, my back was covered in bruises from all of dads bashings, he doesn't hold back his anger when he beats me it's like I'm his 16 year old stress toy his to beat and thrash, I want to say something and make him stop but every single time he finishes he picks my head up and whispers Tell anybody and that is going to seem like a pillow fight compared to what I'll do to you Then he throws my head down. "I fell down the stairs" I lied "Oh you'd be a goose then wouldn't ya" He joked, his paw was still on my back but he soon stopped, put my shirt down and soon we were talking again. We talked till the bell rang and the teacher was telling the now full classroom to settle down, Sean and I spent all day together it had been the best day of my life, he had been so nice to me and by the end of the day I think I had a school boy crush on him but when the bell rang at 3: 20 my heart sank for two reasons 1. I have to go home and

  1. I have to say goodbye to Sean "So what time will you be here tomorrow" He asked walking me to the front gate "I have no idea I just wake up and then get dressed and go" I say stopping then turning around "Really" He asked and giggled "Why me" I asked "Excuse me" "What made you want to sit next to me and talk to me" I ask and he looked back at me "Because you seemed lonely and it was only you and me, but if you want me to leave you al..." "NO" I said maybe sounding a bit desperate "I was just curious" I blushed then looked at the ground he put his paw on my shoulder "Daniel I have been with you all day and I can tell something's up" He asked "It's Nothing, don't worry, I have to get home now anyway" I lied but I could tell by his face he didn't buy it "Okay well see you tomorrow" Sean said and I walked away "Hopefully" I said under my breath and I started my long walk home.

Sean part 2: horrid night great day

I was 200 meters from my house when I was knocked to the ground and then kicked in the side "Well well well and here I thought you weren't going to show up" Gary said, the other two cheered as he kicked me again. Gary got me by the...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part seven

-Eli stood over Tyler holding his lifeless paw crying, the tears fell from his eyes, as they ran down his cheeks he looked over the Dalmatian he used to call his own. Eli bent down and gave Tylers forehead a kiss "Goodbye Tyler, I love...

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the Dalmatian under the tree part six

Eli and Tyler went out into the perfect temperature, summer day to Tyler's red 4WD, they got in the car and Eli was waiting to head off by looking out the window. Eli then heard a sniff; he turned around to see the big Dalmatian his eyes red...

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