Lady of Luck

Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Great Tales of Antaris: The Lady of Luck

This is for all the people who reread my works and have stuck with me through all this time

Thanks for all the support and I promise to try and update more regularly

The Lady of Luck

Peter groaned as he sat up another day at uni, ‘Oh god' he moaned, a raging headache warring through his head.

Peter wasn't exactly the most social of furs nor was he one of the more liked, his natural grasp of his courses and the scholarship paying for his education isolated from a great number of his peers. Peter finally grasped what called him from the comfortable abyss of sleep, the damn phone.

Peter ran to the phone ‘Gods damn it all' he swore as the phone cut out the second he reached, he just wasn't lucky.

Peter made a rather lengthy prayer to his patron, the Goddess of Luck, as fickle as she seemed sometimes as he left for Uni already dreading what would occur there. He suspected that no matter how refined his speech were to be he would face another day of pointless ridicule from his intellectual inferiors but that was life.

The day progressed slowly and as he had predicted it with only one upside, due to a riot provoked by drunken students the day ended early. A rare piece of luck, all things considered. Peter sighed as he turned onto a nature track, he walked here regularly to relieve the stress of the day, in fact this walk was probably the only reason he was still at Uni.

Peter continued to walk along the track wondering if he had enough money to go on a holiday during the break preferably as far away from here as possible.

Unbeknownst to Peter, a being did hear him, and she had a way of making this happen but not in the way we often expect and more often in the way we would rather not have happen.

She uttered words of power that would make Peter's walk talk an unexpected turned and last a whole lot longer than expected and she sat back and laughed.

Peter swore as he stubbed his foot on a rock, the thick leather of his boots doing nothing to shield his foot from the force of the impact, strangely enough.

‘That wasn't there before' Peter murmured to himself as he picked up the rock, something gleamed on the ground where the rock had been it, looked like an old bronze bracelet.

His face was a mask of concentration as he examined the bracelet looking for a name of a clue to where it came from, it was decorated with symbols in a language that looked more than vaguely familiar to Peter but for some reason he couldn't place them.

Then without a moment thought and not really knowing why he slipped the bracelet over his wrist and slid it up his arm till it rested on his upper arm, Peter felt a strange tingle spread up his arm and into his body it was the strangest sensation almost like being pulled in two different directions.

Peter continued his walk climbing up the hill that overlooked the city and watched the sunset, Peter really felt tired all of the sudden unable to resist the siren call of sleep he laid down and went to sleep dreaming of a place that time has left far behind in the age of myth and legend a realm of heroes, warriors, mages and dragons back before the Antaris war when a lone wolf could create a great empire if he had skill and the touch of luck.

A voice echoed through a hall in a time long ago "You know you shouldn't do this remember what happened last time" the voice faded away leaving the laughter of the speaker behind, the Goddess gritted her teeth in remembrance and said "This time it will be different".

Peter sat bolt upright ‘Just where the hell am I?' he thought as he looked around he definitely wasn't on the hill, he stood up to look around and as he did all his clothes fell off, every seam unpicked by the magic which had sent him back in time.

Peter cursed loudly at his luck and nearly leapt out of his skin when he heard laughter echoing across the meadow, Peter blushed furiously as he saw the source of laughter a wolf obviously female walked across the meadow towards him, her face made his heart ache she had to be the most beautiful woman he had every seen.

The Goddess was laughing as she saw the mistake she had made though she had to admit he was rather attractive and she loved the way his muscles rippled across his chest as he moved.

"Ah excuse me" said Peter blushing furiously as he groped at the remnants of his clothes trying to preserve his dignity startling the Goddess out her train of thought back to reality, "But could you tell me just where I am?".

"Well that is an easy question to answer. You are in Antaris"

That scared Peter, Antaris was destroyed during the Antaris war and entire continent the source of all known magic was destroyed by human science namely nuclear weapons, the entire continent reduced to molten glass made absolutely inhabitable by anything ever again. So this lead him to think he was either dreaming or dead, the first preferably "But that's impossible".

The female wolf just yawned and conjured fire out of the air almost absently, "No, it's not and you might want to consider buying some clothes", Then she turned and walked off, Peter stood there shocked for a second then hurried after the strange wolf bemused by her attitude towards him.

Peter soon lost sight of the strange wolf who didn't seem interested in waiting for him to follow her; very quickly Peter because hopelessly lost in the thick forests as oak and willow trees prevented him from seeing more than five meters in any direction. Peter after being lost for about half an hour found her in a clearing outside a cave pinned by what appeared for purposes to be a gryphon and it looked like one mean mother fucker.

Peter searched desperately for a weapon to help the strange wolf who might be the only one with the answers he needed or at least be able to help him find some clothes, he remembered that he had brought a switchblade with him for protection against idiots at Uni he was convinced it was needed after an incident involving him and four other Uni students.

"It might not be much but better than nothing" he thought.

He crept towards the gryphon and raised his hand to strike, he did and the blow just glanced off one of the thick armoured scales merely distracting the gryphon for a second but that appeared to be enough for the strange wolf who uttered a phrase which caused the gryphon fly off her.

The huge beast landed smoking a good fifty meters after crashing through numerous trees, "What took you so long?" asked the strange wolf dusting herself off as she stood up,.

Peter just realizing that he dropped his clothes earlier to find the blade and was now totally naked in front of the wolf, he turned to cover himself but the wolf stopped him with a word then almost negligently called up some clothes and hand them to Peter.

Peter surmised that leather was the basic clothing in the region from the fact that his were made of leather reinforced with steel discs, after Peter put on his new clothes the wolf said "Hurry up that bastard will probably wake up soon so we need to be pretty far from here" then staggered over to Peter before collapsing in a heap totally exhausted from the magic.

Peter picked her up and started to jog in the opposite direction from where the gryphon had impacted the trees carrying the strange wolf almost like a child in his arms realising that the wolf had just used magic. That fact was what

finally convinced Peter that he was indeed in Antaris and that he most certainly wasn't in his own time, Peter swore as he heard wings beating through the air and sought a place to hid himself and the strange wolf in only for a short time.

That night the Goddess regained consciousness in a cave with Peter staring out into the night his back to the fire keeping watch for the gryphon which had been doggedly searching for them, she got up and walked over to Peter, "Thank you" she said simply then sat next to him. It occurred to Peter that he didn't know the wolf's name, and then he said ‘I'm Peter, what is your name?'.

The wolf sat there for a while before answering ‘You can call me Dawn' she then got up and sat back down in her bed closing her eyes faking being asleep when Peter turn away she cast a magic turning Peter's bed invisible and expanding hers then she truly slept with a wolfish grin on her face, Peter not noticing considering what he now knew about the wolf.

After a few hours more Peter decided to go to sleep, he turned to find his bed gone, he swore under his breath he was really tired, he noticed but didn't really care that Dawn's bed seemed bigger he just climbed in a went to sleep. Dawn awoke when she felt Peter slide in beside her and waited till he was asleep. She hadn't just brought Peter here because she felt guilty but she was a person as well as a god and she hadn't slept with a man for nearly a thousand years and Peter really was handsome.

Dawn turned over to examine Peter as he slept he had a well muscled body that hid a soul that truly belonged in this age not in the age of humans. Dawn felt herself getting wet as she touched Peter's body he only wore underwear nothing else in the bed as he laid beside Dawn her scent drifting across his nose tormenting his senses driving his body overtime his eyes crept open as he saw Dawn slip her hand across his groin drawing down his underwear caressing his sheath teasing the tip of his cock out.

Peter moved down and kissed Dawn right on the lips making her moan with desire as a male played with her body again Peter's finger rubbing down her body till they reached the wet lips slowly caressing her lips teasing her clit. 'Gods' thought Dawn 'How I've missed this'.

Dawn moaned as Peter played with her clit, she reached across to start jerking on Peter's cock now fully out of its sheath twitching in her fingers as she rubbed his cock with a desperate desire, Peter moan and thrust his hips forward into Dawn's hand both content to tease each other for the moment.

Dawn moved on the bed lining his wolf cock up with her cunt and rubbed his cock against the entrance to her pussy. Peter slowly thrust forward into Dawn sliding deep within Dawn making her writhe in pleasure as she is filled with a large wolf cock sliding deep within her stoking the fires of her desires. Peter groaned and thrust again hilting within the wolf girl feeling his knot start to build, Peter pulled back and started thrusting slowly at first but increasing to a faster pace as they both demanded higher and higher pleasures.

Peter fucked his cock in an out of his almost unknown lover stroking her nipples and squeezing her breasts as she fucks herself forward onto his cock writhing in pleasure as she vented her feelings on her new lover. Peter kissed Dawn again shoving his tongue inside her mouth venting his pent up lust with her in mating between Mortal and Goddess, he moaned as their tongues twined together like candle flames.

Dawn shuddered as she felt her orgasm build Peter pushing her over the edge when he flicked her clit making her scream as her came hard on his cock milking his cock desperate for his cum.

‘Cum in me now' screamed Dawn as she came and Peter howled and he forced his cock into her one last time then letting loose with a veritable flood of cum. Dawn screamed in passion as she felt her new lover pumping her full of cum some spilling loose around his knot soaking her fur.

Smiling Wolf