An Awkward Bond [COMMISSION]

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Waking up in a dim, empty room, stripped naked and tied up so tightly that you can barely move sounds like a very scary situation to be in, even if you happen to be tied together with your crush from university. That was definitely not how Rodney the fox expected his day to go, but there he was, nervously staring into the eyes of Paul, who happened to be his crush and his bully at the same time.

From the very first day, Rodney couldn't keep his eyes off the wolf, much stronger and smarter than him, always hanging out with who the fox perceived to be the "popular guys", although that might just have been some bias towards the guy he wanted to get so desperately. He seemed to be without flaw, even after purposefully bumping into him and tripping him up all the time... Maybe it was just a way to get his attention?

But Paul didn't see Rodney as anything other than a simple plaything, a running gag among his mates. The fox was always shy and quiet, even looked a bit gay due to his slight flamboyancy and his well known trait of turning bright red any time he spoke to an attractive dude. All in all, the perfect person to bully around, even if it never got more serious than a few acts of humiliation and bad mannered teasing.

He didn't really want to hurt Rodney if he was honest with himself, not physically anyway. Maybe he just did it because he wanted to fit in, to prove to the others that he was just as capable of being a tough, strong guy as all the others, and everyone knew that all tough guys needed a little plaything that they would bully around occasionally, just to show them who was really the alpha male of the group.

The fox was such a perfect actor for this role in the wolf's life- the shy, easily embarrassed fox who didn't even happen to have a lot of friends to protect him, he never talked back, but never seemed to offended or hurt either; he just laughed most of it off, with the kind of giggle that girls made when walking past an attractive guy, but perhaps a bit reserved. He was probably just hiding the fact that he was gay and into him, Paul thought, and he couldn't have been closer to the truth with that guess.

To his defense, Rodney didn't really try to hide his attraction all that much, albeit he would have never told the wolf up front about his feelings towards him. He figured it would be the safest just to give clues, in hopes of seeing them back. That sadly never really happened, but the fox was not the type of person to be held back in his daydreaming just because of a lack of interest shown.

He didn't consider himself to be very kinky at all, but he had one fantasy that he just could not beat out of his head, even if he tried: If only he and his crush could rub up together, he imagined the large wolf cock stroking on his pathetic little nub, thinking about how hard and strong his muscles would feel against his weak and skinny build. And even though the chances of that happening were less than unlikely, he couldn't help himself from dreaming about it.

But as it turned out, that dream wasn't so far fetched anyway. As a result of a peculiar turn of events that neither of them could really explain, there they were, pushed up against each other tightly, hearing each other's breaths and smelling each other's bodies- even if that closeness was only made possible by that certain magically glowing rope that kept Paul from jolting away the instant he realized that he was snuggled up naked against that weird kid at uni.

Perhaps due to the shock, they didn't even say anything for a while, just trying to wiggle themselves free- one of them a bit more vigorously than the other. But after seeing that the rope would not snap due to the tension and it would not be cut by their teeth or claws, they both stopped to take a break, looking each other in the eye in disbelief.

Rodney's yellow eyes were glowing like gold as they filled with admiration, the world seemed to electrify around them. Paul was even hotter up close! He looked at his well maintained light gray fur, his elegant hair and his green eyes through the glasses that their mysterious kidnapper didn't bother to take off of him. He tried to say something but he just couldn't form any words, so he did what he did best when in such close presence of a crush of his: blush.

The wolf wasn't so entertained by their situation though, as he still wiggled a little bit against the bonds even after deeming the situation hopeless. Rodney looked even more pathetic up close! Deep blue wasn't even a proper color for a fox, let alone those weird little constellation patterns all over him. Although he was already repulsed by the fox's mere presence, what bothered him most were their cocks being pressed together, like in a bad porn scene. Couldn't the kidnapper find any other way to tie them together, like back to back so they wouldn't have had to face each other?

"What are you staring at, idiot?" He barked roughly, trying to push the fox away. Rodney stumbled from the push as he always did, which nearly made both of them fall over due to them being tied together. "Really now? I barely touched you and you almost made both of us fall over. Didn't your parents teach you how to stand on your feet?"

"I... I suppose they didn't. I just kinda figured it out on my own, you know..." The fox giggled, nervously smiling at the frustrated wolf. Maybe he'll ease up over time and he might even ask him out on a date after they're free! Oh really, they've still got to break free somehow...

"Very funny, if you've got a sense of humor like that, no wonder why everyone is avoiding you at uni" The wolf remarked, turning his head away. "I can smell your breath and I don't like it."

"Touche! But still, shouldn't we like, work together to find a way to get out of here? I'm sure that would be better for both of us?" Rodney was slightly offended by the remarks but tried not to pay it too much mind, he had to be the voice of reason if they had a chance of getting out.

"What way? Do you think our kidnappers made it so we could just... Wiggle out of here or something? We're stuck, we're fucked! I don't even remember how I got here!" The wolf yelled out of frustration, trying to break the rope over and over again, as if it would change its mind after hearing the long winded rant.

"I can smell your breath too, you know..." Rodney replied quietly, trying to get the wolf to quiet down, but somehow feeling that that was not the most effective way to do it. And indeed, he was as far from calming the wolf down as he was from going on a date with him.

"Yeah? Well at least now you know what a real man's breath smells like! This is what it smells like when your mouth hasn't been tainted by the endless cock sucking you do in your free time." Paul kept yelling at his companion, almost shocked by the audacity it took to talk back to him.

"Heh, if only I had enough cock to suck for you to say that..." The fox snickered, pretty much having given up on finding a solution together to get out of the bond. It was only a couple of seconds after his reply, that he realized what just came out of his mouth: Did he really just come out as gay in front of his crush and bully? Maybe he could have played it off as a joke if he was charismatic enough but of course he was not, and a wave of self embarrassment rushed through him, which made him redder than a tomato.

"H-heh, just k-kidding!" He grinned nervously, looking at the shocked face of the wolf, but it was obvious that he didn't eat the explanation one bit. Rodney's mouth was known to run faster than his thoughts, and this was a prime example of that.

"I always knew you were gay, it's so obvious! Look at you, you're even getting a boner as we speak! Can't you control yourself?" He pointed out while scoffing loudly, looking down at the fox's slowly growing cock.

"Hey, don't act like it's only me who's getting a hard on right now! Look at you!" Rodney said victoriously that he managed to come back from a humiliating remark, but also in disbelief as he watched his crush's penis emerge.

A million thoughts rushed through his mind, as he simply could not believe his eyes. Maybe he was attracted to him after all? The thought only made his penis grow faster and faster, and the wolf's member seemed to follow suit, hardening even quicker. He wanted to pinch himself to test if he was dreaming, but quickly remembered that his hands were tied, so he just shook his head to confirm that he was still very much in the real world and not daydreaming this all up.

"What's happening to me!? I'm not gay!" Paul yelled in panic, trying every known method of calming a boner, from flexing his thighs to saying the alphabet backwards. Nothing seemed to work, and it seemed to even make it worse, as he finally reached his maximum, standing harder than perhaps ever before.

"Well I mean you could be bi...?" The fox shot his chance with a cunning grin, as he reached his peak as well. But it wasn't only his boner that grew, it was also his sex drive, wanting nothing more than to rub up against the wolf just a tiny bit tighter. All he needed was confirmation that he wanted it too, and there was no greater confirmation than this.

"Don't you ever dare to say something like that again!" Paul said between his teeth, trying to fight the sensation that he was getting- he also seemed to get more pent up with his erection. "This is all a big misunderstanding, a trick! I'm sure they gave us something, they have injected gay hormones in me! I'm sure you set this all up!"

Rodney was shocked at the wolf accusing him of kidnapping him, as he was in exactly the same situation, taken against his will in a way that he didn't even remember. He couldn't even recall where he had last been awake, or what he was doing before his mind went blank and he woke up in that strange room.

"Hey, enough is enough. Don't accuse me of anything like that, I believe you're not gay, okay? You're just getting a boner cause you're... Nervous, or something." He said highly offended, turning his head away.

"Yeah, that must be it. Because I always tend to get boners when I'm nervous." The wolf was not quite satisfied with the explanation, but he couldn't think of anything else either. He decided that it was for the best if he just waited for the boner to calm down naturally, and then he would find a way to escape with a clear head. But the force that seemed to be acting on him all that time seemed to have different plans.

Almost subconsciously, the two started rubbing their cocks together, there wasn't any thought or intention behind it, they simply got so horny that they couldn't hold it back anymore. Rodney slowly, but passionately humped his crush's crotch, and so did Paul, even though he would have much preferred a pillow to fuck instead. But his sudden libido got the best of him and he had to make do with what he had, so he joined in with the humping as well.

"Can we agree not to ever talk about this after we're out of here...?" The wolf asked grumpily, giving up on trying to restrain himself from humping. The urge was too strong and he simply couldn't hold it back, even if it meant rubbing up against the biggest loser he knew.

"S-sure... I can go with that..." Rodney whispered and blushed an even deeper red, he felt like he was going to cook from the heat that his embarrassment and horniness put on him. He might not talk about it ever again, but it will stay in his mind for sure.

They kept going faster with each thrust, as if the rope was making them move in some way, even though that was impossible, there is no such thing as a magical rope. It must have been some kind of drug that they gave to us before they were kidnapped, the glow could just be because it's coated with fluorescent paint... But did that really matter? They had less and less time to think about it, because their minds were slowly but surely overcome with the deepest horniness, so strong that neither of them could have hoped to resist it.

Seeing that they would only get even more pent up, they both mutually decided that they had to work together and leave before it was too late. They couldn't let their sudden unexplainable urges stand in the way of escaping, so Paul turned to Rodney again.

"Hey, I really think we should work together. This is getting like... Really awkward. I'll count down from three and we stand up together, okay?" The fox nodded, and waited for his partner to start counting down.

"Three... Two... One... Wait, what the fuck are you doing Rodney? You're supposed to stand up on zero, not one!" The wolf said oozing with anger and frustration as they fell over, the small fox landing right on top of him and keeping on humping him even harder than before.

"I-I'm so sorry! Let's try this again... But how do we get up from here?" He replied nervously, embarrassed once again. Why did he always have to act like such a fool in his crush's presence?

"I learned about this in a camp once, we just need to roll to the side in three... two... one... zero!" They managed to sync everything up this time, managing to roll on their side. "Perfect, now bend your legs and push up!" The fox obeyed, staring in awe at the wolf's leadership and dominance.

"Y-you're so clever, Paul! You really got us out of this one..." He said, smiling shyly and wanting nothing more than kissing the wolf- but he didn't dare to risk his chances, at least not yet.

"I know I'm clever! But we're still not out, we have to get out of the room, remember? Let's get to the door... When I put one of my legs forward, you put yours back, understood? I don't wanna fall over again because I'm gonna lose my shit." Rodney nodded and followed the instructions of the wolf once again, and they slowly but surely reached the door, Rodney reaching behind himself to push down the handle.

"It... It's locked!" He said nervously, knowing that his partner wouldn't be happy about the news. He tried again, but the handle wouldn't move an inch, it was completely stuck in place.

"Argh, what? Let me try!" The wolf impatiently turned them around to reach the door handle himself, but he had the same results. "The kidnappers apparently thought of us standing up and trying to walk away, who would have guessed!? What are we to do now?" He sounded frustrated as ever, but there was also a bitter sense of giving up in his voice. He pushed his erect cock tightly onto Rodney's in pure frustration, which made both of them insanely horny once again.

"Fuck, now I'm out of control again~" Paul grunted followed with a whine as he found himself uncontrollably rubbing against the fox again. This time, not only their dicks were touching- they pushed their chests together, hearing each other breathing right next to one another's ears.

"D-does it even matter...?" Rodney whispered under his breath as he already felt close to the edge of cumming, always feeling a couple of thrusts away from finishing.

"What the hell do you mean? Of course it matters! This is the most humiliating I've ever felt, rubbing up against another guy as if I was gay! I'm not gay!!" The wolf moaned, enraged at his situation but still completely overcome by his arousal.

Their legs started feeling weak from the vigorous humping and the ever growing pleasure, and Rodney was the first to give in. His legs gave out from under him, and Paul wasn't strong enough to keep the two up for two long. Suddenly they fell to the ground again, right back to where they started- but this time, they were too occupied with their pleasure to try plotting to get up again. Why would they want to get up anyway? The hopes of escaping are completely futile, and it feels so good to just be each other's... They both needed to reach orgasm, it was way past the point of returning.

"Don't you ever... Ever dare talk about this once we're out, I hope you remembered that..." Paul grunted as he took deep sniffs from the fox's neck, before gently biting it, enjoying the shivers that formed on its surface from Rodney's wave of pleasure.

"I won't, I swear I won't! Just give me a kiss, fuck please give me a kiss!" They looked at each other in the eye, and Paul once again felt too pent up to refuse the offer. He pressed his lips tightly onto the Rodney's, pushing his tongue inside as he felt the other one entering his own mouth.

"So this is what it feels like to french kiss with a hot wolf guy..." The fox thought to himself, nearly exploding from the thought of what he was currently living though, which was not a dream, nor a fantasy, like he had gotten so used to throughout the years. And it was exactly like he imagined!

The thought process of the wolf was slightly different, as he still couldn't quite believe what he was doing- even through his incredibly huge wave of pleasure, he saw nothing but a loser in his partner, a little toy to bully- still, someone that he couldn't resist humping, kissing and rubbing up against.

From time to time, he'd break the kiss and whisper things like "I can't believe I'm doing this...", to which the fox would always reply with "Me neither, but let's keep going~" And the wolf would always oblige. He simply lost all of his self control, and even though he was hating it, he loved every single second of it.

"We can't just stay like this forever though, we need to cum! Especially me..." Paul said, sweat dropping down his face like smoking hot, salty raindrops onto the fox's bright red cheeks. He saw agreement, and the same frustration that he felt in the eyes looking back.

"Yes we do! I don't know how long we've been doing this... Something is clearly wrong, I think I definitely would have came by now!" Rodney nodded, licking up some of the sweat that landed around his lips.

"Well I think you would have came at the first second, there is no doubt about that... But still, we can't keep humping each other forever!" The wolf growled angrily, panting as he humped so hard that he nearly crushed the fragile little fox under his well built body.

"Maybe just... Stop saying that something is wrong! I know I sound stupid... Well, you've always thought of me as stupid anyway, but let's just act like we're lovers, okay? Maybe that will help, and we will be able to forget about all of this soon..." He proposed shyly, but completely seriously, expecting another aggressive response from the wolf. But instead, Paul seemed to be quite understanding.

"Grh... Maybe... Maybe we can try that. It will definitely be hard, but I guess I could imagine you as a girl or something..." He tried saving some face, before having his lips blocked by the fox's once again, as they went back to passionately kissing each other again. But this time Paul didn't bother to come up to complain, Rodney seemed a lot less nervous too- they pretended to be lovers, but it really seemed to become more and more of a reality to both of them, whether they liked it or not.

They kept going for a couple of more minutes, but it just didn't seem to get any better. They didn't come any closer to cumming but they didn't lose a shred of their horniness either- they seemed to be eternally stuck in that cursed state of being just one hump away from orgasming.

Both realizing that humping will do nothing good, they stopped for a while, separating their mouths once again, perhaps to try to wait it out, maybe the feeling would go away if they just ignored it. They didn't say a word but seemed to understand each other without speaking, their cocks slowly twitching and begging to finally let loose and spit out their warm seed.

"Fuck, I love you Paul... You're the love of my life..." The fox whispered after a few moments of trying to calm down, seeing that there was no way of getting rid of the feeling other than accepting it and cumming.

"I love you too..." The wolf replied, despite the ever fading voice in his subconscious that still begged him to keep his image and to not give in to his sudden urges. He had already destroyed his reputation as a straight guy in front of Rodney, and the only way he was going to cum was by giving himself up- trying to pretend that he wasn't crazy pent up and trying to cum on his partner was futile.

But it didn't matter anyway. As if the glowing rope's magical powers haven't only had an effect on their libido, but also their ability to orgasm, it always seemed like there was just some kind of power forcibly keeping their loads inside and not allowing them to finally find relief. Perhaps there was someone watching through a camera in another room, enjoying the sight of their suffering, as they slowly lose their minds and become brainless drones of horniness, all sane thoughts having left their minds.

There was no desire to leave anymore, maybe they had even given up on trying to cum- it was all too difficult to form reasonable thoughts or even desires in their heads, washed away by a blissful urge, the only thing that they needed to fulfill. Rodney wasn't embarrassed or shy anymore, the image of his university crush had long faded away from his mind, and neither was Paul angry or frustrated. The nerd he liked to bully so much was nothing more than just a hump pillow, a device to put out his urges on, he wasn't dominant anymore- he had fallen into slavery as well, of this overwhelming sensation that the magical rope had given them.

They just kept humping away for hours on end, brains completely shut off aside from the everlasting need for just one more hump, a little bit more kissing, and to propel themselves just one step closer to an orgasm that they had already accepted would never come- but they couldn't care less about that anyway.