A Part of Me

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A man attempts to make his greatest wish come true, only to find that while he had gotten what he had wanted it fell a bit short of his expectations. Fortunately there was someone that could give him the power that he craved, and while the other one wasn't too keen on it they eventually came to a mutually beneficial agreement before becoming one creature.

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Leo panted heavily as he knelt there in the middle of the room, sparks still flying in the air from the machinery that minutes ago were sending waves of energy into the area where he stood. The human that had stood in the middle of the arcane circle that was intricately crafted into the floor knew that there would be many risks to what he was about to do and as his eyes surveyed the lab he could see that the power surge had rendered many of the technological objects in the area as useless while arcane tomes and glassware lay broken on the tables which they used to stand. None of that really mattered to him though, Leo thought to himself as he felt his new draconic muzzle curl up into a grin that exposed his fangs as he felt a second pair of thickly scaled grey arms push him up while the first pair felt the new musculature of his body.

For the longest time Leo had been obsessed with two things; dragons, and how to turn into a dragon. The latter is what had caused him to delve deep into not only the scientific means of transformation but also arcane methods as well since he found the former to be lacking in the means to do what he wanted. In the end it was the fusion of both that allowed him to get what he wanted, looking over the body that he had designed with profound satisfaction as he stood up on his three talon-tipped feet. It was the perfect blend of magical morphing integrated science as his clawed hands traced down the tubes that branched from his pectorals and the glowing yellow lines of his bio liquid system. His new form also came with the ability to be enhanced and upgraded, something that he had installed within his first transformation as he delved deeper into the mystical arts and his passion for power grew.

It was that yearning that made him think about what to do next. Even though he had finally succeeded in achieving the form that he desired all this time it no longer felt like enough. As he went over to the cracked mirror and saw the two pairs of wings that were stretched out behind him and the long set of ivory horns that adorned his head he could see the yellow eyes framed by those red sclera were looking for something... more. He wanted more already, and he had designed his body to absorb those with the power that he wanted in order to keep evolving and become the greatest creature that the world had ever seen. Looking around his destroyed lab as his augmented tail slowly swayed through the air he found the destruction as an acceptable loss for what he had accomplished, especially since he knew that if he wanted to continue to grow he would need to rely on other creatures to do it.

So Leo began to do what he did best and researched the area, using his newly honed senses to try and find something that would continue to allow him to grow even more powerful. It couldn't just be any creature that he would merge with since he needed something that would augment and not hinder his newfound form, and he also wanted to try and keep things draconic so that it would be easier to integrate with his design. Using his new wings he sailed through the air trying to find something that would complete his body, and as he flew over a warehouse area he began to sense something profound that caused him to turn his head. Whatever he had just caught wind of was much like himself only felt even more corruptive in nature... which was exactly what he was looking for as he banked down and landed on the rooftop to try and see what it was the dragon had sensed.

It took a bit but Leo eventually saw what he was looking for, his grin growing wider as his gaze landed upon the creature that had started to make his way up through the alley. The creature looked draconic in nature but unlike his own body they appeared to be covered in rubber, though as he continued to watch his steps he noticed that his body was actually more gooey in nature. He could see purple footstels being left by the large feet of the creature and once he saw them turn the corner he landed silently in order to investigate. Even without touching it he could sense that there was power there, along with the corruption that had drawn them there in the first place. Since it seemed the body of the one he was trailing didn't diminish in size either it was capable of producing this strange goo... which was exactly what he wanted to augment into himself as he turned and started to stalk down the same alleyway that he had saw the creature go down.

Meanwhile Lorkos continued to huff and pant, though his running that he had been doing for what felt like the last hour or so trailed off as he took a second to catch his breath. The purple goo dragon had recently gotten his corruption powers and as he kept feeling the green eye in the middle of his head looking around for him the former wolf was still trying to figure things out. Along with his new form and abilities he had found his aggression had been ramped up to eleven as his black horns pulsated with glowing green veins. As the eye in between the ones that were closed continued to look around the goo dragon could feel something in the air, sense something that might have been following him even though he was sure he had managed to escape from the last encounter that he had gotten involved in.

After taking another look around and finding nothing that he could see Lorkos began to move again, only to suddenly find himself in the middle of a shadow that grew bigger by the second. Someone was there, the goo creature realized, but before he could dart out of the way the dragon had landed on the ground and used his two sets of arms to grab his and secure them. "Now you are definitely a find," Leo said with a smirk as he felt the creature smirk. "We're going to be a good fit together."

"I don't think so!" Lorkos growled as he attempted to headbutt the creature to push him back, only to find his horns sinking into the creature. When he turned his head around he could see that the mane of the dragon was actually comprised of numerous wire-like tendrils that slithered down towards him, which only caused the goo creature to squirm more. "What the hell are you?!"

"A soon to be a far more powerful creature," Leo replied, watching as the tendrils attached to the back of the other dragons head and neck which allowed his increasingly rubbery chest to start to spread over the one that he pinned. "Just relax and enjoy, you'll realize soon enough that you will be a part of something greater, me."

Though Lorkos tried to fight his way out using his new powers he found that his inexperience with them only led to an aggressive thrashing around that soon wore him out, which led him to be no further in his escape then when he had first been grabbed. Whatever this creature was made out of it was starting to suck him into it, already feeling his tail being pulled into the mass of the dragon while the lower set of wings started to wrap around his legs. With Leo being much larger than him there was little the smaller goo creature could do even with his augmented form as he felt something start to creep along the sides of his muscular chest. When he looked up he could see a look of concentration on the bigger dragon's face and saw a rubbery purple tongue push its way out of his maw, slithering down and pushing into Lorkos to keep him from saying anything else as the green eye in his forehead watched it happen.

As soon as the tongue was inside him Lorkos could feel his muzzle shifting, becoming distorted as black goo began to leak out past his lips from the tentacle invading his maw. At the same time his feet were completely pushed into the shins of the creature and the rubbery dark grey and yellow started to already envelop his inner thighs. Though the goo creature continued to squirm while being absorbed into the dragon behind him Leo continued to ramp up the pleasure that came with it, his cock emerging only to push into the exposed tailhole of the rubber creature that had already started to merge with his groin. Lorkos let out a muffled groan as he felt his own shiny black cock start to push outwards from the creature pushing into him, and as it began to extend further out while the dragon's sack merged with his own he felt something push up against the tip of it.

Though his mouth was full of tongue tentacle Lorkos could see that the tail of the other dragon wasn't ordinary either and if his back wasn't being merged to the chest of the creature behind him it would have arched in response as the tail tip opened up with three petal-like openings while the inside started to push around the tip. Still the gooey creature continued to squirm, though with his body so adhered to his own there was no chance that this creature could escape. Leo felt a thrill of pure pleasure go through his entire body as his wings began to curl forward as though to keep from anyone from seeing him absorbing this other being. It wasn't just his cock pushing so deeply into this creature that itw as stretching out the one in front of it while his tail enveloped the tip, it was because as he assimilated this creature into his being he could feel the power that was coming from it.

The power of corruption...

The power of the goo he created...

It was like he had found the missing piece to his new body as the rubber continued to slowly envelop the purple creature, and though he found himself craving the new sensations that were just starting to come into his new form he found himself enjoying the taking of this creature as well. Even without his cock inside his gooey body this one would be completely erect, and though they still were quite willful as he could start to sense the thoughts of the other dragon he knew that he was finding just as much pleasure in their bodies flowing into one another. With his tongue buried so deep into the throat of the one that he could identify as Lorkos that stretched out his own muzzle neither of them could talk, but such things were unnecessary as he continued to pump his bioliquid through the rubbery appendage to further assimilate this creature. Already he could start to see the black and purple scales forming over the thighs and hips of this gooey dragon as more of his body was lost into him, his smile growing wider as he saw that a heavy grey and yellow rubber sack had completely enveloped the one that Lorkos sported while their merged cock grew even bigger.

Though both creatures were having fun with Leo playing with his prey it was time to absorb this creature's essence fully, his arms pulling back on the dragon even more to press their bodies together tighter. The tentacle-like tongue continued to push Lorkos into him as the rubbery grey flesh of his chest continued to push over the other's head. Yes... the dragon could feel more of the power inside of him the more he assimilated this creature, though he had a momentary distraction as his own tail slid over his goo-covered cock. While he had mostly done it in order to show dominance over the other willful and aggressive creature he couldn't deny that the creature felt good wrapped around his maleness, especially as he could feel it transforming into something even more along with the rest of his body.

As the rubber closed over the muzzle of the creature and most of the wire tendrils on Leo's head left save for one set, which were still pushing into the ears of the creature to subdue his psyche, more changes could be felt happening to him as the corruptive ooze spread inside him. As the legs of the goo creature melted into one another while the rubber coated them it caused his own to start to knit together, and as the dragon felt himself get weak in the knees he quickly found it was because he had no more knees to speak of. An interesting mutation, Leo thought to himself as he felt the goo that was swelling his chest and torso start to flow down into his lower body to stretch out the sleeve of rubber that his legs and tail were quickly morphing into. Though his tail merged into the rest of him the tip remained latched onto his cock, the dragon moaning as he pulled back his tongue when the last of the goo dragon disappeared into his chest.

As tendrils pushed their way out of the growing tail tip, which was becoming the tip of his entire lower body as his coils continued to lengthen, he could still see the face of the other creature pushing out the rubber that his chest had become. "Ungh, why won't you just submit?" Leo said once he had regained his ability to speak, though his voice had a quiver to it as he could feel a second pair of horns push out of his head. "Don't you realize that we're going to be so much better together, just let it happen be content in your new role as my corruption enhancer and new gooey form."

Even though Lorkos was fully encased by this point his body still mostly there as evidenced by the stretched out muzzle that could still be seen in his chest. With his psyche still not under control the aggressive nature of the creature was causing Leo to mutate in ways that he wasn't expecting, especially centering around his cock as the purple goo continued to coat it while being sucked off by their shared length. He could also feel something pushing out of his back near his wings bases and let out a grunt as two long, goo-filled tentacles began to slither about in the air. The process was starting to become unstable, which was the opposite of what the increasingly naga-like creature wanted as he took a pair of hands and started to push the still struggling head downwards.

There had to be a way to satiate this rather intense creature, Leo thought to himself, and with his tendrils still plugged into the mind of Lorkos he began to scan for ways that they could resolve this matter one way or the other. He saw that this gooey draconic body of his was a rather recent transformation for him, one that he was still having a lot of trouble controlling both physically and mentally. It explained the footprints and the somewhat amorphous quality that the other creature had as well as the dominance manifesting in his psyche despite being caught already. From the feel of it aggression would just be met with more aggression, and since the rebellion of the goo that he intended to use to corrupt and absorb others would not be a good thing he felt as though there might be a more amicable way to end this.

"Perhaps we can help each other out," Leo said, feeling his struggling form start to lessen as he launched his proposal. "You seem like you still have a few kinks to work out with that new body of yours, and I could use your corruptive goo abilities in order to make myself stronger without having to hunt down creatures such as yourself. If you give yourself to me willingly and allow us to merge together I will release you once I have had my fill and also help you learn about the new powers you have."

There was no response for a while but the creature within had settled down, and when he thought that he felt the muzzle move on the one inside him Leo realized that there was no ability for him to speak. With the excess goo that he had absorbed he used his own transformative abilities to create another mouth, this one directly underneath his own so Lorkos could talk and to give himself an even more monstrous look. "How do I know that this isn't some sort of trick?" the second mouth replied, which only caused the first one to grin. "You are the one that captured me, I think I have the right to ask."

"Understandable," Leo said with a chuckle. "How about this, let me fully integrate you and I can show you that we are going to work together, our psyches integrating with one another for full control over this body that we're creating. Our abilities to create more power for our body... and yet we will still be separate enough that you can be comfortable knowing that you can leave at any time, and as a gesture of good faith I'll even make a little enhancement right now."

Though Leo could sense that Lorkos was still weary about the one that had captured and absorbed him the dragon shut his eyes and concentrated, using his arcane talents to further morph his body as the runic symbols that he had used to create this form glowed on the membrane of his wings. Though it took considerable effort to carve a partition in the control of this creature, one that he found hit hard to give up so willingly, as he continued to squeeze his eyes shut in concentration he could feel the space between his eyes start to shift as a vertical slit appeared there. When the magical infusion was complete and his red and yellow eyes snapped open once more they were joined by a third one that was just above them, this one a bright green as the slit pupil looked around independently of the two beneath it. As it looked around Leo could sense that while Lorkos was still a bit apprehensive about the dragon giving him such sight as well as the mouth that continued to lick its chops was having an effect on the level of trust between each other.

With the fighting between the two creatures over Leo's body was able to concentrate more on controlling the transformation, especially when it came to their serpentine lower body as a large strip of large black draconic scales with purple edges grew down the length of it. Smaller tentacles were starting to push out of his midsection and down the length of their new form as well, the goo creatures corruptive tendencies starting to show more and more. Instead of trying to control it he just let the one inside of him go to town, though he did tweak the design even as their cock grew bigger with smaller tendrils forming around the base of the new slit. As the purple goo receded slightly he saw that the tip had gained an ending much like their new naga body, a shiver running down his body as the grey rubber spread in order to reveal the tentacle in the middle and rubber suckers on the inside of it.

Someone is rather creative, Leo thought to himself with a chuckle as he began to see something forming just above their rather robust cock that was still growing. Both mouths on his muzzle let out a soft groan as the rubber split in the area, and as his lower set of arms went to investigate he suddenly saw a set of lips form and a long rubbery blue cock stretch out from it. As Black wires began to connect his body to the newly augmented parts to assert his own control over them he could feel the hunger that came from the other creature within, and now that they were merged together they could finally start to take care of that...

Meanwhile in another part of the warehouse area a group of thieves made their way in through a hole that they had cut into the outer perimeter fence, staying low to avoid the gaze of any guards that might be on patrol as they went towards the large buildings that sat there. The group had gotten a tip that there would be some high-end merchandise in a particular bay and if they could just bypass the security system it would be theirs for the taking. The four of them managed to get through the first layer of security without any issue and quickly got to the building that they were after. With two standing guard the others rewired the door alarm and cracked through the lock to allow them inside, which they did as soon as they had gotten confirmation that they would do so quietly... though as they went in they were unaware that their break-in would allow the creature that had been stalking them from afar to get in silently as well.

"Which bay did you say that the goods would be in?" the cheetah asked his fox companion as the two of them looked around while the bigger two of their group continued to keep watch.

"Bay fourteen," the fox replied as he shined the flashlight up to see what the numbers were. "Man, could they have made them any smaller?" As the two continued to search the large bear guy and his equally large horse partner continued to try and watch for any guards. They were the brawn of the operation while the other two were the brains, the ones responsible for them getting into places where they shouldn't like the huge warehouse they were trying to navigate through.

When it was clear that there weren't any guards or anything like that inside they decided to split into groups of two with the cheetah and the bear going in one direction while the fox and horse went the other. This made for an interesting choice to the four-armed rubber dragon naga that had been following stealthily behind before he decided to go for the feline and ursine pair first. Already both sets of maws had started to drip with gooey purple saliva as they slithered up behind the two that were trying to find the bay they were looking for, wanting to take them by surprise so they couldn't warn the others. Just as the two thieves turned a corner in order to go down a new hallway created by the large boxes the naga struck, wrapping up the bear in their coils and putting one set of hands against his face to silence him while the other pair grabbed the cheetah and kept him still while also silencing him with a tentacle pushed into his maw.

The cheetah tried to squirm out of the grasp of this monstrous creature but he couldn't even pull away as he let out a muffled scream at seeing the three eyes staring at him. His bear bruiser companion also was attempting to wiggle out of the coils of this rubber being but as the serpentine lower body shifted around eventually the tip of the tail rose up and split open before pushing itself down over the man's head. There was a brief cry as the inner tentacle pushed into the mouth of the bear before the rest of the tail enveloped his head, which formed an outline as the entire creature started to get pushed up into it. With there being no need to keep the one silent the rubber naga used his free arms to rip the clothes free of the bear's body since he wouldn't need them anymore.

"Don't think I forgot about you little one," the top mouth of the two said as the cheetah watched his fellow thief get pulled into the naga's body, watching his shoulders pop in as the bear's cock started to stiffen. "He might have been a big big, but you are going to be just big enough to fit." This time the voice came from the lower maw before the cheetah suddenly found himself lowered, his eyes widening even further as he saw the huge cock of the creature before him. Once more he let out a muffled shout as the tip oozed thick purple goo before it opened up in a similar manner to the one that was currently enveloping the chest of the bear, who had started to hump into the coils of his captor as the cheetah's head was pushed into their cock.

Though they knew that they had to be quiet the shared body of the creature let out a hiss of pure pleasure as their cock completely enveloped the feline thief up to his neck, watching his throat bulge out briefly from the tentacle slithering inside before the thick, throbbing shaft began to pull them in just like the bear. Though the two wanted to go and get the others right away both Leo and Lorkos savored the feeling of the two bulging out their body, watching the rubber stretch as it took on both the bear's shape for his tail and the cheetah for their cock. As the appendages stretched over them while they disrobed the smaller man in a similar manner to the two they could feel the muscles undulate and roll in order to draw the two further into them.

But just as they were about to savor the absorption of the two they heard something come from further back, their twin maws frowning as they could hear the others starting to come back in their direction. It appeared they had not been as quiet as they originally thought, though it mattered little to them as they slithered further back while still pulling in the two they had just caught. While they wouldn't go in the same way the other two did at least they wouldn't have to be quiet about it this time...

As the horse and fox got back to where they thought they had heard noises that sounded like their fellow crew they gasped when they found nothing but a pile of torn clothes on the ground. "This... this is not good..." the horse said as he began to back away. "No security guard did that, we need to get out of here!"

"Will you shut up!" the fox thief said angrily but quietly, telling him to keep his tone down before he went to examine the clothing that was on the ground including picking up a piece. "Someone did rip the clothes off of them, but I don't see any sort of blood or anything on them. Maybe it might be some sort of prank, what do you think?"

When his companion didn't respond the fox looked up and over to see if the horse had ran, only for his jaw to drop as he saw that some sort of dark grey rubber tentacle had wrapped around the equine's waist while another pushed its way into his muzzle and down his throat. With the hooves of the muscular man a few inches off the ground it prompted the vulpine to try and run himself, only to turn around and see a shiny monster slither up towards him. He let out a cry of shock and tried to back pedal, only to slip on the clothes that he had been examining and fall on his rear. Before he could recompose himself enough to get up a strange mouth that was on the abdomen of the creature right above its huge cock, which had the furry spotted legs and tail of a cheetah sticking out of it with purple goo dripping down the kicking feet, opened and a blue rubber tongue darted out which wrapped around his legs and started to pull him in.

The naga laughed in triumph as he managed to easily catch the other two, the outline of the bear softening as his mind was corrupted and body converted to goo just like the cheetah that was still sliding down into his cock. All that was left that poked out of his tail was the feet of the bear and those disappeared while the ones on the fox slid inside their stomach gullet, the upper arms grabbing and clamping around the vulpine muzzle to keep him from continuing to scream while he disappeared into the gooey confines of their body. As he looked over at the horse he saw that the tentacles inside of him had already started to spread, the huge creature quivering as his cock started to harden only to start to dripping purple goo while wiggling in the air as several tentacles pushed out his nipples and tailhole before a pair of wings wrapped around the horse's increasingly gooey body.

As the rubber membranes tightened around the horse's body, the tentacles inside his mouth and tailhole assimilating him while the wings absorbed him, the creature watched as the fox disappeared inside his body as well. For a few brief moments the vulpine tried to push his way out but as he pushed out past their lips he was becoming increasingly purple and gooey himself before the mouth slurped him back up. The same thing was happening to the cheetah as the last of him slid inside, and while the huge dragonaga enjoyed the feel of the thief squirming inside of their cock they stroked it in order to pull him in and absorb him faster. This was just the first of many, soon Lorkos would understand what his powers were and Leo could fuel more of his transformation with those they captured...