Horror Vale - ch 1

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

_ NOTE: This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._

Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November.

Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well as a running total for the month.

Word Count - Day 1 ~ 3614 words

Word Count - Month ~ 3614 words


The black Ford Mustang parked on the intersection of Benotho Place and 85th Avenue, blended in well with the other cars of the neighborhood. Sleek, smooth and shiny, not a scratch or dent showed in its paint. Nothing was out of place in the entire frame. Overall, it looked like it belonged, unlike what you would say of the driver. If you could see through the tinted windows, into the inky blackness of the passenger compartment of the car, you might be amazed at what you saw.

Fingers clad in black leather gloves gripped the steering wheel, arms covered in the sleeves of a black leather jacket led from them, to the body of the driver. Black glasses sat resting on a nose - a nose the like of which you have never seen on a person before. It is the muzzle of a wolf that holds the sunglasses on this face, and the pointed ears to match. Yes, you are looking at a furry, an anthro, a human with the body of a wolf. One of the only ones that exist in the world, if not the only one. Deryck Phoenix is his name, mutated by a genetic strand of DNA modified in his own lab. Here, on this quiet intersection, he has begun his plot to get back from the worlds populace, that which they took from him. To make for himself a mate, and the beginning of a new race.

The house, a brick and tan two story building, was not far down Benotho Place from the intersection at 85th Avenue. It sat on the curve of the street, a well maintained yard in front of the warm looking building. Even the back yard was well cultivated before the beach started. The lights were on inside, and from where the car was, he could see through the windows into the house.

A young blonde sat at the table, eating a dinner of Mongolian beef with fried rice from the local Chinese take out restaurant. She ate slowly enough to enjoy the food, but fast enough to finish the meal within half an hour of starting her dinner. Rising to her feet, she gathered the dishes and carried them into the kitchen before rinsing them clean, and putting them into the dishwasher. She turned it on, then walked from the kitchen and up the stairs.

The blonde was wearing a short navy skirt, white shirt, and nude thigh high stockings. She had kicked off her shoes when she had gotten back from her classes at Argosy University. Her two huskies, Soltlar and Roaz, bounded up the stairs behind her, racing into her room and jumping on to her bed. She laughed at their antics, knowing they were just excited to see her, and that it was almost time for their walk. She eased her stockings off and pulled on a pair of white socks, and her tennis shoes. She grabbed their leashes and called, "Roaz! Soltlar! Time for your run!"

Deryck put the car into gear, and the engine smoothly shifted, barely making a sound as he drove down the street, parking again under the shadow of a massive oak next to the sidewalk. The car almost disappearing into the shadows. He smiled coldly, his eyes having seen her every movement, as she had not bothered to close any of the blinds or shades in the house. Perhaps this would be more simple than he had dared to imagine.

He left the car running as he stepped out, closing the door with a soft click. The knife in his boot was securely strapped in, ready to be grabbed at a moment's notice. He would wait for her to finish her walk, which she did every night at this time. He would be waiting for her to return in her house. It had become a ritual the past year for him. He had watched many girls, looking for only the perfect ones that he thought would work for his plans. He had finally picked her, and a few others, to be his first subjects. She was to be his first attempt.

Jadyn walked to the front door with the two huskies, their eagerness to go out showing in how they pulled on their leashes. They dragged Jadyn behind them, making her run to keep up with them, thereby letting them get some of their excess energy out of their systems. The front door was left unlocked, as usual, since she never took anything with her on the walks late at night. She believed her two huskies were protection enough. Leaving the house, the three of them went right, jogging down the longest part of Benotho Place.

Deryck watched them go, slowly following them with his eyes as they went off into the distance. As soon as they were far enough away that they could not have heard or seen him, he strode around his car, and across the street. The night wind blew across his exposed fur, caressing him with its embrace as he sniffed the scents carried by it. As he approached, the strongest scent was that of one of the huskies. A male clearly, dominant. His eyebrows raised slightly, hoping that he could mask his own scent enough to be able to hide in the house until she was alone. It was imperative that he was able to get her, and get out quickly, without too much noise or ruckus. He mounted the stairs quickly, knowing exactly how long it took her to finish her walk, and headed for her room, then into her bathroom.

Jadyn and the two huskies were out for a good half hour before they returned home, unaware of the visitor waiting for her. She opened the front door, letting the dogs in, then closed it behind her, locking it. Taking the leashes off the dogs, to let them run off into the house, she slowly climbed the stairs and went to her room. Sighing softly, she sat on her bed and stripped her clothes from herself as she got ready to take a shower. She was ready for bed, despite the fact that it was the weekend. She had never been a big party girl, she just preferred to have a peaceful, quiet night at home. Not a loud, raucous night out at the clubs.

Deryck remained hidden in the bathroom, breathing slowly and quietly. He had heard her come back home, and let the dogs loose. Now she was in the very next room, undressing. His sensitive nose picked up her scent from where he stood, his ears detecting every move that she made. He reached one gloved hand into his pocket, drawing forth a syringe filled with a white solution, somewhat like milk. This serum had to be injected directly into the subject's nipple for it to have a chance of being effective.

As she undressed, the two huskies came bounding into the room, the male tackling her to the bed, making her laugh. Her hands slid into his fur and she scritched his ears while nuzzling into his neck. Roaz, meanwhile, pawed at the bathroom door, then nudging it open slipped into it, her tail wagging furiously. Something had grabbed her attention, but Jadyn was too busy playing with Soltlar to pay attention to her.

Jadyn finally pushed Soltlar off her, and got to her feet. Knowing the dogs liked to lie in the bathroom while she showered, she headed into the en-suite. Her eyes were on the shower enclosure, and she pulled the dark curtain to the side. Reaching in, she turned the water on, letting it warm up, then stepped into the steam.

Deryck waited patiently, listening to her clothes fall to the floor one by one, his breathing regulated, his muscles relaxed but ready to snap into action. He suddenly heard more noises, her dogs, those damn huskies. He had hoped they would remain out of the way until he was gone, but evidently she welcomed them into all areas of her life. This could get complicated. Deryck's fine senses picked up instantly on the female's scents, and also the male's. Much stronger than downstairs. The female evidently also smelled him, probably his pheromones, which females could smell in even the smallest amounts. Perhaps the bitch would have to come along, but he did not know how the male would react. Either way, the most important thing was the girl.

He flattened himself as the door suddenly popped open and the husky bitch came bounding in, smelling around furiously before spotting him and rubbing against his legs. He stayed motionless, though it was hard. Moments later, he was thankful that he had such self-control, as the very subject of his visit appeared in all her naked glory. This was his first glimpse of her like this, naked, and she was beautiful, everything he had dreamed. Her skin glowed in the light from the ceiling, highlighting every detail of her body. She stepped almost instantly into the shower, and Deryck made his move. He took a step forward, pushing aside the husky, and then directly into the shower, grabbing the girl with one muscled arm. He wrapped it around her middle, under her tits, pinning her arms to her sides, and twisted her around until he had a clear shot to her nipple for the injection.

Jadyn was not one to just lay back whilst someone attacked her. No, instead, her legs kicked at his, her head turning as she tried to bite his arm, and failing that, she flung her head back at his, trying to get him to let go of her. She screamed, the noise gaining the attention of Soltlar, who bounded in just as the needle slid into her nipple. Seeing the strange being attacking Jadyn, Soltlar leapt at him, growling. He was not going to let this.....this creature.....hurt his mistress!

Roaz, meanwhile, was padding around in the corner, her tail between her legs. She did not know what to do. He was hurting her mistress, but he smelled almost as good as Soltlar. She whined, her ears pinned to her head as she watched them.

Deryck growled deep in his throat as she fought him, but he had still managed to get the needle into her nipple, pressing the plunger and letting the liquid pour into her veins, and her milk glands, hopefully having the intended results. His first intent had been to inject her, and knock her out. Planning on taking her to his car, so he would be gone before anyone or anything, was the wiser. Clearly that was not happening. He had barely managed to pull the needle from her nipple when her male husky came bolting into the room, snarling and jumping at him. He dropped the needle, pushing her away as he turned to defend himself from the mass of fur and claws that was assaulting him.

Jadyn stumbled as he pushed her from him, slamming back into the shower wall. Her head hit the soap dish with a sickening thunk, and she slumped to the ground, motionless. She would not be moving anytime soon, and when she came to, she would have one hell of a headache, not to mention the knot forming under her hair. The water running down the drain soon pinkened slightly, the discoloration starting from under her skull.

Soltlar growled and snapped at him, trying to sink his fangs into his arm. His hackles were raised and he was on the offensive. His movements were fast, giving the two legged wolf almost no chance to take the offensive from him, but his attention slipped for a moment, his eyes looking down at Jadyn for just a split second.

Deryck was instantly on the husky as soon as it lost its concentration. He tackled the male husky to the floor, pinning him under one muscular arm and holding him down. The dog was stronger than he thought, and they rolled across the floor for several feet, impacting a glass medicine cabinet and shattering one of the doors. He was getting angry, but he did not want to kill the dog. Any death would certainly come to light eventually, and he could not have any attention drawn to the house. He grabbed the dog by its ears, ignoring the claws for a moment, and smashed its head into the floor, knocking it unconscious. With a sigh, he rolled off of it, groaning from the lacerations on his chest. He quickly crawled over to Jadyn, checking her pulse and the bleeding on her head. It was not too bad, so he ripped a strip of cloth from his shirt, and bandaged her head tightly, stopping the blood.

Roaz whined in the corner, her ears still pinned back as she watched the tussle between Deryck and Soltlar, then slowly padded out, nosing her mate to see if he was okay. Looking up at the two legged wolf, and her muzzle furled for a moment, her teeth bared as she let out a low growl, then she shook herself. She was not an alpha female, though she was Soltlar's head bitch, at least for breeding purposes anyway. Still, she did not like that her mate was down, unmoving. She whined again, licking her mate, then looked up at Deryck, his scent drawing her attention again. He still did not smell quite right. Not like a wolf. Not like a human, but a combination of both. She did not understand.

Deryck knelt next to Roaz, letting her sniff his hand and then patting her head. He smelled her fear, her confusion, and also her heat. His body instinctively began to put out more pheromones, amping up the scents in the room to cover that of Soltlar's. Deryck growled loudly, letting her know her place, then he bent to pick up Jadyn from the shower, his soft fur rubbing against her skin. He put her over his shoulder, then also took hold of Soltlar inert form, lifting him under one arm. He quietly stalked out of the bathroom, his nose on high alert, scenting the air for any disturbances.

Roaz whined as he growled at her, her ears flattening to her head and her tail tucking under her. She watched as he picked Jadyn up and tossed her over his shoulder. He then picked up her mate and started from the bathroom. Well, she was not staying behind and letting Soltlar have all the fun. Besides, the two legged wolf smelled good. His scent was driving her nuts and she bounded after him and his 'trophies'. Outside, she peed again, leaving the scent of her heat in the air, but after he loaded the two into his car, she jumped into the front seat, and sat down like she owned his car with him. Unlike Soltlar, she loved car rides.

He slid into the driver's seat easily after Roaz, looking over at her and again patting her head. He suddenly got an urge in his mind, an animalistic urge, and while he was still partly human, he was now also part wolf. He had even discovered that he could run on all fours if he needed to. From all the tests he had run on himself, his sperm was equally able to impregnate a human, or canine. Now, Roaz's heat was boiling over in the car. He leaned across and licked her along the muzzle, then shook his head, and started the engine. Feelings toward a dog were new for him..... Something he would have to look into later.

He glanced into the back seat as he put the car into drive, and saw that both of his captives were secure. He had tied them both with rope, and gagged Jadyn with another strip of his shirt. Though he saw no signs that anyone had seen him, he was worried that someone may have heard her scream, or the commotion that had gone on in the house before he had knocked out Soltlar. He pressed on the accelerator, and soon found himself on East Mercer way, traveling north toward I-90. Minutes later, the entrance ramp was gained, and he melted into the flow of traffic heading away from Seattle.

Roaz whined when he pulled away from her, and she leaned towards him, licking his muzzle, settling herself into the seat. Her muzzle lay over his lap and she looked up at him before rolling onto her back, tucking her head against his side. She was showing her submissiveness to her new pack leader by offering her belly to him. She knew he could easily rip into her belly, killing her, or bite into her throat and rip it out. This however, was something she had to do. Instincts drove her, not anything other than pure canine instincts.

In the back, the two 'captives' lay quietly, still unmoving despite the motion of the car. Jadyn was out, and Soltlar lay quietly next to her, a knot forming on his head from the impact with the bathroom floor. None of the three knew how close Jadyn had come to getting raped by Deryck, but once they woke up and Jadyn got past the headache she was suffering, she would be glad..... For a few minutes, at least.

Deryck concentrated on the road as best he could, staying within the speed limit, being careful, giving no one any chance to pay attention to his car as he drove. He felt Roaz lay her head on him, and glanced at her briefly before turning his eyes back to his driving. Something inside him drove him to want to touch her, to take her and fuck her. It was a struggle to overcome these feelings that suddenly came over him. Deep, feral feelings he had never felt before. He pricked himself with one of his claws to pull himself back into reality, and then scratched her lightly on the belly, hoping she would leave him alone long enough for him to drive to the farm, a good two hours away. She would get his full attention later, after his other prey was secured at the lab.

Roaz murred softly as he scratched her belly. Knowing he was not going to kill her, she gave a light lick to his side under the torn shirt, then carefully got back up and sat in her seat, looking at the cars going by. The tip of her tail twitched as she looked out the window at the passing world. Headlights and taillights flew past them as some young idiot drivers decided that the speed limit was not meant for them, then sirens, with flashing red and blue lights flew past them after the speeders. Her tongue slid out of the side of her mouth as she gave a husky grin to the wolf driver, then her light blue eyes went back to the road, watching the buildings dwindle behind them as the trees grew taller around them.

Deryck tensed up visibly as the cops raced past, chasing the stupid kids that were breaking the law. He thought of the irony of it: They chased speeders while he, a kidnapper and soon-to-be rapist, was driving peacefully along at the speed limit, not five feet from them as they passed. He tried to remain calm, knowing they were not after him, and kept driving, finally coming to the appropriate exit and leaving the interstate. He took a state highway south, passing many smaller towns and cities as he went further into the center of Washington State. Another hour later, they entered the Snoqualmie National Forest, and thirty minutes after that, the car crested a hill and pulled into a large, well kept, farmstead.

Roaz looked around and let out a low bark, as if asking if this was going to be her new home. She liked the free space and the large area she would have to run around at this place. She looked back at the two legged wolf-man, her tongue hanging from her muzzle. In the back of the car, Jadyn moaned softly, just barely starting to come to, her body shifting on the seat she was lying across.

Deryck smiled at Roaz. She seemed to be excited about her new home. He still did not know her name, but he opened his mouth, intending to say something to the female. What came out was not human though, but instead a barking speech that made him jump. He shook his head, and tried again, attempting to call her a good girl. Again he was startled to hear his voice turn canine. He decided to remain quiet after that, and opened his door, letting her get out. He did not want the girl coming around until he got her inside, and restrained securely, so he picked her up, over his shoulder again, and dragged Soltlar out of the car by his collar.

Roaz wagged her tail as the wolf-man barked at her. She understood, and bounded out of the car behind him, running around a little with excess energy. She took in the scents of her new home, and peed, leaving her scent around the house. She knew that the wolf-man's scent over-rode hers, but wanted to warn away other bitches. She waited outside the car and the farmhouse while he retrieved Jadyn and Soltlar from the backseat. Then bounded in behind him, following him to where he went inside, her attention drifting inside the house. She took off, running around the different rooms. Investigating every inch of her new home.
