Kinktober: Down for the Count Halloween Special

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#4 of Down for the Count

Roger didn't think much about the Halloween party, but, after dark, he finds himself in the middle of festivities not for the faint of heart.

All events that take place are NOT canon to Down for the Count. This is a standalone smut piece.

Oscar's Halloween party was the one to go to. I wouldn't be surprised to see the otter burning a Benjamin to light his cigarettes with the type of parties he throws. A quick look at his house could strike up envy in anyone, and I hardly hesitated when Bucky slid an invite my way.

It lives up to its name alright. The full liquor bar was mid-shelf, top shelf, and top-top shelf. I found my paw around a nice bottle of vodka with a name I couldn't pronounce.

As I took up a cup of punch and poured the vodka right into it, I felt two paws around my shoulders causing me to almost jump and spill it everywhere. "Jesus--"

"I've come to suck ah' your blood," he said in his worst Dracula impression.

I narrowed my eyes at the cheap fake blood stains near his plastic fangs. The tiger hardly fit the tuxedo. His chest pressed tight against the white and black clothing enough for a button to almost pop off. His dorky grin was just the cherry on top. "You look like such an idiot," I snickered.

He put his paw behind his back and did a poised bow. "The count will not tolerate such... such cruel words. Besides, where is your costume anyway?"

"Don't need one," I pointed to my awkwardly long ears, "I look ridiculous enough already with these. Just slap a fuzzball on my ass and call me a bunny."

He came up to my side making a drink of his own, "I always thought Kangaroos looked just fine."

My face scrunched up. Partially from the taste of my drink and partially from the shit he was saying. "Don't grow soft on me," I slapped my plastic cup next to his, "How many cups before I outdrink the blood drinker himself?"

"You're joking. You cannot outdrink the count," he said in his super cheesy Dracula impression.

"Oh, I can fucking try."

Though when it was all said and done, I honestly forgot to drink much at all. Oscar knew how to party and, by that, I meant he pulled out all the stops. His parent's wealth made it easy, but, even in his shoes, I don't know if I'd be able to be quite as clever.

Apple bobbing washed Bucky's fake blood right off, but, who cares, we practically screamed when he had a red delicious in his teeth. A couple of games of Halloween charades and the asshole won every single one. I couldn't count how many times I was just sitting there with him dying laughing while buzzing as much as a church kid during communion wine tasting.

The night was electric. The board games got us screaming, and made us want to keep our cups on the table without a drop drank from them. The tarot card reader got us nudging each other and laughing over how absurdly she dressed. Bucky got nowhere the first place in the costume contest but was still as content as could be.

By the time I was ready to drink to get drunk, it was already midnight and a good chunk of people had left. That's when that otter got up with his own microphone and all the decorative lights had turned off.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for making this Halloween party one to remember. I hope to see each and every one of you next year to raise hell once more. A survey has been emailed to all of you. Please take some time, when the hangovers wear off, to help make next year even better! Thank you all and goodnight!"

I began to shuffle towards the door along with the rest of the people here, but Bucky had other ideas.

"Here, follow me," he said.

"What? The party is already over. I don't want to rock the boat with this guy."

But he walked off anyway.

I followed him to two well-dressed dobermanns blocking off a hallway. He flashed his badge to them and they cleared the way much to my shock.

"Oh trust me, there is a bit more fun to be had," he said waving for me to join him.

The volunteers didn't pay me much attention before blocking the way behind me. I snickered and lightly punched Bucky on his shoulder. "You fucking got us into the after-party, didn't you? If the main party was this good, I couldn't imagine what this is going to be like."

He continued to lead me down before stopping in front of a door decorated with witches, vampires, and all sorts of Halloween-themed décor.

"Now this isn't your usual party. If you feel uncomfortable, you're more than welcome to go home or hang out with some of the volunteers. I don't want you to feel obligated to stay here."

He's such a good friend to have around, but still, I hate how he acts like I haven't seen shit. "I'm fine to hold my own. There is nothing behind that door that I bet I haven't seen myself."

He smiled my way. "Sure. fine then."

The door opened to a couple of partygoers all sitting in a large circle of chairs. Part of the circle was a circular structure of some sort under the fine, red cloth. Before I could process the scene, Oscar himself was smiling right at us.

"Bucky, so great of you to make it. Finally using that plus one I see." He tilted his head looking me up and down. "Who might you be?"

"Roger. Roger Carlson. I've heard so much about you, Oscar."

Rubbing his ego was more than enough to please him. "Oh, so you have? Even better. Well, the real party is soon to start. I'm quite interested to see how you fare." He turned around. "Everyone, we got a newbie!"

Those sitting exchanged all sorts of looks with me as I exchanged looks with Bucky. Leaning in, I whispered, "What the hell did you bring me to?"

"It--" He stopped himself and swished his tail. "Actually, you'll see real soon."

After the rest filed in, I counted a good 13 people were in on this. Bucky refused to tell me what this was really all about. It wasn't until Oscar walked out in his black wizard costume to the center of the circle that I got any information.

"Hey folks, before we get this going, let me go over some things. First, anything and everyone in this room will be live-streamed and recorded for a paying audience."

I shot an eye at Bucky, but he only smirked.

"Every round lasted, you'll be paid $1,000 dollars. This amount will increase by $500 dollars each round." He played with his whiskers for a moment retracting his thoughts. "The safe word is meatloaf. Please don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable and play at your own risk. Okay, that does it. Let's give people what they want!"

I leaned in towards Bucky until I almost fell out of my seat. "What the hell is this?"

"A game," he teased.

I grasped his arm. "Wh-"

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are live!" Oscar ran over to grasp onto the red cloth covering a large, circular structure. "Welcome one, welcome all, to the 7th annual Were-Wheel!"

My jaw dropped as a large, multi-colored wheel straight from a game show was revealed. Across it, were various cartoon, Halloween-themed pictures. In the center, was a cheesy, cartoon werewolf head angry as could be with its maw wide open.

"For those new, read down in the description below for more information. For our veterans, sit back and enjoy the show!"

Dollars on my mind, I sat back and looked right at the short otter playing game show host. I was more than ready for this.

"To start, the first spin will go to our newbie, Roger! Let's see if the wheel is quite as welcoming as the rest of us."

He motioned to his cheesy, dumb wheel and I strutted right on over to the side of it. "So I just spin it right?"

"Exactly," he chortled. "It's just that easy."

"Sure." I grabbed the side of it and gave it a good spin. The colored sections passed by in a blur before slowing down. The wheel's pointer met its mark on a cartoon mummy.

"Okay, Roger. Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to allow our faithful volunteers to get you all dressed up for the rest of the show. Maybe they'll go easy on you, maybe they won't."

"I'm doing it," I said sending a deep smirk Bucky's way. "Mummy me up."

"That's the spirit," he motioned to the center of the circle where two well-dressed, muscular dobermanns were dropping off a large black chest.

I walked over expecting toilet paper, but, instead, I saw various black and silver items. One of dobermanns came over and began whispering into my ear exactly what was going to happen. My eyes went wide. For a moment, I hesitated while the others sitting around me were smiling and looking at their newbie with fresh curiosity.

"Just do it," I whispered to one of the volunteers.

I didn't look at Bucky as I took my seat down. A black, studded leather collar around my neck tightly pressed into my fur. I was down to just my dark red briefs that hid nothing and a black harness wrapped around my waist and upper thighs.

Already I was pissed off. I couldn't even hide scrolling through my phone, because my wrists were bounded and attached to my harness behind me. Very quickly, I began to realize what sort of game this was.

The worst was how ecstatic Bucky was when he got my attention. His smile went from ear to ear as he flashed his pearly whites. "I knew you'd fit right in, buddy!"

"I'm not your buddy," I turned my maw away, but I bet he caught my nervous smile.

"Now that our mummy is all wrapped up. Let's get this show on the road. We'll go counter-clockwise."

It turns out I got one of the more mild challenges of the wheel. Others landed on far worse wheel options. A black candle--having their ass filled with a good-sized butt plug. A vampire--slurping off red-colored lube right off suggestive parts of the dobermann's bodies.

Some were pretty simple, yet effective still. This one daring hyena landed on a witch's broom and one of the dobermanns fucked him right in the ass in front of us.

We were down to seven already somehow. A good couple chickened out while the others just left for one reason or another. Maybe it was cold feet.

It sounded dumb, but I didn't even care about the money anymore. I wanted to spin that wheel again in hopes of one of those random Halloween pictures getting me some action with one of the girls here.

By the time it reached Bucky, my cock was screaming for attention though my bindings more than prevented me from giving it even a stroke. Some of the girls here had me salivating.

"Okay, you're up," Oscar shouted and pointed to Bucky.

The rather large tiger stood up and approached the wheel. It felt like time was going too slowly. My nerves were shot and I strained against the bindings tight against my wrists trying to even touch my cock. Other guys in the room were already shamelessly just taking out theirs and stroking them freely. Just as well, some of the girls were letting their paws wander just as easily down there.

I wanted to spin this damn wheel. I wanted something, anything to help relieve some pressure from my briefs. It felt like a decade before that dumb tiger finally had the wheel stop and land on a jack-o-lantern.

"Oooh perfect! This is one of our new specials!"

A small stool was placed in the center of the circle by one of the volunteers. Oscar's face was brighter for this one.

I could tell it was going to be something interesting. Even Bucky seemed intrigued before another dobermann plopped down a pumpkin on top of the stool.

"Your challenge is simple: Fuck! That! Pumpkin!"

I snorted laughing, but, honestly, even a pumpkin would be more than enough for me right now. I was so horny I half-forgot Bucky was the one doing this challenge. His black pants and plaid boxers fell to his footpaws as he stepped out of them.

Though I didn't quite mean to, I looked over at him as he stepped up to the pumpkin. His white paws worked alongside the pink flesh of his cock as he got himself ready. My palms began to sweat.

I followed his paw with my eyes. Tracing up and down his plump shaft right up to the ridges of his cock head. So badly I wanted that for myself. I wanted even just a finger on my shaft. My breathing increased as he took the freedoms I was denied.

I didn't care I was looking at another guy's cock. I was too turned on. If anything it should help turn me off, but I could still feel the flexible fabric of my briefs lightly teasing my cock head pressed against them.

I bit my lip. A dobermann helped Bucky line his tip up against the side of the pumpkin to mark out a good-sized hole. When I looked up, that lucky-ass tiger was giving me a soft smile and then a dumb wink.

They worked quickly. The hole was carved quickly into the side of the pumpkin and his cock head was teased in and out of it to ensure a good fit.

Another volunteer brought a white jug over and took the top right off the pumpkin. He then dumped a clear liquid right inside the pumpkin. It was so much that I could see a small trail dripping out of the hole carved for Bucky.

"To keep it festive, we kept the pumpkin gush and a bit of treat to the mix: Our very own pumpkin spice lube! Buy this fantastic fall flavor to spice up your bedroom tonight with the promo code in our description. This water-based lubrication is perfect for oral, anal, vaginal, you name it!"

I strained hard trying to not laugh. If this guy hadn't dropped one thousand dollars on me, I know I'd be giving him hell right now.

Keep your eye on the money, Roger. Keep your eye on the money. Keep your eye on--

Bucky lined up his cock head and dug the tip right into the pumpkin's hole. It was immediately met with the welcoming wetness of the lube gushing out and dripping down the sides. He clenched his teeth and grasped his paws tightly right onto either side of the pumpkin.

I wanted to dismiss this very idea. I wanted to think this was the dumbest thing I'd ever seen, but then I saw him ram his fat cock right inside of it.

Immediately, it audibly gushed as he struck through the pumpkin mush and lube. What little of his pink shaft was visible tensed up as he grunted and gripped the pumpkin tighter.

It took his cock perfectly. It looked like he was gliding right in and right out without second thought. I couldn't help but to grow envious of him fucking a damn pumpkin of all things. Though I wanted to dismiss it, he was straining as his hips hammered and pounded against the sturdy walls of the pumpkin. He gave it a beating as he fucked it and it took it with all of its fleshy, mushy goodness.

A trail of lube dripped across his shaft in a layer before soaking down his thick, white furry balls. Occasionally, I saw his balls fling droplets of it to the ground as he fucked. It was messy and I could tell by how his tail stiffened and ass clenched that he liked that.

My mouth drooled as I just watched him fucking and leaning forwards. His whole body strained over his new fuck toy. His breath was uneven and suffocating as he grew more generous: holding it down and exploring its insides.

"Oh, something caught Roger's attention. Folks, what do you say we give him an alternative challenge?"

By the time I registered Oscar was talking about me, two dobermann were helping me up to my feet by either arm.

They guided me right over to the other side of the pumpkin as Bucky stopped. My bottom lip quivered as I looked down into the orange fleshy and mushy inside of it already shifted around by Bucky. My real tight briefs felt even tighter as Bucky looked just as confused--and horny--as I was.

"Bucky, do you think there is room for another? Your recruit seems more than happy to try something new."

They wouldn't. They couldn't.

I felt my hands twitching as I shuffled my fingers behind my back. I couldn't think straight. My blood was all nested into my cock. It didn't matter what it was, I just wanted to fuck it.

"I think it's a big enough pumpkin. What do you say, Roger?" Bucky asked still catching his breath.

"Y-yes! Yes! I don't care," I squeaked.

Oscar had the proudest smile. "Can you repeat that for the audience?"

"Let me fuck that pumpkin, damn it. I don't give a shit if this dumb Dracula tiger is sharing it with me."

The two dobermann next to me undid the leather bands around my thighs and helped my briefs off. At once, my cock was poking right against the pumpkin getting well-needed fresh air.

I thought they'd take off the dumb harness, but they fastened the straps around my thighs once more. "Oh come on, please let me use my hands."

"Mummy rules last until the end of Were-Wheel. Sorry, sir," one of them said.

"Fine, just--" I squirmed as I felt the dobermann's paw grasp along my shaft. "Yup, do that."

As they measured me for my own hole, I laid eyes on Bucky across from me. "What's with that dumb smile?"

"It's just that... that we're going to be pumpkin brothers now. I knew you'd love this."

"Now hold on, I don't love this like that. Get your fucking mind out of that. I just want to get off."

"In the same pumpkin as me," he teased.

"Sure, whatever. Just be quiet so I don't get soft. I'm not losing a challenge over your dumbshit."

The pumpkin hole leaked its gooey pumpkin mush and clear lube down the side. It smelled fantastic, like a fine candle. My whole body got into gear just looking at it. The brown paw around my cock helped guide it toward the juicy hole it needed.

I felt electric down my sides as I stepped up towards it. My tip glided so smoothly into it before being encased in a warm, fleshy, sloppy mixture. Immediately, my first thrust sent me exhaling toward the ceiling as I broke into my new hole.

"Just look at him, folks. Just a bit of our special lube and he's getting the best fuck of his life," Oscar said.

Bucky's big paws grasped at the sides of the pumpkin to hold it into place as he got back into gear. My legs felt weak as the pumpkin guts pressed against me as I slowly explored its insides.

My hips moved closer and closer to it as I got more involved. Pumpkin guts pushed and ran down alongside my sensitive cock head making me squirm. Closing my eyes, the sensations, the wet sounds, all made me feel like I was getting the best lay of my life.

I didn't think I'd last long at all. Already I was gasping and lightly moaning without a care about the cameras recording all of it. I moved up close and just shoved as much of my cock as I could. My length broke and pushed through the warm mushy insides, before stopping as I hit something in the way.

Bucky and I met eyes immediately.

"Maybe this pumpkin isn't big enough for the two of us," he said breathing out.

"If your cock wasn't so damn long this wouldn't be an issue. Just move out of the way and wait for me to finish."

"Oh, you get to finish first? I was fucking this pumpkin way before you were."

"I don't care! I just don't want to be slamming against you."

He shifted his hands around and I embraced victory for a moment. That was until I saw him thrust his hips forwards. I was about to curse him out, but then I bit my lip hard. His cock rubbed alongside the length of mine in the best of ways, adding a new sensation to the mix.

"There, now we can just both fuck it."

"Erm." I sucked up my bottom lip and stopped myself.

Fuck it. I humped the pumpkin with him and our shafts pressed and rubbed alongside each other. The folds of our cock heads traced down the sides of each other's shafts and the sensation had us both reeling. It was like heaven got better.

We synced our rhythms as we fucked it for as much pleasure as we could. Our shafts danced around and pleasured one another as we found new paths and positions. Suddenly, I understand exactly why his breathing would stop and start when it did. When he'd tense up and when he'd exhale. Hell, I felt like I could feel his heartbeat.

"Okay you two," the otter leaned in with larger-than-life enthusiasm. "For $2,000 dollars, Bucky I want you to--"

He whispered something to Bucky. I was too close to finishing to give a shit though. My mind was foggy and blurry with the promise of release closing in, but Bucky caught my attention.

He dipped down a paw to his crotch and, when he pulled it up, it was dripping lube.

Oscar leaned into me, "$2,000 to both of you if you let that paw into your mouth."

"But..." I tried to think of something sensible. "I hate pumpkin spice."

Bucky brought his dripping fingers close to my lips and gauged my reaction. I tried to bring up a hand to swat it away, but my bindings kept them next to my tail. My lips trembled as I felt his fleshy cock still warm and hot next to his. My eyes looked down at the otter before going back to the messy paw and its rather pleasant fall smell.

Fuck it.

My lips parted open gently. Bucky was slow, easing me into it but growing a wide smile as his pointer finger slipped right in. My eyes went wide as the taste of pumpkin and assorted spices wet my tongue.

"That's it, buddy. Just get into it a bit for the cameras."

My tongue came out and lapped against his finger as he pressed into my mouth. It was better than I'd ever expected and Bucky seemed to catch onto my enthusiasm.

He pressed in more fingers and I began to find myself sucking on their flavor. Adding to it, the tiger began to rub his cock against mine in the pumpkin as he felt up my mouth.

"Oh, good job. That's it. Just like that."

It tasted good. It tasted better than good. I found myself more than eager while lapping and sucking as his fingers filled my mouth. A moan came over me as he continued pleasuring my shaft on the verge of climax with his own.

"Good. Good," he smirked. "You almost seem like you're enjoying this. You want more?"

He was joking, but I nodded blushing hard underneath my fur. I don't know what came over me. It tasted so good. I kept myself from ever trying pumpkin spice anything. Bucky raised an eyebrow but got on a bright smile. His hand traced down to his cock and he brought up yet another gorgeous soaking paw.

"If you're asking for it," he said eying me up.

I opened my mouth wide open for him as he shoved it inside, roughly this time. He began to feel around my mouth and rub around his fingers exploring it.

"Holy shit, folks. The lube is so good that he's going for another," Oscar said not even feigning his surprise.

As Bucky fingered my mouth, his eyes grew bolder. My lips and tongue were drenched, dripping the lube that so easily allowed him to glide his fingers around. My mouth was wide open for him and huffing out hot air as I felt his cock pleasuring my own within the pumpkin.

It took me a moment to realize it, but soon his fingers were rubbing up and down my tongue at the same rhythm he fucked the pumpkin with his hips.

Now his eyes were really on me.

My jaw was shaking like a madman as I felt his thick cock rubbing against mine in sync with his fingers. His flesh was warm and moist. It felt good against me, good enough for me to moan out which he rewarded by shoving his fingers deeper into my mouth.

My wrists shuddered in their tight bindings as he leaned his face in close to mine, seizing the moment.

"Must taste good, huh," Bucky asked.

His hot breath danced across my face. My mind went into a frenzy as his fingers slid out of my mouth and his lips pressed close to mine. I wanted what was next badly, but I didn't know how to ask. My sexuality hung by a thread.

"How about I try?"

He pressed his lips deeply against mine without any resistance. It felt right. It felt too good even.

My eyes rolled back and my cock pulsated lightly against his. It tasted better than anything else. His rough tongue rubbed up against mine and I urged it on with my own.

The tiger shoved the back of my head tightly toward him. Our kissing turned sloppy--feral even--and I could hardly manage to catch a breath.

When he released the kiss, I was done talking and so was he. His cock slid right out of the pumpkin and I followed suit. I didn't know what he was about to do, but I knew I wanted it.

Without missing a beat, he was right next to me, pressing me down onto my knees. I didn't resist.

His fat cock dripped next to my face and I got a close-up. I couldn't tell what juices were his and what juices were the pumpkins.

His paws grasped onto either side of my face tightly. I knew how rough he fucked and I prayed he wouldn't spare me. I didn't give any effort to think it over twice as I opened my mouth wide for him.

He took no time at all to get his warm cock past my lips. I blushed deeply feeling the soft skin rubbing all too easily down my tongue as he grunted.

"Fuck you got a mouth on ya," he quivered.

My whole body had a reaction to the wet flesh of his shaft. It sent shocks throughout as I realized how badly I needed this my whole life.

As he began to feed me his length, I wrapped my lips tightly around it and slurped more of that juicy pumpkin spice flavor.

I could tell he was holding back. Straining and ripping himself in two to not throat fuck me right then and there.

To get him more comfortable, I took more and more of his shaft into my mouth as he began to thrust and squish his way in. This quickly devolved into him holding me right there and just pounding my face.

This wasn't just a blowjob. This wasn't just any ordinary head. This was him skull fucking me with all of the power his muscular body would manage. He fucked me like his fucking slut. I took his cock passionately and we didn't give a shit about the money anymore.

Though it took some getting used to and willpower, soon he was shoving most of his length in. My throat bulged against my collar as his fat cock began to throat fuck me.

"I-I'm really..." he strained. "Getting close, buddy."

I was used to saying those same words myself.

It felt odd suddenly, but his musky crotch against my nose and balls banging my chin pushed me over a wall. The pumpkin spice flavor was just half of what I tasted. Now I tasted his precum building up across the back of my throat as he went deep into my maw.

He pressed himself as far as he could again. I choked slightly causing my throat to wrap tightly across his cock and for him to squirm. I smelled him up close now as my lips dug into the fur around his shaft and his balls rested against my chin.

His hands gripped tightly around the side of my face as he shoved his hips right against me. He could hardly control his breathing and I could hardly do the same with his giant cock in my mouth. Precum spewed down my throat and I tasted his masculinity deeply within each bit of my saliva as he made me his new fuck hole.

"Fuck! I can't--"

I pushed my head forwards until I had his whole length in my mouth. I could feel him harden and stiffen as he strained his eyes shut. He let out a moan without giving a shit. His cock rocked on my tongue as I closed my eyes, pressed my lips tightly, and sucked hard on his shaft.

He shot out into my mouth with the first spurt like a bullet against my throat. It was relentless as he filled up my mouth and then began to hold my head down on him. My eyes opened to see him shaking and exhaling as he stared down at my once-virgin mouth filling up with his cum. I tried to swallow it down as its fresh, salty, creamy taste filled my maw.

It made me moan before it became too much to handle. His seed gushing in as well as his cocktip massaging my throat made me gag a little. He eased some of his cock out at once when he saw me struggling, but, it was too late. I spurted out my nose and his cum began to drip down out of it.

I closed my eyes, recovering, and enjoying the ecstasy of it all before opening them as he stroked alongside my cheek.

"You look cute like that."

Drawing out his cock from my mouth, I didn't have anything to say, so I just smiled at him.

"You two were amazing," the otter practically screamed at us. "You sold so much of our lube. The chat was going nuts. The people were clipping it left and right and those fucking clips are viral now too. You were fantastic."

My eyes widened. "How many people exactly are we talking?"

"Around sixty thousand! You're famous!" He followed my reaction well. "But, for the amount you made me, how about I give both of you a cool $250,000?"

I smirked at Bucky and then back at Oscar. "Deal."