Snow Bound

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A Gay Husky and his Bestfriend, Sasha get stuck out in a snow storm, and get settled and huddled to keep warm through a blizzard. and decide to play some Truth or Dare to pass the time.

Tyberius and Sasha trudged through fresh, deep, powdery snow. His claws left gentle marks in a tree as he broke through dead branches that blocked their path. Looking behind, he saw his wolfess friend following in his steps, his legs leaving trails through the snow. "We better find somewhere to settle!" She called out to him. "My paws are starting to freeze..." she mumbled the last words as he kept digging a trail for her to follow.

"Right, Let's get up against that ridge!" He replied as he made his way. "Looks flat as anywhere." The pair of canines worked their way up to the spot indicated by the husky. They set up the tent and climbed in. It was barely big enough for the both of them, the husky took up much of the space.

Tyberius, or Tyb as his friends called him, was a black and white Malamute Husky who taught new climbers how to stay safe on the mountains. They stripped after pulling out the large sleeping bag, getting ready to share their body heat through the course of the blizzard. He was a giant canine, standing about 6' 5". Even through his thick coat, Sasha could see how his muscles had been built over years of mountain climbing. His fur along his belly was pure white as the snow outside, and was thick and shaggy, as winter had set in. He had a black saddle on his back, peppering back into the white as it travelled up his neck and down to his tailbase, the curled tail twitched back and forth as he climbed into the sleeping bags, waiting for Sasha to follow suit.

Sasha, the wolfess, was just shy of six foot, her fur was grey, shades of black and brown and red peppered throughout her back and thick tail. Silver headfur waterfalled down her back, streaks of purple and blue faded throughout her hair. Her DD-cup chest bounced slightly. She wasn't skinny by any sense, but she wasn't overly chubby either. All the right curves in the right places.

She slid into the sleeping bag with Tyb, her tail curling up as they shared warmth. "You know, this is kinda how a ton of porn starts out." She chuckled.

"Not in this tent." Tyberius said and stuck his tongue out playfully. "I didn't think this storm was going to get this bad."

"Ah, It's no big deal, at least we'll stay cosy here...for a bit. It's good to be out on the mountain, all the same, I've been hassling with the shop that I've been needing a good break."

"Things not going so well? I'm sorry I haven't been in lately." Tyb's ears fell back as he spoke sheepishly.

"No worries, hun. I know it's the time of year that the greenhorns like to come out. Work's been...busy. Those aforementioned greenhorns are coming in and making business pick up, so like I say, good to be out on the mountain before I'm locked into the cafe'."


"You know how your climbers come in droves. Our coffees and chocolates are great for a cold floof." Sasha booped his nose, "you can be so....flighty." She joked, smiling as a little black half circle 'birthmark' on her cheek curled into a crescent moon.

"That's...uh blame the lack of oxygen up here."

"Not with you, Mister Pike's Peak." She volleyed back, lifting her digits to show three. "Thrice!"

"Y-Yeah yeah." Tyberius said after a few stutters in an attempt to make a comeback and failing, "well anyway," he smiled at her, "got any ideas to help pass the time. Any books or anything?"

"Nah....but we haven't played Truth or Dare in a long while?"

"What'd I say about making a porno?"

"You were kidding, gayboy," she said and booped his snoot once again. "Truth or Dare?"


"Who was your first lay?"

He blinked and looked down at the wolfess. "Really?"

She nodded. "Uh-huh."

"Before I reply, let me ask you a truth question. You ask that every time, do you forget?" He touched her on the forehead playfully.

"Nah, I just like the story."


"I was so nervous about it hurting, but he promised he'd be careful, and the video looked like they were having fun, so I said yes. And that's...once again," he said playfully to Sasha, "is how I lost my virginity, with my cousin...while the rest of our family were having a barbeque just downstairs."

"Aw, where's the deets!?" Sasha barked, "I need more den dat!" She said with a playful, cubbish whine.

"Leave them wanting more. That's the rule." He grinned and flicked his curled tail within the sleeping bag.

"You guys still do things?"

"Hey, not your turn." He booped her nose in return. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" She said firmly. "And don't hold back."

"I dare you to stick your ass against the zipper of the tent for twenty seconds."

"That's it?" She almost seemed disappointed.

"Not much else to do for dares in here."

She climbed out of the sleeping bag, flicking her tail up as she turned to face him, "Twenty seconds? That's all?" He nodded as she pushed her backside against the wall of the tent and hissed sharply as the cold seemed to penetrate into her fur quickly. Leaning down, her breasts were squished against his legs. "Coulda done something with me. Never going to try anything with a woman?" Sasha asked as she curled her tail over her back as she smiled up at him. "I mean we're both stuck in her buttnaked."

"I mean...I couldn't. You're almost like a sister to me." Suddenly he was blushing, scratching the back of his neck. "I mean, we've known each other for so bloody long."

She gave a shrug and a smile. "You know I wouldn't mind," she chuckled, "I've done things with Kal before when we were teens. So kinky runs in the family." She paused and winked. "Did you take the middle with that stallion the other night?"

The air changed inside the tent as Tygerius gave a soft sigh. "I figure he'd have told you."

"Told me what?" Sasha asked, pulling her butt away from the tent wall with a growl, quickly sliding into the sleeping back and spooned herself against the husky to warm up.

"We...broke up. I broke up with him," Tyb said softly.

"O-oh hun, I'm sorry."

"Don't be Sash," he smiled at her as she got settled.

"How?" Her tail twitched in agitation, her voice getting an edge of a growl.

"I was going to pick a dare this time..." He grinned.

"Nuh-uh fuck the game. What the fucking hell did my brother do?" Sasha's fur bristled as she grew more agitated.

He gently petted her fur back down, calming her down as he always did. "It's okay," he gave a small sigh again. "Well, we were both kinky, but as time went on, Kal had been getting rather...morish."


"Come on, I can take it, give it to me!" The red wolf barked, his large tail waved excitedly over his back.

Tyberius chuckled. "I swear, you're part otter." The husky sat behind the canine, his fist buried elbow deep in Kal's backside. He kept pulling all of the way out before slamming in again, much to the wolf's delight.

He moaned as the husky's fist milked his prostate, soaking the towels as Kal came again and again, dripping lewdly from his pointed member. Eventually Kal fell forward, finished. Tyb's hand slipped lewdly from the wolf's gaped hole. The wolf was exhausted, panting to catch his breath. "Thanks, Love." He said dreamily before he fell asleep, tail curled over his back still.

Heaving a sigh, Tyerius cleaned up his arm before he cleaned the sleeping wolf as best as he could, pulling blankets over Kal, he finished cleaning up the rest of the items before he departed from the room.


He'd been more and more interested in testing his...flexibility," Tyberius said. "I was...alright with it...but what finalised it..."


"Hey hun," Tyb called out as he came to the door of Kal's bedroom. "Sorry I was late, work was hell." He pulled the earbuds from his ears as he opened the door. His eyes widened and the bottom of his stomach dropped out as he saw the young red wolf riding on top of a draft horse, the giant cock of the equines was almost as thick as Tyberius' calf. The flare bulged and showed easily through the wolf's white furred belly.

"Ah - uh - T-Tyb..." He said and tucked his knees up, both the stallion and the wolf stared nervously, the horse's hands holding the wolf just above his thighs. "I-I can..."

Tyberius lifted his hand and glanced to the wall. "You don't have to, Kal." He said weakly before looking up to the other canine's eyes. "We-We..." he stammered for a moment. "It's okay," he looked down at his hands, playing with a small silver ring on his finger. "I...I have been thinking...a lot, and this...might be better."


"You must have noticed it too, Kal. We've been going different...ways for a while with things." He waved vaguely at the pair of them with his paw. "And I feel it'll just be better. You two have fun." Tyb gave a bit of a forced smile as he set the ring on the table before leaving, closing the door gently.


"I left him the promise ring we'd gotten and haven't really bumped into him since."

"Well...that...I'm sorry."

"You don't need to be sorry. Like I say, it was something I saw coming, and I wasn't mad...they have my blessing."

"I guess..." Her ears folded back, her tail flitting madly all the same as the wind howled all around outside. They sat in silence for a few more minutes before Tyberius spoke up first.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Truth." She barked.

"What was the kinkiest thing you ever did?"

"Well...let's think." She smiled. "This one time I was out with an old fling. He took me to the park, I thought nothing of it. But we'd discussed about having some public sex sometime, something I have never done before then.

"So he took me back to the bench swing at the far edge of the park, where all those trees were growing around it, and he had me strip and sit on it. But then he goes into his backpack and gets some rope and starts tying me up. He put my arms around the back and tied my legs so that my knees were against my chest. So I was fully, totally open to whatever.

"Then he grabs a blindfold on me and puts a ball gag in my mouth, tied a pen around my ankle so they could write how many times they'd filled me. What surprised me the most, and he didn't give me any warning, is he got an urethra plug. We hadn't tried it before this moment, and I haven't done it since. But I was there most of the evening, only the ball gag came out to give me water breaks. I don't even recall how long I was tied up there." She said, a slight blush on her muzzle.

"Well...That's quite an adventure." He said with lifted eyebrows, and smiled.

"Yeah. Next time I try that, I'm going to forgo the little plug." She chuckled, then suddenly, "I dare you to kiss me."

"Hey, Yo-uhn" Tyb was cut off as Sasha leaned in and kissed him, not a peck, but not a deep French Kiss either. It was a lingering kiss as she held herself tightly against him.

"I Know this might be an odd time, Tyb..." Sasha bit her lip as her blush brightened. "But, I don't...I didn't-I mean, I know you were gay; ARE gay. But when we got into high school, I'd started to get feelings for you...then you started dating Kal...I...could help but be jealous...and I'd fantasise about it being us instead." she admitted.

"O-Oh..." Tyb said, blushing darker, not sure what to say at this point.

"Have you been with a girl before?"

Tyberius shook his head. "No." And without warning, she took his large paw and pressed it against her breast. She had to stifle a moan. "Sasha!" He barked in surprise, but didn't move away, he felt the softness of her large DDs, how his digits sunk into flesh and fur.

"I want to be your first, then..."

"Sasha..I-I don't know..." He blushed deeper, both of their cheeks bright red.

"It's nothing too different than being with a male...If you want you can do anal, ease into it?"

"I-" he felt a lump of nervousness in his throat. "If we do this, I' to try it properly.

Sasha hadn't ever seen Tygerius this nervous before, she could help but giggle softly, "just say, and we'll stop." She moaned as he continued to explore her breast, thumb teasing her nipple. Sasha moved her hand down his side and against his hip before moving it forward to touch his sheath. Her fingers touched his orbs, her palm just touched the tip of his sheath, feeling the hot bone starting to slip free of its confines.

She kept rubbing slowly, moving her hand up and down while they kissed again. Their tails wriggled as they explored each other, the both of them growing more and more aroused. Tyberius grew fully hard, she could feel his knot just slightly inflated under his sheath. The amazing ten inches of Husky meat throbbed proudly in her hand as she pawed him slowly.

"N-Hng. If you-you keep that up, we won't get to the main show..."

"You have a ton of endurance, why so fast?" She teased as she slowed her motions.

"I-It's been months." Tyb blushed darker still.

"Then let's not make you wait." She said and pushed the sleeping bag off, her thick tail waved back and forth as she straddled his thighs, gently lifting his thick member against her belly, showing how deeply it would reach. "I will's also been months since I've..." She stroked the tip against her belly, reaching above her navel. "So we'll go slow."

She shifted and slid up over him, her breasts hanging in front of Tyberius' muzzle, her slit slickly sliding up his shaft. Sasha couldn't help but tease the canine below her as he moved his hands from her waist to her hips and then buttock. Both of them shifted as her labia teased his member's tip, both of them audibly gasping at the sensation.

Sasha didn't wait anymore, she didn't want to. Pushing her hips down slowly, she took him inch by inch. Kissing him deeply, they began to move together, Tyb rolled his hips up into her while she lifted and dropped herself slowly. Her waving tail teased his thighs as she rode him.

The sounds of the wind sounded far away, both focused on each other's pleasure. The sounds of their mating drove out everything else. She used his chest to rest her paws, using it to hold herself up as she bounced on his knotted length. Her large chest bounced with every move.

Tyberius' hands squeezed her backside as his member throbbed inside her passage. "S-sasha...I'm not..."

"Don't hold back." She moaned, her legs shivering with approaching climax. "I'm close too." She leaned down and kissed the male again as she continued driving herself onto his shaft. She felt his knot growing and gently stretching her labia, begging entrance as he throbbed and leaked precum. Neither of them lasted long as they both howled out, Tyberius' strong hands gripping her backside and pulling her down.

There was a lewd squelch as her soaking wet pussy stretched around his knot before it popped in. Both of them barked in the middle of their mating howls as he tied her, the bulb inflating and locked him inside as he began to shoot months of pent up cum into her womb. She shuddered and clamped her knees to his side as she came too, squirting into his furred lap.

Flopping forward onto the male below her, they panted heavily and held each other tightly, enjoying the afterglow. Sasha lifted her head and smiled at him, kissing him deeply on the muzzle. "How was your first time?" She whispered as his chest heaved, his tail uncurled and waving between his legs.

"That was...amazing." He panted in return, squeezing her around her shoulders as they rested, her fingers brushed through his thick fur on his chest. "Despite it being just a quickie." his cheeks flared again.

"You know, I've kinda dreamed of this for a while now." Sasha said as he brushed her long hair out of her face.

"How long have you been?"

"Since you and my brother started to date...when I'd visit and spend the night and hear you guys, I'd imagine it was us..." she whispered before she buried her bright red muzzle in his fur.

"I-I see..." he blushed and continued to comb through her hair gently. "Well...I'm glad that I could help a dream come true..." Tyberius smiled and kissed her forehead.

"D-do you think this...might become a regular thing?"

Tyb didn't answer immediately, breathing deeply and enjoying Sasha's form pressed against his. "I would like that..." he said contently as he looked down at the tied wolfess, and saw that she had already drifted off, her head laid on his chest, the crescent moon patch of fur appearing again as she smiled.


The winter turned to spring. The trees grew green once again, and flowers bloomed to splash colour over the gardens outside the coffeeshop. The bell above the door sounded out as Tyberius walked into the cafe, his nose assaulted by the smell of cooking meats and brewing coffee. He was wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a tight shirt that hugged his muscles, the low V-neck showing off his shrinking chest puff as the air became warmer.

Leading a group of cubs to the counter, he smiled at the wolfess that stood there, grinning widely. "Afternoon sweetie, what can I get you?" She wore a pair of overalls, a loose fitting t-shirt and the apron that bore the shop's logo across her large chest.

"Round of slushies." He said and idly scratched a small fox that stood closest to him who gave a bark and a large wave of his tail. When the cubs got their drinks and settled into the seats next to the front windows, Sasha walked around the counter and gave Tyberius a big hug, as best as she could with the large, swollen belly she now had. Kissing his muzzle sweetly, she gave a gentle murr. "How are you, love?" He asked, then squatted down and kissed her gravid belly, "And my sweeties?"

"We're doing well," she giggled and gently petted his head, blushing.

"That's good, love." He stood back in and kissed her again, holding her paw, his thumb rubbing the back of her's and rolled the stone ring around her finger. "When are you going to take your leave?"

"When I'm too big to move, besides, you know how difficult it is to take a break when you own the place."

"Well, I'm done for the day, the cubs' parents will be here in a little bit, I can help you close up."

"I'd appreciate it, love. I'm really going to need your help..." Sasha stood on her tiptoes and whispered into his ear. "After work."

She went back behind the counter, swishing her long tail suggestively.

"Hmm deal." he growled, watching her hips for a moment, before he walked to watch the cubs until their parents arrived.