Horror Vale - ch 3

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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#3 of Horror Vale

The following FICTIONAL story is intended only for open-minded Adults aged 18 years or older (21 in some jurisdictions), and may contain instances of underage characters depicted performing sexual acts, as well as other content which might be considered objectionable. The author(s) of this work do not advocate or condone any of the acts depected in the writings present. None of these stories are based on real events in any way, and the author's find it reprehensible to even think of committing the acts in reality. The stories are works of fantasy only and should be considered as such. If you do not wish to view such content, please navigate from the page immediately.

_ NOTE: This story is a NaNo project, written by MasterAaran and myself. Each Chapter is actually a day's writing._

Our goal, since we are co-writing, is 100,000 words by the end of November.

Our word Count for each day will be posted, as well as a running total for the month.

Word Count - Day 3 ~ 3545 words

Word Count - Month ~ 10850 words

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Alix had gone down to the pier behind her house after getting home from school. She loved to sketch the lake, and other landscapes, occasionally she also sketched someone, working on her people drawing skills. Hours had passed, and her sketch book was getting filled with all the drawings she had done today. Luckily for her, she had spare book with her. Her fingers and hands were almost black, from smudging the charcoal she used to sketch with. She didn't care about the charcoal on her hands and brushed her hair from her eyes, streaking her face with more of the black chalky stuff. Deciding she'd had enough for the night, the sun having set a couple hours before leaving her in the dark with just moonlight to sketch by, she started packing her art supply bag up. As she packed her bag, a bank of clouds began to roll in from the lake, the leading edge falling over the face of the moon just as she was about to put the last pack of pencils away.

The blackness that enveloped the pier not only hid the wooden dock, but also something much more sinister. Two moorings down from her spot on the wharf, a tall, black figure watched her with eyes that could see her as if it was the brightest day. It stepped from the deeper shadow cast by one of the boats at anchor, and waited, knowing she would not be able to see him until he was on top of her.

Alix leaned over, her long black hair falling over her face, hiding her eyes from any movements coming towards her. Her B cup breasts hung down, the cleavage showing, the angle straining her white school shirt. Her legs were flawless, the line of them showing that she took care to stay toned, despite spending her time drawing or painting.

Her attention wasn't on anything around her now, just on putting her things away. Deryck slid through the shadows toward her, the required syringe and serum in one hand, a strip of cloth in the other, saturated with chloroform. His feet made very little noise over the sounds of the dock creaking and groaning, and he knew that she wouldn't hear him. He admired her body though, one of the reasons he had picked her as a subject. He continued on his way toward her, coming within ten feet of her before she stood and he ducked again into a deeper shadow again.

Alix rose to her feet, then bent back down to pick up her bag. Slipping it over her shoulder, she turned and headed down the pier towards her home. Unaware of the male in the shadows just feet from her, she passed right next to him as she started walking.

He watched her pass, every muscle in his body tense as he saw his plans falling into place. He stepped out behind her, his boots making the most subtle clicking sounds as he walked up behind her. He growled to get her attention, knowing that when she turned, he would take her, and her fate would be sealed.

Alix heard the noise of his boots against the boards of the pier, then heard a growl. She spun around, one of her hands digging into the outer pouch of her bag, searching for something. Her eyes widened as she saw a creature out of Hollywood standing behind her, coming towards her. She started to turn back towards her house to run from him. Deryck was faster than she could have imagined and as she started to run, he bounded after her, catching her in only a few strides, his powerful arm wrapping around her waist to stop her and pin her to him.

His hand grasped for her shirt, ripping the front away. The subject had to be conscious for the injection, or else it would not flow through her veins correctly. His claws sliced through the shirt and bra like they were butter, and even scratched her skin a bit. The needle followed close behind, lancing into her nipple and going deep, where he filled her veins with the serum. He yanked it back out, and shoved the injector into his pocket, clamping the rag over her mouth before she could scream.

The moment his arm went around her, pulling her to him, her mouth opened and she was about to scream. Her shirt and bra were ripped and sliced from her, his claws nicking the top of her breasts before he pushed a needle into her nipple. She drew in a breath to scream right as he pulled the needle out and slapped the rag over her mouth and nose, forcing her to breath in the chloroform. Her body soon slumped in his arms, the knockout drug working on her fast.

Catching her as she fell, he supporting her weight easily as she did so, and then lifted her and carried her down the pier, his eyes constantly watching to see if anyone else might have seen what had happened.

He hadn't wanted to take her outdoors, but her parents were home, and he'd ha no choice. It was only a short walk to the car, and the doors were unlocked, so he popped the back door, and roughly tossed her inside on the seat, throwing her bag in too. Jumping in quickly, he started the engine, then pulled away.

No one was around this late to see what had just happened on the pier. Alix landed on the back seat of the car, her bag tossed in next to her. Her body rocking on the seat as he pulled away from the pier.

The wolf drove across town, moving into the Mardona neighborhood of Seattle, and headed to the next victims home. This time, the young female, with her dyed green hair and red-violet eyes, was inside her house. Her parents had gone out for the evening, and she had the place to herself. Her home was at the end of East Superior Street, just a fifteen minute walk from the grunge metal band Nirvana's lead singer, Kurt Cobain's, house. It had been about sixty years since Kurt had committed suicide, and the neighborhood had made the house a historical landmark, so it could not be demolished. She moved with grace through the house, the doors unlocked as she headed down to her dance 'studio' in the basement. She turned on the music and stretched out, then started free form dancing to warm up.

His third victims favorite hobby was dance, which her parents allowed her to do in the basement. It was her own space, and her father had, had it soundproofed so that she wouldn't disturb the neighbors. He knew that on this particular night, her parents were out clubbing, and her brother was at a friends house. Having taken two extra weeks to watch her, because, frankly, her life was complicated. The amount of friends and visitors she had was almost staggering, they would visit or call at almost any time, and rarely did she keep a schedule that was the same from one week to the next. He had discovered though, that every week, the same night, she would go to her basement and dance. That he decided was his way in.

He parked the car directly in front of her house, pulling this dangerous move for two reasons: One, she lived in a residential neighborhood, and he needed to get out with her as fast as possible. Two, no one would suspect a car in front of her house.

Ensuring that his fur was covered, except for his head, and for that, he pulled on a black hoodie, adjusting the hood low over his brow, he checked on the other girl, Alix, and then climbed out of his car. Walking brusquely around and up her walk, like a guest, he walked straight up to the door, opened it and went in. Closing it behind him, he began looking for the way to the basement. He hadn't been able to get the layout like he had with Jadyn, so he had to guess. He knew his guess was correct when the music began to blare out at him after opening a door.

Darya was unaware of anything outside her basement dance studio. The music moving through her svelte body, echoed by her figure. Her green hair swung around her body as she let herself go, reveling in the music and the beat. Her eyes were closed as she danced, each line of her body showing her pure delight in the sensual movements she made. To her, right now, the only thing that mattered was the music flowing through her and being translated by her body into sultry dance moves.

Deryck stepped inside the door, finding himself at the top of a flight of stairs into the basement. Her music was the kind that could penetrate into ones soul and mind; It could make you want to slide with it. These effects were lost on Deryck though, so set was his mind on the task at hand. He would have to use a different approach with Darya then he had with the others. She was sure to be missed very soon if he just carried her away, so he was going to have to leave her conscious longer. He had brought with him a small pistol, not lethal, it couldn't even shoot bullets. It was, instead, a dart pistol that carried heavy doses of knockout serum, which would keep the girl out for 5 hours minimum. His plan was to force her to write a letter, inject her without ripping her clothes if possible, and then knock her out after they had reached his car.

Darya didn't hear his footsteps as he walked down the stairs into her basement studio. Her mind was under the spell of the music, her body the method the music used to become a visual pleasure. She spun in a circle, her slender body clad in a clingy golden leotard with a black mesh-like skirt that just covered her ass and little more. The song ended, but after a brief pause in the music, another song started, and her movements grew even more sensual as feminine, sultry voice of the symphonic metal singer, Tarja Turunen, from forty-five years earlier, rang out in the basement dance studio.

His pistol was at his side, his knife in its sheath. He drew it silently, the hardened metal sliding noiselessly out of its holder. She had her eyes closed as she danced, twirling and moving sinuously in time with the music. He stepped toward her a few steps, and smiled sinisterly. The room had soundproofed walls and ceiling, he could scare her a bit before he took her. He growled loudly. "Hello Darya."

Darya whirled around as the unfamiliar, growled voice rang out in the basement. Her eyes widened as she saw a creature out of myth and nightmares. Opening her mouth she screamed, then took off, trying to dart past him and up into the house. Her dyed green hair flaring out behind her as she ran for the stairs.

He laughed and his claws caught her hair as she ran, yanking her back into the room. He used her momentum to toss her to the padded floor, letting her sprawl. Then he began advancing on her, his eyes taking in her curves as he approached, another fine specimen of womanhood. The knife he clutched in his hand glinted in the dark as he reached her and dragged her upright by her neck, pushing her into the wall. "Scared?" He growled.

Trembling in fear, the scent of her terror was rising in the air to tease his nose. The knife he held didn't scare her, though, but his appearance had her terrified. His large paw held her pinned to the wall by her throat, but that left her hands and feet free to lash out at him. She kicked hard, and swung her balled up fists at him, trying to force him to let her go.

"What do you want with me?" She screamed at him.

Deryck smiled evilly as she kicked at him, trying to make him let her go, but his muscles were unyielding. His claws were digging into her neck slightly, and he snarled as she hit one of his previous scratches. "I'm taking you with me." He said, his voice coming out gravelly and low.

He took another step forward and brought the knife up to her armpit, laying it so he could slice through her skin and muscles with a single movement if he wished. "I suggest you stop struggling."

She didn't understand. Why her? What caused him to want to take her with him? And where was he taking her? The cold blade in her armpit made her stop moving, though, as he'd intended for it to do. She didn't want to leave a trail of blood for her parents' to find when they got home. It was bad enough that he was kidnapping her, taking her God-knows-where to do God-knows-what to her.

"Why me?"

He nodded. "Better. I prefer it when you're not hitting me." He looked into her eyes. "You need no other reason than I like you, and I can take you. Perhaps, if you work out, you won't mind so much later on."

He pulled the knife away. "Now, I know all about you, you have too many friends for me to just kidnap you. You're going to write a letter explaining to your parents that you ran away, that you left to be on your own. You went to San Francisco or Las Vegas or LA." He growled in her face. "Don't try to trick me. I can just as easily kill you as not."

She trembled as he growled at her, her discomposure evident in her body lines. She shook her head at his request.

"They wouldn't believe it, they know me too well. I don't have enough to get me to where I want to go when I'm ready. They know that too." She wasn't going to tell him where she wanted to go, though. It was definitely not one of the cities he mentioned.

His fingers tightened on her throat again, claws beginning to faintly puncture her delicate skin.

"Where do you want to go?" He shook her a bit. "WHERE!?"

His voice was deep, cruel and uncompassionate. He didn't care if he hurt her, only that she realized her life was at stake the more she resisted him. One corner of his muzzle was upturned, his pearly white fangs clearly visible.

Darya gave a stifled cry as his claws dug into her throat, pricking the skin just enough to cause her to bleed a little. Her red-violet eyes narrowed, and she refused to tell him anything, but motioned that she would write the note. He didn't need to know where she wanted to go to, but her parents knew the two places she wanted to more than any other place in the world. She would tell them she was in one of them. She refused to tell him anything though.

He released her from the wall, putting his knife away as well, and drawing the pistol, pointing it at her. "Then let's go upstairs and have you write that letter." He waved the gun and growled. "Try to scream and I won't hesitate to use this on you."

He took her arm and shoved her towards the stairs, forcing her to walk ahead of him as they walked upstairs. They mounted the steps, and emerged on the upper floor, then he let her lead him to where she could write.

Darya reached for her throat, and shuddered, unease racing through her even more. Her eyes widened as she saw the gun in his paw, then moved up the stairs. She believed his threat to shoot her if she screamed, and her trepidation kept her from making any noises as she went up the stairs. She only stopped to grab a towel and press it to her throat, cleaning the blood from her hands at the same time. If she was going to have to write a note saying she ran away, she better not be leaving drops of blood on it to make her parents think otherwise. She still didn't understand why he wanted her. She was no one special.

Walking up the stairs, they entered the main level of the house. Walking into the kitchen, she found a note pad and sat down. She started writing the note:

"Mom, Daddy,

I'm sorry, but I must leave. I need to find my own legs in this world. I want to live my life, but I cannot stay here to do what I must, so I am heading to New Orleans. One day, you will see my name in lights as a premier dancer, but until then, know that I love you both. This is something I must do for myself. I'll write when I can to let you know I'm alright.


Deryck watched over her shoulder as she wrote, nodding a bit. Then, when she finished, he grabbed her arm and yanked her up roughly. He half-dragged her out into the hall, letting her put the note down in a conspicuous spot along the way.

"Now. One last thing..." He said as he holstered the gun and grabbed both of her arms, twisting them behind her and holding her wrists with one paw. He held her tightly as his other paw reached into her leotard and pulled one of her breasts out so that one nipple hung free. He reached into his pocket and drew the third syringe out.

Darya stumbled as he dragged her from the table in the kitchen, where she wrote the note to her parents, and out into the hall. She watched as he holstered his gun, but before she could do anything, her arms had been pulled behind her. She cried out in pain as he forced her breasts to thrust forward, giving his paw better access to them. Her apprehension grew as he shoved his paw into her leotard and pulled out one of her tits. Feeling the rough pads on the palm of his paw brushing against her nipple, she bit her tongue and stifled a slight moan as her nipple hardened. Soon her eyes widened even more as he drew out the syringe, her body quivering in fear.

He chuckled when he smelled her fear rise again, and his nostrils flared as he inhaled it. He also caught the faint and unmistakable scent of female arousal, and her moan caused him to raise an eyebrow. "Sensitive nipples, eh?" He taunted.

Lowering the pin-sized tip to her nipple, he jammed it in, also releasing the serum into her. He yanked it back out and shoved it into his pocket again. "Now we're going to walk out to my car, and your going to act normal, like I'm one of your friends." He commanded.

Her body arched as he jabbed the needle into her nipple, a low cry of pain slipping from her. She tried to pull away before he pushed the needle in too much, but the serum had already entered her system. Whatever was in the needle didn't knock her out, so she had no clue why he'd injected her with anything. She yanked an arm from behind her to fix her leotard, covering her breast back up. She was still afraid of his gun, and wouldn't fight back against him. He might not have it out right now, but she didn't doubt he would pull it on her and shoot her if she did anything against his orders.

He chuckled as she fixed her clothing, then pointed to the door. "Let's go." He stayed behind her, a furry paw lightly on her arm as he led her to his Mustang on the curb. He opened the rear door, pushing her inside, even though she'd tried to stop when she saw Alix's body in the back seat, and heard it click as the lock activated. He stepped quickly around to the other side, and climbed in the drivers seat. When he was inside, he turned to her and smiled. "Don't worry, she's not dead."

Darya started to get up after he got into the front seat, not liking being that close to someone. She could still feel the other girl's breasts pressing into her body. Darya wasn't one to admire one form over another, but she loved both male and female bodies. She just didn't have any attraction to females.

"What did you do to her?"

He looked at Alix and shrugged. "Knocked her out". He then lifted the rag with Chloroform in it and slapped it onto Darya's face, forcing it over her mouth and nose so she had no choice but to breathe in the fumes. He pressed her back against the seat and held her there until she slumped sideways, onto Alix.

He nodded. "Much better." Then he started the car, and drove away.
