Tya's Family Fun - When Family Visits Part 1

Story by Tyaishia on SoFurry


#14 of Tya's Family Fun Folder

It had been a couple of weeks since Ryan and I started fooling around. We were doing it almost constantly. I just couldn't get enough of my brothers cock. Mom would randomly join us, but it was never as hot as that first night. Sometimes Ryan would join me in the shower, other times I'd sneak into his room after dinner. No matter how we did it, what position we were in, or whether mom joined or watched us, it was always the hottest sex I'd ever had. That is, until Thanksgiving.

Mom's side of the family didn't really approve of Dad because Grandpa didn't approve. In mom's side of the family, Grandpa's word was law. Except for my mom, luckily. When it came to who my mom would be with she didn't listen to anyone and so when Thanksgiving came around we'd split the Holiday. Last year Mom and I spent the Holiday with her side of the family, while Ryan and Geoff stayed at home with Dad and entertained his relatives. This year it was Ryan's turn to go with mom and I got to stay home. Geoff was coming home from college for the weekend, which had me spending even more time in the shower thinking about his gorgeous runners body. Gran, Gramps and Uncle Dominic were going to be staying with us too, Uncle Dominic crashing in Ryan's room since it would be free and Gran and Gramps in the spare room. I was most excited to see Geoff again.

Gran and Gramps arrived first and Gran abducted me into the kitchen to start prepping for the feast we were going to be having the next day. I loved cooking with Gran and quickly found myself losing track of time. By the time Gran and I were done prepping the next night's dinner and cooking dinner for that night, Uncle Dominic and Geoff had both already arrived. I came out of the kitchen to the sight of my oldest brother leaning against a wall talking about his recent win against another school's track team. He looked amazing. Well, he had always looked that way but my recent taste of the family fruit had me appreciating Geoff's sex appeal in a whole new way.

"Dinner's ready," I announced before turning and walking back through the kitchen doors. Gran had already set the table and was already sitting waiting by the time I returned and every one else followed me in. I sat down and smiled at Geoff, hoping he'd sit next to me, but instead he sat across the table from me. Uncle Dominic took up the seat beside me.

"How's my favourite niece doing?" He smiled over at me. "Got a boyfriend yet?" Uncle Dominic loved to tease me about my lack of ability to keep a boyfriend for very long or get a new one once I'd rid myself of the old.

"I'm your only niece," I smirked back. "And no. I'm trying something new." I grinned, giving Geoff a glance out of the corner of my eye. He didn't seem to be paying attention to mine and Uncle Dominic's conversation, but he caught the glance and smiled back. Uncle Dominic also caught the glance but let it drop with nothing but a slight eyebrow raise. We all ate with only basic family small talk sparking up as conversation here and there. Finally, once dinner and dishes were done, I managed to escape Gran, Gramps and Uncle Dominic to wander upstairs to say my hello's to Geoff. Dad and Geoff had both disappeared after dinner.

I was expecting to find my oldest brother unpacking his things for the weekend, but when I went to open the door I found the room completely empty. I was a little disappointed, but I knew he wasn't downstairs. The bathroom door was open, as was the spare room. The only door closed was my parents bedroom. I was intrigued. I stood at the top of the stairs listening at my parents bedroom door and was slightly surprised to hear the sound of soft moans. I knew exactly who was in that bedroom, I just didn't know exactly what they were doing. I continued to listen to the soft muffled moans, imagining who was doing what. In my mind my father was bent over the bed taking it from behind from my hot young stud of a brother, little did I know the reality was switched.

I finally peeled myself away from the door long enough to hear my Uncle Dominic calling for me. I didn't want my dad and brother to know I'd heard them, yet. So I quietly descended the stairs and sought out my Uncle.

"So where's the bedroom I'm to be staying in?" Uncle Dominci asked me. "Gran and Gramps are going to retire to bed, and I figured with your brother unpacking and your father disappearing, I'd get myself settled as well." I was a little intrigued by Uncle Dominic's question. This wasn't the first time he'd been to our house, I was almost certain he knew exactly where Ryan's room was. But I shrugged it off and told him to follow me and led him down the basement stairs.

Throwing open Ryan's bedroom door for my Uncle, I casually motioned to where he could find the bathroom in the middle of the night. I wasn't ready to go to bed yet, or even be alone so after turning on the light, I flopped down on Ryan's bed. I would often do that when Ryan was here, usually while he was sitting at his desk and we'd talk. Lately I'd been flopping onto his bed completely naked after a shower under the ruse that I was air drying, but he always saw through my seduction. Happily he never rejected me while I lay there completely stark naked, shimmering with wetness from my shower. This time I just casually lay and watched my Uncle unpack.

"So," Uncle Dominic smirked at me over his shoulder. "Now that it's just us, what did you mean at dinner? You're trying something new?" I could see a look in his eyes that I didn't really understand. I also didn't know how to explain to him what I had meant.

"Oh, nothing." I tried to play it off casually and with a stretch and a forced yawn decided I would avoid the topic by going to bed. "Well I'm going to hit the hay now." I said as I stood and got off Ryan's bed. "Good night Uncle," I mumbled into my Uncles shoulder as I embraced him in a hug. His paws seemed to hang a bit low, coming very close to being completely on my ass.

"Good night, sweetie." He mumbled into my hair. I could almost feel a growing bulge between us and I found myself getting turned on by his musky scent. I quickly peeled myself away from him and rushed off to my bedroom. I closed the door and leaned against it. Had I imagined it, or was my Uncle getting a hard on from hugging me? A slow long smirk spread across my lips. I had decided I was going to test how deep these waters went. Would my uncle be willing to put his erection to use, or would he back down?

I quickly stripped down and opened my door again. The familiar creak telling anyone down in the basement that my bedroom door was now open. I happily skipped over to my bed and flopped down on it, face first, on my chest and knees. My ass was up in the air, in open view of anyone who would walk past my bedroom door. I brought a paw up between my bent and spread legs, softly rubbing at my clit. I was already fairly wet from just the thought of having made my Uncle Dominic hard.

"Oooh," I moaned out, not even trying to hide what was happening in my bedroom. I heard some movement from Ryan's room, but could only imagine what it meant. "Mmm," I had started to slip a finger inside my tight teenage cunt. I heard another rustle, this time closer. I could picture my Uncle standing in the doorway, the bulge in his pants even larger now, demanding to be released. With another moan my door creaked again. I glanced back, slowly and without stopping the motion of my paw between my legs, rubbing at my clit and sliding a finger in and out of my wet slit. And that's when I saw almost exactly what I'd been expecting. Except instead of my Uncle, it was my oldest brother Geoff. I grinned, wide and slowly. He cleared his throat, stepped into my room and closed the door behind him.

"Busy?" Geoff asked me, completely straight faced and serious.

Tya's Family Fun - When Family Visits Part 2

"Oooh," I moaned out, not even trying to hide what was happening in my bedroom. I heard some movement from Ryan's room, but could only imagine what it meant. "Mmm," I had started to slip a finger inside my tight teenage cunt. I heard another rustle,...

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Tya's Family Fun - Giving It The College Try (Geoff's PoV - 3rd person)

**_As a writer, I'm trying a new style. Instead of constantly writing in 1st person, I figured I would give 3rd person a shot with this branch of Geoff's storyline. Please let me know what you think. Whether you prefer it, or would rather I go back to...

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Tya's Family Fun - A Flashback Of A Different Kind (Geoff's PoV) Part 3

"Dad. Just spit it out. You're just making me more confused. What are you trying to tell me?" I didn't care anymore what he had to say, I just had to hear it. "I want to fuck you Geoff!" My fathers face was flushed, whether it was with anger or...

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