Loves Injustice sample edited

Story by Pouncer1 on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

Rude Awakening

I'm a cop. I work for a local police department, I've always known I was different. It became abundantly clear to me on a cold, gray, winter day. I was stationed behind a counter at the local DMV for about a week now. It's been a pretty cushy position, sitting at a desk making sure people don't get to out of hand - which tends to happen a lot at the DMV.

I'm sitting at my desk, reading the local paper, when I hear a slam. A young man, around 23 or 24 years old, is slamming his license plates on my desk. He is about 5'4" and 130 lbs and he's soaked from the mix of rain and snow outside.

"You want my damn tags? Here they are!" This is the first thing out of his mouth.

Is this kid that stupid? I pull the paper from my face.

With a look that would make any man squirm, he looks at me and blushes. "Sorry," he said. Brushing his wet hair out of his face, he reveals a face that makes me blush. I know he noticed.

"You must be out of your mind...coming in here like that!" I say as I stand up and lean over my desk, standing a good seven inches taller than him.

He cowers a bit, not knowing what I'm about to do. He just stood there staring up at me like he was helpless and weak.

"...nothing to say now?" I ask with a stern and deep voice, poking him in the chest with my index finger. "Walk back outside, then come in here like you have some sense and respect." I hand him his plates and his paperwork back. He huffs at me and glares at me.

As we stand there, we stare. For the first time I see those beautiful blue eyes. They were so deep and endless. He cocks his head back and stomps away. I sit back down in my chair and get back to reading the paper but I can't help but to think about his beautiful blue eyes, they keep popping back into my head.

My phone rings. Oh, great.It's my ex-wife. We were married as soon as I got out of boot camp in the USMC. We were together for about 4 years. We even had a kid together: Trenton, he's about 4 and a good boy. I don't get to see him that often anymore. I caught her cheating on me when Trenton was about 1. Right after that, I left. That put me in a big depression for a long time.

"Do you have this weekend off?" She asks rudely.

"No. Why do you ask?"

"Well I wanted to go out and have a nice dinner with Danny." She remarried about a month after our divorce was finalized.

_ Go figure. She won't let me see my son when_ I want to, but when it's convenient for her, she wants to go to always happens like this. Even though the courts ordered her to let me see my son twice a month, I'll be lucky if I see him once every two months.

"I don't know what you expect me to do. I have to work to pay for a son that I never get to see." I said probably a little harsher then I meant to.

She sighs and says 'fine' as she hangs up on me.


"I am not, thank you." I hear from the other side of the paper in a sweet and innocent voice. As I lower my paper, I see those beautiful blue eyes again.

"Oh it's you."

He huffs at me. I pull the paper in front of me, trying to not look at his cute cocky smirk and his blue eyes.

"What do you want now?" I say rudely to him. He smirks again. I look over at him, not knowing what to think. His posture is relaxed and leaning on my desk with that look. He continued standing there, staring at me, until I sigh. Laying my paper down, I look up at him "Can I help you?" I grit my teeth.

"That's better." He hands me his plates and a letter addressed to a Mr. James Malcolm.

"The letter said you owe money on the registration."

"Yep," he said in a cocky voice.

"Well are you going to pay the fees or are you just turning in your tags?"

"I'm just turning them in." I grab my marker and I mark the plates and print out his receipt, trying to get him out of here as fast as possible. I hand him his receipt, he snatches it . Grabbing my hand, he takes a business card from my desk. I want to jump up and grab it out of his hand but as soon as I try, my phone rings. Damn. I pick up the phone. He walks away...for some reason my eyes get drawn to his ass. Those tight jeans... I shield my eyes with my hand.

"DMV Officer Devin Bradic speaking," then the phone goes dead. I look up and see him standing in the door closing his cell phone, grinning from ear-to-ear

"Damn bastard." I slam the phone. I sit back down. I can't get that cocky grin out of my head. The day flies by quickly after that, then three days go by until I get my days off. I'm sitting in my one-bedroom, cramped, apartment. I'm relaxed and it's about 2 pm. Then, my cell rings.

I answer it to, " still reading that paper?"

"Excuse me?" It hits me. I see that cocky grin in my mind.

"How can I help you, Mr. Malcolm"

"Oh, so you remember my name." Fuck.( I played right into his game. "Well, you did make a...very unique first impression,") I said.

"What do you need, Mr. Malcolm?

"Well. I was wondering what you were doing this weekend," he said in a low tone

I'm caught off guard and I pause. "Hello, sorry...I'm on vacation right now. This is a business line and I'm not authorized to have this conversation. Have a good day, Mr. Malcolm." I hit the end button and grin. So much for his cockiness...

I sit back in my lonely apartment. It's a typical guy's apartment: hardly any food or dishes, everything is run down and the trophy 60-inch TV and sound system. Sprawling out on the couch, loneliness hits me. I have no real friends, no love life...just me and work. I don't know this guy,why can't I get him out of my head? All I can think about is his eyes. After 3 hours of TV and lonesomeness, I fall asleep, and am woken by a knocking on my door. I roll off my run down couch and shuffle my feet across the cracked, fake-ass wooden floors (I think they're linoleum or something) to the door.

It's my old partner drunk off his ass, its 7pm. Jason was a good cop, he was recently fired from the force...I don't even know why. It happened about a week and a half ago, that's why I'm at the DMV for now. He comes in, flops down on the couch; almost missing the edge of it. I catch him, and lay him down; he passes out a minute later. I get an extra blanket and put it on him, walking to my room. I'm thinking What happened to him? Chief pulled him into his office as soon as he showed up for work. It's usual to hear chief screaming in his office, so I didn't pay it any mind until Jason stormed out and threw his pistol belt across the locker room. Ever since his wife left him, he couldn't stay at his house, it makes him too depressed, so he has been staying on my couch drunk. I can't ever get him to tell me what happens, no matter how hard I try or how drunk he gets.

I go lay down in my bed for about an hour or so thinking. OK. I've been on the force for about 3 years now...about the same as Jason. What did he do and why did they fire him? I still can't get that stupid grin out of my head. After about another 20 minutes, I finally fall asleep. I wake up the next morning and get ready to leave for work. After I get my uniform and equipment on, I walk into the living room where an almost naked Jason is sleeping. I say almost because he has socks and I don't know about his underwear because he is covered up. Thank god.

I fixed me a quick bowl of oatmeal and headed out the door. As I pull up to the DMV, my work phone rings. I look down, it's Jason. "Thanks, man. I'm sorry I'm putting you though this shit."

"Don't worry about it. What are partners for?"

He huffs."Well...former partners you mean."

"Yeah, about that...when are you going to tell me what's going on with that?"

"...probably never." He chuckles lightly under his breath.

"Come on. We are partners. I need to know."

He sighs. "I know," he said in a down, almost depressed voice.

"I'll tell you. I just have to work some things out first."

"OK man. Whenever you're ready to talk I'll be here."

"Thanks," he said in that same soft voice

"You're a good friend"

"Hey. What are partners for? Well, I need to get in here and get to work."

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly and smoothly except for an elderly lady falling. We had to call an ambulance and, of course, I had to fill out a report. Other than that, it was a pretty slow day. That is until I make it back to my car at the end of the day. I was ready to go home when my phone rang again. I pick it up. I recognized the number but I couldn't place it right then, not until after I hit the talk button. It hits me like a ton of bricks before I even have it to my ear. "Hello, Mr. Malcolm."

"Officer Bradic, are you interested in a few drinks?" he asked. I want to say no but then I think of Jason sitting there and if I want to end up like that again. I really need to get out and mingle make new friends.

"Only a few; I think I have to work in the morning." As soon as I say it I think to myself if this a date or a friendly gesture. I've never been out with a guy on a date type of situation, mainly because I've never really thought about it. I don't even know if he likes me or is just fucking with me, but for some reason, I don't know why, but I found him very attractive and I've never felt that way about another man. "Sure, let me go home and clean up. I'll meet you at O'Riley's on the corner of 5th and Jerrold."

"What, a pub?" He spurts out a little louder than he meant to, probably, catching his self at the end. "...well, I was thinking about going somewhere like T.G.I.F."

I'm thinking to myself: 'OK, this sounds like a date to me. What the hell am I going to do?' I don't know how to react. "OK, I'll meet you there in about 2 hours."

"OK, great," he said. "Will you recognize me?" He asked.

"...those eyes..." It slips out. I said without thinking and the phone goes silent for a second.

"OK, I'll meet you there." As we hang up I can hear him sigh just before I press end.

'What am I doing,' I think to myself, 'I've never been out with another man much less been attracted to one.' I've always tried to live my life according to what my family taught me and what I learned in church when I was a kid, even though I wasn't religious. "What the fuck am I doing!" I yell to myself in my car.

As I'm driving home, placing my head in my hand, I try and convince myself it's not a date. 'I'm just going to a nice restaurant with a guy I just met...and who has the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen.' "Who the fuck am I kidding - it's definitely a date," I say out loud as I open the door to my place. "Who you going out on a date with and where're you going?"

"Oh shit!"

Jason is still sitting on the couch.


"Come on, tell me."

I reach behind my head scratching it as he looks at me.

"Come on, what's her name?"

I blush a little. "I'll tell you later...maybe." I walk away hoping he will get drunk again and forget about it all.

I jump in a cold shower trying to convince myself that this isn't a date. By the time I know it, I'm already dressed in a nice polo shirt. It's black with white and blue horizontal stripes. I fasten a nice leather belt with a shiny gold buckle onto a nice pair of dark khakis and a pair of dark brown boots. As I go to leave, I stop by the bathroom and splash water on my face. My hands are shaking as I spray a couple squirts of my Adidas Cologne on. The whole time I'm telling myself, 'this isn't a date.' Now that I look back on it, it's kinda funny how nervous I was. The whole way there I'm telling myself the same thing, 'it's not a date. It's just two perfect strangers going out for dinner and a few drinks.' I'm so nervous I end up running like 3 stop signs.

As I pull into the parking lot of the restaurant, I start to get cold feet. 'Should I go inside?' I seriously consider standing him up and driving away. I circle the lot a few times, finally parking my big, blue SUV in one of those tiny parking spaces. After I work up enough courage to get out of the truck, I start to wonder. 'If this is a date, how am I going to act? What will people think?' Then it hits me: 'Shit. What if someone from work is here? How the hell would I explain this?' I make it to the door and I'm trembling. I make it to the hostess and she looks me over.

She asks, "How many tonight, sir?"

"I'm waiting on a friend. I'll sit at the bar please." I walk over to the bar and ordered a straight shot of Jim Beam. I'm sitting there and I can't help but to keep scanning the room for people I might know: friends, family, coworkers, even friends-of-friends. After sitting there for about 30 minutes past the time he was suppose to meet me, I say, "fuck it," and signal for the bar tender to come over. Before he gets there, I notice across the room a pair of beautiful, blue eyes staring right at me. They caught me like a net.

I see him smile for the first time - a genuine peaceful smile. As I walk over to sit down, I hear him say, "Took you long enough, I've been sitting here for about an hour. I thought you would recognize me sooner. I've been sitting here watching you. Why so many drinks, already heard day at work?"

"No not really, so why did you ask me here?"

"I-I wanted to apologize for the other day."

I sigh. 'It's not a date. I'm glad and a little upset."

He smiles, looking down and playing with his half eaten appetizer, potato wedges or something. "And I thought you were kinda cute."

My jaw drops a little I blush deeply. "Excuse me?"

He smiled a little bigger looking up at me. "I thought that you were cute."

I'm stunned, not knowing what to say. I look at the bartender and sign for another round and my date starts to laugh. "Mr. Malcolm-"


"OK, James what's so funny?"

"Why are you so nervous? It's not like I asked to suck your dick or anything."

"Shh!" The table behind us turned to look and he started laughing louder.

I stand up, he is still laughing. 'What an asshole," I think to myself as I start to turn away.

He grabs my wrist. "Please," he said. He is still chuckling a little under his breath as sit back down. I look around and 3 other tables were looking our way. I jerk my hand away from him. He stops laughing. "I'm sorry! I was just trying to make you laugh and ease the tension."

"Well, it didn't work obviously." I sit down and he starts telling me about himself. He is a 24-year-old college student studying for a law degree. He has been attending the state college since he was 18. He is a only child and his parents are from old money, you know the southern plantation types. It's funny when he starts talking about his family and home, he starts getting a little bit of that accent back.

I start talking to him about myself and my family, how I was married and how I have a kid, and how my ex-wife wiped me out in the divorce.

He starts to laugh again, "women."

I start laughing with him, "this is fun!"

"I agree, I haven't been out in a while on a date or in general."

I laugh. "I thought you asked me here to apologize, or did you just want to go out on a date with a cop?"

"Well, a little of both."

"That's what I thought. I've never been out on a date with a man before."

He leans back in the booth laughing quietly. The lighting is so dark. As he leans back, I can barely see his eyes. He can see mine burning a hole in him and he stops laughing. "I'm sorry," he said lightly.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you ask me out?"

"I told you. I wanted to apologize. I wasn't myself the other day, and to tell you the truth, when you stood up and poked my chest and got that deep was hot. I laugh and start to blush. As the waitress bring us the check, he reaches out to grab it, but I snatch it up.

"I'll get it-"

But I cut him off before he can finish, "-no. I got it, I had a good time."

He looks up at me with those beautiful, blue eyes; shimmering in the low light. The waitress just looks at us and I hand her the money and tell her to keep the change.

We stand up and I extend my hand. "It was fun. Let's do it again sometime."

"I would love to."

We start walking and we get outside. "Where are you parked? I'll walk you to your car."

He extends his finger, pointing at the bus stop on the street, he laughs " student, and you took my tags. Remember?"

I laugh. "Do you need a ride?"

He smiles and in the glow of the streetlights, his eyes remind me of the day at the DMV. "Sure, I would like that," he said as we walked down the parking lot. I place my hand on the small of his back, directing him to my car. We both blush and look at each other, as he walks to the passenger door he stops and looks at me with that cocky grin. "Are you going to open the door for me?"

I just smile at him, "Nope," and laugh as I walk to my door.

As we get into the car, all I hear is 'asshole' and see him smiling from ear to ear. I laugh. "So, where to...?"

"How about your place?"

Fuck...Jason; "No we can't do that. What about yours?"

"Sure, it's a little far away though." He tells me his address and as we start to pull out of the parking lot.

I realize something, "where do you live again?"

"514 W. Montgomery Ave. apartment 7-B."

I realize that one of the guys in my unit lives in the same complex. But what are the odds that he would see me or still I've there?

We finally go to pull out of the lot as some asshole cuts us off, so I have to slam on the brakes and as I do, James braces himself against the dash. His other grasped my hand for the first time. My heart was racing. I don't know if it's from the adrenaline or from his touch but as soon as I look over at him, I can tell he is felling the same thing. I don't know what's going on, but I've never felt like this before. He starts to release his grasp on my hand but I tighten mine, looking at him as he smiles. We small talk the whole way there as we pull up to his apartment. I see a typical apartment complex: bland looking structures, an empty swimming pool, and an open winding staircase in between units.

I pull up to his building. "Well, here you go," I say smiling at him.

"Will you walk me to my door?"

I had to think for a second and try and see if I could see Doug's car - the other guy from my unit. "Sure, I would like that." We step out of the car and onto the sidewalk. He reaches over grabbing my hand, no doubt about it, now my heart starts beating faster again.

We start up the stairs he looks back at me. "I really am sorry about the way I acted the other day," he said.

"I know," I say smiling.

He stops, pulling my hand back, "I mean it!"

"I know you do. It's OK. Really..."

"So you forgive me?"

"Yes I forgive you." We continue to his door where I let go of his hand placing it back in my pocket, "well, I guess this is it." I say, looking down at my feet rocking back and forth.

"But I never got to apologize."

"I thought you-"

He cuts me off placing his hand on my cheek pulling it down leaning forward, I back up hesitating until I hit the corner of the doorway.

"Damn I'm trapped." He presses his lips against mine. I melted like butter. I have never felt a kiss like this in my entire life. My instincts kick in as I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into me and he moans into me.

I jerk away from his kiss as I hear someone coming down the stairs. Still holding his pose from our kiss, he stands up straight and opens the door. "Do you want to come in?"

I stuttered for a moment tripping on my words as I look up at the stairs at the sound of footsteps - they keep getting louder and louder. "I - I..."

He grabs me by my belt and starts pulling me into his apartment and slams the door behind me. He presses his petite body against mine, looking up at me. I lean down to kiss him but he pushes me back into the door, at this point I'm drunk but not enough to be unable to drive. He breaks our passionate kiss. "Would you like a drink?"

I think to myself: anymore and I won't be able to go anywhere, but he is so fucking hot.

"OK." He leans over flicking the light switch, revealing a better apartment than mine with nice, hard, wood floors - not that linoleum crap like I have. The room is nicely decorated: borders with trim from floor to ceiling, nice live colors; like a dark maroon paint on the walls; and the trim is a bright white, making it stand out more.

It's a nice 2 bedroom apartment with a separate kitchen and dining room. He walks down the hall into the kitchen as I start pacing back and forth. "What the fuck am I doing?" I think to myself as he pops his head out from around the corner.

" or whiskey...?" He smiles.

" have any scotch?" I try not to drink scotch because I love it and it reminds me of a previous life, but I think I'm going to need it tonight. I can hear the clanging of bottles as I'm still pacing back and forth. I peak my head into the master bedroom, "Damn, I can't see anything!" I search the wall for a light switch dragging my hand along the wall. Click. "Wow, this is nicer than my whole apartment."

"Here you go." He is holding two glasses, one filled to the top which he hands to me.

"You're trying to get me drunk," I say. as

He puts his glass up to his lips and talks into it, "maybe." He smiles as he starts to drink. He starts walking into the bedroom so I chug down my full glass and set the glass on the dresser. It's made from some kind of dark oak like the rest of his furniture. He walks in, pressing his body against mine, walking me back until the back of my legs press against the nice four-post bed. He finishes his drink as I lean down kissing him. I wrap one of my arms around him placing it on the small of his back and pulling him tight against me.

At this point I know he can feel my hard throbbing cock pressing into his stomach, as he untucks my shirt and drops his glass to the floor. He pushes me back on the bed with his body, not breaking our kiss. He places both of his hands under my shirt placing them on my sides and he starts running them up my well toned body. We finally break our kiss as he lifts my shirt off of me, slipping it over my head. as he slides his body up mine teasing my cock in the process. I start to take his shirt off. I notice a small scar on his back, he flinches as soon as I touch it but he acts like nothing happened so I continue taking his shirt off. He sits up straight grinding his crotch into mine and arches his back, playfully leaning back his head as I slip his shirt over it and throw it to the floor.

He leans forward, pressing his petite, little body against my toned, muscular body. as He starts kissing me again I feel one of his hands start drifting down my side and grab my belt. I flinch when he does so. 'What am I doing?' I think to myself. I notice he is having trouble, so I reach down and unbuckle it, and it hits me: 'am I really doing this, am I laying here getting ready to make passionate love to a man?' All of a sudden I feel his warm hand slide under my pants and slide across the head of my cock. At that moment, there was no turning back for me. My mind went blank to everything except him as he tugs lightly at my cock.

I slide my hand down the back of his pants, gripping his firm, little ass tightly in my hand. as He lets out a moan and I smile as we break our kiss, he starts licking my ear. James placed one of his hands under my neck and rubbed my cock. I start breathing heavily when he bites my neck. I let out a moan that makes him grip tighter around my dick; he pulls his hand out of my pants and drags his tongue down my body, dragging it over my six-pack abs. He sits up straight, looking down at me smiling and starts undoing my pants all the way, fumbling with the buckle. I do the same to his pants.

I get his undone and unzipped before he does. I slide my hand in, grabbing his cock. His eyes close and then looks down at me smiling. I try to speak, but I it comes out jumbled.

He puts his finger over my lips "I'll take care of everything". He slides down off the bed and starts pulling my pants and boxers off - his follow right after. As he is straddling my knees, he leans down with his eyes rolled up to see my expression as he drags his tongue up my thigh, then over my cock, then rolling it round the head of my dick as he I moan as my eyes closed.

I can just see those blue eyes and that cocky grin. "Ah!" I feel his hand grab my cock and he wraps his warm, moist lips around it. I shiver from the pleasure as he starts to lightly flick his tongue across the head, sliding his mouth on it. I've never felt like this before, I'm already about to explode when he puts a little more suction. He pulls it out of his mouth. I'm lying there breathing heavily. I can't focus my eyes and don't know what I'm supposed to next. He slides forward pressing his cock against mine.

He reaches over and opens the drawer of the night stand pulling out a unlabeled, white bottle. He flips the top up on it and pours some on his hand, reaching behind himself, lubing up

Loves Injustice

m/m This is a sample of a full length story i am writing this is part of chapter one . only about half of it exuse the grammer and please let me know what you think im also going to be making a furry version of my story when i get it finished i have...