The Dream

Story by Vulupus on SoFurry

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The Dream

I was 17 and a Furre. I had strange desires and wanted those forbidden fruits that couldn*t be found in this world. Internet helped a lot and pictures eased my hunger and desires for the moment. But as I grew older I had to get more than what could be provided. By the age of 17 I was completely med by the hunger for more. It was impossible to still my desires now.

But one night was going to change all my life, what was left of it anyway. Before that night I was suicidal, and it was daily matters for me to struggle for my life. The desires had grown to the point where it was unbearable. I needed to know if they existed and where I could find them if they did. Where were they, how were they and could I ever meet them?

That dream changed my life, it ended my normal life, it ended me, the old me. The dream contained everything I needed to know, everything I could ever know that would do me good. I got myself under the water and could hardly get up only to be dragged down deeper and never resurface. After the dream my entire new life set a start, a new start where I could actually be who I really was* the dream filled me with joy and hope but it filled my pants with something else.

It started out like any night I went to sleep: a lot of tossing and turning followed by one hour of constant waking up and then finally a very light sleep. But as soon as I had fallen asleep, I fell deep down in my conscience and I found my self lying on a field of grass, tall grass, and I watched as the clouds slowly drifted by on the blue sky.

I was dressed in noting but boxers, I knew it, I didn*t even have to look. The wind gently blew on my naked skin and the grass slowly swayed in the grass. The birds sang a happy song, I heard the crickets play their own song and some young foxes played on a field just below the hill I laid upon. I knew I slept deep, I could think so far and I could act upon my instincts, the dream didn*t tell me what to do.

I liked Digimon a lot, it was a very big supplier of pleasure, if we say it like that. They were very close to anthropomorphics, and they had captured my heart. I had some favourites and the biggest were Renamon, Guilmon and Flamedramon, with all their different evolving. But almost all Digimons contributed with something but these were the biggest ones.

The sounds, the foxes, suddenly disappeared and were replaced by giggling and soft murring, a male and a female. Those sounds changed into moaning and groaning. I looked up from my hiding-place, down at the field.

Out on the field I could see a female Renamon and a male Guilmon fooling around. The Renamon was sitting in the Guilmon*s lap, leaning with her back on his chest. He had his arms wrapped around her, gently squeezing and softly caressing her breast, while nibbling gently on her neck.

Already this was enough to turn me on, to see them had been enough but see them doing this? I didn*t know what to do, so I hid in the grass and watched them get further into the play. I had to get closer so I slowly and soundless crept down the hill in the tall grass. When I reached the end of the tall grass I could see and even smell everything.

The Renamon had one of her paws on the Guilmon*s thigh, caressing it, and the other was places just over her cunt, playfully teasing and touching herself and her legs were spread so she had her entire cunt showing towards me. The Guilmon was far into the play and the Renamon had her eyes closed, moaning and groaning.

The Renamon enjoyed herself a lot, it could both be heard and seen. She wiggled and squirmed in his lap, giving a few loud high-pitched sounds. The Guilmon murred and fondled her breast slightly harder but I could do nothing but to stay hidden in the grass, hidden from them.

Then the Renamon suddenly opened her eyes and looked up in the sky. The play became more intense and she groaned loudly. Then she lowered her eyes and she fixed her eyes on me. I had become so aroused that I had forgotten and raised my head from the grass.

But she simply smiled and her eyes got brighter, almost as if she was happy to see me. Not saying a word, she looked me in the eyes and guided her hand down between her legs, so that her fingers touched her cunt. There she started to caress and gently play with her cunt.

Her fingers were quickly soaked and her cunt flooded with her juices. The sudden reaction from the Renamon surprised the Guilmon. He licked her neck and gently pushed her from his lap. Then he said:

*I thought this was a friendly visit.*

Then he got up and started walking away.

She looked after him until he disappeared over a hill. Then she looked down at the ground and sighed. I found it pointless to hide anymore and so I got up and walked over to her. I didn*t get too close, in case she was angry or something. But when I sat down about six feet from her, she looked at me and smiled. Then she crawled over to me and placed a paw on my thigh.

I shivered when I felt the furry hand on my naked skin and she noticed. Her other paw caressed, with the back of the paw, my cheek. She giggled, leaned forward slightly and licked my hand. A cold tremble ran down my spine and she was very amused by it.

She crawled up in my lap and wrapped one of her arms around my neck, her other guided my hand to her breast and then she kissed me and I tried to reply the best I could. My cock was hard and it pressed up against her legs. She giggled and took my other and hand and guided it to her butt and I took a firm grip. The she leaned over my shoulder and whispered in my ear:

*You cost me his cock* now you better give me yours.*

I stared into her eyes, I mean: to have sex with Renamon had been but a fantasy for me, one that I had had for so many years. I couldn*t believe that it actually was happening. I knew at that time that it was but a dream, but it felt so real, her touch, the smells, everything felt real. And I embraced it tightly, never wanting to let go, knowing that this could be my only time.

I felt some of her cunt-juices drip down on my legs. I kissed her chest, just above her breast and she pulled her hand through my hair, then she arched backwards, grabbing my shoulders. I simply had to lower my lips slightly to find a nipple which I playfully licked a little. Then I took a mouthful of her breast, and the sensation filled me with something better than honey, sweetest thing I ever tasted.

She wrapped her legs around me, forcing herself closer to me. Her cunt-juices spread across my stomach and the smell aroused me something incredibly. My cock hardened to the point where it was unavoidable. She noticed my extreme stiffness and her eyes changed from playful to erotic, her eyes wanted more than touches now.

She pushed me to the ground, forcing me to lie down. She straddled me over my thighs and leaned down and kissed my nipples. I moaned and closed my eyes, not know what to want. I felt her hand caressing my thigh, down to my lower shin. Then her other hand took a hold on my boxers edge, she raised up just a little then she pulled my boxers off and my cock raised itself up in the air.

She looked at it and then she took a gentle grip around the root of my cock and the other paw softly caressed my chest. I rose up a little and leaned on my shoulder, only to see her eyes. She caressed my cheek with her paw and smiled. Then she licked my cock from the root up to the tip. I groaned and she looked at me and said:

*I think I love you, human.*

She pulled back my foreskin and then she took my entire cock in her mouth.

Her tongue playfully licked and treated my cock, slowly sliding up and down the cock. Her teeth scraped gently against my cock, her paw followed her mouth and her tail waved in the air. There was a sucking sound every time she came to the tip, and then she slid down again and some times she licked my side again. It was a tremendous treatment and I couldn*t believe it was happening.

This went on for several minutes but then she looked at me, looking to my dizzy eyes. She giggled when she saw I had trouble leaning on my elbows. She leaned forward and pushed me to the ground. She kissed me and I closed my eyes. I felt how she slid her body towards my groin and then her paws grabbed my chest, one on each side, and a terribly incredible sensation flooded my mind.

As I slipped further inside her, the sensation grew bigger, forcing me to moan and groan and the only thing that kept me from screaming was because I bit my own lips so hard that it punctured them and blood started flowing down my chin. She leaned down and her breath came rolling over my face, she was breathing heavily, and she licked the blood from my chin.

She started the ride out gently, sliding up and down my cock, but I could hear from her breathing that it was hard even for her. I fondled and caressed her breast and her tail waved in tact with her sliding. At first she increased the speed slowly, afraid that something might go wrong but the quicker she went, the faster she needed to go.

She kissed me and never broke the kiss. We played with each others tongues I grabbed her paws and we knitted our fingers together in a knot. Then she rode me, wanting everything so badly and it was so close. Then she broke the kiss and she screamed and I felt her cunt exploding and it flooded down my cock. And a pleasant and arousing smell filled the air and while she was still riding me like crazy I felt it.

It was like nothing I had never felt before. It just simply blew my mind, it all exploded in colours and sounds unlikely to ever been heard before. I felt my semen rushing up my pipe and I emptied myself in her, while she was still in her orgasm. When she felt my load exploding inside of her, she simply lost it and screamed loudly. I could do nothing but follow it and together as if we were lovers for ever.

She slowed her riding down and just slowly riding me while kissing me. Then she completely stopped but never got off her. She kissed me again and then she slid off me and landed in the grass next to me. She panted and I did to. It was now that I realized that there was a pain spreading across my chest.

Across me chest I had three long, red marks, just scratches but deep enough to cause a little blood to stream through them.

*It is the mark of Renamon, it means that you are now with us.* She whispered in my ear.

I looked at her, not understanding a thing, but she just licked my cheek and I relaxed. Her paw ran across my chest, back and forth, teasing me. Then she licked my ear and we just laid there.

The sun warmed my body and Renamon cuddled and hugged tight, bringing some heat to me. But it didn*t matter, I didn*t care, it felt good. The marks had gone down and they looked like scars.

Suddenly she straddled me again and she leaned down and was only an inch or two from face.

*Tell me, do you want to see me again?*

My eyes must have portrayed exactly what I felt* confusion, cause her eyes became a little sad. I didn*t know what she meant. She sighed and she licked my cheek and said again:

*Do you want to see me again?*

I thought it was a trick-question and I never thought it could hurt anyone and besides* I really did want to see her again.

So I took her around the neck and brought her lips to mine and kissed her. Then I answered:

*I do want to see you again.*

Her eyes shone with joy and her tail started to swoop in the air like crazy. She bounced up and down a little, forcing air out of my chest. Then she bent down and bit my neck. I felt my blood drip down my neck and I grabbed the wound. But she grabbed my hand and removed it.

*Let it drip* you*ll thank me later.*

I looked at her as if she was crazy but her eyes calmed me and I didn*t struggle to get my hand back.

Then I suddenly woke up. The alarm-clock rang and disturbed my sleep but I had no problems waking up. I was rested and I jumped out of the bed and shut the clock off. Then I went into the bathroom but when I looked in the mirror, I almost took a step backwards and fell into the tub. Across my chest were three scars and my neck had large wound, almost like bite-mark. Then I realized that I wanted to go to a certain address before I went to school.

To Be Continued*